Home Drinks and cocktails How to cook pancakes with mushrooms and cheese. Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. The best recipes for pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms and cheese. Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. The best recipes for pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

This amount of ingredients makes about 20 pancakes.

Let's prepare the dough first. Add sugar and yeast to warm water

mix and leave for 10 minutes to activate the yeast

After 10 minutes, pour warm milk into the yeast mixture,

add flour sifted with salt and baking powder

Mix with a whisk. The dough will turn out quite liquid, homogeneous. Leave it alone for 20 minutes

During this time, prepare the filling. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until light golden.

Add chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry everything together for another 10-15 minutes until cooked or until all the liquid has evaporated

Add salt and pepper to taste

Grate cheese on a fine grater

Let's start making pancakes. Attention, we fry the pancakes in a dry frying pan and only on one side! We heat the pan well over medium heat and pour 2-3 tablespoons of dough into the center for each pancake. The dough itself will spread into a circle. Since everyone's spoons are different, then focus on the approximate diameter of the pancakes - it should be about 9-10 cm. If your pan is small, then bake one pancake at a time

We fry until the pancake is covered with holes, and its surface is dry. We remove the finished pancakes from the heat and put them on a plate, but do not immediately stack them on top of each other so that they do not stick together. This can be done later when the pancakes have cooled down a bit. On the other hand, pancakes should not be deep fried, so adjust the heat on the stove

We form pancakes while they are still warm. Put a little filling in the center of the pancake, a little cheese on top

We pinch the edges of the pancake on one side almost to the middle

We do the same with the second and third parties. The edges of the pancakes stick together well, the main thing is not to overdry them in a pan

This is how the pyramid looks like

Thus we form all pancakes. We put the pancakes on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, slightly greased with vegetable oil ...

and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes, so that the cheese melts

Serve warm pancakes with sour cream. Feel free to experiment with toppings. For example, make them with minced meat, cabbage, potatoes, cottage cheese, etc. In any case, it will be delicious :) My daughter really likes these pancakes with chicken, cheese and mushrooms. Cook with pleasure and delight your family and friends. Bon Appetit!

But these are no ordinary pancakes! Simple ones can’t be wrapped like that ....
I made them myself for the first time and tried them ...
fried only on one side, and the second white, perforated

Ingredients: (for 15-20 pancakes)

For test:

flour - 155 g
milk - 250 ml
water - 125 ml
baking powder - 1 tsp
yeast - 1 tsp
sugar - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

hard cheese - 100 g
fresh mushrooms - 200-300 g
onion - 1 pc.
salt pepper
rast. oil for frying


First of all, let's prepare the dough.
We activate the yeast. Dissolve sugar and yeast in warm water, stir and leave for 10 minutes alone.
After 10 minutes, pour warm milk into the yeast mixture
and add sifted flour and baking powder
stir with a whisk until smooth. The dough will be quite liquid.
Leave it for 20 minutes.
Lightly fry the onion, and then add the chopped champignons, salt and pepper
Fry for 15 minutes (until done or liquid evaporates)
Grate cheese on a fine grater
Preheat the pan well without lubricating it with anything (this is a must!).
In the center pour 2.5 tbsp. l. test.
We fry until the pancake is covered with holes, and its surface is dry.
We remove the pancake from the heat (do you know how I removed it? I slightly pryed the edge with a spatula, and then gently pulled the edge with my hands and removed the pancake from the pan).
We fry pancakes from the whole dough in this way, but do not stack them on top of each other so that they do not stick together (when they cool, you can already stack them on top of each other).
On the reverse side, they should not be very fried, so adjust the fire on the stove
I even adapted to fry three at once, but I advise you all the same one at a time, so they turn out round. Can be used in two frying pans
I got 20 pancakes (the number depends on the diameter and thickness, do not make it very thin or very thick)
Now let's start wrapping.
In the center of the pancake put 1 tbsp. l. mushroom stuffing
Cheese on top
We pinch the edges of the pancake on one side almost to the middle.
Then from the second side and the third as in the photo. The edges stick together well, the main thing is not to overdry them in a pan

This is how we fill all the pancakes. Then put them on a baking sheet and hot oven at 180C for 10 minutes to melt the cheese.
Serve with sour cream
They can be made with any filling: with minced meat, with vegetables, with julienne, with rice and mushrooms, with cabbage, with potatoes, with jam, with cottage cheese, with custard ...
Bon Appetit!

