Home Product Ratings Homemade pizza. Delicious pizza base - cooking recipe What can be prepared from a pizza base

Homemade pizza. Delicious pizza base - cooking recipe What can be prepared from a pizza base

Hot pizza in the morning cheese crust will please a husband who has come out of the shower (you just need to know the recipe quick test for pizza - and now you, as the most skilled sorceress, are ready to conjure a delicious breakfast!). At lunch, colleagues will delight in a hearty Marinara or a classic Margarita, which you will share with everyone who works with you in the same office ( homemade pizza on a thick fluffy dough and after warming up in microwave oven tastes great!) In the evening, the family will appreciate pizza on the most ordinary yeast dough - with a glass of tart red wine, a light French comedy and a warm homely atmosphere.

A party for friends, a children's birthday, a business lunch during a break between trainings, a meeting with friends, a picnic in nature - pizza is appropriate everywhere, desired everywhere and needed everywhere.

Surely you have your own proven pizza dough recipe that you use year after year: it does not let you down, suits you completely and does not force you to go online before every dinner to find something suitable. Of course, in this case, you are unlikely to be interested in any other option - and yet ... do not pass by! New recipe is always a chance to gain useful experience and write down an even more successful way of preparing a familiar dish in your personal cookbook.

Not many realize that the secret of a delicious pizza lies in a good dough. You can experiment with fillings for a long time, you can replace some components with others, endlessly select the perfect tomato sauce, buy only the best cheeses, but if the base is not tasty, you will never get a delicious pizza.

Let's talk pizza dough, shall we?

The most common yeast dough for thin pizza

A classic of the genre, which in one interpretation or another is presented in all textbooks on Italian cuisine, which is used by chefs in eminent restaurants and which is most often resorted to in standard recipes. Pizza is a folk and simple food, and therefore should not be prepared technically difficult or problematic. What's more, it doesn't include ingredients that are hard to find, cost a lot of money, and can't be bought at the corner store. Basic components of a simple yeast dough for pizza - water, yeast, flour, salt and a little vegetable oil. Everything else is from the evil one.


175 g flour;
125 ml of water;
1 tsp yeast;
1/4 tsp salt;
1 st. l. vegetable oil.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add salt, oil. Gradually adding flour, knead soft, not sticky, elastic dough. After the dough is ready, do not be too lazy to knead it on the table additionally by adding one or two tablespoons of flour: yeast dough loves affection, and three “bonus” minutes of attention that you give it will only improve the quality of the finished dish.

Cover bowl with a tea towel and set aside in a warm place until doubled in size. After that, the dough can be kneaded and start molding the pizza.

The most common yeast dough for lush pizza

First secret good pizza on a lush basis - the dough for preparing this option is rolled out a little thicker than for a thin one. The second secret is slightly different proportions of flour-water.


225 ml of water;
300 g flour;
1 tsp yeast;
1/3 tsp salt;
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Pour dry yeast with warm water and wait until they start to “play”. After that, add salt, add vegetable oil (olive - ideal, sunflower - acceptable). Gradually adding flour, knead a smooth, pleasant, not sticky dough. We leave it in a bowl covered with a towel for 1-1.5 hours before rising (the time depends on the air temperature in the room and the quality of the products). After doubling the dough, we cheat and proceed to collect the pizza.

Pizza dough without yeast

Many housewives, for one reason or another, are looking for good recipe yeast-free dough for pizza. Some do not perceive yeast as a healthy food at all, this product is contraindicated for others, and still others simply do not have enough patience and time to wait for the yeast dough to rise. Exit - dough without yeast. Crispy, dry, thin and very tasty.


2 cups of flour;
0.5 cups of milk;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 tsp soda;
2 eggs;
3 art. l. vegetable oil.

Mix flour, salt and soda. In a separate bowl, stir milk, eggs and butter. Pour two-thirds of the flour into the liquid mass, stir with a spoon until a homogeneous sticky substance. We put the spoon aside, grease our hands with vegetable oil and, gradually adding the remaining flour, begin to knead. Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes - you should get a smooth, shiny, even lump, very pleasant to the touch. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for 15 minutes. After that, you can work with the test.

