Home A fish Calorie cheesecakes from cottage cheese 9. How many calories are in cheesecakes from cottage cheese. Cheesecakes from fat-free cottage cheese. Diet cottage cheese pancakes

Calorie cheesecakes from cottage cheese 9. How many calories are in cheesecakes from cottage cheese. Cheesecakes from fat-free cottage cheese. Diet cottage cheese pancakes

Cheesecakes are one of the favorite dishes in every home. This curd dish is very popular and useful for all people of different ages, starting from childhood. There are a huge number of recipes for making a cheese dessert, but for people who are watching their figure, it is still better to choose a recipe with the lowest calorie content.

To do this, you need to consider how many calories are in cheesecakes from cottage cheese of different fat content with different ingredients.

How many and what products do you need to make cheesecakes from cottage cheese, what is their calorie content

ProductsWeightCarbohydratesFatsSquirrelsApproximate calorie content
Flour75 g (3 tablespoons)56 0,9 6,9 255,5
Egg45 g (1 piece)0,34 5,13 5,96 73,8
Curd 1.7%1 pack (250 g)8,23 4,3 45 250,5
Granulated sugar75 g (3 tablespoons)74 0 0 298
olive oil10 g (1 tbsp)0 9,95 0 89

The calorie content of this product is from 180 to 210 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish, but the data depends on the fat content of cottage cheese, eggs, vegetable oil.


  • a pack of cottage cheese, print, knead well with a fork;
  • add an egg (fastens the finished product);
  • flour is added to thicken the mass;
  • at the final stage of preparing the mass for the future dish, sugar is added;
  • after thorough kneading, cakes are molded, which are fried in vegetable oil.

To ready meal was light and airy, before cooking, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. No need to overdo it with flour, this not only increases the calorie content, but also makes the cheesecakes tight.

So that during frying the product does not stick to the pan, you need to lightly roll it in flour. After one side is fried, turn over to the other, cover the dish with a lid. Then the cheese dessert will cook faster inside.

Cheesecakes are served hot on the table.

The number of calories in cheesecakes from 9% cottage cheese

The calorie content of the finished dish largely depends on the calorie content of the main ingredient - cottage cheese. 9% product has the following composition:

  • carbohydrates - 19;
  • proteins - 14, 1;
  • fat - 7.3.

It turns out that there are about 200 calories in 100 grams of cheese dessert. Cottage cheese with such fat content is most often used to prepare the treat in question according to the following recipe.

In order not to wonder how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes, choose a fermented milk product with a minimum percentage of fat

For 8 people you need 400 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. l. flour, sugar and salt to taste. Cottage cheese is initially ground with sugar, then the remaining ingredients are added to the resulting mass.

How many calories in cheesecakes from 5% cottage cheese

Cheesecakes from 5% cottage cheese, due to the low percentage of fat content of this product, have low calorie- 160-212 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

This is a great alternative for people who care about their health by adhering to a balanced diet.

If you use vegetable oil for frying, the calorie content will be higher (280 kcal), cooking with olive oil reduces the percentage of fat in the dish (170 kcal per 100 g of cheesecakes).

If you add other ingredients (fruits, nuts, raisins), then the calorie content increases. Therefore, for adherents of a low-calorie diet, it is worth limiting to a simple classic recipe with low-fat 5% cottage cheese.

The number of calories in cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese

Fat-free cottage cheese is an alternative for a low-calorie diet. If you use a small amount of butter and flour, the calorie content will be minimal. How much oil is needed? Oil only needs to be lubricated on the pan.

Low calorie product tricks:

  • cheesecakes need to be cooked on a tiny or medium heat;
  • cottage cheese dessert after frying on both sides of the product, you need to cover it with a lid, after removing it from the heat (so that the cheesecakes in the pan are steamed from the inside);
  • instead of wheat flour, it is better to add corn or oatmeal.

It is important to remember: corn flour contains fewer calories in the curd product than wheat flour, but it continues to plump up even in the finished dish, so you don’t need to overdo it, otherwise the cheesecakes will be tight because of this.

Flour should be put as much as indicated in the recipe.

Preparation of low-calorie cheesecakes:

  • fat-free cottage cheese 0% fat (125 g - 104 kcal);
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp without a slide (15 kcal);
  • olive oil 1 spoon (79 kcal);
  • cornmeal - 18 g (62 kcal);
  • egg (72 kcal).

To reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes, use cornmeal instead of the usual one.

From these ingredients, 8 pieces of cheesecakes are obtained with a total calorie content of about 300 kcal. In one product 36-37 kcal, in a serving of four pieces - 150 kcal.

It is better to make a delicate cottage cheese dessert in a small size; large cakes are difficult to turn over. Spread cheesecakes on a hot pan with a spoon, not leveling the upper part (the product will settle during cooking). You need to watch the dish carefully, otherwise the cheesecakes will burn.

Cheesecakes with raisins: calories

Raisins are a healthy, but high-calorie product, therefore cheesecakes with raisins have a high energy value:

  • protein - 25;
  • fat - 38;
  • carbohydrates - 37.

The total calorie content of the finished product is 240 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish.

Recipe with raisins:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - 380 g;
  • raisins - 45 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • corn flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the products in one mass, mix, roll up cheesecakes, dip in cornmeal, fry in olive oil.

Please note: before cooking, steam the raisins with hot water, and knead the cottage cheese well with a fork or beat with a blender.

Calorie cheesecakes fried in a pan

How many calories are in cheesecakes from cottage cheese, cooked different ways, few people know.

The calorie content of cheesecakes cooked in a pan is always higher from a baked dish in the oven. This is due to the use of vegetable oil, which adds calories to the finished dish.

Cheesecakes in a pan are more high-calorie due to the use of vegetable oil for frying

For example, cheesecakes made from cottage cheese, cooked according to the same recipe: in a pan - 220 kcal, and baked in the oven - 170 kcal.

Cooking cheesecakes in a pan requires dexterity. A cooked dish on the outside may be completely raw on the inside. Curd products sometimes spread, or stick to the pan.

Here are a few rules for frying cheesecakes:

  • For the dish, you need to use a fresh, semi-dry curd product. Excess acid should not be masked by sugar.

If the cottage cheese is with an excess of whey, you will have to add more flour, and the product will turn out rubber.

  • An excess of eggs makes the cheesecake runny. For cooking diet food you can use only protein.
  • So that the cakes do not stick to the pan, they must be laid out on a hot dish, having previously been dipped in flour (preferably corn).
  • In order for the dish in the pan to cook completely, it must be steamed under a closed lid.

Calorie cheesecakes cooked in the oven

A dietary dish baked in the oven has not only a low calorie content, but is also better absorbed by the body. A dish cooked in the oven has a lower calorie content (by 50 kcal) from cheesecakes fried in butter.

