Home Salads and appetizers Lemons help the eyes. Home beauty recipes. Lime Lime - a solid benefit for teeth

Lemons help the eyes. Home beauty recipes. Lime Lime - a solid benefit for teeth

How do I cure eye diseases? Unique tips, original techniques P. V. Arkadiev

Lemons help the eyes

Lemons help the eyes

I work at a construction site. One summer, a strong wind brought sand into my eyes. Maybe there was also a brick crumb there. The pain is terrible, they immediately took me to the eye socket, I certainly would not have reached it myself. In general, trachoma began - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. And I have to feed my family, and you won’t get sick leave at our construction site, unless you die. So I pestered the doctor to suggest some remedy, only to quickly act. Well, the doctor is our man, at first he prescribed medicines, but he immediately explained that they were all expensive, imported. And if you want folk remedies, he says, try smearing eyelids with lemon juice, it helps a lot, especially in the initial stage. Well, I immediately decided: the doctor would not advise bad, my wife ran for lemons, squeezed out the juice and applied a cotton swab moistened to me. Of course, not everything passed in one day, but still, every day it became easier to see. By the end of the week, my eyesight had improved. Went to the doctor to say thank you. At the same time, I learned all sorts of methods to clear my eyes. This is always useful in my work.

Oleg Chiksha

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Lime is a citrus fruit with a daring scent of fresh wind., whose homeland is the Indian Himalayas. In Europe, lime spread when the alcoholic drink tequila came into fashion, which must be consumed with a slice of lime.

Lime - who are you?

There are several subspecies of lime, depending on which limes differ in size, color and taste. From rich green to light green yellow, 3-6 cm in diameter, from sour-bitter taste to sweet.

Limes look like lemons, but have a slightly different smell and less sour taste.

Limes are grown and sold all year round. Lime is similar in composition to lemon, contains a lot of citric, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and other acids.

Limes should be shiny and evenly colored.- this is proof that the fruits are ripe. In a cool place, "green fruit" is stored for 10 to 20 days.

Lime is added to tea, served with fish dishes, used instead of sauces for various dishes and vegetable salads. Grated lime zest adds a special flavor to desserts and sauces.

lime for weight loss

Lime has a calming effect on the nervous system, uplifting.

Green citrus will help to cope with increased irritability, fatigue, tearfulness and nervousness.

A glass of warm water with squeezed juice of 1 lime- a good way to normalize weight. The abundance of ascorbic acid acts as a fat burner. 2 glasses of water with lime juice per day - and in a week you will be able to feel the result!

Useful properties of lime

Due to the high content of vitamin C, lime lowers the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, slows down the aging process, stimulates the formation of a special collagen protein, on which the elasticity and firmness of the skin largely depend.

Lime juice contains potassium, which, in combination with vitamin C, strengthens and makes the walls of the capillaries that supply blood to the skin elastic. Citric and malic acids promote the absorption of iron.

  • Lime contains vitamin C which cures scurvy.
  • Limes improve digestion. The essential oils contained in this green fruit increase the production of gastric juice, thereby stimulating digestion and intestinal motility. Therefore, oriental cuisine always offers a lime wedge for lunch and dinner instead of various sauces.
  • Limes help with constipation. Limes, rich in citric acid, help cleanse the intestines. Lime juice and salt act as a laxative.
  • Thanks to the content of special flavonoids, this fruit also treats ulcer diseases.
  • Respiratory diseases, runny nose: lime essential oil helps fight the common cold . Lime reliably strengthens the immune system, makes it easier to endure colds and speeds up recovery.
  • Lime quickly eliminates the first signs of nausea, one has only to rub its skin and inhale the aroma.
  • The fruit is recommended in the treatment of beriberi, at high blood pressure.
  • Helps fight urogenital infections. In diseases of the kidneys, lime juice is added to tea.
  • Limes are good for the eyes: protect eyes from aging processes and various eye diseases!

Where are limes used?

Limes are good for the skin: they protect against various infections and give the skin a radiant look. It is used to cleanse the face - in scrubs, also with the help of lime you can eliminate dandruff. Eliminates redness, bruises and bruises.

Lime juice and essential oil are added to the bath. Such a bath refreshes and fills the body with energy.

