Home Main dishes Cheese calories per 100. Cheese baskets for cold appetizers. Culinary tricks for cheese lovers

Cheese calories per 100. Cheese baskets for cold appetizers. Culinary tricks for cheese lovers

Calorie content of Russian cheese 45% fat per 100 grams 355 kcal. 100 g of dairy product contains:

  • 22.5 g protein;
  • 28.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

For the preparation of Russian cheese 45%, the following ingredients are used:

  • lactic acid bacteria;
  • pasteurized medium fat milk;
  • leaven;
  • salt;
  • enzymatic preparation providing curdling of cheese.

Calorie content of Russian cheese 50% fat per 100 grams 362 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 23.3 g protein;
  • 28.9 g fat;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates.

Russian cheese 50% fat has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The dairy product contains many vitamins B6, B9, B12, A, PP, ascorbic acid, minerals zinc, calcium, phosphorus.

Calorie content of hard Russian cheese Como per 100 grams

Calorie content of hard Russian cheese manufacturer Como per 100 grams is 360.9 kcal. A 100 gram serving of cheese contains:

  • 26.3 g protein;
  • 28.5 g fat;
  • 0 g carbohydrates.

The benefits of Russian cheese

Despite the high fat and calorie content, nutritionists do not recommend completely excluding hard Russian cheese from the diet. The following benefits of this product have been proven:

  • Russian cheese is saturated with milk fat, which restores the energy balance in the body, is quickly absorbed;
  • B vitamins of the product are useful for the prevention of hepatitis and anemia;
  • cheese is enriched with calcium, which is important for maintaining the health of the skeletal system, hair, nails;
  • according to Finnish scientists, hard cheese contains many probiotics that slow down the aging process of the immune system;
  • milk product increases resistance to stress, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • hard cheese with the addition of enzyme preparations of non-animal origin is an excellent alternative to meat for vegetarians. This product will completely compensate for the lack of proteins in the body.

Harm of Russian cheese

We list the harm of hard Russian cheese:

  • due to the high fat content and calorie content, the product is contraindicated in weight loss and overweight;
  • hard cheese will have to be abandoned during exacerbations of diseases of the gallbladder, biliary system, liver;
  • overeating cheese leads to malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • the product is saturated with amino acids, with an overabundance of which headaches, insomnia occur, and blood pressure rises;
  • completely abandon hard cheese should be at elevated cholesterol levels. In this case, cheeses with a fat content of not more than 20% are shown;
  • hard cheese is excluded from the diet for ulcers;
  • vegetarians should read the composition of the product very carefully. In the manufacture of most types of such products, enzyme preparations animal origin.

Parmesan cheese was first made in the province of Parma, from where it got its name. To date, this type of cheese is made not only there, but also in other provinces of Italy: Mantua, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna.

Historical digression

This dairy product has been produced for a long time. This variety of cheese was bred to keep its taste qualities and expiration date as long as possible. It took a lot of time to experiment with his recipe, but this culinary masterpiece was worth it!

Since then, Parmesan cheese has gained worldwide fame and has appeared in all countries, changing its composition, recipe, manufacturing conditions, production time - anything but its name. The difference of this variety from other cheeses is its long-term storage. - 392 kilocalories.

For eight centuries, Italian cheese makers have been making parmesan according to strict cheese-making rules, and they have never been violated. It is for these reasons that this cheese has such a unique taste and appearance. Cheese miracle was obtained as a result of 2 milkings from whole cow's milk, and the cows were fed with special herbs to give a characteristic taste.

Appearance and description of parmesan

Known in Russia as parmesan, it has a firm texture with a granular-scaly texture. appearance. It is characterized by a sweet fruity taste and a rich yellow tint. Depending on the fat content of cow's milk, the calorie content of parmesan cheese can vary in the range of 384-392 kcal.

Due to its structure, the cheese looks dry, brittle and hard, with slightly rounded edges. It is simply impossible to cut it like ordinary cheese. Therefore, especially for such cutting, there is a knife with a comfortable wooden handle and a sharp end. With it, smaller pieces of cheese are broken off from a large piece of parmesan.

Beneficial features

Parmigiano contains an abundance of macro- and microelements, as well as many vitamins. It contains: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, iron, manganese, selenium, zinc. From beneficial vitamins can be noted: vitamin A, K, D, B1, B2, E, PP (or B3), B5, B6, folic acid, choline, B12.

