Home Preparations for the winter How to drink wine and have fun. Semi-sweet and semi-dry is the secret of a successful feast. Snacks for different varieties

How to drink wine and have fun. Semi-sweet and semi-dry is the secret of a successful feast. Snacks for different varieties

In order to know how to drink wine correctly, how to choose a drink and dishes for it, you need to study the rules of wine etiquette.

The study also includes serving, and at what temperature it should be served, and what glasses should be, and with what dishes the wine is combined. But the most important rules are: you need to drink good wine, in excellent company and slowly. It is not for nothing that Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote a wonderful phrase in the work “Kamo Coming Soon”: “Do not be too persistent, remember that good wine should be drunk slowly.” First, let's figure out how wine drinks should be served.

Surprisingly, it is the rules for serving wines that are not taken into account most often. Each type of wine must have a certain temperature regime:

    for red wines, which contain a large amount of tannins, as well as for dessert and liquor, it is needed when serving room temperature;

    for light red - from 14 to 16 degrees;

    for light white - 12 degrees.

If the temperature of the wine is lower than the specified one, the opening of the bouquet will not occur, and if it is higher, then the aroma will mix and quickly evaporate.

When choosing dishes, you need to know that, according to tradition, wine drinks should be drunk from special glasses with a thin stem, made of the thinnest transparent glass. And everything else depends on the choice of wine. In glasses that have an elongated shape, they drink red and dry wine, and in wide and open - semi-sweet. But, sparkling wine is advised to drink from narrow glasses. Fortified wine is drunk from glasses narrowed upwards, and glasses of a conical configuration, small in size are suitable for dessert wine and liqueurs. There is one sound rule: for a strong drink, the dishes should be small.

It would be useful to know that when planning a gala reception: glasses, glasses and wine glasses should stand in front of each plate in one chain or a semicircle and in the order in which the wine will be served.

Young wine is not forbidden to be poured into decanters or jugs, but vintage wines must be served in their own bottles. But it happens that sediment forms in long-aged wine. In the event that the sediment freely rises from the bottom of the bottle, then the best option would be to pour the wine into another dish. In the event that the sedimentation is quite dense, then the bottle is placed very carefully.

Tear off the bottle

Particular attention should be paid to opening the bottle. Knowledgeable people recommend opening white wine right at the table, but red - half an hour before drinking, in order for oxygen saturation to occur. You only need to fill the glasses with wine only two-thirds in order to “rotate” the wine drink, evaluate the shade and get acquainted with the aroma.

Do not forget that wine is not water, you do not need to drink it immediately and in huge sips. Most asked questions:

What time and what type of wine should you drink?

In hot weather, it is best to drink white dry wines, they are a little refreshing and help quench your thirst. But how to drink wine in the cold? For the winter cold, red and strong wines with their warming effect are great.

What do they drink different wines with?

    Fortified and aromatic wine drinks are considered excellent aperitifs, they are advised to be served before meals.

    Dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet wines are most suitable for vegetable dishes.

    Red dry is ideally combined with meat dishes.

    White dry and champagne are perfect for fruits and cheeses.

    Snack dishes, as well as light meat and fish dishes, cannot do without white table wine.

    Exotic seafood is compatible with delicate white wines without acidity.

    Hot dishes are well suited, drinks such as port, Madeira, sherry.

    Desserts require liqueur and dessert wines.

In any case, these are just examples of how to drink wine correctly and with what it is better.

But it is definitely not recommended to drink wines with burning, too fatty dishes, generously seasoned with spices, as well as with salty and sour foods. With these dishes, you will not be able to enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink.

Despite the fact that dessert dish should be sweeter than wine, it is important not to cross the line: dry wine, combined with sweet food, will seem too sour. Not suitable for proper drinking of wine drinks: cigarettes, including tobacco smoke, dishes seasoned with curry and mint, spices, vinegar and oily fish. Despite the fact that coffee, vanilla, chocolate and cinnamon are often found in the composition of wine, these products are not suitable for wine, with the exception of some strong wines.

