Home Kashi Pie in a frying pan with raw potatoes. A step-by-step recipe for making Moldovan pies with a photo. How to cook pies with potatoes

Pie in a frying pan with raw potatoes. A step-by-step recipe for making Moldovan pies with a photo. How to cook pies with potatoes

Placinda is one of the most popular dishes of Moldovan cuisine, it is a flat round or square pie.

There are several test options: on yeast, on water or on kefir. The filling for placindas can be sweet, using apples or pumpkin, or it can be salty: raw potatoes, cabbage, onions with eggs, cottage cheese, boiled potatoes with fried onions, cheese. The pies are fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

I propose to cook Moldovan pies with potatoes in a pan.

Pour salt into water, stir until dissolved, add vegetable oil.

Sift the flour, make a well and pour in the water, salt and oil.

Knead plastic dough, the amount of flour can be more or less (depending on the brand of flour). Cover the dough with a towel and let it rest for half an hour.

Let's cook potato filling. To do this, peel the potato tubers, rinse with water and cut into very thin plastics. I used a potato peeler for this. Add pepper and vegetable oil to the potatoes, mix.

Divide the rested dough into 3 parts. Roll out each part of the cake as thin as possible. Put the filling (50-70 g) in the center of the cake, salt.

Wrap 2 opposite ends, pinch.

We wrap the other 2 ends with an overlap.

Then, slightly pulling each corner, we will connect them in the center.

On top of the cake, carefully walk with a rolling pin, making it thinner.

frying pan with vegetable oil reheat well, put the cake seam down, reduce the fire to a minimum. Cover the pan with a lid and fry for 5-7 minutes on each side.

Moldavian pies with potatoes are ready.


a traditional dish Moldovan cuisine. It is prepared in the form of a pie, more like a flatbread. It is round or square.

The filling for pies is not necessarily always potato. There are several recipes for this dish with cheese, cottage cheese, cabbage, meat, pumpkin or apple fillings. Sometimes several types of filling are combined with each other, but the taste can be very specific, so experiment without fanaticism.

Classical plinths are rightly considered calling card Moldova. In this country, the tradition is still preserved to bake these wonderful pies on Sundays and treat them to guests in combination with wine. Moreover, it is interesting that each housewife prepares this dish in her own way, using special secrets that are passed down from generation to generation.

Such a treat, like pies, is prepared both as a dessert, and as an appetizer, and as a main course. In the process of cooking, the dough is pinched in a rather interesting way, thanks to which it is already ready-made pies have a peculiar pattern on the front side.

To cook Moldovan potato placinta at home, you will not need much time. Therefore, this dish is ideal if your guests have turned up unannounced. Anything you need - required list products that are used in cooking, and our recipe with step by step photos. And we guarantee you that your pies with potatoes will conquer even the most notorious gourmet.


  • (550 g)

  • (400 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (100 g)

  • (100 ml)

Cooking steps

    First, choose a convenient wide bowl, then sift the flour into it, make a small hole in the center and pour in the water. Salt and start kneading. You need to knead for several minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous. After that, it is necessary to roll a ball out of the dough, cover it with a towel and let it brew for about 10 minutes.

    After the above time has passed, take the dough and divide it into 6-8 equal parts, each of which, in turn, turn into a ball. Cover the resulting balls again with a towel and let stand also for 10 minutes.

    While the dough is resting, we can make the filling. Take a raw potato, peel it and cut into cubes as small as possible.

    In the same bowl where you cut the potatoes, chop the onion. Also very small.

    Pour finely chopped greens there, salt and mix the filling thoroughly.

    Now take the dough, roll each of the balls into a thin cake in turn. Then put 1-2 tablespoons of filling in the center of the cake and start wrapping the dough as shown in the picture. If it does not stick well, you can moisten the dough with water.

    Pour the oil into a frying pan and preheat it over low heat. Then you can lay cakes on it one by one, seam down. Cover and fry for about 7 minutes. Watch the platinum when it turns golden brown - one side is ready.

    Turn the patty over and fry the other side for the same amount of time as the first. Also cover with a lid.

    When the pies with potatoes are ready, arrange them on a plate and you can serve.

    Bon appetit!

step by step recipe with photo

Placindas or placintas belong to the national Moldavian pies, which are prepared with the most different fillings: cheese, cabbage, pumpkin, boiled and raw potatoes, meat.

