Home Salads and appetizers Green tea, ginger, lemon, honey for weight loss: tea recipes. Green tea with ginger benefits and harms

Green tea, ginger, lemon, honey for weight loss: tea recipes. Green tea with ginger benefits and harms


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Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of green tea, but not everyone knows that if you drink it with supplements, it promotes fat burning. Ginger and lemon bring great benefits to the body. If you combine all these ingredients, you get an amazing drink that has beneficial properties and will help many women lose weight.

Green tea

Rich chemical composition tea makes it simply indispensable for our health. A lot of research has been done and it has been proven that green tea is a source of beneficial substances. Chinese medicine men use this drink in medicinal purposes and claim that he is able to help heal more than 400 diseases.

The benefits of tea

  1. High performance in the fight against viruses and bacteria is noted. Especially useful for colds.
  2. Well refreshing and energizing.
  3. Strengthens the immune system, improves the general condition of the body.
  4. Prevents the formation of cancer.
  5. It normalizes metabolism and lowers blood sugar, which makes it indispensable for diabetics.
  6. Good concentration and improves brain function.
  7. Helps to lose weight.

Green tea also helps to strengthen blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots. It acts on the body as a prophylactic against the formation of kidney stones. Green tea has a lot of useful properties, you can't count them all.

Ginger is famous for its beneficial properties. It serves to increase immunity, acts as an analgesic and wound healing agent. The composition of ginger is rich in elements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and others. It also contains essential oils, which makes it useful during the period of viral diseases. Thanks to essential oils, ginger is very effective for weight loss, it burns fat well, cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances. Due to the diuretic action, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Useful properties of lemon

Citrus contains a large amount of vitamin C. This helps to quickly overcome a cold if you start using it on time. Lemon improves metabolism, and its acid normalizes the digestive tract. The content of pectin promotes the breakdown of fats. The presence of essential oils in lemon reduces appetite, which is why it is popular with people who want to lose weight.

Green tea, lemon and ginger

Green tea with ginger and lemon is very effective for weight loss. If used regularly, it

  • Improves blood circulation, increases body tone;
  • Prolongs youth and slows down skin aging;
  • Helps to cleanse the intestines and remove harmful substances;
  • Increases metabolism and restores digestion;
  • Good anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Has a diuretic effect.

honey for weight loss

It turns out good tasty and healthy tea drink if ginger lemon and still drink green tea with honey. But for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight, it is better not to use honey for weight loss, and drink a drink without it. If you drink a drink not to lose weight, then you can safely add honey.

Green tea recipe with ginger lemon and honey

To prepare a delicious drink, you will need:

  • green tea;
  • honey to taste;
  • one lemon;
  • ginger;
  • 2 liters of water.

Ginger root must be peeled and cut into slices or grated. Pour water into a two-liter saucepan, add ginger, put on fire. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat and pour green loose leaf tea into the pan. Cut the lemon into slices and place some of the lemon slices in a saucepan, let it infuse for about 3 minutes. Strain the finished tea into a pitcher. Pour into cups and put a slice of lemon and honey in each. You can warm up the drink if it is cold.

Such a wonderful drink will help with a cold. It is good to add honey to it, because it contains glucose, it is necessary in the fight against viral diseases.

Ginger tea for weight loss should be drunk 30 minutes before meals. It perfectly reduces appetite and improves metabolism. It is recommended to drink green tea no more than one and a half liters per day. It is better to take it before bedtime, as it invigorates and can cause insomnia. You can not constantly take green ginger tea, after two weeks you need to take a break.

Tea recipe with lemon grapefruit and mint

This drink is very healthy and easy and quick to prepare. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from half a lemon and one grapefruit. In a container, mix the juice of lemon and grapefruit, and add a glass of water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Once cool, add mint leaves and lemon zest. Later, if desired, you can add honey. It is advised to drink this tea twice a day for one cup.

spice tea recipe

For this recipe in a cup 150-200 milliliters. Combine a finely chopped piece of ginger with a pinch of cinnamon and add one clove spice and two cardamom spices. Mix all the spices and put in a container, pour green tea and boil over medium heat for 15 minutes. Pour the finished drink into cups, you can add honey and lemon. A drink prepared according to this recipe is relevant on a cold winter evening and at the first sign of a cold.

Green tea came to us from the East, but has long been a favorite and familiar drink. Various varieties of green tea find their admirers, and now green tea with additives is among the new trends. This does not mean aromatic additives, but those that bring new properties to the drink and enhance its effect (for example, garlic).

One such recipe is green tea with ginger. Tea itself is a source of antioxidants, and ginger has been used for a long time as a health food and as a weight loss aid. The health value of ginger makes it possible to replace even garlic in the diet. combination of ginger and green tea It has a lot of useful properties due to which its popularity is only growing. The drink can be brewed with lemon - such a recipe will give it interesting notes, and tea will be even more useful.


This drink serves as a powerful source of macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. It contains chromium, iron and magnesium, potassium and calcium, as well as phosphorus and vitamin C. The combination of these substances makes the drink useful for the cardiovascular system and metabolic processes in the body. Each recipe is, if not a panacea for various diseases, then a very effective means of combating them. Benefit and healing properties ginger tea:

  • satisfies hunger and thirst;
  • charges with vivacity and energy;
  • has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps to remove cholesterol;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, is a good remedy for weight loss;
  • activates digestion;
  • relieves swelling, stimulates the genitourinary and lymphatic systems;
  • slows down the effects of aging;
  • balances insulin and glucose levels.

Why add ginger

In matters of weight loss, this product has practically no equal - it tones up, supports immunity (any lady on a diet suffers from low immunity), relieves frequent headaches. Pregnant women use ginger lozenges as a cure for nausea in toxicosis. In general, the benefits of this product are undeniable. Lemon in green tea, despite the unpopularity of such a recipe, will come in handy - the sourness makes the drink very interesting.

Men also do not bypass this product. In addition to its benefits for weight loss and overall health, ginger also promotes male potency, which is useful at absolutely any age. Reviews of men about the benefits of green ginger tea are exceptionally positive. A rare recipe for an infusion or decoction to increase male strength does without the use of ginger.

How to cook

There are many recipes that you can follow to make delicious green tea. Most fast way- add the root when brewing. After the drink is infused, it is ready to drink. In accordance with your taste, you can also add lemon to tea - with lemon it will acquire citrus notes. However, in addition to this recipe, there are others. After reading reviews about various cooking methods, you can create your own recipe.

These are the basic recipes for making ginger green tea. You can also add milk to the drink, nutmeg, cardamom and cinnamon. Drinks based on ginger green tea complement any citrus fruits well (you can add fresh or dried fruit slices, zest and freshly squeezed juice, you can brew with lemon).

