Home Nutrition How to break a coconut at home. Simple tips on how to cut a coconut at home. How to eat coconut: useful properties, calories, secrets of dishes

How to break a coconut at home. Simple tips on how to cut a coconut at home. How to eat coconut: useful properties, calories, secrets of dishes

Nuts that grow on coconut trees are called coconuts. This fruit has a strong shell, which is covered with brown fibers on the outside. Under the coconut shell there is white pulp, which has a delicate aroma and specific taste. In addition, inside the nut there is a kind of transparent consistency ( coconut milk), it has a sweetish-salty taste.

To try such a nut, it is not necessary to go to the places of its growth, since at present it can be purchased without any problems in the supermarket. But most people who decide to buy a coconut are asking the same questions, how to choose the right one and how to open it?

In order to purchase a good coconut, you need to use the following tips from experts:

  1. First of all, what you need to pay attention to is the integrity of the nut. In this case, its shell should not have chips, scratches and cracks. If such damage is present, then rot or mold could already have formed inside the fetus, which adversely affect it. taste qualities. Therefore, if you come across just such a coconut, it is best to bypass it.
  2. A ripe coconut is quite heavy in weight. In addition, its ripeness can be determined by shaking. If, after shaking the nut, you can hear the gurgling of the liquid, it means that it is juicy and ripe.
  3. On one side of the coconut there are three round spots, which also play an important role in its selection. If these eyes are darker in color than the shell, then the fruit is ripe and does not have any internal or external damage.

It is quite difficult for an ordinary person who has never held such an exotic product in his hands to choose a quality fruit. Therefore, it is better to take two or three copies. Because, according to the theory of probability, at least one of several fruits will turn out to be truly tasty.

In the store, the quality of a overseas walnut can be determined solely by its appearance. But when you come home, split and clean this fruit, you can already say with absolute certainty whether it is of high quality or not.

The following characteristics are characteristic of a quality walnut:

  • the aroma of coconut milk, which should be pleasant and not harsh. Otherwise, this will mean that the process of decay has begun in the purchased product;
  • pulp shade. A quality fruit will have a pure white color, while a spoiled one will have a pinkish color;
  • amount and texture of pulp. It should be tender and in a sufficiently large amount. In addition, there should be a small amount of liquid in a ripe coconut.

Coconut Opening Instructions

To open such an exotic fruit at home, you need to perform certain actions.

First of all, you need to drain the milk from it. For this you need:

Further, to open the fruit, you will need to knock on it with a hard object so that cracks form on the surface of the nut. For this action, a regular hammer is best suited. With the help of such a tool, the coconut is tapped from the eyes, since in this place its shell is more prone to deformation.

In this case, you need to hit hard. Also, at the same time, you need to turn the fruit to form a circumferential crack.

When a crack appears, you can begin to split it. For this, a sharp object is used, the tip of which is inserted into the resulting crack and rotated. With a successful outcome of events, the coconut should split into two halves.

The next and final step is the separation of the pulp from the shell, which can be done in the following ways:

  1. With the help of an ordinary tablespoon, with which the pulp is hooked and cut off, thus separating it from the shell. It should be borne in mind that this method is effective if the coconut flesh is tender and soft, that is, in young fruits.
  2. With a wine corkscrew or screwdriver. With this method, the tip must be driven between the shell and the pulp and carefully peel off the shell. This option is universal, as it can be used for young and old fruits.
  3. With the help of a sharp knife, with which the flesh is cut into small pieces up to the peel, after which the edible part of the coconut is separated from the shell with your fingers or with the same knife. This method is most suitable for old nuts.

For a more convenient and high-quality opening of an overseas fetus, you must use the following recommendations:

  1. To speed up the process of leakage of liquid from the nut, you should drill a hole of small diameter in the opposite direction from the spots with a drill.
  2. The more fragile spot is the one that is at a greater distance from the other two.
  3. When splitting a nut, it must first be fixed. This will help you avoid dangerous situations.

