Home Preparations for the winter Salad of ham cheese and fresh cucumbers. Salad “Gentle” with ham and cucumbers. Salad “Gentle” with ham, cucumber, cheese and egg

Salad of ham cheese and fresh cucumbers. Salad “Gentle” with ham and cucumbers. Salad “Gentle” with ham, cucumber, cheese and egg

  • cooking time
  • 20 minutes
  • servings

Salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers, step by step recipe which we will consider - a very juicy and at the same time hearty salad from the category of five-minute salads. Salad is sure to please everyone who loves salads with ham.

Even if you do not have pre-cooked eggs, it will take you no more than 20 minutes to prepare the salad, because while the eggs are being cooked, you can cut other salad ingredients at this time. The recipe for a salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers can be slightly changed with the help of both additional ingredients, the cutting method, and the cooking technology.

For example, in this salad recipe, all the ingredients will be cut into cubes, but you can try to cut ham, cucumber and cheese into strips. As for additional ingredients, you can add marinated champignons, capers, bell pepper, peas, olives or pitted olives, canned corn. According to the cooking technology, salads with ham can be both puffed and mixed.

  • Ham - 100 gr.,
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.,
  • Small onion - 1 pc.,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons

After all the ingredients have been prepared, you can start preparing the salad with ham. Boil chicken eggs in salted water hard boiled for 7-8 minutes over medium heat. Drain the water and let them cool completely. Cut the cooled eggs into cubes, as for Olivier salad.

Cut the ham into cubes too.

Peel the onion. Wash the cucumber, cut off its ends on both sides. Cut the onion and cucumber into cubes.

It remains to grind hard cheese. In this salad with cheese and cucumber, hard cheese can be replaced processed cheese. It also makes a delicious salad.

Onions, ham, cheese, eggs, cucumber put in one bowl.

Be sure to salt the salad to taste. Put mayonnaise in a bowl with salad.

Stir it. Since the salad contains fresh cucumbers, it turns out to be very juicy, therefore it does not require aging in the refrigerator.

It can be served both in a salad bowl and on a flat plate. It will look spectacular on a plate decorated with lettuce leaves. The salad itself, if desired, you can sprinkle with finely chopped dill, green onion or parsley.

Good appetite. I would be glad if this salad recipe with ham, cheese and cucumber you like it and use it.

Salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers. Photo

I also want to offer you other recipes for this kind of salads. The following salad with Tenderness ham is also very beautiful and original. The taste of the salad is fully consistent with its name. The salad is very juicy and tender in taste. And it cooks in layers.

Salad with ham and cheese "Tenderness" - recipe

If you want to surprise your guests or household members, then prepare the Delight salad for them.

Boil a hard boiled egg. Grate hard cheese and egg on a coarse grater. Dice the ham, pickled champignons and fresh cucumber.

Prepare a flat dish.

Place a round cooking ring. Lubricate each layer of lettuce with mayonnaise. The first layer is ham. The second layer is eggs. The third layer is a fresh cucumber. The fourth layer is mushrooms.

Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated cheese. Salad with ham, mushrooms and cheese "Vostorg" is ready.

If guests unexpectedly descend on you, a salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers "Delight" will come to the rescue. This salad can be easily made in 10 minutes. In the event that you do not have Korean carrots, cook a quick pickled Korean carrot. Grate carrots for Korean carrots. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, black pepper, ground coriander and vegetable oil.

  • Ham - 100 gr.,
  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.,
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.,
  • Korean carrot - 100 gr.,
  • Canned corn - 50 gr.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise

Salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers "Delight" - recipe

Cut the melted cheese, cucumber and ham into cubes.

Put in a bowl. Add canned corn and Korean carrots.

Dress the salad with mayonnaise. Salt and stir.

Transfer to a salad bowl. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

And how about a salad option with the addition of Chinese cabbage.

Salad with ham, cheese, cucumbers and croutons - recipe

Chop into thin strips chinese cabbage. Boil and cut into cubes the eggs.

Cut the ham, cheese and fresh cucumber into thin strips.

Combine eggs, cheese, ham and cucumber with Chinese cabbage. Add croutons.

Pour salad with mayonnaise. Salt. Stir. Serve stasis after cooking.

Salad with ham, cheese and fresh cucumber. How to cook?

Simple in composition, but very delicious salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers will decorate any festive table and save a lot of time for the hostess. It looks especially impressive in portioned serving, in small baskets or tartlets. This does not make the recipe more complicated, and the salad turns out to be as bright and colorful as in the photo. If there is very little time, then you can cut everything the day before, and before serving, add mayonnaise and spread the salad into tartlets. Garnish with herbs, pepper slices or cranberries - and festive snack ready!

  • boiled ham - 200 g;
  • hard cheese of sharp varieties - 100 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs. or 1 large;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 2-3 pinches (optional);
  • waffle baskets or tartlets;
  • dill or any greens;
  • cranberries, lingonberries or red Bell pepper, tomato - for decoration.

How to make a salad with ham, cheese and fresh cucumber

  1. How good are these simple salads, so this is because they are quickly prepared and if something was not there, it is easy to find a replacement for this ingredient. For example - instead of ham, take sausage or boiled chicken, replace the fresh cucumber with pickled or salted, and in the absence of hard cheese, add processed to the salad. Well, if everything you need is available - proceed to cooking.
  2. We put the eggs to boil, filling them with a large number cold water. We wait for the start of boiling, set the timer for 10 minutes, and cut the rest of the products.
  3. We cut the ham into small cubes, the cucumbers are a little larger - in this form they will not give much juice and remain crispy.
  4. We cut the cheese as finely as ham.
  5. During this time the eggs are cooked. We shift them into a bowl of ice water, and drain the boiling water. Once cooled, finely chop with an egg cutter or chop with a knife.
  6. We mix everything, season with mayonnaise to taste. Put as much as you like, but keep in mind that waffle tartlets can get soggy from a lot of sauce. It can be put on the table in a separate gravy boat so that your guests can add as much as they like.
  7. Season the salad of ham, cheese and cucumbers with salt and ground pepper. Again - to taste, given that ham and cheese, mayonnaise is already salty.
  8. The finished salad can be left for a while in the refrigerator, and laid out in tartlets just before serving. First, wash and dry the greens, cut red peppers, tomatoes into slices, or defrost cranberries and lingonberries. We fill the tartlets with salad, laying it out in a slide.
  9. Sprinkle with bright pieces of pepper or decorate with berries, sprigs of greens. Here you can come up with different options for thematic design for the upcoming holiday.
  10. To the table we serve a salad with ham, cheese and fresh cucumber slightly chilled, on a large dish or tray. For a party or a buffet table, a New Year's holiday, such a portion serving is the best solution. Original, tasty, and small portions will not let you stay long at the table. Happy holidays and Bon appetit!

Based on the basic recipe, you can diversify it by adding other ingredients. We decided to make a useful selection of salads of ham with cheese and cucumbers in various versions, because in our traditions there is a lot and variety to cook for the holidays. Look, perhaps you will find suitable options in it and surprise guests with new recipes. Read more: Shrimp and Pineapple Salad

Delicious salad with ham, cheese, cucumbers and egg

A very satisfying version of the salad, it is better to cook it in small portions and serve it on dessert plates. If the serving is normal, in a salad bowl, then the products can be cut into larger cubes or cubes, and smaller for a portion.

  • boiled ham - 100 g;
  • fresh or pickled cucumber - 2 pcs;
  • hard cheese - 70 g;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs;
  • parsley or dill, green onion- a small bundle;
  • sour cream + mayonnaise (or only mayonnaise) - 4 tbsp. l;
  • salt - if necessary (to taste).


  1. Cut the ham and cucumbers into short strips (only small cuts, cubes are suitable for portion serving).
  2. Finely chop the eggs, leaving one yolk for decoration.
  3. Cut the greens as small as possible, using only the leaves.
  4. For portioned salad grate cheese with large holes. In the usual cut into small cubes.
  5. Combine all ingredients, mixing gently. Salt, season with ground pepper.
  6. Prepare dressing from sour cream with mayonnaise or only from mayonnaise. For spiciness, you can add a little Russian mustard or grate garlic, if appropriate.
  7. Add dressing to salad, mix. Put on dessert plates with the help of a culinary ring or in a salad bowl with a slide.
  8. Sprinkle the top with egg yolk, decorate with a sprig of greenery.

Light salad of ham, cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes

For those who follow their figure and do not allow themselves to relax even on holidays, we offer a low-calorie lung recipe lettuce. In it, instead of mayonnaise, dressing from natural yogurt and plenty of fresh vegetables. It looks very impressive in tall glasses or glasses.

  • chicken or meat ham - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 70 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • fresh tomatoes with dense pulp - 2 pcs;
  • greens at your discretion (parsley, lettuce, celery) - a bunch;
  • natural yogurt without additives - 150 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Put lettuce leaves in a salad bowl or in glasses with the first layer. Pour on them ham, cut into strips.
  2. Chop fresh cucumbers thinly, into cubes. Lay out the next layer. Salt to taste.
  3. Cut the tomatoes in half, drain the juice, cut out the watery center. Cut the tomato halves into large cubes or slices. Spread over cucumbers.
  4. Chop parsley or dill very finely with a knife. Mix with yogurt. Salt to taste, you can add a little pepper.
  5. Drizzle dressing over salad. Do not stir.
  6. Grate cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle on top. Decorate and serve.