Kefir pizza dough recipe

Kefir dough is loved by those who prefer quick options cooking pizza - no need to knead for a long time, no need to wait for the rise and proofing. Another significant plus of kefir dough is the banal disposal of leftovers: it often happens that a glass of kefir remains in the package, which no one wants to drink. The expiration date is about to expire, and a new portion was bought on the way home fermented milk products. Throwing away the leftovers just like that - the hand does not rise, which means that you need to come up with something that will allow you to use them without forcing your family to drink kefir that has stood in the refrigerator for several days. The way out is kefir dough for pizza, classic or, for example, as non-standard as.


1 glass of kefir;
2.5 cups flour;
10 ml of vegetable oil;
1 egg;
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda.

Mix flour, salt and soda.

In a separate bowl, mix vegetable oil, kefir and egg.

Gradually pour the dry mixture into the liquid mass and stir until a homogeneous sticky dough is obtained. You can’t knead it for a very long time - you will “drive out” all the air, and the dough will turn out to be “clogged” and tough. After all the ingredients are mixed, with your hands dipped in vegetable oil, spread the dough into a well-oiled form and spread evenly. Then you can work with the filling.

Pizza dough with sour cream

Perhaps, among all non-canonical pizza dough options, this one is the most interesting, tasty and convenient. Quite quickly (10 minutes maximum) and with minimal labor (measured, mixed, received), you have a wonderful pizza base ready - tasty, tender, not dry and not hard. Great option! Of course, a real pizzaiolo will most likely just faint if you show him an indistinct mass without yeast, which we will call sour cream pizza dough. We will not irritate him - we will agree that officially cooking masterpiece on liquid sour cream dough We'll call it an open pie, but among ourselves we'll still call it pizza. Homemade and extremely tasty.


1/2 cup sour cream;
1 egg;
1/2 tsp soda;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 cup flour.

Mix sour cream with egg, add salt and soda. Pour in the flour and knead with a few sharp movements a homogeneous lumpy dough. We spread it in a well-greased form, level it with a spoon. You can work with stuffing.

Cottage cheese pizza dough

Soft, with a pleasant creamy aftertaste, tender and does not dry out for a long time. This is the dough that should be prepared for two large pizzas at once, because on the second day, and even on the third, it remains tasty and appetizing.


250 g of cottage cheese;
1 egg;
50 g butter;
1/2 tsp salt;
1/2 tsp soda;
1.5 cups flour.

Grind cottage cheese with an egg, add soda, salt and softened butter. Gradually adding flour, knead soft dough. It may slightly stick to your hands - try to limit yourself to the specified amount of flour so as not to “hammer” the dough and make it tough. To spread the dough on a baking sheet, line it with baking paper, lightly grease with vegetable oil and place a ball of dough in the middle. With wet hands, stretch the dough in all directions, achieving an even layer. Next, you can spread the filling.

Yeast puff pastry for pizza

And this is the most time-consuming of all the above pizza dough recipes. Obviously, no one will cook this every day, but sometimes you can treat yourself to a wonderful puff pastry with yeast - it is soft, and crispy, and tender, and solid at the same time.


200 g butter;
3 cups flour;
7 g yeast;
1/2 tsp salt;
3/4 cup liquid;
1 egg;
3 tsp Sahara.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add sugar and yeast.

Quickly rub the ice cream butter into flour on a coarse grater, mix just as quickly until crumbs are obtained.

After the yeast starts to “play”, add the egg, stir well and pour into the flour mass. We stir without fanaticism, if necessary, add another spoon or two of flour, collect the dough into a ball and, covering the bowl with cling film, hide the dough in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. After that, the dough can be taken out and cut.

Beer pizza dough


1/2 glass of beer;
125 g butter (half a pack);
1/3 tsp salt;
1/3 tsp soda;
1.5-2 cups of flour.

Mix beer with melted butter, add salt and soda. We mix in the flour - you should get a soft, not sticky dough, very pleasant and tender. We roll it into a thin layer or stretch it with our hands and fill it with stuffing.

Pizza from ready dough

An option for the lazy, busy, in a hurry and who hate to "play" with the dough, but who love to eat deliciously - pizza on the purchased puff pastry, fresh or yeast. Defrost, put on a baking sheet, distribute the filling and put in the oven - that's all. It cannot be said that with such manipulations you will get a culinary masterpiece, however, the fact that dinner will be much tastier than a store-bought semi-finished product can be said with full confidence.