Why you should definitely try coconut.
Coconut has many health benefits. In addition to the "paradise delight" from chocolate bar, which the beautiful girl from the commercial promises us, unique beneficial features, lots of vitamins and minerals. It is incredible that in one product it was possible to collect so many benefits for a person:
– improvement of the condition of the fundus, clarity and visual acuity,
- normalization of brain function,
- strengthening the cardiovascular system,
- general strengthening effect on blood vessels and human organs,
- a beneficial effect on women's and men's health, increased sexual desire.
Indeed, a rare case when something pleasant and very tasty can be useful!
Useful is not only the nut mass hidden behind a strong shell, but also the milk inside. And the oil obtained during the processing of coconut generally has a whole set of unique properties. It remains only to study the question of how to open coconuts easily and correctly.

So, bought, where to start?

Convinced of the undoubted benefits, you decided and bought a coconut. Here it lies in front of you - a strong, oval, slightly "hairy" fruit. And here the question is: how to get to the contents inside, how to open a coconut? Take a heavy hammer and smash? - not an option. We know that inside is delicious milk, breaking the shell incorrectly, you can lose all the liquid. Therefore, we discard the option of using "brute force".
Let's try to think logically. The edible contents of the nut are its milk and pulp. If you first extract the liquid, and then get to the pulp, will this course of action be correct? Yes, indeed, this procedure for extracting useful substances is the most convenient and simple. You can safely use it to learn how to split a coconut quickly and beautifully.

We extract the liquid - the first stage

Pay attention to three dark spots (eyes) located on one of the ends of the coconut. Here is the thinnest place near the nut shell, and here we will strike the first blow. With the help of a sharp metal object - a sharp knife, an awl, a thin screwdriver, a corkscrew, finally - we make two through holes in these eyes. Next, we insert an ordinary tube into one of the holes, which are used for cocktails, and enjoy the unusual taste of the fruit. And why two holes, if there is only one tube, you ask quite reasonably. We explain: the second hole is necessary so that air gets inside the coconut, then the milk will move into your stomach without any problems.

Juice is drunk, what's next?

And then we solve the problem of getting to the most delicious pulp in the shortest way. We rejected the method of exorbitant physical impact, we will find a way to break a coconut quickly and beautifully.
Look carefully at the surface of the shell. It has its own weak point, where it is necessary to deliver an accurate, measured blow.
From the eyes located at one end of the coconut, mentally draw a straight line towards the opposite end of the nut. Divide the resulting segment into three parts. One third of the eyes - this is our goal!
Coconut, freed from liquid, should be placed on a flat, stable surface. At the intended point on the surface of the shell, apply a sharp and most accurate blow. You should only hit with the blunt side of the knife. From the first time you are unlikely to succeed. We turn the coconut a little and strike again. We pass, thus, over the entire surface. Depending on the strength and accuracy of the strikes, it may take 1 or 2 turns of the nut around its axis, no more. After that, a crack will appear in the coconut, enough to insert the tip of a knife into it and press on the body. After such a small effort, the coconut will split into two neat halves. That's all, we learned with you how to split a coconut quickly and without any problems. After a little practice, we can teach others.

Other options

Many people have set out to find The best way how to split a coconut in the most optimal way. Some craftsmen suggest wrapping it with cling film before breaking the nut body. It will protect the room from fragments of the peel flying in all directions.
There is such advice: carefully and gently tap the entire surface of the coconut with a hammer. Thus, you will separate the pulp of the nut from the shell, and after breaking the body, you can easily and quickly remove the edible core.
In order to finally learn how to solve the problem, watch how to open a coconut video. Nobody canceled the visibility of education yet.


We are sure that after reading our article, as well as consolidating your knowledge in practice, you will very soon be able to amaze your friends with a rare skill by showing a master class on how to split a coconut.

Having bought a coconut for the first time and decided to open it, most people have doubts that it will turn out quickly and beautifully. Still would! After all, a coconut has a very dense, thick, fibrous shell that reliably protects the contents. However, it is enough to repeat the experience of opening a coconut 2-4 times, and you will become a real master of cutting these nuts. And to make the process go easier and faster, follow a certain sequence of actions.

