Home Soups Porcini mushrooms natural for future use recipe. Forest mushrooms: harvesting for the future. Canned mushroom preparation

Porcini mushrooms natural for future use recipe. Forest mushrooms: harvesting for the future. Canned mushroom preparation

How to prepare mushrooms for future use - salting , marinating, canned food stewed mushrooms, freezing, drying.

Pickled mushrooms.

Most The best way to prepare mushrooms for future use is to pickle. Since this method of harvesting does not develop such a life-threatening microbe as botulinus .. In the old days, our great-grandmothers used this particular method. Table salt has a preservative effect on mushrooms. During salting, fermentation and the release of lactic acid occur. which does not allow the development of harmful bacteria with free access to air. Therefore, dishes with mushrooms should not be tightly sealed. Salting can be carried out both hot and cold.

The best for this are agaric mushrooms (milks, mushrooms, russula, mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. - those mushrooms in which the lower part of the cap consists of plates). And if tubular mushrooms are salted - those that have a sponge under the hat (white, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, butter a) - then only very young mushrooms are chosen - since tubular mushrooms, when salted, tend to acquire an unattractive rotten appearance. What to pickle mushrooms? In the old days, of course, wooden tubs were used, which were closed with a circle - this is the best container for salting - but you can also pickle mushrooms in enameled dishes. And after a month or two, transfer the mushrooms to a glass jar and close the lid for further storage.

After harvesting, the mushrooms are immediately prepared for pickling. Sort by type. It is advisable to clean the mushrooms as quickly as possible - as some darken and become unattractive when exposed to air. First, pour water over the mushrooms for 5-10 minutes - so that they are better washed from leaves and sand. Rinse several times with water. Then quickly clean and lower into the water with a small amount citric acid. Quickly peeled mushrooms and placed immediately in water with citric acid during salting will have an attractive appearance.

For hyou can choose one of three ways to pickle mushrooms - cold, hot or dry.

Cold salted mushrooms.

A lot of lamellar ones secrete milky juice when harvested. Therefore, before salting, they are soaked (from a day to three). Pour water with a small amount of salt at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kilograms of mushrooms. They put a white napkin on top, a circle, oppression and put it in the refrigerator or cellar - so that the mushrooms do not sour. Once a day the water is changed. After the time has elapsed, the mushrooms are put in a tub or enamel pan caps down in layers of 5 cm and sprinkle with table salt mixed with spices - bay leaf, garlic, currant leaf, allspice, dill. Salt is put at the rate of 50 grams (2 tablespoons) per 1 kilogram of mushrooms, if the mushrooms are stored at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees C, if the storage temperature is expected to be higher, then salt should be 100 grams per 1 kilogram of mushrooms. After the mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and spices, cold water is poured so that they are completely covered. A white napkin, circle and oppression are placed on top. As the mushrooms exude juice - excess water can be drained - but the water should always cover the circle, otherwise the mushrooms may become moldy. When salting mushrooms, it is very important that the dishes in which the mushrooms are placed are sterile. It is also important that the mushrooms do not freeze in the refrigerator. Mushrooms harvested in this way are basically ready in 5 weeks. Mushrooms that do not secrete milky juice are salted immediately without soaking. The mushrooms are ready in 5 days. Valui will be ready not earlier than in 50 days. For the rest of the mushrooms, the cooking time is about 5 weeks.

Wpickled mushrooms hot.

At hot salting washed and peeled mushrooms - descend into hot water and boil for 30 minutes in salted water over low heat. Then washed with cold water and dried. Each new portion of mushrooms must be boiled in clean water to boil out the bitter juice. Russula is enough to boil for no more than 5 minutes, rinse and dry. Then the mushrooms are folded into a tub or enameled container in layers of 5 cm in the same way as with cold salting and sprinkle with salt and spices. For a kilogram of boiled mushrooms, they take -50 grams (2 tablespoons) of salt, bay leaf, allspice, cloves, dill, blackcurrant leaf,. you can add hot red pepper to taste on the tip of a knife. . Or another recipe - for 1 kg of mushrooms - 100 g of salt (4 tablespoons), 10 g of citric acid, dill, 2 onions. Mushrooms are ready in 2-3 weeks.

Dry salted mushrooms.

The easiest way to salt. Mushrooms, russula, pigs are suitable for him. Washed and peeled mushrooms are folded in layers, sprinkled with salt and spices, a white napkin, circle and oppression are placed on top. They put it in the refrigerator. Mushrooms compact and secrete juice. With this method of salting, the mushrooms are ready in 35-40 days.


