Home Main courses Delicious radish salad. Radish salad recipes. Salad of radishes with carrots and cheese

Delicious radish salad. Radish salad recipes. Salad of radishes with carrots and cheese

Radish salad is very tasty and savory dish, which can be safely served both to the everyday and to the festive table. It should be noted that snacks using the presented vegetable are prepared very easily, and most importantly, quickly.

General product information

Before telling you about how you can quickly prepare a radish salad, you should tell you how this vegetable is generally useful.

As you know, the presented product ripens in the garden at the very beginning of summer. That is why it is actively used to create delicious and nutritious meals. Among other vegetables, radish is the leader in the content of vitamin C. Also, this product is rich in potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and almost the entire vitamin B group. In addition, radish contains a huge amount of thiamine, riboflavins and nicotinic acid. The presence of these substances makes radish salad very healthy and nutritious.

Cooking together a hearty meal for the festive table

Radish salad, the recipe of which we will now consider, is prepared quite quickly. But before you bring it to the table, you should very carefully process all the prepared components.

So, we will need:

  • ripe tomatoes (if possible, take hard varieties) - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn - ½ jar;
  • medium young potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh large radish - 8-11 pcs.;
  • pickled or pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • fresh green onion arrows - 2 pcs.;
  • small onions - 2 pcs.;
  • large rustic egg - 1 pc.;
  • fresh garlic - 4 cloves;
  • chopped celery - a large spoon;
  • thick sour cream with maximum fat content - 2 large spoons;
  • fat mayonnaise - 2 large spoons;
  • lettuce leaves - for decoration.

Food processing

The presented radish salad is very satisfying and high-calorie. In this regard, it is recommended to cook it only for the winter holidays.

So, first we need to wash all the vegetables, and then boil the potato tubers and the village egg in salt water, cool them completely and cut them into small cubes. You also need to chop ripe hard tomatoes, fresh radishes, pickled or pickled cucumbers, onions and celery. To give this dish a special flavor, you need to finely chop fresh herbs, namely dill and green onion arrows. As for the lettuce leaves, they should simply be rinsed.

lettuce formation process

Any fresh radish salad is formed quite easily. To do this, put all the vegetables and the egg in a common container, season them with salt and pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and grated garlic cloves. Next to the ingredients you need to add canned corn, sour cream, mayonnaise and mix everything well until smooth.

How to serve family members?

The seasoned radish salad, the recipe of which we reviewed, must be placed in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. This is required so that the dish is well saturated with sauce and becomes more juicy and tasty. Next, you should take a not very deep plate, cover its surface with whole leaves of green salad, and then lay out the chilled dish. It is advisable to serve it to family members before the main hot dish.

Preparing a quick snack for the dinner table

Cabbage and radish salad is very juicy and healthy. To create it, we need the following components:

  • fresh large radish - about 100 g;
  • cauliflower or broccoli - about 300 g;
  • refined olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • green onion arrows - 2 pcs.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - a large spoon;
  • fresh dill - a few branches;
  • ground pepper and salt - use to taste;
  • green lettuce leaves - a few pcs.

Preparation of ingredients

To prepare such appetizer salad need to boil cauliflower in lightly salted water, and then completely cool it and separate it with your hands into smaller inflorescences. Next, you need to wash the radish and chop it into very thin circles. After that, finely chop the green onions, dill and lettuce leaves.

How to form?

To form this a simple dish it is necessary to put cauliflower, radish and greens in a bowl, and then season them with pepper and salt. In conclusion, the ingredients need to add refined olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. After mixing the products, they should be placed in a deep salad bowl and immediately presented to family members.

Snack with egg

Egg radish salad is a pretty hearty meal. To prepare it, you will need about 50-60 minutes of free time, as well as the following components:

  • fresh large radish - 9 pcs.;
  • green onion arrows - a large bunch;
  • large village eggs with the most yellow yolk - 5 pcs.;
  • unsalted butter - about 90 g;
  • ground pepper and salt - use to taste;
  • tartlets - 10-20 pcs.

Food processing

To make a salad of radishes with eggs, you need to process all the main ingredients. To do this, rinse the greens (parsley, onion, dill), and then chop it very finely. Next, you need to boil chicken village eggs, immediately cool them in cold water, peel and chop into medium cubes. As for the radish, it should be washed, cut off all the navels and ponytails, and then cut into very thin semicircles.

