Home Nutrition How to make delicious cocoa with milk: from traditional to festive. Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink

How to make delicious cocoa with milk: from traditional to festive. Cocoa is a tasty and healthy drink

If you are going to cook fragrant cocoa with milk or milk, first study various variations cooking. And if you think that such a drink as cocoa, known to everyone since childhood, is just a childish, frivolous drink, and besides, it is not suitable for adult serious people, then after studying the aspect of how to cook it correctly, your opinion on this about will change drastically.

The most popular concepts such as " hot chocolate”, and with it “cocoa” is nothing more than two variations of the drink (one). In addition, they are separated only conditionally, but in fact they are one and the same. The difference is that hot chocolate is often referred to as a thick, bitter-tasting drink based on chocolate (specially melted). Well, the drink is already sweet, more liquid, the preparation of which is based on milk, which is usually called cocoa. But after all, the so-called cocoa drink may well acquire a chocolate, quite rich, taste that children are unlikely to appreciate. But those who love dark chocolate will be able to appreciate the drink at its true worth. And you can easily see this for yourself.

Of course, the benefits of cocoa cannot be questioned. Even the Indians called a similar drink made from cocoa the drink of the gods. Indeed, in this drink, the amount of various kinds of useful substances is higher than in such a popular drink as green tea. The taste of the drink will mainly depend on one factor, namely: what kind (how good) cocoa powder will be at its core. Therefore, when buying this product, you should choose a quality one.

How to cook cocoa correctly?

There are three main components of cocoa: this is cocoa powder itself, this is sugar, this is milk. And also, you can cook cocoa not on the milk itself, but only with the addition of it when preparing the drink. In this case, drinking water will be added.

You can add vanilla or cinnamon to the drink, as well as nutmeg and even pepper (only pink) and other spices. It all depends on your personal preferences. And to get the taste of a real chocolate bar (melted), you can add half a teaspoon of cocoa butter to this drink. This is done along with the addition of a dry cocoa-sugar mixture to the liquid (milk or water). In addition, by adding a fresh quail egg to an already prepared cocoa drink, or rather, only the yolk from it, you can turn the contents into a delicious medicine that helps to overcome a cough, and besides, the taste will become more tender.

Many drinks are prepared in dishes specially designed for this purpose. For example: coffee is brewed in a Turk, tea is brewed in a teapot, and so on. But there is no specialized container for making cocoa. For this, a saucepan or any saucepan that is suitable in size is suitable.

If, before boiling water or milk, sugar has not dissolved (or dissolved, but not completely), you just need to continue cooking. The taste of cocoa will not change at all if it boils a little.

In the case when you are in doubt about the amount of sugar per cup of drink, you should start small, namely, with two teaspoons. If it turns out to be not enough, then you can always add sugar to the already prepared cocoa.

Cocoa in milk: how to cook?

One of the most popular ways to make cocoa with milk, which we will now describe, is the most successful. Such a drink will appeal to adult sweets, as well as children.

In order to cook cocoa correctly in this way, you need to take 5 grams of cocoa powder (this is 1 teaspoon), 250 milliliters of milk, as well as granulated sugar - 2 or 3 teaspoons.

Now mix the granulated sugar with cocoa powder and send the mixture to a convenient metal bowl. There should be no lumps in the mixture, all of them must be rubbed. If you decide to add cinnamon or other additives to the drink, then it's time to do it. Next, pour a few tablespoons of milk (hot) into the same container and mix everything until smooth. Stir carefully, as lumps can spoil the whole impression of a wonderful drink.

As soon as the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, pour in the rest of the milk, put the container on a small fire and cook with constant stirring. The cocoa drink will be ready when the sugar dissolves.

How to cook cocoa with milk?

To prepare a cocoa drink with the addition of milk, also use the recommendations described above for the recipe for cocoa with milk. Moreover, the ratio of milk and water can vary in different ways.
For example: you can use water only to “remove” lumps during cooking. Thus, it is necessary to add a few tablespoons of hot drinking water to the dry mixture of cocoa and sugar sand and mix it all well, rubbing the resulting lumps. And then pour in the milk. In this version of the drink, there will be practically no taste difference.
But if you decide to add only 125 milliliters of milk to cocoa instead of 250, while replacing the other half with water, then the difference will be more obvious.

Cocoa for adults

If you are still convinced that cocoa is a drink only for children, and you only buy dark chocolate in the store, without paying the slightest attention to milk chocolate, then prepare a cocoa drink in the following way.