All edible mushrooms are marinated, with the exception of russula and milky mushrooms. It is better to pickle young mushrooms. First of all, mushrooms are sorted. Wash very thoroughly, draining the water several times. The legs of white, boletus and boletus marinate separately. Put 1 kg of peeled mushrooms in a large enameled pan and pour half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar, add one and a half tablespoons of salt. After boiling, remove the foam until the marinade brightens and becomes transparent. After that, put spices - bay leaf, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, dill. Mushrooms are boiled in the marinade for 20 minutes - stirring .. Then they are cooled, transferred to jars and poured with marinade. Banks are tightly corked and put in the refrigerator. To keep the mushrooms perfectly preserved, sunflower oil can be added to the top of the jar. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Canned stewed mushrooms.

Sorted and washed mushrooms are put in a saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil, onion, black pepper and stew until tender. Ready meal stacked in jars, sterilized for 90 minutes and rolled up with lids.

Freezing mushrooms.

The best for freezing are young porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus, champignons. Mushrooms can be frozen whole or chopped - put in plastic bags.

You can also freeze semi-finished mushrooms. Better - 15 minutes fried for sunflower oil. Semi-finished products are best stored in glassware.

You can store fresh frozen mushrooms for 1 year. Mushrooms-semi-finished products within 3 months.

Drying mushrooms.

A wonderful way of harvesting, which has been used since ancient times, is the easiest. What you need to know about drying mushrooms. When dried, mushrooms are obtained with a high concentration useful substances. Taste qualities drying only improves. Almost all edible mushrooms can be dried. An exception are mushrooms that secrete milky juice. The best for drying are tubular mushrooms. When dried, they acquire an amazing aroma.

Mushrooms are prepared for drying - sorted out, cleaned of debris. Separate the caps from the legs and, if the skin is easily removed, it is removed. Mushrooms are not washed - but only carefully wiped with a damp cloth and cut mushrooms into pieces - from half a centimeter to a centimeter thick.

Drying should take no more than two days. You can string the mushrooms on a string and hang or put on the grid. There must be good ventilation in the drying area. At night, mushrooms are brought into the room. Mushroom pickers who travel to the forest often dry mushrooms in the sun. But shade-dried mushrooms retain more nutritional properties and aroma.

You can also dry the mushrooms in the oven - while the temperature should be from 50 to 75 degrees C. You can also use special electric dryers. It is better to store mushrooms in paper bags. You need to know that mushrooms should not be stored near odorous foods, as they quickly absorb flavors and lose their own.

Autumn is the time to think about how to make blanks from mushrooms and other gifts of nature. Mushrooms for the winter can be prepared most different ways. The most common methods for harvesting mushrooms for future use are: dry, roll pickled mushrooms in jars, pickle in a barrel or pan, or simply freeze. In winter, from such blanks you can cook delicious mushroom soup, salad, gravy for garnish and other yummy. The most popular, simple and detailed recipes mushroom blanks, accompanied by step-by-step photos taken, are collected in this section of the site. Follow them and be sure delicious snacks and mushroom dishes will delight you all year round!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

In the season of "silent hunting", many are wondering how to save the entire harvest of mushrooms. Freezing is a great way to do this. You can freeze both forest mushrooms and those that you purchased in a store or in the market. After all, everyone knows that in the summer the price of mushrooms is much lower.

If the year turned out to be fruitful, then the family will be provided with mushrooms for the whole season. And what to do with the gifts of the forest, which is no longer possible to eat? Do not despair: if you do not want to lose your harvest, you can always prepare mushrooms for the winter in jars, barrels, tubs by salting or preserving, or simply dry them. Using these methods of harvesting mushrooms, you can enjoy autumn supplies until next season.

How to harvest mushrooms for the winter: jars and other equipment

The first thing you need to take care of in order to harvest mushrooms for the winter is packaging and equipment for home canning.

Canned food at home is most often made in ordinary glass cans with tin lids. But in recent years, more and more appear on sale glass jars for harvesting mushrooms for the winter with glass lids, wide rubber rings and clips - especially for home canning. Such mushroom canning jars are more convenient to work with and should be recommended first. Working with these two types of canning containers is carried out in different ways.

Ordinary glass cans for harvesting mushrooms for future use are available in every household, their acquisition is not difficult. To seal these cans, tin lids with narrow (rectangular section) rubber rings are used. Such covers complete with rings are sold in hardware stores.

