Home Main dishes Instant coffee while breastfeeding. Is it possible for nursing mothers to have coffee and cocoa: chooses drinks that are allowed during breastfeeding

Instant coffee while breastfeeding. Is it possible for nursing mothers to have coffee and cocoa: chooses drinks that are allowed during breastfeeding

With the birth of a child, many people have questions about what can and cannot be eaten. breastfeeding. It is easy to come to terms with many prohibitions, but here are some that terrify women.

For example, coffee, which is on all lists of prohibited foods. What should girls who are accustomed to drinking it daily do?

Discussions on this subject have not ceased on the Internet, in blogs, forums and social networks, for many years. Of course, you can ignore the prohibitions and continue to indulge yourself with a strong and invigorating drink, which has become especially attractive for mothers who do not get enough sleep, but it is better to know what the danger is for the baby and how to avoid possible problems.

The main danger is caffeine

In general, you should have faced this limitation already during pregnancy. The fact is that young children cannot absorb this component, because, as you know, their digestive system is still far from perfect.

Up to a year old, they can neither absorb nor remove caffeine from their body, it gradually accumulates and causes disorders of the nervous system. We, adults, get rid of it in just a few hours, the kids do not have enough for this even a week. But the nervous system of the child is now only being formed.

What does this lead to:

  1. Increasing the nervous excitability of the baby.
  2. Sleep disorders, which are not uncommon in adults.
  3. The appearance of allergies.
  4. Problems with stools are also an allergic reaction.
  5. Removal of fluid, calcium and other nutrients from the body.

But, of course, the reaction is always individual, and what manifests itself in one child will not necessarily be in another. Except when breastfeeding mom drinks 10 cups of coffee a day.

At the same time, opinions in the world differ, for example, Americans do not see anything terrible in coffee, but they warn that drinking it can make a breastfed baby restless. There are no food restrictions for nursing mothers at all. Western doctors believe that a breastfed woman can eat the way she wants. Russians recommend not drinking coffee and sticking to a diet.

Opinion of Komarovsky E.O.

Almost all mothers know about Dr. Komarovsky and listen to the opinion of this pediatrician.

He believes that a nursing mother needs to exclude coffee from her life in three cases:

  1. The baby has an allergy. Everything is clear here - they drank a cup - the child has a rash or problems with the stool;
  2. Due to the intake of caffeine to a child with mother's milk, there is unreasonable anxiety, agitation and sleep disturbances;
  3. The last remark is medical. The fact is that when a child has problems with the lungs, doctors often prescribe him the drug zufillin (theophylline), the structure of which is very similar to caffeine. Therefore, an overdose may occur. In this case, you should immediately warn the doctor and resolve the issue with him.

There are no these problems - you can drink coffee, if they appear - exclude them altogether or at least reduce the dose.

Can breastfeeding moms drink decaffeinated coffee?

Decaffeinated coffee seems like a great option for those who can't give it up completely. But is it?

Such a product is obtained by extracting caffeine from coffee beans. This process consists of several stages:

  1. The steam softens the grains.
  2. Enlarged grains are placed in a chemical solution that draws out caffeine.

Such a drink practically does not differ from the original one in taste, but the opinions of professionals and scientists differ. So, a study by the US Society of Cardiology showed that this particular type of drink causes the greatest harm cardiovascular system.

The chemical process of obtaining it is quite dangerous, it can have a carcinogenic effect, cause allergies in the baby. In general, its effect on the body is still not fully understood, therefore, we advise not to use such coffee for nursing mothers.

green coffee

Pounds Gained, Caffeine Addiction, Exhausting Days, and Lack of Time Makes Moms Looking For fast way put yourself in order. They especially influence the search for the opinion that playing sports during breastfeeding is undesirable, and if there were complications during childbirth, then it is completely prohibited.

All this leads women to the decision that it is possible to drink green coffee, because many experts recommend green tea for lactation. This drink reduces appetite, miraculously reducing weight without additional effort.

Sounds delicious and easy, but...

  • It also has caffeine. This option is a kind of semi-finished product, also to be roasted.
  • All the time of pregnancy and lactation in your body, the hormonal background changes. Therefore, losing weight now is undesirable, and perhaps useless. I think many people have already faced the problem of hormonal surges, when, despite any diets, the weight was still gaining or not changing.
  • Decreased appetite can lead to decreased milk production and general fatigue. It can also reduce the amount useful substances coming from mother to child.

What's a coffee drinker to do?