Replace two teaspoons of cocoa powder with two tablespoons. Eliminate sugar altogether from the recipe or add it many times less (1 - 2 teaspoons). Further, the recipe will be standard. This drink will turn out to be far from childish, more saturated and “strong”.

But if you're still a fan milk chocolate, and not bitter, then vice versa - the amount of sugar in the drink should be increased to three to four spoons (tea). Then you get a combination of flavors of concentrated cocoa, as well as hot chocolate. By adding cocoa butter to such a drink, you can get the feeling that you have melted a bar of natural chocolate and such a drink will settle in your menu for a long time.

Cocoa is a very famous and beloved drink by many in many countries. And he's also very helpful. After all, cocoa contains many trace elements and vitamins. Cocoa contains substances that cause the human body to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness). Therefore, it will come in handy in a bad mood or depression. It is also useful for skin tone and elasticity. Sometimes cocoa is even called the "drink of youth." Cocoa has a positive effect on brain activity, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, reduces high blood pressure. According to doctors, cocoa is also used to prevent diabetes and cancer. It can satisfy the feeling of hunger and give a charge of vivacity. This is a tonic drink, but unlike coffee, cocoa does not contain harmful caffeine. He is loved by both adults and children.

But not everyone knows how to cook cocoa properly. To obtain a fragrant drink, it should be prepared exclusively from natural cocoa powder and always fresh. Therefore, when buying, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is worth giving preference only to proven manufacturers. Questionable quality will not bring benefits, and added chemicals threaten to harm the body.

There are several technologies for preparing this tasty and aromatic drink - based on milk or water. The result is a different taste, so it's up to everyone to choose.

How to boil cocoa with water

This is not difficult. Dissolve a few tablespoons of cocoa powder in hot, freshly boiled water. Care must be taken not to form lumps. Take 2 teaspoons of cocoa for 1 glass of water. Those who like sweet drinks can add about 2 teaspoons of sugar. Already in the finished drink, you can add cream, milk or condensed milk. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because the drink may turn out to be too sweet.

How to cook cocoa with milk

Mix cocoa powder with the right amount of sugar and pour the mixture into a Turk (cezve) or saucepan. Boil milk in another bowl and pour it into a mixture of sugar and cocoa, stir thoroughly to avoid lumps. There are about 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder per glass of milk.

How to cook cocoa on condensed milk

Dilute condensed milk with water twice and cook cocoa according to the above recipe, but without adding sugar.

Cocoa with cinnamon and vanilla

This recipe is especially popular in the winter cold. Cooking cocoa traditional way, but before removing from the stove, add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the drink, or both of these components at your discretion.

Cocoa with soy milk

Soy milk is often used for cow's milk intolerance. It will hardly affect the taste of the drink. The only drink soy milk do not heat too quickly or keep on fire for a long time.

Fruit cocoa

Finely chopped banana or peach is added to classic cocoa and beaten with a whisk. When serving, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to each cup.

cocoa on compote

Boil compote from your favorite fruits, strain and use it to make cocoa instead of water or milk. Very tasty and original!

Cocoa with marshmallows

Brew classic cocoa. Before removing from the stove, add a few pieces of chocolate to the drink and stir until dissolved. Pour cocoa into refractory cups and put a few marshmallows in each. Send the cups with a drink to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, wait until the marshmallows are browned and remove from the oven. Pour over the surface of the drink with chocolate syrup in the form of patterns.

Cocoa with liquor

Ready cocoa is cooled to room temperature and add liquor to your liking.

cocoa with honey

Honey is mixed with cocoa powder in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of honey per cup of cocoa. The drink is prepared according to the classic recipe.

Cocoa with egg yolk

Prepare the cocoa traditional recipe. Separate whites from yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar and dilute with hot cocoa. Put on the stove and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Whisk and serve. For 800 g of milk there are 2 egg yolks.

Hot pepper cocoa

Cooking is very easy. In milk, add cocoa powder, sugar and a little ground pepper Chile. Let it boil and keep on fire for a few more minutes.

cocoa with coffee

Pour coffee with cocoa into the coffee pot in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour in boiling water. Bring the drink to a boil and let it brew for a few minutes. Pour into cups and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.

Cocoa in the microwave and slow cooker

Mix the ingredients for the drink and send cold to the multicooker bowl. You can dissolve cocoa powder well in cold liquid using a blender.
The microwave cooks differently. They take a thick liquid in which half of the milk is used, put it in a microwave with a power of 750 for 30 seconds. Then all this is diluted with the second half of the milk, which was boiled on a conventional stove.

