Home Vegetables Baking in cucumber brine with egg. Lean brine cookies - the best recipes for delicious homemade cakes for tea. Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Cookies in brine"

Baking in cucumber brine with egg. Lean brine cookies - the best recipes for delicious homemade cakes for tea. Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Cookies in brine"

Dough made with marinade (cucumber or tomato brine) is very versatile: it is equally suitable for sweet and savory pastries.

You can cook in the oven and in the pan. In addition, it is very budget and lean. Baking is incredibly tasty, without any foreign smell. I offer you three types of pastry from brine (marinade) dough: cakes in a pan, crumbly biscuits, bagels in the oven.

Composition of products

  • 250 milliliters of marinade (brine);
  • 70 grams of granulated sugar for sweet pastries;
  • one tablespoon of sugar for unsweetened baking;
  • five tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;
  • one teaspoon without a slide of baking soda;
  • vanillin - optional;
  • 450-500 grams wheat flour.

Three types of baking from brine dough (marinade): a step-by-step cooking process

  1. Best used with a moderate amount of vinegar. If you use brine from store-bought cucumbers or tomatoes, then dilute it with water. Adjust with salt and sugar to desired taste.
  2. Pour the marinade into a deep bowl. room temperature(one glass), add to it sunflower oil odorless and granulated sugar. Adjust the amount of sugar yourself (see recipe). Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. Pour some of the sifted wheat flour, add baking soda, mix.
  4. Gradually adding flour, knead the dough: it should be soft. The dough is ready for use immediately after kneading.
  5. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper: we will lay out cookies and bagels on it.
  6. For the dough, roll out the cookies into a layer 1.5 centimeters thick and cut out any shapes.
  7. Advice. If you want the cookies to be soft inside, then make the layer thicker. If you like crispy cookies, then the thickness can be slightly reduced.
  8. Dip the blanks in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon, put them on a baking sheet.
  9. From another part of the dough we will make bagels. We roll out the dough into a round thin layer, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon, press it into the dough (we walk with a rolling pin).
  10. We cut the dough into triangles, lay out any filling (I have bananas), but you can do without the filling. Roll up the rolls, transfer to a baking sheet.
  11. We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 190 degrees, for 10-15 minutes.
  12. From the remaining dough, roll out the cakes to the size of the pan, about one centimeter thick.
  13. Fry them on hot vegetable oil, on both sides, until ruddy.

Bon appetit and good mood to all.

The special talent of the hostess is the ability to cook tasty dish, not easy from what is, but from seemingly unusual ingredients. The ability to combine products that at first glance are not quite compatible. For example, such a combination in a dish as brine and sugar. Many will ask what kind of dish this is, the answer is very simple, these are cucumber brine cookies. In this recipe, we do not need a single egg, which will also surprise many. Despite all the unusual moves, the recipe is very simple. It is perfect for housewives who love lush cookies and are ready to pamper their family. If you put all your love into cooking, you will definitely succeed. delicious cookies on brine. A huge plus of this delicacy is that it retains its freshness for a long time, does not get stale and remains soft for a long time.

If you are ready, then we will prepare everything necessary products and let's start.

  • 1 cup cucumber pickle;
  • 0.5 cups of sunflower oil;
  • 1 cup sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 3 cups wheat flour.

The ingredients are already waiting in the wings, so let's start making homemade cookies.

Step by step recipe

For those who do not really like our main ingredient and are afraid that its taste will be present in the cookies, there is nothing to fear, the brine is absolutely not felt. He only gives interesting taste combined with the rest of the ingredients. The taste of cookies is unlike anything, this dish is really peculiar. Ready meal You can sprinkle with powdered sugar for beauty.

You can make this kind of cookies in brine and margarine. And you can change not only its internal content, but also external. To do this, the dough, cut into strips, is passed through a meat grinder. You can also cook oat cookies in brine, a recipe that is also simple.

