Home Nutrition The history of the creation of the "Doctor's" sausage. Soviet "Doctor" sausage

The history of the creation of the "Doctor's" sausage. Soviet "Doctor" sausage

Doctor's sausage The 1936 recipe remains a favorite delicacy for many to this day. Dietary sausage includes vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life.

Ingredients and equipment

  • Beef of the highest grade without veins - 250 g;
  • Pork bold shoulder - 750 g;
  • Ice water - 200 ml;
  • Salt - 10 g;
  • Whole cow's milk - 20 ml;
  • Sugar - 0.5 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Seasoning for boiled sausage Doktorskaya - 3 g or spices: ground nutmeg - 1 g, ground cardamom - 0.5 g;


1. Pass the meat through a fine grate 3 times, do not allow the minced meat to heat above 12ºС (cooling in refrigerators after each time).

2. Mix all spices, sugar, egg and add to minced meat.

3. Thoroughly mix the minced meat, stirring the minced meat, pour in ice water and milk.

4. Remove the minced meat in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5. Beat the minced meat with a blender to a sticky consistency without allowing the minced meat to heat up.

6. Soak the collagen casing in saline solution according to the instructions on the website.

7. Stuff the loaves and put in the refrigerator for a day.

8. After a day, take out the loaves and leave at room temperature for 2 hours.

Heat treatment:

9. We lower it into water at a temperature of 35ºС.

10. Insert a thermometer into one of the doctor's sausages.

11. Gradually raise the temperature of the water to 80ºС and cook until the temperature inside the loaf reaches 70-71ºС.

12. Douse doctor's sausages with an ice shower and put in the refrigerator for further cooling.

I re-read and tried a fairly large number of recipes for homemade sausages, but, unfortunately, none of them took root in our family. in the end, I found this recipe, corrected slightly for the possibility of using at home.
It turned out very tasty and tender. Even my fussy (children) gobbled up as much as crackling behind the ears.
So straight to the recipe:
1. We take pork, lard, beef (instead of lean pork and lard, you can take fatty pork by the weight of two ingredients) and mince through a large cell. It is better to take meat products only thawed or deep-cooled (so the taste is more tender).
2. Mix the minced meat with your hands and pass it through the meat grinder AGAIN, but through a small cell.
3. Add salt, sugar, cardamom and knead THOROUGHLY with your hands.
4. The most interesting and responsible is coming. We take Ice water and pour a little (about 3/4 cup) into the minced meat. Next, in the hands of a household submersible blender and carefully, thoroughly grind the minced meat into some unsightly mass. As needed, add more ice water so that the sausage mass has a consistency like thick sour cream, without visible and perceptible fibers, how else is this called homogeneous.
5. For those who wish (what does not go to original recipe, but it turns out quite tasty) you can cut a little lean pork into small cubes and mix with your hands into the sausage mass.

This is the hardest part of cooking. homemade boiled sausages are finished.

6. Let's start forming a loaf. Here who wants and what he has. You can form a loaf using parchment paper for baking, you can use cling film, you can use a special collagen film (but it still has a specific taste and I would not recommend it, and during the cooking process it can destroy the integrity of the loaf), some form a loaf of sausage in tetrapack bags (for example, from milk or something else. In general, we form what is in the kitchen from that.
I mold with parchment, it's more convenient for me. In the middle of the sheet we dump the minced meat, fold the paper and make an "unfolded candy". Then, on one side, we twist the “candy” and tie it with twine. On the reverse side, we press our sausage and also twist and bandage it. It turns out a fairly shaped loaf of sausage.
Next, I tie it with twine in increments of 3-4 cm.
The moment of formation can be seen on almost any video in the public domain, so we will not focus on it much.

7. We place the resulting loaf in a plastic bag and tightly bandage it. again in the bag and bandage again. and in the third package and the third time we tightly tie the package.
This is necessary so that during the cooking process, water does not get on the sausage and spoil all our efforts.

