Home Drinks and cocktails Leaf lettuce calories per 100 grams. Fresh lettuce leaves: calorie content and benefits for the body. iceberg lettuce nutrition facts

Leaf lettuce calories per 100 grams. Fresh lettuce leaves: calorie content and benefits for the body. iceberg lettuce nutrition facts

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Lettuce is called a one- or two-year garden crop of the family Compositae. Information that lettuce was eaten is found in documents describing the existence of the ancient Roman Empire, until that time lettuce was grown for the sake of seeds, from which oil was squeezed out. The exact geographical place of origin of the first types of lettuce has not been historically established.

Lettuce has many varieties, the most common, leaf lettuce, has long tender shoots in the form of oak leaves, light green (light green) in color. Lettuce leaves are juicy, crunchy, with a fresh smell, can vary in shape and quantity, located on one root or head.

salad calories

The calorie content of salad is 12 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The salad has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, in which there are: vitamins, as well as,. The product contains coarse dietary fiber, which improves digestion, normalizes intestinal motility, fills the volume of the stomach and, without being digested, is excreted, collecting mucus and toxins from the intestinal walls. Substance lactucin, belonging to the group of alkaloids, not only gives the salad bitterness, but also actively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Eating lettuce leaves will help improve the condition of hair and nails, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves memory, vision and is a preventive measure against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

In spite of beneficial features lettuce, it can harm the body.

Harm lettuce

The reasons for reducing the consumption of lettuce are the presence of such diseases as gout, colitis and enterocolitis, urolithiasis, hepatitis. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, the use of the product in case of kidney disease should be limited.

Salad is a unique product for weight watchers. After eating a large bowl of lettuce leaves, we get a full stomach and a minimum of calories (calorizator). Of course, a salad in its pure form does not give a feeling of fullness, so it is combined with other vegetables or protein foods. You can, without adhering to special diets, consume a serving of lettuce leaves daily for lunch or dinner, thereby ensuring regular bowel movements, healthy peristalsis and burning fat accumulations. Diets or, for example, recommend the daily use of lettuce in the diet.

Selecting and storing lettuce

When choosing a salad, you need to pay attention to its appearance - the juiciness and greenness of the leaves, their elasticity, integrity and the absence of rot, dark spots. Often lettuce is sold with roots or in pots, such a product retains freshness longer, but in any case, a visual inspection should be carried out carefully.

salad in cooking

The name of the product speaks for itself, most often lettuce is used in salads. Even if it's a mixture different types lettuce leaves and elementary dressing from any aromatic oil -,

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Useful properties of Iceberg lettuce, product calorie content and energy value

Iceberg lettuce- an excellent option for those who adhere to the rules proper nutrition. The benefits of fresh herbs in the human diet have been repeatedly confirmed by many nutritionists. The rich vitamin composition of the product and low iceberg lettuce calories provide the human body with valuable elements, and this in no way affects the figure.

In appearance, the salad resembles ordinary cabbage. It belongs to the category of head salads. In addition to the juicy leaves enriched with vitamins, you can also eat a head of cabbage.

iceberg lettuce nutrition facts

Among the many varieties of green lettuce is especially popular Iceberg due to its low calories and high capacity of healthy elements and vitamins. The composition of this product is enriched with fiber, folic acid and many other trace elements.

Many adherents diet food appreciate the salad Iceberg, calories per 100 a gram of it is only 14 kcal. If we talk about energy value, then 0.1 g is occupied by fats, 0.9 g by proteins and 1.8 g by carbohydrates.

Most of the composition of this green salad is water (96%). In addition, lettuce leaves contain dietary fiber useful for the body, saturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, disaccharides, phytoncides, ash, alkaloid compounds.

Iceberg salad is also not deprived of a vitamin and mineral complex. When fresh, it contains a rich amount of retinol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, beta-carotene, tocopherol and many others.

Among other types of greenery, Iceberg is also distinguished by the capacity of vitamin K, another name for which is phylloquinone. This component stabilizes the functioning of almost all systems and organs.