Of course, you should first try to give up coffee. But with breastfeeding, there are so many restrictions, and this is often beyond the power of mothers to endure. And what is forbidden is especially attractive. In this case:

  1. Choose freshly brewed, organic coffee, medium to light strength, with milk added. The minimum content of caffeine in Alpine Arabica, this variety will be the best solution.
  2. Drink it in the morning, right after feeding. So the concentration in milk will be less, and by the evening the caffeine will completely disappear from it.
  3. Do not consume other caffeinated foods, such as chocolate or green tea. It can also be found in pain relievers.
  4. Also increase the amount of water you drink, which will help eliminate caffeine from your body.
  5. Eat more foods containing calcium: cheese, cottage cheese, milk, cream. They will replenish such a useful element washed out of the body.
  6. And forget about ground coffee, which uses a hugely caffeinated cheap coffee variety - Robusta.

But if you notice an allergy or other reaction in a child, you will have to get used to living without your favorite drink. Don't forget that this is temporary, your baby won't be breastfed for the rest of his life.

Abrupt refusal of coffee will cause stress in the body, so gradually reduce its consumption, paying attention to the reaction of the baby. Perhaps you will find the dose of the drink that will not harm the child.

If it didn’t work out, then try to replace coffee with something, for example, chicory, freshly squeezed juices, tea or herbal infusions. Combine business with pleasure - infusions of cumin, anise and dill help lactation a lot.

Keep in mind that in a stake, energy drinks, and even in some varieties of tea, there is even more caffeine than in coffee beans.

Do not be discouraged if the recommendations did not help and you have to give up coffee altogether. Once you're done breastfeeding, you'll be able to eat and drink whatever you want again. And your reward will be quiet nights, and most importantly, a healthy and happy baby, with a stable nervous system.

We wish you patience and a non-allergic baby!

How hard it is for a connoisseur to resist the temptation to take a sip of a burning tart drink. And a whole cup of this thick, velvety-brown elixir can do wonders for a depressed body. Coffee - "it" or "he" no longer matters when it is said that one can refrain from drinking a magical drink. When everyone around claims that coffee while breastfeeding is a bad and even dangerous habit.

If you are a young mother. If you are lucky and managed to establish breastfeeding, then one of the problems associated with feeding the baby is left behind. There are many happy moments ahead associated with this process, as this is the most intimate way for mother and child to communicate. But joys are joys, and desires are desires. Known fact- A young mother needs a strict diet. And so you want a mug of hot, fragrant coffee. And here it is the moment of truth - to succumb to desires to give the body the desired dose of caffeine, to feel a surge of strength, or in desperation to think that it is so harmful to the baby!

What products contain coffee

Fears of drinking coffee during lactation is associated with the presence of caffeine in it. It is believed that even in small doses, caffeine has a stimulating effect on nervous system. However, it is found not only in coffee, but also in some other products, namely:

  • green and black tea - green tea contains even more caffeine than black;
  • cocoa;
  • black and milk chocolate;
  • Coca Cola.

As you can see, caffeine is contained even in your favorite tea and cocoa, but only coffee during breastfeeding causes a wary attitude of mothers. Next, consider the myths and real facts about whether it is possible to drink coffee during lactation and how it affects the child.

Is coffee as bad as they say

Let's figure out if you can drink coffee during lactation. What is the main complaint? Caffeine is the main substance for which the drink got into the "black lists" of breastfeeding diets. When it enters the body, it has a certain effect:

  • General excitation
  • uplifting mood
  • As an antioxidant, prolongs youthfulness of cells
  • Relieves muscle tension

It can be assumed that these properties are only beneficial to the mother's body. And then, sleepless nights, restless child - isn't this a reason to drink another cup of aromatic coffee to raise the general tone.

And here is the main catch. The wonderful drink has a downside. If you have a habit of constantly cheering yourself up with coffee doping, then it's time to think about the consequences:

  • Depression without a coffee cup
  • Loss of energy after a sharp rise
  • Emotional instability
  • Desire to sleep

And if coffee for mommy brings such a controversial result, then how will it affect her child. All books vying with each other report that everything that mom eats gets into milk in an hour. It turns out that the baby, along with mother's milk, will take a few sips. Of course, this is not the most healthy drink for a newborn. And all the disturbing properties can affect the condition of the child. If you don’t have the strength to give up coffee joy, watch carefully how your small body reacts to such a gift from your mother.

