Home Main dishes Which country has the freshest cuisine? The most delicious food in the world. Slovakia: cheese dumplings

Which country has the freshest cuisine? The most delicious food in the world. Slovakia: cheese dumplings

The rating of countries with the most delicious cuisine was compiled by CNN. Italy topped the top ten, followed by the United States, Mexico, Thailand, Greece, India, Japan, Spain, France and China. The fact that the second place was given to the United States may turn out to be subjective (could the American experts ignore their country?). On the other hand, American cuisine has its own zest. So, we look and study what and in what camp it is worth trying.


America the birthplace of world-famous fast foods. No one will deny that this is an extremely unhealthy food, but the rating is not about harm, but about taste. So cheeseburgers can not be bypassed. Also, the United States can be thanked for the appearance of cookies with chocolate chips.

Mexican cuisine, on the contrary, has collected all the most useful: tomatoes, avocados, limes, beans, garlic, chili and chocolate. Based on chili and chocolate, the famous mole sauce is prepared. Mexico is also famous for its baked pork tacos al pastor and the ancient Mayan dish of cornmeal dough wrapped in leaves. This dish is called tamales.

V Thai recipes the longest ingredient lists. Some of the best-known dishes include tom yam kung soup, which combines the flavors of lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime and chili, papaya green salad massaman curry and fermented fish pla som.

Greek cuisine feature in olive oil. While traveling in Greece, it is worth trying spanakopita, a dish of baked puff pastry feta with spinach. Also noteworthy is fried meat with tzatziki sauce wrapped in pita - gyros. Lachanorizo ​​- cabbage and onions mixed with rice - is a hearty, but not so exotic dish. By the way, dolma and lentil soup came to us from Greece.

Indian chefs- masters vegetarian cuisine. In the first place: teas and sweets. And those who want to have a denser bite can safely order dal - a dish of stewed lentils, or dosa pancakes with cottage cheese, vegetables or other fillings.

Japanese tend to turn everything into art, and cooking is no exception. Maybe that's why miso soup, sushi and sashimi have gained fame all over the world and do not need a separate introduction. No less popular is Japanese tempura - deep-fried vegetables, pieces of fish, shrimp. Everyone has also heard of fugu, although it is worth risking your life to eat poisonous fish - the question is ...

Spaniards real gourmets. It was they who invented jamon - a dry-cured pork ham, mounted on a special stand. Cutting such a leg is a whole ritual. Gazpacho salad is a dish less ritualistic, but no less famous. And here is a local sweet dessert fried dough called churros can only be tasted while traveling around the country. If you are in Spain, don't forget to eat.

In France you should try Le Cassoulet meat stew with beans, stewed beef pot-au-feu or regular steak. Despite the fame of the French as sophisticated gourmets, the "native" cuisine of their country is quite simple. Even foie gras is just the fried liver of cirrhotic geese. From the exotic, you can try escargot snails or frog legs. Instead of a side dish, a crispy French baguette is recommended, and for coffee, choose delicate Macarons meringues.

We love talking about food. That is why the debate around the world about which country offers the best cuisine does not stop. Read in this ranking which cuisines of the world offer the most delicious food.

TOP 10 best cuisines in the world

10. USA

Nobody ever says, "Let's go eat American food tonight." But this is how millions of people around the world do it. And the reason for that is that american cuisine is a mix of all the cuisines of the planet. The pizza is from Italy, the fries are from Belgium, and the burgers are from Germany.

The cheeseburger is the perfect example of how you can make a good burger even tastier.

Chocolate Chip Cookies are an American classic that has gone global!

9. Mexico

If you were given a choice - what kind of cuisine would you eat for the rest of your life, then, undoubtedly, think seriously about Mexican cuisine. She took in "a little bit of everything." She will never get bored!

And enchiladas, and tacos, and elados, and quesadillas, and tapas!

Mole is a sauce prepared according to old recipes, based on chilli pepper and chocolate.

Tacos al pastor - pork tacos

Tamale - a favorite dish of the ancient Maya

8. Thailand

Open the Thai cookbook and be surprised by the unusual list of products! As a result of combinations of various herbs and spices in each dish, complex smells and unique tastes are obtained.

Thai cuisine - spicy, salty, sweet, crunchy, sticky, chewy, bitter. And all this in one dish.

Tom yum kung is a real party for your mouth!

Massaman curry is a Thai curry with Islamic roots.

Som-Tam - popular salad from green papaya

7. Greece

Traveling and tasting various goodies in Greece is like flipping through the pages of a glossy magazine. Among the blue seas and white houses you can enjoy feta cheese, olives, colored bacon and fried meat.

And the secret? Stored in olive oil. Gift of the gods!

Olive oil - there are as many types as there are types of wine.

Spanakopita - pastry with feta and spinach.

Gouros is a popular sandwich.

6. India

Indian cuisine varies from state to state. But everywhere the overuse of spices prevails. If seafood is popular in Goa, then Keral is rich in coconuts.