How and how to open a coconut at home? Coconut is a favorite fruit of fans of exotic fruits and light natural drinks. This is a real temptation for housewives who constantly pamper their family with delicious pastries.

Therefore, you need to use the contents of the nut to the fullest. First you need to free it from coconut milk. To do this, carefully inspect the coconut and find three dark spots on its nasal (more pointed) part. These are traces from three cuttings, with which the fruit was attached to the palm tree during growth and through which it received nutrients. It is clear that these places in the nut are the most vulnerable. Take any sharp object: an awl, a screwdriver, a corkscrew and carefully make holes in these places. By inserting a straw into one of them, you can enjoy delicious drink straight from the walnut. Or you can turn the nut upside down, placing it securely on a jar or other container, and let the contents drain into a container.

After the coconut has become empty, you can start splitting to get to the fragrant pulp. There are two ways to do this. The easiest way to open a coconut at home is to place the nut in a clean bag and hit it hard with a hammer a couple of times. The coconut shell will crack and you will only have to separate it from the pulp, which, unfortunately, also most often cracks and falls apart from blows.

The second method is more complicated and requires some skill. But it's so beautiful that once you've mastered it, you'll literally "get the applause" when you do it in front of friends or family. So, taking a coconut in your left hand, determine its "equator". Now step back 2-3 cm from the "equator" closer to the spout, in which there are holes. With the back of a strong, heavy knife, strike this place several times across the nut. A crack will appear. It remains to insert a knife into it and split the shell in half. You will have a whole, intact coconut in your hands. And two halves of its shell, from which you can make great crafts.

Coconut pulp deserves special attention. After cutting the coconut into large pieces, remove the peel with a knife or a regular vegetable peeler. Ripe coconut can be eaten cut into small pieces. An overripe coconut will be quite tough and is best used only in cooking. The most common way to use coconut in baking is in flaked coconut, which is done with a regular grater.

Shavings can be added to cakes, pastries and even buns and pancakes. This is the perfect dressing for . And if you have accumulated a lot of chips, you can make amazing airy cookies from it, fragrant, very tender and tasty.

It does not matter why a coconut appeared in your house - whether it is a gift of fate or your own whim, but something must be done with it. Despite the rather harsh appearance, opening a nut is not such a difficult matter if you know which side to approach it from.

How to split a coconut

Of course, this nut is an exotic fruit and is not familiar to everyone. But that doesn't mean we can't deal with it.

The fruit of the coconut tree is more correctly called a drupe, not a nut.

To cut a coconut “under the nut”, we must stock up on the necessary tools and follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparing inventory

We will need:

  • hammer;
  • nail or screwdriver;
  • a large knife or hatchet for meat;
  • Cup;
  • towel.

Do not be intimidated by the abundance of listed items. Some of them are interchangeable and are indicated in case another item is not at hand. Which tool you use depends on how you open the nut.

Drain the juice

On one of the "poles" of the nut there are three dark spots. In these places it will be easier to make a hole.

Coconut water is often mistakenly referred to as "milk". Actually, coconut water (juice) and coconut milk are two different things. Water is what is inside the nut, and the so-called coconut milk is obtained from the crushed pulp with the addition of water.

You need to choose the softest spot and make a hole in it with a nail or screwdriver

  1. Lay the coconut on a towel so it doesn't slip on the table.
  2. Place a nail against one of the marks and hit it with a hammer. Calculate the impact force! If you overdo it, you will get a hammered nail, not a hole.
  3. Make two holes for the coconut water to pour out more easily, and tilt the nut over the glass.

Do not count on a full glass of juice, there is not much of it in a ripened (brown) nut.

Breaking a nut with bare hands

It is difficult to imagine a Papuan walking around under palm trees with a carpenter's kit. Coconuts have been eaten since time immemorial, which means that there are some "primitive" ways to bring sweet pulp to the world.