In addition to the average calorie content of Parmesan cheese, it has a high nutritional value and is rich in natural protein and essential amino acids. Another feature of its physico-chemical composition is the presence of two important acids: isovaleric and butyryl. The first acid works in the body as a sedative, it calms. And the second promotes the breakdown of fatty acids and stops the development of cancer cells in the colon.

All this indicates that this variety brings the maximum benefit in the human diet.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that parmesan contains a lot of salt (monosodium glutamate), which affects the appearance of migraines (with a tendency to headaches), affects the functioning of the kidneys, blood vessels, and heart. And also for people prone to vascular diseases and puffiness, it is worth minimizing the amount of cheese consumed. It is enough for healthy people to observe the norm of consumption of this product.


Parmesan is an Italian variety durum varieties. The fat content in it of the total weight is 40%. Depending on the variety of Parmesan cheese (40%), the calorie content may vary. So, there are three types of cheese:

  • fresh (Fresco, 12-18 months);
  • old (Vecchio, 18-24 months);
  • very old (Stravecchio, 24-36 months).

The last type of cheese matures for a very long time, unlike other types.

How to use Parmigiano

This cheese is used in cooking in a variety of ways. But real aesthetes prefer to taste this splendor in combination with red or white wine. It is customary to use it in small pieces with a special knife. Thanks to the wine drink, the delicate fruity taste of the cheese is revealed in full force, and fresh grapes are perfect as an addition to it, Walnut or honey. Such serving is considered to be classic in restaurants of the European level.

Only real gourmets can truly appreciate the taste culinary masterpiece- Parmesan cheese - in combination with wine and its related products.

Energy value of cheese

Parmesan cheese has calorie content per 100 g - 392 kcal (on average). The amount of protein is 35.75 g, fat - 25.83 g, carbohydrates - 3.22 grams.

If we take into account that this variety belongs to the medium-calorie, it is very well absorbed by the digestive system of the body. What pleasantly distinguishes it from other cheese varieties is the fact that parmesan contains almost no cholesterol. And also it is often used in the menu of diet programs.

There is another type of parmesan called goyus (or Rokiskio). It is a low calorie product. It is not as popular as classic parmesan, but healthy people use it in their dishes. And this is due to the fact that the calorie content of goyus (parmesan) cheese is only 354 kcal (in 100 grams).

Pairing cheese with Italian cuisine

Many Italian housewives like to bake their dishes under a crispy Parmesan cheese. They bread fish, meat, chicken with cheese and add it to all kinds of sauces. Its use is so extensive in Italian cuisine that it is difficult to imagine any dish without it. Cheese is used in grated form, sprinkling pasta, salads, risotto, hot fish and meat dishes and also pizza. In some varieties of pizza, this cheese is the main ingredient, without which its preparation is simply unthinkable.

In dishes with parmesan cheese, of course, the calorie content increases. Well, how to do without it? There are even some desserts that are served with this product. For example, fruit or cheese cookies. You will be impressed by such a dessert - small pieces of parmesan covered with hot chocolate.

Parmesan contains no artificial ingredients. Cheese has a spicy rich taste. Thanks to all this, he was so fond of the Italians, and with them the rest of the world, so that parmesan can rightfully be considered a symbol of Italy. And parmesan (40%) allows you to use all adherents of a healthy diet, without exception.

How to choose

To buy real parmesan, you need to carefully examine the packaging. This dairy product must have the inscription: Parmigiano-Reggiano and the letters D.O.P. These letters indicate that this cheese has passed the control at all stages of maturation. If you do not find these inscriptions, then in front of you is a fake product. You will also see information about the calorie content of parmesan cheese in the standard range of 384-392 kilocalories.

Cheese storage at home

Parmigian can be stored in the refrigerator for several months (up to six months), and in the freezer even longer.

When storing, it is important to consider the packaging of the cheese. It must be removed from the original packaging, as it will most likely be plastic or polyethylene. And this material negatively affects cheese enzymes. Therefore, you can take parchment or wax paper and wrap Parmesan in it. On top of it you need to wrap it with foil. Such multi-layer packaging will help to preserve the shelf life of the product in a place where the temperature is not higher than six degrees Celsius. In order not to suffer later with the memory of dating, indicate the expiration date or date of purchase on the package.