5 Cooking Tips delicious dough for pizza:

  1. It seems to many that the unfortunate half a spoonful of salt in the dough is not felt at all and is not felt, so you can just forget about them. Blasphemous mistake! Salt balances the taste of the dough, enhances what needs to be strengthened, so in no case should you count on the fact that the salinity of the finished dish will even out with the help of the filling and ignore the addition of salt to the dough.
  1. Having stuffed your hand and trained, proceed to aerobatics - do not roll out the dough with a rolling pin, but gently stretch it with your hands. Pizzaiolo shows that prepare treats for you by beautifully tossing dough in the air are not only part of the cooking show. It is also a completely justified way of cooking. perfect pizza: it does not tear delicate yeast fibers, provides a soft and pleasant dough structure.
  1. A common mistake that a generous Slavic soul makes when preparing pizza is a thick, thick layer of toppings. We conscientiously forget that we are not preparing open pie, namely pizza, and we strive to impose more toppings, believing that, since we are preparing for ourselves, there is nothing to be greedy. However, the reality turns out to be different - and the pizza does not come out quite the way it should turn out. Ideal option: ready dish both the filling and the amazingly tasty base must be felt. Do not forget about this, laying out the next time meat, tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, cheese and other delicacies on the dough.
  1. Bake pizza only at high temperatures - a real Italian delicacy is cooked in a wood-fired oven that provides a dry and very good heat. To get closer to a similar picture at home, set the temperature control in your oven to at least 220 degrees.
  1. For the same reason as described above, it is worth spreading the dough not on a cold metal sheet, but on a well-heated surface. To do this, hold the baking sheet in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes, and only then transfer the dough onto it.

Good luck with your experiments and delicious pizza!

The theme of pizza is inexhaustible - you can talk and write about it for hours, because the number of recipes is just off scale. Fillings are easier to deal with. There are, as they say, classics of the genre - Margarita, Marinara, Napoli and some others. And everything else is an innumerable number of all kinds of variations that each housewife comes up with based on her preferences, creative imagination and, of course, what is in the refrigerator. But the preparation of the base for pizza is a stumbling block, the subject of heated debate on culinary forums: how to cook, from what flour, with what yeast, etc.

It is understandable - how many people, so many opinions. Someone likes to cook a thin, crispy base, while someone gives a recipe that is exceptionally fluffy and soft. Convincing that this recipe is good, and that one is so-so, is a pointless exercise. You don't like it, and your neighbor is crazy about this particular foundation, which you rejected.

In our article, we offer pizza base recipes - good and different. And we do this with one goal: so that everyone can choose their only pizza base, which will become a favorite and be written in the piggy bank of the most cherished recipes. A recipe by which you will cook pizza for your family and friends, improving your skills.

And first, let's share some general considerations regarding the preparation of this wonderful Italian dish.

Little Tricks for Piezzollo Beginners

Making delicious pizza depends on a number of factors. Yeast plays a very important role. real Italian pizza It is customary to cook with fresh yeast. But what if you didn't have them? Fresh yeast is a perishable product, so you should not buy it for future use. But good dry yeast (the key word is good) should always be at hand. With them, you can also cook a completely Italian cake. There is currently a large selection of these products on the market, choose your yeast and success will not be long in coming.

Now let's talk about flour. Making a good base requires quality flour. The most suitable is the so-called bread flour, its main difference is a large percentage of protein (gluten) - over 12 percent.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to prepare the dough in advance. How to be? In this case, you need to prepare the dough in accordance with the recipe, and then send it to the refrigerator. There it will rise, but very slowly, because it needs heat to rise quickly. After taking the dough for the base out of the refrigerator, punch it down and let it rise again already at room temperature. The pizza base is ready to bake.

And if the prepared dough turned out to be too much, it can be rolled out to the desired size and sent to the freezer. There, the pizza base can be stored for about 3 months.

Let's move on to recipes.

Base for thin pizza

  • about 200 grams of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • a tablespoon of dry yeast
  • half a glass of warm water
  • tablespoon olive oil

Prepare all the ingredients so that they are at hand. Mix flour, yeast and salt, add water and olive oil and knead the dough. Brush it with olive oil and leave it in a warm place to rise - this will take about 40 minutes.

Puffy pizza base

  • 300 grams of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • sachet of dry yeast
  • 250 grams of warm water
Cooking recipe: see above

Basic pizza base

  • 400 grams of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 25 grams fresh yeast(or 10 grams dry)
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • glass of warm water

Dissolve yeast in a small amount of warm water. Mix the sifted flour with salt and yeast (if dry ones are used), pour in water and olive oil. Knead the dough and leave in a warm place to rise.

