Home Vegetables Salted mushroom soups. Mushroom soup made from salted and pickled mushrooms. Easy and quick pickled mushroom soup

Salted mushroom soups. Mushroom soup made from salted and pickled mushrooms. Easy and quick pickled mushroom soup

Advice: add some to this soup fresh mushrooms so that the dish has a richer aroma and taste. Spread them in the fry for 10 minutes before you send salted mushrooms into it.

Pickle with salted mushrooms and cucumbers

Complements and enhances the special taste of the soup with the addition of canned or barrel greens.

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 8

The energy value

  • proteins - 10.2 g;
  • fats - 8.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.5 g;
  • calorie content - 157 kcal.


  • salted mushrooms - 150 g;
  • chicken - 350 g;
  • pickles - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice-peas - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse chicken meat, soak briefly in cold water. For soup, it is better to take the thighs or drumsticks. But you can also have a dietary option - breast. Drain the water in which the meat was soaked, collect clean, put on fire. Bring to a boil, remove foam.
  2. Add bay leaf, allspice and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. While the broth is simmering, prepare the roast. Peel the vegetables, chop the onion into small cubes, and the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  4. Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes or thin straws and send them to the fryer. Remove it from heat after a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove the meat from the broth, let it cool and separate from the bone. Break into smaller pieces and return to soup.
  6. Peel the potatoes, cut into medium-sized cubes, throw into the broth and cook for about 10 minutes.
  7. Salted mushrooms transfer to a colander, rinse a little under cold running water. Cut into small pieces and send to the pan.
  8. After a couple of minutes, put the roast in the soup, cook for another 10 minutes. Taste for salt and add more if needed. You can add salt to the soup by adding a little cucumber pickle to it.
  9. Let it brew and serve.

Advice: this recipe can be slightly modified by putting in soup instead of pickles sauerkraut. Only you need to add it not to frying, but 10 minutes before readiness. The dish will have unusual notes and a slight sourness.

Pickles with salted mushrooms have a richer taste than other first courses. True, they are not recommended for those who have stomach problems. Add ingredients to them based on the photos and videos you have viewed, experiment, discover new tastes. Use different ways cooking, for example, in a slow cooker or oven. Bon Appetit!

Mushroom soup, in the usual sense for us, is prepared from fresh, dried, as a last resort canned mushrooms. But for this dish, you can also use mushroom pickles, getting a very tasty and original, and most importantly, the easiest soup to prepare. It is interesting that such a recipe is not an invention of our days. It is based on an old dish of Russian cuisine - Georgian soup, for which, as the name implies, fresh or salted milk mushrooms were used. Modern recipe allows the use of any kind of mushroom pickles. Salted mushrooms, of course, will be especially tasty - they have a rich taste and a pleasant texture.

To make Salted Mushroom Soup, you will need:

  • 200 grams of salted mushrooms,
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 medium carrot,
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  • 1-2 eggs
  • Salt, herbs, spices - to taste.
  1. Pour soup water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. While the water is boiling, peel and cut the potatoes.
  3. Pour potatoes into boiling water.
  4. Finely chop the carrot and onion.
  5. Pour oil into the bottom of the pan, fry the chopped vegetables in it for 7-1 minutes, until the frying becomes golden.
  6. Cut salted mushrooms, add to fry.
  7. Stew vegetables with mushrooms for several minutes.
  8. When the potatoes are boiled until soft, put the mushroom-vegetable mixture into the pan.
  9. Boil for about a quarter of an hour. And only then you can try and salt, add spices. If you do this earlier, before the mushrooms boil well, you can oversalt the dish.
  10. Mix the eggs into a homogeneous mixture with a whisk.
  11. When the soup is almost ready, pour the eggs into the cooking dish in a weak stream, stirring thoroughly to make thin egg "strands".
  12. Remove the pot from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for a few minutes.
  13. Serve soup with herbs, grated cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt. Wheat croutons or croutons from rye bread rubbed with a clove of garlic.

*Soup from salted or pickled mushrooms will turn out to be especially rich and even tastier if you cook it on meat or poultry broth, while adding the meat itself to the soup is not necessary.

*If your goal is low calorie recipe, then you can not add eggs to the dish, but frying is worth doing - raw onions with carrots in soup with pickles will be tasteless.