8. We boiled water in a suitable bowl, put our sausage swaddled in bags into it, bring it to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum. The temperature during cooking should be 85-90 degrees Celsius. We cover with a lid. Despite the absurdity of the latter - this way the sausage turns out to be more tender. And cook for 25-30 minutes.
Turn over in the container on the other side for better and more even heating and cook for another 25-30 minutes.

9. In principle, the sausage is ALMOST ready. We take it out of the container. We do not remove the packages (we see the juice inside) and put them on the board for about half an hour or forty minutes. Remove bags and refrigerate until warm.

10. We put it in a bag and in the refrigerator for three to four hours for complete cooling / infusion / fermentation.

We eat!
Bon Appetit!

Our reality is that the quality of sausages sold in stores suffers greatly. But if you care about your health, have the desire and free time, then you can cook sausage at home. For example, doctor's sausage, so beloved by everyone, is very easy to prepare at home. And most importantly, you can even feed your children with it. Since there are many recipes for doctor's sausage, we will focus primarily on the option of preparing it according to GOST.

The composition of doctor's sausage according to GOST

So, to prepare such a dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef pulp - 250 g;
  • bold pork pulp - 700 g;
  • natural milk - 200 g;
  • one egg;
  • sugar - 3 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • ground cardamom - 0.5 g.

Minced meat preparation

Beef and pork meat must be passed through a meat grinder twice. The first time with a large mesh, the second with a small one. Add spices (cardamom, sugar, salt) to minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

Next, add the egg with milk. Minced beat with a blender. The result is a viscous mass. Most importantly, don't worry about the color of the sausage. After all, you get a natural color (without dyes). We put the prepared mass in the refrigerator and keep it there for about an hour. If you want the homemade doctor's sausage to have a pink color, then you can add high quality vodka or cognac to the minced meat (2 tablespoons).

Preparation of sausage casings

Doctor's sausage requires careful preparation of the casing. At home, you can use both artificial and natural. It must be cut into segments of 25-30 cm. After that, the shells should be washed with warm, slightly salted water and, on one side, tie their ends with cotton twine, departing from the edge of 2 cm.

An easier option is to use a 30 cm wide baking sleeve.

Sausage stuffing

We fill our shells with minced meat. You can use a special device for this (for example, a meat grinder with the necessary nozzle) for stuffing sausages. Then we form sausages, tightly pressing the shell with our hands.

After that, on the other hand, we tie the shell tightly. In conclusion, you need to carefully examine each sausage and, if large air bubbles are found, gently pierce them with a thin needle.

Sausage cooking

In a saucepan, it is necessary to heat the water to 95 degrees and place the workpieces in it. Doctor's sausage at home is cooked at a temperature of 85-87 degrees for 50 minutes. The main thing to remember is that the water should never boil.

Final stage

At this stage, after cooking, the doctor's sausage is cooled immediately under running water (it will be enough to allocate just a few seconds for this process). Next, the sausage is cooled at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.

The storage conditions for such a doctor's sausage are quite simple: the temperature should be 4-8 degrees, and as for the period, it must be consumed within 72 hours.

Homemade doctor's sausage, recipe No. 2

Since sausage can be cooked not only according to GOST, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipe that requires the use minced pork. It may be similar to "Amateur" or "Doctor's", but the chopping of bacon affects this quality. For example, to get the “Amateur” sausage, not twisted, but cut into pieces bacon is added to the minced meat.

The composition of doctor's sausage according to recipe No. 2 will be as follows:

The list of ingredients has been clarified, now you can proceed directly to the cooking process. So, first we prepare the stuffing. We thoroughly wash the meat, cut off all the films, veins and cut into pieces. Grind the pork with a blender along with garlic and onions to make a creamy mass. Another option for chopping meat is to use a meat grinder. And if you want to get a ham doctor's sausage, then you can add larger pieces of pork (chicken) to the minced meat.