Honey pizza base

  • 3 cups flour
  • sachet of dry yeast
  • glass of warm water
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • a teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Dissolve honey and yeast in half a glass of warm water. Sift flour and add salt, yeast mixture, remaining water and olive oil. Knead the dough. It should become smooth, elastic and lag behind the hands. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
Divide the risen dough into four parts (this amount will make 4 thin pizza). Roll into 4 balls and leave to rise for 15-20 minutes. The base is ready to bake.

Crispy pizza base

  • 350 grams of flour
  • 250 ml warm water
  • a tablespoon of dry yeast
  • a teaspoon of sugar
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • a pinch of salt

Dissolve yeast and sugar in water. Mix the sifted flour with salt, make a well and pour in water with yeast and olive oil. Knead the dough and put in a warm place to rise. Knead the risen dough and divide into two parts - you get two medium-sized pizza bases.

The basis for pizza dough

  • 400 grams of flour
  • 200 ml warm water
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • sachet of dry yeast
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • a teaspoon of salt

Dissolve the yeast in water, add sugar, a spoonful of flour and leave for 20-30 minutes to make the yeast work.
Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well and gradually pour in the yeast mixture. Knead the dough by adding olive oil. The dough should be soft enough. Leave to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes. Punch down the risen dough, divide into two parts and beat each. The pizza base is ready.

Sea salt pizza base

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 250 ml water
  • sachet of dry yeast
  • tea spoon sea ​​salt
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

Mix the sifted flour with salt, sugar and yeast, make a well and pour in warm water, add butter and replace the dough. Knead until it becomes elastic. Leave in a warm place to rise.
And now let's try to cook a pizza base not quite in the traditional format.

The basis for pizza on kefir

  • a glass of yogurt
  • 1.5-2 cups flour
  • a teaspoon of baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Prepare a mixture of kefir, salt and olive oil. Beat everything lightly so that the liquid acquires a uniform consistency. Sift flour into a bowl, add kefir and knead the dough. It should become smooth and elastic.

Egg pizza base

  • 500 grams of flour
  • a pack of margarine for baking
  • 100 grams of sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • a teaspoon of baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Preparing the dough is easy. Sift flour and mix with sugar, add chilled margarine cut into pieces and chop everything into crumbs. Pour in sour cream mixed with egg and salt and knead the dough. Wrap in foil or cling film and store in the refrigerator, using as needed.

Milk pizza base

  • 400 grams of flour
  • 100 grams of chilled butter
  • Half glass of warm milk
  • 20 grams fresh yeast (or sachet dry)
  • A tablespoon of sugar A pinch of salt

It is necessary to prepare the yeast mixture: dissolve the yeast in a small amount of milk, add sugar and a spoonful of flour. Leave in a warm place for the mixture to ferment.
Pour yeast into the sifted flour, add salt and butter and knead the dough, which should be beaten well. The base is ready to bake.

Spicy pizza base

  • 600 grams of flour
  • 300 ml water
  • 20 grams fresh yeast
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 3-4 tablespoons spicy tomato sauce
  • a pinch of salt

From yeast, sugar, two tablespoons of flour and one hundred milliliters of water, prepare a dough. Leave in a warm place to ferment.
Mix 100 ml of warm water with olive oil and tomato sauce, beat lightly.
Pour the dough, tomato-butter mixture into the sifted flour and start kneading the dough. If there is little liquid, add water in small portions.
Leave the dough in a warm place to rise.

mayonnaise pizza base

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 1 egg
  • a glass of yogurt
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise
  • a tablespoon of sour cream
  • a teaspoon of baking powder or soda quenched with vinegar
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • a pinch of salt

This dough should be prepared as follows: beat the egg, add mayonnaise, sour cream and beat everything again. Add baking powder (slaked soda), kefir and mix well. Adding flour in small portions, knead the dough. Form it into a ball and leave in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, covered with a damp cloth. Punch down and, dividing into parts, prepare the basis for pizza.

Curd base for pizza

  • 250 grams of flour
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 15 grams fresh yeast
  • half a glass of water
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • a pinch of salt

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water and leave in a warm place to ferment the mixture. Sift flour into a bowl, add cottage cheese, egg and salt, olive oil and yeast mixture. Knead the dough well and let rise.