V Soviet time after graduating from the institute, young teachers were sent to work by distribution in rural schools. One of these teachers was my mother, who, having arrived in the village to work, lodged in the house of a local grandmother. One day this grandmother treated her to soup from salted mushrooms. Mom liked the soup, and she easily remembered simple recipe. Many years have passed since then, but we cook this soup when the soul asks for something "such". In general, in an effort to feed my family deliciously, I always try not to repeat myself, to learn new recipe and make something new. But sometimes you get so tired of all kinds of frills that you want a simple meal like "herring with potatoes." The proposed soup is just from the category of such simple, simple dishes. If you still have last year's salted mushrooms, then this recipe will help you put them into action.
Mushrooms in pickle are generously flavored with herbs (dill) and garlic. Such mushrooms for soup are better than just salty ones.

To begin with, we cut the mushrooms (if they are large), but not finely, and put them in a small saucepan (I have a 2-liter one in the photo). Then fill them with water (about 3 cups) and put on gas. In parallel with this, you need to peel and put the potatoes to boil.
At this time, fry the onion until golden brown. Mushrooms will boil - reduce the gas, and let them cook for about 30 minutes. After that, add fried onions to the broth. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 10 minutes.
Next, pour a glass of milk into the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. At this time, shake 2 eggs in a cup. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with constant stirring. Bring to a boil, stir continuously for another 2-3 minutes, until the egg curdles. Everything. The soup is ready. Put on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs (dill). Serve with boiled potatoes (preferably warm). They eat a bite.
I will make two clarifications:
1) Do not add any bouillon cubes, including mushroom ones, to the soup.
2) Do not put greens in the soup during cooking, only in a plate.
Someone may not like the appearance of the soup, but the soup turns out to be very spicy, fragrant, has a "forest" taste. We like.

The most delicious mushrooms. From soups to salty in a barrel Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Potato soup with salted mushrooms

Potato soup with salted mushrooms

Compound: salted mushrooms - 50-100 g, onions - 1-2 pcs., potatoes - 200-300 g, oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons, carrots - 1 pc., parsley - 1 root, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, herbs, salt.

Carrots, parsley cut into slices and lightly fry in butter. Put potatoes, fried vegetables in boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the potatoes are cooked, put the chopped salted mushrooms, fried onions and cook for 15-20 minutes. When serving, season the soup with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

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With salted mushrooms Required: 450 g flour, 1/3 cup cold water, egg, salt. For the filling: 300 g each of any salted mushrooms and ready mashed potatoes, 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 3 onions, 1 tsp. flour, salt, pepper. Cooking method. Sift flour, pour in a slide, make

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32. PIES WITH SALTED MUSHROOMS Flour 7 cups Milk or water 2 cups Vegetable oil 3 tablespoons Granulated sugar 1 tablespoon Salt 1 teaspoon Yeast 40 g Fat for frying pies 400 g Filling (see chapter IV) eggs,

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Potato salad with cabbage and pickled mushrooms Ingredients: 3–4 potato tubers, ? head of cabbage, 100 g of salted mushrooms, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 50 g of dill, cranberries for decoration, salt to taste. Method

From the book The most delicious mushrooms. From soups to salty in a barrel author Zvonareva Agafya Tikhonovna

Potato soup with salted mushrooms Ingredients: salted mushrooms - 50-100 g, onion - 1-2 pieces, potatoes - 200-300 g, oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons, carrots - 1 pc., parsley - 1 root, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, herbs, salt. Carrots, parsley cut into slices and lightly fry in butter. V

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Potato salad with pickles Cut boiled potatoes into slices, boil soft-boiled eggs, finely chop the protein. Cut the cucumbers, squeeze the juice slightly, mix the vegetables and season with the sauce. For the sauce, mix potato broth, vegetable oil, eggs, cucumber

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Potato salad with onions and salted mushrooms Cut potatoes into slices, mushrooms into strips, onions into rings. We combine everything, seasoning to taste with salt and vegetable oil. Ingredients: 500 g of boiled potatoes; 300 g of salted mushrooms; 2 heads of onions; salt,

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With salted mushrooms 50 g salted mushrooms, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1 slice of bread, 2-3 sprats or smoked sprats. Drain the mushrooms and pass through a meat grinder twice. Spread slices of bread with butter, put the mushroom mass on top. Put sprats on sandwiches or

