Home Kashi What to cook from yeast dough. Pressed or fresh yeast: composition, how to make, recipes. Pressed Yeast Recipes

What to cook from yeast dough. Pressed or fresh yeast: composition, how to make, recipes. Pressed Yeast Recipes

Recipes Today yeast dough- in books and on the Internet - so much that a novice cook's head can go round.

We tried to read through the eyes of beginners - and came to the conclusion that we would not dare to take on this dough, with all the rules of preparation, warnings and other things, although we know how to bake. By the way, this imaginary complexity scares off most young housewives.

We acted simply: we visited many culinary forums and chose those recipes that, being published, tested by many - including beginners - users and received best reviews for their simplicity and excellent baking quality.

For beginners, we explain: yeast dough is made in two ways - with and without dough. Oparnoe To prepare it, first a sponge is made - batter from warm liquid, yeast and half the norm of flour - which should ferment quite long time, and only then all the other ingredients are added to it. Products prepared sponge method, have a larger volume, i.e. the air bubbles are larger. The dough is more elastic and not crumbly. Bezoparnoe It is kneaded immediately, you only need to wait for it to fit well, i.e. rose. The main difference here is the following. If we want the dough to be rich - i.e. it had more eggs, sugar, butter, milk - we do sponge dough. We bake kulebyaki, braids, buns from it.

Bezopare dough is more suitable for baking pies, buns, yeast. We also use this dough if we are going to deep-fry - for example, donuts.

In fact, this boundary is rather arbitrary. Experienced housewives most often they can bake anything from a doughless dough.

Unleavened yeast dough

  • 500-600 g flour
  • 20-30 g fresh yeast or half a standard packet of dry yeast (weighing 11 g)
  • 1 glass of milk or water
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable spoons, or butter, or margarine
  • 1-2 teaspoons of sugar (for sweet dough - about half a glass)
  • about half a teaspoon of salt
  1. If we use fresh yeast, first stir it in warm, 37-38 °, milk or water until it dissolves. Dry, as recommended on the bag, mix immediately with flour or water.
  2. It is better to grind the eggs first with sugar and salt, then mix with milk or water.
  3. Flour - sift through a sieve. Melt margarine or butter and let cool.
  4. Now pour a mixture of water (or milk) with sugar, salt, egg (and yeast, if we use fresh ones) into a bowl of flour, knead the dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour the oil and knead again. Directly in a bowl - if it is convenient for us - or on a table sprinkled with flour, we knead the dough with our hands for at least 5 minutes, and even better - for 10-15 minutes. Properly kneaded dough should not stick to your hands by the end of this process. Sticky - add a little flour.
  5. After that, again put the dough in a bowl or pan, remembering that it will increase in volume at least twice. Cover with a damp towel or napkin, you can use a lid, and put in a warm place. Those. either in a slightly heated and turned off oven, or on a bowl-pan with hot water, which must be changed periodically, or next to the heating battery, then the bowl must be leaned from time to time with the other side.
  6. The rise time of the dough depends on the quality of the ingredients and other details, but usually takes 1-2 hours. When the dough has risen, we again briefly knead it with our hands and leave it to rise a second time. After that, you can put it on the table and cut it.
  7. When we have already formed our pastry and put it on a baking sheet, let it stand for another 15-20 minutes, the dough will rise again and will definitely be lush and light.

