Home Main dishes Making apricot juice at home. Apricot juice. Apricot-orange drink for the winter

Making apricot juice at home. Apricot juice. Apricot-orange drink for the winter

Step 1: prepare the apricots.

To prepare apricot juice, you need to choose ripe, soft and very juicy fruits. We throw them into a clean sink and rinse thoroughly under cold running water from sand and any other contaminants. After we put the fruit in a deep 5 liter saucepan and fill them with clean water so that the liquid is higher by 2 – 3 centimeters.

Step 2: boil the apricots.

We put the container with the fruits on the stove, turned on at a strong level, bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the temperature of the stove to an average level and boil the apricots for 5 - 7 minutes. During cooking, white foam will collect on the surface of the water;
After the required time has elapsed, turn off the heat, remove the apricots from the pan with the same slotted spoon, transfer them to a deep clean bowl and cool to room temperature. We do not drain the water in which the fruit was cooked.

Step 3: Peel and chop the apricots.

After the fruit has cooled, we alternately break each apricot into 2 halves and remove the seeds from them. Carefully remove the peel from the peel, after cooking it will easily lag behind the pulp. We put the peeled fruits in a separate deep bowl.

Then we shift the apricot pulp into a clean blender bowl and grind at high speed until a liquid consistency. We give this process 1 - 2 minutes, the result should be a mass resembling liquid fruit puree.

Step 4: brew the juice from the apricots.

We put the pot of water in which the apricots were boiled again on the stove, turned on at a strong level, and let the liquid boil. Then we reduce the temperature of the stove to an average level, pour in chopped apricots with a tablespoon and determine the density of the desired product. If you want a thick concentrated nectar that can be diluted later, then leave everything as it is, and if you want a thinner juice, then you can add pure water to the pan.
After pouring into a container with 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, its amount can also be adjusted to taste. Boil juice for 15 – 20 minutes periodically removing foam from the surface of the liquid mass.

Step 5: Canned Apricot Juice

After 15 - 20 minutes, we spread a towel on the kitchen table, put sterilized jars and a bowl with sterilized metal lids on it. For conservation, you can use any container, in my case, these are the usual half-liter and liter jars of baby juices. Alternately, we install a watering can on each container and pour apricot juice over them with a ladle, we do it so that the drink slightly overflows beyond the aisles of the necks.
Then we cover the jars with screw caps and also close them carefully, helping ourselves with a kitchen towel. We put containers with ready, but still hot juice on the floor, wrap it in a woolen blanket and cool the workpiece for 1-2 days without sudden changes in temperature. After we wipe the jars with a damp kitchen towel from stickiness and put them in a cool, well-ventilated place, such as a pantry, cellar or basement.

Step 6: Serve Apricot Juice.

Apricot juice is served chilled or at room temperature. If you have prepared a very thick drink, you can dilute it with a light sugar syrup before serving. If desired, a couple of cubes of regular or fruit ice, as well as a few mint leaves can be added to each serving of juice. This drink will bring you a lot of pleasure and remind you of the sunny warm summer with its taste!
Bon Appetit!

In the same way, you can prepare juice from peaches, nectarines and plums.

Juice can be preserved in ordinary bottles and closed with ordinary metal caps with a rubber band using a preservation key.

Apricot pulp can be rubbed through a fine mesh sieve.

If you bought too sweet apricots and they lack sourness, you can add lemon juice to the apricot juice during re-cooking.

Before proceeding with conservation, do not forget to thoroughly wash and sterilize all equipment with which the whole process will be carried out. For washing dishes, choose products that contain a smaller amount of chemicals, baking soda is ideal, it will wash out even the heaviest dirt. And the method of sterilization depends on your desire, it can be boiling, heat treatment in a microwave oven or oven, you can find out more detailed information by clicking on this link.

Summer has come - it's time for delicious and healthy berries and fruits. In the markets, in shops - apricots can be purchased everywhere. Ripe, healing - what you need! Of course, today we will talk about the benefits and properties of apricot juice. We stock up on vitamins and minerals for the whole year and heal with the help of apricots.

Apricot is a tree from the plum family. China is considered the birthplace of apricots, where it is still found in the wild. This tree is very beautiful, so it is planted for decorative purposes on the streets of southern cities. The apricot fruit is orange or yellow in color, the shape of the fruit depends on the variety. The fruits are used for drying, drying, making jam, jam and juice. About the properties of apricot juice - our today's conversation.