Yeast-free pizza base

  • a glass of flour
  • a pack of cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • a tablespoon of sugar
  • a pinch of baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Everyone can prepare this dough: grind the cottage cheese, beat in the eggs and mix well. Add all other ingredients and knead soft dough - the base is ready.

Sour cream pizza base

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 50 grams of margarine
  • 1 egg
  • a tablespoon of sour cream
  • sachet of dry yeast
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • tablespoon Italian herbs

Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water and let them ferment. Sift flour, add soft margarine, sour cream, egg, herbs, salt and pepper, yeast solution and prepare the dough. Knead well and leave to rise in a warm place. Punch down and knead again. The dough is ready for baking.

  1. When preparing the base, the Italians do not use a combine or a rolling pin to roll out the dough - everything is done by hand.
  2. When distributing the dough on a baking sheet or in a mold, try to stretch it so that it is slightly thicker at the edge than in the middle - this way you will form a rim.
  3. Pizza is baked at a high temperature, therefore, the process is quite fast. It is very important not to overdo it in the oven, otherwise you will get an inedible cracker instead of a crispy base.
  4. Don't overload your pizza with toppings, especially if it's a thin base.
  5. Before putting the pizza pan in the oven, grease the side with olive oil - you get a beautiful golden color.
  6. The amount of flour given in recipes may vary, it all depends on the quality of the flour, its dryness and many other parameters. Therefore, watch the dough - if it turns out to be watery, then a little more flour should be added during kneading.
  7. Don't put too much salt, it won't let the dough rise properly, a pinch is enough.
Bon Appetit!


A five-minute dish that can be prepared from a set of products in the refrigerator is pizza on a ready-made basis in the oven. The main thing is to buy a cake in advance in the store, and you can always hastily make a hearty and delicious meal.

Purchased blanks are suitable for pizza of any kind. They have many benefits. You don't have to fiddle with the dough and worry about it not turning out the way it should. The factory base is guaranteed to be delicious. Its use will significantly reduce the cooking time and free you from the need to sow flour and wash a mountain of dishes.

In the store you can find blanks of two types. Some are already baked cake. Before spreading the filling on it, it should be sprinkled cold water and place in the preheated oven for a couple of minutes.

The second variety is the frozen base. It needs to be defrosted first. To do this, it is enough to leave the workpiece for 5-10 minutes on the table, and then take it out of the plastic packaging. Transfer the base to a baking sheet greased with oil or lined with parchment paper or foil (you can use a baking dish bakery products) and “conjure” over the filling.

Three delicious topping ideas

Everyone can invent their own toppings for the finished pizza base by adding or removing some ingredients at will. But the preparation of this dish should always begin with the obligatory stage - the cake must be covered with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup (you can use mustard). Then proceed to the main and most interesting stage - the formation of the filling.

Important! To make pizza on a ready-made basis in the oven really tasty, and not overdried and tough, bake it for no longer than 10 minutes!

Recipe one: chicken plus pineapple

Although gourmets say that it should be prepared only on a “home-made” dough, pizza at home on a ready-made basis (an improvisation on the theme of the famous Hawaiian) will turn out just as well. Try it and you will see for yourself!


  • 300-350 g boiled chicken fillet or thighs;
  • a jar of canned pineapples;
  • cheese "Mozzarella" - 50 g, "Parmesan" - 100 g (however, you can replace them with another variety);
  • 2-3 sprigs of basil, a few green onion feathers.


Note: let the pizza sit on the counter for 15 minutes before putting it in the oven.


  • assorted fish - shrimp, squid, mussels, octopus meat;
  • green olives.


  1. If the seafood is raw, then boil them first (according to the instructions). If they are in canned form, then simply cut them into small pieces and put them on a base smeared with sauce.
  2. Cover the seafood with thin slices of cheese.
  3. Arrange the olive halves on top of the cheese layer.

Recipe Three: Only Vegetables in Pizza

If you do not eat meat, this is not a reason to refuse tasty food. Homemade pizza on a ready-made basis can be made with a vegetable filling. It's light, low calorie, and delicious.


  • one eggplant;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • 100 ml of sauce;
  • bell pepper;
  • 2 zucchini;
  • cheese - 150 g.


Tip: Slice vegetables about 5mm thick.

