Home Drinks and cocktails Where to store ginger root at home. How and where to keep ginger root fresh at home. How to dry ginger

Where to store ginger root at home. How and where to keep ginger root fresh at home. How to dry ginger

Most often, housewives use ground ginger, which can be bought at any store. But people who know a lot about spices, seasonings and spices claim that fresh ginger in terms of taste and aroma, it is many times better than dry.

Ginger root, from which dry seasoning is made, is quite an affordable spice. Of course, its price is high, but in order for the dish to acquire piquancy, a slightly burning and at the same time spicy taste, a lot of ginger is not needed.

Therefore, any housewife can always buy a small ginger root, use part of it for food, and put the rest in the refrigerator until the next time. Moreover, ginger is well stored there. The main thing is that all storage rules are observed.

What kind of ginger can be stored

Ginger is a thick, dense root covered with a light brown thin skin, with a pleasant strong smell and a burning peppery taste. Inside it is light yellow or bright yellow, which directly depends on its age.

When buying a root on the market, you must first pay attention to its appearance.

  • The root should be dense, elastic, covered with a thin skin. A dry, dense peel indicates that the root is not the first freshness and has already been lying somewhere for a long time. A wrinkled, withered appearance will also tell about prolonged and improper storage. After all, like any root crop, ginger loses moisture over time and this makes it less juicy and fragrant.
  • There should not be any blackouts on the root. And if it is stored in a damp room, then it soon becomes stained, its light flesh darkens, the aroma and taste deteriorate.

How to store ginger root

Ginger is stored in the refrigerator. After all, only low positive temperature and high humidity will help keep ginger fresh. And then for a short time.

So that the ginger root does not dry out and does not wrinkle, it is packed in cling film, but in such a way as to completely exclude air access. For this, a small plastic bag with a zip fastener or a bag designed for freezing food is suitable.

Before sending ginger for storage, it is inspected for spoiled places. Wipe with a paper towel to keep it from getting wet. The skin of ginger is not peeled off. Firstly, it is thin, and secondly, it protects the root from drying out.

Peel the ginger just before putting it in the dish. Moreover, the skin is not cut off, but only peeled off with a knife in the same way as young potatoes or carrots are peeled.

So that the ginger root does not start to deteriorate and become moldy during storage, you can first wrap it well in a paper towel, and then just put it in a plastic bag, be sure to let the air out of it. In this form, it can lie in the refrigerator for several weeks.

If ginger needs to be stored for only a week, then it can be put in the refrigerator without packaging. But in this case, there should not be any other products nearby, since ginger has a strong odor that can easily be transmitted to them. The most optimal place in the refrigerator for storing ginger is the compartment for vegetables and fruits.

How to freeze ginger

If ginger needs to be stored for a longer period, for example, for 2-3 months, some housewives resort to the help of a freezer. Although connoisseurs of this spicy plant claim that ginger does not tolerate temperatures below 0 °. And they say that it beneficial features freezing decreases significantly.

Recipe for the occasion::

Method 1

  • So that in the future there will be no difficulties with the use of frozen ginger, it is pre-peeled and grated.
  • Then spread in small portioned heaps on a tray covered with parchment, and put in the freezer.
  • When the ginger is completely frozen, it is transferred to bags or plastic containers.
  • If you need chopped ginger to prepare a dish, you just need to take a frozen piece out of the bag and use it for its intended purpose. And you don't even have to defrost it.

Method 2

Ginger root can be frozen by cutting into slices or cubes.

  • Sliced ​​ginger is laid out on a tray and frozen.
  • Then they are transferred to small bags and tied tightly.

Frozen ginger can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

How to store ginger in honey

Everyone knows medicinal properties ginger. It is good for colds. Therefore, it can be grated and mixed with honey. Firstly, honey is a good preservative and ginger will definitely not disappear in it. And secondly, with such a combination, the beneficial properties of both one and the other product will increase.

How to dry ginger

If there is a lot of ginger, for example, they dug up a rich crop of this root, then it can be dried. After all, dried ginger retains all its beneficial properties and taste qualities. At the same time, prepared at home, it turns out to be much more aromatic than the ginger powder that is sold in the store.

  • Ginger root is washed, spread on a towel and dried from moisture.
  • Scrap the skin with a knife.
  • Ginger is cut into thin slices. This is a prerequisite, since thick slices dry worse and may become moldy during storage.
  • Sliced ​​ginger is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven.
  • Dry it at 50° for one hour. Then the slices are turned over to the other side and again sent to the oven for another hour.
  • Drying is considered complete if the slices do not bend, but break.
  • Store dried ginger in a hermetically sealed glass container in a dry place at room temperature about two years.

Uses of ginger in cooking

  • Dried and fresh ginger is added to meat and fish dishes. Thanks to him, the smell of fish becomes weaker, and the taste of meat improves.
  • Ginger is used in pickling vegetables and making vegetable salads. This spice is often found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese cuisine.
  • Ginger is added to pastries: cookies, muffins, gingerbread.
  • Very tasty tea obtained with the addition of this spice. Ginger improves digestion, increases appetite, and reduces nausea.
  • It is an ingredient in many spice mixes. For example, in the Indian curry seasoning, this is an indispensable component.
  • If there are dried slices of ginger available, then it is ground into powder as needed, since when crushed, its essential oils evaporate faster and it loses most of the flavor.
  • Dry ginger can be replaced with fresh. But we must remember that ground ginger is put into food in smaller doses than the root, ground on a grater. If the recipe says that you need to put a tablespoon of fresh ginger, then only a quarter of a teaspoon of dry powder is put instead.
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How to properly store ginger?

how to store ginger

Ginger differs from many beneficial nutritional supplements in that it can long time retain all useful properties. Thanks to this, many years ago it was delivered to different countries long sea journeys, but it still remained useful and fragrant. Now there are new technologies for the storage and delivery of ginger. About how to store ginger at home and how long it retains its medicinal properties, we will tell further.

How to choose and store ginger root?

Anyone can buy ginger in a store or on the market now. On the shelves, it is found in fresh, pickled and dried form. Of course, the way ginger is stored greatly affects its taste and medicinal qualities. Ground dried root will never replace fresh in taste and aroma. It's much sharper. This is important to know when preparing meals. Dried ginger should be soaked before use.

Few people know, but oil is also made from this plant. It is sold exclusively in pharmacies or shops of aromatic oils. You should not order the root through Internet resources. In this purchase option, there is no way to reliably find out how the product was stored and delivered. If storage standards have been violated, then the ginger root will lose all its healing and taste qualities.

Initially, ginger is black and white. The difference lies in the way it is processed. Black ginger is simply washed with a brush and the skin is not removed from it. White is washed, the skin is cleaned, and then treated with a bleach solution, during which the root loses some of its properties.

It is best to buy fresh ginger, and then dispose of it at your own discretion. But whether you choose powdered ginger, fresh or pickled, you need to know how to properly store the root to maximize its shelf life.

How to choose ginger, which is really fresh, will be prompted by its external data. The young and fresh root has an elastic body. If it is broken, then from the inside it is white-yellow in color. The older the root, the richer the yellow color. The rhizome should be elastic and smooth.

How long and how should the root be stored?

Storing ginger at home does not require special equipment.
Fresh ginger, even if kept in the refrigerator, will lose its medicinal properties within a week. To extend the period of its use, it is necessary to wrap the root in cling film, after drying it. There is a lot of debate about whether the root can be frozen, as is done with many other products. Experts say that you can not store ginger in the freezer. This method will only help preserve its spicy taste and aroma, but frost will destroy all the vitamins and medicinal elements. Ginger is very susceptible to low temperatures.

To maximize the shelf life of ginger root, dry it in the sun and wrap it in parchment. Under the place where to store ginger, it is best to use a basement or any other dark room with low air temperature. This method can extend the shelf life up to a month. Soaked and well-peeled ginger root, filled with boiled water, can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. It will not lose its properties.

How to store dried and ground ginger root?

The dried root does not require special conditions. To preserve all its qualities, room temperature or a place on the door in the refrigerator is quite suitable for him. Before using dry ginger, be sure to fill it with water and let it stand for 8 hours so that it becomes less spicy.

The powdered root is stored in sealed packaging at room temperature or in the refrigerator. If you follow these rules, then healing properties stored in the product for six months.

How to properly store pickled ginger root?

storing pickled ginger

Pickled ginger is commonly used in cooking Japanese cuisine. It can be purchased at the store already in a ready-made pickled form or cooked at home. The taste and quality of homemade pickled ginger will be much better than store-bought. For cooking, you will need ceramic or glassware. The root is cut into thin slices. The marinade consists of rice vinegar mixed with salt and sugar. This mixture is brought to a boil and the chopped root is poured over it.

it became necessary to wait for complete cooling, and then put the pickled product in the refrigerator and wait 6 hours. It takes so much time for it to change its taste and be suitable for cooking various dishes.

Pickled ginger is good because it can be prepared for the future, because its shelf life is 3 months, but on condition that it is in a glass or ceramic dish. You can not pickle the product in a metal pan.

The correct preparation of this useful product will allow you to use its healing properties as long as possible, especially in the autumn-spring period, when the body's immune system is weakened.

Excellent tea, sushi, beer are prepared from the root of the plant and added to pastries. It is unique in that it is able to bring its own zest to any dish. The root treats diseases of the digestive tract, increases the body's resistance to bacteria and infections. It should be consumed by people who have poor appetite. Also, the root is added in the form of juice to the composition of facial skin and hair care products. The shelf life of juice is several hours.