To prepare the most healthy drink, you need to choose high-quality ingredients. First and foremost is, of course, tea. It should be good, no additives. Ginger should be chosen fresh - it has a smooth surface. The more wrinkled the skin on the ginger root, the older the product. Of course, this is not so bad, but the stale ginger root is much sharper than the young one, and there are fewer essential oils in it. Any lemon will do - there are no special preferences here. Garlic, by the way, also does not require careful selection. Can be added to - about half a teaspoon.

You can cut the root different ways that affect the taste of the drink. In the event that you want to give the drink a light ginger note, it is best to cut it into thin slices. Diced ginger will reveal its entire flavor palette. And grated on a grater will give a bright pronounced taste.

Garlic, honey, lemon can be added to ginger tea, but this should not be done during cooking - the healing elements contained in honey decompose at high temperatures. Therefore, it is best to add honey directly to the cup, or even drink it as a bite.

Who, when and how to use

In the event that the drink is used for weight loss, it is best to consume it immediately before eating. In order to boost immunity, tea should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink it with lemon or milk, with the addition of garlic or spices. Lemon in tea, by the way, gives a pleasant sour tint and increases the content of vitamin C in the drink.

Green tea with ginger during pregnancy and breastfeeding you can drink only after consulting a doctor - like any tonic. You should not abuse the drink in the evening - it tones up well, which can disrupt a night's sleep. Green ginger tea will be useful for absolutely everyone, everyone will find a recipe to their taste. It will help in the difficult task of losing weight, increase potency and immunity, and also improve health.

Ginger greatly enhances the healing properties of green tea. It complements the taste of a drink familiar to everyone with new notes, making it new and interesting. How to prepare green ginger tea to experience its benefits?

Green ginger tea is the secret to good health

Green tea is very common not only in European countries, but also in the East. It is often drunk along with various aromatic artificial additives. Of course, they will not add health. Where better to drink green tea with another wonderful plant - ginger. It improves beneficial features of this drink, at the same time making it new and fresh.

What is useful?

Only the lazy have not heard about the wonderful qualities of the ginger root. It has established itself as an excellent remedy for colds and as a great helper in the fight against extra pounds. Biologists have long proven that green tea is rich in antioxidants, which means that it prevents the development of cancer and helps keep the body youthful and beautiful. What will please us duet of green tea and ginger root?

  • This tea will replenish the supply of vitamins, minerals, various trace elements we need daily. This drink is rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, vitamin C.
  • It will make you more energetic, cheer up, dull the feeling of hunger.
  • It will be a salvation for colds, flu and other respiratory infections in combination with drugs.
  • Reduces cholesterol, thereby being the prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Accelerates metabolism, facilitates the process of digestion.
  • Often used as a diuretic.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors.
  • Rejuvenates the human body.
  • Prevents spikes in insulin levels.

Overweight people are especially interested in green tea with ginger. Doctors do not advise drinking this tea in large quantities, but moderate portions of such a drink (about 3-4 cups a day), however, will help you say goodbye to extra pounds, rejuvenate your body and achieve peace of mind.

This drink will also be interesting because, having a low calorie content, it will not harm your figure. In 100 gr. green ginger tea contains 30 kcal.

Simple daily health tea recipes

To brew green tea with ginger in a quality manner, no special culinary talents are needed. Each method of cooking at home can be repeated by anyone. The main thing is to carefully follow the indicated rules and not violate the proportions.

  • The first recipe is very simple. In a container with ready-made green tea, add thin slices of ginger root (if desired, you can finely grate it). Let the tea brew a little. Before use, if desired, you can add a slice of your favorite citrus fruit - lemon or orange.
  • For the following recipe, we need a small piece of ginger root and a little lemon juice (2-3 teaspoons). Required Ingredients pour a glass of water and boil. Then cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. During this time, we prepare green tea without additives according to any familiar recipe. We combine the broth and ready-made tea together, add honey or sugar to taste. This drink has a tonic, and it also improves metabolism.
  • This recipe is good for metabolic disorders. It is important to observe such proportions: 20 gr. ginger need no more than 200 ml of water. Put a piece of ginger root into the water room temperature and cook no more than 15 minutes. Pour the brew of green tea, mint leaves or lemon balm with the finished broth. Don't forget to take out the ginger. Some people like to add orange juice to the finished tea.
  • Pour grated ginger and a head of garlic cut in half with hot brewed green tea. It is better to insist such tea in a thermos. We drink the drink already chilled. If you suffer from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa (colitis, gastritis or ulcers), it is better to refuse this drink.
  • This recipe is borrowed from the Indians. First, we prepare tea according to the first recipe, add cardamom and milk to the finished drink (about half the volume of green tea). All this is boiled, cooled and boiled again.
  • Brew green tea (about 200 ml). We mix spices - chopped ginger, a pinch of cinnamon, a clove stick and a couple of cardamom pods. Pour the spices with ready-made green tea and boil, simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat. Lemon and honey can be added to the finished drink.

The subtleties of making a drink

For tasty and healthy tea follow these simple tips:

  • use tea without additives and artificial flavors;
  • ginger should be fresh - without dents, damage;
  • ground ginger should be added in smaller quantities than the root of the plant, ground on its own;
  • if you are used to drinking sweet tea, then add honey or sugar to the drink immediately before drinking;
  • tea should be brewed with good quality water.

Many people consider it an everyday drink, well tonic and thirst quencher. There is a lot of talk and writing about the benefits of green tea. Nutritionists also did not leave this drink unattended, many diets contain a tea drink in their diet. It is considered that . But it is more effective to use it with other ingredients, for example, with ginger and lemon. Such a drink will be tastier and much healthier for the whole body.

Benefits of green tea with lemon and ginger

Ginger tea has long been used for weight loss. It is also used to treat various diseases. Green tea is no less useful, it has a lot of antioxidants that make it a valuable product. Lemon is rich in vitamins necessary for the body. To improve the taste, honey, rich in useful substances, is added to the tea. Honey contains glucose, it is nutritious and high-calorie, it is also included in drinks for weight loss. Honey dulls the feeling of hunger, during the diet there are no breakdowns in order to eat sweets. The carbohydrates that enter the body help to reduce weight by burning fat, but not by storing it. Honey fills the body with nutrients. With the help of the active substances of honey, a lot of free radicals are removed.

The combination of all ingredients gives the drink the most valuable properties:

  • Gives energy, tones, dulls the feeling of hunger.
  • It is a source of trace elements, vitamins, contains vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, chromium, phosphorus.
  • It relieves inflammation, is able to relieve pain. Can be used to treat angina, colds, influenza.
  • Improves metabolism, improves digestion.
  • Fights bad cholesterol, good for heart disease.
  • Stimulates healing processes, antioxidants slow down the aging process, fights tumors.
  • It has a diuretic effect, eliminating toxins and excess fluid.
  • Normalizes glucose levels.