There are no strict rules on how to properly taste wine and what to serve. A categorical ban that requires drinking red wine only with meat dishes, and white - with fish, has already become a relic. No need to be afraid to fantasize and experiment.

The most important thing to remember is that a simpler wine goes with a complex dish and, on the contrary, simple food goes well with the most exquisite taste guilt. But the main condition for drinking wine is taste matching. Even the simplest, cheapest and most unseasoned wine can please you very much, showing its new colors, if you choose the right food for it. And at the same time, a great old wine may seem disgusting to you if it does not fit the served dish. But even if the wine is excellent, it cannot be too much.

Even Benjamin Disraeli said, "Variety is the mother of pleasure", so it would be ideal to prepare several varieties of wine for the table. Be sure to take note of:

    before meals, aperitifs are served (port wines, vermouths, and so on);

    during the feast - the youngest and lightest wines are served first, moreover, red wines come after white ones.

And, in conclusion, it would be useful to note that a lot depends on which variety you prefer. But without a comfortable atmosphere, a pleasant company and a great mood, you will not be able to fully enjoy the wine.

Wine, like a capricious girl, requires attention and delicate handling. One wrong move can irrevocably ruin an exquisite drink. How to prepare a grape elixir, how to drink wine correctly in order to feel the refined bouquet and taste palette in the slightest shades?

Wine lovers often wonder why an expensive drink resembles vanilla concentrate or table vinegar? We bought a bottle in a good store, picked up the appropriate glass, focusing on the recommendations in this article about. And still, with the first sip, one has to doubt the quality of the grape product. Unfortunately, there are many factors due to which its value is instantly reduced: incorrect serving temperature, sediment, storage in an overly humid or hot room. Knowing the basic secrets of drinking a drink, even cheap Chardonnay or Bordeaux can be presented to guests like a divine elixir!

Features of wine storage

Often, an exquisite drink is perceived as ordinary juice: we come to the store, take an expensive bottle, and in the evening we treat guests. Winemakers warn: before serving, it is undesirable to disturb the heady liquid, and after transportation or shaking, it is better to send it to any cellar for three weeks! There will be enough time for the sediment to completely sink to the bottom, and the chemical reactions to subside, because they are especially detrimental to the grape product.

Where to store bottles with a noble drink

Special multi-temperature wine cabinets are best suited. At the bottom, the temperature is no more than +10 degrees, which is optimal for white wines, and at the top within +17°C, suitable for reds.

If it is difficult to supply expensive equipment, it is advisable to place valuable items in a pantry or cellar, however, there are nuances here. If the humidity of the room is higher than 65-80%, then the outer shell of the cork will be deformed, and the tightness of the container will be broken. Too dry air will also spoil the crust: it will decrease in size, cracks will appear. That is why when buying, you should carefully consider the closure of a wine bottle. The slightest damage, including by microorganisms, leads to lightning spoilage of a noble drink.

What to consider when storing

To create an optimal microclimate in the cellar, the floor is partially filled with cement mortar, leaving small islands that are covered with gravel or crushed stones. This avoids sudden fluctuations in humidity and temperature, which is also unacceptable for capricious grape liquid. To extend the shelf life, experienced winemakers recommend equipping cellars in a quiet area, where there are no frequent tremors. Any shaking accelerates biochemical reactions, due to which the drink ripens faster, losing a significant part of the bouquet and taste.

In order not to worry about the safety of wine, bottles should be stored in a horizontal position, otherwise the cork will dry out from the inside.

Before the party, young wine must be placed vertically and kept for several days. A container with a rich and adult drink is placed on special stands, where the slope angle is only 30-40 degrees.

Despite the proper storage of grape elixir, each variety has its own youth, maturity and sunset. Shelf life depends on the year of harvest, the method of processing the berries, the region, the soil, the methods of harvesting the bunches and growing the vine. It is better to learn more about the features of wine from a sommelier or a seller, and carefully study the labels in stores.

Proper serving is the main secret of wine drinks

Due to illiterate presentation, it is easy to lose the amazing bouquet and rich taste of even a collection product! It is impossible to enjoy too warm champagne or Riesling, to catch the slightest hint of icy Burgundy.