Lime is a total benefit for teeth!

This citrus contains calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the construction, growth and maintenance of teeth.

These two minerals are reliable protectors of teeth from caries and plaque formation: they prevent the growth of bacteria, strengthen and restore tooth enamel. Together, the minerals have an anti-inflammatory, strengthening effect on the gums, preventing them from bleeding. And ascorbic acid and organic acids have a whitening effect.

Lime against varicose veins!

Helps relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. After a shower, place thin slices of lime on your calves, cover with plastic wrap, secure with an elastic bandage, and go to bed. Regular compresses will help prevent varicose veins.

Lime will help whiten the skin

Mix 100 g of honey with the juice of a large lime, soak gauze pads with the mixture and apply on freckles or age spots. Wash off with cool water after 20 minutes. To achieve the effect, do the procedure every day for 3 weeks.

A warning: Citrus fruit seeds contain poison and in large quantities can cause poisoning. Always delete them!

Useful qualities and harm of lime

Lime and lemon are similar in their external similarities, structure and composition, but very different in terms of useful properties. About lemon, today, we know almost everything. However, not many people have heard of lime, and consider it the same as lemon, a tropical fruit. But the lime is small, in the range of 4-7 cm in diameter, while lemons can be very, very large, and besides, they are not as round as limes. Also, from the external qualities, the color of the fruit is striking, because citrus has a bright green saturated color. Also, the taste is different from lemon - in lime it is more tart, and the aroma is somewhat sharper.

Today, the use of lime is very extensive and multifaceted. So, this fruit is used in cooking, for the manufacture of a wide variety of dishes, and in cosmetology, for the preparation of various masks, creams and substances, and in perfumery, where lime flavor is used as an ingredient for perfumes and other perfumes. However, we will focus on the beneficial properties of lime, with which it is rich.

Useful composition of lime

Lime, like many citrus products, contains a large amount of vitamin C (about 20 mg per fruit). But without this vitamin, and in cases of its deficiency, the body begins to function poorly, defectively - immunity decreases, respectively, the risk of diseases increases. The daily norm of vitamin C in the body should be from 75-90 mg of the substance. In addition to vitamins, lime contains a large amount of minerals, including:

- to calcium (in the amount of 22 mg);

- well iron (in the amount of 4 mg);

- to alyium (in the amount of 86 mg);

- t Phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium and other nutrients are also present.

In addition, lime is rich in carbohydrates, the amount of which is about 10-11 mg, and it also contains healthy dietary fibers, which are very important for normal digestion, cholesterol control, and so on. Well, let's move on, directly, to the beneficial properties of citrus lime.

Useful qualities of lime

This product will help reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections and influenza, help in the treatment of colds and severe inflammatory diseases in the upper respiratory tract. Lime in this case is one of the most important natural products that will help with this. Also, vitamins help to strengthen the immune system, so you will be protected not only at the moment while you use lime, but also for a long time.

Oddly enough, however, lime helps to avoid digestive problems. Its juice and pulp, when ingested, begin to secrete enzymes. These substances are absorbed in the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and gradually begin to actively react with cells and tissues. Saturating them with useful acids and minerals, the walls of the digestive organs become more resilient, they better absorb substances that come from other foods. Also, the aroma of citrus stimulates the active production of saliva, which activates the digestive processes in the body.

The flavonoids in lime contribute to the treatment and healing of peptic ulcers, and such a useful substance as kaempferol will relieve you of the unpleasant sensations of nausea, gases and disorders. The valuable benefits of lime are also manifested in influencing the eyes. Thus, the product contributes to the prevention of vision, improves eye endurance and reduces the aging of the retina and lenses in the eyes. Lime is very effective in getting and developing eye infections.

One of the most important properties of lime is active influence on the figure and promoting weight loss. Women and girls who need to lose a decent amount of extra pounds can effectively use lime as a dietary product. Now, it is not so important to know how lime helps to lose weight, in a nutshell, the secret lies in the presence of citric and other acids. It is important to know exactly how to use lime in this case. To do this, it is enough to dilute the juice from one squeezed lime fruit in 200 milliliters of water. The first result can be observed in 1-1.5 weeks. Remember that it is better to use freshly squeezed juice, since the concentration of nutrients in it is greater than in the one that has stood for several days.