Ginger drink for weight loss

Many of those who have tried to improve their figure with a delicious drink have achieved good results. This tea helps to keep fit. The fat-burning effect of this tea has been known for a long time in the East. Ginger is added there when cooking fatty foods. It helps to prevent the appearance of unnecessary body fat, helps the stomach to cope with the incoming food. Ginger stimulates metabolic processes, contributing to weight loss.

A cocktail based on green tea with spices is a storehouse of vitamins and antioxidants. When losing weight, dieting, the body is stressed, and tea serves as a general tonic. It must be drunk in winter and autumn. It warms, serves as a prevention of colds and flu.

Recipes for making drinks for weight loss

Making tea does not require much effort and time. The use of green tea is very effective, the drink turns out to be tasty, nutritious, everyone likes its taste.

Tea to stimulate metabolism

Ginger root - piece 2 by 2 cm

Lemon - 2 slices

Water - 200 ml

Freshly brewed green tea - 200 ml

A cube of fresh ginger root is cut into thin slices, juice is squeezed out of a lemon. The mixture is poured with water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. Separately brew green tea according to your favorite recipe. Two infusions are mixed, when the tea cools down a little, a spoonful of honey is added.

Tonic tea for weight loss

A piece of ginger root - 20 g

Water - 200 ml

Mint or lemon balm - a few sprigs

Orange or lemon - 1/2 fruit

Green tea - 1 tsp

Ginger is boiled for 15 minutes, then the root is removed, and dry green tea leaves are poured with the resulting broth. Leave to insist. After three minutes add mint leaves, orange juice.

Ginger tea with garlic

Ginger - 2 tbsp. l. crushed root

Garlic - 2 cloves

Green tea - 2 tsp

Water - 300-400 ml

Garlic and ginger are crushed, put in a thermos, poured with separately prepared hot green tea. They let it brew. Before use, the infusion is filtered. It tastes better to drink a chilled drink. It can improve overall well-being, reduce weight. The drink should be drunk with caution for people who have problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder.

Warming tea with spices

Green tea (freshly brewed) - 200 ml

piece of ginger

pinch of cinnamon

clove stick

cardamom pods

Honey to taste

Lemon juice

Spices must be brewed with green tea, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. For taste, before serving, add a spoonful of honey, lemon juice. In bad weather, this drink will help warm up, strengthen the immune system.

ginger cocktail

Ginger smoothie is an interesting drink available to make at home and use for weight loss. Ginger root is finely chopped, put in a glass, slightly kneaded until juice appears. Then pour ice, pour 60 ml of vodka and 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Those who cannot drink alcohol can cook non-alcoholic cocktail with pineapple juice.

  • It is necessary to prepare tea from high-quality green tea, without additives, flavorings.
  • The quality of the ginger is also important. It is necessary to choose a root with a solid and smooth surface. Changes in color, dents and other imperfections are indicative of a defective product.
  • Ginger powder can also be used, but it is added in a smaller amount.
  • Ginger root can be chopped in any way: cut into thin strips, cubes, grate. The finer the ginger is crushed, the brighter and deeper the taste will be.
  • For weight loss, drink before meals.
  • To preserve the beneficial properties of honey, it must be added immediately before use. Honey should be added to a warm drink, not boiling water.
  • When brewing green tea, you need to use bottled water, it is softer than regular tap water.
  • In Hollywood at ginger drink on the basis of green tea, various herbs, chamomile, dried berries, mint, hot pepper, rose hip.

Contraindications for green tea with ginger

Women should not drink ginger drink during pregnancy. This tea is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems. Drinking during a temperature, the drink can cause a complication, since the warming effect will further increase the body temperature, increasing blood flow.

The tonic effect of ginger tea can provoke insomnia if you drink it at night. Be sure to talk to a nutritionist if you have any doubts about taking green tea with ginger. When taking drugs, you also need to consult a specialist.

Many people think that there is some specific, only correct, secret on how to properly brew ginger for weight loss or for a cold. But really, it's not a no. There are many recipes for brewing ginger tea, and each of them is useful in its own way. After all, each of us pursues our own goals, someone hopes to lose weight, someone to strengthen immunity or recover from a cold, and there are people who just like the taste of ginger and nothing more.

It plays a big role not only how, but also in what form we will brew it. There are usually three main options:

  • fresh, cut into pieces;
  • fresh finely grated;
  • dry ginger powder

Depending on the type of root and temperature, ginger transfers different amounts of vitamins, minerals and essential oils to the drink. Consequently, the properties of the drink are different.

The most popular recipes for brewing ginger

Let's take a look at some of the most common ginger tea recipes, from the simplest to the more complex. So, let's begin.

How to brew ginger for weight loss

To enhance the fat-burning effect of ginger, I recommend brewing it together with garlic, pepper and cinnamon. Of course, this may spoil the taste a little, but such a drink will speed up the metabolism and moderate your appetite. It is also worth noting that if you set yourself the goal of losing weight, then the root should be taken as fresh as possible, it will contain more essential oils.

You can take any of the above brewing methods and add garlic and other spices there.

Still on the Internet, very popular green coffee with ginger. It is enough to brew it simply with green coffee and chopped ginger in a ratio of 1 to 1, pour hot water and insist 10-15 minutes. You may not like the taste, so you can add some lemon juice to the drink, but you should not add honey and milk.


Ginger root contains a whole set beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids that give our body health, beauty and youth. It is actively used for culinary, cosmetic and medical purposes. Fortunately, this product is readily available and easy to prepare. And the essential oils that are included in its composition will help you easily cope with excess weight.

Benefits of ginger tea for weight loss

For the first time, ginger tea for weight loss began to be used in the East. The magical property of tea was explained by the warming property, which stimulated the process of blood circulation and metabolism.

In traditional medicine, this issue was approached more thoroughly. Scientists have found that ginger root contains many essential oils, which are based on gingerol. It is he who gives the plant a specific bitter taste, and also helps to speed up the metabolism.

Ginger tea helps the body to cope with heavy food faster, removes toxins from the body and cleanses the blood of cholesterol. Consuming this drink regularly within a month, you can not only lose 5 kilograms overweight, but also to improve your body.

If you have lemon, ginger and honey, then you have a great tool for losing weight. These three products will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your health.

You can also use the ginger-honey duet, which will deal a crushing blow to those extra pounds.

How to brew?

For the effective impact of ginger tea on your body, you need to follow certain rules and proportions.