Dal - lentil dish

Dosa - pancakes with any filling (cheese, spicy vegetables)

Tea - Not everyone likes coffee, but almost everyone likes tea.

5. Japan

The Japanese are as passionate about their cuisine as they are about high technology. Everyone already knows sushi, but Japanese cuisine is not limited to them.

Miso soup - absorbed the main smells of Japanese food - simplicity and perfection.

Sushi and sushi - who knew regular rice would become so popular?

Tempura is a prime example of how to fry.

4. Spain

Viva Spain! Endless bar-hopping, tapas-eating, minimum hours of operation, late dinners and constant arguing about nothing - that's what culture, including Spanish cuisine, is based on.

Jamon Iberico - known to all connoisseurs of delicious food.

Churros are the well-known version of sweet fried donuts.

Gazpacho is a refreshing juicy soup.

3. France

If you are the type of person who thinks “there is nothing better in life than food”, then visit Paris. All its inhabitants appreciate good food. A two-hour lunch break is a strict rule for every Parisian. How do the locals spend their holidays? They try new types of wine and cheese in their country.

snails - business card France.

Macarons - cookies from simple ingredients which not everyone can cook.

A baguette is the first and last thing to try in France.

Foie Gras is a delicate pâté.

2. China

People who greet each other with "Have you eaten yet?" - must undoubtedly be the most concerned about food in the world.

Food has become a cult in China.

China is a place where you will be amazed by the food every day. "And you can eat it?" - this is asked by thousands of tourists in China.

Sweet pork - served in each region with some differences.

Dim Sum is a traditional dish.

Peking duck is a dish that everyone should try!

Shark fin soup - unfortunately not served in every restaurant.

1. Italy

Italian cuisine has driven many people crazy all over the planet. The secret is in simplicity. Take pasta, some olive oil, garlic, tomatoes and bacon. Wow! It is a masterpiece!

All Italian dishes are easy to prepare and eat. From creamy riszotos to Florentine grilled meats, there is something for everyone in Italian cuisine.

Pasta bolognese is the most popular pasta variant in the world.

Pizza - simple, but what delicious food, it is now popular all over the world, which is not surprising, pizza can always be ordered at home in any city in Russia.

Italian salami - the famous sausage

Coffee - cappuccino for breakfast? Forget it. Italians drink it throughout the day and even at night.

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Each country has its own culinary preferences and popular dishes. And they don’t argue about people’s tastes, so the most delicious food in the world is a relative concept. Gourmets will sing odes frog legs or praise oysters, and to a simple layman, the most delicious dish may seem familiar to us dumplings or hearty, rich borscht.

But, despite the tastes and preferences, the rating of the most delicious food in the world exists. To compile it, a survey is conducted, in which a huge number of people take part. And it is in accordance with their preferences that it is possible to evaluate the most revered dishes that are prepared in different countries of the world.

This meat dish, which is made by soaking beef in milk and adding garlic, ginger, turmeric, "lemongrass" and chili peppers as seasonings. Soft meat with the aroma of the listed spices is liked by many, which is why Rendang often receives the highest ratings.

Nasi goreng Indonesia

Another dish, originally from Indonesia, occupies a leading position in the ranking. This is Nasi goreng, which is a mixture of eggs, chicken and rice.

Italian lasagna

Dishes have high positions Italian cuisine including lasagna. The dish is made from dough and toppings, which are chosen to your taste, so lasagna can be very diverse. Filled dough is poured with sauce prepared according to different recipes, and top everything with a layer of cheese.

Lasagna is a bit like pizza. Perhaps this was the reason for the growing popularity of this dish in different countries. Domestic housewives have long been preparing such a dish perfectly.

Pizza from Italy

One of the most delicious and favorite Italian dishes is pizza. Such food is sure to take high positions in the ranking, because today you can hardly find a person who does not like pizza. Of course, each of us has our favorite type of this dish, because there are a myriad of filling options. You can cook pizza with vegetables or fruits, use seafood, mushrooms, different types of meat and various cheeses for filling. Depending on the choice of ingredients, the taste of pizza changes dramatically.

Japanese sushi

Sushi and rolls are another exotic dish that is well known in our country. Sushi has long been a favorite food of many compatriots. Rolls are no less popular in other countries, so they can safely be called one of the best dishes peace.

Sushi is very diverse, as they use different ingredients to prepare them. But the basis always remains the same - this is rice. Sushi is served with soy sauce and wasabi, which adds a twist.

mexican paella

In Spain, Mexico is very fond of paella. Representatives of other nationalities also like it, because the dish is really tasty and very satisfying. The basis of the dish is rice, which is supplemented with turmeric and saffron, which gives not only a spicy taste, but also an amazing warm shade to rice grains.