The simplest way to open a nut, if you have nothing but your own hands, is to hit it hard on a hard surface. For example, about a concrete wall. The "right hook" will have the desired effect if you aim: hold the nut in such a way that the blow falls on the most convex part of the "equator" of the nut. As a rule, one decent blow is enough for a crack to appear. The disadvantage of this method is that if the gap is too small, you cannot simply break the nut into two halves with your hands and you will have to repeat the maneuver. And if you are so strong that you just smashed the coconut against the wall, then you will not be able to enjoy the coconut juice - it will flow out.

How to open a coconut with a knife

If there is at least a knife, then this greatly simplifies the matter. It is desirable that it be a solid tool that inspires respect, for example, a billhook knife, a hunting knife or a “chef's knife”. With it, you cut the coconut in at least two ways.

Opening through a hole

If you have already made two holes in the shell and drained the juice, feel free to start cutting using the existing holes.

  1. We insert the knife into one of the holes with a point.
  2. We hit the handle several times. You can do this with a hammer, or you can just use your fist.

This method guarantees that the nut will crack, but does not guarantee the symmetry of the resulting parts.

Video: cutting with a knife through a hole

Knife on the rib of a coconut

In this way, “full” nuts are opened, with juice inside. First of all, evaluate the "exterior" of the knife and determine what is heavier, the blade or the handle. Sharpness does not matter, because we will tap the nut, not cut it. If the knife blade is heavier, then use its blunt side. If the handle is more weighty, then take the knife by the blade.

  1. Locate a natural fault line approximately in the middle of the nut. As you remember, this is the very place where the shell cracks the fastest.
  2. Act accurately and carefully: with one hand, hold the nut on weight and constantly turn it around its axis, and with the other hand, tap along this line with the blunt side of the knife.
  3. As soon as a crack appears, insert the blade of a knife into it and slightly push the shell apart.
  4. Pour the juice into a glass.
  5. Now open the nut using the knife more forcefully.

Video: how to split the shell into two equal halves

How to open a green "drinkable" coconut

Green fruits are unripe nuts that have not yet had time to “matter”. By the density of the peel, they are somewhat reminiscent of a pumpkin, which means that a green nut can be easily handled with a kitchen knife. Just cut off one of the coconut poles like a "cap" and enjoy!

Green coconut juice reduces appetite, normalizes digestion, blood glucose, thyroid function and metabolism

Coconut water is low in calories, quenches thirst well, helps get rid of infections. Bladder and restores physical strength after intense exercise.

Safety precautions when opening a nut

Despite the fact that it is not difficult to deal with coconut, still be careful when using sharp, piercing, cutting objects. When wielding a hammer, try to protect your fingers. By the way, if out of all the ways to open a coconut, you just decided to hit it with a hammer wherever you have to, then before that put it in a plastic bag so as not to look for scattered pieces all over the kitchen later.

Peeling the hard skin and extracting the pulp

The extraction of pulp will go faster if you consider the following rule: the more shells, the easier it is to do. Therefore, if you do not use any "life hacks", then the most difficult thing will be to pick out the copra from those very perfect hemispheres that were discussed above.

Insert the blade of the knife between the shell and the edible part and separate the piece

The most primitive way to extract the pulp is as follows: insert the blade of a knife between the shell and the edible part, and, shaking the knife, separate the piece. Then another one. And further. The main thing is not to rush anywhere.

This type of meditation is not for everyone. Things will go much faster if you use the following method:

We will not throw away the shell

If carving a coconut is so impressive that you want to keep these exciting moments in your memory, make a souvenir out of the shell. Most often, halves of nuts are used as a salt shaker, candlestick, plate for buttons, keys and other trifles. If the shell is quite deep, then by turning it upside down, you will get an excellent eco-house for a hamster. Small and unsightly shards will serve as drainage for indoor flowers.