Now, knowing how to cook and how much to store ginger properly, you can delight your family with delicious and healthy meals. There are a variety of ways to prepare it to please everyone.


Many of us are familiar with such a healing plant as ginger. Its root is used to make refreshing drinks, medicinal potions, and as a spicy seasoning. You can buy ginger both fresh and ground. At the same time, storage of powdered ginger seasoning is not a problem. And how to keep the root of this plant fresh? Now find out!

To keep the root fresh for as long as possible, it is usually stored either in a refrigerator or in a freezer.

If in the coming weeks you are not going to use ginger for its intended purpose, it is better to wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer. The low temperature of this chamber will allow you to freeze the plant, preventing it from spoiling and at the same time retaining all its useful properties.

for storage food products vacuum cans and bags are often used. This method is quite convenient, but does not greatly extend the shelf life of ginger.

A convenient storage method is combined. Cut off the part of the spine that you plan to use in the near future and place it in the refrigerator, after packing it in a food container or paper bag. Put the remaining root in the freezer - you can use it later when needed. Keep in mind that frozen ginger grates easily. You can also freeze already chopped or sliced ​​ginger.

Another way to properly store fresh ginger is to keep it in a liquid containing alcohol. To do this, the root is placed in a jar and filled with vodka or sherry. You can also use sake, rice vinegar or rice wine, but the first two options are more preferable - it is noted that it is vodka and sherry that change the taste and aroma of ginger least of all and affect its beneficial properties.

An important point is the shelf life. They depend on the place where you place the root, and on the initial degree of freshness of the purchased product. To maximize the time during which it is possible to store ginger without changing its qualities, try to get the freshest plant possible. Such a root will be firm and resilient, with no signs of wrinkling or mold. Also, fresh ginger has a bright aroma and smooth skin. So, how long can you store ginger:

  • in the refrigerator - up to 3 weeks in a sealed bag, up to 1 week - in a paper bag;
  • in the freezer - 3-4 months;
  • in alcohol infusions - 2-3 months.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that already peeled ginger is stored less than the root in the peel.


How to store ginger

Ginger root can be stored at home for quite a long time, but despite this, there are still certain storage conditions that will keep it fresh for many weeks.

And so, let's first decide in what form we will store ginger: dried, fresh or pickled.

Storage of dried

Dried ginger root is very easy to store. For example, in the refrigerator or at room temperature, the shelf life is about 6 months. Before use, it must be soaked in water for at least 6 hours.

Keeping fresh

If we want to store ginger for a long time, then first we need to choose the freshest root. It should have a beautiful appearance, be heavy and resilient, with a smooth skin and a spicy aroma. You should not buy a wrinkled or soft root, these are the first signs that it has already begun to wither.

Can you store fresh ginger? different ways. The most common is to take it, seal it tightly and put it in the freezer. You can freeze ginger, it will not lose its aroma and its beneficial properties. At the same time, it practically does not matter in what form: as a whole, not peeled or, on the contrary, finely chopped. The product is stored in this way for up to six months.

You can also store it simply in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. It will be stored best in a tightly tied bag or closed container.

Another way is to store in alcohol. Pour a whole or chopped piece of ginger with vodka or alcohol and let it brew for several weeks. As a result, it can be used as usual, and the tincture can be added little by little to tea and other drinks.

Pickled ginger will keep in the refrigerator for up to four weeks.

Spoiled ginger root is highly discouraged for consumption, as its beneficial properties are significantly reduced and there is a high probability of poisoning. So pay due attention to the storage of this product.


Ginger has long been used in Asian cooking. Its tart aroma and burning taste make dishes and drinks richer. In addition, the healing properties of ginger are widely known, especially the ability to strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

You will need

  1. - ginger root;
  2. - rice vinegar;
  3. - dry rose wine;
  4. - 2% vinegar;
  5. - basil;
  6. - sea salt;
  7. - sugar;
  8. - glass or ceramic dishes;
  9. - a sharp knife or vegetable cutter.


  • Pickled ginger lasts longer than fresh root, so prepare an exotic snack for the future. Choose a strong root that is smooth to the touch at the supermarket. At home, wash the ginger and carefully remove the skin with a sharp knife, keep in mind that under the skin there is the largest supply of aromatic substances and essential oils.
  • In the evening, rub the ginger root with coarse sea salt, cover with cling film and leave on the table overnight. Rinse well in the morning. With a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife, cut the ginger into thin slices along the grain.
  • Prepare a marinade from 100 g of rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons of dry rose wine, 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt and 2 heaping tablespoons of sugar. If rice vinegar is not available, dilute regular vinegar to 2% and let the basil brew for several hours.
  • Stir the marinade until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Place chopped ginger in a ceramic or glass dish. Pour the marinade into a container with a root, tightly close the lid.
  • Put the dishes in a dark, cool place. After 6-7 days, the appetizer will be ready, and you can serve it with sushi, rolls or just rice. Next, store pickled ginger in the refrigerator.
  • Hot pickling of ginger root also increases its shelf life. Wash, dry and clean the root. Soak the ginger in boiling water for a minute, then pat dry and cut into thin slices.
  • For the marinade, mix 4 tbsp. dry rose wine, 2 tbsp. vodka, 4 tbsp. sugar without a slide. Put the mixture on the fire and wait for the boil, as well as the complete dissolution of sugar. Pour 200 ml of rice vinegar into the marinade and bring to a boil.
  • Put slices of ginger root in a glass jar and pour hot marinade over it, close the lid immediately. When the contents of the jar have completely cooled, put the dishes in a cold place for 3 days. Store pickled ginger in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.
  • KakProsto.ru

How to store ginger at home

Ginger is a truly amazing product with a recognizable rich aroma and sharp spicy taste. The useful properties and taste of this plant, like any perishable product, depend on the conditions in which it is kept after purchase. Therefore, it is useful to know how to store ginger so that you can use it at home for as long as possible.

Store fresh ginger root

When choosing a way to store ginger, you need to clearly understand the period during which you plan to eat it. You can keep ginger in the refrigerator for a short time.

In the vegetable section

For up to several weeks, fresh ginger can be stored in special food storage bags. These bags are usually hermetically sealed. Put the ginger root inside, then try to release the maximum amount of air and put it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

Tubers should not be pre-peeled: this way you will extend their shelf life in the refrigerator.

At home, it is also good to store seasoning in a paper bag. Wrap the roots in paper towels so that there are no uncovered areas. Put it in a bag and release the air in the same way as in the first case. Place in the fruit and vegetable compartment. The product will keep fresh for several weeks.

Without additional packaging, it will keep in a paper bag in the refrigerator for about a week.

In the freezer

Wrap the roots tightly with cling film. Place them in resealable food bags, let out excess air and seal. Put the product in the freezer. It will be stored there for several months.

Before you send the ginger root to the freezer, you can chop it. Peel the root and grate or chop in another way. Put in portions on a tray (it is better to use a tablespoon), covered with parchment. Place the tray in the freezer and when the ginger has hardened, transfer it to a container with a tight-fitting lid. Then return to the cell. A seasoning prepared in this way will delight you with its spicy taste for about six months.

The tight closed jar or a container, you can also store ginger root cut into small pieces. It does not need to be cleaned before freezing.

You can cut the ginger into medallions. Put the root, cut into thin slices, in a flat dish in one layer, send it to a complete freeze. Then transfer the medallions to an airtight container and send them back to the chamber. Fresh root will keep for at least three months.

Drying ginger for future use

At home, dried ginger is stored for quite a long time - about two years.

  1. Rinse and dry the root.
  2. Cut it into thin translucent slices.
  3. Preheat oven to 50 degrees.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place slices on it.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven for an hour.
  6. After an hour, turn the plates over and let the ginger dry for another 60 minutes.
  7. Make sure the slices are completely dry, let them cool.
  8. Place everything in a tightly sealed container.
  9. Store dry seasoning at home at room temperature.

We store the slices in the marinade

With this method of storage, the spicy root will lose an insignificant part of its taste characteristics, but in return you will receive a fragrant additive with at least interesting taste. There are many marinade options that are easy to use at home.

Cooks who often use ginger as a condiment or ingredient in various sauces often store it in vodka or white wine. The root, cut into thin slices, is put into a glass container, poured with alcohol and tightly closed. The marinade soaks the pieces for about two weeks.

Filling can also be rice vinegar, lemon juice, sake, rice wine, dry sherry. Note that vodka has the least effect on the taste and aroma of ginger.

Such a preparation is stored for almost two months. The marinade itself from the jar can be used in the preparation of sauces and cocktails.

The most refined way of storage is in sugar filling

In eastern countries, fragrant tubers have been candied since ancient times. This method is suitable for lovers fragrant tea.

  • cook sugar syrup: dilute a glass of granulated sugar in the same amount of water.
  • Pour syrup over thin slices of peeled root.
  • Put on fire and cook until the syrup pours out of the spoon in a continuous stream. This will take about 15 minutes.
  • Remove the syrup from the heat, wait until it cools down.
  • Remove the ginger slices, roll them in powdered sugar.
  • Send the slices to the oven, heated to 50 degrees.
  • Store in a closed glass container.

Choose any convenient way to store ginger and delight your family with unusual and healthy dishes all year round.


Rules for choosing ginger. How to store ginger |

Ginger is a remedy, if not magical, then surprisingly versatile. Even his translation from Sanskrit sounds exactly like this: universal.

It is both a spice, and a remedy, and a wonderful antiseptic. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can even eliminate toxemia of pregnant women or motion sickness.

