Home Meat Kuril tea (Potentilla shrub), Medicinal properties of Kuril tea. Kuril tea: useful properties, contraindications and reviews

Kuril tea (Potentilla shrub), Medicinal properties of Kuril tea. Kuril tea: useful properties, contraindications and reviews


It is difficult to imagine a shrub that can bloom as long and abundantly as the best letniki. It is this rare feature that Potentilla shrub has. With favorable weather and proper care, a compact shrub from the beginning of summer until the arrival of frost is covered with a scattering of beautiful and delicate flowers. The shrub with its airy openwork crown and chintz ripples of flowers seems like a luxurious fabric that has come to life. Everything is perfect in Potentilla: textures, details, and character. Hardy and winter-hardy, it will easily become a festive decoration of any ensemble.


It is impossible to find another shrub with such a long flowering. How to find a culture with the same confusion in classification and names. Known as shrubby cinquefoil, this beauty can boast of two more quite legitimate names - Kuril tea and five-leafed. Through the efforts of botanists who "transferred" the plant from one genus to another and constantly changed its botanical name, confusion has been created that is not so easy to figure out. According to the latest data, the "correct" botanical name is just the Kuril tea - Dasiphora fruticosa. But this name is disputed and is in an unresolved, controversial status. Therefore, you can call the cinquefoil, in fact, whatever you like - and the old name of the cinquefoil shrub (Potentilla fruticosa) and even the five-leaf shrub (Pentaphylloides fruticosa). To date, all three names of this plant remain quite "legitimate". But no matter how many different names the Potentilla shrub has, it is hard to confuse it with some other shrub - its appearance and decorative talents are too special.

Kuril tea (or shrub cinquefoil, or shrub five-leaf) is the most popular species of the genus. In nature, it is quite common and occurs from Central Asia to Western Europe. "Used" to stony soils, most often living on slopes, in pebbles, on screes, this compact, light-loving shrub plant also in the garden largely requires conditions similar to its wild habitats.


Kuril tea is a compact, dense shrub strongly branching from the very base of the shoots, which, thanks to active branching, forms a lacy crown. Rapid growth is observed only until reaching the maximum height: the older the cinquefoil, the slower it grows. The height of the bushes is up to 1.5 m, although compact, squat varieties up to 80 cm high are more popular. Potentilla bushes naturally look like balls or spreading pillows. The width of the crown almost always slightly exceeds the height of the plant, but even in high grades the crown is still hemispherical, very compact and beautiful. With a dense pattern of branches, Kuril tea does not look heavy, massive, or too voluminous. This is a very elegant plant, and such a status can be assigned to it in any of the seasons. The bark on the branches is beautiful, reddish, very rarely gray-silver, exfoliates on old shoots.

Even more openwork, translucent-curly appearance gives the shrub foliage. In all Potentillas, without exception, the leaves are carved, divided into 5, and in some varieties - into 3 or 7 lobes, somewhat reminiscent of geraniums, parsley and cuff at the same time. Lacy leaves on an openwork crown create a translucent, airy, weightless look. The leaf lobes are lanceolate, up to 3 cm long, narrow, almost always with an entire margin and a short tip at the apex, often the margins are slightly turned away. The ovoid stipules grow together with the cuttings. The color of the foliage is very interesting, muted green with silvery notes, thanks to the dullness of the leaves and the edge, it seems especially mysterious. Young leaves are very bright and light, then they acquire a standard muted, but very beautiful color.

The flowering of the plant is sweet, romantic, surprisingly pastoral. The flowers, albeit simple in shape, seem unusually beautiful. In diameter, they can reach 3.5 cm, in species plants - only about 2 cm. They consist of 5 rounded petals that form an almost perfect flower. The flowers are flat, wide open, with a very large fluffy center, including about 30 stamens. They bloom along the entire length of the shoots and seem to be scattered over the leaves one at a time or in very rare racemes and corymbs, and the structure of the inflorescences is almost imperceptible. The number of flowers in good years and at the peak of flowering (and it can last for months) cannot be counted. The whole openwork bush, like chintz fabric, is strewn with pretty flowers.

After flowering, prefabricated seedlings are tied, including small achenes with an unusual curved top, giving the fruits a crescent shape. Fruiting and even full ripening of seeds does not affect the rate of release of new flowers, does not spoil the attractiveness of the plant and does not stop flowering either in summer or in autumn. There is no need to remove the seed.

Flowering time
The flowering period of Kuril tea usually covers at least 2 months, and even then - in years with very unfortunate weather. Each shrub is able to bloom as much as any letnik - from the beginning of summer until the arrival of the first cold weather in October. Many cinquefoils in comfortable conditions even the first snow is greeted with a few charming flowers. In the conditions of the middle lane, the start of flowering of the Potentilla shrub usually occurs in mid-June. Flowering and fruiting occurs annually, but not always equally powerful.
It is believed that shrub cinquefoil remains attractive from the beginning of the growing season (mid-April) until mid-October. But bare bushes under the snow look surprisingly elegant.


Without exception, all Potentilla shrubs - both species and varietal specimens - are light-loving plants. With some damage to the abundance of flowering, they can endure partial shade, but they feel better on warm, sunny or light areas. Light shading protects their crowns from the heat, so the plants thrive in the company of other shrubs or trees, giving them light protection from the midday sun. At the same time, it is important that most of the day Kuril tea is without shading. Potentilla shrubs are not sensitive to drafts, grow well in open areas, do not suffer from polluted air.

The soil
For them, it is necessary to select fertile and high-quality soils, avoiding the risk of stagnant water and excessive dampness in spring and autumn. Soil compaction, heavy clay soils for Kuril tea are contraindicated, the soil for it should be light and permeable. The plant is not sensitive to soil reaction, but even heavily calcareous soils will be preferable to it than slightly acidic ones.