Then add the egg, mix well. Spice spices: black pepper, semolina, nutmeg, salt, gelatin and sunflower oil. And again, mix everything to evenly distribute the added ingredients.

If there is no special form for ham, then we use a baking sleeve. Or there is another original way - to use a box of juice or milk as a form. After all, homemade sausage can be cooked without a special device.

We put the minced meat in a bag (sleeve), roll it up and tighten it in several places with a rope (string), so that the sausage becomes constricted.

You need to cook it for 2 hours after boiling over low heat. The water should boil slightly. And you need such an amount of water that the bag with minced meat is completely covered.

Consider another cooking option homemade sausage according to this recipe. It can be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, in the evening we put a bag of minced meat in a slow cooker. Turn on the "Stew" or "Soup" mode. Set the time to 1 hour. And until the morning the pan will work in heating mode. Most importantly, before cooking, the minced meat in the sleeve must be poured with boiling water. And in the morning we take out the finished sausage from the multicooker and cool it. When she cools down room temperature, it should be placed in the refrigerator for five hours (and even better all night). After that, you can treat the household with a delicious doctor's sausage.

If you want the doctor's boiled sausage to be a pleasant pink color, then you can add a natural dye to it, which is the juice of raw beets, and alcohol (cognac, alcohol, vodka), or rather a few spoons of it, will fix this effect.

Other cooking options

According to recipe No. 2, doctor's sausage can be prepared by baking in the oven. The only thing is that the sleeve with minced meat needs to be additionally wrapped with special foil. First, we keep the sausage in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, then lower it to 150 degrees and bake in foil for 30 minutes, after which we remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes. But before the last 10 minutes, pour some water into the mold.

We would like to note that no matter how you cook boiled sausage at home, it will be much tastier than store-bought, and most importantly, it will be much healthier for you and your entire family. Therefore, you should not spare either time or effort to preserve the health of your loved ones. After all, you can't buy it for any amount of money.

In the territory where the Soviet Union once existed, they were very fond of doctor's sausage (and now they eat it with pleasure). She was appreciated in the Baltic States, and in Kazakhstan, and in the poor post-war years, and in the prosperous seventies. But few consumers knew why the sausage is called "Doctor's". Everyone is accustomed to this name of the product, although for some reason it shocked foreigners. If “Language” or “Chicken” sausages were made from offal and poultry meat, then one could only guess what was included in the “Doctor's” and “Children's”. The meaning of these names has been forgotten over time. And let's remember the history of the doctor's sausage. To do this, we have to go back to the thirties of the last century.

The more nutritious, the healthier

The village physician often dealt with patients whose ailment was rooted in poor nutrition. After all, the peasants ate meat only on holidays, and their daily diet consisted of cereals and lean cabbage soup. To cure anemia and similar ailments, the doctor ordered the patient to eat more fatty meat. Maybe this is the secret of why doctor's sausage is called "doctor's"? On a doctor's prescription? Partly yes. Doctor's sausage is very nutritious. And, indeed, doctors believed that it was good to eat it with anemia or after a long fast. But doctor's sausage can hardly be called fatty. It is truly dietary. And it wasn't just some doctor who came up with it. The composition of the sausage was approved by the People's Commissariat of Health. Why did the Country of Soviets so need a special "medical" prescription?

Where did the name "doctor's sausage" come from?

The thirties of the last century… The NEP policy was cancelled. Collectivization, coupled with the seizure of crops from the peasants, led to famine. Huge masses of the population experienced a lack of food. Prolonged starvation led to outbreaks of various diseases. Around the same time, the politician Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan visited the United States in 1930. During his visit, he also visited Chicago, where he got to know firsthand how the American meat industry works. Returning to the USSR, Mikoyan, based on the experience gained, created the First Moscow Sausage Factory. This factory was later named after its creator. VNII nutritionists have developed and submitted for approval to the People's Commissariat of Health a recipe for a new sausage product. It, as stated in the documents, was intended specifically for "healing nutrition of patients whose health has been undermined by the Civil War and tsarist despotism." It is not difficult now to guess why the doctor's sausage got such a name. Even according to the documents, she was a medicine prescribed by a doctor.