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Potato with pickles 500 g potatoes, 1-2 onions, 1 pickled or pickled cucumber, 50 g mayonnaise or 20 g vegetable oil, 2 tomatoes, 1 Green pepper, greens, pepper, salt to taste. Boil the potatoes “in uniform”, peel, cool and cut into thin

From the book Big Encyclopedia of Canning author Semikova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Potato salad with pickles Required: 200 g potatoes, 2 pickles, 100 g canned green peas, 150 g sauerkraut, head of onion, 5–6 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, pepper, salt. Method of preparation Boil potatoes and cut into small

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Potato salad with pickles Required: 3 potatoes, 2 carrots, onions, pickles and apples, 1/2 cup canned green peas. Method of preparation Boil potatoes and carrots and cut into slices. Chop the onion, chop the pickles

From the author's book

Potato soup with salted mushrooms Carrots, parsley cut into slices and lightly fry in butter. Put potatoes, fried vegetables in boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the potatoes are cooked, put the chopped salted mushrooms, fried onions and cook

From the author's book

Potato salad with sauerkraut and pickles Ingredients 250 g potatoes, 100 g sauerkraut, 100 g carrots, 50 g cucumbers (salted), 1 onion, 3 tbsp mayonnaise, dill greens.

From the author's book

Potato salad with salted mushrooms Ingredients 300 g potatoes, 250 g mushrooms (salted), 100 g carrots, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, dill, parsley. Method of preparation Wash potatoes and carrots, add water, put on fire and cook until

From the author's book

Potato salad with pickles and green peas Ingredients 300 g potatoes, 100 g carrots, 150 g cucumbers (salted), 150 g mayonnaise, 100 g green peas (canned), 2 eggs, green onion, salt. Method of preparation Wash potatoes and carrots, pour water,

It is hard to imagine a soup that is tastier than mushroom soup. Freshly picked summer mushrooms, dried or purchased - mushrooms in any form will add aroma and a truly heavenly taste to the dish, especially if you flavor them with real homemade sour cream. Be sure that such a soup will be appreciated by both adults and ever-finicky children. You can even make mushroom soup from pickled mushrooms. I am sure that real housewives always have a jar or two of such canned mushrooms hidden from the summer. The advantage of this soup and fast way cooking, because pickled mushrooms do not need to be cleaned, washed, or soaked for several hours, like dry ones. Simply open the jar and put the mushrooms in ready soup a few minutes before the end of cooking.

  • 500 g any pickled mushrooms
  • 3-4 large potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • ? cups of rice (can be replaced with millet or barley)
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • 3 liters of water
  • salt, spices, herbs to taste

1. We clean and thoroughly wash the vegetables.

2. Sauté carrots and onions in sunflower oil.

3. We cut the potatoes, throw them into boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the washed rice and carrots with onions.

4. When the rice and potatoes are almost ready, put the pickled mushrooms into the pan along with the brine, salt and leave on the stove for another 2-3 minutes.

Mushroom soup prepared with pickled mushrooms is ready. Do not forget to generously sprinkle the soup with your favorite herbs and put a spoonful of fat sour cream. Now you can call the whole family to the table!


Pickled Mushroom Soup Recipes

With all the variety of dishes with mushrooms, it is easy to get confused. But, no matter how surprising it may sound, you can cook the first course from canned mushrooms. Few people can refuse a hearty and healthy mushroom soup.

We are preparing a soup with pickled mushrooms, namely milk mushrooms and russula. To prepare it, you will need to prepare 150 grams of canned milk mushrooms, 100 grams of pickled russula, the same amount of fresh oyster mushrooms, 3 potatoes. Also do not forget about 1 onion, 1 carrot and 1 celery root, 2 tablespoons of millet groats, a small bunch of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns, salt to taste and one and a half liters of broth (meat) or just water. First, peel and chop the potatoes. Then cut the onion, celery into cubes, and rub the carrots on a fine grater.

Fry the onions and carrots first, then add the celery and simmer until the vegetables are soft. When the broth (or water) boils, put potatoes and cereals there, after boiling, cook for 10 minutes. We wash the salted mushrooms and cut into strips, we do the same with oyster mushrooms. Add fried onions, carrots and celery to the broth. Then we fall asleep mushrooms. The fire should be medium and cook until tender. We fall asleep chopped parsley, bay leaf, pepper, salt and turn off. Serve with sour cream on the table.