Male ham salad with cucumbers, cheese and mushrooms

This option will appeal to men: it has fried mushrooms, pickled cucumbers, fragrant ham and spicy cheese. Dressing is made from mayonnaise or sour cream, flavored with mustard and garlic.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • ham - 100-150 g;
  • fresh champignons - 150 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • onion (can be red for salads) - 1 head;
  • apple cider vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 3-4 tbsp. l;
  • ready-made mustard - 0.5 tsp, a clove of garlic (for sour cream dressing);
  • salt - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • green onion or dill - half a bunch;
  • black pepper - to taste.


  1. Peel the onion, chop finely and pour over the marinade made from vinegar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the ham and pickled cucumbers into thin strips or medium-sized cubes.
  3. Cut mushrooms into slices, put in hot oil, quickly fry over high heat. Cool down.
  4. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. For dressing, mix sour cream, spicy mustard and grated garlic. Or use mayonnaise, no additives are needed in it.
  7. Combine all components, add the onion, squeezed from the marinade. Season with salt, pepper and drizzle with dressing. Serve garnished with greens or slices of fried mushrooms.

In almost any of these salads, you can “play” with dressing: make sour cream with mayonnaise, dilute mayonnaise with yogurt. If you add mustard, vinegar, a pinch of curry seasoning to sour cream, the taste will be very unusual, and the color will be warm, yellowish. Try, experiment, cook delicious and varied!

Roman salad with ham and cheese sauce photo

  • Buttermilk 0.5 tbsp.
  • Fat-free sour cream 0.5 tbsp.
  • Garlic (chopped) 1 tooth
  • Gornozola (cheese) 90 g
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 0.5 tsp.
  • Ham 60 g
  • Roman salad 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 1 tbsp.
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  1. Make a refill. In a bowl, combine fat-free buttermilk, fat-free sour cream, minced garlic, and grated cheese (gorgonzola or blue cheese).
  2. Add salt and pepper to dressing. Mix thoroughly and place the dressing in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut the lean ham into thin strips 1.3 cm wide. Put the ham in a preheated pan and just heat it up.
  4. Cut off the stems from the romaine lettuce and arrange it on a plate. Drizzle the lettuce leaf with the prepared dressing. Then put chopped tomatoes inside the sheet and sprinkle them with warm ham.
  5. Sprinkle pepper on top. If serving the dish as a side dish or appetizer, cut the lettuce leaf with the food inside into 2 parts.

The nutritional value of the product. A serving of lettuce on 1 sheet contains 290 kcal, fat - 13g. , protein - 23g. , carbohydrates - 12g. , fiber - 3g.

Delicious salad "Men's Dream" with ham, chicken fillet and eggs

  • 200 g ham
  • 200 g chicken fillet
  • 200 g pickled mushrooms
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g lettuce
  • pepper
  • mayonnaise
  • a few lettuce leaves
  • 1 small tomato


  1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water (cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling).
  2. Boil the eggs (cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling). Cool by pouring cold water.
  3. Cut the ham into small sticks.
  4. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, then half rings in half.
  5. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
  6. Cut the eggs into small lengthwise pieces.
  7. Put ham, fillet, mushrooms, eggs, onions in a salad bowl.
  8. Pepper, add mayonnaise to taste, mix.
  9. If necessary, salt a little.
  10. Arrange lettuce leaves on a platter.
  11. Lay lettuce on top, garnish with tomato slices.

Recipe for a delicious salad with ham, cheese and tomatoes

  • 300 g smoked sausage or ham
  • 200 g cheese
  • 3 - 4 tomatoes
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of greens
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • 8 art. l. sour cream

Instead of sausage in this recipe, you can take boiled chicken fillet, pork or beef. I really liked that this salad is dressed with sour cream, it does not add weight to the salad, like mayonnaise. The result is a healthy, satisfying and tasty salad. See also: Chinese cabbage salad with ham

  1. Cut sausage and cheese into cubes.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, finely chop the greens.
  3. We squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and mix with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Mix together tomatoes, cheese, herbs and sausage.
  5. We lay out the salad on plates or bowls, and put sour cream in the middle.

Simple Advent Salad with Ham, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • broccoli - 500 g
  • dill or parsley
  • hard cheese
  • sweet pepper
  • pomegranate seeds

For the sauce (dip)

  • boiled ham or meat
  • pickled cucumbers
  • onion
  • mayonnaise


  1. Boil vegetables and eggs. Grate carrots and potatoes, finely chop the eggs (leave a little protein for candles).
  2. Prepare the sauce: cut the ham or meat into thin strips, finely chop the cucumbers and onions. Salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix.
  3. Arrange the lettuce in layers, leaving holes for the candles and brushing each layer with dressing, except for the last.
  • potato
  • carrot
  • broccoli

Decorate with greenery on top and put candles. For candles, you need to roll the cheese plates into a tube, grease with mayonnaise and lightly sprinkle with grated protein. Make a flame out of bell pepper. Decorate the salad with pomegranate seeds.

Now you know how to cook a salad with ham. Bon Appetit!

Salads with ham - 9 quick and easy recipes

Hello everyone! Most of us are very fond of salads, vegetable, fruit, fish, meat - which are not among them in the recipe book of a modern housewife. And among all this abundance, a rather high place is occupied by cold dishes and snacks prepared with the usual store-bought sausage, which can be bought in any relevant department.

And today I bring to your attention several options for preparing these rather tender dishes.

Ham is a dietary product, so snacks from it are light and low-fat. This is of course, provided that you do not get carried away with mayonnaise. And therefore they are loved to be cooked when several types of dishes in this category are served on the table.

They are very easy to cook hastily, and to the festive table, and all because it is quite simple and easy to do. Your family and guests will definitely enjoy today's unpretentious options and more complicated dishes. And I think that everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to taste.

Delicious salad with ham and corn

This bright appetizing salad will not leave anyone indifferent at your table. It turns out juicy, beautiful and tasty! And how could it be otherwise, because it contains all the most delicious, even if you eat it separately.

What can we talk about if all these delicacies are collected in one bowl, and even seasoned with olive oil!

So write down the recipe! Or we can do it all together.

  • One large or two small fresh cucumbers
  • Two medium pickled cucumbers
  • Jar of pitted olives
  • Can of sweet corn
  • Two hundred grams of ham
  • One hundred grams finished Korean carrot
  • A little olive oil, to taste
  • Small bunch of green onions and herbs
  • Salt and spices to taste if desired

1. Wash fresh cucumbers and cut off the tips from them, if their skin is rough, then it is best to peel it too. Cut them into small strips, cut pickled cucumbers in the same way.

You can, of course, take some of the proposed ones, but when they are different, this improves the overall taste at times.

2. Cut the sausage into the same pieces. Try to choose her good quality and that it was delicious on its own, without any additives.

The tastier the ingredients in the dish, the tastier the dish itself is.

3. Fold the chopped straw into a deep bowl, in which it will later be convenient to stir all the contents folded there.

4. Wash the green onion and let the water drain, then finely chop. Add to the rest of the ingredients, but do not mix yet. It is not necessary to let the juice stand out ahead of time.

5. Open jars of corn and olives and drain all liquid from them. I like to drink the corn marinade right there ... And send the canned ingredients to the rest.

6. Send Korean carrots, or carrots, as it is also called, here.

Salt and pepper as desired and to taste. I don't do either because there's enough of everything in the added products. But to add a little olive oil will be just right.

Now you can our components and gently mix. At the same time, each piece will be covered with a thin oil film, which will allow the juice not to stand out, and the salad will remain in the form we intended it to be.

You can immediately serve it to the table, while you can put it on a large flat dish and decorate with fresh green leaves. Or leave it as is, in a deep bowl.

Fresh, vitamin salad ready! It looks beautiful on any table. Eat with pleasure!

Delicate salad with ham, cheese and Chinese cabbage

We have already talked with you more than once about the benefits of cabbage, and about simple white cabbage, and about Beijing. Oh oh delicious ham and so everyone knows. In this dish, we tried to combine the benefit and taste!

And who said that you can not combine business with pleasure? As for me, this is not only possible, but also necessary, and in any dish that we undertake to cook.

How we did it, you be the judge.

  • Three hundred grams of ham
  • Two hundred grams of cheese
  • Four hundred grams of Chinese cabbage
  • one cucumber
  • one apple
  • one lime
  • one bulb
  • One hundred grams of canned corn
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. Thoroughly rinse the cucumber and apple and remove from them what we do not need - the core from the apple, the tips from the cucumber, and, if necessary, the skin. Cut everything randomly and put it in a bowl with high sides, in this it will be more convenient to mix the ingredients.

2. Cut the lime into two halves and sprinkle the apple with squeezed juice so that it does not darken.

You can take lemon for this purpose as a substitute. I just really like the scent of lime, there is something so special and spicy about it.

3. Cut the onion into very thin half rings or small cubes.

If you want to avoid bitterness in the dish, then chopped onion can be poured with boiling water for about seven minutes, and then put on a sieve to glass the liquid.

For such gentle options I try to be sure to do this manipulation so that the onion does not clog all the other ingredients with its taste and smell.

And you can add it to a common bowl.

4. Chop the Chinese cabbage into strips and add to the rest of the ingredients. "Thick" veins are best cut.

By the way, I once prepared such a salad, where I cut cabbage into small squares, the same thing looked very attractive. In general, choose any cutting method, this is already according to your desire. It is clear that this will not affect the quality of taste in this embodiment.

5. Ham and cheese are also cut into thin strips and put on the waiting ingredients.

Add corn, and optionally salt and pepper, but do not forget that there is enough of it in cheese and mayonnaise. Season the cut with mayonnaise sauce and mix.

If you are not too lazy and cook it at home, then this will give an extra taste. You can find out how to do this by clicking on the link.

The same version of the dish is prepared with the addition of canned green peas. And in this case, it simply replaces the corn. And by and large, you can add one product and the other in equal quantities.