It's important to know: when cooking in the oven, nutritionists still recommend paying attention to the fat content of cottage cheese, the less fat, the more dietary. Cottage cheese 18%, has 240 kcal, product 9% - 170 kcal, fat-free - 109 kcal. The absence of eggs and flour also reduces the total calorie content.

Cheesecakes cooked in the oven are not only dietary, but are also better absorbed by the body

Recipe for a dish without an egg in the oven: wipe a pack of cottage cheese (250 g) through a sieve, add 2 tbsp. l. flour, salt and sugar to taste. Arrange in silicone molds, bake in the oven for 13-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

  • Instructions and recipe: How to brew beer at home. Benefits of homemade beer
  • In this video, it is proposed to cook tender and tasty syrniki, and you will also find out how many calories are in cottage cheese syrniki:

    Take note of the recipe for diet cheesecakes recommended for weight loss:

    To the question How to cook cheesecakes from store-bought cottage cheese? They never work out. As given by the author Natasha Shevchuk the best answer is And I get from any cottage cheese!
    Try my recipe.
    Rub a pound of cottage cheese through a sieve, add one egg. two tablespoons of sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a couple of tablespoons of softened butter. Mix well. Then pour soda on the tip of a teaspoon, quenched lemon juice. Mix again and only then add two tablespoons of flour! I knead the dough. It will not be as cool as on dumplings or pies ... rather, like a lump of clay .... but it should be molded. Therefore, we sculpt an oblong sausage from it. Then lay it out on the table. With a sharp knife, cut slices two fingers wide. Into their anguish. roll lightly and fry in a pan! The most delicious is in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. Don't fry too much... until lightly browned. Then we put it all in a wide saucepan or stewpan and send it to hot oven fifteen minutes. We eat with homemade sour cream and sweet tea! I think!!))

    Answer from chevron[guru]
    For 1 kg of cottage cheese 1 tea CUP of flour, 1 tea CUP of sugar (I put less than half), 2 eggs, a pinch of salt.

    Answer from User deleted[guru]
    I coat cheesecakes in flour and they turn out great.

    Answer from skinny[guru]
    as well as not from the store)) I have norms. obtained)

    Answer from Country road[guru]
    Buy not fatty cottage cheese and everything will work out.

    Answer from Nikolaev[guru]
    according to technology - 500g tons, 2 eggs, 100g sugar sand, 100g flour, a little vanilla
    salt 1g

    Answer from OAO Salskoye Moloko[expert]
    the main thing is never put soda, otherwise one lay down everything and cried why her syrniki turn into porridge ...

    Answer from Love Tian[guru]
    200gr. cottage cheese + 2 eggs + 100g. sour cream + a little flour + vanillin + 0.5 tsp. gosh soda. + sugar, salt to taste.
    Form cheesecakes, roll in flour and fry.
    Cheesecakes with raisins: 1 pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 grams of cottage cheese mass with raisins, 1 egg, slaked soda with boiling water, 5 tbsp flour, salt, sugar to taste. We fry in vegetable oil.

    Answer from 342 [guru]
    from the store, they are always good. but from the rustic, fat, just not very good.

    Answer from Olga[guru]
    For two packs of cottage cheese, one egg (if large), a little flour, salt-sugar-vanilla. And put sugar at the very end, because from sugar the cottage cheese immediately becomes liquid ... I put a little flour in the dough, but I try to roll it well in flour and put it on a hot frying pan so that it grabs well ... and I don't put the lid on. . When I turn over, again I heat the pan strongly so that they grab it there too! ! They turn out delicious and beautiful. I make little cheesecakes. Cottage cheese or weight 9 percent or good. From Dmitrovsky it does not work ((

    Calorie cheese cakes from cottage cheese of medium fat content 182 kcal. In 100 g of product:

    • 18.5 g protein;
    • 3.5 g fat;
    • 18.3 g of carbohydrates.

    The product is saturated with vitamins B1, B9, A, E, D, minerals phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium.

    Why is the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes per 100 grams so high

    The calorie content of cheesecakes from cottage cheese per 100 grams is slightly less than 185 kcal. To understand why so many, let's analyze the composition of the dish. The main ingredients of syrniki are cottage cheese and wheat flour.

    Interesting: Calorie content of tea without sugar per 100 grams

    Cottage cheese 9% fat contains 160 kcal per 100 grams. Premium wheat flour has an even higher calorie content, equal to 335 kcal.

    Calorie cheesecakes in 1 piece

    Calorie cheesecakes in 1 pc. depends on their weight. The average weight of one cheesecake is 50 g. Thus, it contains 91 kcal, 9.2 g of protein, 1.8 g of fat, 9.1 g of carbohydrates.

    Calorie cheesecakes from fat-free cottage cheese per 100 grams

    Calorie cheesecakes from fat-free cottage cheese per 100 grams 126 kcal. In 100 g of the dish there are 14.6 g of protein, 3.2 g of fat, 10.2 g of carbohydrates.

    To prepare a 100-gram serving, you need the following ingredients:

    • 12 g wheat flour;
    • 21 g of a chicken egg;
    • 1 g sunflower oil;
    • 66 g fat-free cottage cheese.

    Cheesecake recipe:

    • put the cottage cheese in a bowl and knead with a fork until it is without lumps;
    • cottage cheese is mixed with egg and flour;
    • round cheesecakes are molded from the resulting mixture, laying them on a plate lightly sprinkled with flour;
    • ready-made cheesecakes are rolled in flour and fried in a pan with heated sunflower oil;
    • the frying process is continued until a golden crust appears on the cheesecakes.

    Calorie cottage cheese pancakes 9 percent

    Calorie cottage cheese pancakes 9 percent 200 kcal. In 100 g of the product 14.2 g of protein, 7.5 g of fat, 19 g of carbohydrates.

    The process of preparing syrniki with 9% fat cottage cheese is the same as in the case of a dish of fat-free curd mass (see above). Nutritionists do not recommend eating more than one 85-gram serving of such cheesecakes at a time: in this case, you will saturate your body with 170 kcal, 12 g of protein, 6.3 g of fat, 16.1 g of carbohydrates.

    Calorie cheesecakes with raisins per 100 grams

    Calorie cheese cakes with raisins per 100 grams 242 kcal. In 100 g of the dish there are 11.7 g of protein, 9.5 g of fat, 26.2 g of carbohydrates. To prepare one 85-gram serving of cheesecakes, you will need:

    • 45 g of 9% cottage cheese;
    • 10 g of chicken egg;
    • 11 g wheat flour;
    • 3 g sunflower oil;
    • 9 g raisins;
    • 7 g of granulated sugar;
    • some salt.