It is no coincidence that sommeliers recommend cooling or heating wine to a certain temperature so that it fully reveals its subtlest aromas. Knowing about the taste characteristics of a noble drink, the contents of the bottle can be carefully adjusted: enhance floral scents, muffle unnecessary bitterness, acidity or excess sweetness.

Temperature - an indicator of the bouquet of wines

It is impossible to truly enjoy a noble drink if it is hot or too cold. The receptors of the tongue are very sensitive to warm foods heated in the range of 20-40 degrees. In an icy multivitamin juice, you want to throw another spoonful of sugar, and in a warm liquid you can easily catch the slightest bitterness and the smell of smoke. Many sommeliers are sure that in a noisy room, guests will not complain about oversalted or cloyingly sweet dishes.

The taster's receptors are easy to deceive if you know about such subtleties. By changing the recommended temperature of wine, you can reduce its acidity, hide the taste of rubber, high alcohol content or an unpleasant smell, thereby improving the quality of a bad drink.

Each grape product has its own characteristics of bouquet and flavor notes, which depends on its variety, age, region of vine growing, therefore the bottling temperature differs significantly:

  • great Bordeaux red wines - 16-19 ° C;
  • great red drinks of the Bourgogne variety - 15-16 ° C;
  • red and great wines that have not reached maturity - 14-16 ° C;
  • great white dry - 14-16 ° C;
  • with a fruity bouquet and young red ones - 11-12°C;
  • rosé wines - within 10-12 ° C;
  • all homemade, as well as dry whites - 10-12 ° C;
  • young reds aged for several years - 13-15 ° C;
  • sparkling wines, as well as ordinary whites - 7-8 ° C;
  • liqueur wines (only white) - 9-12 ° C;
  • icewein - 12°C;
  • Cabernet Sauvignon - 16-18°C;
  • Chardonnay - 8-12°C;
  • Pinot Noir - 14-17°C;
  • Sauternes - 7-13°C;
  • rieslings - 8-12 ° C;
  • fortified wines (Madeira, sherry, port) - 10-18°C.

When is wine best?

Despite the recommended temperature, sommeliers take into account the time of drinking grape elixir and weather conditions. It is better to serve cool wines for an aperitif, and enjoy warmer ones along with dishes. In the sun, the perception of taste is different. Chardonnay, chilled to 11°C, will seem icy, so winemakers suggest warming up the contents of the bottle to 12 degrees. And on ordinary summer days, it is advisable to serve within 9-10 ° C.

Grape drinks with high acidity and minerality, especially sparkling and Rieslings, should always be cold, but not below 6 degrees. Winemakers advise paying attention to the taste and aroma of alcohol: the better and brighter the wine, the higher its serving temperature.

A bottle with a noble drink should not be kept in the freezer, more than two hours in the refrigerator or near the heater and stove. Its taste can be spoiled if ice cubes are thrown into the glass. It is undesirable to heat in boiling water or cool in ice water if guests suddenly burst out.

It is better to avoid sudden changes in temperature, and also to exceed +20°C, otherwise the exquisite drink will turn into a bitter and sour liquid.

Artificial enrichment of wine - the secrets of a sommelier

A grape drink will fully reveal its amazing bouquet in the smallest shades, if you apply a few simple techniques.


Solid wines have a lot of aggressive tannins and a high percentage of alcohol, so the sommelier recommends aeration shortly before serving. The noble liquid is poured into a special vessel, in the middle of which there is a bowl with small holes. Through them, the heady liquid flows in thin streams into the main container, saturated with oxygen. The aerator helps release delicate and light notes of aroma and taste, making the drink brighter, richer, more saturated. Reduce excessive viscosity and pungency. From young wines, substances that appeared in the process of natural fermentation because there is no air exchange in the bottle. If the grape product is not allowed to “breathe” before consumption, then in the foreground there will be a persistent and heavy woody-vegetal bouquet, behind which it is impossible to taste the elegant fruity-floral aftertaste.

Devices for aeration differ in the principle of operation and shape, so the sommelier recommends choosing a vessel more carefully, based on the variety of grape elixir and its taste characteristics. The “wine pear”, which resembles a medical device, is not suitable for white and aged noble drinks. Excess oxygen will make the amber liquid tasteless and unbalanced.