You can serve it on a leaf of Chinese cabbage, sprinkled with grated cheese. Ready!

Cocktail salad with fresh cucumbers and a quick egg

This salad even has a beautiful name! And the presentation of such a dish is always simply delicious! And imagine how delicious it will turn out. Be sure to arrange such beautiful dinners for your loved ones.

By the way, and useful ... After all, there are a lot of vegetables in the composition, which means that it’s the most for serving for dinner!

  • One hundred grams of ham
  • One hundred grams of cheese
  • Two eggs
  • two cucumbers
  • One red bell pepper
  • Half a glass of mayonnaise

1. Boil eggs, then cool in cold water for faster cleaning, and peel. Next, cut them into thin strips.

If there is an egg cutter, then you can also get such a neat straw on it.

2. Wash and wipe the vegetables with a towel, preferably paper. Then remove the seed box from the peppers, and cut off the tips from the cucumbers, if necessary, peel the skin as well.

Then cut the vegetables into thin neat strips.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Of course, you can take this product of any kind to your taste, I like softer and yellower varieties in such combinations more. They are usually very gentle.

Sometimes for such a neighborhood, I even use processed cheese. Lightly freeze them in the freezer and rub on a grater.

4. Be sure to cut the sausage into thin strips, the thinner and more accurate, the better. After all, today we have an exquisite cocktail to serve after all!

When choosing a meat product for a dish, be sure to focus on its composition and manufacturer, and you can also partly on the price. Taking it of poor quality, unnatural, you risk spoiling the whole dish.

5. So, we collect the composition.

To begin with, we take bowls, wide glasses or glasses and put cold cuts in each of them with the first layer. Then we lightly cover the meat with a cobweb of mayonnaise, as well as each subsequent layer, except for the last one.

We decorate the finished salad with herbs. It turned out quite elegant! It is not a shame to serve such a dish even for the arrival of guests.

And you will agree that it is quite easy to prepare. You only need to boil two eggs, and the rest of the products can often be found in any refrigerator.

Salad "Tenderness" - a classic recipe

This dish even looks tender, despite the fact that it contains meat. Very delicious combination ingredients from cheese, ham and fresh cucumbers, allows me personally to eat it a lot!

So I want more, more...

It can be served both in a common bowl and on separate portioned plates.

  • Three hundred grams of ham
  • Three cucumbers
  • Two eggs
  • One hundred grams of cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • parsley for garnish

1. Boil the eggs and place them in cold water to cool, and then peel them.

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. If the peel of the vegetable is bitter or thick, then of course you need to cut it off as well.

2. Cut the ham, eggs and cucumbers into small strips and place the whole thing in a large bowl in which it will be convenient to mix.

Here also grate cheese on a coarse grater.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix ready meal it is desirable only before serving, so that the cucumbers do not let the juice go and do not “turn sour”.

Put the seasoned contents in a beautiful bowl or tamp into molds. In the latter version, serve in portions on a plate.

To make the dish more attractive, decorate with herbs.

As you probably noticed, this option can be prepared quite quickly. Do you know how soft and delicious it is? Not?! Then try to cook it for sure!

Layered salad with ham and bell pepper

It's just a masterpiece, I tell you! So many delicious foods and all in one place, well, isn't it wonderful. A great option that will look chic on the holiday table.

And sometimes you can treat yourself to this on weekdays.

Your loved ones will be delighted with such a presentation and taste!

  • 250 grams of ham
  • 130 grams of cheese
  • 300 grams of tomatoes
  • 250 grams of sweet bell pepper
  • 160 grams of mayonnaise

1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly and remove unnecessary parts from them. Seeds and stems from peppers. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the middle with juice and seeds with a spoon, and cut out the stalk.

The "insides" of a tomato, in the future, can be used in another dish, for example, for cooking a tomato.

The salad will be more beautiful and brighter if you take peppers of different colors, such as yellow and red.

2. Then cut the vegetables and ham into small strips and place in different bowls.

3. Grate the cheese into a separate plate on a fine grater. Best of all, if you do it through a fine grill, it will be more tender and tasty.

4. Put a detachable form on the dish in which our salad will be based.

We will collect all the components on it in layers, where each, except for the last one, will be covered with a mesh of mayonnaise. So, first I put cold cuts on the bottom of the form, then pepper mixed - yellow and red, then tomatoes.

5. Lay out the cheese with the final layer.

If you are planning some kind of vegetable decoration on top of it, then you can lightly season the cheese layer with mayonnaise so that this outfit stays on the surface better.

6. Put the completed form in the refrigerator so that nothing falls apart when it is removed. Stay there for about an hour. Then take out the dish and put it away.

Now you can decorate the top. I chose the easy way and garnished with the remaining pepper strips. In my opinion, it turned out quite well. And if you consider that I cooked it for dinner, it’s absolutely wonderful!

Here we have such a simple layered almost “cake”. Delicious, bright and beautiful! Your loved ones will definitely love it!

Recipe for a delicious salad with cheese and champignons

This dish is for those who love a delicate combination of mushrooms and meat. And how not to love when this neighborhood is amazingly tasty! Also laid in layers - just a delight!

I think that once you try this option, you will definitely want it again and again.

  • five eggs
  • two potatoes
  • one carrot
  • Two hundred grams of ham
  • Three hundred grams of cheese
  • Two hundred grams of canned champignons
  • One small bunch of green onions
  • mayonnaise for dressing

1. First, bake the potatoes and carrots with the skin in the “batch” way in the microwave until cooked.

Then we cool the vegetables in cold water, peel them from their uniforms and grind them on a coarse grater into different bowls, or simply leave them in two different piles on a cutting board.

2. Boil eggs and cool in cold water, peel. Now we pass them, as well as cheese, through a grater into separate plates.

3. Cut the ham and champignons (or other mushrooms) into small strips different dishes. Chop the onion into thin rings. All the ingredients are ready and we can start assembling our masterpiece. To do this, put a detachable form on a dish.

Leave a few mushrooms to decorate our "handsome".

And so each "floor" of the salad, except for the last. Next we spread the green onions, then the egg, mushrooms, meat and carrots. Finally pour the cheese.

Decorate with parsley and mushrooms. Beauty turned out just not earthly. Very beautiful!

And when our dish stands a little in the refrigerator and each layer is soaked delicious sauce, then such beauty and deliciousness are eaten in no time!

A simple recipe with canned beans and croutons

And now I want to bring to your attention another very simple version of the snack for serving. If you have in the refrigerator desired products, then it will be possible to cook this dish simply in a jiffy.

Personally, I always keep a strategic supply of canned beans and corn, and if you dig a good deal, you will find a pack of crackers.

Well, buying sausage and cucumbers is always easier than ever

  • two hundred and fifty grams of ham
  • can of canned beans
  • can of canned corn
  • three hundred grams of fresh cucumbers
  • one pack of rye breadcrumbs
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt also to taste

In fact, the process of preparing the entire salad is minimized. To be honest, there is not much to describe here. But still, a recipe is a recipe, and it requires a careful attitude, so let's write it down as it should be.

1. Drain liquid from canned corn and beans. Try to drain it so that there is no liquid left at all. I usually do this first thing. I drain it through a sieve, and leave it for a while right in it. That is, while I prepare the rest of the ingredients.

I like to use large red beans in this recipe. With her, the dish looks most impressive. But in general, of course, you can take the one that is available at that time.

2. Cut the ham into medium cubes. Send the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto a deep bowl, where we will collect all the other components of the dish.

3. Cut the cucumber in the same way. If the fruits are large and their skin is thick, then it is better to peel it. In this case, the dish will turn out to be more tender in perception.

4. Leave a few beans and corn kernels for decoration, send the rest to a bowl.

5. Add mayonnaise. If using only it is too nutritious for you, then you can take 50% sour cream and the same amount of mayonnaise.

Stir the contents and taste it for salinity. If desired, you can add salt to taste. And if you want the composition to be a little spicier, then you can also add ground pepper.

6. When the taste suits you completely, put the mixture on a plate in the form of a hillock. Decorate with rye croutons on top, and spread oval red beans on the sides and scatter bright corn.

It turns out very beautiful.

The dish can be served immediately to the table.

If you plan to serve later, then do not refuel it immediately. Let it stand in the refrigerator, not even mixed. It is most delicious when all spices and sauces are added just before eating.

Pasta spicy salad "Italy" with ham and tomatoes

This dish is prepared in sunny Italy. And having learned how it is done, you can plunge into this sunny atmosphere and cook a delicious hearty salad in your kitchen.

And then arrange an Italian-style dinner with the family.

Really great! Your loved ones will be delighted.

  • two hundred grams of ham
  • one chicken fillet
  • two hundred grams of pasta
  • three tomatoes
  • small bunch of parsley
  • mayonnaise to taste
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • olive oil half a teaspoon

1. First of all, let's deal with pasta. Take products of firm grades so that they retain their shape after cooking. Spirals or bows look very nice. Although, see for yourself, you may want to change the tradition.

Of course they need to be boiled. Probably everyone knows how to do it, so I won’t talk about it here.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that you do not need to cook them until fully cooked. They must be cooked to the state of "al dente", as it is called in Italy. That is, it is practically a state of semi-readiness, although not quite.

If there is one distance from half-readiness to readiness, then we need to stop about halfway.

2. At the end of cooking, put the products in a colander and let the water drain. Then pour in some olive oil and shake so the pasta doesn't stick to each other.

3. In the meantime, they are cooked to cut everything else. We must have pre-boiled chicken breast. It also needs to have time to cool by this time. It remains only to cut it into thin strips and that's it.