Once opened, Parmesan can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

The prevalence of cheese is due not only to its taste variety, but also to its beneficial properties and nutritional value. Such a product quickly saturates and is absorbed in the human body.

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To date, there is a rich assortment of types and varieties of this fermented milk products. Depending on the method of preparation and ingredients, the calorie content of cheese, its external and technical characteristics differ.

Product description

Cheese is a fermented milk product derived from raw milk, by adding clotting enzymes or by melting other dairy products. For this purpose, different milk is used: goat, horse, sheep, cow. Today there are more than 700 varieties of cheese. Such diversity depends on the difference in production technologies.

Nutritionists divide cheeses into rennet, sour-milk and processed cheeses, which, in turn, are divided into groups:

  • Solid- are obtained by long-term pressing (from 6 months to several years), with preliminary cooking at a certain temperature. Therefore, on the cut, the eyes are completely absent or very small. Such varieties have a beneficial effect on the entire body, especially on the digestive and nervous system. With regular use of the product, overall well-being improves. Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 340-350 kilocalories.
  • Semi-solid- have a dense, but plastic structure. Inside there is a chaotic perforated pattern. Such cheeses ripen for only a few months.
  • Soft- have a creamy-curdled texture, soft on the inside, but dense on the outside. No superficial crust or slight mold. They contain fewer calories (about 230 kcal), so they are recommended for weight loss. There are varieties with and without maturation. The taste can be spicy-pepper, mushroom, sour-milk, ammonia.
  • Curd- a protein cheese product with a high content of vitamins and microelements. For vegetarians, they can be a complete substitute for meat. They are not stored for a long time.
  • Fused- obtained by a special method, by combining various dairy products, with the addition of melting salts and subsequent thermal exposure. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and amino acids.
  • Pickled- imply ripening and storage in a special saline solution. They have a sour-sharp taste and aroma, a layered and fragile texture. They are divided into soft and hard. This category includes traditional Georgian cheese Suluguni, as well as Brynza, Chanakh, Feta, Adyghe. Beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • with mold- an elite variety of cheese products, in the manufacture of which mold fungi that are safe for health are introduced. Mold color can be different: blue, green, white, bluish, red. Such food is useful for people with lactose intolerance.

Popular varieties of cheese:

Name Category Classification A photo
MozzarellaSoft, saltyClassic cheese product Italian cuisine based on goat milk. Fat content 22–24%. With almost homogeneous structure, dense. Does not cut into thin slices. The taste is neutral. Usually sold as balls or braided
AdygheSoft, saltyDense curdled structure with a difference in taste, which depends on the type of milk used. Prepares quickly, 2-3 weeks in brine is enough
SuluguniHard, brineDense, outwardly similar to processed cheese. It is stored in brine, otherwise it winds up and becomes covered with mold from above, begins to burst. It is often brewed from goat's and sheep's milk. Always tastes salty
Dutchsemi-solidIt differs from other types in that it is made exclusively from fresh cow's milk, without extraneous additives. Has a spicy-sour taste
GoudaSolidDutch dairy product, yellow on the cut, with a nutty flavor. With prolonged exposure, it acquires a sharp aftertaste. Has a fat content of about 50%. Young cheese is easily cut into thin slices, aged cheese is quite difficult.
Maasdamsemi-solidTraditional Dutch cheese with characteristic large holes inside. It has a pronounced cheese flavor with a slight sweetness. Fat content - about 30%
LambertHard, rennetA unique variety produced on the basis of milk from the Altai Territory. Has a pronounced creamy taste and yellowness
ricottaSoft, wheyProduct with a low content of milk fat. More like a curd mass than cheese. It does not have a specific smell, the taste is sweetish. Fat content depends on the type of milk: from cow - 10%, goat - 22-25%. Color ranges from white to cream
MascarponeSoft, curdCreamy consistency, fat content up to 74%. The composition is a complete analogue of cottage cheese. Taste closer to butter. Visually comparable to homemade cream. In cooking, it is used to create dessert creams.
ParmesanSolidCheese of long maturation and special hardness. Not cut even with a sharp knife. Real Parmesan can only be broken into pieces with a hammer. Used for sprinkling food. On sale there is usually a young cheese, not so hard. Outwardly, it is not very attractive due to the white crumbling coating. Product fat content - 30%
Pigtail (chechil)Smoked, pickledA traditional Armenian product with a fibrous texture. The taste is similar to suluguni. Made by hand
Camembertsoft with moldOriginally from France. Visually looks like a creamy dessert. It melts easily due to its high lubricity. The product is not mass produced, therefore expensive. It has white mold on it. Fat content is 43–45%
TofuVegetableA popular soy cheese made from artificial ingredients. In terms of taste, it is close to cheese or mozzarella. Refers to diet cheeses, shown for weight loss. It is also recommended for use by people with disorders in the digestive system. Fat content is only 5% per 100 grams with a calorie content of 70-72 kcal