Yeast dough

  • 500-600 g flour
  • 50 g fresh yeast or dry yeast 11 g
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 4-6 eggs
  • 2.5 st. tablespoons vegetable, or 100 butter, or 100 g margarine
  • 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar (or from 0.5 to a whole glass if we want a sweet dough)
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  1. First we make a brew. We dissolve yeast in warm milk - any, a tablespoon of sugar and so much flour to make a dough, like on pancakes (in consistency, like sour cream). Usually it is 1 glass of flour. We introduce gradually, best of all - sifting through a sieve so that there are no lumps.
  2. And put for an hour and a half in a warm place to rise. The dough is ready when it has risen to its maximum, and then falls, and something like wrinkles appear on the surface.
  3. We prepare the muffin: rub the eggs with sugar and knead properly. Melt butter or margarine and let cool.
  4. Pour the muffin into the risen dough, stirring, add the remaining flour, mix until smooth, pour in the oil at the very end. Knead with your hands, adding flour if necessary, until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
  5. We put the dough back into the bowl and put it in a warm place to rise for 1.5-2 hours.
  6. And the same recommendation: the products on the baking sheet should be spaced, approximately doubled in volume, and then put in the oven.
  • Products from both doughs are baked at a temperature of 200-220 °, in a gas oven it is better to set 180 °. Time - from 10-15 minutes for small items to 50 minutes for large ones. It all depends on the oven.
  • So that it does not burn and does not dry out, The best way- put a frying pan or something else with boiling water on the bottom of the oven.
  • If you grease the products with a beaten egg before baking, they will be shiny and ruddy.
  • And after baking, be sure to grease with oil or at least tea, warm water, put it immediately on a dish and cover with a napkin or towel. Otherwise, they, from the heat of the heat, will steam and dry out, instead of becoming soft.
  • By the way, if you have problems with the oven - pies, for example, you can just fry in a pan.

Simple yeast dough

Is on one of the forums and more simple yeast dough which is highly praised by all. It is done like this.
  • 500-600 g flour
  • 1 sachet of Saf-moment yeast (11 g)
  • 1 cup (250 ml) warm water
  • 1 egg
  • 7 teaspoons sunflower oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  1. From half of the liquid (it can be milk or kefir), 1 teaspoon of sugar, part of flour and yeast, make a dough, put in a warm place, it rises in 10 minutes.
  2. Stir the rest of the water, sugar, salt, egg, flour in a bowl.
  3. Pour the risen dough into a bowl, knead the uncooked dough, put in a warm place.
  4. After 20-30 minutes the dough is ready - you can bake.

Lean yeast dough

And, finally, a recipe for lean yeast dough, pastries from which do not get stale for a long time, because there is almost no muffin in it.
  • 3-3.5 cups flour
  • half (5.5 g) package of dry yeast "Saf"
  • glass of water
  • 3-5 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1-1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • from 0.5 st. spoons up to 3-5 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  1. In a large bowl, pour warm water (all), add sugar and yeast and stir until everything dissolves. We leave in a warm place. When lush foam appears - add sunflower oil and salt, add a glass of flour, stir.
  2. Add another glass, stir again. If the dough is already thick and difficult to stir - pour the third glass on the table, put the dough on it and knead with your hands until it becomes smooth and not sticky.
  3. Leave the covered dough to rise. When it increases by 1.5 times, we crush again and wait for the second rise. Now you can mold products.
Important! If we took the yeast not just “Saf”, but “Saf-moment”, then it is necessary to mold the products immediately after the first rise of the dough.

As easy as pie

The last recipe we would call "easier than simple". good for pretty fast food savory pies, pies and donuts.
  • 0.5 l of curdled milk or

Yeast dough. Yeast dough is, as the name suggests, a dough that is prepared using yeast and following certain rules. You can’t do without yeast dough in cooking, because bread, various flour dishes, and all kinds of confectionery.

Contrary to popular belief that yeast dough is quite difficult to make, it is actually quite an easy task.

Yeast is a yeast fungus (microorganism) that begins to grow when created for this optimal conditions. And you need a little for this - water or milk, flour, sugar and a warm environment. Flour must be sifted before use - this simple procedure allows you to saturate it with oxygen. During the reaction, alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid are formed, thanks to which the dough rises.

It is very easy to prepare yeast dough for baking bread. Enough flour, water, yeast and salt. If you add eggs, butter, sugar, cream or sour cream to the recipe, you get a muffin recipe.

A different ratio of components allows you to prepare soft, steep, sponge or batter. All kinds of pies, buns, kulebyaki, cheesecakes, buns, muffins are baked from rich yeast dough. Liquid yeast dough is used to make real Russian pancakes. Baking from soft and sponge dough is stored for only a couple of days. Here are the products from hard dough(for example, gingerbread) are usable for more than two weeks.