We also present you such a mushroom soup made from pickled mushrooms. Any that are in the refrigerator or those that you like will do. You should have a pound of potatoes, 1 can of canned mushrooms (250 ml), 1 carrot and 1 onion, 30 grams of sunflower oil, salt and seasoning for first courses. To remove the sour taste from the mushrooms, bring them to a boil and drain the water.

Type a new one and boil again. Then fry the mushrooms with onions and add 1 teaspoon of seasoning. We clean the carrots and potatoes, cut the first into half rings, the second into medium-sized cubes. Add to boiling water, along with fried mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes. Season, salt and the soup is ready.

Now we are preparing mushroom soup from salted mushrooms and rice. Prepare yourself 250 grams of any pickled mushrooms, 2 tablespoons of rice, 1 onion and 1 garlic clove, 2 small or 1 large carrots, 1 egg, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, green onions and salt. Put the water in a saucepan on the fire, after it boils, add rice and salt. Boil the cereal until tender. While the rice is cooking, sauté the onion, carrot and garlic. Add the washed and chopped mushrooms to the vegetables, then fry until golden brown.

After the roast is cooked, pour it into the broth with rice. Now you need to stir the egg in a plate with a fork. Then, in a thin stream, the egg mass must be introduced into the soup, stirring with a fork so that the egg in the water is distributed on the threads. Bring to a boil and turn off the soup. Add finely chopped green onion.

Soup of salted or pickled mushrooms and milk. To do this, you need to stock up on such products: 1 glass of canned mushrooms, 2 large onions, 1 glass of milk, 3 eggs, 6 potatoes. Cooking begins with the fact that you do not need to chop the mushrooms too finely, put a pot of water on the fire, pour mushrooms and chopped potatoes into it. Boil for about 30 minutes.

Fry the onion until it turns golden. Add after half an hour of boiling and cook for another 10 minutes. Pour milk into a saucepan and boil for five minutes. Beat the eggs with a fork in a separate plate and introduce in a thin stream, as in recipe No. 3. Stir constantly until the egg curdles. Turn off the soup, add fresh chopped herbs and tasty first the dish is ready.

We present to your attention a soup of any canned mushrooms with ham and celery. You will need 200 grams of mushrooms, 100 grams of ham, 2 branches of celery, a lettuce leaf, 1 bay leaf, a liter of water, onions, 2 potatoes, 5 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of butter, a tablespoon tomato paste, black pepper and salt to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into strips, onions into cubes, chop the ham and fry in butter. Add onions, pasta and mushrooms to it, simmer everything together. When the water boils, add this roast. Grind potatoes, pour into boiling broth, salt and pepper, do not forget about the bay leaf. Boil everything together for 20 minutes and the soup is ready. Add sour cream to bowls.

Good appetite!


Mushroom soup with marinated mushrooms


  • Butter 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Chicken breast 1 piece
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Celery 3 Pieces
  • Carrot 1 Piece
  • Pickled mushrooms 400 grams
  • Bouillon 6 Cups
  • Rice 250 Grams
  • Flour 1/4 cup
  • Cream 1 glass
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Step 1

Wash the chicken and cut into small pieces, chop the onion into cubes, chop the celery finely, and the carrot into thin strips.

Step 2

Put 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, then heat and add chicken, onion and celery, fry for 10-12 minutes.

Step 3

Put the carrots in the pan and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Take the pickled champignons out of the jar and cut into slices, add them to the pan.

Step 4

Pour the contents of the pan with 1 cup of broth, salt and pepper to taste, reduce heat and cook for about half an hour, at the very end put boiled rice.

Step 5

In a separate saucepan, melt the remaining butter, lay out the flour and mix vigorously, pour in the remaining broth and cream, mix.

Step 6

Pour the broth into the plate, put the filling in the center and garnish with a sprig of thyme. Serve hot.