Amount of ginger root it is necessary to take with the calculation of 30 g of ginger per 300 ml of water. Before use, the root must be washed and cleaned well. You can grind ginger in any way convenient for you: cut into slices, cubes, straws or grate. The last method, by the way, is the most effective, using it, you will get the maximum amount of useful substances.

By classic recipe crushed ginger placed in boiling water and boiled 10 minutes more. After that, the tea is filtered and consumed without any additives and additional ingredients. But if you wish, you can reduce the concentration of the drink by simply reducing its preparation time.

In addition, you can brew tea with ginger, just pour boiling water over the root and leaving it to infuse for 5-7 minutes.

Dried ginger root is also excellent for brewing. But at the same time, keep in mind that in dried form, the concentration will be more increased, therefore, for brewing, you need to slightly reduce the dose of dried ginger root.

How to drink for effective weight loss?

There is two ways drinking ginger tea.

  1. If you follow the usual diet, drink 100 g of tea half an hour before eating. Thus, you can speed up the metabolic process and get rid of a few extra pounds.
  1. If you use ginger tea in combination with a weight loss diet, drink 100 g of the drink every 2 hours.


  • Classic recipe

Classic ginger tea recipe does not include any additional ingredients. There are many ways to make ginger tea. One of the most convenient and simple is the following recipe.

Grate the previously peeled ginger root and pour hot water over it. Brew a drink in a thermos with the calculation: one spoon grated ginger for 500 ml of water. Let the tea steep for 1 hour. After that, the drink can be consumed.

  • Ginger + lemon

Grated ginger root (1 teaspoon), grated on a fine grater, rub with a slice of lemon and pour hot water over it.

Leave the drink to infuse for 5-7 minutes. This version of ginger tea is suitable for those who love a spicy burning taste.

  • Green tea with ginger

This version of ginger tea has very mild properties and does not harm the lining of your stomach.

To prepare the drink, peel and grate 5-10 g of ginger on a fine grater. Add 1 teaspoon of green tea to it. Pour the mixture with hot water (but not boiling water) and leave for 15 minutes.

If the taste seems too bitter and harsh to you, you can add a little honey to the tea. But in this case, wait until the temperature of the drink drops to 40 degrees.

  • Ginger + honey

Brew ginger tea the classic way. Cool it down to 40 degrees. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the finished tea.

Remember, in no case should you pour honey with hot water above 40 degrees. High temperatures not only destroy all the beneficial substances of honey, but also make it a dangerous product for your health.

  • Ginger + cinnamon

Brew ginger tea. Add a cinnamon stick to your drink. Leave the tea to infuse for 15-20 minutes.

Ground cinnamon will also work. For this variation, take a quarter teaspoon of finely grated ginger and mix it with a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. After that, add hot water and let it brew for 20 minutes.

  • Ginger + garlic

This version of ginger tea is the most powerful for weight loss.

Grate a teaspoon of ginger root and a teaspoon (without top) of garlic on a fine grater and mix. Transfer the mixture to a liter thermos and fill it to the top with hot water. Leave the drink to infuse for half an hour. After that, strain it.

Such tea will be very concentrated, so it should be consumed strictly according to the scheme of 100 ml every 2 hours.


But do not forget that even such a magical plant in terms of a set of vitamins and minerals has its own contraindications.

Ginger is very aggressive in relation to the gastric environment, so it is worth refraining from such a means of losing weight for people suffering from various ulcers and ulcerative colitis, intestinal inflammation. A contraindication to use is also cholelithiasis, allergies and fever.

Before using ginger tea as a weight loss remedy, it is worth consulting a doctor for people who have heart disease and suffer from hypertension.

Also, you should not take a drink with ginger on your own, without consulting a doctor, for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

Reviews of nutritionists

Nutritionists urge to treat weight loss with ginger tea with caution. Due to the fact that ginger contains a lot of active substances, a diet with ginger tea should still be agreed individually with a doctor.

However, doctors agree that a short-term introduction of ginger tea into the diet can give positive results in the form of weight loss by 1-2 kilograms, even without changing your main diet.

With the right use of ginger tea, you can not only improve your figure, but also improve your body!


Ginger Tea Recipes - Spices Heal

Without exaggeration, we can say that special preference was given to ginger. No spice has such a successful combination of taste and healing properties! To be treated with pleasure - such an opportunity was provided by Zingiber, "horned root", as it was called in some eastern countries.

Benefits of ginger and what it combines with

If many people are still somewhat wary of adding a spicy root to soups, salads, meat, then ginger tea has gained a strong position. Combining various ingredients brewing spice with different tea varieties, everyone gets a drink to their liking.

The fresh sweetish aroma and burning taste of the plant goes well with many products. A good addition to the oriental spices are honey, lemon, cardamom, apples, rose hips, cinnamon. In moderation, you can add spice to coffee, brew with medicinal herbs for colds.

But in everything you need to know the measure. If strong tea with a lot of spices can be useful for colds, then for friendly tea drinking and sincere conversations, drinks are prepared softer, more tender, with a delicate smell. At the tea table, usually not the body is treated, but the soul.

What are the benefits of ginger tea? Essential oils, trace elements, vitamins, metals that make up the plant make it a fairly strong tonic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and warming agent.

How to clean and prepare the root for brewing

To prepare a hot drink, choose a smooth, non-wrinkled spine that is firm to the touch. There is an opinion that elongated roots are better suited for tea, they are richer. essential oils. The main selection criterion is a pleasant smell.

You should know how to clean ginger for tea. If the peel is rough, then it is necessary to cut it very carefully. Be careful, because all the nutrients are directly under the peel. Young tubers can simply be scraped off with a knife, as is done with young potatoes.

Cut the tuber into small cubes or grate (see what is indicated in the recipe) on a coarse grater, a fine grater is not recommended, because the plant's juice will be lost. Now you can brew tea with ginger. Each housewife has her own recipe, but they are all based on the classic, basic one.

Pour the crushed root together with green or black tea leaves with boiling water in a regular teapot. After a few seconds, you can pour into cups.

Such a short brewing time is due to the fact that with a longer infusion, the tea will become bitter, so sharp, active that there is a risk of damaging the gastric mucosa.

Ginger Tea Recipes

It has already been said that the spice “gets along” with many products, so there are a great many recipes for preparing drinks, in addition, more and more new ones are constantly appearing - the kitchen is the most suitable place for culinary experiments.

Below is a selection of the most popular and healthy tea recipes. Hot drinks are distinguished not only by a special taste or aroma, but also by the effect on the human body, healing or restorative.

Tea with ginger and lemon

Tea with ginger and lemon has become habitual for many. It is damp and cold outside, and in front of you is a cup of burning tea that will warm and invigorate better coffee will cheer you up.