P.S. I almost forgot, I really liked them!
Only the dough was sweetish, it would be necessary to follow. times 1 tsp take sugar (if not a sweet filling).
Yes, and on the festive table they will look original!

Pancakes in my family mushroom stuffing one of my favorite dishes, I cook such pancakes quite often, and in large portions, and then put them in the freezer. When there is no time for cooking, these pancakes are a real salvation for me - you need to defrost them in advance and reheat them in a frying pan or in the oven.

This recipe may seem familiar to you, but still, I bring to your attention my interpretation of the dish. I can assure you that the pancakes are incredibly tasty and juicy, and absolutely everyone who has tried them likes them.

Need to bake in advance thin pancakes according to your favorite recipe. Any pancakes will do: on kefir, on milk, on eggs, and even on water. For my recipe, I baked pancakes with milk and eggs.

pancake ingredients

  • 0.5 l. milk
  • 5 pieces. eggs
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt

Filling Ingredients

  • 500 gr. fresh mushrooms(I used mushrooms)
  • 1 bulb
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt and pepper
  • 200 gr. hard cheese

Technology: step by step

With the advent of an immersion blender in the kitchen, the whole process of kneading dough for pancakes takes no more than two minutes. You can also use a blender with a bowl, or, in extreme cases, a mixer.

In a large bowl, beat eggs, add flour, vegetable oil and salt.

Mix everything first with a spoon so that the flour does not dust.

Then add milk and mix again with a spoon.

Turn on the immersion blender and blend until smooth. The dough turns out smooth, without a single lump - in 2 minutes!

Baking pancakes in a skillet

Lubricate the pan for pancakes with vegetable oil, I do this with a silicone brush. We put the pan on the fire and heat it well. We reduce the fire, and pour the first portion of the dough with the help of a ladle.

A little tip: when you pour the dough into the pan, you should hear a sound reminiscent of the sound of the sea. If a crackling sound is heard, this means that the pan for pancakes is too hot, and you need to urgently reduce the heat.

We bake a pancake on both sides. We remove the pancake on a plate, and pour the next portion of the dough.

It should be noted that we grease the pan with oil only once - at the beginning, we do not add oil to the pan all subsequent times.

Filling preparation

We figured out the pancakes, now we proceed to the filling.

We wash the mushrooms under running water, dry them, and cut them finely enough, arbitrarily, into slices or cubes.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden brown.

Then add chopped mushrooms to the fried onion, mix and simmer until tender, about 15-20 minutes.

At the end, do not forget to salt and pepper the pancake mushrooms.

It's time to remember that we have pancakes not only with mushrooms, but also with cheese, so we take the cheese out of the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater.

Collection of stuffed pancakes

Arrange the pancake on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese (about 1 tablespoon of cheese).

Then evenly distribute the mushrooms, retreating from the edges, also 1 tablespoon.

Pancakes stuffed with stuffing from mushrooms and other ingredients are a rather laborious dish that requires some skill and experience of the hostess, time and effort. But at proper preparation toppings such pancakes can become a decoration holiday table, the "highlight" of the culinary program. For cooking, you can use different varieties of mushrooms, as well as their types - frozen or dry mushrooms.

Pancakes with mushrooms can be a festive table decoration

There are many filling options. Mushrooms are a versatile ingredient that goes great with other foods. For example, with chicken or quail eggs, sharp spicy sauce, potatoes, minced meat, cream and even shredded cabbage. Thanks to mushrooms, any dish acquires a special bright aroma, a delicate aftertaste.

A simple recipe for mushroom filling for pancakes

The recipe for a simple mushroom filling does not involve the use of a large number of ingredients. Such filling for pancakes is prepared in a matter of minutes and does not differ in taste from more time-consuming recipes.


  • about 400 grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Frozen mushrooms prepare for use. They need to be defrosted room temperature without subjecting it to serious changes. At the same time, the product will release juice - it can be easily drained. Next, the fruits are fried in sunflower oil until golden. In a separate saucepan, cook onions and carrots. Hard boil eggs. Combine all the ingredients and mix, stuff pancakes with a mass.