Doctor's sausage according to GOST

The government, of course, was disingenuous about the reasons for the mass starvation of the population. But a medicine that quickly restores strength was nevertheless found. The doctor's prescription was verified to the smallest detail. To cook one hundred kilograms of doctor's sausage, it was necessary to take 25 kg of trimmed beef meat (pulp premium, without connective tissues), 70 kg of pork (also first-class quality, lean, without fat), two liters of whole cow's milk and seventy-five chicken eggs. But from the spices it was allowed to add only salt, sugar, a little cardamom yes nutmeg. Why is doctor's sausage called "doctor's"? Yes, because it was prescribed for patients with stomach ulcers, colitis and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. This nutritious product was really dietary. He could rightfully be included in the diet of children. By the way, at the Moscow plant named after Mikoyan, where in 1936 the first stick “Doctorskoy” rolled off the assembly line, other equally popular brands of sausages were invented: “Amateur”, “Braunschweig”, “Tea”.

Gradual surrender of positions

The recipe for the meat product was approved by GOST, which was strictly adhered to until the seventy-fourth year. Why was it necessary to change the recipe during the "general prosperity"? When the country moved from building a bright future to a stage, it suddenly became clear that the number of livestock is not as large as we would like. In addition, they began to feed the pigs with the waste of the fishing industry, which is why the meat of animals acquired an unpleasant odor. Already GOST 1974 allows the use of starch and flour in the preparation of doctor's sausage. But this was only the beginning of the fall of the once high standard of quality. GOST 23670-79 allowed melange to be used instead of eggs, powdered milk and pig skins. Soon, flavor enhancers and antioxidants came into play. The loaf was wrapped in cellophane. That is why gourmets began to ask in bewilderment: “And why is doctor’s sausage called “doctor’s”?”


In the early 2000s, a myriad of businesses emerged exploiting the popularity of the brand. They cooked their sausage in such a way that they called it dietary product it was impossible. The current State Standard (2011) allows the use of flour, starch, sodium nitrite in the preparation of the product, and dry substitutes instead of natural eggs and milk. But there are manufacturers who offer the TU product. This abbreviation stands for "Specifications". They have nothing to do with GOST and are developed by the enterprise itself. And it is no longer known why doctor's sausage is called that - after all, it contains smoke flavor, antioxidants E 300-306, addictive monosodium glutamate, stabilizers and acidity regulators. It is unlikely that such a dubious cocktail of all kinds of E-additives can be considered a dietary product.

Why sausage is called "doctor's"

We have already told the origin of the name of this product. The question should be put differently: does it have the right to continue to be considered "medical" food? Folk art has already begun to make up jokes about its dubious quality. For example, in one of them, very indicative, the answer to the question of why the doctor's sausage is called "doctor's" is given: because after eating it, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

recipes for making doctor's sausage according to GOST

Soviet varenka recipes.

We have already said that homemade sausage does not have one recipe. Everyone makes it to their taste. And if this taste was formed on Soviet sausages, then here is the recipe for boiled sausages of the highest grade. On special machines, the raw materials turned into a paste. She was stuffed into natural or artificial casings and boiled in a steam chamber.
The highest grades included: amateur, veal, Krasnodar, children's, chicken, doctor's, ham. Produced also turkey and rabbit.
Sausages of the highest grade contained trimmed beef without connective tissue (10-35%), pork (15-65%), hard or semi-hard bacon (18-25%).
Humidity sausages of the highest grade - 55-65%. The taste of sausages is given only by spices!

Amateur sausage. Premium beef (35%), lean pork (40%), hard bacon (25%) with black pepper and nutmeg. The lard was cut into cubes (6 mm). The sausage had pink minced meat with bacon cubes on the cut, the taste was delicate with the aroma of added spices. In amateur lamb, which is distinguished by a darker color and typical flavor, trimmed lamb was added instead of beef, in amateur pork (with light pink minced meat and a typical taste of pork) - pork, in amateur chicken - chicken meat (80%) and hard bacon ( twenty%).