Preparing is elementary: brew a freshly planed tuber with boiling water, put a slice of lemon. Sweeten to taste with sugar or honey. To create a rich aroma, you can add a little mint or lemon balm.

Green tea with ginger

For those who do not like flavor bouquets and mixed aromas, we suggest preparing green tea with ginger, an excellent antidepressant. Improves complexion, normalizes digestion. Helps with colds and flu.

Way of preparation: leaf green tea to make and insist 5-7 minutes. Throw the cubes of the chopped root into a thermos, pour the finished tea leaves. Can be sweetened. When coughing, add a couple of clove flowers.

Tea with cinnamon and ginger

Tea with cinnamon and ginger has a peculiar taste and smell. Great start to the day! After a cup of such a drink, cheerfulness and a good mood will not leave you all day. In addition, it helps to fight colds and extra pounds.

Preparation: brew leaf black tea (a teaspoon per cup of boiling water), after 3 minutes, put finely chopped spice tuber and a cinnamon stick into the tea leaves. Infuse for another 3 minutes.

Tea with ginger and honey

Impact warming, vitamin nectar, giving strength!

Cooking like this: 20 g of grated or chopped root insist 5 minutes in a glass of boiling water under the lid. Add a spoonful of honey. For colds, you can add lemon.

Tea with sea buckthorn and ginger

Exotic spice and familiar sea buckthorn made an excellent tandem in a hot drink called sea buckthorn tea with ginger. Recipe: peeled, crushed in any way, the root crop and crushed sea buckthorn berries in a mortar are laid out in cups or glasses, poured with boiling water. After five minutes, the drink is ready.

New recipe from users: turn half of the taken berries into puree, put it in a saucepan along with the remaining whole berries, pour hot ginger tea prepared according to basic recipe. Strain through a strainer, add honey for sweetness.

The combination of these two natural ingredients creates the strongest antidepressant. In addition, sea buckthorn also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. That is, a sore throat at the initial stage can be cured quickly.

Tea with ground ginger

If there is no fresh root on hand, you can make tea with ground ginger. Half a teaspoon of dry spice is added to the usual tea leaves, let it brew for at least five minutes. The drink may become cloudy. No big deal, this is a common occurrence when using dry seasoning.

This tool is usually used for weight loss. But it also helps with upset stools, coughs, and colds. A universal plant - a doctor and a cook!


ginger tea recipe how to make ginger tea for weight loss

Ginger tea rightfully considered a people's doctor. Much is known about medicinal properties ginger tea. This rare drink helps people look good, charges them with a good mood and relieves many diseases. The beneficial properties of ginger tea improve cerebral circulation and memory, promote better digestion and eliminate harmful substances from the body. A cup fragrant tea before meals improves appetite. If it is consumed in small sips throughout the day, tea with ginger Helps relieve pain in the abdomen.

Ginger tea - the best recipes

The Orekhovo-Zuevo women's site offers the most popular, time-tested recipes for making ginger tea.

Tea with ginger and lemon

The ideal drink warms in the cold season and improves digestion. Easy Recipe also recommended for those who intend to get rid of unnecessary weight. Ginger root tea perfectly combines a bouquet of sour, sweet and spicy flavors.

To make tea with ginger, you need to cut off a piece of ginger root about 2-3 cm, peel it and finely chop or grate it. Boil 1 liter of water. Put pieces of the prepared root into the teapot, add the fresh juice of one lemon and honey. Pour boiling water, stir and insist for one hour. Ginger tea is ready to drink. However, the body needs to get used to this drink. You can not immediately drink a lot of tea. After some time, when the body is accustomed to the novelty, you can gradually increase the amount of tea consumed.

Green tea with ginger

For this ginger tea recipe, take half a teaspoon of crushed dried root. Brewed together with leafy green tea in a thermos. Let it brew for half an hour. After this time, you can use the divine balm with an unsurpassed taste. Ginger in tea helps not only to make a wonderful drink, but it is also a medicinal plant for cough. Taking small doses throughout the day will give the skin a youthful and healthy color.

Ginger tea recipe with cinnamon, cloves and cardamom

First you need to brew green tea (1 glass of water per 1 tablespoon of tea leaves). Let it brew for at least five minutes. Short brewing will preserve the healing properties of tea. Strain the drink through a strainer. Take a small piece of ginger root, cut into thin strips. Pour tea into a saucepan, add another glass of water. When boiling, add cooked ginger, cinnamon (a pinch is enough), two small cardamom pods and cloves (to taste). Boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add 3 teaspoons of honey and the juice of half a lemon to the boiling drink. Continue to boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to brew for a quarter of an hour so that all the flavors combine into one bouquet. Tea is drunk both hot and chilled throughout the day.

Ginger root tea for colds, sore throats and depression

Take green leaf tea, which has no additives. Brew it with boiling water and leave for a few minutes in a thermos. Peel the ginger, cut into cubes and mix with tea leaves. Put honey and red tea in hot peppers Chile. With a cold, you can change the pepper for a lemon, and during a cough, which is accompanied by sputum, pieces of cinnamon or a few pieces of cloves are put in tea.

Ginger tea with mint leaves

A glass of cold water is taken and prepared ginger (20 g of root) is poured. Put on fire and boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. Garnish tea with the addition of lemon balm, mint, a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey. This drink not only heals, but invigorates for the whole day. They can replace your favorite cup of coffee in the morning. Those who want to lose weight should also take this recipe into their piggy bank.

Ginger tea with blackcurrant

For brewing tea, currant leaves, black tea and ginger are taken. To make tea more intense, brew in a thermos. Drink to quench your thirst all day.

Citrus drink with ginger and mint

Take one and a half liters of water, boil. Combine with five tablespoons of honey, grated and peeled ginger (3 tbsp), Stir and bring to a boil. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve. Squeeze out all the liquid from the ginger to make the tea richer. Put a little black pepper into the broth and pour in lemon or orange juice (4-5 tablespoons), before removing from heat, add mint leaves. The drink is tasty and fragrant when taken fresh and hot.

Whiskey sour tea

Take two medium lemons, squeeze the juice, combine with boiling water so that the volume is 300 ml. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey and grated ginger root to this drink. Pour the liquid into glasses, pour into each whiskey (2-3 tbsp each). Prepared tea, drink immediately, hot.

Tea from Tibet based on ginger for winter time with colds

To get one liter of tea, you need to take:

  • half a liter of low-fat milk and water
  • 10-11 pieces of cloves and cardamom
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger root
  • 0.5 tsp chopped nutmeg
  • 2 tsp leafy green tea
  • 1 tsp tea "Darjeeling" (special varietal black tea)

Pour water into an enameled container, put on fire. Grind cardamom and cloves and add to a pot of water. Put in the same ginger and green and black tea leaves. Boil all this for a few minutes. Pour milk into a boiling drink and add Darjeeling tea leaves. When everything boils, add nutmeg and boil for a few minutes. Strain the tea and pour into a storage container (preferably ceramic). Drink every morning before meals.