4. Cut the ham in the same way. In principle, you can get by with this option and it alone, without chicken meat. But when two types of meat product are used, the taste of the dish becomes richer.

5. Remove seeds and juice from two tomatoes. If you cut with all this economy, then the contents will turn out to be watery and will definitely “float”. We do not want such a result, therefore we remove the liquid component of the fetus.

The remaining whole tomato and the parts from which the core was pulled out, cut into cubes.


7. And finally, add the cooled pasta to the bowl.

8. At the end, salt and pepper our dish to taste and add 2 - 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

But see for yourself here as well. You may want a little more sauce, or vice versa, a little less. Rely on your taste, and everything will be fine.

9. That, in general, is all. The contents can be beautifully laid out on a dish and served at the table. Everyone puts on their plate as much as they need.

And if he comes back soon for more, that means italian dish was to your taste. What personally I am very, very happy!

Video on how to cook pancake "Stump with mushrooms"

And in conclusion, I can't leave this collection without it. delicious option lettuce. It is, of course, somewhat more difficult than all the others, but it's worth it.

Just look how beautiful it looks. A real stump with mushrooms.

This option is not for weekdays. Usually housewives prepare it for the holidays - for birthdays, for New Year. He needs to bake pancakes. Then prepare some toppings. And then the fun begins...

However, I will not tell. Intrigue is important here, and, to be honest, even watching the cooking process is interesting, not something to do on your own! Such creativity.

In general, everything is possible, and if you have a desire to create such cooking masterpiece, then I am sure that you will succeed.

Excellent options for simple and not very simple, but always delicious salads, right?

We noticed that many of them are prepared for one or two, without any special problems, easily, simply, quickly. Great options for a festive feast or just for dinner with your beloved family.

Ready-made options can be served either simply in a beautiful deep bowl, or laid in the form of a puff circle with an exquisite design, on a large flat dish. Or serve it personally to each on a plate, for their decoration, culinary rings of small diameter are now sold.

Cocktail salads are also a great idea for portion serving. Always out of place, very elegant, in my opinion and always nice!

Be sure to decorate your delicious dishes for yourself and your loved ones! See how beautifully you can decorate one of them for the New Year. Quite simply, but looks so elegant. If you want to see the recipe, follow the link, there is also a video.

I hope you have chosen something interesting from our recipes that you liked the most. If you like the whole collection, then it's generally great!

In general, friends, always cook only with love! And you will always succeed.

Salad “Gentle” with ham and cucumbers

It's time to dilute a series of recipes with another delicious salad. Today I will talk about salad with beautiful name“Gentle”, which is prepared on the basis of ham and cucumber. Literally the other day I cooked the “Gentle” salad with ham and cucumber, and for the first time, and I can immediately say that I liked its taste.

Of course, to speed up the preparation of the “Gentle” salad with ham and cucumbers, it is better to boil the eggs in advance. But, even if you just started cooking and put the eggs to boil, the salad is still cooked very quickly. Just imagine: while the eggs are being boiled and cooled (and the process of their cooling does not last long), you, deftly wielding a knife, cut ham and fresh cucumbers into beautiful strips, grate cheese on a coarse grater, which is so handy in almost any mayonnaise salad, and then set to eggs already cooled by this point. Agree that it is incredibly simple.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings - 4-5


  • 200 g ham
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • green onion for garnish
  • 5-6 spoons of mayonnaise
  • 0.4 tsp ground black pepper

Salad “Gentle” with ham, cucumber, cheese and egg

So, let's start preparing a delicious salad "Tenderness". We take 200 g of good ham and cut it into neat strips. In principle, you can cut the ingredients for the salad and cubes, you decide.

Following the ham, we proceed to slicing cucumbers. And do not forget to wash them thoroughly before cutting. Be sure to try cucumbers for bitterness. If, nevertheless, it turns out that bitterness is present in the taste of the cucumber, then we simply peel the cucumber, which is the focus of this taste. We use a cucumber without a peel and the problem is solved. I didn’t come across bitter cucumbers, so I used them together with the peel to prepare the “Gentle” salad.

Let's move on to the next ingredient of the “Gentle” salad - to the cheese. I propose to grate it on a coarse grater or cut it into the same strips as ham with cucumbers. Frankly, I had a little less cheese than the instructions for the salad required, and it turned out to be palpable in taste. Therefore, it is better not to save on cheese in the “Tender” salad.

Eggs, which are best cooked in advance, are cut in any way convenient for you.

We put all the ingredients of the “Gentle” salad in one container and add a few tablespoons of mayonnaise and a little ground black pepper. Salt is not supposed to be in this salad, since the ham and cheese are already salty, and thanks to this, the taste of “Gentle” is quite balanced.

We mix all the ingredients. We shift the “Gentle” salad with ham and cucumber into a beautiful salad bowl and decorate with a small amount of finely chopped green onions. Bon appetit, dear readers, and see you soon!

Salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers is considered a prototype or a short version of the domestic "Capital" salad. But soon the salad fell in love with the Soviet hostesses so much that it got its own name - “Gentle”. The unique taste of the snack is obtained due to the optimal combination of ingredients - tender ham, juicy cucumbers and spicy cheese. Since all the components of the salad are already ready to eat, the time for its preparation is a matter of minutes, which means that the appetizer can be safely classified as “quick” or “guests on the doorstep”. Despite the simplicity of the salad, it is not a shame to put it on the festive table, and due to the availability of ingredients, it can take pride of place in the everyday menu.

For this type of salad, it is better to choose hard cheeses. The most accessible of them are Poshekhonsky, Russian, Vityaz, classical Dutch. If you want to add an unusual flavor to the salad, then you should use Cheddar, Eden, Parmesan or Maasdam cheese.

Quality ham is the key to a delicious salad. But many of us do not know how to choose the right one. To begin with, it is worth deciding that the ham is made from boiled pork meat, and, therefore, should have a grayish tint. If the ham is bright pink, there is a great chance to buy an artificially colored product. One of the main points in choosing a real ham is its smell. It should smell like meat, and not a pronounced smell of ham, many manufacturers sin with flavor enhancers, which give such a persistent aroma. Pay attention to the label - if the ham is made according to GOST, you can safely take it, but products made according to TU require a thorough study of the composition, additives can be used in them.

The extra juice that vegetables give is absolutely unacceptable in salads. Firstly, they are stored worse this way, and secondly, they do not look presentable at all. Therefore, for salads, it is better to choose less “juicy” cucumbers, for example, long and smooth ones. They have fewer grains, and therefore, when cut, they will give less juice. For this salad, you can also use pickled cucumbers, as well as lightly salted ones. So the appetizer will turn out more original and tasty. A couple of hours before cooking, you can put cucumbers cut into small pieces in a jar of cold water, add salt, dill umbrellas, and garlic to them. So they are a little marinated. But at the same time, the finished salad will need to be tasted, since all the ingredients will initially be quite salty.

How to cook a salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers - 15 varieties

A universal salad that will always help out - both in a feast and in the world, as they say. The ingredients are so simple that most families can find them in the refrigerator.


  • Ham - 400 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pieces
  • Cheese - 300 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  • Green onion - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Dice the ham, boiled chicken eggs and cucumber. We crush the beam. We rub cheese. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

The recipe got its name because of the amazing combination of eight ingredients that make up the salad. The appetizer will appeal to those who like the combination of sweet fruits with meat.


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Canned pineapple - ½ can
  • Olives - ½ can
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Chicken fillet is boiled and cooled. We cut the ham, boiled chicken eggs, tomato, pineapple, boiled chicken, cheese and cucumber into cubes. Cut olives into slices. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise.

Korean carrots can change the taste of any salad beyond recognition. Thanks to her piquant taste other ingredients are revealed in a new way.


  • Ham - 300 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Korean carrot - 150 grams
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Dill (optional) - for garnish
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Cut the ham into cubes. Grate cheese, cucumbers and eggs. We lay out successively the salad - a layer of cheese, then a layer of ham. Spread with mayonnaise. A layer of cheese and a layer of ham. Spread with mayonnaise. Next, Korean-style carrots and cucumbers. Spread with mayonnaise. Boiled grated eggs were sprinkled on top. You can also decorate with dill, but this is optional.

Do you want to surprise your guests? gourmet salad? Then this recipe is for you!


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Parmesan cheese - 100 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Mushrooms - 150 grams
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Dice the ham, boiled chicken eggs and cucumber. Chop the mushrooms and fry them until golden. We rub cheese. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

Often this salad is served with a very beautiful design, which is easy to make. To do this, do not mix cucumbers with other ingredients, but cut into thin slices. We start from the very top of the salad, take the smallest plates and insert them horizontally into the salad. We move from the top of the salad to its base. As a result, we get that the lettuce is a flower, and the cucumber plates are its petals.

So few themed salads for International Women's Day. Dont be upset! It's time to change boring salads for festive ones.


  • Ham - 250 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 150 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Cut the ham and cucumber into cubes. Drain juice from corn. Grate cheese and boiled chicken eggs. We put two glasses on a flat dish. Around them, we will lay out a salad in the form of a number eight. The first layer is ham. Mayonnaise. The second layer is boiled chicken testicles. Mayonnaise. The third layer is cucumbers. Mayonnaise. The fourth layer of cheese. Mayonnaise. Decorate with corn.

The salad is meant for true connoisseurs Italian cuisine. What could be tastier than pasta with ham? That's right, just an appetizer based on this traditional second course.


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Cheese - 50 grams
  • Pasta - 200 grams
  • Tomato - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing


Boil pasta and refrigerate. Dice the ham, tomatoes and cucumber. We chop or three garlic. We rub cheese. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

For snacks, original pasta of an interesting shape is best suited - curls, bows, shells, etc. If at home there was nothing but spaghetti - do not be discouraged. Just chop them up before adding them to the salad. You can go a little further and use funchose rice noodles instead of traditional wheat pasta.