Complement paella with seafood, chicken meat or vegetables, all together seasoned with broth. To prepare paella, a special large frying pan is used, so the feast should be designed for a large company.

swiss fondue

Switzerland is the birthplace of cheese, so it is not surprising that cheeses in this country are very loved and consumed in large quantities. It was here that they came up with the idea of ​​​​heating cheese in a large cauldron, in order to then dip pieces of bread, vegetables or meat into it. Eat small pieces of food in melted cheese immediately, until it has cooled. Thus, a delicious lunch becomes a wonderful pastime.

Today, not only cheese is used for fondue, but also chocolate. Fruits are dipped into melted chocolate.

Thai salad Som Tam

Interestingly, Thai dishes are not to everyone's taste. But spicy salad Som Tam was appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. The composition of the dish includes papaya, green beans, garlic, carrots, tomatoes, crabs and some other ingredients. All these products are cut into small pieces and seasoned with a special dressing that complements the dish with a special taste.

Chinese Dim Sum

The Chinese love to eat Dim Sum for breakfast. After all, every morning you can get food that is completely different in taste, since there are a lot of filling options for this dish.

Dim Sum is somewhat reminiscent of the usual dumplings for us, but there is a wide variety of fillings, and each bag of dough is made in an original form and looks charming. Chinese dumplings can be salty, sweet, spicy, or sour. The method of preparation is also different - they are steamed or fried in oil.

Ramen Noodle Soup

Ramen - Japanese dish, which is prepared on the basis of broth with the addition of wheat noodles and meat, pickles, vegetables. Meat and spices in the soup give spicy taste, which is very popular with people from different countries.

In domestic restaurants, you can often see this dish on the menu. But no matter how wonderfully experienced chefs cook duck, it is best to try this dish in Beijing. After all, it is there that the ancient traditions of cooking are still used.

Caesar salad is native to North America. Only few people know about it now, because it is light and delicious salad has long become very popular in different countries of the world. Many chefs offer different interpretations of this salad, adding original ingredients to it to improve the taste.

Initially, the salad included only a few ingredients:

  • Croutons (crackers are now used instead);
  • Leaf salad;
  • Parmesan cheese.

All this was poured with olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and an egg, which shortly before that was dipped in boiling water. But no one has seen it in such a performance for a long time, since today chicken or shrimp, cherry tomatoes and some other products are added to the salad at the discretion of the cook.

Unleavened tortillas, traditional for Mexico, are the basis of many dishes, including fajitas. It is considered to be the most delicious food in the world. Meat, fried with grilled vegetables and seasoned with sauce, is laid out on a tortilla. Usually pork is used, but if desired, it can be replaced with chicken or beef.

An amazing dish is prepared from monkfish liver. And it's really damn delicious. In Japan, this dish is considered a delicacy.

Marble Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef in Japan is considered incredibly healthy. This dish has a stunning view - the marble veins of meat not only look very beautiful, but are also very useful for humans. They contain unsaturated fats. It is recommended to eat beef raw - according to the Japanese, this is the only way to feel its delicate taste.

Vietnamese rice roll is more like a spring roll. Meat is used as a filling. Such food is very common in Vietnam and appreciated by gourmets from different countries.


We know that croissants are the classic French breakfast. But in reality, fragrant buns were born in Austria. The French know this, but they are not embarrassed by the birthplace of their favorite food. It's so nice to eat a crispy delicate croissant in the morning, washed down with a fragrant cup of coffee.

Seafood is appreciated all over the world, especially if it is a luxurious lobster. They can be cooked in many different ways, but nothing tastes better than boiled lobster. small piece butter and lemon juice will complement the taste of sea crayfish.

Ice cream

Ice cream is the food of the Gods according to many. It is especially delicious in the summer when you want to refresh yourself. It is believed that Americans love ice cream the most. They can eat it literally at any time of the year and in any weather. And this is no coincidence, because ice cream in this country is actually incredibly tasty.

In different cities of our country, there is probably at least one coffee shop that offers fluffy donuts. Donuts come from America, where they are presented in a huge assortment. Donuts with or without fillings, with the addition of nuts, chocolate, multi-colored glaze, coconut flakes and other additives will make the morning bright.

In Hong Kong, you must try the egg pie, which is made from puff pastry and custard. The dessert is delicious, thanks to which it often gets into the ratings of the most delicious food in the world. You will especially like it if you manage to taste the egg pie while still warm.

Oriental cuisine is appreciated by representatives of many nationalities. But among the most popular delicious meals the leading position is occupied by kebab. This is meat cooked on fire.

Kebab is very similar to our barbecue, only the meat for this dish is finely chopped beforehand to form small balls of minced meat. A special flavor is given by the marinade and spices that are used in the cooking process.

Irish Champ

They say that the national dish of champ is eaten faster than the first pint of beer is drunk. And this drink is very popular in Ireland. Everyone who has ever tried champ assures that this is an excellent side dish for any dishes.

Champ is mashed potatoes with the addition of salt and pepper, oil, and green onions. Very tasty!