Enthusiasm is also caused by the presence of minerals, in particular phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, selenium and others.

Given the low calories and very pleasant taste to use iceberg lettuce You can without any restrictions and diversify any diet food.

Health benefits of iceberg lettuce

Attention deserves not only the low Iceberg lettuce calories per 100 grams of the product, but also other properties that have a beneficial effect on the state of the human body.

In particular, many nutritionists advise including this tasty green in the diet in the following cases:

  • to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Rich chemical composition has a positive effect on the body in the prevention of heart disease, atherosclerosis and strokes;
  • for weight loss. A rich amount of water in the composition of the leaves, low calories per 100 grams head lettuce Iceberg and the minimum amount of fat make this product ideal for those who want to correct their figure with the help of dietary nutrition;
  • to boost immunity. This salad culture contains elements necessary for the body, such as calcium, manganese, iron and others, which provide high protection against viral, infectious and bacterial diseases;
  • in the treatment of anemia. In this direction, the value of lettuce lies in its high iron content;
  • to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The product significantly improves the intestinal microflora, enhances the absorption of valuable elements into the walls of the esophagus;
  • to cleanse the body. The dietary fiber present in lettuce accelerates the removal of toxins, waste products, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body;
  • to strengthen muscles and bones. Regular consumption of lettuce maintains normal water balance and contributes to the rapid breakdown of the formed fatty plaques.

This list of benefits is endless. And if you take into account what the salad has iceberg calories very low, only 13-14 kilocalories, then there is no reason to doubt its benefits.

Iceberg lettuce in cooking

The taste of Iceberg is not much different from a simple leaf lettuce. Perhaps the only difference is that when used, it makes a kind of crunch. Only 14 kcal is the product, so in cooking iceberg lettuce is considered a highly sought after product.

Often, lettuce leaves, due to their density and stability, are used, in addition to cooking, also for decorating them. As for the dishes themselves, there are a lot of recipes that use not only lettuce leaves, but also heads of cabbage.

Iceberg with shrimps

Iceberg lettuce, which is only 14 kcal, goes well with shrimp. You can prepare the dish as follows.

Combine 1 bunch of chopped lettuce with 0.5 kilo of shrimp. Add 5 boiled finely chopped eggs, a few pieces of cherry tomatoes, 200 g white bread and 100 g parmesan. Mix all ingredients and season with sour cream. For more spiciness, you can add black pepper and a little garlic.

This dish will decorate any festive table their appearance and exquisite taste.

Iceberg with chicken

This salad has an excellent taste. For cooking, boil 300 g chicken meat, cool it and chop finely. Add a bunch of lettuce to the meat, 300 g of any hard cheese. You can also add some green onions if you like. This salad is dressed with mayonnaise. It looks chic on the table and just looks appetizing.

Iceberg on the grill

Quite unusual and at the same time very tasty variation iceberg lettuce, and its low calories per 100 g weight is perfect for connoisseurs of vegetarian food.

The dish is prepared in the following order.

Cut the head of cabbage into 4 parts, leave only the leaves. For the marinade, mix 0.5 tsp. hot sauce, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 4 g of ginger root. In this composition, marinate the leaves for 10-15 minutes. Next, mix the lemon zest with 2-5 g hot pepper and 4 st. l. sour cream. Finely chop the onion and lightly squeeze it in vegetable oil. Fry the pickled leaves in another pan. A grill pan works great for this. The leaves should be browned on both sides.

Put the salad in the center of the plate, pour over it with the remaining marinade and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Put on the edges sour cream sauce and sprinkle it with fried onions. Ready meal- just eating.

There are several types of leaf lettuce, among them - lettuce, watercress, iceberg lettuce, arugula and many others. The low calorie content of lettuce with its very high nutritional value makes it great. dietary product. Like all green leafy vegetables, it is very useful, contains many beneficial vitamins, trace elements and amino acids and a lot of fiber. The calorie content of lettuce, like all green vegetables, is very low - it is not for nothing that it is included in the list of so-called "products with negative calorie". It contains so few calories and so much fiber that it takes more energy for the body to digest than it receives.