Photo gallery: decor and household items made of coconut shell

Candlesticks made from halves of coconut will decorate any holiday Coconut shell feeder is very eco-friendly Box in the shape of an egg - almost Faberge Cacti in a coconut planter feel at home

Terms and methods of storing coconut

One nut, as a rule, is eaten right there, so the question of how to store it is not even raised. Another thing is when, for some reason, you have these coconuts, as they say, “heaps”. Whole nuts keep in a cool place for up to three weeks. But if you don’t work in the same store where you managed to stock up on coconuts, then you can’t know how long they had already lain on the shelf before you were tempted by them.

Important! When buying a coconut, shake it near your ear: you will hear a noticeable splash of juice. If this sound is not there, there is a high probability of running into a stale, drying fruit.

Store an opened coconut in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, as long as it remains in the shell. Coconut juice is not recommended. Microbes multiply rapidly in a sweetish liquid, so it would be wiser to drink it right away.

  • pour boiled water over the pulp so that it does not dry out. The shelf life of "soaked coconut" in the refrigerator is 2-3 days;
  • Put the peeled coconut pulp in the freezer. In this form, she can wait for her fate for several months;
  • chop and dry the coconut, put it in a bag and use the shavings throughout the year. Store in a dry place.

Not everyone can pick a nut from such a height

Interesting: in the south of Thailand, coconuts are harvested with the help of trained monkeys. The animal climbs up, picks nuts, and when it comes down, it receives a treat from the worker.

The sweetness and aroma of a fresh walnut is much brighter than a processed one. Buy the "symbol of heavenly life" just before eating and enjoy the fullest taste.

Today, coconuts can be bought at almost any store that sells fruit. But they still rarely buy them, most often because they don’t know how to open them. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this.

Coconut - a gift from heaven

We used to call a coconut a nut. But this is not a nut, but a drupe, and its relatives are, for example, peach, cherry, plum, viburnum, and even raspberries and cloudberries.

What else is good about coconut - it is absolutely waste-free, that is, all its parts are used - coconut water is drunk, milk, butter and shavings are made from white pulp, and the shell is used for various crafts.

It is interesting! The true homeland of the coconut is not known for certain, since its seeds, carried by ocean currents, spread independently, eventually filling all the coasts of the tropical belt.

Fresh coconut is a storehouse of nutrients. It is rich in many minerals, including potassium, calcium, zinc, sodium, iron, copper, selenium, iodine, and vitamins - C, K, E, group B.
Ocean currents carried the fruits of the coconut, allowing them to spread along the coasts of the entire tropical belt.

Coconut water is considered an excellent electrolyte replenisher (by the way, this property makes it an excellent hangover remedy), and is also close in composition to human blood plasma (it can even be used for transfusion). The use of coconut in general can improve blood quality, increase vascular elasticity and lower cholesterol levels, which, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

All products derived from coconuts strengthen the immune system. The pulp of the fruit is successfully used to treat diarrhea, poisoning, the local population even used it in the treatment of cholera. Drops from ear diseases are also made from the pulp. If you burn the shell, then the resulting ash can be used to dry and disinfect wounds, including purulent ones. Coconut is generally an excellent antiseptic.

By the way! Aborigines call coconut a gift from heaven, but in Latin its name sounds like "monkey". Apparently, because the locals made practically everything that was necessary for life from the fruits of coconut palms, ranging from a variety of food products to furniture and clothing, and did not work hard, Catholic preachers did not like these plants and waged a merciless fight with them, cutting down whole coconut groves.

The local population calls coconuts a gift from heaven and makes almost everything that is needed for life out of them.

Coconuts, especially coconut water, help to improve the functioning of the excretory system, have a diuretic effect, and also help dissolve kidney stones. Eating coconut pulp normalizes digestion and cleanses the intestines. It is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Attention! Patients with diabetes can fearlessly drink coconut water, besides, it perfectly stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood, but it is better for them to refuse the use of pulp and its derivatives (milk, butter), since the pulp contains more sugars.