India has special recipe crab cooking. It is cooked in a garlic butter sauce with aromatic Indian herbs. Since the crab is sent to boiling oil, it can be consumed after cooking along with the shell. Thanks to this processing, the shell becomes tender and adds zest to the taste.

Almost every country has its own national dish - the legendary food, which is the most widely consumed dish within its borders. National dishes are part of the country's identity and culture, as well as a popular topic for foreign visitors. When you travel, you always want to taste the most famous culinary dish visited country. As a little inspiration, we have compiled a list of twenty-five outstanding dishes. national cuisine which you will definitely want to try.

25 Barbados: Cou-cou & Flying Fish

Barbados has many types of popular fish such as king mackerel, tuna, barracuda or campechian snapper, however Barbados is known as the "land of the flying fish" and this fish has even made its way into the national dish of Barbados called "Ku-ku and flying fish". Ku-ku consists mainly of corn porridge(made from cornmeal) and okra (okra), while flying fish is usually fried or steamed.

24. Canada: poutine

Poutine, which appeared in Quebec in the late 1950s, is a favorite dish in Canada. It is made with french fries topped with brown gravy-like sauce and melted cheese. Even though the basic recipe is very simple, there are many variations of poutine. Some restaurants offer poutine with fillings such as chicken, bacon, Montreal-style smoked meat, three-pepper sauce, or even caviar and truffles.

23. Syria: kibbeh (Kibbeh)

This typical Syrian dish, also popular in Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan, is made with burghul (ground wheat), chopped onion, and finely minced lean beef, lamb, goat, or camel meat. The most famous variety of kibbeh is torpedo-shaped fried meatballs stuffed with minced beef or lamb. Other types may be formed into balls or patties. They are also baked or cooked in broth.

22. Poland: Bigos

Bigos (which means hunter's stew in translation) is a meat stew traditional for Polish, Lithuanian and Belarusian cuisine, but only the Poles consider this dish their national dish. It's very satisfying and delicious stew, prepared from a wide range of ingredients, such as cabbage, sauerkraut, various types of meat and sausages, tomatoes, honey, mushrooms, peppers, cumin, bay leaves, marjoram, dried or smoked plums and others. Bigos may be served on a plate or sometimes in a loaf of bread.

21. Greece: Souvlaki

Greece is a country that is home to several famous dishes such as Fasolada, Moussaka or Tzatziki, but souvlaki is usually considered the country's most iconic dish. This is a popular Greek dish. fast food consists of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables fried on a skewer. As a rule, the dish is prepared with pork, although chicken and lamb can also be used. The dish can be served on a spit for food on the go with your hands and in pita bread with garnishes and sauces or with fried potatoes.

20. Italy: pizza

Since pizza is well known all over the world, there is no need to introduce this popular dish. Instead, we will tell you about the possible origin of the archetypal type of pizza - pizza Margherita (Pizza Margherita). Legend has it that the Margherita pizza was invented in 1889 when the Royal Palace of Capodimonte commissioned Neapolitan pizza maker Raffaele Esposito to create a pizza in honor of the visit of Queen Margherita. Of the three different pizzas he created, she chose one in the colors of the Italian flag: red (tomato), green (basil), and white (mozzarella). Presumably this type of pizza was then named in her honor - "Pizza Margherita".

19 Ireland: Irish Stew

First introduced back in 1800, Irish stew is the most common dish in the country and a staple in Irish pubs around the world. Irish stew, which was originally a thick broth of slow-cooked lamb with onions, potatoes and parsley, now often includes other vegetables.

18. USA: hamburger

Hamburgers, by analogy with pizza or pasta, are known and loved all over the world, but the country most often associated with them is the United States. Everyone knows what a hamburger usually consists of, but not many people know that the term "hamburger" originally comes from Hamburg, the German city from which many people emigrated to the United States. This term, however, has nothing to do with the dish, because in German "Burg" means a fortified settlement.

17. Hungary: goulash

Goulash became the national dish of Hungary in the late 1800s, when Hungarians were looking for symbols of national identity to distinguish themselves from their partners in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the future, this hearty meal spread to Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe. It is a soup or stew of beef (sometimes also veal, pork, venison or lamb) and vegetables, richly seasoned with pepper and other spices.

16 Israel: Falafel

A common dish not only in Israel but throughout the Middle East, falafel is deep-fried balls or patties made from ground chickpeas, beans, or both. The dish is usually served in pita bread or wrapped in a flatbread known as matzah. Falafel became so popular that McDonald's served "McFalafel" for a period of time in some countries.

15. Jamaica: Ackee & Saltfish

Despite the fact that this savory dish originated and is most popular in Jamaica, it is also widely used in the UK, Canada and the USA. To prepare this dish, salted cod is fried with boiled aki (a nutritious fruit with a buttery nutty flavor), onions, tomatoes and spices. The dish is usually served for breakfast or dinner with breadfruit, thick dough bread, dumplings or boiled green bananas. It is often washed down with coconut milk.