Light salad for romantic dinner, a hearty breakfast, a snack on the festive table - this dish is suitable for all occasions. And most importantly, the products are budgetary and it is not at all difficult to cook it.


  • Ham - 300 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1.5 pieces
  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Layered salad. The first layer is ham cut into cubes. Let's coat with mayonnaise. The second layer is cucumber. Let's coat with mayonnaise. The third layer is grated boiled chicken testicles. Let's coat with mayonnaise. The fourth layer of tomatoes, diced. Let's coat with mayonnaise. Sprinkle salad with grated cheese.

This salad will look especially advantageous in portioned salad bowls or bowls, when each layer will stand out brightly. Festive mood will be provided to guests!

Such a salad will easily replace Olivier on the banquet table. This appetizer is both hearty and juicy, there is no one indifferent to it.


  • Ham - 250 grams
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces
  • Cheese - 50 grams
  • Chicken meat - 300 grams
  • Tomato - 3 pieces
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Greens (to taste) - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing


Boil chicken meat, cool. Cut into strips ham, chicken meat, boiled chicken eggs, tomatoes and cucumbers. We rub cheese. We chop greens. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

This recipe is traditional and well known to every housewife. It was from him that all combinations of an amazing combination of ingredients went - ham, cheese and cucumber. If this salad is not familiar to you yet, you need to urgently cook it!


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 200 grams
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Greens - for decoration
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing


Dice the ham and cucumber. We skip the garlic through the press. We rub cheese. Season all the ingredients with mayonnaise, decorate the salad with herbs.

A salad for those hostesses who are not looking for easy ways and are ready to spend a lot of time at the stove to amaze guests and family. You can be sure that all efforts and expenses will be justified. The snack is excellent!


  • Ham - 100 grams
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 piece
  • Tongue - 100 grams
  • Pickled champignons - 50 grams
  • Beef - 100 grams
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Smoked sausage- 100g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt pepper, smoked paprika- taste


Boil chicken eggs and cut into strips. Boil tongue and beef. Cut all meat products into strips. Champignons, tomato, onion and cucumber also cut into strips. Three cheese on a grater. We make dressing - crush garlic in mayonnaise and add to the wig. Mix everything with dressing.

rice noodles began to gain great popularity recently, which is why salads with her participation are so in demand. Meanwhile, a salad with funchose can easily be made at home.


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Rice noodles - 200 grams
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Salt, spices - to taste


Boil funchose, cool, cut into smaller pieces. We cut the ham, cheese and cucumber into cubes. Drain the juice from the corn. Season all ingredients with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

This salad is a real work of culinary art, but it takes a lot of work to prepare it. For those who are not afraid complex recipes, boldly take on the implementation of a fabulous snack.


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Cheese in slices - 1 pack
  • Cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Testicle - 3 pieces
  • Bulb - 1 piece
  • Vinegar - ¼ cup
  • Water - ¼ cup
  • Mayonnaise - for dressing
  • Greens - for decoration


Marinate the onion - dissolve sugar and vinegar in water, put the chopped onion into it. Dice the ham, boiled chicken eggs and cucumber. As soon as the onion is marinated (in an hour), we combine it with the rest of the salad ingredients - ham, eggs, cucumbers. Mix ingredients with mayonnaise. We make bast shoes from boiled and grated potatoes on a coarse grater, with a recess for a salad. We "sheathe" pawpaws with chopped strips of cheese. Put a salad in the bast shoes, decorate with greens as desired.

After the potatoes are boiled, let them cool down well! If you put cheese on a hot potato, it will just melt it, and all the hard work of decorating with cheese will go down the drain. For a salad, it is better to take Hohland cheese with ham, it will further emphasize the taste of the snack.

How many salad recipes with the same name are found on the Internet. But this salad is unique, its dressing is not mayonnaise, but vegetable oil. Therefore, adherents of diets and fitness nutrition will definitely appreciate it!


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • Cucumber - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Red onion - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Greens - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for dressing
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Dice the ham, tomatoes, pepper and cucumber. We chop onions and greens. We rub cheese. Season all ingredients with vegetable oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

An amazing puff salad that literally melts in your mouth. Despite the many ingredients, it turns out to be quite light, so it is perfect as an opening dish for holiday table.


  • Ham - 200 grams
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Cheese - 150 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Bulb - 1 piece
  • Rice - 100 grams
  • Canned peas - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - to lubricate the layers


Layered salad. We start with boiled and grated carrots. Mayonnaise. Diced pickled cucumber. Mayonnaise. Eggs boiled and grated. Mayonnaise. Ham cut into cubes. Mayonnaise. Onion, diced. Mayonnaise. Boiled rice. Mayonnaise. Polka dots. Mayonnaise. Finish with grated cheese.

Salad with ham, cheese and cucumber is a very tasty, satisfying and therefore very attractive cold appetizer in all respects, which is simply prepared, suitable for absolutely all occasions and therefore deserves all the attention of lovers of such delicious dishes. This salad requires only five very common and inexpensive ingredients, such as ham, cheese, boiled eggs, mayonnaise and, of course, fresh crunchy cucumbers. Despite such a simple composition, this appetizer turns out to be unusually tasty and appetizing, because it is based on the classic and beloved by many combination of eggs, cheese and ham. This most delicate combination is very successfully set off by a refreshing piquant note, which is brought by juicy cucumbers, creating an amazing harmony of tastes, which then cannot be forgotten for a long time.

Salad of ham, cheese and fresh cucumbers it turns out quite satisfying and beautiful and will look great on the festive table, and besides, it is not difficult to bungle it even on the most ordinary weekday, since this will require a minimum of time and effort. All these qualities can allow you to indulge yourself and your family more often. delicious dish not only on special occasions, but also in everyday life, busy work, study and a bunch of a wide variety of things. A hearty salad with ham will not only help you get pleasure and satisfy your hunger well, but also add energy, cheer you up and give you a surge of vigor and strength. Bon Appetit!

Helpful information

How to make a salad with ham, cheese and cucumber - a simple recipe for cheese and ham salad with step by step photos


  • 200 g ham
  • 4 eggs
  • 120 g cheese
  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 60 g mayonnaise


1. In order to prepare a salad of ham, cheese and fresh cucumbers, the ham must be cut into long thin strips.

Advice! In addition to ham, you can also use carbonade, ham or other boiled-smoked meat to prepare this salad. meat delicacy pork with little fat. It goes without saying that you need to buy only natural and high-quality meat product, since this is the main ingredient on which the taste and benefits of the salad directly depend.

2. Hard-boil eggs, peel and cut into strips.

3. Fresh cucumbers also cut into thin strips. If you come across cucumbers with a thick and rough skin, then it is better to remove it.

4. Grate salted cheese on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.

Advice! If you have a little time and patience in reserve, then it is better to cut the cheese for this salad into strips, since in this form it is more harmoniously combined with other ingredients. However, since this is a rather laborious work, it is quite acceptable to simply grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

5. Salad of ham and cheese, salt a little and season with mayonnaise.

6. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

An unusually tasty, tender and nutritious salad with ham, cheese and cucumber is ready!
Be sure to try this wonderful cold appetizer In my simple recipe, because your guests and household members will certainly appreciate it, and you will hear a lot of sincere compliments and praises addressed to you. Bon Appetit!

If you go through a lot of delicious holiday and everyday salads, then ham salad can honestly be among the easiest to prepare. Ham is a ready-made product that we buy in the store, and there is no need to spend time cooking it. Along with chicken fillet, ham is one of the most popular salad products. On holidays, we remember this salad much more often than others, because the taste of such a salad is excellent.

Many people like to cook a variety of salads with ham, the products used in it are extremely diverse. And this is not surprising. The ham is quite tender, but salty and low-fat, which makes it a convenient ingredient even for low-calorie salads with vegetables.

Let's dive into the variety of salads.

"Gentle" - salad with ham, fresh cucumber and cheese

Very tasty, tender and proven over the years salad recipe with ham and cucumbers. Suitable for a festive table in a hurry, and for a delicious homemade lunch or dinner. A light and dietary salad will appeal to both children and adults.

You will need:

  • low-fat ham - 400 grams,
  • medium cucumber - 3 pieces,
  • eggs - 4 pieces,
  • hard cheese - 150 grams,
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Hard boil the eggs, peel them from the shell. It will peel off easily if you pour ice water over the eggs as soon as you remove them from the stove.

Clean the cucumbers from the skin. Especially if these are large cucumbers whose skin can be bitter. For a tender salad, all ingredients must be tender. Cut the cucumbers into thin short strips.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Cut the ham and eggs into thin sticks, just like the cucumbers. Squeeze the garlic through a press or grate on a fine grater.

Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt to taste, but keep in mind that the ham will already give a little saltiness. Season with mayonnaise and serve. Bon Appetit!

Delicious salad with ham, apple, cheese and Chinese cabbage

Quite uncomplicated, but tasty and juicy salad with ham, which combines hearty and fresh ingredients. Beijing cabbage leaves and juicy apple contrast, but at the same time complement the taste of ham and cheese. Once I tried it, I realized that this salad is worth it to get into the home cooking collection of recipes.

You will need:

  • ham - 300 grams,
  • hard cheese - 200 grams,
  • chinese cabbage - half a head,
  • cucumber - 1 piece,
  • sweet and sour apple - 1 piece,
  • onion - 1 piece,
  • lime - half
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • salt and pepper to taste.