Veal sausage: veal (25%), pork (45%), tongue (10%), bacon (18%), eggs (2%) with pistachios. The bacon cubes are small (4 mm), and the tongue is larger (6 mm). Imelana cut minced pink with cubes of bacon, tongue and pistachio kernels, the taste is pleasant, delicate with the smell of spices.

Krasnodar sausage differed from veal in the content of beef (30%), lean pork (15%) and semi-solid bacon or brisket (25%), a large amount of tongue (30%), black and allspice, nutmeg or cardamom were added instead of pistachios. It differs from amateur sausage in its sharpness (1.5 times more than black pepper) and the taste of the tongue.

Doctor's sausage was obtained from beef (25%), semi-fat pork (70%), eggs and milk powder (5%). The complete absence of bacon determined the uniform, light pink color of minced meat on the cut. had delicate taste and the smell of cardamom. I don’t remember cardamom, but the taste was really tender!

Stolichnaya sausage was prepared from beef (15%), semi-fat (20%) and lean (45%) pork; semi-hard bacon (20%). produced in the form of smoked, dark red loaves, oval or rounded. Semi-fat pork and cut into rectangles (10-12 x 6-8 mm), semi-solid bacon determined the marble structure of the light pink minced sausage, which has a slightly ham flavor with a smell of smoked meats and nutmeg.

Belarusian sausage: beef (10%), lean pork (65%), bacon (25%), diced (12 mm). Shape, taste and smell like a sausage from the capital. It differed from it in the absence of marbling on the cut, because only lean pork was used in minced meat.

Children's sausage: beef (20%), semi-fat pork (47%), Yaroslavl cheese (10%), eggs (3%) and 20% cream (20%) Bars 13-15 cm long; had a delicate texture, a peculiar taste and aroma.

Diet sausage: young beef (20%), veal (20%) and semi-fat pork (55%), cow's butter (3%) and eggs (2%). Instead of water, cow's milk was added. Spices - nutmeg and black pepper.

Veal sausage with cream: beef meat from young animals (80%) and 20% fat cream (20%) with nutmeg and cinnamon; minced meat is homogeneous, pate type.

Ham sausage: premium beef (10%) and lean pork (90%), chopped into pieces no more than 16-20 mm with the addition of nutmeg, black pepper and garlic. Specific ham taste and aroma.

These are Russian and Ukrainian standards.
There were standards of other republics, but the differences are not great ++++ Doctor's sausage of the highest grade (this is according to GOST)

According to GOST 23670-79, unsalted raw materials, kg (per 100 kg): trimmed beef of the highest grade - 25 kg; trimmed bold pork - 70 kg; chicken eggs or melange - 3; whole cow's milk or skimmed milk - 2; spices and other materials, g (per 100 kg of unsalted raw materials): table salt - 2.090 kg; sodium nitrite - 7.1 grams; granulated sugar or glucose - 200; ground nutmeg or cardamom - 50 gr
Water/ice: 20-25 kg (about 50/50 ratio)