Most often in the home menu there is pizza with sausage on a ready-made basis. The secret of its popularity is simple - it includes ingredients that do not require prior heat treatment. That is, you do not have to boil or fry anything.


  • one cake;
  • boiled or smoked sausage(perfect salami, ham);
  • sausages - 200 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • bulb;
  • greens for decoration, you can - olives;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup - 2 tbsp. l.

On a note! If there were no sausages in the refrigerator, feel free to take boiled meat, fried minced meat.


Tip: Place pizza only in a preheated oven!

Even though pizza is traditional Italian dish, she managed to firmly enter the menu of the Russians. Today, without pizza, it is difficult to imagine a hearty breakfast, a youth party, a quick snack, a picnic in nature or friendly gatherings in a big company. If initially pizza was considered food for the poor, today it is a dish that is eaten with equal pleasure by both ordinary housewives and millionaires.

You can order a ready-made pizza in a cafe or buy it in a supermarket, but there is nothing tastier than homemade pizza made by yourself. Classic Italian pizza has a thin crust and juicy stuffing. The main components of this dish include tomato sauce and cheese, and the remaining components - mushrooms, meat, ham or seafood - are added as desired.

So that the result does not overshadow your expectations, you should remember the basic rules for making authentic Italian pizza. Pizza dough should be prepared in advance so that it has time to rise well. A longer fermentation time helps the dough increase in volume and also makes it taste sweeter. Kneading the dough should not be treated with fanaticism: this should be done only until it reaches the required consistency - it ceases to be sticky and will stretch well. Over kneading the dough can cause the finished pizza to be very brittle.

Before rolling out the dough, let it stand in a warm place so that the dough becomes soft and pliable. Some professionals believe that the pizza base should be partially cooked ahead of time. In this case, it is necessary to lightly bake the rolled dough in the oven, then put the filling on it and bring it to readiness. This is done in order to avoid overcooking the filling and burning the cheese, as the dough takes much longer to cook.

To get the perfect crispy crust, it's best to use high protein bread flour. If your goal is a pizza with a soft, fluffy base, you'll need to add more water to the dough or use less flour. More wet dough will result in a softer crust. In this case, it is better to use flour with a low protein content.

Avoid using expensive ingredients - always use readily available ingredients for the filling, such as ham, minced meat, sausages, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. For more savings, use ingredients you already have in your fridge, like sausage left over from breakfast. The filling ingredients must be fresh. Remember that canned and wet foods tend to make the pizza look raw. To prevent this from happening, try to remove excess water from such products.

Never skimp on the sauce, as it determines the final taste of the pizza and helps to make the topping more juicy. A sauce made from tomato paste, which is almost always at hand, is undoubtedly very quick and convenient, but do not be lazy to prepare a sauce from fresh tomatoes and spices, which can really enrich the taste of pizza. If you have mozzarella cheese good quality, do not "bury" it under other ingredients, but place it on top. Remember that not every filling is suitable for dough of different thicknesses. So, thin crispy dough is best suited for meat and vegetable fillings, while for cooking pizza stuffed with several types of cheese, it is better to use thick crust, which will support the melted cheese mass well.

If you like juicy pizza, you can add some chopped onion to the topping. Pizza should be served as soon as it's cooked, before the cheese has set. Chilled pizza can be reheated in the oven or microwave, but freshly baked pizza is best, as nothing beats the aroma of fresh baked goods. Watch the pizza in the oven from time to time, especially towards the end of the cooking time. She can quickly go from undercooked to overcooked in these last few minutes.

Cutting a pizza with a bad knife can destroy the toppings and make the appetizer unappealing, making the pizza less appealing. In this case, it is best to cut the pizza with special sharp scissors as soon as you take it out of the oven. It is better not to hesitate with this matter, since as the pizza cools, the dough will harden and it will be more difficult to cut it. Thanks to cutting with scissors, the cheese will remain in place, and the filling will not fall apart.

The secret to a delicious homemade pizza is also in the drinks you serve with this appetizer. Be aware that overly sweet, coffee and soda drinks can overpower the pizza. best options in this case will be green tea, mineral water, tomato or Orange juice, dry wines and beer. By following all these simple tips, be sure that all your culinary efforts will not be in vain and will be rewarded with compliments and admiration from loved ones and guests.

