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Salad with boiled liver. Liver salad - a classic recipe. With pickled cucumber


Hmm, I would not say that the article struck me, but the systematized signs are interesting.

For those who are still looking for an entertaining read. Do not look for 100% similarity, but the old signs presented here are correct.

How to know if you are a WITCH?

Take a look at your relatives and friends.

  1. As a rule, most witches and witchers have an admixture of Cossack, gypsy, Jewish blood. However, this is still an admixture, not necessarily a close relationship. With a detailed study, even 100% Russians find out that the Russian is good in them, if the surname turns out to be. Of course, the blood can be Indian, Arab, Tatar. But the above options are just super common.
  2. Family Wisdom. In our time, for some reason, “mind” is understood as “education”. Of course, an intelligent person can easily turn out to be educated, but there is no inverse relationship. Further, not always “mind, honor and conscience” in the family is represented by its most educated member. BUT! If you have some legendary grandmother in your family (lovers of the ladies' novel will surely remember the grandmothers of Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind), a mysterious aunt or grandfather, an old boletus, to the tune of which the other candidates and professors related to you are dancing, then it makes sense to talk with this character. It is possible that this will be the subject of your search.
  3. Witches are still rarely born in large families. The fewer brothers and sisters you have (of the same sex as you), the more likely you are to have the Gift. If there are more than 4 children, then it is unlikely. Although it is quite possible, life will refute my words. But even if there are several children and everyone has the Gift, then it will certainly not manifest itself equally. Everyone will have a talent for something special. Sometimes you can observe a funny “compensation effect” when “one leg trades, the other steals”. That is, one brother literally heals, and the other cripples. I note that they treat something, as a rule, consciously, but they cripple here—just “out of the kindness of their hearts.”
  4. Witches have always been different. And what place for a long time was considered ideal for others? Find out if any of your dear ones (or rather, their ancestors) have lived in such places. Of course, you need to know the measure, but dissidents, exiles, exposed under Article 58, suffered to a large extent not only for their political views .... but simply because they were not like everyone else, simply because they were afraid.
  5. The image of thought. You are different. From classmates, from classmates obsessed with rag boys. Everyone shouts “good”, and you think “bad”. Everyone is on strike, but you think that you need to work.
  6. Behavior. While you think differently, you can behave as you like. You can adapt to any company. You can keep silent in time if it suits your goals. You know when to speak out more than usual. Or rather, you feel it. / Here a woman is more likely to say what she feels, and a man what he knows. In fact, the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. The inner voice is also sometimes called).
  7. Appearance. Someone will, “boosting”, convince everyone that brunette witches are. Somewhere they will start looking closely at the redheads. It is more difficult for witchers (or magicians) to gain “recognition” in a mirror, because, for example, the natural Central Russian hair color is “something”, indescribable in words from the same Russian language. There is NO single standard for "color" for witches/mages. But there is another feature: we are changing. We can easily find a couple of our own photos, where an outside observer will see two completely different people. And none of them will be identified as you. Moreover, if you want to be recognized, then this will certainly happen.
  8. Sexuality. Witches have already been accused of anything: both in homosexual relationships, and in the preference for oral sex to its other types, and in imposing BDSM delights on innocent people. But if you call it in one word, it’s simply in nymphomania. I’ll state right away: if, for example, we take a lady who is not at all interested in sex, and a lady who finds strong / at least some pleasure in him, despite the fact that one of them is certainly a witch, then I myself will point to the second. BUT! There are always exceptions (in the form of special witch vows, for example, in some covens that regularly held sabbats every 40 days, it was not customary to have sexual relations with men / or with witchers / during this period, and the witch is quite capable of deliberately repaying desire, if the Cause requires it). At the same time, one cannot put an equal sign between “sexual pleasure”, “sinful” and “a sign of witchcraft”. These are all three completely different things. Witches are specialists in what is often confused with sadomasochism: in SD (sub-house, so-called). That is, according to the game (well, or not the game in a certain context) of submission. Notice only! Both in the game and in life, both sides enjoy this state of affairs. But witchers tend to gravitate towards anal sex. (meaning sex with a woman, rather)…..Although the reasons for this are completely prosaic: due to a broader outlook, magicians know, know how, want (and get!) From life, not only when it comes to curses and artifacts. What I wish for you.
  9. Special relationship with:

A) nature - a very characteristic feeling of unity, merging with the light, with the forest, with the sand of the beach.
C) knowledge - curiosity, interest at the same time in the humanities and technical sciences. The magician will never say “bullshit” about the philosophical disciplines.
C) surroundings. If you express the opinion of the magician about others, then, perhaps, it would be “the mind must stand out, the mind!”. Most of all, magicians are irritated by stupidity, ignorance and obstinacy, combined with pathological deceit.
D) authorities, society. If this is not the "specialization" of the magician, then he (a) tries not to interfere in public life. In short: “The state is not me. I am a self-state!”