    Cooking steps:

    • cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, mixed with egg, flour, sugar, salt;
    • raisins are added to the resulting mixture;
    • cheesecakes are made round or oval, rolled in flour, fried in a heated frying pan with poured sunflower oil;
    • fry cheesecakes on 2 sides until golden brown.

    Calorie cheesecakes with semolina per 100 grams

    Calorie cheese cakes with semolina per 100 grams 175 kcal. In 100 g of the dish there are 14.9 g of protein, 7 g of fat, 13.2 g of carbohydrates.

    Interesting: Calorie content of non-alcoholic beer

    The benefits of cheesecakes

    The following benefits of cheesecakes are known:

    • cheesecakes are rich in calcium, which is good for the health of nails, bones and hair;
    • there is a lot of potassium in the dish, which is necessary for normal functioning nervous system, vessels and heart;
    • with regular consumption of cheesecakes in the body, metabolic processes are restored, which, in turn, accelerates the breakdown of fat;
    • cheesecakes are indicated for hypertension, disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, liver;
    • useful properties of syrniki for the normalization of the digestive tract have been proven.

    Harm cheesecakes

    Despite the usefulness of cheesecakes, you should not abuse this product. The calorie content of cheesecakes is quite high, so when they overeat, they gain excess weight.

    With intensive weight loss, only cheesecakes cooked in the oven are shown. fried dish not recommended as it contains too much fat.

    Some people have an intolerance to cheesecakes. When using this product, they suffer from flatulence and heartburn.


    Source: https://horoshieprivychki.ru/kalorijnost/syrniki-kalorijnost

    Calorie cheesecakes

    Cheesecakes have known each other since childhood. This is an unforgettable treat not only for children, but also for adults. That's what the majority thinks. But some people do not like cottage cheese, and sometimes children cannot be forced to eat this product. Probably, there is such a syrniki dish, the calorie content of which is most interested in the category of losing weight.

    Almost every housewife knows the recipe for this dish from cottage cheese. Of course, eggs, sugar and flour are added to the dough. And these, as you know, are calories that threaten to "sit down on your waist."

    Therefore, those who are overweight, and those who are not indifferent to their slim figure, want to know the whole truth about the calorie content of cottage cheese pancakes.

    In addition, the question of the health benefits of cheesecakes is in the first place.

    Often, given the gastronomic preferences of their family, the keepers of the family hearth manage not only to fry ordinary cheesecakes, the calories of which are essential for losing weight, but create whole culinary masterpieces, filling plump pancakes with dried apricots, apples, pears, carrots and other vitamins. Recipes of many experienced housewives differ from each other only in some points, but the essence remains the same - cheesecakes are baked from cottage cheese.

    You will learn about the benefits of cottage cheese and a dish made from it on the pages of our story. You will also receive an answer to the question of interest to many losing weight: how many calories are in cheesecakes. You will learn how not to spoil your figure and not part with your favorite dish.

    Even a child sees the benefits in cheesecakes

    Dairy products, and especially cottage cheese, are known to be very useful. It is appropriate in the daily diet of both a child and an adult. An easily digestible food product - cottage cheese - has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs. Therefore, cottage cheese dishes, in our case cheese cakes, the calorie content of which is of interest not only to those who are overweight, carry nutritional value to the body.

    What nutrients make up cottage cheese? The fresh product contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, casein and other equally important trace elements. With a high percentage of calcium, cheese strengthens the skeletal system. The fermented milk product also helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, thereby helping the body get rid of excess fluid and body fat.

    With thermal heat treatment not all vitamins and minerals are lost, so cheesecakes, whose calorie content is probably considerable, are of interest not only to those who lose weight, but also to nutritionists.

    Cottage cheese is good for hypertension, gout, stimulates the nervous system, liver and kidneys, normalizes blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

    Those people who, for one reason or another, are not able to eat meat and fish proteins, have found a worthy alternative in the milk proteins of cottage cheese of the same quality and useful action.

    Cheesecakes made from high-quality cottage cheese will also provide the body with many vitamins and useful trace elements. How many calories are in cheesecakes? This question interests almost every woman who monitors the harmony of her figure. But since the benefits of cottage cheese are invaluable for the body, the nutritional value is always valued more than the calories of cheesecakes.

    Thanks to the beneficial properties of cottage cheese, and in our case cheesecakes, the calorie content of which we will consider a little later, those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases can restore the health and functionality of the intestines, filling it with beneficial microflora.

    How many calories are in cheesecakes?

    It is known that fresh cottage cheese, like any food product, has more vitamins than the one that has come under heat treatment.

    If you cook cottage cheese dishes, then part of the useful substances, but a larger percentage remains. The calorie content of cottage cheese determines its fat content.

    Therefore, the calorie content of cheesecakes will depend on the degree of fat content of cottage cheese as the main ingredient in the dish.

    When preparing cheesecakes, we cannot do without sugar, eggs, flour and vegetable oil for frying. These products add even more calories to cheesecakes. Therefore, the dish is considered high-calorie, but useful for the body. This dish can be cooked not only in a pan, but also in the oven.

    If the harmony of your figure is in the first place, then choose low-fat cottage cheese for cheesecakes. After all, you can buy cottage cheese at home, the calorie content of which will, figuratively speaking, “go wild”.

    Then the calorie content of cheesecakes from cottage cheese will be approximately 300 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

    Using fatty cottage cheese, of course, you will not lose weight, but the body will receive tremendous support with the elements necessary for its functionality.

    The calorie content of cheesecakes from 5% cottage cheese will, of course, be lower - about 232 calories per hundred grams, so low-fat cottage cheese is more suitable for a balanced diet.

    The average calorie value for frying with vegetable oil is 300 kilocalories, while preparing a dessert using a minimum amount of fat is approximately 172 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

    Given the nutritional value of cottage cheese, regardless of its fat content, those who wish to maintain a slender figure should prepare this dish correctly. When adding dried fruits or other products that give calories to cheesecakes, you need to consider that then you need to limit yourself in other foods, giving preference to cheesecakes.

    If we consider the nutritional value and organic substances in the composition, then cheesecakes contain approximately 18 g of carbohydrates, the same amount of amino acids and fats - 3.5 grams. Judging by the numerical indicators of nutritional and energy value product, cheesecakes are also suitable for adherents of a low-calorie diet.

    Calorie cheesecakes from cottage cheese and the ability to lose weight

    Those who follow a low-calorie diet should consider how many calories are in cheesecakes. If you count, then the preparation of this delicious and beloved dessert from childhood will give disappointing results. Vegetable oil for frying, eggs, sugar, cheese, if fatty, all together make up a decent indicator of energy value.

    To reduce calories, bake cheesecakes in olive oil: it does not form carcinogens when frying. When baking a dessert in the oven, it should also be borne in mind that fat can react to high temperatures, so you need to bake cheesecakes at a temperature of no more than 180 degrees.