The yeast dough recipe for pizza calls for active dry yeast. Make sure the yeast is fresh and the expiration date on the packaging is up to date. You can use all-purpose flour to make the dough, but specialty bread flour contains more gluten than regular flour, making the pizza crust crispy.

1.5 cups warm water
1 pack dry yeast
3.5 cups flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar

Pour the yeast into warm water and leave for 5 minutes to dissolve. Add flour, salt, sugar and oil. Knead the elastic dough with your hands or with a mixer fitted with a dough attachment. If the dough seems too sticky to you, add more flour.
Brush the dough with oil, cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until it doubles in size. It usually takes 1-1.5 hours. You can leave the dough for more time - this will only improve the taste of the pizza. Alternatively, you can preheat the oven to 65 degrees, turn it off and place the bowl of dough in the heated oven, letting the dough rise.

Making pizza dough traditional way using yeast takes some time, during which the dough should increase in volume. Yeast-free dough perfect for pizza when you don't have time to wait for the dough to rise. This dough is prepared very simply, and homemade pizza based on it turns out to be incredibly tasty.

2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup milk
6 tablespoons vegetable oil

In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients until the dough stops sticking to the sides of the bowl. Put the dough on a greased baking sheet and form thick edges that will hold the filling. Add toppings and bake pizza at 220 degrees for about 15 minutes.

The key to great pizza is, of course, delicious dough. While some prefer soft lush base, just as many people love a thin crispy crust. thin dough for pizza means it doesn't need extra time to expand, so it's ready in just a few minutes. The dough prepared according to the recipe below has a crispy crust, but it is quite plastic.

2 cups of flour
3/4 cup warm water
1 teaspoon dry yeast
1.5 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons Italian herbs

Dissolve yeast in water. Add flour, salt, Italian herbs and mix. Put the dough on the table and knead a smooth elastic dough for about 5 minutes. If the dough sticks strongly to your hands and countertop, chewing gum, add additional flour - 1 tablespoon at a time. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a clean kitchen towel while you prepare the filling.
When everything is ready, divide the dough into two parts and form a large disk from each part. The dough should have a thickness of no more than 6 mm. To get a very thin base, the dough must be rolled out with a rolling pin. If the dough starts to shrink back, let it rest for 5 minutes and then continue rolling.
Put the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 220 degrees for 4-5 minutes. Remove the dough from the oven, put the filling and bake for another 6-8 minutes.

Pizza with sausage, cheese and tomatoes - classic recipe familiar to many. If you have practically nothing on hand, except for a piece of sausage, tomatoes and cheese, this recipe will become a real lifesaver for you. Using this recipe as a base, you can create your own version of this wonderful treat by adding mushrooms, olives, Bell pepper or corn.

For test:
1.5 cups flour
2 teaspoons dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
0.5 teaspoon salt
1 glass of warm water
For filling:
5-7 tomatoes
200 g cheese
200 g sausage

Knead the dough by stirring warm water with butter, sugar, salt and yeast and adding flour at the end. Form a ball from the resulting dough, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. When the dough has increased in size, divide it into two parts - you will get two pizza bases with a diameter of 25 cm. Roll out the dough and put it on a baking sheet.
Cut two tomatoes into slices, and chop the rest with a knife or using a blender. If you add a little hot pepper or adjika, tomato sauce will turn out more spicy. Lubricate the dough with the resulting sauce.
Divide the grated cheese into two parts. Sprinkle the base with tomato sauce with one part of the cheese. Put the sliced ​​sausage and slices of tomatoes. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and bake the pizza in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

It is rare to meet a person who refuses homemade pizza, because homemade pizza is always a tasty and original treat every time, the filling in which can be constantly varied depending on preferences and the contents of the refrigerator. We invite you to cook juicy pizza with chicken filling.

Pizza with chicken, tomatoes and ketchup

For test:
2.5-3 cups flour
1 glass of warm water
1 teaspoon dry yeast
50 ml vegetable oil
1 teaspoon sugar
0.5 teaspoon salt
For filling:
200 g boiled chicken fillet
2 tomatoes
1 bell pepper
1 bulb
150 g cheese
2 tablespoons ketchup
greens to taste

Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar and salt. Mix well. Gradually add flour, the amount of which depends on its quality and variety. Knead soft yeast dough. Leave the dough in a warm place until it doubles in size.
Roll out the dough in a thin layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-4 mm. Brush the surface of the dough with ketchup using a spoon or your hands. Put the chicken cut into thin strips, the onion cut into rings, the crushed sweet pepper and the tomatoes cut into circles or cubes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 190-200 degrees for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and lightly browned.