During fermentation, the following problems may occur. If the dough does not rise, the problem is probably in non-compliance with the temperature regime. For example, if the dough is overheated. In this case, it must be cooled down. If the temperature is below 30 degrees, the dough needs to be warmed up and only then yeast is added to it.

Also, excess salt or sugar interferes with fermentation. In this case, it is better to knead a little more dough in order to dilute the “spoiled” with it.

To test the yeast, it is recommended to prepare a very small portion of the dough, pour in a little flour and see how it is understood. If after a couple of minutes the cracks still do not appear, the yeast is of poor quality. Better not to use them.

The quality of yeast dough and finished products is most directly affected by the amount of ingredients used. There should be enough water so that the dough rises well and the pastries are soft. However, if there is too much water, the dough will be poorly formed. An excess of salt increases the fermentation period, but its lack impairs the taste of baking. If you add too much sugar, the dough will ferment slowly and the middle will not bake well. However, if you add sugar directly to the dough, it will stop fermenting altogether. You can not overdo it with yeast - this will give the baking an unpleasant aftertaste.

Follow proven recipes and you will always get excellent yeast dough!

Yeast baking is diverse like no other: salty, sweet, sour, spicy, sweet and sour; main course, appetizer, yummy for tea, snack for work; pie, patty, pizza, kulebyaka, pie, bun, donut, donut, cheesecake, belyash, tortilla, cake, Easter cake. Can be prepared for different types yeast dough:

  • rich
  • lean
  • insipid
  • puff
  • sour
    It can be based on dry or fresh yeast, as well as home-made sourdough. Various fillings: vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, meat, fish, herbs, eggs, cheese, jams, jams, chocolate, etc.

The five most commonly used ingredients in yeast-baked recipes are:

The simplest yeast baking is prepared on unleavened dough, which consists of flour, salt, water and yeast. To be safe, just in case, you can add vegetable oil and sugar, but in small quantities. Dough to cook or not - the choice of everyone. The most important thing is that the yeast is fresh. It is far from always that purchased yeast is of the right quality, so it is worth checking it before baking.

How to check the quality of purchased dry yeast:

  1. 2 tbsp mix warm milk with 1 tsp. yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara.
  2. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place.
  3. If after 30 minutes the mass has a foam cap, the yeast is alive, they can be used.
    Feel free to check this product in this way, especially if you are embarking on complex yeast-based baking with many ingredients. It is better to run to the store several times for good yeast than to cry over a dough that has not risen.

Five of the most nutritious yeast-baked recipes:

Yeast baking is prepared in the oven, slow cooker, bread machine. In a frying pan under the lid, you can also, especially cakes, pies, donuts, donuts.

There is an opinion that when cooking such pastries in the kitchen, it is better not to shout, not to make loud noises and keep a good mood. Not scientifically confirmed, but you can stick to it - just in case.

We offer several recipes for making homemade yeast: from beer, yeast from hops, from potatoes, from malt, yeast from raisins, from rye bread. Using the above tips, you can make and store yeast at home.

The first recipe yeast from beer

Dissolve a glass of flour in a glass of warm water, leave for 6 hours. Then add 1 glass of beer and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. Stir and put in a warm place. This yeast keeps well in the cold. It is better to store yeast in a tightly closed bottle or jar.

The second recipe potato yeast

Grate two potatoes on a fine grater. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Stir, leave for half a day and the yeast will be ready to use.

Are you looking for how to make dough yeast? Check out the traditional sourdough recipe (it only needs flour and water) or you can choose another recipe in the Sourdough Recipes section.

The third recipe dry hop yeast

Hops pour hot water in a ratio of 1:2 by volume. Boil until the water is halved, in the process, dip the pop-up hops into the water with a spoon. 1 glass of decoction). Cover the dishes with the resulting mass with a towel and put in a warm place for 1.5-2 days. Pour the finished yeast into bottles, close tightly and store in a cool place. When cooking, take such yeast in the ratio: for 2-3 kg of bread 1/2-3/4 cup of yeast.

