Home Products Azerbaijani cuisine dovga. Azerbaijani dovga is a traditional soup of a beautiful country. Azerbaijani dovga - recipe

Azerbaijani cuisine dovga. Azerbaijani dovga is a traditional soup of a beautiful country. Azerbaijani dovga - recipe

original dish related to Azerbaijani cuisine, diversifies the daily diet. Delicious and healthy, it will appeal to adherents of a balanced diet, gourmets, fans of diets.
At the core Azerbaijani soup Dovgi is a fermented milk product. In the authentic version, katyk is used to prepare the dish. It can be replaced with kefir, curdled milk or matsoni. The main component of dovgi is a variety of greens. Fragrant cilantro, green onion feathers, tender dill, young leek arrows - they will add spicy flavor notes to the soup. In summer, a refreshing first course is served cold. A hot version of dovga, seasoned with meatballs, will perfectly complement the winter diet.

TIME: 30 min.


Servings: 2


  • fermented milk product - 500 g;
  • two eggs;
  • greens (cilantro, green onion feathers, dill sprigs, spinach);
  • round rice - 80 g;
  • chickpeas - 60 g;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


First, prepare the ingredients - rinse the greens, dry it with a paper towel, rinse the eggs.
Boil the chickpeas ahead of time. Let's pre-soak it overnight: in a swollen state, it will soften faster during cooking.
Pour kefir into a glass container. Add a spoonful of flour. We introduce into the mixture the eggs extracted from the shell. Thoroughly stir all the ingredients. The homogeneous consistency of the mass will prevent curdling during subsequent cooking. We put the pot on fire. An important nuance of preparation is the continuous stirring of the fermented milk mixture. We use a wooden spoon with a long handle for this.

Cut the prepared greens into large segments. We put it on a plate.

Boil round rice separately.
After boiling dovga, add boiled rice to it. Stir carefully.

Then put the chopped greens, softened peas into the pan. Without removing from heat, continue to stir for several minutes. We set aside. Salt, add cinnamon when the dish cools down a bit.

Fragrant summer dovga is ready. Serve it in a deep bowl or a wide glass. The original first course, captivating with unusual flavors, will bring a touch of variety to a family meal.

I have tried Azerbaijani dovga, and more than once. A colleague from Baku often cooked this cold sour-milk soup full of fragrant herbs. Shared grandmother's recipes with my beloved girlfriends, including me.

In Russia, kefir is used as the basis of the soup. Ideally, if you find it in a store, it’s better to take a katyk. I won’t say that I’m ready to eat dovgu every day, but diversify diet menu I agree with this fragrant dish once a week. Hearty dovga, where in addition to fermented milk product there is also rice, which can usefully satisfy my hunger after a hard day's work. Today was just such a day for me. When I get home after work, I hastily prepared our "snow white", rich in cilantro and dill.

For the preparation of dovgi on kefir, the product is used fresh - 2.5% fat. Rice should be quick to boil. The rest of the ingredients are taken from the list.

Warm kefir is poured into the pan. Slightly diluted with water and mixed. In some dovgi recipes, the kefir product is recommended to be brought to a boil immediately. I don't have this in my recipe, and that's important.

Let's break it down egg and shake it well in a glass. Then add to kefir with water and mix thoroughly.

Green cilantro, dill and garlic are chopped with a knife.

Join kefir.

Before cooking the dovga itself, rice should be soaked well in water. I didn’t have time for this and I slightly boiled it in a separate saucepan until half cooked, and then added it to kefir with herbs.

The saucepan is placed on the stove. Dovga is boiled with continuous stirring for 20 minutes. What does continuous mean? This means that we take a chair and sit next to the stove. If you digress even for a minute, kefir with an egg will curl up and dovga will turn into a kind of Azerbaijani dish.

During the cooking process and during cooling, the saucepan with the soup is not covered with a lid so that the contents do not curl up. Homemade dovga is ready!

Dovga is salted on kefir to taste before eating. I like chilled "cold" soup. In what form to serve this new dish of Azerbaijani cuisine to the table is up to you. Have a nice dinner!

Attracts with its color and unusual culinary masterpieces. These are stuffed chickens and fish cooked in a tandoor, pasties-kutab, dyushbara, similar to Russian dumplings, gyurza, bozbash and, of course, dovga. The recipe, Azerbaijani cuisine is famous for its tastes and aromas, every housewife who loves to surprise her household would like to know these dishes. Let's talk about making a soup called dovga.

Dish features

Dovga Azeri, the recipe of which is offered here, is a soup of cereals and sour milk with an egg. But if there are several cooking options where they are used meat products in particular lamb. This dish is served mostly cold. During cooking spoiled milk boil, but it does not collapse, but becomes elastic. This is due to some features of the technology.

Firstly, the soup must be constantly stirred during the entire cooking process and even after the end for 10 minutes. The egg-milk mixture is also beaten in a special way. Well unusual combination herbs and greens with starchy crops. Thanks to all these nuances, a real dovga is obtained. The recipe, Azerbaijani cuisine is an art, not complicated, but requires care.