Let's make a salad together

After preparing all the components in a common bowl, you need to lay out: chopped eggs, radishes, chopped greens, as well as ground pepper and salt. The following ingredients need to be flavored butter. But before that, cooking oil must be put in a metal bowl, put on fire and slightly heated. Next, the container should be removed from the stove and wait until the oil melts on its own.

Serve right for dinner

The presented salad can be served at the table and in a deep plate as a portioned snack. To do this, the dish must be distributed among tartlets, and then placed on saucers and presented to guests.

Summer salad "Vitamin"

Radish and cucumber salad is one of the first summer vitamin dishes that you can make yourself from those vegetables that were grown in summer cottages. For this we need:

  • fresh large radish - 6 pcs.;
  • ripe small lemon - 1 fruit;
  • fresh dill and parsley - a few branches;
  • ground pepper and salt - use to taste;
  • Feta cheese - 50 g.

Cooking method

To prepare such a salad, you need to cut the radishes and cucumbers into thin semicircles, and then put them in a bowl, add finely chopped onions, dill and parsley. Next, all the ingredients should be flavored with a few small tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and pepper. At the end, put the feta cheese cut into cubes into the salad and mix everything thoroughly. It is recommended to serve such a dish to family members immediately after refueling.

Delicious vegetable and herb salad

Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes is prepared quickly and quite easily. For it we need the following components:

  • fresh large radish - 4 pcs.;
  • green onion arrows - a small bunch;
  • fresh small cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • fleshy tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh dill and parsley - a few branches;
  • ground pepper and salt - use to taste;
  • sweet purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream of maximum fat content.

The cooking process

To do quick salad from tomatoes and radishes, as well as other ingredients, you need to wash all the vegetables well. Next, they should be chopped into identical squares or semicircles. As for the red onion, it needs to be cut into thin half rings.

After processing all the ingredients, it is necessary to proceed to the formation of the dish. To do this, combine radishes, tomatoes, onions and cucumbers in a common container, and then season them with herbs, ground pepper and salt. At the end, add sour cream to the products and mix everything well.

We bring salad to the table

After all the vegetables are seasoned with sour cream, they should be put in a deep salad bowl and immediately presented to the table. If you keep this dish in the refrigerator or at room temperature, then it will “flow” very soon and lose its appetizing appearance.

Radish salad for the winter

You can cook dishes from radishes not only for its momentary use, but also stock them up for future use. It should be noted that such blanks are quite sharp and fragrant.

So, a radish salad for the winter requires the use of the following components:

  • fresh large radish - about 1 kg;
  • fresh dill - about 5-6 branches;
  • filtered tap water - 1 l;
  • fine salt - about 2.5 large spoons;
  • fresh garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice in the form of peas - 3-5 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 full large spoons.

Preparing the Components

To prepare such a blank, it is necessary to wash the radish well, and then cut off all the ponytails and navels from it. Next, the vegetable needs to be chopped into thin circles. It is also necessary to finely chop the fresh dill and grate the garlic cloves.

Brine preparation

In order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time in the cellar or refrigerator, it should be poured with a sharp fragrant brine. To prepare it, it is necessary to pour filtered water into a large container, add fine salt and table vinegar. All ingredients must be brought to a boil.

Formation process

After processing the vegetables and preparing the brine, you should sterilize half-liter glass jars in any way you know, and then tightly put a mixture of chopped radish, grated garlic and fresh dill into each container. Also, it is necessary to add to the vegetables a bay leaf and a few peas of allspice. In conclusion, all the ingredients should be poured with fragrant brine.

After all the described actions, the jars need to be rolled up, and then turned over and kept at room temperature for a day. Next, the blanks must be removed in the refrigerator, pantry or underground. You can use pickled radish salad only after one month after direct seaming.