The greatest number of useful properties is found naturally in fresh ginger root. Therefore, knowing how to store ginger, you will be able to get the most out of this root vegetable.

Read more about the properties of ginger in the article “The harm and benefits of ginger. Folk recipes.

Dry ginger somewhat loses its qualities, but pickled ginger is practically devoid of vitamins. However, it is also very popular in cooking.

Like young potatoes and other root crops, the maximum amount of “usefulness” is located immediately under the thin skin of the ginger root, and therefore it must be cleaned very carefully, scraping off the minimum layer.

How to choose ginger

There is absolutely no difficulty in choosing ginger. After all, this is not a frozen fish, the appearance of which is not visible under a layer of polyethylene, and not a pineapple, which, being beautiful on the outside, can turn out to be absolutely tasteless. Look at the root: if its surface is smooth, even, slightly golden, the root is not sluggish and without visible damage - you can buy such ginger.

Knowing how to choose a potato, you can easily distinguish the “wrong” ginger from the “correct” one: the old ginger root is covered with threads, thickenings, it can have potato-like eyes. This ginger is not worth choosing. He has already managed to lose his useful properties and taste.

How to store ginger: Refrigerate

How to store ginger: in the freezer

It is quite possible to store ginger in the freezer. It is believed that at the same time it does not lose its benefits, and the shelf life increases significantly. To do this, the root must be tightly packed in a plastic bag. As needed, you can cut off the required amount from it, and send the rest back to the freezer.

For convenience, before laying in the freezer, the root can be cleaned and chopped in a blender. Putting it in a bag, give it the shape of a thin tile. Then, in order to add ginger root to any dish, it will be enough to break off the required amount of ginger that is already ready for use, and return the rest to its place.

All other ways of storing ginger are more suitable for culinary needs than for medicinal purposes, since the beneficial qualities are somewhat lost. Although, of course, not everything is lost;)

How to store ginger: in white wine

Thinly sliced ​​​​root (previously peeled) can be poured with white wine and refrigerate. This way it will keep for several weeks. Very good to use for sauces and other dishes.

How to store ginger: in vodka

You can alcoholize ginger by putting a whole piece or root plates in vodka or alcohol and letting it brew for 2-3 weeks. In this case, ginger is used as usual, and the tincture is well suited for adding to tea, fruit drinks, syrups in order to increase the beneficial properties and taste.

How to store ginger: in sugar

If you plan on making ginger ale (you know? 😉), you can store ginger in the form of syrup. To do this, the peeled and thinly sliced ​​​​root is poured with sugar syrup (water and sugar 1: 1), brought to a boil and boiled until the syrup begins to thicken. After that, ginger should be rolled in sugar and dried in the oven. Now it can be stored in sealed packaging even at room temperature for a long time. Well, the syrup, as you wanted, use for ale.

Rules for choosing ginger. How to store ginger "especially for the site Eco-life.ru All rights reserved


How to store ginger properly at home, where to store ginger root at home

Mankind learned about the beneficial properties of ginger, as it can be stored for a long time, and therefore travelers and traders from India brought this wonderful root to Europe, where it became a popular medicine first, and then a seasoning. On sale, ginger can be found both dried and fresh ginger, and of course, marinated for sushi lovers. It is not difficult to repeat the production methods for storing ginger at home, since this healthy root, subject to the right technologies, can be preserved not only with the preservation of taste and aroma, but also of all useful qualities. All about how and how much to store fresh and pickled ginger, we will tell our readers.

Briefly about the storage of ginger

  • dried ginger
  • pickled ginger

Fresh ginger lasts only one week in the refrigerator, but it should be dried well before storage. It should be kept on paper.

Dried ginger can be stored for a very long time. It will keep well for 6 months. Before using it, it is recommended to soak it in water.

Pickled ginger should be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of it in this form will be about a month.

How to properly store ginger

Fresh ginger root is sold in the form of small pieces, weighing approximately 100-150 grams, it is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma. It does not make sense to buy ginger for future use, since in this form it is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week, therefore, to prepare marinades and tinctures from fresh ginger, you should go for it immediately before eating.

Fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

On some websites you can see advice on how to store fresh ginger by blast freezing it. And although after defrosting it acquires its former shape and color, and even the aroma and taste of the root, all the beneficial properties of ginger are almost completely destroyed under the influence of low temperature. If you like to add various dishes this useful root, you should not store it in such a way as to get the full benefits of this useful, and not cheap product.

Fresh ginger should be wrapped in clean paper and placed on the refrigerator door. How long you can store ginger in this form depends on how often you cut off a piece from a whole root, as the cut dries quickly and the root begins to lose moisture, as a result of which it will later be difficult to peel and grate for making marinades, sauces and gas stations. And since this product is not in short supply, and you can buy it in every supermarket, it makes no sense to store ginger in the refrigerator, buying it for future use, acquiring a fresh root before eating.

Do not buy ginger for future use!

It’s a completely different matter if the ginger is pickled, and it doesn’t matter if you yourself prepared this fragrant seasoning, or bought a jar of ready-made spice for sushi. If you do not use the spice immediately and there is a little pickled root left, you should properly store the ginger in a tightly closed container on the refrigerator door, where the temperature is maintained about +5 degrees. This will prevent the growth of bacteria inside the jar, and thus help keep the pickled ginger for up to 2 weeks.

Dried ginger is traditionally added to teas, marinades and therefore stored together with other spices in an open bag, but this is wrong. Volatile substances that are stored in dried ginger disappear very quickly, and the taste of this spicy root becomes very delicate and inexpressive. Therefore, if you want to preserve the taste and aroma of dried ginger for tea or marinades, after opening the bag, pour the spice into a dry jar with a tight-fitting lid, and open only before use.

Dried ginger should be stored in a separate jar with a tight lid.

If you will be using the spice to make tea, store the ginger properly by sprinkling it with sugar to get the spicy taste of the sugar and keep the flavor of the ginger. At the same time, if you use ginger to make marinades, it is correct to store it with salt, and then you will have a wonderful mixture for cooking delicious and aromatic meat, fish and poultry dishes.

How to store ginger at home

At home, you can store ginger fresh or grated, making this healthy root a fresh semi-finished product that will stand in the refrigerator, always ready to use in tea for a cold. Grated ginger is properly stored in the refrigerator, mixed with honey and lemon to taste, this combination is ideal for making aromatic tea. Lemon will secrete juice, so it is correct to store grated ginger root in the refrigerator, take the right amount with a dry spoon each time and close the jar tightly. In this form, ginger can be stored for up to a month, since honey is a good preservative, and delight you with its taste and aroma, and give all the benefits of nature for good health and longevity.


How to store ginger root so that it lasts for a long time?


Good advice ... But I will share mine --- the ginger root bought in the supermarket (it is already washed and packaged in a thin film) has been in my refrigerator (not in the freezer !!!) for 3 (THREE) months - and not rots and does not germinate. Freezing still changes the properties of any product due to the transition of water to different states! I know from experience that after 2-3 weeks it will begin to germinate, but very slowly.


in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator, otherwise it will dry out on you.


Washed, dried, stored in a bag in the refrigerator. Two weeks. And if longer, then in the freezer.


Store ginger in an airtight container.

(Zingiber officinale Rosc)

Ginger in Sanskrit means "horned", which is apparently associated with the shape of the ginger root. It became one of the very first spices to reach the Mediterranean coast, and has been known to the Chinese and Indians since ancient times.

Arab merchants kept the places of its growth a secret. They assured gullible foreigners that ginger grows in the land of troglodytes, who grow it somewhere far to the south, beyond the Red Sea, on the edge of the earth, and vigilantly guard it.

Many centuries passed, until in the 13th century the famous Venetian Marco Polo got acquainted with this plant in China and at the same time with Pogolotti described it for Europeans.

The distribution spectrum of ginger was very large. At first, the rhizome was used only in medicine. It was used to combat aging, attributed to him the property to increase sexual desire. It is said that the Portuguese generously fed ginger to their slaves to increase their fertility.

At the same time, ginger was a great spice, especially popular in the Middle Ages. Streets in towns where spices were sold were generally called "Ginger Street"*. The most popular medical school at the time in Salerno vehemently advised the use of ginger in order to always feel a surge of strength and be young.

In the 19th century, doctors developed "harem lollipops" based on ginger. The traditional Japanese dish served on the day of the Feast of Masculinity, where one of the main ingredients is ginger. Chinese dish from shrimp marinated in yellow wine, vinegar, ginger and tartar onion - the right recipe, according to the Chinese, from female infertility and frigidity.

Over time, the culinary traditions and tastes of people have changed. Ginger is no longer consumed as often and in such large quantities as before. Is it only ginger ale and gingerbread have both been and are being made in English-speaking countries.

But even today, ginger is valued for its spicy taste.
The main producers of ginger are India and China. However, it is also grown in Japan, Vietnam, West Africa, Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil, Australia.


Ginger has a fleshy, branched root that spreads horizontally. Its stems are smooth, resemble reeds, reach a height of 2 m. The leaves are entire, lanceolate, alternate. Flower stems are scaly. It blooms with orange-yellow or brown flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. As a spice, a rhizome is used, which has a pleasant aroma due to the presence of essential oil. Ginger tastes pungent.


Ginger rhizome contains 1-3% essential oils, which include gingerol (1.5%), phenol-containing substances, resins, starch, sugar, and fat.
Ginger is used to stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines, with flatulence. It improves appetite.