Composition and benefits

First of all, let's talk about the rich and unique composition of apricot juice and what benefits it will bring to our health by drinking it regularly.

Firstly, apricot juice contains a lot of sugars, there is dextrin, inulin and starch, as well as some fiber and organic acids. Of the vitamins, apricot juice is rich in carotene - provitamin A, there are also vitamins P, B1 and PP. As for carotene, the apricot holds the record for its content among all the fruits that grow in our country.

According to the composition of minerals, apricot juice is not something original, but it contains the main trace elements - potassium, iron and iodine, this determines its value.

Special attention in the composition of apricot juice can be given to vitamin A as a substance that maintains normal nervous and bone tissue, as well as the mucous membranes of the body. Protein synthesis in the body, its redox processes and metabolism directly depend on it. Vitamin A takes part in the formation of bones and teeth, the formation of new cells, which helps to slow down the aging process of the body as a whole. And, of course, carotene plays a very important role in maintaining vision.

properties of apricot juice

What are the health benefits of apricot juice?

To improve the general condition of the body, you can take apricot juice. However, not only for this. If you look at the mineral and vitamin composition of the juice, we will understand that it will be very useful for people with problems in the cardiovascular sphere, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and with problems with being overweight.

In addition to helping to restore all the vital functions of the body, apricot juice will help with hypo- and beriberi, with anemia, because it can affect the processes of hematopoiesis. Pectin will help with various intoxications, including heavy metals. Apricot juice is also used as an aid in oncology, as it has antioxidant properties.

With problems with obesity, apricot is taken as a dietary food, as it helps to normalize metabolism and removes toxins from the whole body, reducing body fat and removing excess fluid. It has been noticed that with regular intake of 100 ml of apricot juice in the morning, regular stools are soon provided and gases in the intestines disappear.

Due to the high content of iron, apricot juice affects the processes of hematopoiesis, while it is twice as effective as the same amount of liver. Therefore, with low hemoglobin and anemia, apricot juice may well be an excellent addition to treatment.

Magnesium and phosphorus present in apricot juice are necessary for the fruitful functioning of the brain, and a significant content of magnesium will help to quickly relieve high blood pressure. Therefore, with hypertension, it is very useful to drink half a glass of apricot juice three times a day before meals. These same minerals contribute to the improvement of metabolism, the activation of digestion.

Apricot juice iodine helps with problems with the thyroid gland, preventing malfunctions in its functioning.

Externally, apricot juice can be used to heal wounds, to fight acne and blackheads on the skin.

There are contraindications

Due to the high content of sugars, apricot juice is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as with reduced thyroid function. If there are problems with the liver - inflammatory diseases or hepatitis, it is also better to refrain from taking apricot juice. One more note: if there are these diseases, then vitamin A will not be absorbed by the body.

When preparing apricot juice, you can not use seeds - apricot drupes, since the amygdalin glycoside contained in them, when ingested, turns into hydrocyanic acid, which is a strong tissue poison.

Apricot juice treatment

For debilitated people, take 1-3 glasses of apricot juice per day, depending on the bowel reaction. This method was used by the doctors of ancient China, raising very seriously ill patients to their feet after debilitating illnesses.

For pregnant women and young children, apricot juice is useful as a "builder" of cells, adipose tissue, bones and teeth. After all, the health of the baby is laid even in the womb, and for children, the timely development of bone tissue is very important - and the correct formation of the skeleton. In these cases, you can drink 150 ml per day. apricot juice.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as colitis, flatulence and dysbacteriosis, apricot juice will help normalize the acidity of the stomach and establish regular stools. The intake rate depends on the weight of the person, it is usually enough to drink 100 ml of apricot juice in the morning and evening.

With problems in the urogenital area, apricot can be an excellent diuretic. It is only worth drinking 100 ml of juice between meals, bringing the number of doses up to 6-8 times a day.