Dovga with lamb

To prepare this easy and at the same time hearty meal you will need 500 grams of lamb, 100 grams of peas, 100 grams of rice, two large spoons of flour, one liter of yoghurt, 100 grams of spinach, 100 grams of sorrel, fresh parsley, cilantro, dill, onion, salt and pepper. For 5-6 hours, you need to soak the peas in cold water. Then we wash it and put it in a saucepan. Fill with water and cook until half cooked. This usually takes about 20 minutes.

Don't forget to salt the water. We separate the meat from the bones, and pass the onion through a meat grinder or grind it in another way. We cut the meat very finely and mix with onion, pepper and salt. You can also use any spices. We make small meatballs from minced meat. Boil them in a separate pan for about 7 minutes. Put the meatballs on a plate, but do not pour out the broth. In a separate saucepan, mix yoghurt with flour and put on fire. Now you need to constantly stir the dish so that the sour milk does not curdle. Then add boiled peas, washed rice and meatballs there. We also pour in the broth left over from cooking the meat. Now it's the turn of chopped greens, spinach and sorrel. Cook the soup over low heat until the peas and rice are cooked. Azerbaijani dovga, the recipe of which will seem interesting to you, is served cold.

Light and gentle

This dish can be prepared in several ways. Azerbaijani cuisine offers very interesting recipes. Dovga is one of them. For cooking, you can use various fermented milk products (katyk, ayran, matsoni, etc.). Take a liter of katyk, the same amount of water, 300-400 grams of various greens (spinach, mint, green onion, cilantro, parsley, dill), 100 grams of rice, a large spoonful of flour, one egg and salt. Boil the rice until cooked, and finely chop the greens. Mix katyk with egg, flour and water and beat.

Then we put rice in this mixture and put it on fire. Cook until it boils, stirring constantly. After that, add greens and keep the soup on fire for about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool without covering with a lid. Add salt to taste and serve. Azerbaijani dovga, whose photo you will find in this article, is a must-have dish at a national wedding.

Baku dovga

The recipe for the dish may vary depending on which region of the country it is cooked in. Healthy, refreshing and light dovga, Azerbaijani cuisine offers a recipe for every taste, especially after a plentiful feast. In Baku, it is prepared in a special way. Take one bunch of dill, spinach, sorrel, cilantro and two tablespoons of fresh mint. We grind all the greens. Pour one and a half liters of kefir into the pan and add 600 grams of sour cream to it. Add one egg to them and mix everything.

After that, add two large spoons of flour and dissolve it thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Add some water and put the pot on fire. Now add half a cup of rice and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat, stir constantly so that the sour-milk products do not curdle and cook until the rice is ready. Then add greens and cook for about 5 minutes more. Cold Azerbaijani dovga, a recipe with a photo of which will help you cook it correctly, is served in bowls. In the heat, this dish will be very popular.

Fragrant and appetizing

Despite the fact that there are a lot of cooking options for this dish, it is always based on a fermented milk product, and aromatic herbs and spices are a great addition. Take a liter of low-fat yogurt or matsoni, three tablespoons of rice, one egg, half a liter of water, 100 grams of chickpeas, two cloves of garlic, salt and a lot of fresh herbs. We wash the greens and cut them finely. Pour water into a saucepan and boil the chickpeas until tender. If you pre-soak it, it will cook faster. Pour the fermented milk product into a separate pan and add water, rice and a beaten egg. It is better to salt later, so there is less chance that the soup will curdle. Cook until the rice is cooked, stirring constantly. Then add greens and chopped garlic to the pan. We mix everything and turn off the pan after three minutes. Serve the dovga cold, adding some boiled chickpeas to the bowl.

Dovga with rice

This is a quick way to cook. tasty soup from the minimum number of ingredients. Let's start with preparing the greens. A large bunch of cilantro and dill, two large bunches of spinach, and a bunch of mint are washed, dried and finely chopped. We prepare half a glass of rice by boiling in advance. Since dovga requires constant stirring during cooking, all products should be at hand. You will also need one egg. Pour three liters of matsoni into the pan and drive in one egg. Mix everything thoroughly and turn on the fire. There should be no lumps. It turns out a homogeneous and elastic mass.

Then add the rice and cook it until tender, constantly stirring the soup. At the end we put the greens and after 2-3 minutes turn off the fire. We put salt as needed, after turning off the fire. While dovga, the recipe of Azerbaijani cuisine is not traditional, it can not be covered with a lid when it cools, otherwise it will curl up. If you take into account all the nuances of cooking, you can cook a great dish called "white soup". Serve it in the middle of a feast or after it, and your guests will simply be delighted. It is especially good to use dovga on a hot, summer day. It refreshes, saturates the body, without creating a feeling of heaviness, with useful vitamins.