Summing up

This article presented several ways to make various salads from fresh radish, including for the winter. It should be especially noted that dishes using this vegetable are very tasty and fragrant. However, one cannot fail to say that such salads are quite spicy, especially in pickled form. In this regard, they are not recommended to be used frequently and in large quantities by those who have any problems with the digestive organs. After all, radishes can quickly cause an exacerbation of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are bored just serving vegetables and want some original submission I suggest you learn how to cook radish roses. Carving (curly cutting of vegetables) is now in vogue :)

Salad with radish and egg - a classic spring salad of Russian cuisine. As soon as the first radish ripens in the country, on the same day I cook this favorite by everyone (even children) vegetable salad ik with eggs.

Prepare the most spring salad of fresh radishes and cucumbers, charge your body that has weakened over the winter with a portion tasty vitamins! A simple recipe for a salad of radishes and cucumbers - read!

I associate a young radish with okroshka. fresh and light soup for lunch will save you from extra calories and will not kill your performance. Stock up on sweet radishes and step into the kitchen!

Seasonal radish salad is the first herald of the impending summer. In the month of May, you want to eat fresh radish salad every day - so much the body missed ripe seasonal vegetables during the winter.

Spinach and radish salad is a storehouse of vitamins on your plate. The most useful vegetable salad, a small portion of which will supply your body daily rate various vitamins and minerals.

Daikon came to us from the East. If you have not tried to cook a daikon radish salad, you urgently need to fix it. Very useful and economical, not bitter. Worth cooking!

Apologists for a healthy diet will throw stones at me for a recipe for a radish salad with mayonnaise, but lovers of a hearty and tasty meal will like this salad. Yes, the salad is not so healthy. But it's delicious!

Radish salad with sour cream is a salad that needs no introduction. A combination of just a few simple ingredients will bring you fantastic gastronomic pleasure.

Learn how to make a salad with radishes and tomatoes - very juicy, tasty, filled with vitamins and useful substances salad. In my opinion, this is the most delicious salad using radish.

If you want to learn how to make a radish and celery salad that is not only healthy, but also really tasty, this recipe is for you. The products are affordable, and the benefits are invaluable!

You definitely haven't tried this! Radish chips are a super fun homemade snack that isn't too hard to make. Not a delicacy, but crunching in front of a TV or computer is just right.

If you want to know how to make spring radish salad, then read this recipe. There is nothing difficult to prepare. The salad is fresh, juicy, spring-like bright. Exactly what is needed;)

Stunningly colorful and festive, and spring-like healthy salad. Surely each of you knows how to cook a vegetable salad with radish, but still - I will share my recipe! ;)

In the heat, okroshka will go for the first, and for the second, and for compote :) The dish is light, but mayonnaise and sour cream give it calories, so they saturate it as it should. And vegetables will replenish vitamin reserves. Ready!

Fresh vegetables appear, which means it's time to recharge with vitamins. The recipe for cabbage and radish salad is extremely simple, no tricky ingredients are needed, so we take vegetables and cook!

I’ll tell you how I got rid of extra pounds: I spent more time outdoors, walked and ate dietary okroshka. The dish is fantastic, prepared quickly and insanely delicious. Recommend!

With shiitake mushrooms, you can cook various delicious salads. Most often, shiitake caps for salad are fried. My easy shiitake salad recipe includes beans, onions, radishes and a spicy dressing.

My recipe for raw okroshka is for those who still consume sour-milk products. Although kefir here can easily be replaced with kvass, mineral water or water. Cooking okroshka for raw foodists!

Salad "White Flowers"

Salad "White Flowers" is more of a table decoration than a regular edible salad, although all of its parts are edible. Making it is extremely simple. Yes, it's true, the flowers will be white and pink, female.

Perhaps the most unusual option okroshka - with sprats in tomato. When you want something quick and easy, this okroshka is a good option. We take a can of canned food, one or two - and you're done!

Horseradish - vigorous, fragrant, the best seasoning for any dish. With it, you get a great fresh okroshka! Thrill seekers will be delighted! I will share how to cook it quickly.

Okroshka is a national cold Russian soup, which is prepared differently in different regions of the country. Today we will cook okroshka on kvass - the simplest and most common version of this dish.

This simple mayonnaise okroshka recipe is easy to remember. It will take you about 20 minutes to prepare it. It’s good to add ice to the finished okroshka! Take care of fresh vegetables, preferably from the garden.