As a spice, ginger rhizomes are used in various processing. Available in white and black ginger. Black is obtained by carefully brushing the root in water. White ginger requires additional processing With a 2% solution of bleach or sulfurous acid within 6 hours after removing the skin from the root. Sometimes peeled roots are rubbed with chalk after washing and drying. Black ginger ("Barbados") has a stronger smell and burning taste compared to white ("Bengal"), since some of the aromatic substances disappear during processing.

Ginger rhizome candied, especially in Chinese cuisine, for which, first, they remove the skin from it, soak it in cold water so that bitterness comes out, and then dipped in steep syrup or poured over with chocolate. An extract for beer is prepared from ginger root, as well as a powder used mainly in cooking.

Russian people have long used this classic spice for baking gingerbread, buns, and gingerbread; in the preparation of drinks: sbitney, kvass, honey, liqueurs, tinctures. In England


It won't keep for long anyway. It rots in the refrigerator, dries out at room temperature.
For me, it's better dry than rotten.

Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)

The easiest recipe. Unpeeled ginger root tightly pack and put in the freezer. Ginger will not lose its properties or flavor after defrosting. By the way, as needed, you can cut off the required amount from the frozen root and use it right away.

Thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root can be poured with white wine and refrigerated. It will retain its flavor and freshness for at least a few weeks. This ginger recipe is very good for making sauces and other dishes.

Pour a small whole piece of ginger (or chopped) with alcohol or vodka. Let it sit for a few weeks. Ginger can be used as usual, and the resulting tincture can be added in small amounts to teas, fruit drinks, or syrups.
Boil thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root for 10 minutes in sugar syrup (equal amount of sugar and water). Cool and store in refrigerator.

Thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root pour sugar syrup (equal amount of sugar and water). Bring slowly to a boil and cook long enough until the syrup begins to thicken. Get the ginger, let the syrup drain, roll in sugar and dry in the oven. After that, it can be stored even at room temperature, sealed. The syrup can be used to make ginger ale.

Ginger has been cultivated in South Asia since time immemorial and has since conquered the entire planet. Outwardly, it is quite beautiful - its general appearance resembles a reed, and its flowers look like orchids. But people didn't appreciate him for that.

Ginger came to Europe in the Middle Ages, where it was used as a spice, and each spice in those days was, first of all, a medicine, and not just a culinary supplement. In particular, ginger was considered as one of the means for the prevention of the most "black death" - the plague. Its price was appropriate. In those days, the question of how to store ginger root could literally become a matter of life and death.

"Ginger root" is traditionally referred to as the part of the plant for which it is grown. From a biological point of view, however, this is not a root at all, but a rhizome - an underground shoot. But historically, this name has been assigned to it.

Ginger as a medicine and as a seasoning

Ginger is still used for medicinal purposes both internally and externally.
At colds ginger tea with honey and lemon is useful, with a wet cough, cloves or cinnamon are also added. This remedy is of a general tonic nature: it helps to overcome stress, supports with bodily or moral fatigue. Ginger in the form of a tincture or powder helps with stomach ulcers, with diseases of the blood vessels, and even with seasickness. To normalize digestion, according to ancient Indian Ayurveda, you need to eat 1 tsp. salted ginger root mixed with lemon juice.

When applied externally, compresses are made on the basis of ginger root, in particular, for headaches, as well as for aching joints and back pain. At the same time, the likelihood of allergic reactions is much lower than with the use of factory anesthetic ointments.

It should only be borne in mind that ginger root - strong remedy: in late pregnancy and while breastfeeding, it is contraindicated. However, in most cases, ginger is used simply as a seasoning. It is used in relatively large quantities. For 1 kg of dough or meat, you need at least 1 g of ginger.

But its useful substances and taste properties can suffer during intensive heat treatment, and therefore, if possible, they try to reduce it. IN meat dishes ginger root is added 20 minutes before readiness, in jams and other sweets - 2-5 minutes. In sauces - after cooking. In the dough - at the very end of the batch.

To make ginger oil, ginger slices are heated in ordinary vegetable oil until they begin to darken. This product is used in the preparation of salads or complex seasonings.

To prepare the classic ginger tea with cardamom, you need a finely chopped 3-4 cm piece of ginger, two cardamom pods and half a liter of regular green tea. Ginger and cardamom boiled with green tea 20 minutes, then half a lemon and 3 tsp are added. honey (if desired - cloves, cinnamon or mint). After another 5 minutes, the drink is removed from the heat and infused for at least a quarter of an hour. Ginger tea can be consumed both hot and cold.

Ginger ice cream is also known: ordinary ice cream, melted to the consistency of sour cream, is mixed with grated fresh ginger root (a piece of 4-5 cm per 500 g), after which it is frozen again.

How to keep ginger fresh: ways

In most cases, it is preferable to use fresh ginger rather than dried, which useful substances far less. But how to keep ginger fresh is not such an easy question.

Of course, for some time, ginger root, like any product, can lie in the refrigerator. Fresh ginger can be stored there for about a week. To do this, it must be wrapped in cling film - in no case in a plastic bag! The root must be dry.

Peeled ginger root can be poured with boiled water and put in the refrigerator in this form. This method also allows you to save the product for a week. A certain amount of nutrients will pass into the water, but very small.

The only thing that should be taken into account: when cleaning, it is necessary to cut off as thin a layer of skin as possible, because the main culinary and pharmacological riches of ginger are located directly under the skin. It is best to carefully scrape it off with a knife, and not cut it off.

If the ginger is slightly dried in the sun, the shelf life can be extended. After drying in paper parchment in a dark, cool place (not necessarily in the refrigerator, it can also be in the cellar), it can lie for at least a month.

If you need to store the product for a long time, for example, you want to stock up ginger for the winter, then the easiest way to do this is in the freezer. Its taste properties will not be affected by freezing, medicinal properties will suffer slightly. The root for this should be washed, dried and packed in a container for storage. In this way, ginger can be preserved for a whole year.

There is another way, almost as reliable, but more practical from a practical point of view. It is not necessary to freeze whole pieces of the root. You can process it first: wash, peel and grate on a fine metal grater. From the resulting slurry, make portioned "tiles" of the desired size, wrap them in food paper and now freeze them.

In this case, the storage container turns out to be much more compact, which is important, since space in the freezer is always in short supply. In addition, when using it, you don’t have to cut the hardened root with a knife if you need quite a bit, and it will be easier to cook - all the same, ginger root is used in grated form. True, the shelf life in this case is reduced to 8 months, but usually this is quite enough.

If you sacrifice perfect freshness

Before deciding how to store ginger, you should decide what you will need it for. Perhaps no complications are needed. If you store ginger in the refrigerator filled with not boiled water, but dry white wine (preferably, the root is not just peeled, but cut into thin slices), then it can be stored in this form for about two months. Of course, a significant part of the useful substances will pass into the wine, but the taste properties will change slightly. For purely culinary uses, ginger will still be useful, especially for making sauces.

You can also pour ginger not with wine, but with alcohol or vodka. Then, after two months, it will again be possible to use it for culinary purposes, but in addition to it, you will also get ginger tincture, which can be added in small quantities to syrups, fruit drinks or tea, or used for medical purposes.


How to properly store ginger?

Ginger differs from many useful nutritional supplements in that it can retain all its beneficial properties for a long time. Thanks to this, many years ago it was delivered to different countries by long sea transportation, and it still remained useful and fragrant. Now there are new technologies for the storage and delivery of ginger. About how to store ginger at home and how long it retains its medicinal properties, we will tell further.

How to choose and store ginger root?

Anyone can buy ginger in a store or on the market now. On the shelves, it is found in fresh, pickled and dried form. Of course, the way ginger is stored greatly affects its taste and medicinal qualities. Ground dried root will never replace fresh in taste and aroma. It's much sharper. This is important to know when preparing meals. Dried ginger should be soaked before use.

Few people know, but oil is also made from this plant. It is sold exclusively in pharmacies or shops of aromatic oils. You should not order the root through Internet resources. In this purchase option, there is no way to reliably find out how the product was stored and delivered. If storage standards have been violated, then the ginger root will lose all its healing and taste qualities.

Initially, ginger is black and white. The difference lies in the way it is processed. Black ginger is simply washed with a brush and the skin is not removed from it. White is washed, the skin is cleaned, and then treated with a bleach solution, during which the root loses some of its properties.

It is best to buy fresh ginger, and then dispose of it at your own discretion. But whether you choose powdered ginger, fresh or pickled, you need to know how to properly store the root to maximize its shelf life.

How to choose ginger, which is really fresh, will be prompted by its external data. The young and fresh root has an elastic body. If it is broken, then from the inside it is white-yellow in color. The older the root, the richer the yellow color. The rhizome should be elastic and smooth.

How long and how should the root be stored?

Storing ginger at home does not require special equipment.
Fresh ginger, even if kept in the refrigerator, will lose its medicinal properties within a week. To extend the period of its use, it is necessary to wrap the root in cling film, after drying it. There is a lot of debate about whether the root can be frozen, as is done with many other products. Experts say that you can not store ginger in the freezer. This method will only help preserve its spicy taste and aroma, but frost will destroy all the vitamins and medicinal elements. Ginger is very susceptible to low temperatures.

To maximize the shelf life of ginger root, dry it in the sun and wrap it in parchment. Under the place where to store ginger, it is best to use a basement or any other dark room with low air temperature. This method can extend the shelf life up to a month. Soaked and well-peeled ginger root, filled with boiled water, can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. It will not lose its properties.

How to store dried and ground ginger root?