It is better to prepare for planting cinquefoil shrubs in advance, pulling out planting pits at least 2 weeks in advance. The optimal planting period in the middle lane is the beginning of April, that is, early spring, as soon as the soil thaws. To the south, you can plant cinquefoil shrubs in late summer or early autumn.
For Kuril tea, a planting hole about half a meter deep and of the same diameter is enough. Planting distance - from 1 m to 120 cm for free groups and 50 cm when creating solid flowering arrays, borders or hedges.
At the bottom of the landing hole, even in rockeries and rock gardens, a high layer of drainage from crushed stone, pebbles, and bricks is laid. The optimal height of the drainage layer is about 20 cm. It is better to replace the soil from the planting hole with a fertile light earth mixture based on sand and sheet soil. The best is the soil, consisting of equal parts of leafy soil and humus with half the smaller proportion of sand. A double dose of complete mineral fertilizer (100-120 g) and any available organic fertilizer must be applied to the soil.
The landing itself is carried out according to the standard method. On the seedling, long roots are preliminarily shortened. A thin layer of soil is poured over the drainage. A shrub is installed, making sure that the level of penetration remains the same, the root collar is located on the same level with the soil line. Then they fill up all the free space with the prepared soil mixture, slightly compact. After abundant watering during shrinkage, the earth is sprinkled. The planting of cinquefoil is completed by shrubby mulching of the trunk circle. This can be done even with the remains of the substrate or peat, not necessarily bark or other mulching materials.


Humidity and watering
Kuril tea belongs to drought-resistant shrubs. He feels great in the rocky soils of rockeries and rock gardens, does not need watering. He also loves moist air and loves light spraying, he is not afraid of getting flowers wet. In very hot weather, in order for the Potentilla shrub to remain covered with flowers until the end of the season, maintenance irrigation is carried out with abundant soaking of the soil. Frequency - 3 waterings per summer. About 1 bucket of water is consumed per plant. It is better to carry out both watering and spraying in the evenings.

Mulching created at planting should be maintained throughout the year. For this, any possible means will do. Otherwise, care comes down to removing weeds, loosening the soil during compaction after heavy rainfall and watering.

top dressing
Kuril tea needs fertile soil, so its access to nutrients must be supported by top dressing. When fertilizing, the plant not only blooms more abundantly, but also becomes more winter-hardy. Feeding is carried out at least once, optimally - twice a season, starting from the second year after planting. In early spring, complete mineral fertilizers are applied (instead of the standard dose of 50-60 g, a dose of 100-150 g is recommended for Potentilla). The second time they use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, applying them immediately before flowering, but already in the standard dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Kuril tea needs periodic anti-aging pruning, which is best done once every 5 or 6 years. At the same time, some cardinal pruning "on the stump" of the cinquefoil is not required: it is enough to shorten the branches by a third of their length or even by 10 cm.
Mandatory annual pruning is not necessary for the plant, but it can be done. In September, the plant can be shaped to give greater severity to the crown and compactness of the bushes. In addition, when freezing, you need to carefully trim the damaged ends of the branches.

Potentillas almost never get sick, but under adverse conditions, dense soil and dampness, or in the vicinity of diseased pines, they suffer from rust. You can fight it by spraying with copper-containing preparations.


Potentilla shrub is considered a winter-hardy shrub, which is grown in culture almost in the region of the Arctic Circle. It grows equally well in the middle lane, and in the southern regions, and to the north. All shoots of the plant, the development of which stops already in early September, have time to fully mature by winter. The older the plant becomes, the more winter hardiness it acquires.

Such characteristics are the dignity of only those cinquefoils that are adapted to your climate. Plants imported from other countries and even regions can show much worse performance. Winter hardiness parameters should always be specified at the time of purchase. Even the same varieties from two different areas can overwinter in different ways. The new varieties with white, light yellow and golden flowers are said to be more hardy than the red, pink and orange varieties.

If the winter hardiness of Potentilla is unknown to you, then in the first winter you need to cover it by providing a layer of mulch up to 10 cm and spudding the base of the bushes. Plants that are not hardy can be air-dry covered like roses for the first few years until they become more hardy and adapt to the particular climate.


Potentilla shrubs, especially varietal plants, are propagated only vegetatively. Species can be propagated by seeds, but the process is very complicated and is usually used only on an industrial scale and with professional equipment. For Kuril tea use:
- green cuttings;
- lignified cuttings;
- layering;
- delenki from adult bushes and separated root shoots.

Cuttings are simple. When covered with a hood and maintaining light soil moisture, it happens quickly even without additional processing. The resulting plants bloom the next year. You can take cuttings in spring and early summer, cutting branches with two internodes.


Today, most common cinquefoil shrubs are represented by varietal specimens. You can choose plants by the color of the flowers, and by the height of the bushes. When buying, be sure to check the degree of winter hardiness of a particular plant. Such a check is especially important for plants that are ordered from Western catalogs.