For many good wines (Cabernet, Syrah, Sauvignon), the presence of sediment is an indicator of quality. However, it is not permissible to be noticed at the bottom of the glass. It is easy to remove solid particles if you use a special dish - a decanter. The bottle is carefully uncorked so as not to shake the liquid, poured into a special wide vessel with a narrowed neck, a curly bottom. They leave it alone for a couple of hours, until the wine granules sink into a special recess, pour into glasses.

With the help of decantation, the aromatic liquid is slightly enriched with oxygen, becoming more interesting and aromatic. This method of aeration is perfect for mature and rich wines. Instead of a decanter, you can use special glasses, at the bottom of which a narrow recess is made that goes into the leg. The sediment will remain in the bowl and will not mix with the drink during the tasting.

Water as a Bouquet Catalyst

An exquisite drink does not always reveal its bouquet and amazing taste. Aromatic compounds firmly "hold" on the alcohol molecules and practically do not evaporate, so it is difficult to capture subtle floral or fruity aromas.

Water helps to release the esters, so the diluted grape product has a more pronounced and refined smell.

How to dilute wine properly? Usually, distilled or boiled liquid is used, which must be cooled to the temperature of the wine. Mineral water is suitable for some varieties.

The sommelier carefully pours the prepared water into a glass of wine. If you do the opposite, then the taste of the grape product will be instantly spoiled.

The optimal ratio of water and a noble drink is 3:1. In order not to overdo it, in ancient times they were guided by the color of amethyst. The jewel was thrown into a filled vessel and a wine catalyst was added in portions. The stone in the container should “dissolve”, merge with the color of alcohol.

Semi-sweet, fortified wines and champagne should not be diluted.

A poor-quality drink can become cloudy, change its shade, in some cases bitterness, unpleasant tones of rubber and smoke appear. Using this method, the authenticity of grape elixir was previously verified.

How to taste a noble drink correctly and with what?

Do not rush to uncork a bottle of expensive wine and fill glasses to the top! It is necessary to inspect the neck of the container: the wine should not touch the metal elements of the cork. To prevent destructive oxidation, it is worth cleaning the top of the vessel, be sure to scrape off the wax seal. It is better to choose a corkscrew of a helical shape so that particles of wood do not get into the product of winemakers! The tool is scrolled to the middle of the crust, and then carefully pulled out.

The drink is poured without haste, in a thin stream, applying the neck to the edge of the glass. The bottle is held by the bottom, trying not to shake the contents without closing the label from the guest. Red mature wine with a rich palette is best served immediately in decanters.

How much wine should be in the glasses?

  • champagne with fortified drinks is filled almost to the brim;
  • valuable productive sparkling - by 2/3;
  • table white - 3/4;
  • red dining rooms, vermouth with Madeira - 2/3 glasses;
  • mature and vintage wines, as well as sherry - 1/3;
  • port wine and sweet drinks - 1/2.

Wine does not tolerate haste and mishandling. To catch and taste all the shades of the taste palette, you should approach it like a real taster. Grab the stem of the glass with your fingers, and do not hold it by the bowl, so that the contents do not heat up from the heat of the palms. Be sure to examine the noble liquid, admire the shade, how ruby ​​drops (“oily legs”) flow down. After enjoying the aroma, trying to catch the slightest notes of the bouquet. Take a small sip, draw in some air and swallow slowly. Exquisite red wine is served in huge glasses so that guests can roll along the walls, saturating it with oxygen.

Snack – grape product conductor

Arriving at a restaurant, it is better to ask the sommelier to choose a suitable dish for a glass of wine. There are several products with which it is undesirable to combine a noble drink.

Exquisite aftertaste is difficult to feel after a cigarette and sour dishes, so it’s better not to smoke for a couple of hours, and not to add vinegar to food.

Cheese is a great addition to wine, but you should give up brie, gorgonzola or parmesan. It is better to choose ordinary varieties without mold and spices.