Cocoa for weight loss

Such a drink is prepared on water without adding sugar. You can sweeten it with a little honey. Such cocoa will give a feeling of satiety for a long time and will allow you not to think about food.

Cocoa with honey, condensed milk and ice

Cold cocoa with honey and milk

Preparation time

10 minutes

cooking time

10 minutes

Cocoa consists of three ingredients - cocoa powder, sugar and milk. In some cases, if, for example, you are allergic to milk, you can replace it with water, but this will affect the taste of the drink. Spices can be added to cocoa to make it taste more interesting. Most often, nutmeg, cinnamon, pink or black pepper and other spices are used for these purposes. You can add a little cocoa butter or even a piece of chocolate to cocoa, this will make its taste more intense. Yolk can be added to the finished drink quail egg, this will help to cope with cough and sore throat, besides, it will make the taste of the drink more tender.

Cocoa can be prepared in any suitable pan. It is very important that during the cooking process the sugar has time to completely dissolve, so in some cases the drink can be kept on fire for a longer time, this will not affect its taste in any way. According to basic recipe for one serving you need to take 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 250 ml of milk and sugar to taste, usually take 2-3 teaspoons. First you need to grind cocoa powder with sugar in the selected saucepan, at this stage you need to add the selected spices, then you need to pour in a few tablespoons of hot milk and mix well, getting rid of lumps. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add the rest of the milk into it and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Cocoa is considered ready when the sugar has completely dissolved, usually it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil.

Recipe Options

If cocoa seems too sweet and "childish" to you, try changing it. Take two tablespoons of cocoa powder per serving and cut out the sugar. Cooked with milk without the addition of sweeteners, cocoa has a rich bitter taste, to add a "chocolate" drink, add a little dark chocolate to it, it is best to grate it, then it will completely melt in a hot drink.

To bring cocoa closer in taste and consistency to hot chocolate, take more sugar for 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (up to 4 tablespoons). Such a drink is ideal for sweet and chocolate lovers, it is very high in calories, so it is best to drink it for breakfast to energize the body for the whole day. Such strong cocoa is not always liked by children, but to the taste of most adults.

Cocoa is a special powder that is made from cocoa beans. Ready cocoa is used to make a delicious drink that is loved by both children and adults. However, do not forget about its calorie content.

Cocoa in cooking is used in the form of a rich chocolate-colored powder, which is prepared from cocoa beans. Cocoa is the main ingredient in the manufacture of chocolate and various products with its content.

Nutritional properties of cocoa

Cocoa powder, obtained from cocoa beans by grinding them, is usually characterized by a fairly high nutritional value. So, 100 grams of this substance can contain about 24 grams of protein, about 28 grams of carbohydrates and up to 18 grams of fat. Such a rich composition provides this product with a fairly high energy value: cocoa with the specified content of the main food components can reach 380 kilocalories per 100 grams.

However, at present, in order to meet the demand for cocoa from people who, for one reason or another, prefer products with a reduced fat content, manufacturers have begun to use beans that have a lower amount of fat in their composition in the production of cocoa powder, or simply degrease the finished product. As a result, such cocoa powder can contain only about 11 grams of fat per 100 grams of the finished product, which provides it with significantly more low calorie- about 240 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Cooking cocoa

However, it should be borne in mind that in its pure form cocoa is practically not consumed. So, the standard preparation of a drink made from cocoa powder, beloved by many, is as follows: you need to dilute 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa powder with a small amount hot water or milk, mix thoroughly, and then pour the required amount of liquid into the cup and bring to a boil. After that, add sugar, honey or other sweetener to taste. For people who avoid sugar, such as those who watch their figure or have any medical conditions, sugar or honey can be replaced with a suitable artificial sweetener.

It should be borne in mind that one teaspoon contains about 5 grams of cocoa powder. Thus, the minimum calorie content of a low-fat cocoa drink prepared in this way - on one teaspoon of powder using water and a sweetener - will be only about 15 kilocalories. However, replacing water with milk, adding sugar or honey, using two tablespoons of full-fat cocoa instead of one are ways to bring the calorie content of one cup of this delicious drink to 150-200 kilocalories. Therefore, its use by those who seek to control the amount of calories consumed should be taken into account in the total daily allowance.

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Cocoa gives vitality, energy and health. Many people think that this product is quite high-calorie. But the solid content of nutrients makes it consistently popular.