The most interesting and fashionable varieties of cinquefoil shrub belong to the following (varieties are arranged from highest to lowest, the number in brackets indicates the image):

"Veitchii" - a one and a half meter variety with an almost perfectly round translucent crown and snow-white flowers;
"Mount Everest" - a one and a half meter variety with a touching white flowering, naturally looking like an ideal sphere;
"Jackman" (1) - one and a half meter spreading variety with unique silvery leaves and medium-sized light yellow flowers that bloom in late spring;
"Primrose Beauty" (2) - a shrub that blooms only in mid-June with a spherical crown about 120 cm high with light, yellow, small flowers;
"Maanly" s "- a variety 110-120 cm high with a wide dense crown and watercolor flowers, in which light cream along the edge turns into dark yellow in the center;
"Goldfinger" (3) - a variety from 1 m high with a very dense cushion-shaped crown, unusually dark leaves and huge bright yellow flowers, the diameter of which can reach 5 cm;

"Abbotswood" (4) - a meter variety with a denser crown-cushion, light greens and white-cream flowers;
"Klondike" - a meter variety with light yellow flowers, in which the leaves change color from light green to dark green (blooms from May);
"Goldstar" (5) - a variety a little less than 1 m high with a lacy graceful crown of a slightly flattened, prostrate shape, grayish foliage and a pastel light yellow color of very large flowers;
"Daydawn" (6) - a seventy-centimeter variety with a very open, more than 1 meter in diameter crown with yellow flowers, the outer side of the petals of which is painted bright orange;

"Elizabeth" (7) - a variety with bluish-gray leaves, a crown about 80 cm high, a cushion structure and large lemon-yellow flowers.
"Farreri" - a shrub about 80 cm high with a dense cushion-shaped light crown, silvery autumn color of the leaves, literally hidden under a cover of lemon flowers;
"Pink Queen" (8) - a variety up to 80 cm high with a very wide, one and a half meter crown in diameter and touching candy-pink flowers;
"Princess" - a variety about 75-80 cm high, whose uneven pink flowers change their color throughout the plant, as if a watercolor wave passes through the dark green dense lace of the crown;
"Hachmann" s Giant "- a golden-flowered variety about 70 cm high with very large flowers;
"Snowflake" - a variety about 70 cm high with a wide crown and white saucer flowers;
"Snowbird" - a light-leaved variety up to 70 cm high with large cream flowers, gradually fading to white;
"Golden Dwarf" variety about 60-70 cm high with a very wide crown and dense branching of pink shoots, light small leaves and golden flowers;
'Kobold' (9) - a little over half a meter tall variety with a medium dense cushion crown, light muted foliage color and light yellow "oily" flowers, one of the fastest growing varieties that need constant formation;

'Pretty Polly' is a light pink, pastel cultivar with a darker center color that creates a watercolor transition, with uniquely thin shoots and dark small leaves that form a very spreading shrub up to only 60 cm high;
'Red Robin' (10) - a cultivar that, at 60 cm tall, has a crown more than twice as large in diameter, with unique scarlet flowers;
"Red Ace" (11) - an extremely dense variety with creeping shoots that form a sprawling bush a little over half a meter high with light foliage and dazzling fiery red flowers with brick shades;
"Goldteppich" (12) - a short half-meter variety with grayish leaves and bright golden flowers (blooming starts in May);

"Hopley Orange" (13) - a half-meter variety with different shades of orange on large flowers, blooming in May;
"Gilford Cream" - a half-meter variety with a very wide, open crown and densely arranged bright foliage with creamy pastel flowers (one of the first to bloom, in May);
"Tangerine" (14) - an orange variety about 40 cm high, the flowers of which, thanks to the golden center, really resemble citrus fruits, in different lighting showing different colors from yellow to copper, with a beautiful spherical crown;
"Manchu" (15) - a sprawling variety, in which, with a bush diameter of more than 1 m, the height does not exceed 40 cm, and the white-cream flowers seem shining and silky;

"Floppy Disc" (16) - a short half-meter variety with light small leaves and watercolor pink flowers;
"Dart" s Golddigger "(17) - a dense, cushion-shaped half-meter variety with very light foliage and large golden flowers;
"Royal Flush" - a half-meter spreading variety with thin branches and scarlet flowers that change their color as they bloom to dark pink and show off the brightest autumn foliage among all varieties;
"Tilford Cream" (18) - has a slow-growing bush up to half a meter high, about a meter in diameter; cream flowers up to 5 cm, numerous, long flowering;
"Rheinsberg" - a dwarf variety with a height of 30 cm to half a meter, bright lemon flowers.


˅ as single "lace" decorations
˅ in free groups with conifers and other shrubs
˅ in dense flowering plantings of landscape type - flowering arrays
˅ in parterre plantings and front garden compositions
˅ as an openwork flowering rootstock or undergrowth
˅ for visual softening and connection of massive shrubs and woody
˅ in mini-flower beds
˅ in classic flower beds and mixborders as a profusely flowering background or soloist accents
˅ in cotton flower beds and discounts
˅ in rockeries and at the foot of alpine hills
˅ for landscaping slopes
˅ in romantic "fabulous" lush-colored ensembles
˅ in borders and hedges
˅ in a regular style like openwork flowering spheres
˅ against the backdrop of lawns


spirea actions roses ▪ thuja ▪ junipers ▪ yews ▪ barberries ▪ spindle trees ▪ ornamental willows ▪ ornamental grasses ▪ cuff ▪ geranium ▪

Potentilla shrub, or Kuril tea, not only decorative but also has beneficial properties. Moreover, different parts of the plant are used by different peoples.

V fresh leaves Potentilla shrub contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid (several times more than in lemons, and almost as much as in blackcurrant berries, actinidia fruits), a large amount of vitamin A, or carotene, as much as in carrot roots. In the leaves and shoots of Potentilla shrub there are tannins, essential oils, catechins, phenolcarboxylic acids.

Used in folk medicine water infusion of cinquefoil leaves and flowers with bloody diarrhea as a hemostatic and appetite-improving agent, as well as with neuropsychiatric diseases.