Cheese is a natural, easily digestible protein, along with vitamins and a large complex of minerals. It is of particular benefit to children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. In the presence of individual lactose intolerance, cheese can be replaced with milk.

The composition contains unique amino acids: lysine, tryptophan, methionine, which are not produced by the human body. Vitamins in cheeses: group B, E, A, PP, C, D. Mineral components: zinc, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron. The calorie content of cheese depends on the species, ranging from 250 to 400 kcal per 100 grams.

Nutritional value and distribution of BJU in different types cheeses:

Olive oil - composition, calorie content, beneficial features and contraindications


All cheeses are useful, regardless of production technology. It is a valuable supplier of amino acids, the lack of which can lead to dehydration and premature aging. The product is obtained as a result of fermentation, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Blue cheeses help speed up metabolism and protect against bacterial infections.

When such a product is included in a permanent diet, a person provides full support for the body in terms of mineral saturation, in particular, with calcium. This is especially important for children and older people.

All varieties of cheeses are shown as a maintenance of physical strength:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • in case of weakened immunity.

It has a positive effect on teeth, eyesight, hair and nails. Low-fat varieties of cheese nutritionists recommend eating when losing weight and in case of thrombosis.

Athletes and people with daily physical overload, such food supplement will help you recover faster. It is enough to eat 100 grams per day to fully supply the body with vital substances. Due to the large amount of calcium in the composition, it is indicated for bone fractures.

Benefits of each type of cheese:

Name Impact
MozzarellaSoothes, effectively fights insomnia
Brie, CamembertNormalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Blue cheese is superior in protein to eggs and fish. Thanks to amino acids, muscle tissue builds up, calcium in the composition strengthens bones. With the frequent use of such cheeses, the protective function of the body from ultraviolet radiation increases.
Gouda, Emmental, EpuasSource of calcium
TofuNot only does it taste good, but it is also rich in protein, along with a low fat content. It is recommended for use by people with digestive pathologies. However, excessive passion for this product can negatively affect memory.
Swiss, DutchStrengthen the bone skeleton, improve tissue regeneration. Helps prevent caries and osteoporosis
AdygheOne of the most useful cheeses for medical reasons. Indicated for vegetarians and weight loss people. Helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. It serves as a prevention of: cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, oncology, nervous disorders. Indicated for malnutrition and anemia
The optimal daily dose is no more than 1-2 slices. For children under one year of age, any cheese delicacies prohibited. It can harm the kidneys and liver. After a year of life, the child's stomach begins to produce the enzymes necessary for the digestion of cheese.

It is advisable for pregnant women to refrain from eating blue cheese. The fungus in its composition can harm the developing fetus. It is impossible to consume cheeses with noble mold more than 50 grams per day, and children under 8 years old are completely contraindicated. Overloading the stomach with bacterial flora contributes to dysbacteriosis.

Overeating any cheese can cause insomnia, increased blood pressure And headache due to the presence of tryptophan in the product. Hard and soft varieties are absolutely harmless if you follow the rules of use.

Cheese quickly saturates and is quickly absorbed, without loss useful composition.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Cheese Russian has been widely known since Soviet times and is in great consumer demand. This is due to the pleasant, traditional creamy-cheese taste of the product. Its taste is liked by a wide range of tasters, and in addition, the cheese has a relatively affordable cost compared to other varieties.

How many calories are in the product?

Russian cheese is based on pasteurized milk. As a result, the percentage of fat in the finished product can be 50 or 45%. The difference between them lies in energy value- the number of kcal in a piece of 50% is 363.5, while the analogue of 45% fat has 338 kcal per 100 grams of product.