The rim of the mouth of cans for harvesting mushrooms has a strictly defined diameter (most often 83 mm, but there are also other sizes). The lids are made to exactly the right diameter to ensure complete tightness of the jars. On sale you can find white lids, made of tin-plated tin, and yellow ones, coated on top with another layer of resistant food varnish. Lacquered lids are used for capping sour fruits and berries, as well as marinades. Some products - preserves, jams or marmalade - can also be corked with non-varnished (white) lids.

For capping cans with tin lids, manual seaming machines are used. The machine consists of a steel roller, cartridge, clamping lever (fungus) and a handle.

To prepare mushrooms for the winter, you will need the following equipment: an aluminum or enameled pan for 3-5 liters for blanching; a sterilization pot (high), in which 3-4 or more cans can be placed, covered with a lid; skimmer, colander, knives, table and tea spoons, forks - all made of stainless steel.

In addition, for home-prepared mushrooms, you should have a device for removing jars from a pan, wooden mugs for jars, and a thermometer suitable for determining the temperature of water in a pan and canned food in a jar during sterilization and when blanching fruits and vegetables.

For heating, it is best to use a gas stove.

Before canning, glass jars for harvesting mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and boiled for several minutes, completely immersed in a large pot of water.

For each type of canned food in jars or bottles of different capacity, the required sterilization duration (in minutes) and temperature (in degrees) are set. Most often, homemade canned food is sterilized at 100 ° C, i.e. in boiling water.

Depending on which banks produce canned food, the rules for harvesting mushrooms and the procedure for working are different. Next, you will learn how to prepare mushrooms for the winter in jars with glass lids and jars with tin lids.

How to prepare mushrooms for the winter in jars with glass lids

Filled jars are covered with glass lids so that the rubber ring fits between the lid and the neck of the jar and completely covers the upper (usually corrugated) cut of the neck. Using a clamp or spring, the lids are pressed tightly against the jar. In advance, water is heated in a saucepan to 55-65 ᵒС and corked jars are placed in this water.

In order to properly prepare mushrooms for the winter, water is taken in such an amount that it covers all jars with lids (you can measure in advance to what level to pour water). A wooden lattice circle or a piece of cloth is placed at the bottom of the pan under the jars so that when heated, the bottoms of the jars do not come into contact with the bottom of the pan (otherwise local overheating is possible and then the glass may burst).

Further, when canning mushrooms at home, continue to heat the pot with jars and water until the water in the pan boils. The moment the water begins to boil in the pan is considered the beginning of sterilization. From this point on, the jars are kept at a moderate boil for as many minutes as indicated for this type of canned food. Boiling should not be violent - this is not necessary, the temperature of the water in the pan will not rise anyway. During sterilization, when preserving mushrooms at home, the pan should be covered with a lid so that there is less heat loss and that vapors are not released into the room.

With such sterilization, the fruits and vegetables in jars are heated by the water in the pan, and the microbes in them die. If the pressure in the jar rises as a result of the expansion of the liquid and the formation of vapors, the lid will rise slightly. At the same time, excess vapors and the air remaining there will be squeezed out into the gap formed from the jar, after which the lid will again fall into place under the action of the clamp, and water from the pan will not get into the jar.

After the time required for sterilization, the jars are removed from the water and, without removing the clamps from them, they are placed for gradual cooling in air or carefully cooled with water. At the same time, so that the jars do not burst during water cooling, they are first immersed in moderately warm water, and then, after a slight decrease in the temperature of the contents, they are transferred to colder water.

It is impossible to remove the clamps from hot jars when canning mushrooms at home. During the cooling of the jars, the glass lids stick tightly to them - then you can remove the clamps and put the canned food in storage. The lids are held on the cans because a rarefied space (vacuum) is formed in the cans. To open such a jar, use a knife to slightly press the rubber ring inward on one side (or, if the ring has a tongue, pull it and pull the ring out slightly). Then the air from the outside will get into the jar - and the lid will open by itself.

Jars with glass lids are the most convenient for home canning: no tools (other than a spring) are required to seal and open them.

Canning mushrooms for the winter at home in jars with tin lids

To preserve mushrooms for the winter in glass jars with tin lids, they are first filled in the same way as described above. Then the jars are only covered with tin lids, and not rolled up and placed for sterilization in a pan with heated water (on a wooden lattice circle or a piece of cloth), but in such a way that the water after installing all the jars does not reach the lids by 1.5-2 cm.