Residents of Transbaikalia and Kamchatka drink infusion of branches of Kuril tea with cramps and pain in the abdomen. In Tibetan medicine, it is used for lobar pneumonia, as an expectorant. In the Caucasus infusion of cinquefoil roots used for gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, diarrhea and scurvy. Infusion of the whole plant Potentilla shrub, along with calendula, is popularly used externally for the treatment of wounds, burns, abscesses, boils, for rinsing the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity, and in the form of douching - for whites.

Scientists have established high antimicrobial activity of Kuril tea on causative agents of intestinal infections, including cholera vibrios.

According to the observations of children's doctors, an infusion of cinquefoil shrub (Kuril tea) is a good remedy for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, including staphylococcal. It normalizes metabolism, is a diuretic and at the same time treats bedwetting. In addition, the infusion of Kuril tea relieves constipation, has a beneficial effect on duodenitis, cystitis, and also as a sedative for stress.

Medicinal tea from cinquefoil prepared as follows: pour two tablespoons of crushed raw materials with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist one - two hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals with dysentery and diarrhea, and with honey (to taste) - as an expectorant with lobar inflammation and pulmonary tuberculosis. In the old days, after a bath, they liked to drink Kuril tea, brewed at the rate of 0.5 liters of boiling water per teaspoon of raw materials, infused for 30 minutes and certainly with honey. Combined with wild strawberries and rose hips, it was an excellent revitalizing remedy. Kuril tea was alternated with Koporye tea.

How to prepare Potentilla ordinary?

Flowering tops of shoots 10-15 cm long are used as medicinal raw materials for Potentilla shrub (Kuril tea). Shoots must be carefully cut with scissors or pruners during mass flowering, in late July - early August. The collected raw materials are recommended to dry in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. If weather conditions do not allow to dry the collected raw materials, you can use the oven or drying cabinet. It is advisable to store dried Kuril tea in a paper bag or glassware.

Decoctions of natural herbs have a powerful healing effect. They are rich in many useful substances that strengthen health, raise immunity, and resist various diseases. One of these miracle plants is Kuril tea, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which began to be studied several centuries ago.

Kuril tea or white cinquefoil

You can find Kuril tea in the east and west of Siberia, in Altai, in Kazakhstan. In the people it is often called cinquefoil. It is a low shrub with dense leaves and bright, yellow flowers, consisting of five petals. The plant is sometimes used as an ornamental to decorate garden plots (read how). A shrub can live in one place for about 40 years. The first mention of Kuril tea as a medicine was found in records dedicated to ancient Tibetan medicine. Even then, Tibetan healers began to study the effect of the plant on the human body and came to significant results.

Not only at that time, but even now, cinquefoil is used to treat infectious diseases, problems of the genitourinary, digestive systems, etc. palatability Kuril tea can be easily confused with regular black tea. Therefore, the regular use of cinquefoil as a medicine does not cause any inconvenience.

Medicinal properties

The composition of Kuril tea is very diverse, which is the reason for its enormous benefits. It contains:

  • micro-, macroelements: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, cobalt, manganese, copper;
  • flavonoids, which can positively affect the state of the blood;
  • tannic acids responsible for anti-inflammatory function;
  • P-active substances, due to which Potentilla has antimicrobial, antiviral properties;
  • natural antioxidants.

For brewing tea, only dried leaves and inflorescences are used, the content of nutrients in which is the highest. Often it is used to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate dysbacteriosis caused by taking antibiotics. The degree of its effectiveness is almost equivalent to the action of many modern pharmaceutical preparations.

Saturated decoction can rinse the mouth with inflammation of the gums or stomatitis. Also, strongly brewed tea is well suited for washing fresh wounds, burns. As an antipyretic, diaphoretic tea is taken during colds. Potentilla is able to cope with depression and nervousness, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and is a prophylactic against cancer.

How to store and brew

Considering that all useful substances contain leaves and flowers, it is necessary to cut only the upper shoots from the Potentilla shrub. Lay them out for several hours in direct sunlight, and then put them under a canopy, dry for about two weeks. It is important to check the collected raw materials for the presence of sluggish, diseased processes and remove the ones found. Otherwise, the entire collected stock will eventually become unusable. It is necessary to store dried Kuril tea in a glass, well closed jar, in a dry, dark place.

Standard instructions for brewing Kuril tea:

  1. Pour two full tablespoons of dried leaves and inflorescences with two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cover tightly, leave for at least half an hour.

Know! If brewing cinquefoil in a porcelain teapot, it is enough to pour boiling water over the teapot itself, pour tea and pour boiling water over it. It is not necessary to keep the drink on fire.

Application features, recipes

For poisoning and gastrointestinal infections

Kuril tea effectively copes with various infections of the gastrointestinal tract. But the most susceptible to its action are:

  • staphylococcus aureus;
  • stomach flu;
  • vibrio cholera;
  • amoebic dysentery.

Each of these diseases, to varying degrees, has a detrimental effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and also provoke respiratory diseases, skin, joint, cardiovascular and other diseases. To avoid complications and serious consequences, treatment must begin at the first stages of development, combine Kuril tea with other medicines.

Important! In a severe stage of the disease, herbal decoctions can only act as an additional drug, but not the main one.

The tea recipe in this case will be twice as rich as during preventive measures. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take 2 tablespoons of tea, insist in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. To combat various infections, the dosage is a third of a glass at least three times a day, half an hour before meals.

In case of acute food poisoning, tea prepared according to a similar recipe is taken 1/4 cup every 2-2.5 hours during the first two days. Then 3 to 5 times a day for one week.

In violation of digestion and dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is a common intestinal disease, often caused by long-term use of antibiotics. The reason for this is the imbalance of microbes in the body. The main symptoms include: frequent, loose stools, weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and sometimes fever.