I offer a very simple and at the same time very original recipe lettuce, which we in our family call country salad. Everything is simple and ingenious, the main feature is the serving of the dish. Meet!

Beets are an extremely useful vegetable for our body. It promotes digestion, and rejuvenates, and prevents cancer. From these properties of beets follows the benefits of beetroot soup.

Vegetarian okroshka - summer cold soup, without eggs and sausages. Also, this okroshka is prepared not on kvass, but on kefir.

Canned radish is an excellent snack that can be crunched all winter. The taste of such a radish comes out spicy-sour. Friends, seeing a radish on New Year's table, groan and immediately sweep away everything!

Baked radish - very unusual dish from a young radish. You've probably never experienced anything like it. Try baking radishes, if only out of curiosity - it's really delicious! ;)

Cabbage and radish salad is an easy-to-digest and easy-to-prepare salad for lunch or dinner from fresh young radishes and no less fresh white cabbage.

Salad with radish and cottage cheese is not just a delicious salad, but also a real vitamin bomb. The combination of radish and cottage cheese will not only feed, but also saturate the body with a large portion of calcium.

A simple yet delicious recipe spring salad in best traditions America's finest restaurants.

When I was visiting Imereti (this is a region of Georgia), I was treated to one of the houses unusual salad beef and radish. The combination seemed to me very successful, and to this day at home I cook this salad.

Recipe for cabbage salad with chicken and radish. Two varieties of cabbage are used in the preparation of this dish. All ingredients go very well together.

Recipe for tacos with radishes, zucchini, corn, onions, garlic, cilantro and salted cheese.

With the approach of spring, more and more people want to add fresh vegetables to their diet. And the radish hits the table first. It has a pleasant bitterness and many vitamins. Very useful, low-calorie and affordable.

Therefore, today I will tell you what radish salads can be made from the simplest options to the festive one.

Let's start cooking, especially since you will find and meatless recipes and delicious toppings.

by the most simple option is a grated radish with sour cream and salt. But his cooking method is very simple, so I want to diversify this base with an egg and onions.


  • 2 eggs
  • 10 radishes
  • a bunch of green onions
  • Sour cream

Cooking method:

1. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and chop them finely. It is very convenient to make an egg cutter.

2. We wash the roots and cut off unnecessary ponytails. We also finely chop the root crop.

3. Using scissors, cut a fresh green onion.

4. Combine everything in one bowl and season with sour cream and salt.

A simple and delicious recipe with radishes and potatoes

If these fruits have very few calories, then potatoes, on the contrary, will give a feeling of fullness for a long time. In order to diversify the recipe, we will not use the usual sour cream and mayonnaise, but will make a very fragrant sauce.


  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • radish - 8-9 pcs. green onion
  • dill
  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable (or olive) oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • honey - half a teaspoon

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes in their skins. Remove the skin from it and cut it into small cubes.

2. Grind greens and onions, as you like - with a knife or scissors.

3. Cut the radish in the shape of a semicircle. Try to make them thin.

4. Mix and prepare the sauce.

5. Mix 1 teaspoon of mustard with honey, lemon juice and oil.

Stir until smooth and pour over vegetables.

Homemade appetizer with crab sticks

They are very popular for any holidays, and why not add an unusual zest to them in the form of a radish? Try it, it turns out very tasty. Moreover, this appetizer will be soaked with fragrant tartar sauce.


  • radish - 15 pieces
  • crab sticks- 8 pieces
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pieces
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces
  • dill,
  • salt,
  • ground black pepper
  • Tartar sauce to taste - 2 full tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. As you are used to, cut the root crops.

2. Cut the defrosted crab sticks into large slices.

3. Also, do not finely chop the cucumber.

If you have a thorny variety of cucumbers like "Chinese Farmer" or "April F1", then peel it.

4. Grind the eggs.

5. Sprinkle the mass with herbs and salt. Add two tablespoons of sauce and mix well.

Tartar Sauce Ingredients:

  • sour cream 20% 1.5 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise 1.5 tbsp
  • mustard 0.5 tsp
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • dill 5-7 sprigs
  • pickled cucumber 1 pc.

1. Grind dill and cucumber.

2. We pass garlic through the press to them.

3. Mix with mustard, sour cream and mayonnaise.

Stir and season dishes.