Any nuts give drinks and foods an astringent effect, so delicate flavor notes are not felt at all. In such a tandem, the wine loses most of the flower and fruit shades!

There are few best "friends" of a noble drink: White bread, ordinary fruit and simple hard cheese. Such an appetizer does not affect the aftertaste of a good wine.

Experienced sommeliers believe that the grape product should emphasize the food, and not fight for the primacy of tastes. When ordering an interesting dessert for a grape product, it is advisable to make sure that it is prepared without the addition of chocolate, coffee essence and is moderately sweet. You might want to opt for fortified and liqueur drinks that are a great accompaniment to fondant, tiramisu, or peanut ice cream.

Knowing about the capricious nature of a delicate drink, it is easy to preserve its valuable bouquet, amazing flavor notes, and exquisite color.

Finally, I offer a video with some submission rules:

Good expensive wine does not tolerate neglect. The pleasure received from the use of drink depends on a number of factors. These include the choice of the right glasses, the temperature of the supply of the drug, the method of use. In order to observe all the subtleties of etiquette, it is necessary to study valuable information from experienced sommeliers and gourmets.

Benefits of wine for the body

So, wine has the following valuable qualities:

  • maintains the acidity of the stomach at an optimal level;
  • removes bad cholesterol, leaving good;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels (relevant for people with diabetes);
  • awakens appetite;
  • has a bactericidal effect on the immune system;
  • removes poisons and toxins from the intestinal walls;
  • helps to eliminate insomnia;
  • improves mood and relieves the effects of stress;
  • fights anemia, replenishing the lack of iron in the body;
  • eliminates blockage of blood vessels, increases blood circulation;
  • improves metabolism;
  • puts in order the work of the digestive tract;
  • compensates for the lack of vitamin B and amino acids;
  • has a tonic effect on the human body as a whole.

How to choose wine

  1. Each person determines for himself which wine to give preference to. Some like red varieties, others like white ones. As a rule, the purchase of wine should be carried out taking into account the available snacks.
  2. Experienced gourmets unanimously say that it is necessary to refuse to purchase semi-dry or semi-sweet wine. Such types are made on the basis of low quality raw materials. They often add flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes. Choose a sweet or dry wine that is not labeled "semi-".
  3. Pay attention to the name of the manufacturer. A conscientious manufacturer will print the name in large, well-read letters. You should also study the year of collection of the raw materials from which the wine was produced. If the vintage sorting date is not given, then you have a low-quality powdered wine.
  4. In addition to the name, the grape varieties on the basis of which the drug is prepared should be indicated. If you have an elite (expensive) series of wine in your hands, only 1 variety can be indicated.
  5. It is preferable to choose wine in a dark bottle made of glass or a wooden barrel. You should not buy packaged drinks, they do not retain valuable substances in the composition of the wine. As for the cover, it can be made of pressed wood chips or plastic.

How to store wine

  1. After purchase, choose a suitable place where the wine will be stored until consumed. It should be dark, cool, dry. Do not keep the composition in the refrigerator.
  2. The optimum temperature is considered to be in the range of 10-14 degrees. If the temperature jumps, the wine will lose its benefits and flavor palette.
  3. Humidity should not exceed 75%. Keep the wine away from strong-smelling foods, otherwise the aroma will pass into the bottle through the cork.
  4. If possible, choose a dry cellar or pantry that has slanted shelving. Hold the bottle at an angle.

You will not be able to feel the entire flavor palette of a noble drink if the wine is too cold or, on the contrary, warm.

Human receptors of the tongue feel the slightest fluctuations in the temperature of products that have been preheated to the mark of 20-40 degrees.

In the case of wine, if it is supercooled, you will want to supply the drink with sugar, as the sweet notes from the drug will simply disappear.

You can easily deceive the receptors of a person tasting wine. It is enough just to have knowledge regarding the supply temperature.

Each composition of winemaking differs in age, variety, aftertaste, aroma. Therefore, the temperature varies significantly.