Depending on the severity of the disease, cinquefoil tea is brewed according to the usual scheme - one large spoon per glass of boiling water or, as in case of poisoning, two tablespoons. Drink it should be 100 ml before meals. Such a decoction will help get rid of dysbacteriosis, as well as eliminate various digestive disorders. Potentilla does not have a pronounced laxative or fastening effect, it will equally relieve diarrhea or constipation.

With diabetes

Potentilla decoction helps to reduce, improves heart function, reduces high blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation, and acts as an anesthetic. Thanks to this set of actions, Kuril decoction will help alleviate or act as a prophylactic due to a predisposition to the disease.

For women

The effectiveness of Kuril decoction for women is due to the following factors:

  • during menstruation, cinquefoil eliminates the pains characteristic of this period, normalizes the volume of secretions;
  • stops uterine bleeding provoked by many diseases;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • regular use of tea prevents various gynecological diseases.

Attention! Kuril tea is forbidden to be taken by pregnant women, due to the high likelihood of side effects.

For kids

Subject to the dosage, Kuril tea is not only safe for children, but also very useful. Most often, parents use it to treat dysbacteriosis, urinary incontinence. Given the immune-boosting properties and significant impact on respiratory health, tea can effectively help with bronchitis or laryngitis.

The preparation method is the same as for adults: a tablespoon of tea without a slide in 200 ml of boiling water. Children three years of age and older can be given one tablespoon of tea before meals. Newborns no more than a teaspoon. Permissible rate 3-4 times a day. Given that infants are more likely to have numerous allergic reactions, you should first give the child half a teaspoon of the decoction, in the absence of allergy symptoms, increase the dose.


Some of the main contraindications include:

  1. Individual intolerance. With the appearance of a rash, redness, dizziness and nausea, you should immediately stop taking the tea.
  2. Chronic kidney and liver diseases. Potentilla decoction is the strongest remedy, its excessive dosages can adversely affect even healthy kidneys.
  3. Hypotension. The ability to reduce pressure can seriously harm hypotensive patients.
  4. Do not drink cinquefoil tea during pregnancy.

Despite some contraindications, if there is no history of chronic diseases, taking a new tea for the body should be started with small portions. In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, gradually increase the dose to the required volume.

Kuril tea is the most valuable plant, the spectrum of action of which is incredibly wide. Those who often suffer from colds, intestinal disorders, problems of the genitourinary system should have a bag with a supply of Kuril tea in the medicine cabinet. If the conditions are met, it can be stored for a long time. It will be an excellent first aid in case of health problems.

To date, there are about ten varieties of Kuril tea in nature. Also flower growers call it a cinquefoil or cinquefoil. Kuril tea, a photo of which you can see ...

The name "Kuril tea" often refers to a plant of the species Pentaphylloides fruticosa (Potentilla floribunda, Dasiphora fruticosa) - shrub cinquefoil, or shrub cinquefoil. The same popular name was assigned to another plant - narrow-leaved fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium), best known as willow-tea, therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand which species is referred to in the recipes, since the medicinal use of these plants is different. If we consider the issue from the point of view of tea brewing, then, like cinquefoil, and fireweed can be used for this purpose without fear. The cinquefoil was previously used as a surrogate for tea brewing, which was widely used in the Far East. Fireweed leaves were used by unscrupulous merchants to falsify tea by mixing them into tea leaves.

Further, we will focus exclusively on the use of cinquefoil shrub. By the way, the shrub cinquefoil is revered not only for its medicinal properties, but also for its decorative qualities - there are many garden forms of Potentilla, which lovers of ornamental gardening are happy to grow (with regard to medicinal properties, in this respect, varietal plants are inferior to their wild counterparts).

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, flowers and leaves (tops of shoots) harvested during the flowering of plants are used. The plant material is first dried a little under sheds (withered), and then the final drying is carried out in thermal dryers (t = 60 - 70 ° C). Rhizomes are also of medicinal value, but it is advisable to harvest them only in places of mass growth of cinquefoil.

The chemical composition of medicinal raw materials and the pharmacological effect on the body

Many types of cinquefoil are pharmacopoeial plants, so it is not surprising that the chemical composition of Kuril tea has been thoroughly studied. Vitamins C and P, carotenoids, chemical compounds of flavonic and triterpene structures, organic acids (ursolic, caffeic, ellagic, etc.) were found in the leaves of Potentilla shrub. Chemical composition Potentilla shrub is described in detail in a number of monographs and scientific reports.

The specificity of the therapeutic effect on the body is determined by a number of properties:

- High antimicrobial activity. The antiviral effect of Potentilla shrub preparations has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of experiments by many researchers, including clinical trials. It has been proven that Kuril tea in this regard is not inferior to many modern medicines and, in addition, the use of cinquefoil shrub does not cause dysbacteriosis, which often occurs with the use of synthetic pharmacological agents. Kuril tea has been effective in suppressing the activity and virulence of pathogens such as intestinal amoeba (causes dysentery), staphylococci, Vibrio cholerae, etc. Kuril tea is an excellent alternative to many antibiotics, especially in pediatrics.

- Immunocorrective action. As practice has shown, the use of Kuril tea helps to increase the body's immune resistance, which is very useful during an epidemic of infectious diseases. Potentilla shrub preparations allow you to quickly restore strength to patients who have had serious illnesses and long courses of antibiotic therapy. It is noteworthy that long-term use of Kuril tea does not lead to side effects.

- Sedative properties. The use of Kuril tea has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of patients suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders, prone to depression or undergoing stress.

It should also be noted that Kuril tea has a delicate diuretic effect, and also increases the production of platelets (hemostatic properties).