Ginger tea for weight loss

On the basis of ginger, you can prepare many drinks that are not only delicious, but also help fight the age-old female problem - overweight. The root is rich in fiber and carbohydrates, it contains various vitamins and mineral salts, which help to speed up the metabolism in the body and burn fat. The process of losing weight is slow, but reliable, as evidenced by positive reviews. If you drink tea with ginger before meals, then the feeling of hunger weakens, and, accordingly, the extra calories do not enter the body. But be careful with this method, because tea can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn.

Ginger tea for weight loss recipe

For one liter of this medicinal tea, you need to take a ginger root in the amount of 1 tbsp. and 1 clove of garlic. Grind them and pour boiling water, place in a thermos for brewing. Leave to infuse for a short time. Then get our tea leaves from the tea. Use ginger tea for weight loss throughout the day.

To get rid of excess weight, ginger is used in combination with a decoction of medicinal herbs (strawberry, lemon balm, mint).

Orange and ginger tea for weight loss

Mix ginger root, mint leaves and a little crushed cardamom in a blender. Pour this mixture with boiling water and put in a warm place for half an hour. Filter the solution, add lemon and orange juice in equal amounts to it. If you like honey, be sure to add it to your tea. Drink chilled, then the whole bouquet of flavors will appear.

For those who have problems with bladder, it is recommended to use additional lingonberry leaves for tea.

In order for tea to bring the expected weight loss effect, several rules must be observed:

1. Enter ginger into your menu for every day.

2. While you get used to the taste, add a slice of lemon to a cup of tea to smooth out the taste.

3. Honey must be added to non-hot tea or eat with a spoon as a bite.

4. This tea is undesirable to use in the evening shortly before bedtime, as it improves tone and gives vigor.

5. When the tea is ready, tea leaves are removed from it, otherwise it will be tart.

6. You can drink no more than two liters of tea per day.

7. Ginger, which will be used for brewing tea, needs to be finely chopped, so its beneficial substances will better pass into the liquid.

8. Tea is best consumed 1-1.5 hours after a meal.

But it is better to brew tea in the morning and store it in a thermos, which allows you to take it throughout the day without spending extra time on it.

Now you know not only about the beneficial properties of ginger tea, but also many great recipes how to make tea with ginger.


And how to brew tea with ginger?


Recipe for making ginger tea: for 0.5 liters of water you will need:

2. Cardamom - 2 pods

6. Cloves (optional)
7. half a lemon

* Boiling water,

* Ginger,
* You can also:

Green tea with ginger. Beneficial features. Recipes. Contraindications | Blog of Irina Zaitseva

Dear readers, today I have an article on my blog for our health and harmony. We all know that in order to maintain our body in good shape, the correct drinking regimen is vital. But no less important is what we drink. After all, with the right approach, the liquid, which is necessary to maintain not only our life, but also health and beauty, can be tasty and healthy. In addition to drinking plain water, we can prepare delicious and healthy drinks for ourselves and the whole family. I also include green tea.

Having an "oriental" origin, green tea has long become familiar to us. As well as the opinion about its benefits. Only the lazy do not talk about it today, appealing both to the philosophy of the Chinese sages and to scientifically proven facts.

Among the latest trends is the use of green tea not only in its "pure form". I don't mean aromatics now. After all, the easiest combination of green tea with “something else” is tea with lemon or tea with honey. Familiar and traditional, isn't it? Also tasty and healthy. But today I want to talk about another combination: green tea with ginger.

We have already talked about the benefits of ginger and ginger tea in the article Ginger tea is a cure for all diseases, and we figured out how ginger tea helps a slim figure in the article Ginger tea for weight loss. Today we will talk about how the combination of green tea and ginger root affects our body.

Green tea with ginger. Benefit.

We know that green tea itself is a source of antioxidants, and ginger has been successfully used in weight loss and is a very valuable product for health. But why is such a “tandem” useful and why has this drink become more and more popular lately?

  • Serves as a rich source of vitamins, macro- and microelements, contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin C, chromium.
  • Perfectly tones, gives energy and even satisfies the feeling of hunger.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Great for the complex treatment of influenza, colds, sore throats.
  • Fights excess cholesterol, preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the digestive process
  • It has a diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling, and eliminates accumulated toxins.
  • Stimulates healing processes in the body - the antioxidants contained in tea “work” against the formation of malignant tumors and slow down the aging process.
  • Stabilizes glucose levels and helps prevent insulin spikes.

Green tea with ginger. Reviews.

On forums dedicated to weight loss, you can often find positive reviews about green tea with ginger. Someone has achieved good results, "losing weight on tea", someone he helps to keep himself in shape. They also say that not only green tea can give a slim figure, coffee made with ginger is also recommended for those who want to lose weight. Although, of course, the taste of coffee and ginger is even more specific than the taste of ginger and green tea, but on the other hand, you can get used to, if not everything, then a lot. And our taste preferences are most often a matter of habit. In any case, the benefits of drinking green tea with ginger root are obvious.

By the way, the “fat-burning” properties of ginger are eloquently confirmed by the fact that in the East it is usually added to fatty foods. Thus, by the way, not only preventing unnecessary body fat, but also helping the digestive system to cope with this kind of load. And if we recall once again that ginger stimulates metabolic processes, then it is easy to explain the “slimming” effect of its use.

The second component of a healthy ginger green tea cocktail is a storehouse of antioxidants. Again, we return to the East and remember the longevity of its inhabitants.

By the way, in addition to rave reviews regarding weight loss, green tea with ginger is useful as a general tonic. And even those who, after using it, did not feel a noticeable minus in weight, speak positively about its tonic properties. They say that it is useful to drink such tea in the autumn-winter period. Firstly, it perfectly warms, gives strength, and secondly, it serves as a prevention of colds.

Green tea with ginger. Cooking recipes.

Most quick recipe brewing tea captivates with its simplicity. This preparation of green tea with ginger will not take you much time and effort. So, in a teapot where green tea is brewed, you need to add peeled and thinly sliced ​​​​ginger slices. Let the tea brew and you can drink. If desired, the components of the drink can be supplemented, traditionally - with lemon. The combination of "ginger, lemon, green tea" is a 100% hit in terms of taste pleasure. But besides this “express method”, there are more detailed recommendations on how to make delicious and tasty from green tea and ginger root. healthy drink.

1. Traditional recipe - to tone and stimulate metabolism

Ginger, lemon, green tea.

For cooking, you will need ginger, lemon, green tea, honey.