    As is known, there is cottage cheese diet and enjoys great success, because the cottage cheese contains many useful minerals, as well as a storehouse of vitamins.

    Eating 1-3 cheesecakes a day, you will not harm your body. But when the calculation is for 5-6 pancakes, then the calorie content of cheesecakes will add unnecessary kilos to you. And if you add flour to them, then there can be no talk of losing weight. The curd dish, along with butter, is considered high-calorie and contains many proteins of animal origin.

    Source: http://pohudeyka.net/pitanie/kalorijnost-syrnikov.php

    Cheesecakes - calories

    Probably, every housewife has her own tricks for making cheesecakes, but the main ingredient remains the same - it's cottage cheese.

    Curd cheesecakes - favorite treat most people, but many adherents proper nutrition and diets are concerned about the benefits and calorie content of cheesecakes.

    After all, of course, eating this dessert, you want not only to enjoy the taste, but also to fill the body with vitamins, while not earning extra pounds.

    The benefits of cheesecakes

    Curd is the most useful fermented milk product, it is easily digested and has a positive effect on the work of almost all internal organs of a person. Therefore, curd dishes, and in our case cheesecakes, bring invaluable benefits to the body, namely:

    1. They strengthen human bones, because cottage cheese has a high concentration of calcium.
  • They restore and improve metabolic processes, thanks to which the body gets rid of fat and excess fluid.
  • Improve the condition of a person with hypertension.
  • Restore the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Improve the intestinal microflora and restore the work of the stomach.
  • By the way, if you cook cheesecakes from high-quality real cottage cheese, then even with heat treatment, most of the useful trace elements and minerals will be preserved.

    Calorie curd cheesecakes

    The number of calories of any dish, including cheesecakes, depends on the fat content of the ingredients and the method of preparation.

    If you cook this delicacy from good homemade cottage cheese, then the calorie content of cheesecakes will be very high and amount to 300 kcal per 100 g of product, but the benefits of such a dish will be maximum.

    But if you take the main ingredient with a fat content of less than 5%, then the number of calories per 100 g will be 230 kcal.

    The calorie content of fried cheesecakes increases due to vegetable oil, which we cannot do without during frying cottage cheese dessert, therefore, on average, up to 320 kcal per 100 g of the product. These data will be lower and will be approximately 240 kcal per 100 g if you cook this dish in the oven.

    Cheesecakes for weight loss

    If you control weight and try to keep fit, then you should properly prepare this curd delicacy. To reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes, it is recommended:

    1. Cook this dish with olive oil. The peculiarity of olive oil is that it does not emit carcinogens. And to make cheesecakes more tender and light, bake them in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 180 degrees.
    2. Do not use extra ingredients when preparing this curd dessert. Dried fruits, raisins, nuts and other products can greatly increase the calorie content of cheesecakes.
    3. Do not eat this dish with jam, honey, condensed milk, sour cream or butter, otherwise extra pounds are guaranteed. Indeed, for example, the calorie content of cheesecakes with sour cream can reach 370 kcal per 100 g of product.

    Nutritionists have developed many diets based on cottage cheese, because this product can replenish the body's reserves of all the most important vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when dieting curd syrniki you can safely use, the main thing is that they are as dietary as possible.

    And for this, it is necessary to cook them only from low-fat cottage cheese, without sugar, and it is advisable to bake in the oven at a low temperature. The calorie content of such diet cheesecakes will be approximately 170 kcal per 100 g. You can eat 2-3 pieces per day.

    Depending on the severity of the diet you are currently following.

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    Source: https://womanadvice.ru/syrniki-kaloriynost

    Calorie cheesecakes and the benefits or harms for weight loss

    Cottage cheese pancakes are a long-time favorite dish familiar to us. Often they become the basis of a traditional breakfast. The classic cheesecake has a rounded shape, a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm, a golden color and a delicate aroma. Its taste is determined by the ingredients, which can be vegetables, fruits, berries, seasonings and spices.

    Cooked cheesecakes can be stored safely for 1-2 days in the refrigerator.

    This delicacy seems simple, but it is very capricious in preparation. Cheesecakes may not fry, remain sticky inside, spread in a pan, or become very dry.

    But, knowing all the subtleties of their preparation, you can avoid such consequences and prepare a dish that is tasty and healthy for the figure.

    Slimming with curd cheesecakes

    By themselves, cheesecakes from cottage cheese, calorie content 1 pc. which is approximately 90 kcal(50 g, classic recipe) cannot be called a dietary product.

    But there are such nutrition systems in which the dish is included as a product that helps to successfully reduce weight. This includes a hypocaloric diet, where it is recommended to eat several cheesecakes at breakfast.

    At the same time, you can reduce the calorie content of the dish by adding fresh fruits (instead of the usual sour cream).

    What is a hypocaloric diet? Doctors now call the term “Table No. 8”, which is familiar to us. This nutrition system is not just restrictive, but balanced in terms of the amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates for a person who does not burden himself with sports.

    The list of products allowed by the low-calorie diet includes fruits, vegetables, cereals, low-fat sources of protein, and vegetable oil. What is the minimum daily calorie intake? WHO recognizes the mark of 1200 kcal for the female body and 1500 for the male. It should be borne in mind that obese office workers are meant.

    There is also such a variant of cottage cheese delicacy, with the use of which weight loss will become impossible. These are syrniki Burger King calorieswhich - 392 kcal per serving.

    For the preparation of cheesecakes, products with the following calorie content are used:

    • cottage cheese (with a fat content of 18%) - 236 kcal / 100 g;
    • flour - 334 kcal / 100 g;
    • oil - 743 kcal / 100 g;
    • chicken egg - 157 kcal / 100 g;
    • sugar - 399 kcal / 100 g.

    All these ingredients are combined in different volumes. The result is cottage cheese pancakes, calories which per 100 gramsis about 330 kcal(including sour cream in the amount of 1 dessert spoon).

    The nutritional value of the cottage cheese treat is reduced by some changes in the recipe. As an option, prepare curds that do not need frying. Fresh cottage cheese is mixed with grated cucumbers, carrots and radishes. Balls from such a mass are served without resorting to heat treatment.

    You can reduce the calorie content of cheesecakes by cooking them in the oven. As a result, they will be fragrant, ruddy, tasty and at the same time less greasy.

    Rejecting sour cream as a sauce and adding fruits (dried fruits) to the dough, you can cook syrniki with raisins, the calorie content of which will decrease significantly. Unique and refined taste pear, banana, apple, dried apricots will add to the curd dish.

    The calorie content of cheesecakes fried in butter fluctuates from 270 to 370 kcal/100 g depending on its quantity and fat content of cottage cheese.