The modern image of a witch is somewhat romanticized, and therefore every second woman, no, no, but thinks about how to know that she is a witch? We thought and found the answer.

In this article we will talk about what signs of a witch in a woman can be seen. Moreover, we will consider this issue in a very voluminous way, which is called from and to. Let's analyze two versions - modern, esoteric, and non-modern, inquisitorial.

Signs of a witch in a woman

Let's start with the second version, it has as many as 23 signs from people who know a lot about witches! Who remembers, there were such Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger. A whole Talmud on demonology was written, there is a lot said about witches.

Version one - inquisitorial

But more to the point. So, what should be in you that in the middle of the 17th century you were sent to the stake.

1. Be a woman, because it is women who are more susceptible to black magic and satanic persuasion.

2. Be poor and financially dependent on others. Alas and ah, 400 years ago, any woman in need, receiving help from the local community, could be accused of witchcraft.

3. Be rich and financially independent from others. Strange, right? But nonetheless. If you lived in the "wonderful Middle Ages", did not have a husband, children, and any other person who could help you and provide for you (for example, a brother), then this would be considered a sign of a witch. What should be done with her? That's right - burn the witch! Sadly, 89% of women convicted of witchcraft were without a husband, brother or son.

4. You must have girlfriends. A couple is better. After all, it is known that witches meet in groups of three or four to sow evil. And then the cows stop grazing, the chickens stop laying, and Wi-Fi disappears.

5. Be sure to quarrel with your girlfriends. Evil forces love swearing! And if the rivals start grabbing each other by the hair or exchanging insulting comments on Facebook... Jokes are jokes, but a stupid quarrel between girlfriends could lead the poor on the rack before...

6. Argue with someone else. The devil encourages this and uses it for his own purposes.

7. Be a gray-haired old woman. Really, live to be 85 years old and not be accused of witchcraft? Very suspicious, not otherwise than the devil himself tried! Such an old woman is definitely a powerful witch.

The oldest woman convicted during the Salem madness was 71-year-old Rebecca.

8. Be very young. Oh, those medieval extremes. When witch-hunts went on everywhere, everyone suffered, including the young "daughters of witches." So, the youngest girl put in prison was a five-year-old little Dorothy Hood. True, she was released after nine months, but still she was no longer able to restore her mental and physical health after these misadventures.

9. You have to be a midwife. They had it worst in the 17th century. And all because it was they who could easily steal (or replace) the child for their terrible rituals. Well, or just curse him, and then the poor child will cry at night and suffer from colic.

10. You must have many children. Everyone knows that only a witch can give birth to many children.

11. You should have few or no children. It is known that only witches do not give birth to children. Or give birth, but one.

12. You have to behave strangely somehow stand out from the rest. Speak louder or quieter. Express your opinion, or, conversely, be obedient and do not have an opinion. Be happy, or be too unhappy.

13. You must have "devil marks on the body." Moles, scars, white spots or fur.

14. You must have sour milk in the refrigerator. And in general, in your house there must be something broken or spoiled, no matter what it is, a burnt out light bulb or sour milk. If there is such a thing, then the road to the gallows is guaranteed!

15. Be sure to have sex before marriage. Only witches do this, of course, at the suggestion of their dark lord.

16. Predict the future. It doesn’t matter whose, it will be enough if you guess that Petka will marry Masha. Everyone... witch!

17. Know more than others. The very word "witch" comes from "to know", that is, "to know". Women who were accused of witchcraft in the Middle Ages really knew more than others. They knew what herbs and what they helped with, they knew how to distinguish a poisonous plant from a weed, they could help people relieve pain. For which, by the way, they were then punished ...

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18. Be vengeful. For example, Barbara Zdnuk, the last witch sentenced to death for witchcraft in modern Europe, wanted to burn down her fiancé's family home after something went wrong in their relationship. Then she was credited with saying that the woman burned almost the whole city, which eventually led her to death. The verdict was passed in Koenigsberg. On July 21, 1811, Barbara Zdnuk was burned at the stake.