Among other things, it should be noted the high contribution of lime to cosmetology. As a rule, it is included in the composition of cosmetics for rejuvenation, cleansing the surface of the skin, or just for flavor.

Contraindications to the use of lime

Like any citrus fruit, lime can cause allergic reactions, rashes and other unpleasant reactions in the body in case of overdose. Therefore, it is necessary to use lime wisely, so to speak, with a cool head, in order to avoid any problems.

More useful products:


Lime is a source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - a natural antioxidant necessary for the functioning of the immune system, which protects the body from colds and various bacterial diseases.

Benefits of lime juice

Lime is 90% water, contains no fat or cholesterol, and its flesh is rich in dietary fiber. Like all citrus fruits, it contains a small amount of sugar, so you can't eat a lot of it.

The composition of lime includes the following useful substances:

– calcium – health of bones and teeth;

– magnesium – muscle and nerve health;

- phosphorus - strengthening cell walls, healthy teeth and bones; phosphorus in the body is combined with many other elements;

– potassium – the functioning of the brain, cells and muscles, as well as the prevention of seizures;

– zinc – strengthening of immunity, health of eyes, nails, hair; zinc in the body combines with other minerals and vitamins.

Limes also contain vitamin E, which is essential for healthy nails, skin, hair, and body cells, and vitamin K, which helps maintain healthy bones and blood. This fruit also contains folic acid, which ensures cell health.

8 Ways to Fight Disease with Limes

Lime juice is very beneficial and can help fight many serious illnesses.

1. Cold Prevention

Vitamin C, which is part of the lime, plays an important role in preventing colds. Take a glass of water, add lime juice to it, and drink this water in small portions throughout the day. This vitamin drink is especially useful during flu and cold epidemics.

To soothe a sore throat and boost your immune system, you can make a hot drink made from lime juice, honey, and ginger.

2. Help digestion

Lime juice and other citrus juices are known to help fight disease-causing bacteria and reduce stomach inflammation. To improve digestion, you can add lime juice to food. The juice goes especially well with Mexican and Thai dishes and can be used successfully to tenderize meat.

3. Protecting the immune system

Regular consumption of lime juice has a beneficial effect on the immune system. One study showed that lime juice was able to stop the spread of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

4. Treatment of malaria

If lime juice is consumed during the treatment of malaria, it will help to cope with the disease faster. Another big plus of lime is that it has no side effects.

5. Eye health

Vitamin C, which is part of lime, serves to protect the cornea of ​​​​the eye from ultraviolet radiation produced by the sun.

6. Reduce Inflammation

Numerous studies have shown that lime juice, due to the presence of vitamin C, has anti-inflammatory properties. If you have arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, gout, or other joint and muscle conditions, you should definitely drink lime juice regularly!

7. Treatment of diabetes

Vitamin C, in conjunction with the drug metformin, is known to help manage blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

If you want to get more vitamin C, you need to eat a healthy diet consisting of vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamins. Lime juice is just such a healthy product.

8. Fight bacteria and mold

Since lime is highly acidic, its juice can be used to fight bacteria that appear on foods due to improper storage. One study found that lime juice was able to fight cholera bacteria on foods that were not refrigerated. If you need to keep food fresh in the absence of a refrigerator, you can add a small amount of lime juice to them and they will not spoil.

Of course, there are no Staphylococcus aureus, malaria and cholera in your home. However, studies show that lime juice has excellent antibacterial properties, so it can kill most bacteria and boost the immune system.

When was the beneficial properties of lime juice discovered?

Lime juice began to be consumed as early as 1700. Records of this were preserved in the journals of ship doctors who tried to treat sailors for scurvy. In the treatment of this disease, lime juice and other citrus fruits especially "distinguished themselves".

There were earlier references to lime juice, but in those cases, it was still not lime, but an ordinary lemon.

Using lime juice in the kitchen

– A simple cooling cocktail: cut a lime in half, squeeze the juice from both halves of the fruit into a glass of water, add the sliced ​​limes and place the glass in ice water.

– Use lime juice to make cocktails like mojitos.

– Lime juice can be added to cottage cheese or made into marmalade.

– You can also make a dessert – lime jelly, cake or sorbet.