    Classic cottage cheese pancakes

    Many housewives refuse to cook this dish from cottage cheese because of an unsuccessful first experience - cheesecakes either fell apart, or were not baked, or spread in a pan. Use the classic recipe, and this dish will become a traditional breakfast in your family.

    You will need the following ingredients:

    • cottage cheese in the amount of 0.3 kg;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • chicken egg (raw) - 1 pc.;
    • sugar (optional) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vanillin - 1 small pack.

    How to cook right?

    1. Combine all ingredients except flour and butter.
    2. Sprinkle the table with flour and knead the resulting mass on it.
    3. We roll the dough with sausages and divide into equal lumps.
    4. We form balls and press them lightly until the desired shape is obtained.
    5. Roll the cheesecakes in flour to prevent them from burning.
    6. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up.
    7. Fry cheesecakes for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.
    8. Turn over and fry in the same way as the first side.

    For better baking of cheesecakes inside, it is recommended to cover the pan with a lid.

    Receive calorie cheese cakes less than 200 kcal/100 g you can just cook them from fat-free cottage cheese.

    Calorie baked cheesecakes much less than fried 198 kcal/100 g To prepare this diet dish in the oven you will need:

    • cottage cheese (fat-free) - 0.5 kg;
    • banana (medium size) - 1 pc.;
    • semolina (raw cereal) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • egg white - 2 pcs.;
    • raisins or dried apricots - 2 tbsp. l.

    We combine the listed ingredients, mix thoroughly, form balls from the resulting mass and put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. The cooking time of cheesecakes will be 15 - 20 minutes. The optimum temperature for baking is 180°.

    Important! When preparing cheesecakes with semolina instead of flour, their calorie content will decrease, they will taste more tender and get rid of stickiness.

    Cheesecakes "Fitness"

    The calorie content of cheesecakes from cottage cheese is 9 percent or completely fat-free, the lowest. For people who control their weight, this is - the best option preparing a dessert or main course.

    What does it take to create this unique dish?

    • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • buckwheat flour - 50 g;
    • egg white - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar substitute (stevioside) - to taste;
    • rye bran - optional;
    • coconut oil for greasing the pan.

    The ingredients should be mixed until a mass with a uniform consistency is obtained. With moistened hands, it is necessary to form cheesecakes, after which they need to be rolled in rye bran. Fry in a greased coconut oil and well-heated pan with a non-stick coating.

    Secrets of delicious cheesecakes

    Know the right recipe meals are good. But being aware of all the secrets of creating cheesecakes is the key to their successful preparation.

    • Curd preparation. In order for cheesecakes to be airy and soft, the cottage cheese must be rubbed to the consistency of a creamy paste. This can be done using a sieve or colander. Another option is to pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender.
    • We adjust the humidity of the cottage cheese. Be sure to get rid of excess serum. Otherwise cheesecakes will become "rubber". We reduce the humidity of the cottage cheese, leaving it for a while in a colander or gauze so that the unnecessary liquid is glassed. In case of excessive dryness of the cottage cheese, on the contrary, we moisten it by adding low-fat yogurt or kefir. Only with the right consistency of cottage cheese, your cheesecakes will be tasty and juicy.
    • We fry correctly. Despite the fact that fried cheesecakes have the highest calorie content, this method of cooking them is the most popular. Not suitable for a weight loss diet, but if used olive oil, then it is acceptable. It is recommended to fry cheesecakes on medium heat under a closed lid. The secret to forming a beautiful crust is to fry in oil, consisting of vegetable and cream in equal amounts.

    Cottage cheese pancakes, the calorie content of which can vary significantly depending on the method of preparation and the components of the dough, can be included in the diet for weight loss. During the diet, it is worth experimenting by adding unusual stuffing- zucchini, pumpkin, asparagus, cauliflower, greens, poppy, spices. A worthy addition to this curd delicacy will be dried fruits and nuts.

    Source: http://www.davajpohudeem.com/pitanie_dlia_pohudeniya/kalorijnost_productov/gotovie_bluda/syrnikov.html

    Calorie cheesecakes from cottage cheese: benefits and harms, diet recipes

    > Food > Calorie cottage cheese pancakes: benefits and harms, diet recipes

    Fragrant sweet fried cheesecakes - a taste familiar to all of us since childhood. For many, this dish has become part of their daily diet and has become one of their favorites. It is generally accepted that any desserts that contain cottage cheese are healthy and low-calorie. Is it really? You will learn about this, as well as how many calories are in cottage cheese pancakes, in this article.

    Cottage cheese pancakes: benefit or harm?

    Whatever you say, but classic syrniki cooked with wheat flour and sugar. And this, in turn, already calls into question the usefulness of the dish. Cottage cheese is indeed a healthy and nutritious product that contains amino acids, vitamins, iron and calcium.

    Cottage cheese is also valued for its high protein content, as much as 16 g per 100 g of goodies. However, during heat treatment, most of these properties are lost. Classic cheesecakes, as a rule, are fried in vegetable oil.

    Of course, eating a few cottage cheese donuts with jam as a dessert is much healthier than eating, for example, a cake. But if you are on a diet and want to lose those extra pounds, it is best to reduce the consumption of the dish to a minimum.

    Calorie cheesecakes: how many calories in one serving

    The calorie content of any prepared dish depends on nutritional value all ingredients used. There are a lot of recipes for mouth-watering curd donuts.

    Mandatory in most of them is use of eggs, sugar, salt, flour.

    Very often, housewives add chocolate, raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits, lemon and orange peel, coconut flakes, bananas, or, for example, carrots grated on a fine grater.

    Calculating the calorie content of a dish is easy. Consider how many calories are in classic cheesecakes without additives according to this recipe: 600 - 700 g of fresh cottage cheese, 160 g of eggs (two medium ones), 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 5 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour of the highest grade, half a bag of vanilla sugar (teaspoon).

    In 600 g of cottage cheese - 795 calories, in eggs - 172, in 5 tablespoons of sugar - 398, in flour - about 430. A teaspoon of vanilla sugar - about 40 calories. Thus, for the whole quantity we get approximately 1830 calories. Per serving 100 g.

    - 2-3 donuts depending on size - 216 calories. In general, given the daily diet of an ordinary person (2 thousand kilocalories), this is quite a bit. But for those who are losing weight, the calories are still too much.

    Moreover, cottage cheese donuts are usually eaten with sour cream, all kinds of jams, condensed milk, jam - all this increases the calorie content.

    Do not forget that calorie content largely depends from used cottage cheese. The recipe above uses 9% fat cottage cheese, 1 kg of which contains 1590 calories. Very often housewives use for cheesecakes cottage cheese, the fat content of which can reach 18%. The calorie content of such cottage cheese per 1 kg is 2320 calories.