After that, the jars continue to heat until the water begins to boil in the pan and withstand the prescribed number of minutes at a moderate temperature.

At the end of sterilization, the jars are carefully removed from the pan, without opening their lids (for this, it is better to use special devices so as not to burn yourself). The removed jars are placed on the table and immediately sealed with lids using a seaming machine.

The sealed jars are left to cool upside down, with the lids down. This is done in order to additionally sterilize the lids with the hot contents of the jars. In addition, if the seaming was done incorrectly, a leak will immediately be detected in an inverted can.

Thus, in glass jars with tin lids, canned food is first sterilized, and then the jars are corked. If you first cork the jars, and then put them in a pot of water and heat it to a boil, then from the expansion of air and vapors, high blood pressure, as a result of which the lids will be torn off the cans, that is, all the work done will be nullified, and the products will be spoiled.

Preparation of salted mushrooms: salting in an oak tub

Salting mushrooms at home is a whole science. This process was described in detail by a great connoisseur of Russian nature, the writer V. Soloukhin in the book "Gifts of Nature", observing the process of salting mushrooms by Pavel Ivanovich Kositsyn, who worked for many years as a forester.

Before salting mushrooms for the winter, the oak tub must be thoroughly washed. Put juniper branches in it, and scald these branches with boiling water so that their spirit soaks the wood of the tub. She is then covered with a quilt to keep the juniper vapor from escaping. Lifting the blanket, they throw a very hot stone into the tub. The water sizzles and purrs under the covers, and a fresh juniper scent is absorbed into the tub. However, the matter concerns not only the juniper aroma, without which, probably, one could do without. But in this way disinfection is carried out, and this is a guarantee that the mushrooms will not turn sour in winter and will not start to mold.

So, the oak tub for salting mushrooms is ready, now mushrooms or other gifts of the forest must be carefully wiped with a rag from the ground and debris. Lay dry mushrooms in rows and layers so that each layer is half a quarter thick. Laid mushrooms are sprinkled with seasonings: dill, currant leaves, horseradish leaves, oak leaves, cherry leaves. Of course, you can put cumin, and in general everything that can give its own special taste. So, when harvesting salted mushrooms, layer by layer is laid until the tub is filled.

On top of the mushrooms, you need to put a bag of gauze filled with salt, spread it evenly over the entire surface. Put a wooden, cleanly washed circle on this bag, and oppression on the circle, most often an ordinary river stone. After a while, the circle and the stone will begin to sink, and abundant mushroom juice will come out on top of them, which Pavel Ivanovich recommends scooping out from time to time.

After two months, mushrooms can be eaten. So what does "you can eat" mean? With home-salted mushrooms, they can be eaten the next day. But in two months, the gifts of the forest will be salted, they will take on all possible shades of aroma and taste and become what the culinary specialist wanted to see them.

Needless to say, mushrooms salted in this way are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, especially in winter, and with hot boiled potatoes! Almost all types of agaric mushrooms can be salted.

Some also salt porcini mushrooms, but it’s better not to do this, because each mushroom has its own purpose.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter at home: salting in jars and barrels

How else can you pickle mushrooms at home to make an excellent preparation for the winter?

Generally, the most commonly used cold way salting, that is, without preliminary heat treatment of mushrooms. Salting mushrooms in this way is not at all difficult.

Oak barrels, glass and clay jars with a wide mouth are suitable as containers for pickling mushrooms.

Before pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars or barrels, first of all, mushrooms prepared for pickling (washed and peeled) must be soaked in cold, slightly salted water so that there is no bitterness left in them. For soaking any mushrooms, two to five days is enough. It all depends on their type. So, mushrooms are not soaked at all, and valui and milk mushrooms need to be kept in water for 3-5 days. And yet, do not forget to change the water three times a day during soaking before salting the mushrooms in a barrel.

Salting 10 kg of mushrooms requires approximately 250-300 g of salt, 2-3 g of allspice, bay leaf (if desired, you can put garlic, currant leaves, cloves, dill and other spices to your taste in the mushrooms).

Place the mushrooms in the bowl with the caps down. Each layer (5-7 cm) is sprinkled with salt.

Spices are usually placed on the bottom of the container and on top of the mushrooms, but can also be put between each layer, especially when it comes to dill, leaves of fruit trees and shrubs.

Mushrooms laid in this way are covered with a wooden lid on top, on which oppression is placed.