Expert opinion

But here's what's interesting. All mothers are familiar with the children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, his opinion is first of all taken as correct. He believes that the dangers of coffee are exaggerated. This does not mean that the drink can be drunk 10 cups a day, but he identified only three important reasons why you should say “No” to coffee:

  1. After milk with the addition of caffeine, the child behaves restlessly, does not fall asleep, and shows general restlessness.
  2. Redness on the skin, rashes, stool disorders - refer to the manifestation of an allergic reaction to caffeine.
  3. The use of drugs containing caffeine (eufillin) for the treatment of asthmatic conditions is dangerous with an overdose if the mother drinks coffee.

It is necessary to explain that caffeine tends to accumulate in the body. And if in an adult the system is debugged for the removal of substances, then in the baby these functions have not yet been configured.

If a mother drinks coffee, then in a few hours its active substance will penetrate into the milk, and with milk - immediately to the baby.

And there, due to the impossibility of its removal, the process of caffeine accumulation will begin. It is at this point that Dr. Komarovsky draws attention. If there is an appointment of aminophylline, then the mother should report that she drinks coffee, and the dosage of the drug can be adjusted based on this information. Otherwise, the pediatrician points out that if there were no allergies and anxiety on the part of the baby, then there is no objective reason for the ban.

How to drink coffee with HB

If you decide that you will drink coffee during lactation, try to use a few simple rules:

It is better to drink in the morning. Until the evening, caffeine is completely eliminated from the body. It will take about 5 hours for an adult.

If possible, it is better for a nursing mother to drink coffee immediately after feeding. This will allow the child not to get the main dose of caffeine with mom's milk.

You can drink the drink with milk. The taste will be milder, and the dose can be reduced.

Try not to consume soluble surrogates while breastfeeding. For their manufacture, low-quality raw materials are used, and the dose of caffeine is artificially increased.

Coarse grains, brewed with your own hands, will bring more pleasure. Such coffee during breastfeeding will cause much less harm to mom and baby.

If you really want coffee while breastfeeding, and not one cup, but several, be sure to drink water. This drink is an active diuretic. Don't dehydrate your body. Replenish fluids.

Myths about coffee

The publicity stunt is decaffeinated coffee. Dear girls, don't believe it. Coffee is caffeine. Even if they say otherwise. Yes, the content of the substance in this drink is reduced artificially, but due to changes in chemical composition, the new product triggers the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. And it still has caffeine in it. Therefore, if you want to drink a cup, you need to drink a good natural drink.

Another myth says that you can’t drink coffee while breastfeeding, it is better to replace it with cocoa or green tea. There is no caffeine - advisers say. And this is another misconception. It is there, both in chocolate and in Coca-Cola. Green tea has more of it than coffee. But tea was not banned.

Well, the delusion that moms came up with to allow themselves to drink coffee. You can drink a cup, immediately decant, then nothing will get into the milk during feeding. Don't suffer. The peak absorption of the substance will occur an hour or two after your cup. Your efforts will go to waste. Decided to drink coffee - enjoy it calmly!

To drink or not to drink is the question. Each mother must answer it herself. If you are an experienced coffee lover, then, of course, it will be difficult for you to defend the principled position of the unhealthy effect of the drink. If you have never had a coffee addiction before, then you should not start now. But be that as it may, there are no objective reasons for a complete ban on coffee while breastfeeding. Be careful, evaluate your baby's reaction to the first cup you drink. Did everything go smoothly? Give yourself a small gift - sometimes enjoy this incredibly addictive drink.

It's no secret that the condition of the baby directly depends on what the mother eats during lactation. The period of time while a mother is breastfeeding a child, she is forced to take into account not only her desires and needs, but also the capabilities and needs of a growing and developing organism. In the lactation period, the mother has to give up fatty, fried, spicy, as well as sweet treats (chocolate, cakes with fatty cream).

A large number of women are accustomed to stimulating themselves with a cup of fragrant tonic drink, even when there are no sleepless nights, overwork associated with caring for a child. Is it possible to use it when fatigue takes over, but you need to reckon with the fact that you will share your cup with the baby? To drink coffee or not, it is up to each mother to decide. It is impossible for an adult to forbid anything to use. It is worth saying that lactation by modern medicine is not considered an absolute contraindication to the use coffee drink. Whether it is necessary to do this, or still refrain, is up to each mother to decide, having previously familiarized herself with the negative aspects of drinking a drink.

Coffee while breastfeeding can be consumed. But it's better to refrain. As with any stimulating drink, spicy dishes and fried foods, and confectionery with a high content of carbohydrates (cakes, chocolate, pastries, etc.).