Calorie content of fresh leaf lettuce (lettuce) - 12 kcal per 100 gr. This amount contains only 0.3 g of fat, protein content - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 1.3 g. The main source of calories are carbohydrates and sugars.

The calorie content of fresh iceberg lettuce is 14 kcal per 100 g of the product. Calorie arugula - 25 kcal per 100 gr. It contains more proteins and carbohydrates and has a pleasant sour taste.

The healthiest of green salads is watercress. The calorie content of this variety is 11 kcal per 100 gr. He has a spicy piquant taste due to the content of burning substances.

Salad is not satiating on its own, but is a great addition to other vegetables and foods. Its low calorie content makes it a great option for summer menu or unloading days. It can be used as an ingredient for other salads and side dishes, as well as a decoration or a kind of substrate for other dishes - meat or fish, for example.

What is the benefit of a salad?

In addition to its low calorie content, salad is also very useful. It contains vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, fiber.

Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, on general well-being, improves vision and is an antioxidant that prevents the aging of the body and the formation of malignant tumors. Vitamin C, which is very abundant in green salad, strengthens our immunity and increases the body's resistance to viruses and colds. B vitamins (niacin, nicotinamide, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids, thiamine, riboflavin) help strengthen the nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. They improve brain function, memory, attention, relieve stress, tone up, improve blood composition, participate in the metabolic process and improve it, promote the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy, normalize acid-base balance, have an antioxidant effect, preventing the occurrence of cancer and improving the condition of our skin, teeth, hair and nails. The vitamin E found in the leaves is also a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin K plays an important role in the process of blood clotting.

Not only low calorie and the high vitamin content is what makes the salad so healthy. It also contains very important trace elements. Calcium, phosphorus and fluorine strengthen bones and teeth. Potassium helps to remove salt and excess water from the body and is necessary for the work of all muscles. Sodium normalizes water-salt metabolism. Magnesium and zinc are necessary for all metabolic processes in the body, in addition, magnesium, zinc and copper improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. Iron is necessary for the blood, and iodine is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Manganese regulates blood sugar levels, has an antioxidant effect and improves liver function. Selenium slows down the aging of the body and preserves the youth, beauty and vitality of a person. Lutein and zeaxanthin are essential for human vision and, like all polyphenols, are also effective antioxidants. Lactucine soothes nervous system person, normalizes sleep, and also prevents the deposition of salts. Pectins improve bowel function and help the body get rid of "bad" cholesterol.

Due to the low calorie content of lettuce and its ability to improve metabolism and stimulate the breakdown of fats, it is recommended for those who are obese. The ability to regulate blood sugar levels makes these greens very beneficial for diabetics. The leaf variety is useful for mental workers and those whose work is associated with great mental and nervous stress - it stabilizes the nervous system and stimulates the brain.

Green salad is recommended for women - it helps to maintain youth and beauty, relieves the unpleasant symptoms of PMS, and the iron contained in it prevents anemia during menstruation. It effectively fights constipation. In medicine, it is used to treat peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in the treatment of chronic gastritis. It improves appetite and promotes better digestion of food. It normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the blood, relieves headaches, is effective for beriberi and hypovitaminosis, promotes tissue regeneration. It has an antimicrobial effect, improves immunity and helps the body fight various diseases, and also helps to quickly recover from illnesses.

The use of lettuce is indicated for those who want to normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation. With edema, greens, due to the high content of potassium and the mild diuretic effect, remove excess fluid and salt from the body.

And do not forget that the low calorie content of lettuce allows it to effectively deal with excess weight.

Salad calories and weight loss

The salad seems to have been created specifically to add it to the diet during various diets. The high content of vitamins and trace elements plays an extremely important role in conditions of a limited diet, and low calorie content allows you not to overeat and comply with daily calorie restrictions.

Salad in diets should be combined with carbohydrates and proteins - meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, nuts, cheeses. You can use it as the basis of vegetable salads, combining with tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, olives. Such dishes are best seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, and to enhance the fat-burning effect, you can add garlic, ginger or cinnamon there.