Recipe with radishes and cucumbers

If you have a heated greenhouse, then you can get vegetables from March. Now I bring the simplest version of a delicious and low-calorie salad with cucumbers.


  • 3 cucumbers
  • a bunch of green onions
  • bunch of dill
  • 300 g radish
  • Sour cream
  • Pepper

Cooking process:

1. Cut cucumbers in half rings.

2. Cut off excess ponytails from root crops. Also cut into half rings.

3. Finely chop the greens and combine all the ingredients.

Cheese is great for these ingredients, you can take any soft kind: tofu or Adyghe.

Finely chop it and add it to a bowl. Then the dish will be much more nutritious.

Spring salad with cabbage

A spring salad with cabbage will become just a panicle from all the excess that has accumulated over the winter in your body. It turns out very delicious combination vegetables for maximum benefit. White cabbage can be replaced with. It is more tender and easier to digest.


  • 7 radishes
  • Bunch of fresh herbs
  • Half a fork of fresh white cabbage
  • Salt pepper
  • Table vinegar 6%
  • Sour cream
  • 1 tsp sunflower oil

1. Finely chop the cabbage.

2. Salt it a little and remember with our hands so that it gives juice.

3. Add a few drops of 6% vinegar to it.

4. Cut the vegetables into slices and mix with cabbage.

5. Pour chopped greens into a common bowl and season with mayonnaise with oil.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Radish and Celery Appetizer

Celery is rich in many trace elements, everyone knows that you need to eat it. Therefore, I bring easy recipe, where we will use its roots.


  • 2 medium cucumbers
  • 300 g radishes
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 5 st. l. low-fat sour cream
  • greens to taste
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Peel the cucumbers so that the taste of the salad is more tender.

2. Cut the radish very thinly so that the slices are almost translucent.

3. Also finely chop the greens. You can take any of it, the main thing is that it should be without yellowed twigs and tips.

4. The unusualness of the snack lies in the unusual taste of celery. It is low in calories and contains a lot of vitamins. We chop the root in half rings.

We fill with sour cream. Salt and pepper to taste.

Lean daikon salad

Have you seen a white radish? We are more used to red. But there is another variety that is very popular in Japan and is called Daikon. It does not contain mustard oils, so it has a sweetish taste. It also contains many vitamins and microelements and helps to maintain the work of internal organs at a height. share useful recipe based on it.


  • Daikon - 50 g
  • Carrot - 50 g
  • Green apple - 50 g
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Greens and sea salt

You can replace sour cream with sauce:

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp honey

1. We rub all the vegetables and the apple on a grater. Stir and start preparing the sauce.

2. To do this, add salt, oil and vinegar to honey and mix thoroughly. We need to wait for the honey to completely dissolve.

Refueling vegetable mix filling.

Korean Carrot Snack

Of course, almost all vegetables can be pickled. Koreans are very fond of this. So let's cook something spicy.


  • 200 gr radish,
  • 1/2 carrot,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper,
  • 1 onion feather
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 1/2 tablespoon of vinegar 9% or lemon juice,
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce or salt.

Cooking process:

1. Grind carrots on a special grater. We need long and thin stripes.

2. My root crops, cut off all unnecessary and cut into strips.

3. Mix vegetables, pour vinegar, you can replace it with apple cider, pour coriander and sesame seeds.
4. We heat the oil on the stove and pour the vegetable mixture over it.

Be careful not to get burned.

5. Now you need to squeeze the juice into the vegetable mixture from the garlic.

6. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and salt. You can use soy sauce instead of salt.

We put it in the refrigerator for two hours. Vegetables will have time to infuse, become juicy and spicy.

Festive corn salad

Do you think that radish is a purely everyday vegetable? I assure you that you can make an awesome holiday salad with it. Moreover, with its fiber, it will help the digestion of meat protein.


  • chicken breast
  • can of corn
  • egg 2 pcs
  • lettuce
  • green onion,
  • cilantro,
  • radish
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Boil in boiling water chicken breast. This must be done so that the meat becomes juicy inside. It must be finely chopped or divided into fibers with a fork.