This salad with ham is prepared very quickly and without prior preparation, in just 15 minutes.

Slice the ham and cucumber into thin strips. Cheese can be grated on a coarse grater, or you can cut it with a knife in the image and likeness of the first ingredients.

Cut the onion in half along the core and then cut into very thin half rings. Break it down into feathers. You can use red lettuce, it will not be so hot.

Cut the Chinese lettuce into 3-4 pieces along the head, then chop into medium-sized squares. The pieces should turn out a little more than from ham and cucumber.

Peel the apple from the core and twigs, then cut into thin strips. To prevent the apple from turning dark, sprinkle it with the juice of half a lime.

Put all the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl and stir. Add salt and pepper to taste. Season with mayonnaise and you can serve.

Salad with ham, sweet pepper and fresh cucumber

A win-win and simple salad with ham and cucumber. Add fresh red bell peppers to it and you are in the kings. A yellow or orange pepper will also work. The ingredients are so simple it's amazing how a salad like this can taste so good.

You will need:

  • ham - 300 grams,
  • cucumbers - 2 pcs (medium),
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece,
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • salt and pepper.


To make such a salad not only tasty, but also beautiful, it is enough to cut cucumbers, ham and pepper into pieces of approximately the same size. A thin straw looks best. But cubes are also great, about the same as you cut for Olivier salad on New Year's Eve.

The most important thing is that all flavors mix.

Mix everything in a beautiful salad bowl, salt and pepper, if necessary, and season with mayonnaise. Salad with ham is ready in 10 minutes!

"Pleasure" - a delicious salad with ham and croutons

Tender ham, cheese and boiled eggs, plus juicy tomatoes, yes croutons from white bread for crunch. Here is a recipe for another delicious salad with ham, which will perfectly decorate the festive table and provide a hearty lunch.

You will need:

  • ham - 350 grams,
  • cheese - 250 grams,
  • tomatoes - 4 pieces,
  • eggs - 6 pieces,
  • white crackers - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise.


Boil the eggs in advance, cool them well and peel them. Cut the eggs into slices and then into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, and then remove the liquid center with seeds from each. We don't need extra juice in the salad. Now cut the tomato slices into strips.

Cheese is also best cut into thin sticks, but you can also rub it on a grater, although then it will differ from the rest of the components in size and appearance, which slightly spoil the harmony.

Cut the ham into thin slices and then into strips.

Crackers can be taken from the store, or you can cook it yourself from an ordinary white loaf. To make your own croutons, cut the bread into cubes, place on a plate and pour over 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, sprinkle with fragrant herbs. After that, spread on paper on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a low temperature until they become crispy.

Mix everything together, season with mayonnaise. Put the croutons last so that they do not lose their crunch before serving.

Delicious salad with ham is ready. Enjoy!

Salad with pickled mushrooms, ham and corn

What happens if you add spicy pickled mushrooms and sweet corn to tender ham? And a little more cheese to boot. Of course, another delicious salad.

You will need:

  • ham - 250 grams,
  • hard cheese - 250 grams,
  • eggs - 4 pieces,
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 grams,
  • corn - 1 can,
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper.


Cut the ham and cheese into thin sticks or cubes. Do the same with hard-boiled eggs.

Open a can of corn and drain the liquid, add the corn to the rest of the ingredients.

Catch the mushrooms from the jar and rinse a little with boiled or filtered water to wash off the thick viscous marinade. Cut too large mushrooms in half. Leave small ones whole.

Put everything in one bowl, stir. Season with mayonnaise. In addition, you probably won’t have to add salt, because mushrooms and ham are already salty. Mayonnaise will also give its taste. But the most The best way to understand what is missing is to try.

Dressed salad can be served at the table. Bon Appetit!

Salad with red beans and ham

Red beans go well with different foods in salads, ham is no exception. From my own experience, I can say that slightly sweet beans go very well with ham. In addition, the most frequent companion of ham in a salad is cheese, where without it.

You will need:

  • ham - 300 grams,
  • red beans - 1 can,
  • cheese - 100 grams,
  • tomatoes - 1-2 pieces,
  • red onion - 1 pc,
  • dill and parsley - 2 sprigs each,
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper.


This salad looks very nice if all the ingredients are cut into cubes. So it will be in harmony with the oval beans as much as possible.

Cut the ham into cubes. Tomatoes can be removed from the core if they are too juicy, cut the remaining pulp into cubes too.

Cheese can be cut like other products, or grated. It has a very strong taste, so its pieces can be smaller.

Cut the onion into thin cubes, and if it is too hot, pour boiling water over it. Although red onions are usually quite sweet, they are called salad for a reason.

Greens must be finely chopped, preferably without stems.

Open the beans and drain the liquid. In red beans, it is usually thick and viscous, so the beans can also be washed for salad with boiled or filtered water. She will shine and be very beautiful.

Now boldly mix everything, season with mayonnaise, salt to taste and transfer to an elegant salad bowl. Bon Appetit.

Blue cabbage salad with ham, nuts and corn

Cabbage salads can be eaten both in winter and summer, due to the fact that cabbage is stored for a long time and is available at any time of the year. In winter, this is a great way to add vitamins to the diet. And to make it tastier, let's make a salad with ham from blue cabbage.

You will need:

  • ham - 200 grams,
  • red cabbage (blue) - 300-350 grams,
  • canned corn - 100 grams,
  • boiled eggs - 2 pieces,
  • walnuts - 40 grams,
  • dill to taste
  • salt and mayonnaise for dressing.


Wash and dry the cabbage well. Cut it into thin short strips or small pieces.

Cut the ham into medium sized cubes. Peel the eggs and also cut into squares, you can not too small. Put everything in a bowl, add a few tablespoons of canned corn. Walnuts cut into large pieces or coarsely crush. It all depends on your taste, whether you like large nuts in a salad or prefer only their taste when finely ground.

Season the salad with mayonnaise and lightly salt. Arrange nicely on a plate and garnish with dill sprigs. Eat to your health!

Ham salad with potatoes, peas and sweet peppers

Hearty and delicious salad with ham will help to make boiled potatoes and green pea. And let it immediately remind some of another famous salad, but not trying this one would be a real omission.

You will need:

  • ham - 250 grams,
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces,
  • canned peas - 1 can,
  • eggs - 2 pcs,
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece,
  • green onions - a few arrows,
  • mayonnaise for dressing
  • salt to taste.


Boil potatoes in their skins. Judge and cut into cubes. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, also cut into cubes, you can use a special egg cutter.

Peel the seeds from the middle of the sweet pepper and cut into squares. Cut the ham into cubes of the same size.

Chop green onions. Put all ingredients in a salad bowl. Add green peas from a jar. Salt to taste and season with mayonnaise.

Invite the family for a delicious lunch!

Salad with ham, pineapple and Korean carrots

Ham and sweet pineapple make for an amazing combination of flavors. Lovers of sweet salads will especially like it. Korean corn and carrots will also give their note.

You will need:

  • ham - 100 grams,
  • corn - 100 grams,
  • pineapple - 100 grams,
  • carrots in Korean - 100 grams,
  • cheese - 100 grams,
  • mayonnaise and salt to taste.


To prepare this salad, you will need ready-made carrots in Korean. You can use canned pineapple, you can also take fresh, but it will be more acidic, especially if not very ripe fruit comes across.

Cut the ham into thin strips. Corn will need about half a jar or one small one. Sodium cheese on a coarse grater.

Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise to your taste. Lightly salt to balance the sweetness. You can spice it up a bit.

Serve at the festive table. Bon Appetit!

Salad with ham and cheese

Salad is this interesting dish, in which they connect perfectly different products. In combination with each other, they create a unique taste. Now we will tell you how to cook a salad with ham and cheese.

Salad with ham, cheese and cucumber

  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise, herbs, salt - to taste.

We cut the ham and cucumbers into thin strips. We boil the eggs hard-boiled, pour them with cold water, and after they have cooled, we clean and also cut into strips. We chop the greens. Three hard cheese on a coarse grater. In a deep bowl, combine all the ingredients, add mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix. Everything, the salad of ham, cucumbers and cheese is ready. Before serving, you can cool it down a bit.

Salad with tomatoes, cheese and ham

  • ham - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • white bread - 3 slices;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise, salt.

Cut white bread or loaf into cubes and dry in a frying pan without oil until golden brown. We also cut the ham and tomatoes into cubes, and three hard cheese on a coarse grater. Pass the garlic through a press. In a deep salad bowl, mix all the ingredients, add mayonnaise to taste, add salt if necessary and mix. Please note that it is better to add croutons just before serving the salad to the table. Otherwise, they will soften and the taste of the dish will be spoiled.

Salad with bell pepper, ham and cheese

  • boiled-smoked ham - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper (preferably red) - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise.

We clean the pepper from seeds and stalk and cut into strips. We also cut ham. Hard boil eggs, cool, peel and chop. Cheese can be cut into strips or grated on a coarse grater. We mix all the ingredients, pour the salad with mayonnaise, mix and serve.

Italian salad with cheese, ham, peppers and pasta

  • pasta - 400 g;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Boil the pasta in salted water until tender, then drain the water and let the pasta cool. We cut the tomatoes and peppers into cubes, and the ham into strips. We can grate the cheese on a coarse grater, or we can cut it into strips. Mix all the ingredients and dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Quick salad of ham, cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes

  • ham - 250 g;
  • tomatoes - 300 g;
  • cucumbers - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Hard boil the eggs, then cool and cut into strips. Grind ham, tomatoes, cucumbers and cheese in the same way. Salad with ham, tomatoes, cheese and eggs, season with mayonnaise, if necessary, add salt to taste and serve.