The dried root does not require special conditions. To preserve all its qualities, room temperature or a place on the door in the refrigerator is quite suitable for him. Before using dry ginger, be sure to fill it with water and let it stand for 8 hours so that it becomes less spicy.

The powdered root is stored in sealed packaging at room temperature or in the refrigerator. If you follow these rules, then the healing properties are stored in the product for six months.

How to properly store pickled ginger root?

storing pickled ginger

Pickled ginger is commonly used in Japanese cuisine. It can be purchased at the store already in a ready-made pickled form or cooked at home. The taste and quality of homemade pickled ginger will be much better than store-bought. For cooking, you will need ceramic or glassware. The root is cut into thin slices. The marinade consists of rice vinegar mixed with salt and sugar. This mixture is brought to a boil and the chopped root is poured over it.

it became necessary to wait for complete cooling, and then put the pickled product in the refrigerator and wait 6 hours. It takes so much time for it to change its taste and be suitable for cooking various dishes.

Pickled ginger is good because it can be prepared for the future, because its shelf life is 3 months, but on condition that it is in a glass or ceramic dish. You can not pickle the product in a metal pan.

Proper preparation of this useful product will allow you to use its medicinal properties for as long as possible, especially in the autumn-spring period, when the body's immune system is weakened.

Excellent tea, sushi, beer are prepared from the root of the plant and added to pastries. It is unique in that it is able to bring its own zest to any dish. The root treats diseases of the digestive tract, increases the body's resistance to bacteria and infections. It should be consumed by people who have poor appetite. Also, the root is added in the form of juice to the composition of facial skin and hair care products. The shelf life of juice is several hours.

Now, knowing how to cook and how much to store ginger properly, you can delight your family with delicious and healthy dishes. There are a variety of ways to prepare it to please everyone.


Many of us are familiar with such a healing plant as ginger. Its root is used to make refreshing drinks, medicinal potions, and as a spicy seasoning. You can buy ginger both fresh and ground. At the same time, storage of powdered ginger seasoning is not a problem. And how to keep the root of this plant fresh? Now find out!

To keep the root fresh for as long as possible, it is usually stored either in a refrigerator or in a freezer.

If in the coming weeks you are not going to use ginger for its intended purpose, it is better to wrap it in cling film and put it in the freezer. The low temperature of this chamber will allow you to freeze the plant, preventing it from spoiling and at the same time retaining all its useful properties.

Vacuum jars and bags are often used for food storage. This method is quite convenient, but does not greatly extend the shelf life of ginger.

A convenient storage method is combined. Cut off the part of the spine that you plan to use in the near future and place it in the refrigerator, after packing it in a food container or paper bag. Put the remaining root in the freezer - you can use it later when needed. Keep in mind that frozen ginger grates easily. You can also freeze already chopped or sliced ​​ginger.

Another way to properly store fresh ginger is to keep it in a liquid containing alcohol. To do this, the root is placed in a jar and filled with vodka or sherry. You can also use sake, rice vinegar or rice wine, but the first two options are more preferable - it is noted that it is vodka and sherry that change the taste and aroma of ginger least of all and affect its beneficial properties.

An important point is the shelf life. They depend on the place where you place the root, and on the initial degree of freshness of the purchased product. To maximize the time during which it is possible to store ginger without changing its qualities, try to get the freshest plant possible. Such a root will be firm and resilient, with no signs of wrinkling or mold. Also, fresh ginger has a bright aroma and smooth skin. So, how long can you store ginger:

  • in the refrigerator - up to 3 weeks in a sealed bag, up to 1 week - in a paper bag;
  • in the freezer - 3-4 months;
  • in alcohol infusions - 2-3 months.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that already peeled ginger is stored less than the root in the peel.


How to store ginger

Ginger root can be stored at home for quite a long time, but despite this, there are still certain storage conditions that will keep it fresh for many weeks.

And so, let's first decide in what form we will store ginger: dried, fresh or pickled.

Storage of dried

Dried ginger root is very easy to store. For example, in the refrigerator or at room temperature, the shelf life is about 6 months. Before use, it must be soaked in water for at least 6 hours.

Keeping fresh

If we want to store ginger for a long time, then first we need to choose the freshest root. It should have a beautiful appearance, be heavy and resilient, with a smooth skin and a spicy aroma. You should not buy a wrinkled or soft root, these are the first signs that it has already begun to wither.

You can store fresh ginger in a variety of ways. The most common is to take it, seal it tightly and put it in the freezer. You can freeze ginger, it will not lose its aroma and its beneficial properties. At the same time, it practically does not matter in what form: as a whole, not peeled or, on the contrary, finely chopped. The product is stored in this way for up to six months.

You can also store it simply in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. It will be stored best in a tightly tied bag or closed container.

Another way is to store in alcohol. Pour a whole or chopped piece of ginger with vodka or alcohol and let it brew for several weeks. As a result, it can be used as usual, and the tincture can be added little by little to tea and other drinks.

Pickled ginger will keep in the refrigerator for up to four weeks.

Spoiled ginger root is highly discouraged for consumption, as its beneficial properties are significantly reduced and there is a high probability of poisoning. So pay due attention to the storage of this product.


How to Store Ginger Root - 4 Ways to Store Ginger at Home - Onwomen.co.uk

  • 6 Uses of ginger in cooking

Most often, housewives use ground ginger, which can be bought at any store. But people who know a lot about spices, seasonings and spices say that fresh ginger is many times better than dry ginger in terms of taste and aroma.

Ginger root, from which dry seasoning is made, is quite an affordable spice. Of course, its price is high, but in order for the dish to acquire piquancy, a slightly burning and at the same time spicy taste, a lot of ginger is not needed.

Therefore, any housewife can always buy a small ginger root, use part of it for food, and put the rest in the refrigerator until the next time. Moreover, ginger is well stored there. The main thing is that all storage rules are observed.

What kind of ginger can be stored

Ginger is a thick, dense root covered with a light brown thin skin, with a pleasant strong smell and a burning peppery taste. Inside it is light yellow or bright yellow, which directly depends on its age.

When buying a root on the market, you must first pay attention to its appearance.

  • The root should be dense, elastic, covered with a thin skin. A dry, dense peel indicates that the root is not the first freshness and has already been lying somewhere for a long time. A wrinkled, withered appearance will also tell about prolonged and improper storage. After all, like any root crop, ginger loses moisture over time and this makes it less juicy and fragrant.
  • There should not be any blackouts on the root. And if it is stored in a damp room, then it soon becomes stained, its light flesh darkens, the aroma and taste deteriorate.
Read more How to store mussels

How to store ginger root

Ginger is stored in the refrigerator. After all, only low positive temperature and high humidity will help keep ginger fresh. And then for a short time.

So that the ginger root does not dry out and does not wrinkle, it is packed in cling film, but in such a way as to completely exclude air access. For this, a small plastic bag with a zip fastener or a bag designed for freezing food is suitable.

Before sending ginger for storage, it is inspected for spoiled places. Wipe with a paper towel to keep it from getting wet. The skin of ginger is not peeled off. Firstly, it is thin, and secondly, it protects the root from drying out.

Peel the ginger just before putting it in the dish. Moreover, the skin is not cut off, but only peeled off with a knife in the same way as young potatoes or carrots are peeled.

So that the ginger root does not start to deteriorate and become moldy during storage, you can first wrap it well in a paper towel, and then just put it in a plastic bag, be sure to let the air out of it. In this form, it can lie in the refrigerator for several weeks.

If ginger needs to be stored for only a week, then it can be put in the refrigerator without packaging. But in this case, there should not be any other products nearby, since ginger has a strong odor that can easily be transmitted to them. The most optimal place in the refrigerator for storing ginger is the compartment for vegetables and fruits.

How to freeze ginger

If ginger needs to be stored for a longer period, for example, for 2-3 months, some housewives resort to the help of a freezer. Although connoisseurs of this spicy plant claim that ginger does not tolerate temperatures below 0 °. And they say that its useful properties are significantly reduced when frozen.

Method 1

  • So that in the future there will be no difficulties with the use of frozen ginger, it is pre-peeled and grated.
  • Then spread in small portioned heaps on a tray covered with parchment, and put in the freezer.
  • When the ginger is completely frozen, it is transferred to bags or plastic containers.
  • If you need chopped ginger to prepare a dish, you just need to take a frozen piece out of the bag and use it for its intended purpose. And you don't even have to defrost it.

Method 2

Ginger root can be frozen by cutting into slices or cubes.

  • Sliced ​​ginger is laid out on a tray and frozen.
  • Then they are transferred to small bags and tied tightly.

Frozen ginger can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

How to store ginger in honey

Everyone knows the healing properties of ginger. It is good for colds. Therefore, it can be grated and mixed with honey. Firstly, honey is a good preservative and ginger will definitely not disappear in it. And secondly, with such a combination, the beneficial properties of both one and the other product will increase.

How to dry ginger

If there is a lot of ginger, for example, they dug up a rich crop of this root, then it can be dried. After all, dried ginger retains all its beneficial properties and taste. At the same time, prepared at home, it turns out to be much more aromatic than the ginger powder that is sold in the store.