Classic pancakes with mushrooms (video)

Cooking stuffing for pancakes from mushrooms and eggs

Mushroom filling with eggs is a hearty pancake dinner option for the whole family.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 350 grams of mushrooms;
  • half of a medium bulb.

Wash champignons or fruits of any other variety under water and chop. Then they can be fried in a pan until golden brown or stewed in a slow cooker. Add chopped onion to the mass.

Finely chop hard-boiled eggs, mix with ready-made mushrooms in a heat-resistant bowl. Add parsley and a few drops of sunflower oil. The filling is ready.

Pancakes with mushrooms and eggs

Filling for pancakes from mushrooms and chicken

The stuffing from mushrooms and chicken differs in special satiety. Chicken meat gives pancakes a special creamy taste, and mushrooms - aroma.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • about 300 grams of champignons;
  • 1.5 pieces of onions;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Mushrooms cut into thin slices, fry in a pan. Finely chop the onions, fry in a saucepan for butter until golden brown appears. Pour chicken fillet cold water, sprinkle with salt and bring to readiness, pass all the ingredients through a blender. Whisk in the egg yolks. Fry the whole mass over low heat, pour in a little cream for greater juiciness.

Pancakes with mushrooms and chicken

Mushroom and Potato Pancake Filling Recipe

In this version of the filling, another vegetable is used together with mushrooms - potatoes. Due to the high starch content, the pancake filling does not fall apart. They are convenient to serve with various sauces.


  • about 250 grams forest mushrooms;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • ground allspice to taste.

Cooking a dish:

  1. Cut potatoes into pieces. Prepare the onion and cut into small cubes. Put the potatoes in a separate bowl, cover with water and cook until fully cooked for twenty minutes.
  2. Wash the forest fruits, boil until tender for about ten minutes. After cooling, cut into small cubes.
  3. Fry the onion in a hot pan.
  4. Drain the water from the potatoes and mash them to a puree. Add mushrooms and onions to the main mass, salt and pepper to taste.

Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese (video)

The best recipes for pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

The ability to cook pancakes was valued in antiquity. But modern housewives, despite all the variety of kitchen appliances, do not always have experience in making pancakes. The recipes below will help correct this oversight - pancakes on them turn out to be especially juicy and rather thin, but at the same time plastic for the filling.

Recipe for thin pancakes stuffed with mushroom filling

Thin pancakes with mushroom filling are a real find for any housewife. They can easily feed both children and adults. It is the thin layer of dough in which the filling is wrapped that gives the pancakes a twist.


  • about 300 grams of premium wheat flour;
  • 700 milliliters of milk;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 700 grams of mushrooms;
  • 3 pieces of onions;
  • half a glass of olive oil.

The algorithm for making such pancakes is simple:

  1. For kneading dough for pancakes, it is most convenient to use a mixer. In his thicket you need to drive eggs, add less than half a teaspoon of salt and milk. Stir at low speed. Add 300 grams of flour, mix and remove the sticky dough from the walls of the bowl. Pour in the remaining milk and stir batter. Set it aside for flour to swell.
  2. Prepare the stuffing for the mushrooms. Peel the onions and cut into small cubes. Rinse the mushrooms or, if they are champignons, wipe with a soft sponge. Cut into small pieces with a sharp knife.
  3. Fry the onion and mushrooms in a high-sided, heavy-bottomed pot until translucent. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, simmer until tender over low heat.
  4. Mix the dough with a mixer for about two minutes, strain through a fine sieve. Add three tablespoons of any vegetable oil and start baking. Grease a frying pan with fat or oil, bake thin pancakes browning them on one side. From the indicated amount of ingredients, on average, about twenty pancakes with a diameter of 25 centimeters are obtained.
  5. Put the finished pancakes on a wide plate and coat each with butter. Place some filling in the middle of each and roll up. Fry each pancake, seam side down, in a dry frying pan.

Thin pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms and onions

To prepare pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and onions, you need:

  • about 1 liter of milk;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of edible salt;
  • 6 tablespoons of oil;
  • half a kilogram of flour;
  • 250 grams of dry porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ground black pepper.