  • port wine, sherry, Madeira and other fortified varieties - 10-17 degrees;
  • red young wine up to 2 years old - 12-16 degrees;
  • wine that has not reached maturity - 14-16 degrees;
  • great dry or red wine - 14-16 degrees;
  • Pinot Noir wine - 14-17 degrees;
  • wine "Cabernet Sauvignon" - 16-18 degrees;
  • red wines "Bordeaux" - 16-19 degrees;
  • rose wine - 11-13 degrees;
  • homemade and dry white wine - 10-13 degrees;
  • young red and fruit wine - 11-12 degrees;
  • white or sparkling wine - 7-9 degrees;
  • dessert white wine "Sauterne" - 8-12 degrees;
  • white wine of a liqueur type - 10-11 degrees;
  • wine-riesling - 9-12 degrees;
  • Burgundy wines (such as Chardonnay) - 8-11 degrees;
  • ice wine ("Icewein" and others) - 11 degrees.

Features of changing the temperature of wine when serving

  1. Regardless of the serving temperature of the wine, many gourmets change the indicator taking into account the weather conditions and the time of consumption. If the drug is drunk as an aperitif, refrigerate it according to the recommendations above. In the case when the wine is consumed with snacks and warm dishes, raise the mark by 1 degree.
  2. People who wish to enjoy a drink in the scorching sun should increase the temperature by 2 degrees. Otherwise, the elixir will appear ice cold. If we are talking about ordinary summer days, serve wine according to the recommendations above.
  3. When it comes to Rieslings and sparkling wines, you should only drink wine cold. In this case, the temperature should not fall below 7 degrees.
  4. Professional tasters advise to proceed from aroma and palatability alcoholic drink. If the wine is bright and expensive, you should partially increase the serving temperature. So you better feel the whole bouquet.
  5. Never keep a bottle of noble potion in the freezer. It is also worth limiting the use of the refrigerator, it is better to send the vessel to a special bucket with water and ice.

  1. Glasses for drinking a healing drink should be made of completely transparent thin glass. It is known that visual perception affects the final taste of wine.
  2. It is worth mentioning that a properly selected glass has a high leg, which, in fact, must be held during use. Otherwise, you will heat the contents with your own hand and increase the permissible temperature of the drink.
  3. Red wines are consumed from glasses with a volume of 550-1100 ml. At the same time, the vessel has a long leg, as well as a voluminous bowl, tapering towards the edge. The drink is poured into half a glass.
  4. White wine is supposed to be drunk from glasses, the volume of which does not exceed 300-350 ml. The glass also has a long stem and a bowl that expands gradually towards the neck. The glass should be filled to ¾ of the total volume.
  5. For sparkling wines, a tall and narrow vessel is suitable, the width of which is the same. The volume of such devices does not exceed 220 ml. The wine is poured almost to the brim in 2 approaches.

How to open and pour wine

  1. First you need to pick up a corkscrew with a screw, through which the wine will be opened. Insert the tool into the cork, twist to ½ peel, then try to carefully remove it.
  2. Do not shake the contents of the container. Attach the mouth of the bottle to the edge of the glass, holding the vessel with the drink at a slight angle, exactly like the glass. Do not cover the label of the bottle from the guests, hold the bottle by the bottom.
  3. Depending on the type of wine, the amount that goes into the glass also varies. Table white species are poured ¾, sparkling fruity (expensive) - 2/3, fortified drugs and champagne - to the brim, receding 0.5-1 cm.
  4. Sweet wines and port should be poured in the amount of ½ of the total volume of the glass. Sherry and mature varieties - 1/3, Madeira with vermouth and table reds - 2/3.

How to drink wine

  1. After bottling, you can start tasting. Do not take the glass of wine by the cup itself, otherwise the warmth of the palms will raise the set temperature of the drink. Hold the leg with two fingers (forefinger and thumb).
  2. Do not rush to swallow a noble drink. Slightly twist the glass in his hand so that the wine touches the walls. Admire the contents of the glass, its shade, "oily" drops flowing down.
  3. After a visual assessment, smell the wine slowly and leisurely. Try to catch all the notes of the divine bouquet. Take a small sip, inhale, swallow the contents.
  4. Wine does not always reveal its taste when consumed in its pure form. Sometimes you have to dilute the drink with distilled or mineral water. In this case, first pour the wine, then add water to it (3:1 ratio).