– Make a cake with lemons and limes, it will turn out just fantastic at any time of the year.

– Lime wedges can be added to any Mexican or Thai dishes. This will give them a fresh, spicy taste.

- If you marinate meat or fish in lime juice, they will turn out softer and more tender.

Limes make a delicious salad dressing. To do this, mix the juice with various herbs, sesame seeds and olive oil.

This fruit contains vitamins and minerals in a higher concentration than lemon,orange or grapefruit. Sohealth benefits of lime are so highly valued. Not all Russians know how lime is useful. Why do doctors strongly recommend including this outlandish fruit in your diet?

There are several subspecies of lime, depending on which limes differ in size, color and taste. From rich green to light green yellow, 3-6 cm in diameter, from sour-bitter taste to sweet.

Limes look like lemons , but have a slightly different smell and less sour taste.

Limes are grown and sold all year round. Lime is similar in composition to lemon, contains a lot of citric, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and other acids.

Limes should be shiny and evenly colored. - this is proof that the fruits are ripe. In a cool place, "green fruit" is stored for 10 to 20 days.

Lime is added to tea, served with fish dishes, used instead of sauces for various dishes and vegetable salads. Grated lime zest adds a special flavor to desserts and sauces.

lime for weight loss

Lime has a calming effect on the nervous system, uplifting.

Green citrus will help to cope with increased irritability, fatigue, tearfulness and nervousness.

A glass of warm water with squeezed juice of 1 lime
- a good way to normalize weight. The abundance of ascorbic acid acts as a fat burner. 2 glasses of water with lime juice a day - and in a week you will be able to feel the result!

Useful properties of lime

Due to the high content of vitamin C, lime lowers the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, slows down the aging process, stimulates the formation of a special collagen protein, on which the elasticity and firmness of the skin largely depend.

Lime juice contains potassium, which, in combination with vitamin C, strengthens and makes the walls of the capillaries that supply blood to the skin elastic. Citric and malic acids promote the absorption of iron.

· Lime contains vitamin C which cures scurvy.

· Limes improve digestion. The essential oils contained in this green fruit increase the production of gastric juice, thereby stimulating digestion and intestinal motility. Therefore, oriental cuisine always offers a lime wedge for lunch and dinner instead of various sauces.

· Limes help with constipation. Limes, rich in citric acid, help cleanse the intestines. Lime juice and salt act as a laxative.

· Thanks to the content of special flavonoids, this fruit also treats ulcer diseases.

· Respiratory diseases, runny nose: lime essential oil helps fight the common cold . Lime reliably strengthens the immune system, makes it easier to endure colds and speeds up recovery.

· Lime quickly eliminates the first signs of nausea, one has only to rub its skin and inhale the aroma.

· The fruit is recommended in the treatment of beriberi, at high blood pressure.

· Helps fight urogenital infections. In diseases of the kidneys, lime juice is added to tea.

· Limes are good for the eyes: protect eyes from aging processes and various eye diseases!

Where are limes used?

Limes are good for the skin: they protect against various infections and give the skin a radiant look. It is used to cleanse the face - in scrubs, also with the help of lime you can eliminate dandruff. Eliminates redness, bruises and bruises.

Lime juice and essential oil are added to the bath. Such a bath refreshes and fills the body with energy.

Lime - a solid benefit for the teeth!

This citrus contains calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the construction, growth and maintenance of teeth.

These two minerals are reliable protectors of teeth from caries and plaque formation: they prevent the growth of bacteria, strengthen and restore tooth enamel. Together, the minerals have an anti-inflammatory, strengthening effect on the gums, preventing them from bleeding. And ascorbic acid and organic acids have a whitening effect.

Lime against varicose veins!

Helps relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. After a shower, place thin slices of lime on your calves, cover with plastic wrap, secure with an elastic bandage, and go to bed. Regular compresses will help prevent varicose veins.

Lime will help whiten the skin

Mix 100 g of honey with the juice of a large lime, soak gauze pads with the mixture and apply on freckles or age spots. Wash off with cool water after 20 minutes. To achieve the effect, do the procedure every day for 3 weeks.

A warning:Citrus fruit seeds contain poison and in large quantities can cause poisoning. Always delete them!

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