Contraindications to the use of Kuril tea

In addition to individual intolerance, Kuril tea is contraindicated in chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys - otherwise, the use of cinquefoil shrub is quite safe. As mentioned earlier, there are no restrictions on the duration of the use of Kuril tea.

Use of Kuril tea

For preventive purposes, as well as as a substitute for natural tea, shrub cinquefoil is brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. raw materials in a glass of boiling water (infuse in a porcelain teapot for 10 minutes). To improve the taste, aromatic plants, such as mint, lemon balm, bergamot, can be introduced into the "tea" recipe. This "tea" is recommended to use for the prevention of colds, for example, after hypothermia.

As for the use of Kuril tea as a remedy, it should be remembered: shrub cinquefoil does not belong to the category of pharmacopoeial plants, therefore all the above recipes have nothing to do with the recommendations of scientific medicine.

Light decoction. For half a liter of boiling water - 3 tbsp. raw materials. Infusion is carried out in a thermos for 2 hours. Before pouring into a thermos, the raw materials must be kept on fire at a low boil for 10 minutes. The decoction is recommended to be taken in case of intestinal infections and internal bleeding (50 ml up to 4 times a day). It is good to take a decoction after a course of anthelmintic therapy, after which dysbacteriosis often develops. This remedy is used in gynecological practice for douching (uterine bleeding, cervical erosion, leucorrhea, etc.). When using the drug as an external agent, internal use of Kuril tea is also recommended to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Strong decoction. A rich decoction of Potentilla shrub is recommended to be taken in the presence of intestinal infections, as a result of which severe gastrointestinal diseases develop. For half a liter of water - from 4 to 6 tbsp. raw materials, cook at a low boil for up to 15 minutes. Take 50 ml at regular intervals (1 - 2 hours). The decoction can be used as a rinse for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, SARS), as well as for washing wounds and burns.

A decoction of rhizomes. Indicated for stress relief. For 200 ml of water - 1 tbsp. crushed rhizomes. Boil for 10 minutes, insist for 2 hours. Take 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.

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Hello dear readers! In this article, I will consider what is shrubby cinquefoil, beneficial features and contraindications of this plant, and I will also give you a few useful tips.

Useful properties of Potentilla shrub

Potentilla shrub is also called Kuril tea or cinquefoil and has a large number of useful properties. Tinctures from various parts of this plant are used by many peoples: in Transbaikalia and Kamchatka, in Tibet, in Mongolia and in the Caucasus.

Different peoples use different parts of this plant as a medicine. Residents of the Far East and Tibet drink tea from Potentilla sprigs. In the Caucasus, roots are used, making tinctures from them. Often, all parts of the plant are used to make medicinal infusions.

Fresh raw materials (leaves) of cinquefoil contain a large amount of vitamin C and ascorbic acid. Almost the same amount is found in ripe berries of blackcurrant and actinidia. And, oddly enough, much more than in lemons.

Also, this plant contains a lot of vitamin A (carotene), almost the same amount as found in carrots. Among other things, it is rich in essential oils, tannins, phenolcarboxylic acids and kahetins. It also contains a large number of other trace elements: magnesium, zinc, copper, cobalt, iron, potassium and manganese.

An aqueous infusion of cinquefoil leaves and flowers is used as a blood stopper in bloody diarrhoea. Also, this infusion improves appetite and promotes the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. A tincture of the branches of this plant is recommended for the treatment of pain and pain in the abdomen.

The roots are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the large amount of vitamin C and ascorbic acid, this plant copes well with scurvy and stomatitis. It is also used as an expectorant in case of coryza pneumonia. They also rinse their mouth and throat to treat sore throats.

Like calendula tincture, cinquefoil tincture is suitable for external use. They treat wounds and burns, various boils and abscesses. In addition, cinquefoil tincture allows you to get rid of bad breath.

With whites, infusion of cinquefoil is used in the form of douching. It is also used to treat cystitis. Unlike synthetic pharmacological agents, Potentilla tincture does not cause dysbacteriosis. On the contrary, many pediatricians noted that Kuril tea infusion has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and copes well with dysbacteriosis in children (including staphylococcal).

Potentilla shrub is also used as a means of getting rid of constipation. It normalizes metabolic processes (metabolism in the body). It is a fairly good and delicate diuretic. But, along with this, it is also used as a cure for bedwetting.

It is also used for cosmetic purposes. In particular, it is good to make ointments from cinquefoil, which can be used to lubricate chapped lips.

Main contraindications

The most important contraindication to the use of cinquefoil shrub is individual intolerance to the substances contained in it.

People with diseases of the cardiovascular system should also refrain from using tinctures from this plant. This can be both high blood pressure and low, heart rhythm disturbances and increased heart rate.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the use of Kuril tea. This also applies to the strength of the decoction and the duration of its use. Of course, you should know the measure in everything and remember that too much good is also bad.

Also read about contraindications from gooseberry leaves, a drink from chicory and lingonberries.

  • Kuril tea can be used not only as a medicine, but also for preventive purposes. It is quite possible to replace ordinary long leaf black tea with such a drink.
  • Potentilla should be brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water. It is best to infuse it in a porcelain teapot for 10 minutes.
  • To improve the taste and smell of this tea, you can add bergamot, lemon balm, mint or other fragrant herbs to your taste.
  • This tea is good to drink for the prevention of colds, especially after hypothermia. The cinquefoil drink tastes good and has a very beautiful golden color.

If you want to grow this plant in your backyard, this is very good idea. In addition to useful properties, Potentilla also blooms very beautifully. Therefore, with its help, you will not only be able to make your health stronger, but also be able to create beauty in your garden.