Hello to all! Summer is coming and I'm trying to "load" you summer recipes soups. Yesterday I gave you a recipe for a yogurt beetroot cold soup, and today we have a wonderful soup in our program - Azerbaijani dovga.

Every nation has a favorite recipe summer soup. Dovga is very loved in Azerbaijan. I say this because I had to live in this wonderful country for some time. In the family that lived next door, the grandmother usually cooked dovga, but her granddaughters curled around her and she taught them how to cook soup. I think that this is the first soup that a good Azerbaijani girl learns to make.

What is dovgu made from?


Greens will need a lot, about a kilogram. The main greenery that defines the character of Dovga is, of course, kavar. Outwardly, the kvar looks like a green onion, but its leaves are not tubular, but flat. It tastes like green onions, young garlic and young sorrel at the same time.

In addition to kavar, any greens are added: cilantro, basil, chives, mint, thyme and everything you like up to wild herbs (nettle is very good, only it must be scalded beforehand, gout is also used).


This is not a required ingredient, but it turns out very tasty with it. Just a handful of chickpeas for making soup will make it much tastier. and the feeling of satiety will come faster.


In restaurant cuisine, yolks alone are often used - with them, dovga is excellent even without proteins. But zealous Azerbaijani housewives usually use whole eggs for cooking dovgi. It's up to you to cook with yolks alone or with whole eggs. protein does not harm the soup in my humble opinion.


... or matsoni, sour milk, kefir.

we will not go into details of which Dovga fermented milk product will make the most correct. Honestly, in ready-made dovge, it is difficult to taste what fermented milk product it is made from. so, if there is no katyk or yogurt, then feel free to take kefir.

Azerbaijani dovga - recipe


  • 2 liters of katyk (yogurt, matsoni, kefir, sour milk).
  • 50 g of rice (plain, round, which easily releases its starch into the water).
  • 0.5 kg kg of the most diverse greens.
  • 50 g chickpeas.
  • 2 eggs.

How to cook

In winter, dovga is also eaten, but hot. In the winter version, meatballs are sometimes present.
But it’s better than cold dovga on a hot, summer afternoon - you can’t think of it, you can’t find it.

What is the main thing in Dovga? Do not digest!

Cook and eat healthy!

Stalik Khankishiev is a great connoisseur of oriental cuisine. If you cook according to his recipe, then be sure that you will get an amazing dish! We suggest making a soup called dovga. A recipe with a photo will help you understand how to cook and how the dish will look like in the end. This cold soup is especially good in hot weather.

Dovga: recipe

Azerbaijani cuisine, like many cuisines of Central Asia, is unthinkable without greenery. For you it will need a whole kilogram. Traditionally, a herb called kawar or dzhusai is put into the soup. It looks like a green onion, only the leaves look different: not a tube, but flat. kavar tastes like onion, garlic and sorrel at the same time. You can add whatever your heart desires, but be sure to put cilantro, basil and mint. Instead of jusai, you can use chives, as it is also called, chives. With it, you get an amazing taste of dovga. This soup recipe may not be for everyone. But it's worth making it at least once. Perhaps dovga will become your signature dish.

What else is included in the dovga

In addition to a large amount of greens, about 100 grams of rice should be put in the soup. No need to select special varieties, use the usual one. If rice is obtained good porridge, then an excellent dovga will come out of it. The recipe suggests using Rinse, soak and boil it. Chickpeas should be taken in the same amount as rice, about 100 grams. If you do not put peas in dovga, then the soup will turn out to be insufficiently satisfying and nutritious. You will also need eggs. 4 pieces. V classic recipe only the yolks are used, but eggs are usually laid whole. It does not affect the taste of the dish. Dovga cannot be cooked without a good katyk. It needs about 4 liters. Katyk is matsoni, mast or just yogurt. If you use yogurt, then it should be free of sweeteners and fruits. In general, the real and fresh. If you didn’t find this in stores, then you can take ordinary kefir. Do not worry that the taste of the soup will suffer greatly. Most likely, no one will understand whether your dovga was prepared from kefir or real katyk.


Start by putting kefir on fire. Stir and immediately pour the beaten eggs into it. Fall asleep prepared peas and rice. Now cook. Don't forget to stir constantly. As soon as small bubbles and light waves of liquid appear on the surface of the kefir, pour in the chopped greens. Salt and stir. As soon as the greens begin to change in color, place the pot of dovga in a sink or basin of cold water. You need to cool the soup as quickly as possible. You can even use ice to speed up the process. After all, the faster you cool dovgu, the more color and smell you will retain, since hotter always smells stronger, and all the aroma will disappear with long cooling. Did you wait for the moment when the dovga cooled down? The recipe is completed - you can start the meal. Simple, fast, and most importantly, delicious! Dovga - lovely dish for a hot summer day. In winter, the soup can be served hot. Sometimes they put it in meatballs small size. You can even boil it in dovge beforehand

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