The fourth recipe from fresh hops

Fill enamel pan fresh hops, cover with hot water and boil for an hour under a closed lid. Strain the broth and add salt, sugar and wheat flour (for 2 liters of broth - 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 cup of granulated sugar, 2 cups wheat flour). Mix well and put the mass in a warm place for two days. Then add mashed boiled potatoes, mix and put again in a warm place for 1 day. Ready yeast is bottled, corked and stored in a cold place.

Fifth recipe - from malt

Mix a glass of flour, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar with 5 cups of hot water and 3 cups of malt (unfermented). Simmer for about an hour over very low heat in a heavy-bottomed pot, just keeping the mixture hot, not boiling. Pour the warm solution into bottles, close loosely and put in a warm place for a day, then transfer to a cold place.

The sixth recipe raisin yeast

Rinse 100-200 g of raisins with warm water, put in a glass bottle, for example, from under milk (it is desirable that the neck of the bottle is not very narrow), pour warm water (so that the raisins have room to float), add a little sugar (2 tablespoons spoons), tie with gauze in 4 layers and put in a warm place. Fermentation will begin on days 4-5, then you can beat the yeast (separate it from the main mass) and put the dough.

Seventh recipe - from rye bread

Grind 0.5 kg of rye bread, add 0.5 l of warm sour milk(or water), 2-3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and a handful of raisins. Leave to wander for a day. Strain the mass through a sieve, and squeeze the bread on a sieve. For the resulting infusion, prepare the dough for density, like sour cream. Put in a warm place. The sourdough on which the dough is prepared will be ready in 2-3 hours.

Instead of yeast you can add a spoonful of rum or cognac to the dough. This will give about the same effect as yeast and change the taste of the dough.

There is nothing tastier and more appetizing than baking from yeast dough! Hot, freshly baked delicious buns, pies fill the house with an indescribable magical aroma, which no other dish is able to repeat. Beautiful pastries from yeast dough always gives festivity to any table, makes it solemn and at the same time homely, family.

Delicious pastries from yeast dough should definitely be mastered by any hostess. It is not difficult, even a novice cook will not encounter difficulties, it's all about practice. Some housewives buy dough in the store, this is quite acceptable if you are limited in time. Baking from ready-made yeast dough is just as tasty and fragrant.

Making yeast dough at home is easy if you follow certain rules. This will require a warm room, milk or water, yeast, oxygen and nutrition for them in the form of sugar and flour. Reacting with each other, these ingredients form alcohol, carbon dioxide and acid - essential components of a quality yeast dough. Products from such a test can be very diverse both in taste and in taste. appearance. Distinguish sweet pastries from yeast dough, pastries from rich yeast dough, pastries from puff pastry, etc. by the most simple test is a yeast dough for bread: a mixture of flour, yeast, salt and liquid. Various flavorings, such as eggs, sugar, butter, sour cream, make baking from this dough.

Baking a pie from yeast dough is a fascinating, festive, creative process. The result of such work is always the pride of any hostess. Learn how to cook yeast dough pastries, the recipes on our website will help you with this. It is very convenient to use recipes with photos in the process of baking yeast dough, they are very visual and easy to learn.

Our tips will also help you:

The yeast fermentation temperature in the dough should be around 30 degrees. The overheated dough should be cooled, the cold one should be warmed up and fresh yeast should be added;

Too much sugar or salt stops fermentation. This can be corrected by making a new dough and mixing with the first batch of dough;

With an excess of water, dough and pastries will not work out of it;

With a lack of water, baking will be tough, the fermentation of such a dough is weak;

Excess salt will give a pale crust on the product, the fermentation time will increase;

Lack of salt will also spoil the dough and make products from it tasteless;

With excess sugar, the surface of the products is quickly fried, and the middle does not have time to bake, the dough ferments poorly;

Lack of sugar makes pastries look pale;

Too much yeast will add an unpleasant sour alcohol smell and taste to your baked goods;

With a different ratio of components, you can get a steep, soft, sponge or batter;

Baking flour should be well sifted to saturate it with oxygen;

Baked goods made from soft or sponge dough only last a few days.

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