14. Austria: Wiener Schnitzel

The Wiener Schnitzel is a very thin breaded and deep fried veal schnitzel. This is the most popular and famous Viennese and Austrian dish. It is made from lightly boiled salted veal rolled in flour, beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. The dish is traditionally served with potato salad, cucumber salad, parsley potatoes, french fries or fried potatoes and garnished with a slice of lemon.

13 South Korea: Bulgogi

Bulgogi, which means "fire meat", is a typical South Korean dish that usually consists of grilled marinated beef. The marinade is a mixture soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, onion, ginger, sugar, wine, green onion and sometimes mushrooms. Many South Korean restaurants have a mini-barbecue on every table, giving diners the opportunity to grill the meat themselves.

12. France: thin pancakes (Crepe)

Thin pancakes, French name which "Crêpe" comes from the Latin word "crispa" (meaning "rolled"), are usually made from wheat flour. Thin pancakes are served with a range of toppings. They can be either sweet (with sugar, fruit jam, strawberries, maple syrup, etc.) or “savory” (with cheese, ham, eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms, artichokes, and various meat products).

11. China: Peking duck(Peking Duck)

Peking duck is the most famous dish from the capital of China and one of the most iconic Chinese food. Crispy duck meat is eaten with green onions, cucumber, sauce from sweet beans and thin pancakes. Sometimes, a small bowl of spicy sauce, such as Hoisin sauce, is added to the main platter.

10 Brazil: Feijoada

The main ingredients of this hearty and very tasty dish are beans with fresh pork or beef. Brazilian feijoada is made from black beans, a variety of pork or beef products such as pork trimmings, bacon or smoked pork ribs and at least two types smoked sausage and smoked beef. It is common to serve this dish with white rice and oranges. Oranges are served to aid digestion.

9. Ukraine: borscht

This dish originated in Ukraine, but became popular in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Borscht is a thick and spicy soup in which beets are the main ingredient. It is almost always prepared with pork or beef broth and usually contains pieces of meat from which the broth was prepared. Borscht also includes hearty, starchy vegetables like potatoes. Carrots are also added to borscht Bell pepper. It can be served as a main course, but is usually eaten as an appetizer, with bread.

8Thailand: Pad Thai

Thai noodles are stir-fried rice noodles. It is often sold as street food, but is also served as a main dish in Thai restaurants. This hearty dish is made from soaked and then dried rice noodles that are fried with eggs and chopped firm tofu. The dish is seasoned with a wide range of ingredients such as tamarind pulp, fish sauce, dried shrimp, garlic, shallots, chili, etc. Thai noodles can be served with lime wedges and crushed roasted peanuts. Depending on the region, it may also contain fresh shrimp, crab, chicken, or other meats.

7 Czech Republic: Svickova

There is an ongoing debate in the Czech Republic over whether roast pork with dumplings and cabbage (Vepřo-knedlo-zelo) or svičková is the Czech national dish. We chose the second option. Svichkova is beef tenderloin with creamy vegetable sauce and dumplings. This is a tasty but not very dietary dish, sometimes served with lemon slices and cranberries as a garnish.

6. Venezuela: arepa (Arepa)

Arepa, made from crushed corn dough or fried flour, is considered the national dish of Venezuela and sometimes Colombia as well. Different parts of the country use different sizes and types of corn and added ingredients. In Eastern Venezuela, for example, the most common species is typically 8 to 20 centimeters in diameter and approximately 2 centimeters thick. Nowadays, this dish is often cooked in electric arepa machines, which reduce the cooking time from 15 to 25 minutes per side to seven minutes or even less.

5 Turkey: Kebab

Kebab originated in Turkey, where street vendors sold meat cut from vertically mounted skewers. Kebab has become one of the most popular fast food in most European countries. The traditional meat for kebabs is lamb, however, depending on local preferences or religious taboos, other meats may also be used in kebabs, including beef, goat, chicken, pork, or even fish. Meat is usually served in flatbread or pita bread.

4 Singapore: Chili Crab

The main ingredient in this delicious seafood dish is large edible crabs, which are fried in a sweet and hearty sauce of tomato and chili sauce. CNN Go listed this Singaporean dish as one of the 50 Most Delicious Foods in the World. It is number 35.

3. Serbia: splash (Pljeskavica)

This Balkan dish, made from various ground meats, is popular throughout southeastern Europe. A traditional Serbian plashkavica is made from a mixture of minced lamb, pork, beef or veal that is grilled with onions and served hot on a plate with vegetables and a side dish, usually French fries or bread. This tasty and spicy dish has recently become popular in other European countries and is already served in some specialty restaurants fast food.

2 New Zealand: Bacon and Egg Pie

This savory crusty pie contains bacon, egg, and often onions, peas, tomato, and cheese. It is sometimes served with ketchup. The cake tends to have a denser texture and feel, and is generally high in calories. In addition to New Zealand, this snack is also popular in neighboring Australia.