Little secrets for the dish

  • Cooked cookies in brine from cucumbers can be safely served as Lenten dish. If you are not very fond of sweets, then you can confidently reduce the amount of sugar, in which case the cookies will be slightly salty due to the saturation of the brine. This simple dish is topped with grated cheese and baked in the oven for something newer and completely different.
  • Also, if desired, you can add cinnamon, candied fruits or cocoa to the dough, these ingredients will add spice.
  • If you see that there are a lot of spices and small particles in your brine, then it is better to strain it.
  • These little tips will help you make lean brine cookies just perfect. Now you know how to make cookies that the whole family will love. Make brine cookies and pamper your loved ones.

Step 1: Prepare cookie dough.

Pour the brine, sunflower oil and granulated sugar into a deep bowl, stir very carefully to get a homogeneous mass. I advise you to take fresh cucumber pickle so that it is tasty and not bitter. If we have it very salty, then you should take it smaller, you can use 3/4 cup then. Sift the flour through a sieve to rid it of lumps. Next, pour into a bowl and add a spoonful of soda. It should not be extinguished, as the brine will do it for us. Mix everything thoroughly. We insist the dough a little (15 minutes), after which we roll it out not very thinly on a floured workspace. Then you can use your imagination to make the cookies themselves. You can just make it round, if there are cookie cutters, you can use them. If you have a desire, you can cut out different animals or flowers. Who likes it better.

Step 2: Cooking cookies in the oven.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper (if you don’t have it, you can simply grease the baking sheet with oil) and heat it up oven up to 200 degrees. We lay out the cookies on a baking sheet with a distance between them of 3-4 centimeters, so that when the dough is baked, it has room to expand. We send the baking sheet to the oven for a while until 10 minutes. The cookies should brown slightly. I don’t advise baking for a very long time, because the cookies will turn out not crumbly, but hard. After we take the products out of the oven and cool thoroughly. You can also cover it with a clean kitchen towel.

Step 3: Serve the cucumber brine cookies.

The taste of the cookies is quite peculiar and not like anything else. The taste of brine does not smell there, if someone is afraid and thinks that the cookies will be given to them. It goes well with unsweetened tea or juice. And, most importantly, such products retain their freshness for a long time and taste qualities. To enrich taste and decoration appearance, cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. Good appetite!

These cookies can be served on the table as a lenten dish, at any time of the year and to any guests.

For those who do not like very sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar, then the cookies will turn out more salty. You can grate the cheese on top and let it melt in the oven, you get such a delicious treat. You can add cinnamon, cocoa or candied fruits to the dough, this will not spoil the taste, but will add specific sensations.

If cucumber pickle contains small elements, such as herbs or other additives, then it must first be filtered through a sieve or several layers of gauze.

I have had a recipe for cucumber brine cookies lying around for a long time. But for some reason, every time this valuable liquid was either drunk (I love brine with fried potatoes!) Or poured out (oh, horror!). Now I don’t do that, because I finally tried cucumber brine cookies. And since then, the dough for such baking has always been in my freezer. I sometimes freeze and just brine to use later, but most often I make a lot of dough at once (from all the brine), then put it in the freezer and use it as needed. It turns out very conveniently: I thawed a little dough, stuck cookies, baked. And you don't have to mess around with the test every time.

First, pour the brine into a bowl. I always use brine from pickled cucumbers - I don’t have others. But we pour this liquid for a reason, but filter it through a sieve so that twigs and dill seeds or other spices do not get into the dough.

Add refined sunflower oil.

We spread the sugar, it immediately falls to the bottom.

Pour baking soda into the dough. It can not be extinguished, it is neutralized by brine. But if you are very afraid, then you can pay off a little.

Add flour - how much dough will take.

It should not stick to your hands. I have a trick, proven by experience. I like to prepare dough for the future, not only because of saving time, but also to save flour. If you make cookies right away, it takes more flour (so that the dough does not stick to your hands). And if the dough is kept in the freezer, it becomes steeper and without extra flour.

For some reason, I associate cucumber brine cookies with something rustic or peasant, so I decided to make the usual form. And yes, my daughter did too. She can’t cut any shapes out of this dough, so we just took lumps of dough, formed something like a flattened bun and put it on a greased baking sheet.

Ready-made cookies are baked quite quickly. It took me about 15 minutes per serving. But I had voluminous individual cookies. If you make classic thin cookies, then you need to bake even less time - from 5 minutes (to a dry match).

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