Wine can be washed down with water, it is not necessary to dilute the noble drink. As for snacks, it all depends on the type of drug.

  1. Red wine - barbecue, mushrooms, meat in any of its manifestations.
  2. White wine - fish dishes, lean veal, sea ​​cocktails, black and red caviar, fruit plates and salads.
  3. Dessert wine - cheese, any desserts, sweet dishes.
  4. Sparkling wine - poultry, seafood, desserts, fish, cold appetizers.
  5. Fortified wine - spicy food, cheeses, fish dishes, lean meats.

Wine should not be drunk with dishes seasoned with vinegar. Chocolate, olives, citrus fruits, nuts, truffles, sour sauce are also not suitable.

Wine has a beneficial effect on human health, if you follow the norm of its use. Women should not drink more than 1 glass per day. Men are allowed to increase the number to 4 glasses. If you exceed the permissible limits, you will poison the body.

Video: the subtleties of drinking wine

The main advantages of a grape drink are its sweet, pleasant, tart taste, berry aroma and a rather small percentage of alcohol.
But is this drink healthy? And what is the right way to drink wine?
Let's figure it out...

The benefits of wine

Wine can be useful only if the rules are observed. For women, this is 1 glass per day. For men - up to 4 glasses. Exceeding the permissible measures turns any alcoholic drink into a poison that poisons the body.

Let's define exclusively positive qualities of wine:

  1. Stimulates appetite.
  2. Increases the tone of the body.
  3. Improves metabolism.
  4. Promotes vasodilation.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  6. Supports normal stomach acidity.
  7. Contains amino acids, trace elements and B vitamins.
  8. Source of iron.
  9. Relieves stress, improves sleep.
  10. Has antibacterial action.

But, of course, you should not forget about contraindications and the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.

Choosing and storing wine correctly

Buying white or red is an individual choice. Who likes what. True sommeliers recommend choosing wine for a snack.
Wine is better to buy dry or sweet. All other types (semi-dry, semi-sweet) are usually made from low-quality raw materials with the addition of preservatives, dyes, and substitutes.

The name of the manufacturer should be printed in large, legible type.
The year of harvest must be indicated. If it is not there, then this drink is an ordinary concentrate diluted with water.

The bottle must list the names of the grape varieties from which the contents of the bottle are made. Or one variety, if it is a very expensive brand of wine.
Wine in glass bottles or draft wine from a wooden barrel is preferable to a cardboard container.
The cork can be either wooden or plastic.

Keep the grape potion in a cool, dark place. Not in the refrigerator. The optimum temperature is 10–13 C. Wine can lose its properties and taste with strong temperature fluctuations.

Through the cork, the drink can absorb the foreign smell of neighboring products. Therefore, it is better to keep it "alone".
Humidity no more than 75%.
The best storage position in the bottle is at an angle.

Without a glass there is no etiquette

The first rule is that a wine glass should be transparent, clean, made of thin glass. The visual perception of the drink also affects the taste sensations.
The second rule is a high leg. It is necessary to hold on to the leg so that the liquid does not heat up from the heat of the hand.

For red wine, voluminous glasses (from 550 ml to 1100 ml) with a wide bowl narrowed upwards on a thin stem are more suitable. Red wine is poured into 1/2 glass.
For white - less voluminous glasses (300–350 ml) are suitable, expanding upwards, on a high leg. It is customary to pour white wine into 3/4 glasses.
Champagne (sparkling wine) is usually poured to the brim in tall narrow wine glasses with a volume of at least 210 ml.

What to drink with what and when?

True connoisseurs know how to drink wine correctly, always follow the principles of compatibility of tastes and aromas. They know how to combine drinks with different snacks and side dishes.
For example, red wine is combined with any meat (lamb, beef, poultry, pork). With everyone's favorite barbecue. Red wine is also served with mushrooms.