Salad with pickled cucumber, egg, cheese and ham

  • ham - 300 g;
  • gouda cheese - 300 g;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 250 g;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • dill and parsley - 30 g;
  • mayonnaise and mustard - to taste.

Cheese, ham, pickled cucumbers, boiled eggs cut into thin strips. Chop green onions and dill with parsley. We mix the prepared products, add mayonnaise, mustard to taste and mix.

Salad with mushrooms, ham, chicken and cheese

We cut the boiled chicken fillet, ham and eggs into strips, three cheese on a grater, add the garlic passed through the press, chopped dill, pickled mushrooms and mayonnaise. We mix everything well. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and serve.

Salad with ham and cucumbers; eggs and cheese - 4 delicious recipes with photos and videos

Salad with ham and cucumbers is one of the most respected on Russian holiday tables. It is prepared quickly, since nothing needs to be cooked, just chop and mix all the ingredients. In these salads, in addition to ham and cucumbers, put cheese, eggs, corn, cabbage or fresh tomatoes. There are a lot of options. I think everyone tried this delicious salad, and many made it on their own. Try one of my recipes today. I will be very pleased if you and your guests like it.

Salad with ham and cucumbers is very tasty and has a festive, elegant look. With proper design, it will completely decorate any holiday table. It is called - salad "Tenderness" or "Gentle". Call it whatever you like, it won't make it any less delicious. Here are some of the most popular cooking methods. Choose any and cook with pleasure!

In this article:

Salad with ham and cucumbers "Tenderness" - a step by step recipe with photos

All products are quite affordable and simple. You only need to boil eggs. The rest of the ingredients just need to be cut.

What you need:

How to cook:

Not less than wonderful recipe this salad from Olga Orlova's video channel "Women's Council"

Salad with ham and cucumber, with Korean carrots - video recipe

Our beloved, all-Russian New Year holiday is approaching. If you, like me, collect recipes for the festive table in a piggy bank, I advise you to pay attention to the fact that such a salad looks especially impressive with tomatoes.

Salad with ham, cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese - step by step recipe with photo

I replaced the ham in this salad. smoked sausage with fat. It didn't detract from the taste at all. Do not forget that dressing the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream should be just before serving. Because fresh vegetables will quickly release juice. Homemade mayonnaise recipe here

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I cut the ham or sausage into small pieces. I pour it into a deep salad bowl.
  2. My tomatoes and cut into small cubes. I add them to my salad bowl.
  3. My cucumbers, cut into small cubes and pour there too.
  4. Cheese, as always, on a coarse grater. I send it to the salad bowl.
  5. Dill and parsley cut arbitrarily. I tear the lettuce leaves with my hands. We send the greens to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. I clean the garlic, cut it smaller. Can be squeezed out through a press. Stir to distribute the garlic throughout the mass of the salad.
  7. I dress the salad with mayonnaise and salt just before serving, because the vegetables will quickly release the juice .. Do not be too lazy to cook Homemade mayonnaise. Salt and pepper with caution, because the mayonnaise is already salty.
  8. I mix everything well and immediately invite everyone to the table. This delicious salad should be eaten fresh. At all feasts, this salad is one of the first to be swept off the table.

And another incomparable version of this fresh salad from the video channel of Oksana Valerievna

Salad with ham and cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and canned corn

We have sorted out the most popular salad ideas with ham and cucumbers. Write in the comments if you liked our recipes, or would you like to add something to them?

And I say goodbye to you until the next recipes. Bon Appetit everyone! And I want to especially thank those who cooked with us today!

Salad with ham and cheese. Variety of recipes

Perhaps there is no person who would be indifferent to a salad with ham and cheese. This is a universal set of products for salads and snacks, which many housewives like. Often this combination of ingredients is even used as a filling for pies and other baked goods.

The beauty of the salad is that it can be varied and supplemented with absolutely any ingredients. Cheese, as a rule, is used exclusively for hard varieties. But you can choose any ham, everything will depend on your preferences. In order for the salad with ham and cheese to have a more delicate texture, we advise you to pay attention to high-quality processed cheese. It is also often used in the preparation of such a snack.

Big plus appetizers and serving. Such a salad can be filled with homemade profiteroles or store-bought tartlets, you can lay it in layers or form a slide. There are a lot of options.

Salad with sweet pepper

The dish turns out to be very beautiful and appetizing if the traditional salad with ham and cheese is decorated with sweet bell pepper. Vegetables can be added to the main composition of the salad, or simply used to decorate the dish.

List of ingredients

  • ham - 150-180 gr.;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • hard cheese - 120-130 gr.;
  • 100 gr. pickled champignons;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweet bell pepper of one or two bright colors - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

The only long process in the pepper, ham, cheese salad recipe is boiling eggs. We put the eggs to boil for seven to eight minutes. Then we take them out and cool them in cold water. Cut the ham, eggs and mushrooms into long even strips. Grind the cheese with a fine grater. Bulgarian pepper is freed from seeds and partitions. We cut it into long sticks, with which we will later decorate the salad.

Mix all the ingredients for the dish, add a pinch of salt and a few tablespoons of mayonnaise. We spread the pepper in the shape of a flower. Add a pinch of finely chopped herbs. Salad with ham and cheese is ready.

Appetizer with tomatoes, ham and cheese

An extremely juicy and incredibly fragrant salad is obtained, which combines hearty ham, light cheese and fresh tomatoes. This is a very tender and low-calorie snack option. The only ingredient that will add extra calories is mayonnaise. By the way, it is recommended to fill the salad immediately before serving, otherwise it may “leak”.

Grocery list

To reproduce the recipe for Ham and Cheese Salad with Tomatoes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 gr. ham (balyka or brisket).
  • 250 gr. fresh mushrooms.
  • Two large juicy tomatoes.
  • 100 gr. Luke.
  • Three chicken eggs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • A little salt.
  • Vegetable oil - one tablespoon.
  • Ground pepper.

How to cook?

This recipe will contain fried mushrooms, so we initially pay most of our attention to them. Finely chop the onion and send it to fry in oil. We cut the mushrooms into small cubes and also add to the onion. As soon as a light blush appears, take out the onion with mushrooms and put them on a paper towel. It will help get rid of excess oil.

Cut tomatoes and ham into cubes. Boil the egg for eight minutes, cool and rub on a coarse grater. Grind cheese in the same way. We mix ham, cheese, egg, champignons with onions in a large deep plate. Add a little pepper, add a little salt and season with mayonnaise. You can serve such a salad with ham and cheese in a small bowl, decorating the top layer with a whole mushroom or parsley sprig.

Delicate salad with cucumbers

We also recommend trying to cook a very light and tender salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers. The appetizer, judging by the reviews, has a very delicate and pleasant taste. Cucumbers add lightness and a unique summer flavor to the salad, and ham makes it hearty and nutritious.


  • Ham - 150-180 gr.
  • Two eggs.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • 50-70 gr. cheese.
  • Salt.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Pepper.
  • Canned corn - 2 tbsp. (optional).
  • For decoration - greens.


Place the eggs in a small pot of water and place over high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, we detect ten minutes. After boiling the eggs, we send them under a cold shower. A jet of cold water will not only cool their ardor, but also make them more pliable during cleaning. We cut the eggs into cubes.

Grind the ham and cucumber in exactly the same way. Cheese is rubbed on a grater. Canned corn gets rid of excess liquid and is laid out in a common salad mass. Add a little salt, pepper the salad a little and season with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. The appetizer can be laid out in a slide on a plate, decorated with greens, or placed in tartlets and served in portions.

Successful combinations

In addition to fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms, the following products will go great with ham and cheese:

  • canned peas;
  • boiled shrimp;
  • boiled carrots;
  • pickles;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • processed cheese;
  • pickled champignons;
  • homemade potato chips;
  • smoked chicken breast;
  • marinated Forest mushrooms(honey agarics, boletus, oyster mushrooms);
  • prunes;
  • walnuts.

Salad recipes with ham and cheese

All recipes for salads with ham and cheese have been used more than once for cooking. They refer to recipes for salads with cheese. Also pay attention to the recipes for salads with sausage and cheese that we have collected.

Salad with grilled ham and spicy croutons

Sort the salad, rinse, dry, coarsely tear and place on a dish. Put the bread on a well-heated grill, fry for a few seconds, then turn over and fry on the other side. Remove the bread from the grate. Lay the ham slices on the grill. Roast a slice. You will need: green salad - 250 g, arugula salad - 250 g, ham - 4-6 slices, red onion - 1 head, avocado - 1 pc., lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, wheat bread - 6 slices, cheese - 50 g, garlic - 2 cloves, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 2 s.

Salad with ham and pineapple

1 Apples cut into strips and drizzled lemon juice. Cut ham and cheese into strips. 2 Pineapple, peeled, cut into slices, mix with nuts, apples, cheese and ham. 3 Whisk mayonnaise with sugar and pepper. 4 When serving, place the salad on a platter, . You will need: ham - 300 g, pineapple - 300 g, green apple - 2 sh., hard cheese or gorgonzola - 100 g, lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon, chopped walnuts - 100 g, mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1/3 teaspoon, ground black pepper

Salad with ham and oranges

Orange cut into slices, cutting off the film. The ham was cut into strips. Dressing - mixed yogurt, mustard, salt and pepper. Of course, any dressing will do - mayonnaise or sour cream. Can be layered: ham-dressing-mushrooms-dressing-lettuce-orange. You will need: Ham - 200 grams, Hard grated cheese -50 grams, Canned mushrooms (I have chopped champignons) - 150 grams, Orange - 2 pieces, Lettuce leaves - 3-4 pieces, Natural yogurt -3 tbsp. spoons, Mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon, Salt-pepper - a pinch

Salad with ham

Cut the ham into strips, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the mushrooms into strips, finely chop the garlic, add greens, add corn and season with mayonnaise. You will need: 300 g of toast ham, 1 can of corn, 1 can of champignon mushrooms is not large, 200 g of hard cheese, garlic to taste, herbs, season with mayonnaise. I advise you to try the yummy.