A similar video recipe "Mushroom pickled mushroom soup"


Easy and quick pickled mushroom soup

Mushroom soup, in the usual sense for us, is prepared from fresh, dried, or, in extreme cases, canned mushrooms. But for this dish, you can also use mushroom pickles, getting a very tasty and original, and most importantly, the easiest soup to prepare. It is interesting that such a recipe is not an invention of our days. It is based on an old dish of Russian cuisine - Georgian soup, for which, as the name implies, fresh or salted milk mushrooms were used. The modern recipe allows the use of any type of mushroom pickles - from porcini, chanterelles, champignons and many others, as well as pickled mushrooms. Salted mushrooms, of course, will be especially tasty - they have a rich taste and a pleasant texture.

The recipe for pickled or salted mushroom soup is not only fragrant and very tasty, but also completely low-fat, because all the ingredients used are quite low-calorie, and no meat is added to the soup. The recipe is suitable for those who observe religious fasting, and for vegetarians, and for those who are on a diet.

If, on the contrary, you are going to add nutritional value to the soup, then sour cream and cheese dressings, eggs added at the end of cooking are great for it, and you can use chicken bouillon and poultry meat.

The advantage of this dish is that its ingredients, no doubt, can be found in every kitchen, and it is prepared very quickly - no more than an hour.

For five servings of soup you will need:

  • 200 grams of salted mushrooms,
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 medium carrot,
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 1-2 eggs
  • Salt, herbs, spices - to taste.


  1. Pour soup water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. While the water is boiling, peel and cut the potatoes.
  3. Pour potatoes into boiling water.
  4. Finely chop the carrot and onion.
  5. Pour oil into the bottom of the pan, fry the chopped vegetables in it for 7-1 minutes, until the frying becomes golden.
  6. Cut salted mushrooms, add to fry.
  7. Stew vegetables with mushrooms for several minutes.
  8. When the potatoes are boiled until soft, put the mushroom-vegetable mixture into the pan.
  9. Boil for about a quarter of an hour. And only then you can try and salt, add spices. If you do this earlier, before the mushrooms boil well, you can oversalt the dish.
  10. Mix the eggs into a homogeneous mixture with a whisk.
  11. When the soup is almost ready, pour the eggs into the cooking dish in a weak stream, stirring thoroughly to make thin egg "strands".
  12. Remove the pot from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for a few minutes.
  13. Serve soup with herbs, grated cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt. Wheat croutons or rye bread croutons rubbed with a clove of garlic are well suited to this dish.
  • Soup from salted or pickled mushrooms will turn out to be especially rich and even tastier if you cook it on meat or poultry broth, while adding the meat itself to the soup is not necessary.
  • If your goal is a low-calorie recipe, then you can not add eggs to the dish, but it’s worth doing the frying - raw onions and carrots in a soup with pickles will be tasteless.


Chicken soup with marinated mushrooms

The recipe for soup with pickled mushrooms will appeal to all lovers of simple but tasty treats. Mushrooms are often used to make soups, stews, and other hot dishes. Due to the high content of chitin, they are difficult to digest by the body, but this does not reduce their taste. Since their the nutritional value small, they are perfect for diet food. Mushrooms are perfectly salted and marinated without losing their unique taste and aroma, so they can be eaten not only as chic appetizer but also for making broths and soups.

Mushroom soup with pickled mushrooms is very hearty and tasty, and it is prepared very quickly and does not require special culinary knowledge. For the preparation of the first course, you can take any kind of mushrooms to your taste.

Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. If you like more satisfying and fragrant dishes, then it will be possible to prepare chicken soup with pickled mushrooms - instead of water, you will need to take meat broth.

Pearl barley should be washed well and poured cold water. Leave the cereal for 15 minutes so that it swells a little.

Peel potatoes, wash and cut into medium cubes. Dip the potatoes in hot water and cook for 10-15 minutes until done.

Add the soaked barley to the potatoes, reduce the heat and continue to cook.

Mushrooms can be taken any - mushrooms, boletus, champignons or others. Remove them from the marinade, cut into 3-4 pieces (depending on their size) and put in the pan.

Peel the onion and chop into small cubes, put to the mushrooms.

Add a little oil to the pan and lightly fry the mushrooms with onions.

When the potatoes are fully cooked, put the fried mushrooms with onions into the soup.

Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, after which you can taste and add a little salt and allspice.

Pour a little dried dill into the soup and remove from heat.

Soup with pickled mushrooms can be served immediately. Bon Appetit!

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