    When using such cottage cheese, the calorie content of cottage cheese donuts will increase accordingly. Losing weight and those who follow the figure is best to use cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1% to 5%. On the taste qualities this will not greatly affect, but the calorie content of cheesecakes will be reduced several times.

    Consider the calorie content of another recipe that many people love:

    • Cottage cheese 5% fat - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 150 g.
    • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
    • Manka - 80 g.
    • Raisins - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Dried cranberries - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Candied fruits - 1 tbsp. l.

    So, for 1 kg of 5% fat cottage cheese - 1210 calories, eggs - 345, sugar - 597, vanilla sugar - 40, semolina - 262, raisins - 198, cranberries - 157, candied fruits - 60. Total comes out 2870 calories for all or 178 per 100g serving.

    Based on this, we can conclude that the calorie content of cottage cheese donuts becomes much less if you use less fat cottage cheese and semolina instead of flour.

    It should be noted that cottage cheese donuts with semolina are more tender and soft, they literally melt in your mouth.

    Another ingredient that can affect the calorie content of cheesecakes is vegetable oil. In order to make the dish less nutritious and healthy, you can use olive, corn or Coconut oil. The ideal option is to fry cheesecakes in a non-stick pan or bake in the oven. You will learn about diet recipes for cottage cheese donuts below.

    How to make cheesecakes diet: recipes for losing weight

    Of course, the main ingredient of dietary curd donuts is skim cheese. As we have already found out earlier, the calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese cheesecakes is much less. By the way - you can degrease it at home. There are also a few basic secrets that will help make cheesecakes dietary:

    • Use squirrels instead of whole eggs;
    • Instead of wheat flour, you can use corn, oatmeal, rice, coconut;
    • Instead of sugar, you can use sweeteners, a good alternative is stevia;
    • It is not necessary to fry the cheesecakes, they can be baked in the oven.

    In order not to add sugar to the dish, you can add more dried fruits, or a ripe banana.

    Recipe for diet banana cheesecakes without flour

    You will need:

    • 0.5 kg fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 1 ripe banana;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 30-40 g of oatmeal;
    • Vanillin.

    To get started, mash a banana with a fork or puree it in a blender. Then beat the whisk eggs, add vanillin, ready-made banana puree, and cottage cheese to them. Oat flakes it is best to grind into flour with a coffee grinder, and then add to the curd dough.

    You can fry in a non-stick frying pan, after greasing it with a drop of oil, or bake in the oven. For the second way- roll each donut in oat flour and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake such cheesecakes for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown.

    You can also use Silicone forms. The calorie content of cheesecakes prepared according to this recipe is 140 kcal per serving.

    Please note that for the preparation of dietary cheesecakes it is very important to use the right cottage cheese. Too dry, crumbly, grainy will not work. If you buy cottage cheese in the market, make sure that it is not too wet. For a dietary version of the dish, a great option is creamy cottage cheese in briquettes.

    Recipe for diet cheesecakes with rice flour and dried fruits

    To prepare these cheesecakes, use:

    • 300 g of cottage cheese;
    • 1 egg;
    • 3 tbsp rice flour(if it is not possible to purchase it, make it yourself from rice using a coffee grinder);
    • Raisins, dried apricots, dried fruits to your taste;
    • Vanilla extract.

    To prepare, mix cottage cheese with an egg, add flour and vanilla extract. Dried fruits are best pre-soaked in hot water, and then - rinse well and also add to the rest of the ingredients.

    The dough should be placed in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Next - roll each cheesecake in flour and fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil. The calorie content of such cheesecakes is 155 kcal per 100 grams.

    Can be served with natural yogurt without additives or with honey.

    If you don't like rice, instead of rice flour you can use corn. Then the donuts turn out to be an appetizing golden color. Using these diet recipes for cheesecakes, you don't have to worry about calories. Consume favourite dish for breakfast or as a snack and stay slim at the same time!

    How nice it is to remember one of those episodes of childhood when you wake up and the wonderful aroma of fresh, freshly baked cottage cheese pancakes reaches you. It doesn't matter who cooked them for you, mom or grandmother, such breakfasts were undoubtedly one of the most pleasant childhood memories that will sweep through a lifetime.

    At the moment, there are probably hundreds of different recipes for this dish, which use a wide variety of additives as ingredients, however, it is absolutely impossible to forget those that simply melt in your mouth.

    Syrniki can rightfully be called one of the real masterpieces of Russian cuisine, which have taken their place in the breakfasts of many families. However, like all dishes, they have many both positive and negative sides. Below we will look at some of them, and also talk about how to calculate the calorie content of this breakfast.

    Useful properties of cheesecakes

    Undoubtedly, the most positive aspect of the dish is its exceptional taste, which will cheer you up in the morning. However, in addition to this, enough emotional useful properties, there are quite real ones.

    Cottage cheese - it is this ingredient that prevails in this dish. Yes, there are other ingredients besides it, but it is this calcium-filled ingredient that is very useful for people of any age.

    Easily absorbed by the body, it helps to normalize the work in many organs, as well as, in general, improve metabolism. If you suffer from kidney or liver disease, cheesecakes can be a staple of your healthy start to the day. Despite the fact that cottage cheese is quite high in calories, in addition to calcium, it also contains phosphorus. Together, they help strengthen bone tissue.

    In addition to all this, it is in it that you can find milk fats and a fairly large amount of protein. At the same time, during the preparation of cheesecakes, cottage cheese practically does not lose its beneficial properties, therefore, with the help of this ingredient, you can normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Of course, these are not all the pluses that can be cited, but one must understand that this dish also has its negative sides.

    Harmful properties

    If you look at the paragraph above, you might think that they can be considered almost a panacea for many diseases. However, this is a completely wrong decision, because in themselves they are quite harmful to your figure, especially if you abuse their amount. Their calorie content, which depends on the selected cottage cheese, is quite high, so for those who are losing weight or very carefully monitor their weight, the use of cheesecakes will not work, because there will be a very big chance to gain a fairly large amount of excess weight.

    And also, since many people eat them fried, the damage from vegetable oil will increase, which will bring additional fat to the dish.

    By the way, do not forget about people who simply cannot include cheesecakes in their diet, because they suffer from constant heartburn or flatulence because of cottage cheese, which is undoubtedly not the most pleasant development.

    Calorie content of different types of cheesecakes

    This table uses approximate calorie values ​​that are correct for cheesecakes without the addition of other ingredients other than the base ones.

    Classic recipe

    If you want to cook very tender and tasty syrniki, then this recipe will truly be the treasure that you can proudly keep in your cookbook. In order for them to turn out perfect, do not save on product quality, take fresh homemade cottage cheese, and use only a little flour. Pour the finished dish with honey or jam. This will be the perfect finishing touch.