You will need

  • - cocoa powder;
  • - milk;
  • - cream;
  • – water;
  • - sugar;
  • - nutmeg;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - vanilla;
  • - cocoa oil;
  • - quail egg yolk.


Cocoa regenerates, restores the strength of the body after illnesses. It contains potassium, which is good for the heart and the prevention of strokes. Cocoa also contains unsaturated acids that regulate cholesterol.

Who should not drink cocoa:
- Patients with gout or suffering from kidney disease;
- children under three years old;
- it is better for no one to drink cocoa at night;
- with indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, cocoa is also not recommended.

Cocoa is considered high in calories. Cocoa powder contains 289 calories per 100 g. A teaspoon of dry cocoa powder contains 9 calories. If you drink cocoa with water and without sugar, this drink does not have high calorie. But if you drink it with cream and sugar, its calorie content will be about 345 calories per 100 g of the finished drink. 100 g of cocoa in milk with sugar contains 245 calories. And 100 g of cocoa with milk without sugar contains 90 calories.

The calorie content of a product prepared with milk (cream) and sugar is used to satisfy hunger. Cocoa without milk and sugar is an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement for people sitting on an unbalanced diet.

Or (as it is called in America) hot chocolate, has an ancient history of origin. A few thousand years ago, only the indigenous population of South America knew how to brew cocoa, which they called "xocoatl". Actually, we owe them the word "chocolate". It was part of their daily diet, and the seeds of cocoa trees were used in mutual settlements as money. units.Later, already in the 16th century, the colonialists brought the seeds and the drink recipe to the large continent.And since then, first the noble population (new in those days was valued very dearly), and only then the rest tried the bright, slightly tart taste of cocoa. when preparing it, they did not use milk or cream, and only then, from about the 19th century, they began to add these ingredients familiar to us.Today, there are many ready-made instant types of cocoa.But is it possible to make a real drink using powder from a can, where, in addition to the main component, flavors are definitely present and others are not quite useful material! It is much better to prepare a drink from a natural powder in the early morning. How to cook cocoa, read further in our article.

Cooking cocoa

The preparation of this drink will not take you much time, and the taste will delight. From childhood, we remember the fragrant powder, sealed in 250-gram packages. Everyone knew how to cook cocoa with milk, it was one of the few available and delicious drinks Soviet times. To prepare 1 cup, you need to take a glass of milk or low-fat cream, 1-2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder (which can still be found in stores) and sugar to taste.

Pour all the cocoa powder and sugar into the Turk - if you do not add it, you will get a slightly bitter, pronounced taste of chocolate. Mix well and then pour in hot milk. Place over medium heat and stir constantly to break up lumps. Keep in mind that cocoa is not coffee, the small granules of the powder are not able to absorb all the liquid at once, so you need to control the process from start to finish. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for about 1-2 minutes. Watch carefully - the drink should not "run away". It will become slightly thick, without inclusions of lumps. When ready, pour into a large mug, cool slightly and enjoy. You can add a little more sugar if needed. If you know how to brew cocoa with milk, you will never need to buy expensive imported substitutes in a jar.

How to make chocolate from cocoa

At the beginning of the article, it was mentioned that the term "cocoa" most closely corresponds to the American definition of the drink "hot chocolate", but there is still a slight difference. Usually the latter is still more dense and thick, with a pronounced creamy taste. To make a real cup of hot chocolate, you will need:

4-5 art. tablespoons of natural cocoa powder;
- half, or a little less, if you prefer the drink to be bitter, a glass of sugar;
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream;
- 50 g of butter;
- a little white rum or cognac.

First you need to combine cocoa, sour cream, sugar and cognac (or rum) and, stirring, bring to a boil in a small saucepan or cezve. Then add butter and stir. If you think your chocolate is too thick, add some water. This recipe also works well as a topping for cakes or other baked goods. Knowing how to brew cocoa or chocolate will make a great and healthy breakfast for the whole family. A cup of an invigorating drink and your favorite sandwich will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

To get a really rich and aromatic drink, you need to know how to brew cocoa correctly, because there is far from one option for its preparation.

Cocoa with milk is a popular drink. Medium-fat milk is suitable for it and preferably not homemade, as it can kill the taste of cocoa.

Required products:

  • sugar to your taste;
  • 40 grams of cocoa;
  • liter of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, the milk needs to be warmed up, but not much, it should not boil.
  2. As soon as its temperature reaches a value of about 70 degrees, we cast about one tablespoon from the total mass.
  3. Measure out the right amount of sugar, mix it with cocoa, grind and pour in some of the milk that was separated in the previous step. Stir the mixture well so that the ingredients dissolve and what happened, pour into the remaining milk.
  4. Constantly stirring the drink, cook it for a few more minutes over low heat. After that, the cocktail can be served.