You can also arrange fasting days for yourself on a salad - low calorie content will allow you to keep your daily calorie intake within 1000 kcal, while not suffering from hunger. With a fasting day on a salad, you need to eat at least 500-700 grams of this salad and 1 kg of any other green vegetables or tomatoes. Vegetable salads are allowed to fill with a spoon olive oil and lemon juice. During the day, you need to drink enough water or green tea - at least 1.5 liters. In one such fasting day, you can cleanse the intestines, remove excess fluid from the body, rid your body of toxins, and repeating such fasting days once a month will allow you to smoothly and steadily lose weight.

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The benefits of salads for weight loss

Any nutritionist will tell you that anyone who wants to lose weight noticeably and permanently needs to start eating healthy. A healthy diet necessarily includes the oldest dish of world cuisine - salad. Of course, preference should be given to low-calorie vegetable salads.

When losing weight, vegetable salad performs several functions at once - it satisfies the feeling of hunger and fills the stomach, nourishes the body with useful trace elements and vitamins, and also serves as a kind of “broom” - cleanses the intestines and improves metabolism. As with everything, the preparation of salads must be approached with intelligence and love.

In spring, summer and autumn, it is advisable to choose vegetables for salad in the market, and not in the supermarket. In winter, it is better to "press" on sauerkraut with a bow - the richest storehouse. Refuel vegetable oil And you can safely eat a fairly large portion. Neither excess weight nor colds will bother you.

The most of the most

If we are talking strictly about calories, then the lowest calorie and easy to prepare fresh salad is an lettuce salad. Season the chopped lettuce leaves with a sauce of vegetable oil and vinegar, mixed in equal proportions. Chopped dill will complete the picture. Calorie content per 100 grams of this salad is only 12 kcal!

But in order to eat this salad often, you need to love greens very much or have great willpower. Low-calorie include all salads from non-starchy green vegetables - spinach, celery, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage. A more traditional and beloved by everyone salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is also low-calorie (if seasoned with vegetable oil, then in 100 grams 46 kcal). Read more cucumber and tomato salad in a separate article.

Vinaigrette, popular in the autumn-winter period, can be called a medium-calorie salad. Yes, the simplest vinaigrette without beans will pull 131 kcal per 100 grams. look in the article about this multi-variant salad.

High-calorie salads include salads with a large number of ingredients, with vegetables containing starch, with meat, seasoned with mayonnaise or even more fatty dressings. It's interesting that Caesar salad", which many consider dietary, thanks to the dressing it has 500 kcal in 100 grams. It is also important that the chicken in the salad is not very fatty.

"Olivier salad", which is sinned by high-calorie content, will give you only 284 kcal. If replace boiled sausage chicken breast, then only 234 kcal. Another symbol of the holiday - salad "Herring under a fur coat" - 193 kcal in 100 grams. Another thing is that here you need to know the measure and even on a holiday not to eat these mayonnaise salads in basins.

It's obvious that vegetable salads should be on our menu every day. But with the onset of autumn coolness and winter cold, the body objectively requires something more nutritious. And then we recommend adding meat to salads - primarily chicken. boiled chicken breast is an excellent and essential addition to a green salad base such as arugula and celery.

With low-fat yogurt, the calorie content of such a salad will not exceed 83 kcal per 100 grams. You can substitute chicken for beef if you like. Beef salad with vegetables will also be low calorie ( 113 kcal per 100 grams) and very helpful. If the husband said to a vegetable salad - eat it yourself, then the whole family will be happy to eat such a nutritious salad with you for dinner.

All seafood is fantastically low in calories. If you love, know how to choose and cook, feel free to add squid, shrimp, mussels to vegetable salads. The calorie content of such diet food will not exceed 90-100 kcal per 100 grams. And, of course, from time to time you can treat yourself and loved ones to salads with fish - boiled, smoked, salted.