So. We put a grate with a hole of 3 mm on the top and pass pork and beef through it (all separately). We pre-weigh spices in different containers, separately nitrite. The amount of water depends on the type of shell - if it is barrier plastic - then 20 liters, if natural intestines (bruises, blisters, circles) - then 25-30 liters can be used.
We put chord knives on the cutter, well and correctly sharpened (this is important so that the minced meat does not overheat and there is a good working out). First, we load all the beef into the cutter, 1/2 of water with ice, sodium nitrite, salt and spices, an egg and cut it under vacuum (if it is on the cutter) until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. It is difficult to explain if you have never seen this, but I will try to orient in time and temperature. The cutting time is within 5-7 minutes, the temperature at the end of the process is not higher than 8 degrees. Then, without stopping the cutter bowl, load pork, milk and add the remaining moisture into this mass, turn on the vacuum and at high speeds of the knives and the cutter bowl until cooked (i.e. until a homogeneous, well-developed mass). Attention: chopping stops when minced meat temperature is 12 degrees. Unload the finished stuffing.
Next, prepare the casing, put the minced meat into a syringe, shape the loaves and leave them on the lees - in a room with a temperature of approx. 6 deg. they must hang on the frame for 30-60 minutes before they enter the heat chamber. Further heat treatment.
If you have a plastic shell, then the operations in the chamber are as follows: drying and cooking. Drying: moist. is not set, the temperature in the chamber is 55-60 degrees, the time is 30-40 minutes. Cooking - 78-80 degrees, until the temperature in the center of the loaf is 72 degrees. Well, cooling - showering cold water(it is possible in a vat by immersion), in time not less than 40 minutes. If the casing is natural or artificially permeable (I don’t know which ones are used in your region), then we select the heat treatment according to the principle of drying-smoking-cooking-dousing. +++++++ Doktorskaya and Amateur homemade sausage, a variant of Bologna sausage Mortadella.

If you look into the history of our well-known boiled sausages Doktorskaya and Lubitelskaya, you might think that they trace their history back to the beginning of Soviet power.

Minister Mikoyan back in 1936 ordered the release of a special dietary sausage for comrades who had undermined their health in the fight against tsarism.

And of course, the royal request of Peter 1, for sausage makers from Europe, was forgotten.

Situationally, by the beginning of the 19th century, there were only 30-40 more or less large-scale sausage production in the entire Russian Empire.

Handicraft production of homemade sausages does not count.

In general, the production of homemade sausages was traditionally used in the western parts of the empire, for example, in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

To do this, it is necessary to have only a pig and meat cut in proportion into small pieces and lard stuffed into cleaned intestines.

Sausage home recipe did not change throughout the eyelid, as well as Mortadella.

She is Bologna boiled sausage Mortadella, gave rise to domestic boiled sausages,
a slight difference in the recipe, consistency, inclusions of fat, etc. doesn't count.

Homemade boiled sausage and, for example, Doctor's sausage, are two big differences.

Cooking sausage at home is possible, but it is difficult to get meat, finely ground gruel, in fact meat puree or even an emulsion.

With the advent of powerful electric meat grinders and blenders, this task has been simplified.

There was a question of removing air from minced meat and dense stuffing of the sausage casing, without air voids.

In principle, this issue is also solved, at least by repeatedly beating the minced meat cakes on the bottom of the container, a board or a large basin.

The stuffing becomes dense and without air voids.

The contradiction is that finely ground minced meat is very fluid, but you can wrap it in a bag.

Thin pork or beef intestines are not suitable for Doktorskaya type sausages.

An artificial casing for sausage may be suitable, but it is better to fill with minced meat a cleaned pork stomach or intestines of large diameter, the so-called bungs.

Unlike intestines of small and medium caliber, called guts.

In extreme cases, you can fold food cellophane or a film in the form of a sleeve, stitch it for example, or make a bag of the desired diameter.

Fill with stuffing as tightly as possible.

Let's consider approximately how sausage is prepared at home using the example of Amateur and Doctoral. Homemade sausage recipes and GOST can be found here, but the sausage technology at home is about the same.

1. We start making sausage at home by cutting beef and pork into arbitrary pieces of about 3 by 5 cm, so as not to burden the meat grinder.

2. Grind pork and beef separately in a meat grinder with 3 mm grate holes.

3. Salt and add sugar according to the recipe, knead and put in separate containers in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours to ripen the minced meat.

4. Mix both types of minced meat and pass through a meat grinder with holes in the 3 mm grate. At least 4-5 times with the addition of finely crushed ice and cold dry white wine (to taste and desire). If you have a blender, you can further grind to a puree state.