The effect of coffee on the child's body

Coffee, as a beverage, has been criticized for its caffeine content. It is a psychostimulant alkaloid, the effect of which is determined by its dose. The effect of caffeine is as follows:

  • excites the nervous system of the child;
  • addictive;
  • is on the list of major allergens;
  • affects the child's digestion;
  • the baby's body is not able to break down, and removes this substance;
  • in the treatment of certain pathologies of the child's body (for example, lungs) with the use of caffeine, drinking a coffee drink can lead to an overdose of this substance in the baby's body;
  • causes dehydration;
  • contributes to the acceleration of the excretion of microelements from the body, primarily calcium.

If the mother drinks coffee, the baby may have problems with stools, an allergic reaction, and sleep disturbances. Most often, these moments are manifested when this product is abused.

If you decide to drink coffee during lactation, do not abuse it. At the first signs of the negative impact of caffeine on the child's body: stool disorders, rashes, anxiety and sleep disturbance, its use should be immediately abandoned.

A few words should be said about green coffee, which is used in order to reduce weight. During lactation, it is better to refrain from it. Of course, I want to quickly return the lost forms, but everything has its own. The lactation period is not so often delayed for more than a year.

Rules for drinking coffee during lactation

If you think that in your case you can use coffee, you can use several rules:

  • it is better to use only a natural drink;
  • you need to use only a fresh drink;
  • drink a drink with milk;
  • to reduce the caffeine content, do not brew the drink, but pour it with boiling water;
  • do not drink more than one cup a day;
  • you can drink a drink in the morning, after the first feeding, to avoid overexcitation in the evening;
  • add calcium-rich foods to your diet dairy products, cottage cheese)
  • when drinking coffee, exclude other caffeinated products from the diet;
  • add pure water to the diet, as various drinks have a slight diuretic effect and help remove fluid from the body.

It is better to refrain from consuming caffeinated foods during the first 3 months of a baby's life while breastfeeding, in order to allow the digestive tract to adapt to new conditions for him.

Before deciding whether coffee is right for you, weigh the pros and cons. Evaluate the benefits you will receive and the harm that can be done to the baby.

Traditional misconceptions about coffee during lactation

When breastfeeding, it is better to use an instant drink, as it does not contain caffeine. It's not, you just need to use natural product. The soluble version is made in order, firstly, to reduce production costs, that is, the quality of the product is not satisfactory, and secondly, to satisfy the needs of an organism that is addicted to caffeine.

Drinking coffee is necessary so that the child's body quickly adapts to the effects of environmental factors, including caffeine. Not certainly in that way. Firstly, during the first 3 months of life, the baby’s stomach and intestines already work with overload, adapting to external nutrition, its microflora is still weak and not stable, you should not use substances that depress it. Secondly, there is no point in developing a caffeine addiction at such a young age.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to drink coffee drinks that do not contain caffeine. These drinks do contain caffeine, although not much. But on the other hand, the content of other not useful components in them is quite large.

It is better to replace coffee during breastfeeding green tea. Tea contains tonic substances in no less, and some varieties in greater quantities. For example, green tea contains theine, an analogue of caffeine. Drinking both tea and coffee is limited.

What is better to drink instead of coffee?

Sometimes the habit of drinking a cup of coffee is caused not only by hypotension or addiction to caffeine. A woman may simply not like tea, which should also not be abused during lactation. If the baby is not allergic, it is very good to drink drinks with chicory and milk, they improve lactation and positively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, both for the mother and her baby. On the market today, there is a large selection of teas for nursing mothers that contain anise, dill seeds, cumin and fennel. All these herbal ingredients are also great for stimulating milk production, have carminative properties and improve the digestion process. If for some reason you do not buy such teas, you can simply make a decoction of these herbal ingredients at home.

How difficult it is to give up habits that have been formed for more than one year. Many women do not imagine how you can start a new day without a drink that invigorates the soul and body. Coffee is quickly addictive due to its tonic effect, and it is very difficult to refuse to drink it daily. But after the girl becomes a mother, the question of banning this drink comes to the fore.

One of the first questions asked by a doctor is whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink coffee? After all, it contains such a component as caffeine. It is he who increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and drowsiness, and improves mood. Coffee is indispensable for low blood pressure, headaches, strong and. But, if the listed qualities of caffeine help an adult feel better, then for a baby its properties turn out to be superfluous. The baby gets excited and nervous if his mother abuses this drink while breastfeeding.

Why can't breastfeeding mothers drink coffee?