These salads cannot be called low-calorie and dietary, but they are very nutritious and rich in fatty amino acids necessary for the body. For example, red fish salad– slightly salted salmon – with potatoes and cucumber has 254 kcal per 100 grams. But we advise you not to use chips, croutons in salads at all. These products do not just add extra calories to the salad, they are a fly in the ointment that spoils the usefulness of other ingredients.

salad calorie table

Salad Calories, kcal Belkov, Mr. Zhirov, g Carbohydrates, g
Tomato, cucumber, pepper salad30,8 1 0,8 6
Salad "Cabbage with apples"32,4 1,5 0,2 6,5
Cabbage salad67,9 1,8 3,6 7,6
Tomato salad with garlic sauce71 3,8 1,8 10,2
Apples with nuts75,8 1,7 0,3 17,6
Sauerkraut with sunflower oil77,8 1,6 3,1 11,6
Raw carrots and apples83 1,3 4,7 9,2
Radishes with sour cream104 2,9 8 3,1
liver salad104,7 8,2 7,5 1,1
Mushroom salad with sour cream and egg143,1 3,9 12,5 4
"Greek salad188,5 3,9 17,8 3,4
Sorrel salad with onion and mayonnaise200,1 2,3 18,8 5,8
"Mimosa"296,6 6,3 28,4 4,5

1. Super-light salad for a late dinner ( per 100 grams - 33.95 kcal B / F / U - 1.17 / 0.44 / 6.21).


  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 2 raw carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 100 g green salad
  • 1/2 cup natural yogurt
  • 1/4 lemon
  • salt, pepper to taste


washed fresh cucumbers, raw carrots and cut the apples into thin strips, and lettuce leaves into 3-4 pieces each. Mix all this and season with yogurt, adding lemon juice, salt, etc. Top the salad with sliced ​​tomatoes.

2. Light cabbage salad

per 100 grams - 34.65 kcal B / F / U - 2.14 / 0.57 / 5.61


  • Thinly shredded cabbage 6 cups (about 1 whole head)
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Red onion, thinly sliced ​​1 cup (about 1 onion)
  • Natural yogurt 1 cup
  • Dijon mustard 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water 1 tbsp. l.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tsp.
  • Dill seeds 0.5 tsp
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Chop the cabbage, chop the onion, rub the carrots. Whisk yogurt, mustard, water, and lemon juice in a large salad bowl. Add vegetables and dill seeds. Stir, salt and pepper to taste. The salad can be covered and refrigerated. It will be good the next day too.

3. Protein salad with tuna and cottage cheese

per 100 grams - 57.12 kcal B / F / U - 9.59 / 1.26 / 1.9


  • 350 g grainy fat-free cottage cheese
  • 1 can of tuna in its own juice
  • 6 cucumbers (fresh)
  • bunch of parsley
  • 2 boiled egg yolks


Chop the parsley, peel the cucumbers and cut into slices. Mix cottage cheese, parsley and cucumbers. Drain the juice from the tuna into a bowl. Crush the yolks there and mix until smooth. Arrange the salad on plates, put the pieces of tuna on it, pour over the dressing.

4. Light layered salad for dinner

per 100 grams - 99.91 kcal B / F / U - 15.57 / 3.56 / 1.27


  • 1 grated cucumber
  • A piece of boiled chicken. breasts
  • 1 tomato, skinned
  • 2 eggs (white layer, yolk layer with herbs)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp olive oil


We grind everything and spread it in layers. Juice and oil drip on a layer of cucumber and tomato.

5. Salad with squid "Lasso": for dinner!

per 100 grams - 76.21 kcal B / F / U - 8.91 / 3.21 / 3.31


  • Squid (carcass) 3 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Cucumber 1 pc.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Dill to taste
  • Yoghurt natural 50 g


Peel and boil the squids for 3 minutes, then cool a little and cut into thin rings.
Boil carrots, cool and grate. Also rub pickle. Add 2 chopped eggs and finely chopped dill. Pepper, season the salad with yogurt and mix thoroughly. Let it brew for a couple of hours. Salad with squid is ready.

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