19. Your wounds must not heal well. According to The Hammer of the Witches, published in 15th century Germany, women had to undergo several tests to prove their innocence and, in fact, that they were not witches. One of the tests was fire, which had to be caught with bare hands. So, if the burn did not go away after three days, the woman is a witch.

20. You should not feel pain. Following the same "Hammer of the Witches", a real witch does not experience pain and she does not bleed during all these "checks". Nowadays, modern medicine has explained this phenomenon quite scientifically, but in the primeval times of the Middle Ages, everything was completely different.

21. You must not drown. If you stay on the water for a while, then, of course, it's all about the enchantment. Four hundred years ago, a woman suspected of having a pact with the devil was bound in such a way that her right hand was tied with a rope to her right leg, and her left to her left. Then the unfortunate woman was thrown into the water in her clothes, and if she did not immediately go to the bottom (which was often impossible because of the clothes), the judge immediately pronounced the sentence “Witch!”.

22. You should be underweight. If the woman's weight was less than 49.5 kg. She automatically became a witch. Everything is simple here, too light women could fly well on a broomstick.

23. Your weight should be too big. The larger the body, the more room for the devil in it. In addition, if a person is obese, it means that he eats a lot, and gluttony is a great sin. Therefore, the woman breaks the rules written in the holy book, hence she is a witch.

Wildness, right? But, a few centuries ago, everything was very serious. The image of a witch was not the same as in our days, and any item from the above could lead you to the fire. One would be enough.

Version two - modern (esoteric)

Let's go back to our days. Now the attitude towards witches is somewhat different. Moreover, many women openly call themselves as such, and many want to become a witch. And if you believe the esotericists, then a woman, in order to possess magical powers, must have certain signs. So how do you know if you are a witch?

Modern signs of a witch in a woman

In the modern world, the witch keeps the knowledge of her ancestors, she is strongly connected with nature and its cult. Lives in harmony with the environment and its natural energy. Moreover, this is not even necessarily a woman, since men can also practice magic. These are the people who, according to esotericism, can direct the energy of nature in the direction they need.

So are these skills innate or can they be learned? Something can be learned, practice, as they say, works wonders. But there are a number of certain, innate characteristics that are unique to a witch.

1. You will blossom in the light of the moon

Witches use the energy of the Sun and the Moon. And they definitely feel better in moonlight. The moon also influences their dreams and dreams.

2. You have innate empathy

Empathy is another trait inherent in innate witches. The natural ability to empathize with the emotions of other people allows you to feel the surrounding vibrations.

Witches know very well when others are happy, sad, upset and are able to react correctly in a given situation. They in some cases alleviate the suffering of others. It is noteworthy that this applies not only to people, but also to animals, plants and spirits.

When such a woman enters the room, she can feel the surrounding energy and already knows whether it is positive or negative.

3. You are good with animals.

Congenital witches experience unusual emotions when in contact with animals. And this is natural and necessary for them. Animals thrive in the company of witches. Dogs, cats, hamsters and canaries often live in their house, birds sing louder outside the window.

In addition, these people seem to have a common language with their pets, in the truest sense of the word, communicating with them.

Since ancient times, people have been hunting for witches, so their main goal was to hide the external signs indicating the presence of magical abilities. Today, you can only see a woman with a broom and a hat on, so it will be interesting to figure out how to recognize a witch by her appearance. It is important to understand that a large hanging mole on the face, a hooked nose and a hump are all inventions of writers and modern witches are not much different from ordinary women.

How to recognize a witch by appearance and behavior?

Women who have magical powers have an attractive and piercing look, from which many people shiver through the body. Their eyes are bright with a beautiful sheen, and as for the color, they are mostly green. Witches are attractive, so there are always a lot of admirers around them. At the same time, it is worth noting that their beauty has something diabolical. Discussing the appearance of a witch, one cannot fail to note the presence of luxurious hair. It is believed that it is in the hair of the sorceress that her strength is concentrated. Another important point indicating that you have a witch in front of you is the presence of some kind of masculine quality, for example, a rough voice, or developed muscles. When discussing the signs of a witch in a woman in appearance, one cannot miss the description of the clothes that the owners of magical powers choose. Most of their wardrobe is presented in dark colors. On the body of a witch, there will certainly be a mole or birthmark, which is also called the seal of Satan. Most often it is located in the lower back, on the genitals or near the hairline.

Now a few words about the behavior of the witch, which is. She prefers the life of a loner, and the men themselves can not stand next to such ladies. for a long time. It is worth saying that witches are sexually attractive and a little unbalanced in themselves.

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