2. Grind the egg and add to the chicken.

3. Open the corn, drain the liquid from it and spread it to the main mass.

4. Finely chop the greens.

5. We cut the radish very finely or almost transparent half rings.

7. On a flat plate, beautifully lay the salad leaves that will frame our appetizer.

Try to beautifully decorate the edges with the remaining products, for example, lay out transparent root rings on one side, and sprinkle corn on the side.

Salad using radishes is a huge amount. Tomatoes and pears are combined with it, and absolutely any kind of dressings. But give preference to young root crops that have elastic sides and green tops.

Also, large root crops accumulate more mustard oil, so it will turn out to be somewhat bitterer than smaller fruits.

Eat and be healthy!

 Good afternoon! The summer time has finally come. The first fruits are already visible in the garden, bright green leaves, under which our first favorite root crop, the radish, is hiding. What dishes can be made from it?

Probably the first place where everyone uses it is, well, and then a salad. Do you make any of this rich fortified fruit? Write in the comments your recipes.

For me the simplest easy option is chopped or grated radish on a grater seasoned with sour cream and salt. This is a very quick dish that cooks in 5 seconds. You can decorate with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, or you can create an original flower, about it a little later ...

Can be used for weight loss, fasting.

Radish salad with egg and green onions - a classic recipe

The most common and popular option that you can build at home in 5 minutes, here are step-by-step recommendations for this.

We will need:

  • radish - 6-8 pcs.
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • green onion bunch
  • mayonnaise;
  • ground black pepper and salt

Cooking method:

1. Wash the radish well under running water, you can take any variety, even white. It is advisable to choose fruits of small sizes or small ones for a salad. Cut it into circles.

2. Egg boil in a steep, and chop finely into cubes.

3. Finely chop the onion greens, you can add more dill or parsley.

4. Add mayonnaise, pepper and salt.

5. Stir and eat to your health! Bon appetit!

Serve with pilaf or mashed potatoes.

Quick radish and cucumber salad recipe

The easiest cooking method that everyone will love without exception!

We will need:

  • radish - 400 g
  • fresh cucumber - 400 g
  • green onion - 1 bunch
  • vinegar 9% - 4 drops
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp
  • salt and spices

Cooking method:

1. For cooking, take cucumbers first, wash them, if you use “Bee” cucumbers, they are a little prickly, then carefully remove the skin with a knife. Next, cut into pieces to make semicircles.

2. Cut the radish nicely into such thin round pieces. Finely chop the onion with a knife.

3. Combine vegetable oil with drops of vinegar, salt and pepper, add seasonings to the filling. Pour it over the mixed vegetables!

A delicious and vitamin-rich masterpiece is ready! Ask to the table. Serve with any side dish, such as stewed potatoes. 😈

Delicious dish of radish with corn

There is no need to think that if radish is an ordinary root crop, then it is impossible to make an original and unique miracle option out of it. It turns out you can, and even beautifully decorate and serve on any festive table or a feast.

This option can be referred to diet meals It's quick and easy to prepare. And in the summer, more than ever, it is very affordable and cheap.

We will need:

  • radish - 8-10 pcs.
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • any greens
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable or olive oil

Cooking method:

1. In order for the radish to be juicy enough, it will not need to be cut, as is usually done, but grated. Do the same with the cucumber.

2. It is best to take red onion, as it is not so bitter. It needs to be cut into cubes.

3. Mix all the obtained ingredients together, add corn, salt and pepper. Give shape, sprinkle with herbs on top and season with any oil. This is such beauty and yummy!

Cooking salad with radish and green peas

love green pea? why not use it in this dish.

We will need:

  • canned green peas - 1 can
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • radish - 8 pcs.
  • fresh dill - bunch
  • cheese - 150 g
  • salt and mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Pour out all unnecessary liquid from the jar, and place the peas in a clean bowl.

2. Wash the radishes well as usual and cut arbitrarily into any pieces.

3. Chop greens. Grate cheese and egg. Mix all ingredients together. Season with mayonnaise.

4. If you want it to look even more attractive and juicier, put all the chopped foods on lettuce leaves, for example, here.

Delicious salad with ham and radish

Well, of course, how can you make a radish salad and not add ham or sausage? Everyone in Russia loves very meat products.