Coconut water is a natural energy booster that can restore spent energy in a short time, which makes it an indispensable drink for athletes and people engaged in physical labor. It also prevents dehydration.

Coconut oil is very loved by cosmetologists, as it nourishes, moisturizes well, significantly reduces oiliness, slows down skin aging, and also restores hair.

Choosing and opening a coconut

To choose a good coconut, remember just four rules:

  1. Coconut should be light. Dark - too old, overdried.
  2. There should be no cracks or chips on the shell, and the villi should not be too wrinkled and broken off.
  3. Coconut should be heavy and with liquid inside. Therefore, weigh the fruit in your hand, and then shake it over your ear - if it gurgles, then you can take it.
  4. There are three indentations on the top of the coconut. Inspect them carefully - they should be intact, clean and free of mold.

A good coconut is light, with a whole shell and three clean indentations

If all these conditions are met, then you, with a high degree of probability, will get a good coconut. Now you need to open it.

It is quite simple to do this, but there are some nuances.

You will need:

  1. A stable stand (this can be a small salad bowl or bowl, preferably metal so as not to break, a salad ring of the right size is ideal).
  2. Something sharp (an awl, a screwdriver, a thick nail, some men generally prefer a drill and a saw blade for metal, especially if they then make something out of the shell).
  3. Knife with a sharp tip.
  4. Hammer (preferably small)
  5. Container for draining coconut water.
  6. A spoon.

To begin, poke into the three indentations on the top of the fruit with your sharp object. One of the holes is easily pierced. Expand it (this can be done with the sharp tip of a knife or even a teaspoon handle, you can also use a regular corkscrew).
A hammer and screwdriver are the best tools for opening a mature coconut.

In principle, you can already pour out the coconut water, but it is better to make a second hole to speed up the process. Here you can't do without a hammer. Attach, for example, a screwdriver to the second recess and hit it with a hammer. You have a second hole.

Now drain the coconut water. It is not stored for a long time, so it is better to drink it immediately or put it in the refrigerator and use it within a day, for example, for culinary purposes.
This line is the best way to open a coconut.

Let's start breaking the coconut. Mentally divide it into three parts (as in the picture) and start tapping with a hammer along the indicated line, turning the coconut in a circle. Soon a crack will appear (sometimes after the first lap). If you do not have the patience, you can insert a screwdriver into this crack and hit it with a hammer - the fruit will crack.

Video: how to open a ripe coconut

But there is one trick here. You can make the white flesh separate from the shell itself. To do this, continue with jerky, but not very strong blows, tapping the coconut along the drawn line. It is better to hit with the sharp side of the hammer.

If everything is done correctly, then the coconut will not only split into two parts, but the flesh itself will separate from the shell. All you have to do is remove the thin brown layer with a sharp knife. If the pulp is not separated - it does not matter. With a sharp knife, cut it into segments right in the peel, and then scrape it out with a spoon.
If the coconut is broken correctly, then the flesh will separate from the shell itself.

How to Open Drinkable Coconut

Drinkable is a young immature fruit, in which there is a lot of coconut water. It is covered with a thick inedible intercarp. The stone in it has not yet completely hardened, so such a coconut can be easily opened with a sharp knife. Aborigines knock down the lid with one blow, but you should not try to repeat it. It takes a lot of practice to do this.

You can buy drinking coconuts in countries where they grow. This product is also found in some online stores. So, mature coconuts are still more accessible to us. But if you still have to face the greens, make a hole as best you can. Stripped coconuts open more easily.
Easier to open already stripped drinking coconuts

For example, you can:

  1. Remove the pulp from only one side, dig a hole - and a straw there. This method is good if you have a not very sharp or small knife.
    You can just dig a hole in a drinking coconut
  2. Make a hole with a special corkscrew for coconuts.
    You can open drinking coconut with a special corkscrew
  3. With a pre-cut coconut, make an incision parallel to the bottom with a sharp knife.
    You can carefully cut off the lid of a green coconut
  4. Make four cuts and remove the resulting cap. If the coconut is very young, you can simply cut it with a sharp knife, if it is of medium maturity - with four blows of a cleaver (do not expose your hands). From a coconut opened in this way, it is convenient to eat the pulp with a spoon.
    Four cuts is the most popular way to open a drinking coconut
  5. Drill a hole with a drill and insert a straw into it.
    Green coconut can be drilled with a drill

What to do with coconut pulp

The white flesh of a coconut can be used to make milk, butter, and shavings.