Usually, after a day or two, the brine appears abundantly. The excess must be drained. This is done until the mushrooms finally settle. The absence of brine indicates that it is necessary to increase oppression.

With this method of salting, mushrooms can be eaten after 2-3 days, milk mushrooms - after a month, waves - after one and a half, and valui - after 2 months.

Store salted mushrooms in a cool place at temperatures up to +8 C, but not lower than 0 °C.

For 1 kg of mushrooms take 1/3 cup of water, 2/3 cup table vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf and other spices to taste.

Pour water, vinegar, salt into an enameled pan. After the water boils, put the prepared (washed and peeled) mushrooms and again, bringing them to a boil, cook them over low heat for 10 to 30 minutes. Cooking time depends on the density of mushroom pulp.

When cooking, abundant foam accumulates in the pan. It should be removed periodically. When the release of foam stops, and the mushrooms begin to settle to the bottom of the pan, boiling ends. Shortly before the end of cooking, salt and spices are added to the marinade.

Ready mushrooms are quickly cooled, put in jars and pour cooled marinade to the top. A properly brewed marinade is usually translucent, clean, and slightly stringy.

Pickled butternuts are especially good.

Least of all, boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms are suitable for pickling, since when cooking, their hats boil soft, which makes the marinade clogged and cloudy.

How to dry mushrooms at home

The easiest way to harvest mushrooms is drying: moreover, any mushrooms can be dried, but they prefer strong mushrooms (porcini mushrooms), boletus and boletus, butter, morels and lines. Agaric mushrooms are the least suitable for drying, since the milky juice they contain gives them a bitter taste. By the way, when buying these mushrooms on the market, you need to be very careful - when dried, they are very difficult to distinguish from poisonous ones.

How to properly dry mushrooms so that they do not lose their taste?

Before drying the mushrooms at home, you do not need to wash them, you only need to clean the gifts of the forest from the earth and litter. The legs are cut at a distance of 1.2-2 cm from the cap. Before drying the mushrooms, they must be dried for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 40-50 ᵒС.

In a hot sunny summer, mushrooms are best dried in the sun. To do this, they are strung on strong threads and hung so that the mushrooms do not touch.

Dried mushrooms are highly hygroscopic, so they must be stored in dry, ventilated places. In cooking, dried mushrooms can hardly be overestimated. Some 2-3 fungi added to meat or fish dishes, sauce or porridge can make this dish fragrant and very tasty. With only 1 kilogram dried mushrooms, you can treat your loved ones with the most delicious dishes for a whole year.

Mushroom blanks will decorate any table. There are many ways to prepare. This includes drying, pickling, freezing, salting, as well as the preparation of various canned food with mushrooms.

Drying mushrooms is considered the most popular preparation. This method allows you to save not only nutrients, but also a unique aroma. Undoubtedly, the boletus is considered the king of mushrooms ( porcini). Its second name is not accidental - this mushroom does not darken during drying, unlike all other types of mushrooms. You can also dry boletus, boletus, boletus. Before drying, mushrooms should be carefully sorted out, because. only strong intact mushrooms are suitable for this. They need to be thoroughly cleaned of leaves and sand, if necessary, you can wipe them with a damp cloth, but do not wash. If the mushrooms are medium-sized, they can be dried whole. It is better to cut large mushrooms: separate the legs from the caps, cut the large caps into several pieces. Drying in the oven should begin at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. It should be remembered that the oven door must not be tightly closed. As soon as the mushrooms wilt, the temperature can be increased to 70 degrees. It is very good to dry mushrooms in a special device - an electric dryer. It has a temperature regulator and a fan, thanks to which the mushrooms dry evenly and do not burn. To fragrance in dried mushrooms preserved, they must be stored properly. It is best to put them in linen bags or in glass jars with lids. Mushrooms prepared in this way should be consumed within a year.

No less popular is such a method of harvesting mushrooms as salting. As a rule, before pickling, mushrooms are sorted and laid out by type. Each type is salted separately. But sometimes it is allowed to cook assorted mushrooms. Most often, milk mushrooms are salted.