We take a cube of fresh ginger, about 2 by 2 cm in size, squeeze the juice from two lemon slices, pour a piece of ginger and lemon juice with about 200 ml of water and bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. In parallel, brew your favorite green tea. Remove the container with ginger-lemon broth from the heat and mix with already brewed green tea. Add honey to taste and enjoy.

For those who have questions, I suggest watching the video Benefits of green tea with ginger. The very process of brewing such tea is clearly shown.

2. Green tea, ginger, mint. Recipe for weight loss and toning - with mint

A piece of ginger - 20 g, pour water (200 ml), cook for 15 minutes. We take out the ginger and pour the dry leaves of green tea with a decoction, put a few leaves of mint or lemon balm in the same place in the teapot. It is very tasty to add here the juice of half an orange. We let it brew and drink with pleasure.

3. Green tea, ginger, garlic. Unusual recipe - with garlic

Grate the ginger on a fine grater, cut a couple of garlic cloves in half, pour over the already brewed hot green tea and let it brew in a thermos. It is more convenient to drink strained tea. It is also recommended to drink it already chilled. Such a drink "beats" not only in kilograms, but also in poor health. But you need to use this drink very carefully. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and some other health problems, you should refrain and in no case drink such tea.

4. Green tea, ginger, cardamom, milk. Indian recipe - with milk.

Add cardamom and sugar to the green tea already brewed with ginger. Add milk (about half of the total volume of green tea) and bring to a boil. After that, cool and boil again.

5. Green tea, ginger, spices. Warming recipe - with spices

Brew green tea (about 5 minutes) - 200 ml. Cut a piece of ginger root into small pieces, mix with a pinch of cinnamon. There we also add one stick of cloves and a couple of cardamom pods (no more - this spice is quite strong). Pour the mixture of spices with brewed green tea and bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 15 minutes and pour into a cup. For taste, add honey and juice of half a lemon here. Such a fragrant drink will perfectly warm you in inclement weather.

  1. Choose quality green teas without additives. For our drink, we need a “clean” product, we will add everything necessary to it ourselves.
  2. Equally important is the quality of the ginger itself. Choose a root with a smooth and solid surface. Flaws, dents indicate that the ginger is not fresh.
  3. In addition to directly fresh ginger root, you can also drink green tea with ground ginger. However, it should be remembered that ginger powder is added to tea in a smaller amount (about half a teaspoon).
  4. Ginger root added to tea can be ground in several ways: cut into cubes, thin slices or grated. The latter option will give the tea a more pronounced and bright taste.
  5. Green tea with ginger for weight loss is recommended to drink before meals.
  6. If you add honey to tea, then it is better to do it immediately before drinking, that is, in warm tea, and not in boiling water. So the healing properties of honey will be preserved.
  7. Use only high quality water for making tea. To date the best way- bottled water. At AquaLeader, you can order water to your office and home.

Green tea with ginger. Contraindications

Doctors do not recommend drinking green tea with ginger for pregnant and lactating women. Also, with caution, it should be taken by those who suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers. You can not use green tea with ginger root at high temperatures - it will only increase blood circulation, which can adversely affect the patient's condition.

People with heart disease and a diagnosis of diabetes need to get a doctor's permission to consume this drink. It is also worth consulting with doctors if you are taking blood-thinning drugs.

How much green tea with ginger can you drink? Dosage

Green tea with ginger. calories

There are almost 30 calories per 100g of ginger green tea (no other additives)

I think you also noticed that today ginger root can be increasingly found both on the shelves of the market and in supermarkets. And in the spice department, dry ginger powder is no longer a rarity either. So it’s not difficult to make green tea with ginger at home, because buying the necessary ingredients is not difficult. Like these ones healthy recipes for all of us today.

Work on the spring issue of the magazine "Fragrances of Happiness".

I want to remind everyone that now I am actively accepting articles for the spring issue of the magazine "Fragrances of Happiness". Some of you have misunderstood my recommendations for becoming an author. Conditions are now simplified. You send the material, you do not need to look for pictures yourself, you can only write your own wishes. And you also have the opportunity to show your free products in the magazine supplement. And it will be absolutely free for the authors of the articles. In addition, you will show your gifts to a large number of our magazine readers. Feel free to submit your articles. Read more about participation in the journal and recommendations on how to submit an article. here.

My heartfelt gift for today Maksim Mrvica Plays Chopin Nocturne in D-flat Op.27 No.2 For those who often visit the blog, they know my love for Chopin. And I love Maxim Mrvitsa. Amazing musician. He is subject to both modern compositions and classics.

Dear readers, be healthy, cheerful and slender, happiness to everyone and the joys of life.

Ginger tea is a cure for all diseases Thanks to the fashion for Japanese cuisine we learned about hot spices. But women especially liked ginger. What kind of dishes do not add this ...

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how to make ginger tea


For a half liter mug.
You take ginger (ginger root), break off (cut off if you can’t break off =) a piece of one and a half quail egg(slightly smaller than the yellow container inside the Kinder Surprise =).
Next, wash this piece of ginger and peel it with a knife.
Then you rub it on a coarse grater, put it in a container in which you are going to brew it. I get a tablespoon with a slide of grated ginger on the floor of a liter mug.
In the same container you place a piece of lemon to taste (or squeeze the lemon right inside), add a tablespoon of your favorite honey.
Then, attention, fill the container with about a fifth of the usual cold water, stir everything that is inside, and only then pour hot water.
You stir everything, wait a few minutes and you can drink.


boiling water)))

Alexander Andreev

For 4 cups:
10 cm thinly sliced ​​fresh ginger (peeled)
1 liter of water
2 tbsp honey or brown sugar

Tatiana Romanova

3 tbsp finely grated ginger

6 tbsp sugar or 5 tbsp honey

A pinch of ground black pepper

4 tbsp lemon or orange juice

Chopped mint leaves (optional)

Throw grated ginger into boiled water. Add and dissolve sugar or honey. We carefully filter. Then add pepper and lemon (orange) juice. Serve hot!

1. If you have a cold and want to use ginger tea as a medicine, then boil water with grated ginger for 10 minutes with the lid open.
2. If instead of fresh ginger you use ground dry, then reduce its amount by half and simmer for about 20 minutes over low heat.
3. If you want to serve it as a cold drink, add ice cubes, some more sugar, lemon juice and chopped mint leaves.

Diana Lyagaeva

crap is rare. I just rub ginger and add cinnamon

Olivia Frazier

Ginger tea. How to make ginger tea? How to brew ginger tea?

The name of the plant ginger in Sanskrit means "the cure for all diseases", and in traditional medicine the name took root - white root. Ginger root is rich in vitamins and essential oils, valuable trace elements and essential amino acids for maintaining health.