Scientists and pediatricians have long proven that all the food that a woman consumes, to one degree or another, passes through breast milk to a child. Therefore, synthetic vitamins, products with preservatives and dyes should be used with great care, following the reaction of the crumbs. Instant coffee can cause various allergic reactions in a newborn, as it contains many impurities and additives. A drink obtained from freshly ground coffee beans is not so harmful if it is brewed according to all the rules, and drunk not in its pure form, but diluted.

A nursing mother can have coffee with milk if she limits herself to 1-2 cups a day. The main thing is to develop a new habit, and your body will get used to a small amount of coffee drink in a week. Be sure to monitor the reaction of the child: coffee almost immediately enters the mother's milk, and an hour after feeding it will be clear whether you can drink it or not. Try to drink your favorite drink not before feeding, but after, so that the minimum amount of caffeine penetrates into the milk.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have green coffee?

Recently, there has been an increase in the popularity of a drink made from green, that is, not roasted grains. This is the only difference between green coffee and regular coffee. By the way, in grains that have not been subjected to heat treatment, there is a huge amount of useful substances. Therefore, a nursing mother can drink unroasted (green) coffee if she is 100% sure of its quality. To be sure of this, you should buy this product in specialized stores, checking quality certificates. The number of cups should also be minimal, one or two, no more.

Coffee, like any new product in the diet of a young mother, should be introduced gradually, a few months after the birth of the baby. Be sure to keep a diary in which you will write down new foods and the reaction of the child's body to them.

Can breastfeeding women drink decaffeinated coffee?

Some women switch to decaffeinated coffee drinks after having a baby to protect themselves and their baby. If you study the process of its production, it becomes clear that the extraction of a dangerous component is the result of a large number of complex chemical reactions, traces of which will remain in the drink. The result can be allergic reactions, an upset gastrointestinal tract of the baby, unreasonable nervousness. The expediency of such coffee is a big question, and neonantologists warn nursing mothers against drinking it.

There is no, and will not be, an unequivocal answer to the question of whether it is possible for breastfeeding women to drink coffee. But practice shows that a moderate amount of coffee drink will not harm the health of the baby, which means that coffee is allowed for nursing mothers, if care is taken.

A morning cup of coffee for many people is a life-giving elixir for the whole day. The caffeine contained in the drink invigorates, improves tone and improves mood. It has a completely different effect on the child's body. Acting with milk, it negatively affects the nervous system, provokes sleep disturbances. Is it possible for a nursing mother to have coffee or should the drink be temporarily abandoned?

Many people cannot imagine their morning without coffee. A breastfeeding mom is no exception.

Side effects of drinking too much coffee

Mommy can solve the dilemma for herself by observing the condition of the baby. Give up your habit if you notice signs in the crumbs:

  1. dehydration. The strong diuretic effect of the drink leads to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the body, along with which the substances necessary for the full and proper development of the child are released.
  2. Allergies. After drinking coffee, follow the crumbs in the first hours after drinking the drink. Check the nasal mucosa for inflammation, see if there is a rash on the skin.
  3. Constipation. By removing excess fluid, coffee strengthens the stool, leading to constipation.
  4. Overexcitation of the nervous system. Excessive caffeine causes a state of nervousness in children, they do not sleep well, and act up a lot.
  5. Incompatibilities with other drugs. In the treatment of respiratory organs and coughs, drugs are used that already contain caffeine. Drinking coffee can lead to an overdose of the substance.

Consider also the fact that medical studies have proven a decrease in the amount of iron in breast milk in mothers who often drink an invigorating drink - a fairly convincing answer to the question of whether a woman who has recently given birth can drink coffee (see also:). It is unlikely that you wish your baby bad, and without iron, the immunity of a little man suffers, brain functions deteriorate, and the cardiovascular system suffers.

Do not forget that caffeine is a strong tonic that can cause changes in the functioning of the nervous system. For the normal development of the baby, on the contrary, he needs to rest more, while excess nervousness and activity is undesirable

Myths about harmless types of coffee

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Thinking about the varieties of coffee during breastfeeding, which can be consumed without harming the baby, a woman is “led” to advertising. A few years ago, it was out of the question to allow a nursing mother any caffeinated products. The response of doctors has always been negative. The emergence of new types of drink and their active advertising, claiming that this type of coffee during breastfeeding will not bring negative reactions, misleads mothers. Here are some false statements:

  1. Instant drink does not contain a lot of caffeine. Few people know that this type is made from cheap Robusta, a coffee variety that is distinguished by a high content of this particular element. In addition, produced in granules or sublimated, it is replete with various impurities. It is impossible to use such coffee for a nursing mother.
  2. Decaffeinated coffee. One of the most popular myths. Indeed, there is very little caffeine in it, but during its production, such chemical reactions occur that carry much more harmful substances into the woman's body. The drink can cause an allergy or stomach upset in a newborn.
  3. Green coffee. A look that is on the wave of popularity. Manufacturers claim that it promotes fat burning and helps to lose weight. At its core, this product is a semi-finished product. Green beans must be roasted to produce an unusual aroma of the drink. Regarding losing weight while feeding a child, there are also a number of prohibitions. Abandoning a full-fledged diet, replacing it green coffee, you run the risk of aggravating hormonal changes, causing health problems for both yourself and your baby.
  4. Replacing coffee with green tea will not bring the desired effect.. Getting rid of caffeine, you will get theine, an element no less active in its action, capable of stimulating the nervous system even more than caffeine.

What is really possible?

If it is difficult to part with your favorite drink, give preference to its popular version of cappuccino. Prepare it yourself. Take arabica beans, grind, pour boiling water and wait a few minutes, letting it brew. Add cream to it in a ratio of 1: 2. So you get a wonderful drink with the taste of coffee, still invigorating, but with a softened effect on the body, which can be drunk during lactation.

Is cocoa allowed?

If we are already talking about caffeinated drinks, we will find out at the same time whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have cocoa, and in what volumes. Caffeine, the main element that affects the condition of the newborn, is only 0.1-0.2% in cocoa, however, the drink contains theobromine, which acts in the same manner on the nervous and cardiovascular system of the baby, but it is lighter than caffeine in terms of its 10 once. Cocoa also has a hidden threat: the drink is considered a highly allergenic product, and this is dangerous for the baby. Moms, in order not to harm your treasure, treat yourself to a drink no more than 2 times a week. Drink in the morning or before lunch when you finish breastfeeding your baby. Dilute with low-fat milk and do not add sugar.

There is no direct ban on the use of cocoa during breastfeeding, but it still has some effect on the baby. It is better for mom to drink cocoa no more than twice a week, and the drink itself should not be too strong.

Rules for drinking coffee and cocoa while breastfeeding

If the refusal of the drinks in question is beyond your power, allow them to yourself, but adhere to certain rules:

  1. The first, most important month after childbirth - not a single cup of coffee. Adaptation of the body of a newborn lasts 3 months. A product with caffeine will become an unnecessary irritant.
  2. The maximum amount of the exciting element (caffeine) in breast milk accumulates by the 2nd hour after feeding. So that your habit does not harm the child, drink coffee when you have just breastfed him.
  3. It is advisable to drink no more than one cup a day, but it is better if you limit yourself to a cup in 3-4 days. Remember the crumb.
  4. Pick up the smallest coffee cups. So you pamper yourself, and the child will not be harmed.
  5. Drink plenty of water with coffee (a large glass of water after each cup) to prevent dehydration of the newborn.
  6. To reduce calcium excretion, include dairy and sour-milk products in your diet. Kefir, cream, milk, cottage cheese will help make up for the loss of the most important element for the child (see also:).
  7. Avoid combining products containing caffeine. Chocolate with coffee is not allowed (see also:). Coffee and cocoa in one day - you can not.

After drinking a cup of your favorite drink, watch the reaction of the baby. We noticed an allergic rash in a child after feeding, he is naughty for no reason, does not want to sleep, goes to the toilet with a “liquid” stool - forget about coffee for a while. You can try again after 1-2 weeks - perhaps the baby is already adapting to new conditions and will more easily tolerate the caffeine content in milk.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about coffee and breastfeeding?

Raising the topic of drinking coffee while breastfeeding, Dr. Komarovsky advises to refrain from a tonic drink. A respected pediatrician voices three reasons that limit coffee intake to breastfeeding mothers. He refers to them:

  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • violation of the chair;
  • restless sleep and nervous excitement;
  • possible overdose of caffeine in the treatment of lung disease in the newborn.

Most mothers trust the opinion of such an authoritative and experienced doctor. Believe me too. If the baby has at least one of the listed problems, you should not tempt yourself, it is better to deny yourself morning coffee until the baby gets stronger. The child calmly tolerates your addiction and does not react negatively to a cup of drink - you can continue to drink, but not in immeasurable quantities. Other experts also talk about the inadmissibility of regular coffee consumption.

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