White- best served with lean veal, fish dishes, seafood, vegetables and fruit side dishes(pineapples, apples). Perfectly white is combined with black and red caviar.
Dessert wines, including pink sweet, speak for themselves. They are served with desserts, sweet dishes, mild cheeses.
Semi-sweet sparkling wines are combined with seafood, fish snacks and poultry dishes. Semi-dry sparkling - with desserts.

Dry(fortified) wine is perfect as an aperitif. Dry can also be combined with light meat, fish snacks, cheese and spicy food.

Absolutely not suitable for any type of berry drink:

  • Chocolate;
  • Citrus;
  • Olives;
  • sour sauces;
  • Nuts;
  • Truffles;
  • Dishes seasoned with vinegar.

A few more important rules

If there are several types of wine drinks at the event, then according to the rules, white wine is drunk before red. And the young - in front of the fortified.

A different variety is poured into a new glass in order not to mix the shades of flavors.

Moveton - pour any alcoholic drink into an unfinished glass. Required only in the empty.

When opening a bottle, you can not immediately pour the wine into a glass. It would be nice to let it "breathe" for 5-10 minutes for a richer taste.
Pour should be on the right side of the guest. Preferably so that the neck does not touch the glass.
Wine is not washed down with any other drinks. Only during tasting is it allowed to drink a small sip of water between samples different types.

And the main rule - you can not drink wine in one gulp. The refined drink of the gods is drunk slowly, in small sips, holding it for a few seconds in the mouth.
Observing all the measures, rules and subtleties, you can truly enjoy, benefit and enjoy a sweet grape drink.

Complete modern encyclopedia of etiquette Yuzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

How to pour wine

How to pour wine

Chilled white, rosé and sparkling wines are put on the table shortly before drinking, if desired, in a vessel with ice to keep them cool longer. Bottles should be opened before pouring wine into glasses.

The exception is red wine: it is opened about 1 hour before serving, so that it has time to inhale enough oxygen, which, penetrating inside the bottle, awakens the aroma of the drink.

Wine is poured from the bottle into a decanter to drain the sediment at the bottom. Most wines do not require lees to be drained. This technique is used only for old red wine. The formed precipitate is a sign of the quality and aging of the product. Vintage port is a classic example of a wine that needs to be decanted.

Wine is poured into dry clean dishes. At the same time, the bottle is kept in a horizontal position (as it was stored) so as not to shake the sediment. Tilt the bottle slightly and pour the wine slowly. Leave the last 1-2 cm in the bottle. You can buy a special funnel and strain the leftovers through a sieve or cheesecloth. (The sediment from ordinary wine can be poured into a saucer and used to prepare any dish.)

As a rule, at least 1/3 of the glass and no more than 1/2 are filled with wine, as this allows you to comfortably take the glass in your hand and feel the aroma of the wine more fully.

Wine glasses must be colorless and preferably transparent. Only in this way you can appreciate the color of white and especially red wines.

Wine glasses and glasses for wine must necessarily have a leg, and it is very important that it be comfortable, since a glass of wine should be held precisely by the leg, and not by the upper part, otherwise the warmth of your hand will be transferred to the drink and all your efforts to cool it to the desired temperatures will be in vain.

The top of a wine glass must be tapered. Thus, aromatic substances evaporating from the surface of the wine are collected in the upper part of the glass. For the same reason, the glass should never be filled to the top.

Red wine glasses are usually larger than white ones. This is again due to the fact that white wine is drunk more chilled and poured into glasses, respectively, in smaller quantities.

Champagne glasses are usually tall and thin. Wide low wine glasses are also often used, however, gasses leave the surface of the wine poured into such glasses very quickly.

Of course, the glasses that you put on the table must be perfectly clean. If you are using chemicals for washing dishes, be sure to thoroughly rinse the glasses under running water. Otherwise, traces or chemical residues may remain on the dishes, which may subsequently affect the taste of the wine or worsen the formation of gas bubbles in the champagne.

If during the feast you drink different wines, then it is better to use different glasses or rinse the used ones. This is especially true if you are switching from red to white wine.

If you dine in a restaurant where during the meal will be served various wines, then do not be surprised to see a number of glasses in front of you. The usual sequence is from right to left. The waiter pours wine, respectively, on the right side, ladies - in the first place.

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