5. Many recipes recommend adding ground black pepper. Not desirable. I recommend replacing with ground white pepper. This is the same black pepper, but with a polished black upper shell. After all, we don’t need nasty black dots on the cut of the sausage! It is better to add a little finely ground to dust, nutmeg.

6. If you are planning homemade boiled sausage like doctor's, you can skip this item. For Amateur sausage, cut pre-slightly frozen salted lard on cubes of 5-7 mm, or as it is convenient for anyone with dimensions and aesthetics, 10-12 mm is also possible. Thoroughly knead the chilled bacon cubes into minced meat for even distribution in volume. Doctor's sausage according to the recipe, naturally we do not lay fat.

7. We fill, if there is a factory sausage casing, with minced meat, patting lightly in the process of forming a loaf of sausage and tamping with a stick or mallet to force out air voids and compact the consistency. Preferable is still a natural sausage casing of the type pork stomach or bruises from the intestine of large diameter. You can buy a casing for sausage at the market or on the Internet.

8. We round the edges of the sausage loaf and tie it tightly with at least a double knot. We prick with a small pin or a special needle-shaped hedgehog, called a perforator, for openings for escaping steam during heat treatment. The standard diameter of a doctor's loaf is 10-15 cm. But there are also Mortadella giants with a diameter of half a meter and a weight of several hundred kilograms.

9. Cook the finished loaf of sausage in a saucepan or vessel over low heat without boiling. The water temperature is not more than 80-85 degrees. Never bring to a boil. Remember that Doctor's and Amateur sausages are nothing more than a big sausage and can also burst! Let it cook slowly for 2-3 hours. The temperature inside the sausage, in the center, should reach at least 70 degrees C. It is better to steam it, so there is less loss of juice and nutrients. For lovers of large-sized sausages, the question arises of the capacity for cooking. Some adapt for this children's enameled bath with a plug at the bottom.

10. Ready sausage cool with cold water. A cold shower of at least 10 C is recommended. But where can I get it in the summer, for example? Only ice in a container! After cooling, stand for some time for precipitation of 2-3 hours, and you can smoke it on cold smoke if you wish.

12. Invite relatives, friends, open a bottle of wine, you can have vodka for an amateur and beer for sausage, and marvelous vodka! Eat for health. +++++ According to legend, the order to create the “Doctor's” sausage came from Stalin himself. In addition, the People's Commissariat of Health, with which the recipe was coordinated, is most directly related to the doctor's sausage. According to the People's Commissar's verdict, the new product was intended for "sick people who undermined their health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism." The first loaf of "Doctor's" sausage rolled off the assembly line of the Moscow Meat Processing Plant in 1936.

Thus, last year "Doctorskaya" turned 70 years old, but it has not lost its popularity!


It is argued that the "doctor's" contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life. The recipe for “improving the health of persons affected by the arbitrariness of the tsarist regime” was verified by Moscow doctors to the smallest detail: 100 kg of sausage contained 25 kg of premium beef, 70 kg of bold pork, 3 kg of eggs and 2 kg of cow's milk. Basically, just what the doctor ordered. So, by the way, her name appeared. Then hardly anyone could have imagined that the doctor's sausage would have such a long and significant life.

In the old days…
This product has become a real gastronomic hit for more than one generation of citizens; it was accepted at the table both in the Kremlin and in families with the most modest incomes. Everyone respected the doctoral dissertation, regardless of social status. She was known as a symbol of well-being in the years of total scarcity. And its cost has become one of the standards for comparative analysis: economists are very fond of measuring the amount of salaries for clarity by the amount of doctoral sausage that can be bought with it.

Food workers explain such a consumer triumph by the high content of high-quality fresh meat. However, during the years of developed socialism, the reputation of a favorite product was dealt a lot of blows. It all started with an innovative proposal to include fish in the diet of pigs, which was noticeably reflected in the smell of sausage. Didn't improve it palatability and imported frozen beef, the supply of which became massive during the period of early capitalism. And yet the famous brand survived all the tests.

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