  • Ginger root is washed, spread on a towel and dried from moisture.
  • Scrap the skin with a knife.
  • Ginger is cut into thin slices. This is a prerequisite, since thick slices dry worse and may become moldy during storage.
  • Sliced ​​ginger is laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and sent to the oven.
  • Dry it at 50° for one hour. Then the slices are turned over to the other side and again sent to the oven for another hour.
  • Drying is considered complete if the slices do not bend, but break.
  • Store dried ginger in a hermetically sealed glass container in a dry place at room temperature for about two years.
Read more Ginger for the face

Uses of ginger in cooking

  • Dried and fresh ginger is added to meat and fish dishes. Thanks to him, the smell of fish becomes weaker, and the taste of meat improves.
  • Ginger is used in pickling vegetables and making vegetable salads. This spice is often found in Japanese, Korean, Chinese cuisine.
  • Ginger is added to pastries: cookies, muffins, gingerbread.
  • Very tasty tea is obtained with the addition of this spice. Ginger improves digestion, increases appetite, and reduces nausea.
  • It is an ingredient in many spice mixes. For example, in the Indian curry seasoning, this is an indispensable component.
  • If there are dried slices of ginger available, then it is ground into powder as needed, since when crushed, its essential oils evaporate faster and it loses most of the flavor.
  • Dry ginger can be replaced with fresh. But we must remember that ground ginger is put into food in smaller doses than the root, ground on a grater. If the recipe says that you need to put a tablespoon of fresh ginger, then only a quarter of a teaspoon of dry powder is put instead.
Photo: pixabay.com


Rules for choosing ginger. How to store ginger |

Ginger is a remedy, if not magical, then surprisingly versatile. Even his translation from Sanskrit sounds exactly like this: universal.

It is both a spice, and a remedy, and a wonderful antiseptic. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can even eliminate toxemia of pregnant women or motion sickness.

The greatest number of useful properties is found naturally in fresh ginger root. Therefore, knowing, you can get the most out of this root crop.

Read more about the properties of ginger in the article “The harm and benefits of ginger. Folk recipes.

Dry ginger somewhat loses its qualities, but pickled ginger is practically devoid of vitamins. However, it is also very popular in cooking.

Like young potatoes and other root crops, the maximum amount of “usefulness” is located immediately under the thin skin of the ginger root, and therefore it must be cleaned very carefully, scraping off the minimum layer.

How to choose ginger

There is absolutely no difficulty in choosing ginger. After all, this is not a frozen fish, the appearance of which is not visible under a layer of polyethylene, and not a pineapple, which, being beautiful on the outside, can turn out to be absolutely tasteless. Look at the root: if its surface is smooth, even, slightly golden, the root is not sluggish and without visible damage - you can buy such ginger.

Knowing how to choose a potato, you can easily distinguish the “wrong” ginger from the “correct” one: the old ginger root is covered with threads, thickenings, it can have potato-like eyes. This ginger is not worth choosing. He has already managed to lose his useful properties and taste.

How to store ginger: Refrigerate

How to store ginger: in the freezer

It is quite possible to store ginger in the freezer. It is believed that at the same time it does not lose its benefits, and the shelf life increases significantly. To do this, the root must be tightly packed in a plastic bag. As needed, you can cut off the required amount from it, and send the rest back to the freezer.

For convenience, before laying in the freezer, the root can be cleaned and chopped in a blender. Putting it in a bag, give it the shape of a thin tile. Then, in order to add ginger root to any dish, it will be enough to break off the required amount of ginger that is already ready for use, and return the rest to its place.

All other ways of storing ginger are more suitable for culinary needs than for medicinal purposes, since the beneficial qualities are somewhat lost. Although, of course, not everything is lost;)

How to store ginger: in white wine

Thinly sliced ​​​​root (previously peeled) can be poured with white wine and refrigerate. This way it will keep for several weeks. Very good to use for sauces and other dishes.

How to store ginger: in vodka

You can alcoholize ginger by putting a whole piece or root plates in vodka or alcohol and letting it brew for 2-3 weeks. In this case, ginger is used as usual, and the tincture is well suited for adding to tea, fruit drinks, syrups in order to increase the beneficial properties and taste.

How to store ginger: in sugar

If you plan on making ginger ale (you know? 😉), you can store ginger in the form of syrup. To do this, the peeled and thinly sliced ​​​​root is poured with sugar syrup (water and sugar 1: 1), brought to a boil and boiled until the syrup begins to thicken. After that, ginger should be rolled in sugar and dried in the oven. Now it can be stored in sealed packaging even at room temperature for a long time. Well, the syrup, as you wanted, use for ale.

Rules for choosing ginger. How to store ginger "especially for the site Eco-life.ru All rights reserved


How to store ginger properly at home, where to store ginger root at home

Mankind learned about the beneficial properties of ginger, as it can be stored for a long time, and therefore travelers and traders from India brought this wonderful root to Europe, where it became a popular medicine first, and then a seasoning. On sale, ginger can be found both dried and fresh ginger, and of course, marinated for sushi lovers. It is not difficult to repeat the production methods for storing ginger at home, since this healthy root, subject to the right technologies, can be preserved not only with the preservation of taste and aroma, but also with all useful qualities. All about how and how much to store fresh and pickled ginger, we will tell our readers.

Briefly about the storage of ginger

  • dried ginger
  • pickled ginger

Fresh ginger lasts only one week in the refrigerator, but it should be dried well before storage. It should be kept on paper.

Dried ginger can be stored for a very long time. It will keep well for 6 months. Before using it, it is recommended to soak it in water.

Pickled ginger should be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of it in this form will be about a month.

How to properly store ginger

Fresh ginger root is sold in the form of small pieces, weighing approximately 100-150 grams, it is very juicy and has a pleasant aroma. It does not make sense to buy ginger for future use, since in this form it is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week, therefore, to prepare marinades and tinctures from fresh ginger, you should go for it immediately before eating.

Fresh ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

On some websites you can see advice on how to store fresh ginger by blast freezing it. And although after defrosting it acquires its former shape and color, and even the aroma and taste of the root, all the beneficial properties of ginger are almost completely destroyed under the influence of low temperature. If you like to add this healthy root to various dishes, you should not store it in such a way as to get the full benefits of this useful, and expensive product.

Fresh ginger should be wrapped in clean paper and placed on the refrigerator door. How long you can store ginger in this form depends on how often you cut off a piece from a whole root, as the cut dries quickly and the root begins to lose moisture, as a result of which it will later be difficult to peel and grate for making marinades, sauces and gas stations. And since this product is not in short supply, and you can buy it in every supermarket, it makes no sense to store ginger in the refrigerator, buying it for future use, acquiring a fresh root before eating.

Do not buy ginger for future use!

It’s a completely different matter if the ginger is pickled, and it doesn’t matter if you yourself prepared this fragrant seasoning, or bought a jar of ready-made spice for sushi. If you do not use the spice immediately and there is a little pickled root left, you should properly store the ginger in a tightly closed container on the refrigerator door, where the temperature is maintained about +5 degrees. This will prevent the growth of bacteria inside the jar, and thus help keep the pickled ginger for up to 2 weeks.

Dried ginger is traditionally added to teas, marinades and therefore stored together with other spices in an open bag, but this is wrong. Volatile substances that are stored in dried ginger disappear very quickly, and the taste of this spicy root becomes very delicate and inexpressive. Therefore, if you want to preserve the taste and aroma of dried ginger for tea or marinades, after opening the bag, pour the spice into a dry jar with a tight-fitting lid, and open only before use.

Dried ginger should be stored in a separate jar with a tight lid.

If you will be using the spice to make tea, store the ginger properly by sprinkling it with sugar to get the spicy taste of the sugar and keep the flavor of the ginger. At the same time, if you use ginger to make marinades, it is correct to store it with salt, and then you will have a wonderful mixture for cooking delicious and aromatic meat, fish and poultry dishes.

How to store ginger at home

At home, you can store ginger fresh or grated, making this healthy root a fresh semi-finished product that will stand in the refrigerator, always ready to use in tea for a cold. Grated ginger is properly stored in the refrigerator, mixed with honey and lemon to taste, this combination is ideal for making aromatic tea. Lemon will secrete juice, so it is correct to store grated ginger root in the refrigerator, take the right amount with a dry spoon each time and close the jar tightly. In this form, ginger can be stored for up to a month, since honey is a good preservative, and delight you with its taste and aroma, and give all the benefits of nature for good health and longevity.


How to store ginger root so that it lasts for a long time?


Good advice ... But I will share mine --- the ginger root bought in the supermarket (it is already washed and packaged in a thin film) has been in my refrigerator (not in the freezer !!!) for 3 (THREE) months - and not rots and does not germinate. Freezing still changes the properties of any product due to the transition of water to different states! I know from experience that after 2-3 weeks it will begin to germinate, but very slowly.


in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator, otherwise it will dry out on you.


Washed, dried, stored in a bag in the refrigerator. Two weeks. And if longer, then in the freezer.


Store ginger in an airtight container.

(Zingiber officinale Rosc)

Ginger in Sanskrit means "horned", which is apparently associated with the shape of the ginger root. It became one of the very first spices to reach the Mediterranean coast, and has been known to the Chinese and Indians since ancient times.

Arab merchants kept the places of its growth a secret. They assured gullible foreigners that ginger grows in the land of troglodytes, who grow it somewhere far to the south, beyond the Red Sea, on the edge of the earth, and vigilantly guard it.

Many centuries passed, until in the 13th century the famous Venetian Marco Polo got acquainted with this plant in China and at the same time with Pogolotti described it for Europeans.

The distribution spectrum of ginger was very large. At first, the rhizome was used only in medicine. It was used to combat aging, attributed to him the property to increase sexual desire. It is said that the Portuguese generously fed ginger to their slaves to increase their fertility.

At the same time, ginger was a great spice, especially popular in the Middle Ages. Streets in towns where spices were sold were generally called "Ginger Street"*. The most popular medical school at the time in Salerno vehemently advised the use of ginger in order to always feel a surge of strength and be young.