The pulp must be crushed. This can be done in two ways: on a grater or in a blender.

Then the crushed pulp is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 1.5 or 1: 2. The more water, the less fat the milk will have. Water should be boiled and warm.

Then you can beat the mixture again in a blender and immediately strain through cheesecloth. Or pour water, insist for half an hour, and then strain. Either way, you'll have coconut milk ready to drink. I prefer to insist.
Strain the infused mixture of coconut flakes with water through cheesecloth

If you are going to make butter later, then definitely use less water. If you want to use milk for baking, then take a ratio of one to two. If you prefer to make smoothies, then you can do this and that. It all depends on whether you like fatter or thinner. By the way, making a smoothie is very simple: pour the resulting milk into a blender (or use a submersible), add any fruits and berries (preferably seasonal) and beat. Of course, it is better to do it right away, as home-made coconut milk begins to lose its beneficial properties very quickly.


Coconut oil is made in the same way as milk. Crushed chips and warm boiled water are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.5. We proceed in two ways:

We take the milk obtained according to the recipes described above, cool it and put it in the refrigerator. After a day or earlier, it will exfoliate, carefully remove the top layer, like cream from ordinary cow's milk. We transfer it to a jar, store it in the refrigerator and use it.

Grind the pulp, pour warm water, cool completely and send to the refrigerator. During the night, a layer of coconut oil forms on top, it should resemble lard in consistency. Also carefully remove it and melt it in a water bath. We do not warm up, only to become liquid. Strain through cheesecloth to remove shavings. Pour into a clean jar and put in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
Homemade in texture Coconut oil resembles lard

Freshly made coconut oil can keep for about a week, so don't make too much at once.

By the way! For cooking oil, it is better to choose old coconuts. The older the coconut, the more oil you can get from it. Plus, it will be thicker.

Coconut oil is an excellent cosmetic and medicinal product. They can be used to remove makeup from the eye area, mixed with sunscreen (or even used instead), used as a cream to eliminate skin peeling, for example, on the elbows. As a medicine, it can be used to heal household burns or cuts, against cracked heels.

Of course, home-made coconut milk and butter cannot be stored for a long time. But in my opinion, they are much more pleasant and useful than industrial products stuffed with preservatives and other chemicals. You just need to make them in small portions in order to have time to use.


Squeezed coconut is the easiest to freeze and use as needed - add to the dough or make the filling for the Bounty cake. But if you need shavings for sprinkling, they will have to be dried. This can be done in several ways. Here are the simplest ones:

  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment, spread the chips over it and leave to dry naturally.
  2. Just put it on a baking sheet and put it in a preheated (one hundred degrees is enough) oven to the very top. Turn off the oven immediately, close the door and leave the chips there for a couple of days until completely dry.
  3. Dry in the oven at one hundred degrees with the door open until cooked.

coconut flakes it is better to dry on a baking sheet covered with parchment

Dried shavings can be stored for a long time in dry, hermetically sealed containers.

Coconut shells also come in handy.

Don't throw away the coconut shell. From it you can make a lot of useful and simply beautiful things. Of course, this is a topic for a separate article, but you can just admire it.

Photo gallery: coconut shell crafts

You can make a set of bowls from coconut shells Coconut shells are suitable for making scented candles But this beauty can be used as vases or lampshades Coconut flowerpots look original You can make buttons from fragments of coconut shells Earrings can also be made from small pieces of coconut shells Coconuts can be made comfortable bird feeders Headphones made of coconut sound good You can make various lamps from coconuts

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