Rabbit's dream salad

Cut the ham into strips. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater 1 grate the cucumber, drain the juice Lettuce is laid out in layers, in the form of a carrot: 1. Cheese 2. Ham 3. Cheese 4. Ham 5. Cucumber 6. Korean carrot 7. CHEESE 8. BOILED CARROT 9. ALL LAYERS OF LUBRICATION. Required: 200 g ham, 200 g cheese, 1 fresh cucumber, .

Puffs with ham and cheese

Cut the ham into sticks 10-12 cm long. Wrap these sticks with slices of cheese. Roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick and cut into strips. Wrap the strips of dough around the ham and cheese sticks so that the next round covers 1/2 of the previous one. Lay pipes. Would need: Puff pastry- 300 g, Ham - 150 g, Processed cheese "Viola" - 70 g, Egg yolk, Lettuce, Sesame

Ham salad with cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes

We disassemble the small oyster mushroom into separate mushrooms, cut the large one. Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil, over low heat, until tender. Cheese cut into cubes. Cut the ham into cubes. We chop the garlic. Cheese, ham, garlic and fried gr. You will need: ham; cheese; mushrooms (oyster mushrooms or champignons) in equal proportions; mayonnaise; tomatoes; clove of garlic; a little vegetable oil;

my ham salad

1. Cut the cabbage into thin strips. 2. We cut the ham into wheels, and then the wheels into thin strips. 3. Three cheese on a coarse grater, as well as boiled eggs. 4. We combine all the above ingredients and add croutons, salt and pepper to taste, season with m. You will need: Ham - 200 gr., Eggs - 3-4 pcs., Chinese cabbage(you can also use the usual one, preferably young) - 1/2 a small head of cabbage, Cheese ( hard grade) - 100 gr., Croutons (from black bread) - 2 packs (I like "3 crusts" with greens and tomato), Mayonnaise to taste, Salt, p.

Cocktail salad with ham and cheese

Cut the ham, cucumber, sweet pepper, eggs into layers into very thin strips. Grate the cheese. Take a tall, wide glass. Lay in layers, pouring mayonnaise on each layer in the following order: ham, cucumbers, cheese, eggs, peppers, cheese. Salad - cocktail decorate with slices of o. Required: 100 gr ham, 100 gr cheese, 2 boiled eggs, 1 pc fresh cucumber, 1 pod of sweet pepper, 0.5 tbsp. mayonnaise, salt, dill

Salad with ham and pineapple

1st layer: chopped lettuce leaves. 2nd layer: ham cut into cubes; 3rd layer: pineapples cut into small cubes; 4th layer: grated cheese. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. Place croutons on top before serving. Required: 1 bunch lettuce, 1 small can of canned pineapples, 300 gr. ham, 200 g of cheese, 1 pack of white croutons with cheese, mayonnaise.

Salad is one of the most popular appetizers in the world. For its preparation, as a rule, different ingredients are used. Salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers is an excellent option for a hearty and quite appetizing dish which can be taken as a basis. By introducing various additional components into the traditional composition, new original recipes are obtained.

The simplest version of a salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers is prepared in just a matter of minutes. It is good to use it in emergency cases when you need to quickly arrange a table and there is absolutely no time to prepare more complex dishes.

For work you will need:

  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 200 g of cheese (necessarily hard);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 g of ham;
  • some mayonnaise.

The whole process of preparing this simple dish consists of two stages:

  1. First, all the components must be crushed. Hard cheese is best processed on a grater with large cells, and cucumber with ham, slowly, cut into thin strips. Garlic can either be squeezed through a press or finely chopped with a knife. Much more cheese will come out. Accordingly, it will be the main one in this mixture.
  2. Pour all products into a salad bowl.
  3. Add some mayonnaise and mix well.

It turns out simple, but very tasty snack, which looks equally good on both a regular dinner and a festive table.

With bell pepper

Vegetable lovers can add a little sweet fruit to the main recipe. This will give the new dish more freshness and flavor. There is a very interesting option where ham, cheese, bell pepper, cucumber, egg and, of course, mayonnaise are used at the same time. Such a salad does not have a name, but each housewife can give it any name herself.

To prepare such a dish, you need to take:

  • 300 g of ham;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • 50 g olive oil;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • salt;
  • 7 olives;
  • greenery.

The cooking method in this case will be somewhat different:

  1. Hard-boil eggs, cover with cold water and cool.
  2. Rinse the pepper and cut out the core with seeds from it.
  3. Chop the greens randomly.
  4. Grind the cheese on a grater with large cells. Peel the cooled eggs and cut into medium cubes. Cucumbers, peppers and ham crumble into strips.
  5. For dressing, squeeze peeled garlic through a press, and then mix it with oil and lemon juice.
  6. Combine chopped products with olives in one bowl.
  7. Pour over prepared dressing and mix well.

Serve such a salad to the table is not necessary immediately. It will take some time for the components to exchange flavors.

Cooking with eggs

If you add boiled chicken eggs, then it will work new salad. It will be more tender, soft and quite satisfying.

You will need the following products:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • salt;
  • 2 medium cucumbers;
  • 200 g of ham;
  • mayonnaise;
  • any greenery.

Preparing this dish is also quite easy:

  1. The first step, of course, is to boil the eggs. After cooling, peel off the shell.
  2. Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  3. Eggs, along with ham and washed cucumbers, crumble into strips.
  4. Process the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Gather ham, cheese, cucumber, egg and herbs in one plate.
  6. Pour the products with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

This simplistic easy option and wholesome food Ideal for a quick dinner, for example.

Salad Tenderness with ham, cheese and cucumbers

Using a standard base (ham, cucumbers and cheese), you can cook a very tasty Tenderness salad. Moreover, in different sources, its recipe contains its additional components.

In one of the options for work, you must have:

  • 1 cucumber;
  • 120 g of hard cheese;
  • 160 g of any pickled mushrooms;
  • salt;
  • 200 g of boiled-smoked ham;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • pepper;
  • 25 g sour cream;
  • greenery.

To prepare an appetizer with such a romantic name, you need:

  1. Mushrooms cut into slices (or strips).
  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Rinse the cucumber well, cut off the peel, crumble with ham straws.
  4. Make a refill. To do this, combine mayonnaise with sour cream, then add a little pepper, chopped herbs, pepper the composition.
  5. Put the crushed products in a bowl, pour over the prepared dressing and mix.

The salad really turns out to be very tender, which is fully consistent with its name.

Snack with corn

If in classic salad with ham and cheese and cucumbers, add canned corn, you get a dish that will certainly appeal to real gourmets. It can become a worthy alternative for the festive table instead of the famous "Olivier".

The recipe composition of the dish includes the following components:

  • 150 g of fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of cheese and ham;
  • 80 g of corn;
  • some mayonnaise.

Preparing this salad is also quite simple:

  1. Grind cheese on a grater with medium (or large) cells.
  2. Chop the ham and both cucumbers into cubes or strips. Who will like it.
  3. Press the peeled garlic cloves through a special press.
  4. Put all these products on a plate.
  5. Add canned corn (sweet or dessert) to them.
  6. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix.

If guests suddenly come to the house, then the hostess can meet them with dignity by preparing this simple, but very appetizing and tasty dish as an appetizer.

With tomatoes

In autumn, when the season of vegetables comes, it is good to add to the salad fresh tomatoes. They will make the finished dish more juicy, and spices, as usual, will give it a pleasant spicy note.

You will need the following set of components:

  • 300 g of ham;
  • 2 small tomatoes;
  • 170-180 g of hard cheese;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • pepper.

To prepare a salad from all this, you must follow these steps:

  1. Ham and pre-washed cucumbers cut into thin strips.
  2. Chop tomatoes prepared for salad into cubes.
  3. Gently grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Rinse well, and then dry and finely chop the greens (dill).
  5. Place the prepared ingredients in a bowl.
  6. Add mayonnaise and garlic squeezed through a press to them.
  7. Mix well.

The hostess can be sure that after tasting such amazing salad no guest will go home in a bad mood.

Layered salad with ham, cheese and cucumbers

The salad will look more impressive on the table if the products taken for its preparation are laid in layers. This option is ideal for when a party is planned in the house.

To work, you can use:

  • 150 g of ham and the same number of fresh cucumbers;
  • green feather onions;
  • 80 g of cheese;
  • pepper;
  • salt;
  • 75 g sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons capers.

How to cook such a dish:

  1. Carefully cut the ham into thin slices.
  2. Cucumbers and cheese crumble into strips.
  3. Finely chop the onion and mix it with sour cream, adding a little pepper and salt to taste. It made a good sauce.
  4. Place the prepared products in a bowl in turn: ham - cucumber - cheese - tomatoes. Each layer (except the last) is generously smeared with fragrant sauce. Ingredients must be clearly separated.
  5. Put the rest of the sour cream on top in the center and decorate the dish with capers.

Gorgeous salad is ready. It will be an excellent addition to the festive feast.

With Chinese cabbage

Today, many housewives for cooking different salads they use not white cabbage, but Beijing cabbage. And this is understandable, because the leaves Chinese vegetable more delicate and better suited for preparing a variety of snack dishes.

As an experiment, you can prepare a salad from the following components:

  • 250 g of ham;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 Pekinese fork;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • mayonnaise;
  • some pepper.

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