In the 19th century, doctors developed "harem lollipops" based on ginger. A traditional Japanese dish served on the day of the Festival of Masculinity has survived to this day, where one of the main ingredients is ginger. A Chinese dish of shrimp marinated in yellow wine, vinegar, ginger and tartar onion is the right recipe, according to the Chinese, for female infertility and frigidity.

Over time, the culinary traditions and tastes of people have changed. Ginger is no longer consumed as often and in such large quantities as before. Unless ginger ale and gingerbread were and are still being produced in English-speaking countries.

But even today, ginger is valued for its spicy taste.
The main producers of ginger are India and China. However, it is also grown in Japan, Vietnam, West Africa, Nigeria, Argentina, Brazil, Australia.


Ginger has a fleshy, branched root that spreads horizontally. Its stems are smooth, resemble reeds, reach a height of 2 m. The leaves are entire, lanceolate, alternate. Flower stems are scaly. It blooms with orange-yellow or brown flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. As a spice, a rhizome is used, which has a pleasant aroma due to the presence of essential oil in it. Ginger tastes pungent.


Ginger rhizome contains 1-3% essential oils, which include gingerol (1.5%), phenol-containing substances, resins, starch, sugar, and fat.
Ginger is used to stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines, with flatulence. It improves appetite.


As a spice, ginger rhizomes are used in various processing. Available in white and black ginger. Black is obtained by carefully brushing the root in water. White ginger requires additional treatment with a 2% solution of bleach or sulfurous acid within 6 hours after peeling from the root. Sometimes peeled roots are rubbed with chalk after washing and drying. Black ginger ("Barbados") has a stronger smell and burning taste compared to white ("Bengal"), since some of the aromatic substances disappear during processing.

Ginger rhizome is candied, especially in Chinese cuisine, for which first it is peeled off, soaked in cold water to release bitterness, and then dipped in syrup or poured over with chocolate. An extract for beer is prepared from ginger root, as well as a powder used mainly in cooking.

Russian people have long used this classic spice for baking gingerbread, buns, and gingerbread; in the preparation of drinks: sbitney, kvass, honey, liqueurs, tinctures. In England


It won't keep for long anyway. It rots in the refrigerator, dries out at room temperature.
For me, it's better dry than rotten.

Irina Vedeneeva (Burlutskaya)

The easiest recipe. Unpeeled ginger root tightly pack and put in the freezer. Ginger will not lose its properties or flavor after defrosting. By the way, as needed, you can cut off the required amount from the frozen root and use it right away.

Thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root can be poured with white wine and refrigerated. It will retain its flavor and freshness for at least a few weeks. This ginger recipe is very good for making sauces and other dishes.

Pour a small whole piece of ginger (or chopped) with alcohol or vodka. Let it sit for a few weeks. Ginger can be used as usual, and the resulting tincture can be added in small amounts to teas, fruit drinks, or syrups.
Boil thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root for 10 minutes in sugar syrup (equal amount of sugar and water). Cool and store in refrigerator.

Thinly sliced ​​peeled ginger root pour sugar syrup (equal amount of sugar and water). Bring slowly to a boil and cook long enough until the syrup begins to thicken. Get the ginger, let the syrup drain, roll in sugar and dry in the oven. After that, it can be stored even at room temperature, sealed. The syrup can be used to make ginger ale.

Sometimes housewives have a question about how to store ginger root. After all, it is used in small quantities, as this seasoning has a very rich taste and aroma. Ginger can be stored as a whole or cut into pieces, and then dried, pickled or frozen. The root stays fresh for a long time if stored in a dark and cool place.

Ginger has an amazing composition, rich in vitamins, trace elements and essential amino acids, as well as a burning, tart, spicy-sweet taste and rich aroma. Ginger root, dry or fresh, is used as a seasoning for cooking various dishes or for medical purposes, as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating agent.

Ginger will retain its beneficial properties for a long time if stored properly. The fresh root is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. Ginger, cut into slices, can be put in a vacuum bag and sent to the freezer. Powdered ginger seasoning can be stored in a spice box at room temperature.

Store-bought pickled appetizer after opening the jar is best kept in the refrigerator and eaten for 1 week.

How to choose

All supermarkets sell ginger seasoning in the form of a dry powder or fresh ginger root by weight. At powdered spice spicy taste. The fresh root is juicy, burning, fragrant and contains all the valuable substances. On sale you can find pickled ginger in jars.


A fresh tuber has a smooth, pink or light brown skin, dense, juicy, slightly golden flesh. If you break the ginger, you can hear a loud crunch. If the skin is lightly picked with a fingernail, you can smell a pleasant smell. A fresh root on the surface should not have spots, rot, it should not smell like mold.

Ginger should not have eyes and growths, they usually appear during long-term storage in a warm room. Such a root loses some of its useful properties. But it can be planted in a pot and grown as a houseplant. It is better to choose a large root with a thin light brown skin and light yellow flesh.


Dry ground ginger is sold in small paper bags in the spice section. Regardless of the manufacturer, this powder has a light brown color and a sharp taste. When buying seasoning, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date.


Pickled ginger is often served with sushi or rolls, so you can find it in the Japanese sushi ingredient section. This spicy spicy seasoning is sold in small jars. Young ginger is pickled with sugar and vinegar. The natural root has a pale yellow or pink color. Sometimes ginger is pickled with the addition of beetroot juice or artificial coloring.

When choosing a seasoning, you need to pay attention to the expiration date and composition so that harmful additives are not present in it.

Optimal conditions and shelf life

Fresh root is best stored in a dark, cool place. In heat and light, it will quickly dry out or become covered with mold, and with high humidity, dormant buds will hatch.


It is better to store ginger root at a temperature of 0 ... + 5 degrees Celsius. Usually such conditions are maintained in all refrigerators. In the cold, a tuber wrapped in cling film will remain fresh and juicy for 1-3 months. If ginger is frozen in the freezer, it will not spoil for 1 year. If you keep it at room temperature, it will dry out in a week.


Suitable air humidity is 70-80 percent. In drier conditions, ginger root will dry out quickly. It is better to wrap the tuber stored in the refrigerator in cling film so that it does not lose moisture.


Ginger is best kept in a dark room. In the light in a warm and humid room, dormant buds can wake up.

Storage methods at home

Ginger is used in small quantities for the preparation of vegetable, meat, fish dishes, for baking or drinks. The remaining root can be put in the refrigerator or freezer, dried or pickled.

How to freeze

In the freezer, ginger root can be stored for almost a year. Before putting the tuber in the freezer, it must be wrapped with cling film or placed in a plastic container.

Vacuum seal bags

You can peel the ginger, cut into pieces and put in a vacuum bag, seal it tightly and pump out the air. In this state, in the freezer, the root will retain its beneficial properties for 3-6 months.

On a tray

Usually frozen whole root or cut into pieces.

If the housewives use chopped ginger, then you can first grind it on a grater, and then send it to the freezer.

To do this, take a tray and cover it with parchment paper. Then lay out the chopped ginger with a spoon in small portions. The top of the tray is covered with cling film and sent to the freezer. Frozen portions of ginger are transferred to a plastic container and sealed with a lid.

How to store ginger in honey

Fresh ginger root can be peeled and finely grated or chopped in a blender. Then this mass must be mixed with liquid honey. This remedy is used for colds, to boost immunity, or in cooking.


Ginger tuber is peeled, cut into slices, cubes, straws. You can grind it with a blender or a coarse grater. Then for 2-4 hours they are dried in an oven heated to 50 degrees on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

In a refrigerator

The whole root can be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator. In the cold, ginger will retain juiciness and freshness for 1 month. With longer storage, the root will dry out.

In vodka or alcohol

From the ginger root, you can prepare a tincture with vodka or alcohol. Ginger is ground on a grater or in a blender and put in a jar. Then pour vodka. You can add a spoonful of honey to the tincture. For half a liter of vodka take 20 grams of ginger root. The tincture is kept in a dark place for half a month, and then filtered through cheesecloth.

candied ginger

The root is peeled, cut into thin slices and boiled in sweet syrup until soft. Then they take it out of the water, dry it, dip it in sugar syrup and send it to the oven for drying for 2-4 hours.

How to keep marinated

Fresh ginger tubers can be marinated in rice vinegar with sugar. Ginger must first be peeled, rubbed with salt, then rinsed and cut into thin slices. Then the ginger slices are blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes (you can add a piece of beetroot for a pink color). Then pour the marinade of rice vinegar and sugar. After 1-2 days the dish is ready. Pickled ginger in glass jar can be stored for about 3 months.


It is better not to cut the ginger tuber into slices, otherwise it will dry out quickly. Desirable whole piece wrap with cling film and send to the refrigerator. For 1-2 weeks, ginger will remain fresh and juicy.


Ginger root, peeled, can be put in a jar and poured with vodka, sherry or rice vinegar. A whole tuber can be hidden in a vacuum bag. It is better to keep the peeled root in the cold.


Ginger, cut into slices or strips, can be put in a resealable food bag and sent to the freezer. If there is no package, you can wrap the pieces in cling film.

in the ground

Fresh ginger root can be placed in soil consisting of peat and sand. It must be stored in a dry and cool place. If the soil is wet, the root may germinate.

Common Mistakes

Ginger should not be stored at room temperature, as it will dry out after 3-4 days. Before putting the root in the refrigerator, it must be wrapped with cling film. For tea, it is better to use fresh ginger rather than dried ginger. You need to put a small slice in the water. You can make tea with ginger juice by first grinding the tuber on a grater.