Among other things, mushrooms can be pickled. It is best to take medium-sized mushrooms for this type of workpiece. You can marinate chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, boletus, mushrooms, mushrooms, milk mushrooms. You can harvest each type separately, or you can roll up mushroom platter. Before pouring the marinade over the mushrooms, they need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly and boiled, preferably in an enamel bowl. It is advisable to drain the first water after boiling. Then pour the mushrooms again with water, salt, prepare the marinade, in which the mushrooms should be cooked. Then put into prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

Along with the above methods of harvesting mushrooms for future use, freezing is used. Moreover, mushrooms can be frozen fresh, or you can pre-boil or fry.
If you freeze fresh mushrooms, then they need to be sorted out, cleaned of debris and sand and rinsed quickly. Precisely quickly, so that the mushrooms are not saturated with water. Then lay them out on a towel or paper towel to dry a little. If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be cut into pieces, small mushrooms can be frozen whole. After the mushrooms dry a little, they need to be laid in one layer on a pallet or baking sheet and put in the freezer. Once the mushrooms are frozen, divide them into portions and place them in bags or containers.

Can be frozen boiled mushrooms. Moreover, they need to be boiled in salted water until tender. Then drain in a colander and let cool completely. Then portion it into bags and freeze. When using frozen boiled mushrooms, you do not have to completely defrost them. They can be immediately laid out in a pan or thrown into boiling water.

can be frozen and fried mushrooms. The main thing is to fry them well (until cooked). True, the shelf life of such mushrooms is short - a maximum of three months.

Mushrooms can be dried, salted, pickled or simply frozen in order to pamper yourself and your loved ones with tasty and healthy mushroom dishes all winter.

Drying mushrooms

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Harvested mushrooms deteriorate very quickly, so no later than 4-5 hours later they must be used for cooking or harvesting for future use.

More than others, noble mushrooms are suitable for drying - porcini, boletus, boletus, goats, mossiness mushrooms, butterflies. Although you can dry and mushrooms.

Before drying, the mushrooms are not washed, but wiped with a dry cloth. Large specimens are cut into pieces, the rest are dried whole.

On hot days, you can dry the mushrooms in the sun - for this they are strung on a thread and hung on the street. From flies, mushrooms are covered with gauze.

At home, mushrooms are dried in an oven at a temperature of 70-80 degrees and the door is open to provide fresh air and remove moisture released from the mushrooms.

Mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Drying mushrooms takes about 5 hours, during which time the mushrooms will have to be turned over more than once.

Mushrooms dried in this way are stored in a dry place, in glass jars or linen bags, separately from products with a pungent odor.

Cold salted mushrooms

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In this way, milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula and mushrooms are salted. The first trinity must first be soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours so that bitterness comes out, and mushrooms - just rinse. Large mushrooms are cut into pieces.

After that, the prepared mushrooms are stacked in rows in barrels or glass jars and sprinkled with salt. Proportion: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 50 g of salt. Then the mushrooms are covered from above with a circle that easily enters the container, and are put under pressure. When the mushrooms settle, you can add new ones to the barrel (or jar) to fill the dishes.

After 5-6 days, you should check the amount of brine: if it is not enough, you need to increase the load. The first sample of mushrooms can be removed in a month and a half.

Hot salted mushrooms

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The most familiar type of salting for us, which can be subjected to any mushrooms - both noble and not so. Someone loves salted mushrooms, and someone cannot live without the most tender pigs. Each type of mushroom is salted separately. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed under running water cold water, cut if necessary.

For 1 kg of mushrooms, pour half a glass of water into the pan, put 2 tbsp. salt and put on fire. When the water boils, add the mushrooms. While the mushrooms are cooking, they need to be stirred from time to time so that they do not burn. When the water boils, you should remove the foam and put the spices: 1 bay leaf, 3 peppercorns, 3 pcs. cloves, 5 g dill, 2 blackcurrant leaves. From the moment of boiling, the mushrooms are cooked with stirring from 15 to 30 minutes. Ready mushrooms will begin to settle to the bottom, and the brine will become transparent.

Boiled mushrooms should be transferred to a wide ceramic dish and cool quickly. Then the mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars and closed with lids. Salted mushrooms can be eaten after 40-45 days.

Marinating mushrooms

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An ideal way to harvest autumn mushrooms, although porcini mushrooms, boletus, butter, and even russula are also pickled.

Each species is pickled separately, in addition, mushrooms are also sorted by size.

As in previous cases, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed, leaned back in a colander and, if necessary, cut.

Then water is poured into the pan, vinegar and salt are added. When the water boils, mushrooms are laid. They are cooked in the same way as during salting - with the removal of foam, laying spices and stirring. After 20-25 minutes, when the mushrooms settle to the bottom, they are removed from the fire, cooled and laid out in jars.

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