To preserve the useful properties of the collected raw materials, you must follow the rules for its storage.

The tops of the shrub, cut with secateurs, as well as leaves and flowers, should be slightly dried in the sun. After that, they are dried in an oven or a special dryer. The temperature at which Kuril tea is dried should be in the range of 60-70 degrees.

Such a blank is stored in a tightly closed container. If you follow all these simple rules, you can enjoy delicious and healthy drinks during the whole year.

Remember also that before you start using this or that tincture, you need to consult a doctor. This applies not only to Kuril tea, but also to any other medicinal plant that you have not previously consumed.

As you can see, shrub cinquefoil, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which I have highlighted in this material, is truly a unique plant. I hope that this material was useful to you.

And finally, I want to recommend a wonderful book for weight loss "The Secret of Health, or the Basics of Ayurvedic Cooking."

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Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov


Potentilla shrub

Potentilla shrub or Kuril tea is a perennial shrub reaching a height of 1.5 meters from the Rosaceae family. This showy shrub is also called the "five-leaf" as its leaves consist of five small leaves, hence the name. In modern gardeners, you can find several types of plants: silver, creeping, goose and erect. In total there are more than 300 species. It can produce yellow, white, cream, orange and scarlet flowers, so it is often bred as an ornamental plant.

How do plants store nutrients?

As it turned out, Kuril tea is not only beautiful, but also very useful. Its leaves are brewed to obtain a healing drink, which is very pleasant in taste and carries a huge amount of vitamins. Leaves and flowers are harvested for the winter for brewing fragrant tea. After harvesting, the tops are dried in the sun, then dried in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 60-70C. Store the workpiece in a closed container for a year.

medicinal properties

The most valuable thing about this plant is its medicinal properties. Folk healers have been preparing decoctions and infusions from the leaves of Potentilla shrub for centuries, which they used as a sedative and analgesic. The leaves and young shoots of the plant contain many useful substances and mineral elements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, cobalt and iron. Also, the cinquefoil is rich in vitamins C, P, carotene and is a source of many tannins, among which is catechin. This substance is also called the “friend of the stomach”, since its main function is to improve digestion. Plant tannins are useful in that they create a special biological film that successfully protects tissues from all kinds of chemical, mechanical or bacterial effects on the human body.

Application in medicine

Potentilla shrub is successfully used in medicine in the treatment of many human ailments. Infusions and decoctions from it are used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.

  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • viral infections;
  • diarrhea;
  • colic;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, the plant successfully fights such ailments as pancreatitis, mycosis, gout, gastritis and urolithiasis. A healing decoction is used for seizures and suffocation, and also helps women well, relieves menstrual pain. The main purpose is still a diuretic effect in various kidney diseases.

The cinquefoil has a number of properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent.

Very often acts as an excellent diaphoretic when the body temperature rises.

External use of cinquefoil

In addition to treating the body from nutria, cinquefoil can be used as an external remedy in the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, ulcers and burns. Potentilla is part of the ointment, which is widely used to treat wounds, panaritiums and cracks on the lips. The crushed plant to a powdery state is used as a powder for external bleeding and weeping wounds. Since the cinquefoil has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, it can easily get rid of bad breath.

The usefulness of the rhizome

The rhizome also has a number of useful properties, which are used as a decoction. The decoction is used in the treatment of cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, dysentery, diarrhea, stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis and internal bleeding. They are often washed with various wounds on the skin and used as an ointment on chapped lips.


With caution, this plant should be treated by people with problems of the cardiovascular system, namely with coronary heart disease, rhythm disturbances and increased heart rate. Potentilla is not recommended for use with reduced blood pressure. Remember that when treating with herbal medicines, always seek the advice of a doctor.


Kuril tea - medicinal properties and contraindications

Read about Kuril tea, its medicinal properties and contraindications.

The decoction of this medicinal plant not only eliminates all sorts of digestive problems, but also helps to rid the body of stress.

This tea is considered an exotic drink for our country, although it grows in the Altai Mountains and the Caucasus. In addition, this amazing plant can be found in some countries of Central Asia and even in China.

The process of growing Potentilla

Kuril shrub tea is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care and fertile soil. All it needs to grow is not too heavy and clayey soil, sunlight and a little warmth.

Before planting, the earth must be loosened, fertilized with useful substances and leveled. Seeds are planted in small grooves, which then need to be sprinkled with earth and watered with settled water.

After a couple of weeks, the first sprouts will appear, which after another week will be suitable for planting in a permanent place. It is important to leave a distance between the sprouts - about 40 cm.

Periodic feeding of cinquefoil will significantly extend the flowering period of the shrub. For this, a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate in a ratio of 3: 1 is perfect.

Fertilizer should be carefully applied to the very root, as getting it on the leaves and flowers can lead to burns. The plant loves water, so in dry weather it must be watered.

Every three years, preferably in the spring, the bushes should be trimmed to about a third of their length. Trimming in April promotes rapid growth and branching of the plant.

Potentilla is a frost-resistant plant, so additional insulation in winter period he doesn't need to. If the cold has damaged the upper shoots of the shrub, they can be cut off, this procedure will not bring any harm to the plant itself and its fruits.

Procurement of raw materials and preparation of decoction

For independent harvesting in late July - early August, young shoot tips and flowers are collected, which are then dried in the shade and, if necessary, in an oven.

Finished raw materials should be laid out in glass jars and brew as needed. To prepare a drink, one tablespoon of cinquefoil per teapot of boiling water is enough. This decoction should be consumed several times a day.

Its strength is equal to the strength of ordinary tea and it is consumed several times a day. If the decoction is prepared in medicinal purposes, it should be stronger and stronger.