Ginger root will not dry out if it is not peeled, but wrapped in cling film and refrigerated. Best of all, it retains its beneficial properties in honey or vodka. In the freezer, the tuber loses many vitamins, but the aroma and taste remain the same.

When pickled, the ginger root retains most of its nutrients, becomes softer and not so hot. Ginger is not advisable to use for people suffering from ulcers and other diseases of the stomach.

In the article you will find useful information about long-term and proper storage of ginger at home.

Where, how to properly and how much fresh ginger can be stored for the winter, summer, in the refrigerator: conditions and shelf life, description

Ginger root has long become not a curiosity, but an everyday product. It can be added to various dishes, brewed tea, consumed marinated as a snack, in the form of dried pieces, with sugar or honey, in the form of gingerbread. You can even find chocolate with this spice.

Most often, ginger is presented on store shelves in this form:

  • fresh;
  • powder;
  • marinated.

Ginger grows in Southeast Asia and India. But it is popular far beyond these countries. I fell in love with ginger not only for its pronounced taste, but also for its medicinal properties.

A few words about the benefits of ginger:

  1. Helps fight nausea with motion sickness, motion sickness, during toxicosis.
  2. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. It is an immunostimulant, it is useful to use ginger for the prevention of seasonal viral diseases.
  4. Reduces inflammation of the joints, removes toxins from the body.
  5. A prophylactic agent for the fight against helminths, it is not without reason that it is used together with sushi.
  6. Helps fight excess weight.

Important: Ginger is not a perishable product, so it has always been present on ships during voyages. Proper storage conditions will help preserve the beneficial properties of this product.

You may see shriveled, soft ginger on the supermarket shelf, be aware that this is not a very fresh product. The root should be dense, without the presence of any stains or mold. The presence of veins in ginger indicates that the root is not young.

What is the best way to store ginger?

Storage conditions fresh ginger:

  • If you bought fresh ginger, remember not to keep it out of the refrigerator.
  • Putting ginger in the refrigerator will extend its shelf life by one week. Exactly how much ginger can be stored, provided that the product is not wrapped in cling film or paper.
  • If you wrap the fragrant root in cling film, it will last you for several weeks, but no longer than 1 month.

Important: Do not put ginger in the refrigerator until you are sure the root is dry. Do not cut the skin, do not peel the tubers, you may spoil the product.

How to store sliced, grated, peeled ginger correctly and for how long: conditions and shelf life, description

Peeled ginger has its own storage conditions that help preserve the taste, aroma, and benefits.

Important: You can store peeled, chopped or grated ginger in vodka, rice vinegar, white wine or lime juice. This method allows you to save peeled ginger for about 2 weeks.

This is done simply:

  1. Remove skin from ginger.
  2. Cut in any convenient way - circles, cubes, grate.
  3. Place the ginger in a jar of the right size.
  4. Fill with liquid.
  5. Close the jar tightly and place it in the refrigerator.

Interestingly, vodka is able to change the taste of this product less than other liquids mentioned.

Another way to store ginger is to pour boiling water over it. Pre-peeled ginger must be soaked in cold water for several hours. The principle of preparation for storage is similar to the previous one:

  1. Cut the ginger however you like.
  2. Put it in a container, pour boiling water over it.
  3. Do not put a hot jar in the refrigerator, wait until it cools.

How to keep peeled ginger for a long time

Is it possible and how to freeze ginger for storage, store in the freezer?

Some housewives decide to freeze if they see that the product is starting to deteriorate. It is worth knowing that freezing is not The best way product life extension. This method of storage will help preserve only the taste properties, but you should not expect benefits from frozen ginger. However, it makes sense to keep ginger to add flavor to dishes, not to throw it away.

Important: Freezing ginger kills beneficial properties, taste remains unchanged.

You can store in the freezer peeled, chopped, peeled ginger. Freezing a product is easy:

  • The first way to store is to place the ginger in a sealed vacuum bag or container, then in the freezer.
  • The second way is to cut the product in portions, freeze first on a tray, after freezing, place the pieces or portions in a container. Such portioned ginger is convenient to get later.

Frozen ginger root is easy to grate, but it is better to freeze ready-made portions. This way you won't have to take out and put back the root if you need a small piece. It is convenient to use ready-made blanks. Frozen ginger is stored for a long time - about 6 months.

Frozen ginger pieces

How to store pickled ginger correctly and for how long, can it be frozen: conditions and shelf life, description

Important: Pickled ginger should be stored in the refrigerator. Its shelf life is up to 1 month, provided that the container is tightly closed.

  • If you bought bulk pickled ginger, place it in a jar and close the lid, do not store in an open bag.
  • You can freeze pickled ginger along with the marinade in airtight vacuum containers or zip-lock bags.
  • If you have a large amount of ginger, divide it into small portions. You can not re-freeze ginger after defrosting, either pickled or fresh.

Large pack of pickled ginger

How to store ginger juice correctly and for how long: conditions and shelf life, description

Ginger juice is usually used in medicinal purposes. We have already found out that after freezing, all the benefits are lost. Therefore, freezing is not suitable for storing ginger juice.

Important: You can store juice, decoction or infusion of ginger at room temperature for no longer than 3 hours. In the refrigerator - no longer than 5 hours. It is advisable to use freshly prepared juice.

Do not forget that the taste of infusion, decoction or juice intensifies after it has stood. Strain the juice before steeping, this will help reduce the sharpness of the taste.

Video: Ways to store ginger

Where, how best and how much to store a mixture of ginger root, lemon and honey, ginger grated with lemon: conditions and shelf life

Important: As a prophylactic against viral diseases, colds, flu and for a speedy recovery from the disease, they are used as food additive mixture of ginger, lemon and honey.

All these ingredients individually have healing and regenerating properties, and when mixed together, they become even more effective. To prepare a “miracle mixture for immunity”, take selected fruits of lemons, fresh ginger roots, natural honey.

How to prepare a mixture:

  1. Pass through a meat grinder 4 lemons with peel and 400 grams of ginger (can be unpeeled, there are also vitamins in the peel).
  2. Mix the resulting mixture with 400 g of liquid lime or other honey.
  3. Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in a storage container.
  4. After preparation, the medicinal mixture should be infused in the refrigerator for a day.

Take care of proper storage of the mixture so that it really has beneficial healing properties.

Mixture storage conditions:

  • The mixture must be consumed within 2 weeks.
  • Eat a spoonful of the mixture in the morning, then put the jar back in the refrigerator.
  • The jar should not be metal, it is desirable that it be glass.
  • The lid should tightly close the jar.

Useful mixture from ginger, honey, lemon in a jar

Video: How to prepare a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey for immunity support?

How to dry ginger at home?

Dried ginger has its own beneficial and flavoring properties. Therefore, you can safely dry ginger for long-term storage and medicinal uses.

The procedure for drying ginger at home involves a series of actions that not all housewives will like, but it's worth it.

You will need:

  • Oven
  • baking sheet
  • baking paper
  • Board

Step by step description of the procedure:

  1. First peel the ginger, try to cut the peel to a minimum, under it there is a whole storehouse of useful substances.
  2. Cut the ginger into thin slices with a sharp knife.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay out the ginger.
  4. Dry the ginger in the oven at a temperature of 50 °, the oven door should be ajar to evaporate moisture.
  5. Raise the temperature slightly after two hours.
  6. Constantly check the degree of readiness of the slices. If the slices break, then the ginger is ready.

Important: You can store dried ginger sliced ​​or ground in an airtight bag or container. Dried ginger is perfectly stored without a refrigerator, the storage temperature should not exceed 35ºС.

How to dry and store ginger

How to cook ginger in sugar for storage: cooking recipes

Important: If you have not tried candied ginger yet, we recommend trying this delicacy. The advantage of homemade treats is that you will be sure that there are no harmful additives, which is good for health.

Cooking ginger in sugar requires free time, but it is done simply:

  1. Prepare necessary ingredients: peeled ginger root (300 g), water (2 cups), sugar (2 cups).
  2. IN enamel pan add sugar, add water. Bring syrup to a boil while stirring.
  3. Then add pre-cut ginger cubes, mix thoroughly.
    Simmer this mixture over low heat for at least 45 minutes.
  4. Immerse the mixture in a sieve. The liquid that drains is perfect as an additive to tea.
  5. Give the ginger a little time to cool, then roll the pieces in sugar, carefully lay them out on paper and leave to dry.
  6. After 5 hours, candied fruits will be ready. Store them in a jar in the refrigerator.

Ginger with sugar is stored for a long time. Such a delicacy can stand in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but is eaten faster, as practice shows.

If, in the process of rolling pieces of ginger in sugar, lightly sprinkle them with cinnamon, the taste will be very piquant.

If you have dry ginger, you can easily make candy out of it. Dried ginger should be cut into pieces, slices. It needs to be soaked first.

Important: To remove the sharpness, ginger must be soaked, periodically changing the water. The “age” of ginger also matters: the older, the sharper.

candied ginger

The benefits of ginger are great, but do not forget that there are contraindications for use. Even if there are no contraindications, excessive consumption of ginger is undesirable. Do not set a goal - to prepare as much ginger as possible, it is on the supermarket shelves all year round. Remember that the product is stored frozen for 6 months, the shelf life in the refrigerator is 1-2 months. We also recommend marking the container or package with the date, then you will know exactly when the product expires.

We offer you to watch a video in which you will see how to cook ginger in sugar.

Video: Ginger in sugar - recipe

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