    • cottage cheese - 500 gr;
    • flour - 100 gr;
    • sugar - 100 gr;
    • egg - 2 pcs;
    • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
    • oil for frying;
    • salt.


    1. Thoroughly knead all curd. Either a blender will help you here, or just mix it with your hands. After that, break eggs into it (only yolks can be used);
    2. The next step is adding flour, both types of sugar and salt. Everything should be thoroughly kneaded until the dough becomes quite homogeneous and sticky;
    3. Heat a frying pan over high heat and place the cheesecake rolled in flour on it. After that, switch the heat to low and cook them until golden brown under the lid;
    4. After cooking, sprinkle the cheesecakes with powdered sugar, so they will become even tastier.

    From cottage cheese with prunes and dried apricots

    If it seems that cottage cheese brings few useful substances into the body, then some dried fruits can be added to the recipe. Such a wonderful combination will be dried apricots and prunes. This will immediately eliminate the need to add sugar to them, as well as add sour cream or jam.


    • cottage cheese 9% - 250 gr;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • flour - 2 table. l.;
    • dried apricots - 5 pcs;
    • prunes - 4 pcs;
    • frying oil.


    1. An egg, cottage cheese and flour are immediately laid out in one bowl. With a fork, all this should be mixed well until the cottage cheese is completely kneaded;
    2. Next, you should take on dried fruits: after thorough washing, they should be cut into small pieces, ideally, squares. After they should be put in a bowl and gently mix everything again;
    3. At this time, put the pan on medium heat. Blinded cheesecakes are lowered into it, slightly flattened with a hand and fried for about 5 minutes, until completely cooked.

    Despite the fact that sugar was not used in this recipe, due to the fructose in dried fruits, the dish turns out to be quite sweet and does not require another sweetener.

    Diet cottage cheese pancakes

    As it has already been found out, cheesecakes are a rather high-calorie product and therefore a frequent delicacy with this dish can strike a figure. It was in order to avoid this that a variety of diet cheesecakes were invented, which in their recipe lose calories, but not taste.


    • fat-free cottage cheese - 400 gr;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • sugar - 50 gr;
    • spices - cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom or others;
    • salt;
    • olive oil.


    1. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with sugar between each other until it is completely dissolved, and then add salt and spices to achieve the desired taste and aroma;
    2. Cottage cheese is added to the already prepared egg mixture, after which everything is beaten well with a blender to make the cheesecakes more airy;
    3. Form cutlets from the curd mass and put them on a baking sheet (syrniki can also be steamed or fried). Put parchment on it, so the finished dish will be easier to fall behind;
    4. Cheesecakes should cook for about twenty minutes. The most optimal temperature is 150 degrees. Serve these cheesecakes paired with low-fat sour cream, this is how they will reveal their taste.

    You will find another simple recipe for low-calorie cheesecakes in the following video:

    As you can see, there are a huge variety of cheesecake recipes, and each housewife uses her own, already proven recipe, adding different ingredients to it. That is why it is quite difficult to calculate the exact calorie content of this dish, because there are many nuances here.

    In contact with

    Cheesecakes are a real taste of childhood. Cooked by the caring hands of a grandmother or mother, they return us to carefree times. Maybe that's why we love them so much.

    The basis of cheesecakes is cottage cheese, eggs and flour. But the culinary imagination is not limited to this. Cheesecakes are made sweet (with fruits and berries), not sweet (with vegetables, herbs, cheeses), with a variety of fillings (dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts). Cheesecakes are fried in a pan, baked in the oven, cooked in a double boiler and a slow cooker.

    What is good about the article:

    • The recipes collected in the article are simple and understandable.
    • Recommendations for selection have been added for each ingredient.
    • The article describes how to do it and how not to do it. You will be insured against mistakes and useless purchases.

    We will tell you how to make cottage cheese pancakes really tasty, literally melting in your mouth.

    Do you hear? These are friends and relatives already running to the table to try your delicious cheesecakes. And the kids, they'll just love it! Such a treat that you will lick your fingers.

    Recipe for classic cheesecakes


    • Cottage cheese (fat content 9%) - 500 gr.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Flour - ½ cup
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Vanillin - ¼ sachet

    For sauce:

    • ½ cup berries (currants, blueberries)
    • Sour cream (fat content 12%) - 150 ml.
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon



    • A cast iron skillet is ideal for frying cheesecakes.
    • Choose a pan with the thickest bottom. The thicker the bottom, the more evenly the heat is distributed during heating.
    • If you want to get softer cheesecakes, with a minimal crust, cover the pan with a lid.


    • Refined vegetable oil is suitable for frying cheesecakes.
    • How to make cheesecakes from cottage cheese with a golden crust? Use a mixture of butter and vegetable oil for frying.
    • If you want to make diet cheesecakes, take olive oil.
    • Pour into the pan more oil. Cottage cheese cakes should "float" in boiling oil.
    • Fry cheesecakes over low heat.
    • After cooking, transfer the cheesecakes to a paper napkin. It will absorb excess oil.

    Cottage cheese

    • The ideal fat content of cottage cheese for cheesecakes is from 6 to 9%. You can cook cheesecakes from more fatty cottage cheese, for example 18%, but when cooking they can blur.
    • Choose fresh "live" cottage cheese with a shelf life of no more than 72 hours.
    • If the cottage cheese is too raw, let it stand for a while so that the moisture evaporates.
    • If the cottage cheese is dry, add sour cream, kefir or milk to it.
    • Sour cottage cheese on the verge of shelf life is better not to use. You are seriously risking the quality of cheesecakes.
    • Before cooking, wipe the curd mass through a sieve, pass through a meat grinder or beat with a blender. This will make the cheesecakes more tender. On the other hand, if you like pieces of cottage cheese in cheesecakes, you can do without rubbing.
    • If there is no cottage cheese at hand, but there is kefir, you can make cottage cheese yourself. Cut a small hole in the package of kefir. Then put the package in the oven for an hour and a half. Set the temperature to 80C.

    Dough consistency

    • It is not at all necessary to add baking powder, soda and other substances that are responsible for ensuring that the products increase in volume. Proper cheesecakes resemble tight cakes and do not need baking powder. Ideal proportions: per pound of cottage cheese - 1 egg
    • The perfect combination for cheesecakes: 0.5 kg of cottage cheese and 1 egg.
    • The mass for cheesecakes should be thick, heavy and resemble pasta in consistency.
    • Do not add baking powder to the curd mass. They are not needed for this recipe. Real cheesecakes should be dense, tight.