Proper pizza is the perfect combination of dough and filling. The recipe for pizza with mushrooms and tomato sauce is just the case. This pizza has a thin crispy crust, just the right amount of mushrooms and a great combination of spices, all of which transform an ordinary appetizer into a delicious Italian pizza that deserves compliments. It is worth noting that not a single purchased tomato sauce can compare with a homemade sauce prepared by oneself. Try to prepare the sauce according to our recipe, and you will be delighted.

Pizza with mushrooms and tomato sauce

For test:
3 cups flour
25 g fresh yeast
1 glass of warm water
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon salt
8 tablespoons vegetable oil
For filling:
2 medium champignons
6 olives
1/4 cup canned corn
100 g Mozzarella cheese
For tomato sauce:
3-4 tomatoes
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 garlic clove
1 teaspoon sugar
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
0.5 teaspoon paprika
salt and ground black pepper

In a large bowl mix flour, salt and sugar. Add the yeast dissolved in water to the flour along with the butter and mix. Cover the hand-kneaded dough with a towel and let rise for 1 hour to increase in volume.
In the meantime, make the tomato sauce. Remove skin from scalded tomatoes. Rub the vegetables through a fine sieve, pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Fry the minced garlic in the oil for a few seconds and then stir in the paprika and mashed tomatoes. Add sugar, spices, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for about 10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Form each piece into a ball, then roll out into a circle about 30 cm in diameter. Put the dough on a greased baking sheet and grease with tomato sauce. Put the chopped mushrooms, chopped olives and corn kernels. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake for 15-20 minutes.

As you can see, homemade pizza is not that difficult. If we follow our simple advice and using only fresh ingredients, your homemade pizza is sure to be a real culinary hit. Experiment!

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Pizza is delicious and hearty meal perfect for any table. website prepared a few secrets that will allow you to cook awesome pizza.

Secret 1: Knead the dough correctly

You will need:

  • 900 g flour
  • 10 g yeast (fresh)
  • 0.5 l water
  • 10 g vegetable oil (or olive)
  • 20 g sea salt (finely ground)

We must knead the dough in a calm, warm environment and in a good mood. To make the dough airy, sift the flour through a sieve. In a bowl, dilute the yeast with cold water until completely dissolved. Gently add half of the flour portion and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Then add the rest of the flour and salt.

Secret 2: Add Olive Oil

It is better to add olive oil to the mixed mass, which will give elasticity. We mix everything thoroughly. Then we put the dough out of the bowl on the table and knead it until it falls behind the hands.

Secret 3: Roll out the dough with your hands

Divide the dough into several parts and let it rise at room temperature for about 1 hour. It should double in size.
Roll out the dough with your hands into a thin layer. Sprinkle the surface of the dough with flour and begin to gently stretch it from the middle to the edges. In this case, it is advisable to hold the middle of the cake with your hand. We make the edges a little thicker for the sides.

Secret 4: Create a crispy crust

Grease a baking dish with olive oil and sprinkle with flour so that the dough does not stick to the form. We spread the filling and send it to a heated oven (180-200 degrees) for about 10 minutes.

Secret 5: We select the sauce

For a medium-sized pizza, add no more than 3 tablespoons of sauce. As a sauce we use not only the traditional tomato paste but also gentle cream cheese, hummus, marrow caviar or pesto sauce. We monitor the consistency of the sauce: it should not be liquid, otherwise the dough will “float”.

Secret 6: Choose the filling

Be concise and don't use more than 4 ingredients on one pizza. The filling layer should be only one and not more than 1 centimeter. Do not fill the entire surface of the dough with ingredients, because there will be a layer of grated cheese on top.

Ingredients such as greens and lettuce are spread on pizza before serving.

Classic pizza with ham

We cut the sweet pepper into small strips, the ham into slices, and the salami into a semicircle. Spread the dough with tomato sauce, lay out the ham, salami, pepper in a circle and sprinkle generously with cheese.

Pizza with mushrooms and onions

We cut the mushrooms as small as possible and fry them in a small amount of olive oil, then adding a little heavy cream. Should work mushroom paste, which we distribute on the dough as a base, put thin onion rings on top and sprinkle with parmesan.

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