Delicious powdered drink

Cocoa powder will surely delight you with its taste properties if you purchase quality product. To do this, be sure to look at the composition on the packaging and give preference to products that have been on the market for many years. Among the most affordable "centenarians" of the market, one can single out the goods of the "Golden Label" brand.

Required products:

  • seven tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • one liter of milk or water;
  • sugar to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. We send a liter of water or milk to the pan, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Immediately after the formation of bubbles, put the sugar into the pan and stir the mixture so that it completely dissolves. We fall asleep cocoa.
  3. Take a whisk and lightly beat the mass. This is done to form a small foam.
  4. We boil the composition for a couple more minutes on low heat, after which we remove it from the stove and immediately pour the aromatic drink into large cups.

water cooking recipe

If for some reason you do not drink milk, you should not refuse an invigorating drink, because you can cook cocoa on the water.

Required products:

  • two tablespoons of cocoa;
  • glass of water.

Add sugar as you wish and to your liking. Ingredients listed are for one serving. If you need more, just increase the number.

Cooking process:

  1. Bring water to a boil and immediately add cocoa. Stir to dissolve it.
  2. Put sugar, heat for a couple more minutes on the stove and remove the finished drink. You can serve it with cream, condensed milk or just like that, without additives.

hot cocoa chocolate

There is no need to buy instant drinks and load your body with not very useful supplements, because it is so easy to make hot chocolate from cocoa on your own without leaving your home.

Required products:

  • two glasses of milk;
  • sugar to your taste;
  • tsp vanilla sugar;
  • three tsp cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix the specified amount of cocoa with sugar based on your taste. 4 tsp will be enough for the ingredients from the list.
  2. Heat the milk, but do not let it start to boil. Immediately add the mixture of cocoa and sugar, as well as vanillin.
  3. Remember to constantly stir the drink while brewing. If the components “stick” to the bottom, everything can be thrown away.
  4. Keep the chocolate on the stove for no more than 15 minutes. It is important to try it in the process, and when it cools down a bit, it will become thick - the way it should be.

Cooking like in kindergarten

Required products:

  • three large spoons of cocoa;
  • one liter of milk;
  • sugar to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the milk in any container that can be heated, bring it to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Scoop out about a tablespoon from the total amount of liquid and dissolve cocoa and sugar in it.
  3. What happened, pour back into the milk, and constantly stirring the drink, boil it for about three more minutes.

Option with condensed milk

Required products:

  • 0.8 liters of water;
  • 20 grams of cocoa;
  • 2/3 cans of condensed milk;
  • a spoonful of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour condensed milk with hot water. Mix the composition, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. We take a little liquid from there, add cocoa and sugar to it, stir with a spoon until the latter is dissolved and pour the resulting mixture back into the pan.
  3. We are waiting for everything to boil, and after that cocoa can be removed.

Unusual drink with ice cream

Required products:

  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • 100 grams of ice cream or vanilla ice cream;
  • two large spoons of cocoa;
  • a glass of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. We send the indicated amount of milk to the stove or take more if you need several servings. We heat it well, add sugar, cocoa and constantly stirring the mixture, let the components dissolve completely.
  2. Cook for a few more minutes, then remove from heat and let the drink cool.
  3. We place ice cream in a deep glass glass, pour it with already cooled cocoa and serve immediately. It is advisable to use not just a cooled drink, but a chilled one so that the ice cream in it does not melt too quickly.

How to cook cocoa with vanilla

Required products:

  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla powder;
  • 300 milliliters of milk;
  • three tablespoons of cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan or a small container, send it to the stove, immediately put sugar and vanillin. Stir and continue to heat the composition over low heat, but at the same time, not letting it boil.
  2. Then we fall asleep cocoa, continue to cook and constantly stir. The powder should not stick to the bottom and even more so burn, otherwise the drink will be spoiled.
  3. Again, without bringing the liquid to a boil, boil the drink for about two minutes, remove it from the stove and let it cool slightly. Then pour it into beautiful cups and serve. If desired, cinnamon can also be added to the cocktail during preparation. It pairs very well with vanilla.

As you can see, making a delicious and warming drink on your own is not at all difficult. And a lot of cooking options allow you to choose the one that will become your favorite and will definitely complement the treasury of your personal culinary achievements.

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