A piece of cheese (100 g) with a fat content of 45% does not contain carbohydrates, 28.5 g of the composition is occupied by fats, the remaining 22.5 g is proteins.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

As already mentioned, the basis of the composition of the BJU of the Russian product is fats, represented by fatty polyunsaturated and unsaturated acids. Slightly inferior in content to proteins. They have an easily digestible form. Carbohydrates are contained in very modest amounts (0.55 g) and are represented by lactose and glucose.

Milk fat is represented to a greater extent by unsaturated fatty acids, although there are both mono- and polyunsaturated acids.

Due to the high content of proteins, this product can be recommended for weight athletes, as well as for those who lack the daily protein requirement (1.5-2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight). At the same time, proteins in cheese are classified as so-called complete - containing all the necessary amino acids.

Benefits and harms for weight loss

A big mistake is to completely refuse cheese during the diet because of its high calorie. Like any product, Russian cheese should be considered in terms of the richness of the composition, given the benefits it brings to the body. And this product brings a lot of it.

First, it is a source of calcium and protein. The latter in cheese is similar to protein from fermented milk products. It is this protein that is almost completely absorbed by the body, unlike its analogue from milk. Protein is necessary for building muscle tissue, and it also maintains healthy teeth and bones.

Cheeses with a fat content of 17-25% are considered permitted for admission during the diet. Of course, the percentage of fat in the Russian product is higher. In this regard, the amount of its consumption should be reduced.

Secondly, in this type of cheese, the content of amino acids is high, including those not produced by the body (for example, tryptophan, lysine), but supplied exclusively with food. They are necessary for the vital activity of all organs and systems, intensive processes of metabolism and lipid metabolism.

Finally, the content of vitamin E in the product is high, which is considered a natural antioxidant that removes toxins from the body. This vitamin is also called the “beauty vitamin”, because it slows down the aging process of cells, helps to maintain skin tone, skin and hair health.

In an effort to lose weight, some women almost completely refuse fats, considering them the main enemies of a slender figure. However, fats in certain quantities are necessary, especially for the female body. Their deficiency primarily “hits” the reproductive system - the level of sex hormones decreases, menstrual cycle irregularities, amenorrhea, and problems with conception are observed. In a negative way, the lack of fat affects the condition of the skin, nails, hair.

Cheese Russian contains saturated fatty acids, as well as Omega-6 and 9. Splitting, they provide the body with energy, promote fat burning (due to the activation of metabolism) and muscle growth.

People with high cholesterol levels in the blood can feel harm from eating cheese, since the product contains beef fat. It is one of the heaviest fats, so it will aggravate the situation. In addition, this component, with excessive use of the product, can cause digestive difficulties, constipation.

Russian cheese contains not only vitamin E, but also vitamins A, C, group B, and in addition, it boasts a rich mineral composition. All this allows us to talk about the tonic, immuno-strengthening effect of the product. Even a small amount of it can make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, the deficiency of which is often observed when dieting.

Russian cheese is the champion among the "brothers" in terms of phosphorus content. The latter improves cerebral circulation, thereby improving intellectual activity. In combination with calcium, it is involved in the process of strengthening bones and teeth. In addition, it takes part in metabolic cellular processes, affects the functioning of almost all organs.

From the reception of cheese should be abandoned in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. This product is not a suitable option for exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature (ulcers, gastritis).

It is forbidden to eat it if you are allergic to any component of the product, as well as lactose intolerance. The latter is available in Russian cheese.

Like any product, cheese should be eaten in small quantities. Otherwise, there may be digestive problems, an excess of vitamin B, amino acids and sodium (all of which are present in the product) can lead to increased blood pressure, insomnia.

Diet use

Due to the high calorie content and fat content, cheese is best combined with fresh vegetables and herbs. They act as fiber and will not reduce intestinal motility. As a result, the cheese will be digested as completely and quickly as possible, and all unnecessary elements will be removed from the body.

High the nutritional value imposes certain limits on its use. It is recommended to do this in the morning, preferably for breakfast, although at lunch dishes with cheese will not harm the body. The main thing is to enter it into the KBZhU.

Usually the daily dosage of the product is 20-25 g, it should not be consumed every day, but 2-3 times a week. Do not eat cheese before meals, it will stimulate the appetite. It is better to take it as a snack, combining with vegetables. Can apply cheese salad before a meal: by increasing appetite, cheese will have a stimulating effect on the stomach, preparing it and other organs of the digestive tract to digest food. In this case, the salad should be followed by the first and (or) second courses.

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