1 Belgium: Mussels with French Fries (Moules-Frites)

This dish first appeared in Belgium and is considered the country's national dish, however, it is also popular in France and other Western European countries. However, the most surprising thing about this traditional Belgian dish is its size. A portion of mussels in Belgian restaurants is, as a rule, one and a half kilograms per person. As a dish, mussels and french fries are served in separate plates or containers so that the fries do not become wet.

The cuisine of each country has certain characteristics that are unique to it. Often, gastronomic masterpieces become a national treasure and attraction along with museums, monuments and architectural structures.

Tourists who come to a particular country, in order to get to know the habits, culture and customs of an unfamiliar people even better, try local cuisine. And national delicacies can tell much more about the people than the usual tourist entertainment.

Today it is not necessary to travel to get acquainted with the cuisine of another country. This can be done at home, having mastered several recipes.

Learn to cook 10 delicious national dishes from different countries that have already won the love of gourmets around the world.

1. Pizza

Italian pizza has long since emigrated from the country and is being prepared all over the world today. This is exactly the dish from which it is almost impossible to get tired, because you can experiment endlessly with fillings.

Pizza dough can be bought at the supermarket or made at home. Of course, the latter option is preferable if you want the dish to be as tasty as possible and melt in your mouth. How to cook the dough yourself, read the material.

Let's try to cook a summer pizza, with chicken, bacon and strawberries. Hearty and very tasty!


  • Pizza dough 300 g
  • Mozzarella 250 g
  • boiled or fried fillet chicken breast 200 g
  • Smoked bacon 4 slices
  • red onion 1 PC.
  • Strawberry jam (not very sweet) 1/3 cup
  • Balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup
  • Chili sauce 1 tsp
  • cilantro 5 sprigs
  • Strawberries 8-10 berries
  • Manka 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a metal baking sheet on the middle level of the oven and heat it to 225 degrees.
  2. Fry the bacon in a pan until it is crispy. Transfer to paper towels to absorb excess oil. Break bacon into small pieces.
  3. Pour into saucepan balsamic vinegar. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 4-5 minutes until liquid is reduced by half. Add Strawberry jam and spicy sauce, mix well. Remove sauce from heat and cool to room temperature.
  4. Roll out the pizza dough into a circle with a diameter of about 35 centimeters. Sprinkle a sheet of baking paper with semolina and transfer the dough onto it.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and mix with 2 tablespoons of balsamic sauce.
  6. Pour the rest of the sauce on top of the dough and spread evenly, leaving 2 centimeters free from each edge. Lay the chicken on the dough.
  7. Sprinkle the chicken with 3/4 of the cheese and then evenly distribute the bacon and onion. Sprinkle with remaining cheese.
  8. Transfer the pizza to the hot baking sheet in the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and the edges of the pastry are golden.
  9. Remove pizza from oven and let cool slightly.
  10. Slice the strawberries and finely chop the cilantro. Sprinkle the pizza with cilantro and strawberries and serve immediately.

2. Burgers

Classic American food is loved by residents of completely different countries of the world. Indeed, burgers are tasty, nutritious, satisfying. Such a dish saves a lot when you need a quick bite to eat and restore the spent energy.

Ingredients :

  • Chicken breast fillet 2 pcs.
  • ground coriander 1 tsp
  • Grated ginger 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise 4 tbsp. l.
  • lettuce mix 1 bunch
  • Chili pepper 1 pc.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Fresh mint 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cucumber 1 pc.
  • Buns with sesame seeds 4 things.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn the fillet in a meat grinder or in food processor. Mix minced meat with spices. Make 4 meatballs.Fry them over high heat for 6-8 minutes.
  2. Mix together mayonnaise and mint leaves. Drizzle them on the inside of the sesame seed buns cut in half.
  3. Put the cucumber, cut into thin slices with a vegetable peeler, lettuce leaves and chicken cutlets on top.
  4. Serve with sauces of your choice or french fries.

3. Pasta

Another delicious Italian dish served today in the best restaurants around the world is pasta. It can be different and you can experiment in the kitchen, delighting your family, here, too, you can endlessly. Try making pasta


  • Zucchini 40 g
  • Cherry tomatoes 40 g
  • canned tomatoes 75 g
  • Pasta (penne) 80 g
  • Garlic 5 g
  • Asparagus 45 g
  • Parmesan 10 g
  • Tobasco 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt pinch
  • Black pepper pinch

List of ingredients:

  1. Plunge penne into boiling salted water and cook al dente. Drain the water.
  2. Wash the asparagus and boil in salted water for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Rinse garlic, zucchini, tomatoes with water. Cut the garlic into small pieces, zucchini into cubes, and cut the tomatoes in half.
  4. Pour into the pan olive oil, add chopped garlic, lightly fry.
  5. After a while, send zucchini and tomatoes to the pan. Fry for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Put the boiled asparagus in the pan and fry for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Put canned tomatoes in a blender, chop into a homogeneous mass and pour into a pan.
  8. Add salt, pepper and sauce and simmer for another 1-2 minutes.
  9. Then put in the penne pan and simmer for 2-5 minutes.
  10. Put the finished pasta on a plate and sprinkle with parmesan, chopped on a coarse grater, before serving.