Ginger has found wide application in the cuisine of many peoples. Spicy and spicy taste, as well as a unique aroma make ginger a versatile spice that is used in the preparation of dishes, drinks and home canned food.

You can buy ginger both fresh and dried. fresh root has a brighter aroma, and dry (sold in the form of powder or flakes) has a sharper taste. In cooking, ginger is used in any form.

How to make ginger healthy and delicious drink- ginger tea? Here are some recipes:

The easiest way to make tea is in a thermos. To do this, take fresh ginger root (2 cm of root is enough for 2 liters of water), peel it and cut it into slices. Put in a thermos and pour boiling water, leave for 40 minutes to infuse. Drink prepared tea during the day, to improve the taste, you can put honey, jam, lemon in a cup.

In order to make tea with a richer taste and aroma, prepared ginger is placed in a bowl of water and kept at a gentle boil for about 15 minutes. Drink warm, to give more refined taste use honey and lemon.

The following tea is effective for weight loss. True, it is worth noting that it has a rather unusual taste, since garlic is used in its preparation. A two-liter thermos needs two centimeters of ginger root and two cloves of garlic. If only dry ginger is available, then a full teaspoon will be enough for this amount of water. Cut the products into small pieces and pour boiling water, soak for at least 20 minutes, drink tea during the day.

The following tea recipe cleanses the body well, but you need to use this recipe on the day you plan to stay at home, as you will have to go to the toilet often. But this tea will help to lose a couple of kilograms, relieve swelling and remove toxins from the body. To make this tea, add a teaspoon of buckthorn bark or senna to ginger. Lemon and honey can be added for taste.

For lovers of "hot" there is a recipe for ginger tea with cinnamon and pepper, these spices need to be added a pinch each. However, remember that ginger tea already greatly increases metabolism, so this recipe can only be used by those who are confident in the strength of their stomach, otherwise digestive problems may occur.

A very healthy ginger drink can be obtained by adding dry herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, etc.) to a thermos, as well as dry berries or fruits. interesting taste obtained by brewing ginger with black or green tea.
A source

Mikhail Krugov

I just add a pinch of ground ginger, which is sold in bags as a seasoning, to a mug of tea or coffee. I read that it helps with colds.

Comrade Vera

I brew it with lemon and honey. Tea leaves - very little, more often - green tea. I drink in the cold season and in the morning, it warms, but it can disturb sleep, slightly increase the pressure. Ginger - a few thin slices per teapot. I store the root in the refrigerator, in foil. Dry ginger is not so fragrant, but I am a "sniffer" by nature, I love seasonings, sauces, the aroma of food is very important to me. She worked with chemistry and perfumery for a long time. I buy roots in a supermarket, it takes a little rubles.


Nastenka, Nastya

GINGER TEA. 300 ml of water, 3-4 cm of fresh ginger root, 2 cardamom pods, a pinch of cinnamon, 1 tsp. green tea, 3 tsp. honey, cloves, 1/2 lemon. Brew green tea, strain. Pour into a stainless steel pan, add cardamom, finely chopped ginger root, cinnamon, cloves. Boil. Cook on low heat for another 20 minutes. Add honey, squeeze lemon into tea, cook with peel for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Pour the tea from the pan into a convenient container through a strainer.

How to make ginger tea?


The properties of ginger tea depend on the amount you use. Usually use 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water. Lay for 20-30 minutes, but to taste. It is more pleasant to drink it with honey. Use 3-4 times a day (3-4 teaspoons of powder), no longer recommended.
Ginger tea for colds is a sure remedy to help you recover faster. Ginger will facilitate the separation of mucus, soothe coughs, and the hot liquid will relieve irritation in the throat.

Recipe for making ginger tea: for 0.5 liters of water you will need:
1. Fresh ginger root (3-4 cm). It is not recommended to take ginger in powder, because the tea is not so tasty and cloudy.
2. Cardamom - 2 pods
3. Pinch of cinnamon (optional)
4. a teaspoon of green tea without additives
5. 3 hrs. flower honey (or more)
6. Cloves (optional)
7. half a lemon

Brew green tea as usual and leave for 5 minutes, then filter. Pour tea (without tea leaves) into a stainless steel pan, add cardamom, finely chopped ginger root, cinnamon, cloves. Bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for another 20 minutes. Then add honey and lemon (first squeeze the juice out of it, and then throw the rest of the lemon along with the skin into the pan). Cook for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and infuse the tea for 15 - 20 minutes. Then pour the tea from the pan through a strainer into a convenient container. Tea can be drunk both cold and hot. If desired, you can add fresh, finely chopped mint. Ginger tea should be an amber-yellow color.
Black (green) tea with ginger
Grate fresh ginger on a fine grater or sprinkle a half teaspoon of dried ginger along with tea leaves. Tea is brewed in a teapot, but you can also use a thermos. Insist 20-30 minutes, strain. A short heat treatment retains the beneficial properties of ginger. Such tea is very useful: it not only has a pleasant fresh taste and aroma, but also helps with coughing, invigorates. Ginger is a well-known antioxidant, so drinking a cup of this tea a day can be considered an element in the fight for clear, wrinkle-free, radiant skin and good health at any age.
Ginger tea (for colds and depression)
* Boiling water,
* Leaf tea (you can use any, but green is better),
* Ginger,
* You can also:
* Honey (in tea with ginger in a very small amount, just a little bit !!!),
* Red pepper (hot) or chili.
In India, ginger tea with lemon is the most popular winter drink. By the way, we recommend that you also try brewing ginger slices: 10-20 grams per cup. Add a little mint, lemon balm or other herbs, a little lemon to taste and you will get a wonderful drink that tones and invigorates in the morning much better than coffee.
Ginger drink. Ingredients: 1.2 liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. grated ginger, 5 tbsp. l. honey, 4 tbsp. l. lemon or orange juice, 2 tbsp. l. fresh mint.
Preparation: boil water, add ginger, honey and stir. Strain through a sieve, trying to squeeze out the maximum amount of liquid from the ginger. Add a pinch of black pepper and juice. At the end, add some fresh mint. Used hot.

Just (((EARRING)))


Tatyana Smirnova

If for a cold, then a piece of ginger. grate on a fine grater, add a clove of garlic. a slice of lemon and drink with honey Or you can mix ginger with green tea and lemon


http://imbirniy.ru/publ/imbirnyj_chaj_klassicheskij_recept/1-1-0-12 Ginger tea - a classic recipe


Your Favorite

Ginger, lemon and boiling water

Irina Polyakova

Rinse the kettle with boiling water, put green tea (expensive), put grated ginger root (a little). Pour in boiling water. Then put slices of 2 lemons. Insist. You can drink. With honey. I taste better cold tomorrow.

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