We will need:

  • ham or sausage - 200-250 g
  • egg - 4-5 pcs.
  • radish - 5 pcs.
  • onion, dill - a bunch
  • mayonnaise and salt

Cooking method:

1. Cut all the ingredients of ham, egg and radish into cubes or sticks, approximately do this as shown in the figure. Finely chop the greens with a knife.

2. You can just serve it to the table without stirring, and when you start to dine, mix everything and salt. Beautyaaaa! Yum, it looks amazing and bright!

Salad of radishes with carrots and cheese

You won’t believe it, but this cooking option is always asked of me when they eat this appetizer. And in fact, the most common and everyday ingredients are used. Surprise your guests.

We will need:

  • radish - 6 pcs.
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.
  • any cheese - 100 g
  • garlic and mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Grate all the ingredients on a coarse grater.

2. Then add mayonnaise and garlic squeezed through a press. Voila, what a fragrant miracle, and even very beautiful and healthy.

Vitamin salad of radishes and cabbage - a simple and delicious recipe

Make this for a light dinner.

We will need:

  • radish, white cabbage, parsley, vegetable oil, salt - take all the ingredients by eye

Cooking method:

Chop the radishes and cabbage with a knife. Refuel vegetable oil, salt, pepper if you like, finely chop the parsley and add to the dish. You can decorate with slices of bell pepper.

Here is a very interesting dish with frozen strawberries, found on YouTube, sharing with you.

Salad of radish and crab sticks

With crab sticks, it also turns out unusually tasty and interesting.

We will need:

  • crab sticks - 1 pack 200 g
  • radish - 16 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • onion or green - 1 pc.
  • corn - 1 can
  • mayonnaise
  • salt and pepper

Cooking method:

1. Boil chicken eggs in water. Peel them off.

2. Cut with a knife into small cubes, or use an egg cutter.

3. Chop the radishes and cucumbers into cubes of the same size so that everything looks good and combines.

4. Chop the onion and crab sticks into cubes.

5. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, or in a bowl with a leg, add more corn. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

This is so original and beautiful.

If you like to treat different cool dishes, then this version of the summer miracle will help you:

Snack with nuts and radishes

I saw such an option for a very long time in the “Eat at Home” program by Yu. Vysotskaya, only ingredients such as orange and avocado were still used in it. Radishes, nuts, cucumbers, egg and sour cream are used in this video. Try this unusual option for cooking at home.

Beautiful radish salad "Violet"

I ask you to watch this option in this video from YouTube, it is a little unusual, as it looks like a real plant in the form of a flower. But it uses everyone's favorite ingredients like chicken and mushrooms, and of course radishes and spinach leaves.

Korean radish salad

Love thrills like Korean carrot, and have you tried radishes in this version? In addition to it, you can take a radish. Everything is elementary simple, the only condition is time, you need 3 days.

We will need:

  • soy sauce - 80 ml
  • radish - 800 g
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml
  • Red pepper

Cooking method:

1. Process the radish well, wash it under running water under the tap. Cut it into pieces.

2. Then fill it with vinegar and sauce. You don't need to add salt as the sauce is salty. Pepper in your own way, literally a pinch. Press down with oppression and let stand in a cool place for 2-3 days. Well, after enjoy the crunch and sharpness!

Interesting! By the way, you know that there is another version of Chinese radish, which uses sesame seeds and zucchini. Has anyone cooked this miracle, share your impressions.

Snack for pilaf with radish

The most common option for pilaf is a salad of vegetables and radishes. I like using tomatoes.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Radish - 8 pcs.
  • Onion -2 pcs.
  • Hot red pepper - 1 pc.
  • Greenery; dill, parsley, cilantro
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt
  • Grape vinegar - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Onion cut into rings. Squeeze the garlic through a press.

2. Peel the hot red pepper from the seeds and cut it very finely into pieces.

3. Cut the tomatoes and radishes thinly into rings or half rings.

4. Chop greens. Season the dish with vinegar, you can also vegetable oil. Bon appetit! Serve chilled.

winter radish recipe

Have you ever thought that you can save vitamins for the winter if you put radishes in a jar. How to do it, see:

This one turned out to be useful for today and tasty article. I hope that now you will cook dishes from this root vegetable much more often than before.

All the best! Bye Bye!

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