4. Paella

Classic Spanish paella is cooked with seafood and served in large pans. If you like to try something new, then repeat this recipe at home and throw a Spanish food party.


  • Rice 700 g
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • Olive oil 1/4 cup
  • king prawns 500 g
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Parsley to taste
  • Mussels 600 g
  • Green peas 1 can
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Red pepper 1 pc.
  • Green pepper 1 pc.
  • Saffron 1 tsp
  • Water 2 l
  • Squid rings 300 g

Cooking method:

  1. Boil shrimp in salted water. In another pot, cook the mussels in boiling water for 5 minutes until they open.
  2. Strain the broth for cooking mussels and mix with the broth where the shrimp were cooked. Add saffron.
  3. Pour the olive oil into the paella pan and heat the pan. Add finely chopped onion and sauté over low heat. Then add chopped garlic.
  4. Peel the tomatoes from the skin and cut them into cubes along with green bell peppers. Send vegetables to the pan.
  5. Add squid rings and dry them a little.
  6. Boil rice until half cooked. Send it to the pan. Fry for 5-10 minutes while stirring.
  7. Pour the broth over the prepared dish and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes, adding more stock if necessary. Don't stir the rice.
  8. Add shrimp 5 minutes before paella is ready.
  9. cut lengthwise red bell pepper and send it to the pan.
  10. Sprinkle paella with chopped parsley, add mussels and green peas.
  11. Before serving, cover the paella with foil and leave for 5 minutes. After that, you can serve the dish to the table.

5. Borscht

Fragrant borscht, a traditional first course of Ukrainian cuisine, has gained popularity due to its delicious taste. It was borsch that glorified the cuisine of the Eastern Slavs around the world. Learn how to cook this dish right.


  • Beef brisket on the bone 500 g
  • Pork fat 200 g
  • medium bulb 3 pcs.
  • Beets 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes 2 pcs.
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Head of cabbage 1/2 pc.
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. l.
  • Apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.
  • sugar pinch
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Sour cream for serving

Cooking method:

  1. Put the brisket in a 5 liter saucepan. Fill completely cold water and put on medium heat. Remove foam, reduce heat, add 1 teaspoon salt and bay leaf. Cook for 1.5 hours.
  2. After this time, remove the brisket, cut the meat from the bones into small pieces and return to the broth (the bones are not needed).
  3. Heat up the pan. Put half the fat, and after 3 minutes add the onion. Fry, stirring well, 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then add grated carrots on a coarse grater, mix and fry for 5 minutes.
  5. In another pan over low heat, fry the remaining fat. Add beets, sugar and vinegar there. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring thoroughly. After adding to the beets tomato paste and fry for 2 more minutes.
  6. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Shred the cabbage finely.
  7. Bring the broth to a boil and add the potatoes. Cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Then put the cabbage and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add carrots with onions and beets. Simmer the soup over low heat, covered, for about 10 minutes.
  8. Peel the garlic. Chop with parsley as finely as possible and add to the borscht.
  9. Close the lid, turn off the heat and let the borscht brew for 10 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

6. Rolls

Today, Japanese cuisine is no longer something exotic. Delivery of sushi and rolls is available almost everywhere, and some even prepare these delicacies at home. You will learn too. Mastering the Philadelphia recipe.

D To make rolls at home, you will need a bamboo mat and cling film.


  • Rice for sushi 350 g
  • Water 360 g
  • Rice vinegar 80 g
  • Dried seaweed nori 1 package
  • Lightly salted trout or salmon 1 package
  • Philadelphia cheese" 300 g
  • Wasabi for serving
  • Ginger for serving
  • Soy sauce for serving

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the sushi rice following the instructions on the package.
  2. Cut a whole sheet of nori in half. Repeat the same with other sheets from the package.
  3. Wrap the mat carefully in cling film - this will help to avoid unnecessary contamination.
  4. Cut the fish into thin plates of approximately the same thickness and length.
  5. Put a mat in front of you. Place half of the nori sheet, smooth side down, on the part of the mat closest to you.
  6. Spread the rice on the nori in a thin layer. Before taking a new portion of rice, you need to wet your hands in cold water. Leave the nearest edge of the nori free for a centimeter.
  7. Cover the rice and nori with the other half of the mat and turn the mat over with the nori, pressing lightly with the palm of your hand. Unfold the mat - rice should be on the bottom, and nori on top.
  8. Put the cheese in the middle of the nori. Leave the edges empty, otherwise the cheese will climb out while rolling the roll.
  9. Roll up the roll, pressing the mat firmly against the nori. Give the roll a round shape.
  10. Lay fish slices close to the rolled roll. Using a mat, roll the roll into the fish.
  11. Cut the roll into pieces with a sharp knife. It is necessary to moisten it with cold water each time so that the rolls do not fall apart.
  12. Serve with wasabi, ginger and soy sauce.