The dough for placindas is usually made thin, drawn out, but there are options with yeast and puff pastry.


For test:

  • 300 g of the best flour
  • 150 ml warm water
  • salt to taste
  • olive or any oil 5 tablespoons
  • boiled potatoes
  • garden greens: parsley, dill, onion 30 g
  • butter 30 g


1. In the flour sifted through a sieve, put salt, pour in water, oil, knead the dough. Ready dough cover with cling film or a plate, leave for one hour.

2. Boil potatoes, drain the water, mash with a crush, put oil and herbs.

3. Divide the dough into five to six parts, and roll out thin cakes. The thinner the dough is rolled out, the tastier the pies will be.

4. From the edge of the cakes to the center, make several cuts.

Put the filling in the middle.

Wrapping the “petals” of the dough towards the center, cover the filling with them.

Form a round thin cake with your hands or a rolling pin.

5. Fry the pies in a frying pan, in a small amount of oil.

Serve placinda stuffed with potatoes with sour cream, fermented milk drinks.

Note to the owner

1. Ruddy crispy pies - a kind of cakes with filling, part of the traditional Moldavian cuisine. They are somewhat reminiscent of chebureks, only the pastry petals superimposed on top of each other create the effect of a layer cake. The presented dough recipe is an adaptation of the so-called exhaust, so the rolled layer should be as thin as possible. This cannot be achieved without the use of quality flour from durum varieties wheat, thorough kneading and proofing the dough. Thus, the properties of flour gluten, the main “building material” of high-quality baking, are activated.

To make the filling “play”, a little sugar must be added to the dough.

2. simple stuffing boiled potatoes can be made unsurpassedly tasty if you add a bay leaf and a few peas of allspice to the water. AT mashed potatoes, in addition to greens, you can add garlic, small pieces of lard, smoked sausage, grind boiled liver in a meat grinder.

3. The share of the filling should be approximately equal to the share of the dough: a large amount of filling will make it difficult to roll out. If there is not enough filling, the cake will be bland. It is best complemented by fresh kefir.

Wheat flour 550 g
Potatoes 400 g
Onion 1 pc.
Salt 1 tsp, Vegetable oil 100 ml, Parsley 10 g

For the dough, sift the flour into a wide bowl, make a well in the center, add salt and pour in water (about 300 ml, depending on the flour). Knead a fairly stiff smooth dough. Knead it for a few minutes, then make a ball, cover with a towel and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.
From the dough, make 6-8 identical balls (about 130-140 g each. Use flour for dusting, if necessary. Cover the balls again with a towel and leave for 10 minutes.
While the dough is rising, make the filling. Peel the potatoes and cut into very small cubes.
Add finely chopped onion.
Finely chopped greens are also added to the filling, salt.
Roll out the dough balls alternately in a thin layer, put the filling (1-2 tablespoons) in the center and fold as shown in the picture. To make the dough stick together better, you can slightly moisten it with water.
Put the prepared cakes in a preheated pan with oil (the fire should be small) with the seam down. Cook covered for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.
Then turn over and fry on the other side also on low heat and under the lid so that the filling has time to cook. Serve warm.

Placindas (Plechinte, Placinta) - round Moldovan cakes with filling, you can cook with almost anything. raw potatoes with onions and herbs occupy one of the first places in popularity as a filler for pies.

You will need

Pie with potatoes (stage 1)

For the dough, sift the flour into a wide bowl, make a well in the center, add salt and pour in water (about 300 ml, depending on the flour). Knead a fairly stiff smooth dough. Knead it for a few minutes, then make a ball, cover with a towel and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

Pie with potatoes (stage 2)

While the dough is rising, make the filling. Peel the potatoes and cut into very small cubes.

Pie with potatoes (stage 4)

Finely chopped greens are also added to the filling, salt.

Pie with potatoes (stage 6)

Roll out the dough balls alternately in a thin layer, put the filling (1-2 tablespoons) in the center and fold as shown in the picture. To make the dough stick together better, you can slightly moisten it with water.

Pie with potatoes (stage 7)

Put the prepared cakes in a preheated pan with oil (the fire should be small) with the seam down. Cook covered for 5-7 minutes until golden brown.

Pie with potatoes (stage 8)

Then turn over and fry on the other side also on low heat and under the lid so that the filling has time to cook. Serve warm.

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