    • Do not beat the egg with a mixer. Cheesecakes do not need extra air. When heated, the curd produces steam, which loosens the dough. If there is a lot of air, then the cheesecakes will swell in the pan, and fall off on the plate, turning into pancakes
    • Strictly follow the number of eggs given in the recipe. If the eggs are in excess, the curd mass will spread. It will not work to make good cheesecakes from a liquid mass.
    • Stir the mixture of cottage cheese and eggs with a wooden spatula. Do not use a mixer for this purpose. The mixer makes the mass unnecessarily airy. Cheesecakes from such a mass in a pan will be lush, and on a plate they will settle to the size of pancakes.


    • When preparing sweet cheesecakes, sugar is indispensable. But excess sugar will not benefit cheesecakes.
    • If there is too much sugar, the cheesecakes will spread and burn when frying.
    • For those with a sweet tooth, it is better to sprinkle ready-made cheesecakes with powdered sugar or serve with condensed milk.


    • For cheesecakes you can take wheat flour or semolina. The latter will give the dish additional softness.
    • To knead tight cheesecakes, put a little more flour
    • For light and tender cheesecakes, put a little less flour.
    • If the cottage cheese is dry, add quite a bit of flour.

    Diet cheesecakes. If you're concerned about your cholesterol levels in your diet, try these tips:

    • Instead of regular oil, you can use olive oil. Such a replacement will add a pleasant aftertaste to cheesecakes.
    • Cheesecakes can be made from fat-free cottage cheese. But keep in mind that the cheesecakes in this case will turn out a little dry.
    • Low-fat cottage cheese is best combined with low-fat sour cream. So the cheesecakes will be softer and more tender.
    • Instead of frying, bake cheesecakes in the oven.
    • For baking, use silicone molds.

    What to do if the cheesecakes are blurry?

    • Causes: excess eggs, too fatty cottage cheese, too raw cottage cheese
    • Solution: add flour

    What to do if cheesecakes do not keep their shape?

    • Causes: lack of binding ingredients
    • Solution: add eggs, add sour cream.

    What to do if cheesecakes stick to the pan?

    • Reason: weak heating of the oil in the pan, unnecessarily batter.
    • Solution: Before frying, warm the pan well before sending the cheesecakes to boiling oil. Add flour to the batter. Roll the formed cakes in flour or semolina before dipping in oil.

    What to do if cheesecakes are raw inside?

    • Reason: too much fire when cooking.
    • Solution: Lower the frying temperature slightly, but do not set it to the minimum. The ideal option is a medium fire. Fry the cheesecake first on one side, then on the other. After the second side is browned, reduce the heat a little more and bring the cheesecakes to full readiness.
    • To reduce the fat content of the dish, you can make steamed cheesecakes using a double boiler. But in this case, cheesecakes will look more like dumplings.
    • In order not to rack your brains in the morning on how to make cheesecakes quickly, make a preparation of cottage cheese in advance. Prepare the curd mass according to the recipe and stick cheesecakes. Then place them on a floured board and put them in the freezer. Defrost cheesecakes at room temperature for an hour before cooking.
    • When laying cheesecakes in a bowl after frying, do not put them in a pile. So they keep the crust longer and do not get damp.

    Cheesecakes with fruits and berries

    Many fruits are suitable for sweet cheesecakes: apples, bananas, currants, blueberries and other seasonal berries. Thoroughly washed pieces of fruit and berries are kneaded into the curd mass. Apple slices can be lightly fried in advance butter. If the apples are sour, sprinkle them with sugar at the end of the roast.

    Recipe for delicious cheesecakes with cherries:


    • Fresh or frozen cherries - 200 gr.
    • Cottage cheese 9% - 500 gr.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Flour - 200 gr.
    • Sugar - 140 gr.
    • Sour cream - 200 gr.
    • Vegetable oil


    • Frozen cherries need to be thawed. Fresh cherries are easy to wash and remove the pits. Leave a few cherries for garnish.
    • Using a blender, mix the cottage cheese and cherries into a homogeneous mass.
    • V ready mix add an egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • Knead the mass, adding flour gradually.
    • Blind round cheesecakes from the resulting mass
    • Fry cheesecakes based on general recommendations
    • Mix the remaining sugar and sour cream.
    • Decorate each cheesecake with the resulting cream and one cherry.

    Cheesecakes with vegetables, cheese, herbs.

    For not sweet cheesecakes, you can take any greens. Parsley, mint, dill, basil, onion, spinach and even currant leaves will make cheesecakes fragrant. Greens can be combined according to taste. As an additive it is better to choose cheese durum varieties. As a vegetable ingredient, you can take Sun-dried tomatoes, carrot, Bell pepper, zucchini, garlic, etc. Spices will complement the taste of cheesecakes well.

    Recipe for cheesecakes with sun-dried tomatoes (a great appetizer):


    • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
    • Dried tomatoes - 3-5 pcs.
    • Garlic - 1 clove
    • fresh basil
    • Flour - 200 gr.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Salt and pepper
    • Vegetable oil


    • Mash the cottage cheese in a bowl with a wooden spatula.
    • Add flour, salt and pepper. Mix well.
    • Add sun-dried tomatoes, minced garlic and finely chopped basil.
    • Form meatballs from the dough.
    • Fry the meatballs until fully cooked and golden brown in oil.
    • Serve cheesecakes with sour cream sauce in curry.

    Cheesecakes with dried fruits and nuts.

    Dried fruits for cheesecakes: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, candied fruits, orange peel, lemon peel. Nuts: hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, peanuts, walnuts. As a filling, you can use: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts (all but). Soak the raisins in water or juice before cooking. After that, squeeze the raisins and dry them on a napkin. Recipe for cheesecakes from nuts and dried fruits.

    Recipe for drunken cheesecakes with raisins and walnuts


    • Raisins - 50 gr.
    • Cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Walnuts - 200 gr.
    • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • Semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons


    • Soak the raisins for 15 minutes in cognac.
    • Peel the nuts from the shell and chop them lightly.
    • Remove the raisins from the brandy and dry them on a napkin.
    • Mix cottage cheese and egg first, and then add flour, semolina, sugar to the mixture.
    • When the curd mass is partially mixed, add nuts and dried fruits.
    • Knead the dough until smooth.
    • Fry cheesecakes over medium heat on both sides until browned.

    Recipe for cheesecakes without flour:


    • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • Starch - 2 teaspoons
    • Oil for frying.


    • Mix cottage cheese and egg.
    • Combine semolina, starch and sugar.
    • Knead the mass from the resulting cottage cheese and loose mixture.
    • Blind meatballs from the dough and fry in oil until cooked

    Recipe for vegetarian cheesecakes without eggs:


    • Cottage cheese 9% fat - 250 gr.
    • Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon
    • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons
    • Vegetable oil for frying.


    • Mix cottage cheese with flour and sugar.
    • Blend the mixture with a wooden spatula or blender to a paste consistency.
    • Divide the dough into 10 pieces and shape into meatballs
    • Roll in flour - fry the meatballs in boiling oil.

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