Let's start cooking:

  1. In a small enamel saucepan, heat the milk, but do not let it boil. Salt and season with sugar to taste, beat in soda and eggs. Stir until smooth and pour in vegetable oil. Beat the mass and pour in small portions the flour passed through a sieve and saturated with oxygen.
  2. Knead a liquid but viscous dough. In its structure, it should resemble liquid sour cream or cream.
  3. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and pour the dough in small parts, thereby preparing pancakes. Bake pancakes until the batter runs out.
  4. Prepare the filling. Soak dried porcini mushrooms in water, then boil with salt and drain in a colander. Fry the onion in a pan, season with your favorite spices. Add chopped mushrooms and fry for about five minutes.
  5. Stuff pancakes with mushrooms and leave to infuse for a little more than five minutes. Serve hot.

Pancakes with mushrooms and onions

Recipe for hearty pancakes with champignons and cheese

From the specified amount of ingredients, thin pancakes are obtained with juicy stuffing from mushrooms, cheese and chicken. Cheese lovers can diversify the recipe by adding several varieties of this product.

  • 800 milliliters of milk;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 kilograms of chicken fillet;
  • 500 grams of champignons;
  • 300 grams of cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 bunch of greens;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Cooking steps:

  1. Finely chop the onion and chicken fillet Rinse and pass through a blender or food processor. Mix onion and chicken, season with spices and spices to taste, mix.
  2. Pour the mixture into the pan, fry over medium heat until browned.
  3. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into thin slices. Stew them on low heat, salt.
  4. Grate one or more varieties of cheese on a coarse grater. Rinse the greens and chop coarsely.
  5. Combine meat, mushrooms and cheese, mix until smooth.
  6. In a separate container, mix milk with eggs, sugar and salt. Add half of the flour, mix, and then add the rest. Fry pancakes in a heavy bottomed pan. Stuff each pancake with filling.

Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese

Appetizing pancakes with mushrooms in cream

This dish gives a stunning taste effect with minimal costs for the purchase of components. The result is tender pancakes With thin dough and juicy stuffing in spicy cream.

To make pancakes you will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 500 milliliters of pasteurized milk;
  • 1 cup heavy cream;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

For filling:

  • 600 grams of forest mushrooms;
  • 400 milliliters of heavy cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • butter.

In a hot frying pan, dissolve a piece of butter, add finely chopped onion and garlic to it. Vegetables should become transparent. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and send to the onion. Fry until golden brown. Reduce the heat, pour in the cream and simmer for a few minutes on low heat. Season with salt and spices.

Make pancakes by mixing all the ingredients. The dough should turn out moderately liquid, then viscous - so it is more convenient to fry it.

Make pancakes and serve hot.

Pancakes with mushrooms in cream

Recipe for Russian pancakes with mushrooms and cabbage

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300-350 g of cabbage;
  • 6 tablespoons of oil (preferably olive);
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 150-170 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 200-230 g fresh champignons;
  • 1 onion of medium size;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt to taste.

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms (video)

Prepare the dough for pancakes: beat two eggs, mix with milk, pour in sunflower oil. Salt and season with sugar, mix. Add flour in batches. Pour the dough in parts on a preheated pan and fry thin pancakes on both sides.

Peel and wash the onion. Finely chop and fry in a pan. Pour mushrooms cut into thin plates and finely chopped cabbage. Simmer over low heat until cabbage leaves are tender.

Put the filling on the pancake, wrap the edges. fry ready meal without adding oil seam down.

Let's summarize:

  • All varieties of mushrooms are suitable for stuffing pancakes. You can also use frozen or dry vegetables.
  • Frying pancakes requires some skill, but with strict adherence to the recipe, you can get a thin and plastic dough.
  • Mushroom filling can be different - with cabbage, potatoes or chicken, egg.

Post Views: 162

Pancakes can be cooked not only for Shrovetide, but also on any other day. This dish is universal, it can become hot snack for a festive table or a daily delicacy. Pancakes can be prepared as semi-finished products and then served fried. The product is convenient to take with you to work or on a picnic.

Today I offer a recipe for pancakes with mushrooms. They will turn out thin and tender. These pair well with sweet stuffing, and with more satisfying meat or vegetable. This time the mushroom filling will be creamy, tender in texture.

Taste Info Pancakes

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • Champignon mushrooms - 230 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • A clove of garlic - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 25 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l. + 50 ml;
  • Chicken eggs- 2-3 pieces;
  • Wheat flour- 100 g;
  • Milk or water for dough - 300 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (in the dough);
  • Soy sauce - 30 ml (optional);
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms

To prepare pancake dough, you can use the recipe you tried earlier or try the one below. Take two large or three small eggs, break them into a deep container. Add a pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar, add a little flour. Stir.