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Medicinal properties of this drink

The chemical composition of Kuril tea, however, as well as its beneficial properties, is close to those of ordinary tea. So what is its unique healing power?

Potentilla shoots (including leaves and flowers) are high in flavonoids, catechins and tannins. In addition, its leaves are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, calcium and other trace elements.

In addition to the above components, yellow tea contains essential oils and resins, one cup of freshly prepared drink contains a shock dose of vitamin C. By the way, its content in cinquefoil is 5 times higher than in lemon fruits!

Carotenoid is a very rare pigment for plants of the middle band, recognized as one of the most effective means in the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. It is the content of carotenoids that determines the antiviral and antimicrobial effects of tea.

The use of Kuril tea

Since, until recently, such tea was sold only in pharmacies, and not in stores, its popularity among Russians is only gaining momentum. As a rule, it is used only for medicinal purposes, but meanwhile the spectrum of its action is quite wide.

Its decoction can be used both internally and externally. Modern scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of cinquefoil in the fight against rotavirus, cholera vibrio and other viruses.

Do not forget about the special method of brewing decoctions.

The antiseptic properties of the plant make it possible to use it for gargling with sore throats and diseases of the oral cavity, as well as for washing the nose. Excellent remedy for conjunctivitis and various eye infections.

The next area of ​​application of Kuril tea was gynecology and urology. Regular use of the tincture allows you to get rid of nocturnal urinary incontinence, and a one-time intake will replace the diuretic drug.

Among gynecological diseases, it is worth noting bacterial vaginitis and colpitis, in some cases even inflammation of the cervical appendages. In these cases ethnoscience recommends douching with infusion of cinquefoil.

Through regular baths with a decoction of Kuril tea, you can eliminate:

  • problematic skin;
  • acne;
  • bad smell;
  • stop fungus.

Rinsing hair with a stronger decoction is an excellent way to combat excessive oiliness of the scalp and a great way to strengthen hair.

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Contraindications for use

Like any drug, cinquefoil has its own contraindications and its use without a doctor's prescription, which will determine the required dosage, is not recommended. Self-treatment in this case can be a fatal mistake, which entailed only a deterioration in health.

Remember that only a doctor will tell you about the beneficial properties and contraindications of Kuril tea.

People with chronic diseases such as stomach ulcers, heart failure, etc. should be especially careful. Individual intolerance to the components, like pregnancy, is an absolute contraindication to use.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes and fever after taking the decoction are signs of an allergic reaction, in which case the drink should be stopped immediately!

Particular attention should be paid to the use of Kuril tea in the treatment of children. It is permissible only after consulting a doctor and subject to strict adherence to the recommended dosage.

Its wide popularity is ensured not only by amazing medicinal properties, but also by a combination of pleasant taste and aroma, golden color and calming effect.

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Potentilla - Kuril tea from many ailments

Potentilla shrub or cinquefoil belongs to the rose family. This highly branched shrub grows in the Far East, Eastern Siberia, Japan, China, Mongolia, Altai. Potentilla decoctions and infusions have long been used in Mongolian and Indo-Tibetan medicine. Wanderers brewed inflorescences on their multi-day trips to become more enduring. Potentilla is also mentioned in ancient legends. It is believed that the famous Ilya Muromets lay down on the ground before the decisive battle in order to inhale the scent of Potentilla, which gave him powerful strength. In another legend about the bogatyr Ruslan, it is said that the hero was revived with the help of living water, the source of which was surrounded by cinquefoil bushes. For its properties, the people called cinquefoil herb-whisper, mighty, but more often it is called Kuril tea.

Growing and harvesting Kuril tea

There are several types of cinquefoil shrubs, all of them are unpretentious in breeding, so they can be planted even in a summer cottage. It propagates by seeds, plots, layering. When planting seeds, the soil is carefully dug up, seeds are placed there, then they are sprinkled with fertile soil. The soil is being watered. Sprouts will appear in three weeks, then it will be possible to plant the bushes at some distance from each other.

In spring or autumn, roots with buds can be separated and planted in the warm season in prepared soil. Three-year-old bushes are ideal for propagation. After two or three years, the plant begins to bloom. Potentilla (Kuril tea) should be regularly fed with mineral fertilizer, do not forget to water. In summer, it is worth removing weeds and loosening the soil. The plant tolerates cold well, so it should not be covered for the winter.

Harvesting of raw materials takes place at the end of July-August during the period of mass flowering. The flowering tops of the plant are cut off with secateurs or scissors, dried in the fresh air in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. Then drying is carried out in special thermal dryers. In some areas, rhizomes are also harvested, they also have useful properties.

The composition of Kuril tea and useful properties

The chemical properties of cinquefoil have been carefully studied. The leaves contain chemical compounds of triterpene and flavone structures, vitamins P and C, ellagic, caffeic, ursolic and other organic acids, carotenoids.

Kuril tea has the following beneficial properties:

  • sedative;
  • immunocorrective;
  • antimicrobial.

Clinical trials have proven the antiviral effect of Kuril tea. In this regard, tea is not inferior to many medications. The advantage of using Potentilla is that it does not cause dysbacteriosis. The plant is effective against many pathogens (staphylococci, intestinal amoeba, cholera vibrio). In pediatrics, the use of cinquefoil can be a natural alternative to antibiotics.

The use of Kuril tea has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, helps those who suffer from nervous diseases. Potentilla (Kuril tea) helps fight stress. Potentilla tea is recommended to drink during the period of exacerbation of acute infectious diseases, as well as after operations, a long course of antibiotics to restore strength and improve immunity. Tea has a slight diuretic property, is able to increase the production of platelets, stopping bleeding.

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