Norm of use

Depending on the presence of diseases and problems of the body, apricot juice can be drunk from 100 ml to one liter per day. In general, even 2-3 tablespoons of apricot juice will be effective if you drink it regularly several times a day. In this case, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the body, not drinking too much juice at a time in the first dose. Apricot juice should be drunk freshly squeezed, it is not recommended to store it due to the rapid loss of properties, even when it is in the refrigerator.

step by step recipe with photo

The fragrant red-sided apricot is one of the most useful, juicy and available fruits in the summer, and it would be at least frivolous not to stock up on its juice for future use. Such a preparation allows you to dispose of substandard and crushed fruits, which always turn out to be in the majority.

The main thing is not to be too lazy in the summer, and then you can provide the family with an amazingly tasty vitamin drink for the whole winter - especially if you do not abuse sugar - the quality of which will not be the slightest doubt.

The juice of solar fruits corked in jars on a winter evening will vividly remind you of the irrevocably gone hot summer and its rich gifts.


  • apricots 4.5 kg (pitted)
  • sugar 1 cup
  • water 2.5 liters


1. Use ripe and soft fruits for juicing. Both cultivars and wild game will do, from which the juice will be more fragrant. It is not necessary to pick the fruits from the tree, you can use the carrion. The main thing is that the fruits are free of rot.

Pour plenty of water into a large bowl or saucepan. Place the apricots in there so that they float freely in the liquid. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your hands well, changing the water several times. Then drain in a colander and rinse thoroughly again.

2. Remove pits from apricots.

3. Grind the fruits with a meat grinder, food processor or blender. Transfer the resulting apricot puree to a large saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom. Do not use aluminum cookware for cooking. From 4.5 kg of apricots, 2.5 kg of puree was obtained.

4. Pour cold tap water into the saucepan for the puree. Mix well and send to a strong fire. While stirring, bring to a boil. As soon as the juice boils, make the fire small so that it gurgles slightly.

5. In the process of boiling, foam is formed. Take a slotted spoon and assemble it. Boil 10-15 minutes.

6. Strain hot juice through a fine strainer. If you want juice with pulp, you can skip this step.

7. Pour the strained juice back into the pan and pour in the sugar. Adjust the amount to your liking. Stir and boil. Boil 5-8 minutes.

8. Rinse and sterilize jars with lids.

9. Pour hot juice into jars.

10. Seal tightly and turn over. Wrap and leave to cool completely. Juice is ready. Store in an apartment or cellar.

I offer you recipe for apricot juice with pulp prepared for the winter. If you have the opportunity to purchase apricots, be sure to make such juice. It is extremely tasty, fragrant, rich and, of course, healthy. Apricots need ripe, juicy, fleshy, then the juice will turn out tender, velvety, similar to baby puree. In winter, it can be diluted with water if the juice seems thick to you. From this amount of products, I got 2 liters of 300 milliliters of juice.


To prepare apricot juice with pulp for the winter, you will need:

apricots (peeled) - 2 kg;

sugar - 150-200 g;

water - 3-4 glasses.

Glass with a capacity of 200 ml.

Cooking steps

Measure the apricots from which the pits have already been removed.

Place the remaining cake in a saucepan, pour in water, mix. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes over medium heat.

Then wipe the whole cake through a fine sieve. Only the skins and fibers of the apricots will remain in the sieve, which can be thrown away.

Roll up healthy and very tasty apricot juice with pulp, prepared for the winter, with boiled lids, turn over and wrap. Let the jars cool completely and you can rearrange them for storage in a cool place.


- apricots - 1 kg;
- sugar - 150 gr (to taste);
- water - 1.5-2 cups;
- citric acid - a pinch.

Ripe, soft apricots are suitable for juice, you can even use crushed or overripe ones. We wash the fruits, cut off the darkened places.

With a knife, cut in half along the relief depression. We turn the halves, separate, take out the bones.

In portions, place the apricots in a blender, food processor. Grind into puree.

The puree will be very thick, so the future juice must be diluted with water. Take cold water, one and a half or two glasses, depending on how thick you want to get the juice. Add to saucepan with puree.

Sugar is added to apricot juice in a small amount. Heat the juice to a boil, add sugar. Stir and return the saucepan to low heat.

Boil the juice for ten minutes at a low boil. It is not necessary to remove the risen foam, but if it bothers you, collect it with a slotted spoon. Add a pinch of citric acid for a balanced taste and better preservation of the juice. Cook for another one or two minutes.

Apricot juice is stored at room temperature, but the place should be shaded so that the juice does not darken. Good luck with your preparations!

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