7. Onion soup

A cult dish of French cuisine, which is tried by almost all tourists without exception, once in Paris. But what if there is no opportunity to go to France yet? Cook it at home.


  • Semi-hard or hard cheese 100 g
  • Onion 500 g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  • Meat or chicken broth 1.5 l
  • Port wine 2 tbsp. l.
  • Baguette slices to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Onion thinly cut into half rings. Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan andwithin 20 minutesover medium heat, cook the onion, stirring often so that it does not burn, but only turns golden and becomes soft. Salt and pepper.
  2. After this time, sprinkle the onion with sugar, flour and cook stirring for another 10 minutes.
  3. Pour half of the hot broth into the onion and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then pour in the remaining broth and port wine and cook for another 30-40 minutes.
  4. Pour the soup into fireproof bowls or pots. Arrange the slices of bread, slightly drowning them so that they are slightly wet on both sides.
  5. Sprinkle the soup with grated cheese and bake under the grill or in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until the cheese forms golden brown. It's about 5-7 minutes. Serve immediately.

8. Dumplings

It is not possible to determine the exact geographical origin of dumplings. In general, this is a dish of Russian cuisine, which has ancient Chinese, Finno-Ugric, Turkic and Slavic roots.

Today dumplings are extremely popular in Russia. And no wonder, because homemade dumplings are a real work of art.


  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • Water 1 glass
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Wheat flour 600 g
  • For filling:
  • Ground beef 250 g
  • Minced pork 250 g
  • Bulb 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour with a slide. Make a well in the top and pour in the egg and 1 tablespoon of water. Add a pinch of salt.
  2. Collecting flour from the edges to the middle so that water and the egg do not spill out of the recess, knead the dough, adding the remaining water in small portions. Knead the dough until it is elastic and uniform, about 10 minutes. Cover with a damp towel and leave for half an hour. Water for dumplings dough should be ice cold. To do this, put it in the refrigerator in advance.
  3. While the dough is resting, you need to prepare the filling. Peel the onion and garlic and chop very finely. Mix ground beef and pork. Add onions and garlic to the filling. Salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Divide the finished dough into 4 parts, cover 3 parts with a damp towel and set aside. Roll the remaining dough into a 2 cm thick rope. Cut it into pieces about 1.5 cm wide. Roll out each piece of dough into a thin circle on a floured surface.
  5. Put 1.5 teaspoons of the filling in the center of each cake. Fold the circle with the filling in half so that you get a crescent moon. Connect the ends of the crescent and fasten them. In order for the ends to stick together well, you need to press them tightly with your fingers.
  6. Put the dumplings on a tray or flat dish, sprinkle with flour and refrigerate. In the same way, prepare dumplings from the remaining dough.
  7. Pelmeni must be boiled or frozen immediately.
1 PC.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil3 art. l. for dressing + for frying
  • Dried basil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dried oregano 1 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking method:

    1. First of all, you need to prepare a vegetable pillow, on which the ratatouille will be placed. Cut the onion and carrot into small pieces and lightly fry them in vegetable oil.
    2. Then add chopped pepper and simmer for a couple more minutes.
    3. Then put the peeled and chopped tomato into the pan. Add some salt and basil. Reduce the heat and simmer the vegetables for about 10 minutes under the lid.
    4. Beat the mixture with a blender into a homogeneous thick mass. Lay it out in an even layer on the bottom of the refractory mold.

      Of course, this list cannot be complete without desserts. Italian tiramisu fell in love with all the sweet tooth who managed to try it, regardless of the country of residence. Good news: to enjoy dessert with a rich and exquisite taste You don't have to go to Italy at all!
      Ingredients :
      • Mascarpone 250 g
      • Chocolate chips taste
      • Cocoa powder 1 tsp
      • Egg yolk 3 pcs.
      • Powdered sugar 3 tbsp
      • Cream fat content 33-% 1/2 cup
      • Savoiardi cookies 1 pack
      • Egg white 2 pcs.
      • Dessert wine (Marsala) 1/3 cup

      Cooking method:

      1. To prepare the mousse, you need to beat the yolks for a couple until ivory. Gradually pour in the wine in a thin stream and, without stopping whisking, continue to steam the mass until the mousse thickens. Cool down.
      2. Stir the cheese, adding powdered sugar to it.
      3. Whip cream.
      4. Beat the cooled proteins also, adding a pinch of salt, until a persistent foam is formed. Carefully add egg whites, spoonful at a time, and mix gently.
      5. Soak cookies with wine and place on the bottom of the mold. Strong coffee can be used instead of wine.
      6. Put the cheese on top of the cookies, then a layer of mousse and a layer of whipped cream. Repeat until all ingredients are gone. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and grated chocolate.
      7. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least a couple of hours, preferably overnight.

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