Pour milk or water in parts and knead the dough with a whisk. If there are lumps, do not worry, then they will disappear. You can beat not only with a whisk, but also with a blender. Pour in the remaining flour. The dough should turn out to be liquid, resembling kefir in consistency.

Leave the dough on the table for 20 minutes to infuse. Pancakes will then be well baked due to the formation of a homogeneous, lump-free mixture.

Pour vegetable oil into the dough.

After you have prepared the base, you can start making pancakes. Since there is quite a lot of vegetable oil in the composition, the surface of the pan can not be smeared. Usually, it is recommended to grease the pan only before frying the first pancake.

Spread the dough in an even thin layer over the preheated pan. Fry each pancake on one side, then flip to the other. Put the finished product on a plate. The number and size of pancakes will depend on the width of the bottom of your pan.

Let's get to the stuffing. Rinse mushrooms and peeled onions. Cut into small cubes.

Send a piece of butter or vegetable oil to the pan, heat well. Sauté the onion and mushrooms until the ingredients in the pan are golden brown. Add minced garlic soy sauce and salt, spices to taste. Stir and simmer until done.

Add a tablespoon of flour to the mushrooms.

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Pour half a glass of cream or low-fat sour cream into the pan, the filling will immediately begin to thicken. Steam for a few minutes. Add milk product not necessarily in this recipe, but thanks to it, the filling will become more tender.

Remove the mushrooms from the skillet to a plate to cool. In the filling, you can add chopped dill, parsley, green onion. At your discretion.

Put a spoonful of mushrooms in the center of the pancake, then wrap it to make a roll. Do the same with all pancakes.

Cool the finished snack and store in the refrigerator.

Before serving, fry pancakes in butter until golden brown. For decoration, you can use the remaining mushrooms. Cut them into thin slices and fry.

Serve hot pancakes with mushroom slices spread on them. You can add sour cream to the snack. Pour it into a saucer or pour over the top.

Your loved ones or guests will definitely appreciate stuffed pancakes with mushrooms. You can cook other filling, which will also be very tasty.

Options for mushroom filling for pancakes

You can combine mushrooms with meat, cheese and other additives, so there are a lot of options.

  • Be sure to try the mushroom and egg filling. You will need onions, carrots, mushrooms and eggs. First, fry the chopped onions and carrots separately until golden brown. You can immediately add herbs and spices. In another bowl, you need to cook diced mushrooms. Fry for about 15-20 minutes. After that, mix everything. Grind boiled eggs and also send to everything else. If desired, you can season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Hearty and incredibly tasty.
  • A very gentle combination is obtained in the filling with mushrooms and cheese. Saute them with onions, season with salt and pepper to taste. Then immediately proceed to the formation of rolls. Spread a spoonful of mushrooms, then sprinkle with finely grated cheese. Roll up and enjoy.
  • For real festive snack can become pancakes with pickled mushrooms, cheese and ham. You don’t have to fry anything, the rolls will be cold. Cut into thin slices meat product, grate the cheese and chop the mushrooms. Now lay it in layers on the pancake. First, a piece of ham. On it a neat slide of a spoonful of mushrooms. Cheese on top. You can add greens if you like. The combination is very interesting, and most importantly delicious.
  • The stuffing with mushrooms and chicken is an absolute culinary classic. Boil the chicken and cut into pieces. Cut the mushrooms into cubes, send to the pan, then send and fry the chicken a little. You need to fry with onions. Salt, pepper to taste, add herbs.

The described recipes involve the use of champignons, since they are the easiest to cook. But you can make a stuffing from wild mushrooms, you just need to know how to handle them correctly.

Fresh Forest mushrooms must be cleaned. First, check them for pests, cut off the tip of the leg and scrape off the top layer from it. After that, they need to be boiled for about 50 minutes in lightly salted water. Now the product is ready for further cooking.

Frozen is the easiest to cook. As a rule, before freezing, they are pre-cut and boiled. After defrosting, you can make any filling from them.

Soak dried mushrooms in warm water for an hour, then boil for 40 minutes, now they are ready to prepare the filling for pancakes, cook according to any recipe.

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