Home Drinks and cocktails Rye-wheat bread “Table”, or popularly gray - on sourdough. Bread tin (brick) according to GOST recipe with photo Bread bread recipe according to GOST

Rye-wheat bread “Table”, or popularly gray - on sourdough. Bread tin (brick) according to GOST recipe with photo Bread bread recipe according to GOST

Of course, you can say: “What is this “brick”? In what form you put it, it will be like that. I mean the very "brick" that is sold in the store. This is a white, elastic, spongy bread from wheat flour. The bread according to the recipe for the “basic” bread, which was in the instructions for the bread machine, is completely different from this one. It's delicious White bread, but it is very loose, fluffy. For a long time I searched on the Internet “How to bake brick bread in a bread machine”, I tried different recipes. But on the Internet I did not find a recipe for a “brick” that I would like. There was a recipe similar to a "brick", but still not the same. By trial and error, I still achieved similarity. If you love this kind of bread, then try it. I hope you will enjoy. Very tasty bread for every day.


1 teaspoon yeast (dry fast acting), for the "Quick Bake" mode (2 hours) 2 teaspoons;

- 600 gr. flour (preferably 1 grade or general purpose). Maybe 100 gr. rye flour and 500 gr. wheat;

- 1.5 - 2 teaspoons of salt;

- 1 tablespoon of sugar;

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

- 380 ml. water;

- 2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar (as I understand it, it is he who gives elasticity and nostrility).

I advise you to use measuring spoons, a glass and scales. Then you will always get the same excellent result.

We fall asleep products in the order in which they are indicated in the instructions for the bread machine. I have a bread maker Panasonic SD 256

Yeast first:

I mainly use yeast like this or Saf-moment:

Spread the flour with a spoon and sprinkle with salt:

Using a measuring cup, carefully add water:

And last add the vinegar:

This is how we put the bucket in the bread machine:

Mode can be used - main(4 hours), size XL, medium crust.

The size of the roll is obtained for the whole bucket.

Better obtained in the mode French(6 hours).

You can put bread on the mode basic "Quick Baking" (2 hours), but yeast in this case should be added 2 teaspoons, not one teaspoon.

Finished the bun weighs about 1 kg.

I clearly remember bread and its taste from childhood: a brick with a rather dense, finely porous crumb and a glossy dark top which I have always loved the most. I still love the top of the bricks. And that's when I saw Lena's blog this recipe , caught fire to bake such bread at home on my rye sourdough . The result caused great enthusiasm. Straight stormy-stormy! And it turns out even tastier than the one from the past =) And, of course, I will send it to where I got it from - to Lena lenkazhestyanka on theFM “Basket with bread”.

Bread preparation scheme: refresh the starter, put the dough, knead the dough, ferment, stand and bake.


5 grams of stater
15 grams of water
20 grams wheat flour

I fed my sourdough early in the morning, and as it started to gain strength, I took 5 grams for sourdough for bread (at 3pm somewhere). Mixed with water, then added flour, tightened with clingfilm and left at room temperature. The sourdough fermented for 8 hours, became fluffy and bubbly.


40 grams of sourdough
110 grams of water
160 grams of rye flour

I dissolved the sourdough in water, added flour and mixed in. The dough is dense, like a tight rye dough. I did these actions at the beginning of 12 - with the calculation to leave the dough to roam for the night. She wandered around for 9 hours (until 8-8:30 in the morning), she grew up a lot, which surprised me quite a lot, because she was so tight!


the whole dough
220 grams of water
85 rye flour
250 grams of wheat flour
8 grams of salt
15 grams of sugar

I mixed all the ingredients, kneaded the dough with a mixer until moderate gluten (you can’t get strong from rye flour) - the dough began to slightly reach for the hooks.

The dough itself is quite soft. I greased it a little with vegetable oil and put it in a bowl, tightening it with a film, for fermentation. During the fermentation, the bread should double (it took me 3 hours, it's cool at home).

Bake at 230 degrees for the first 10 minutes with steam, then reduce the temperature to 200 and bake for another 30 minutes, before finishing, sprinkle with water to make the top shine. Cool under a towel.

My “gray” one was blown off the roof a little, despite the fact that by the time the proofing was over, it almost did not react to pressing with a finger and straightened up barely so, reluctantly (this can even be seen in the photo on the left - a small dent).

Already at the very beginning of baking, I felt the same smell of gray bread from childhood. And the taste of the finished brick is generally something. It is so rich, so thick, with a perceptible, but so pleasant sourness, necessary for rye bread! This is exactly what I've always missed. rye bread on yeast - I always played with additives, the addition of malt, but they never turned out better than sourdough, although this is my subjective opinion. The crumb is moderately dense, but very soft and tender, finely porous, and the crust is hard - just right! I could not restrain myself - I cut it slightly warm, and ate the first piece, and would have eaten further, because I don’t want anything else for such bread. True true! On the second day, the crumb became more elastic, the bread cut just fine, without wrinkling or rolling, and it was pleasantly springy under the fingers.

In addition, I already managed to try out the same recipe in the hearth version, but I liked the brick more. It feels like they even taste different.

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty tired of the plastic bread that is sold in our stores. Claims are not only about the taste of store-bought bread, I suspect that the composition of this bread is far from being as harmless as indicated on the label. I still remember the taste of the bread that was baked at bakeries according to the old state standards without the use of improvers and other additives.

While searching, I tried several recipes, including everyone who liked it, and found my ideal option. This is shaped bread according to GOST prepared by sponge method.

The taste and texture of the crumb are very similar, to be more precise, identical with classic tin bread. The only thing that I could not repeat the form. But here everything is much more complicated. The fact is that special cone-shaped forms are used at bakeries for baking panned bread. This is how she looks

I don’t have such a mold and I use a non-stick rectangular mold with a volume of 1.5 liters. This size is perfect for this recipe. Since bread in the process of proofing and baking increases by almost 3 times.

To find out the volume of your form, pour water into it. The amount of water is equal to the volume of the mold.

Recipe for pan bread according to GOST


For steam:

250 ml warm water

220 g premium wheat flour

4 g yeast

For test:

280 g flour + 50 g for punching

100 ml warm water

For lubrication bowls of 3-5 ml vegetable oil

How to cook pan bread according to GOST photo recipe

1.Let's prepare the steam. Mix sifted flour and yeast.

Flour must be sifted, this will enrich it with oxygen and help the dough rise better, and the use of sifted flour will prevent foreign particles from entering the product.

2. Pour warm water into dry ingredients (water temperature 36 - 38⁰С). In order for the dough to knead without lumps, you need to add liquid to the flour, and not vice versa.

3. Knead batter, cover with a film or towel and leave in a warm place for 3.5 -4 hours. During this time, the dough will fit and increase in size by 2-3 times.

Ready dough

4. Making dough. Dissolve the salt and sugar in the remaining water. Add sugar-salt solution to the fermented dough, mix. Next, add the remaining flour and knead the dough.

5. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and knead it until it stops sticking to your hands. A well-kneaded dough will return to its original shape when pressed lightly.

6. Lubricate a deep bowl with vegetable oil, put the kneaded dough there and cover with a film. Leave it to rise in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. The dough proofing time depends on the room temperature. The dough will be ready to be molded when it has doubled in size.

Dough after proofing

7. Forming bread. Ready dough remove from the bowl to the table and let it rest a little, about 5 minutes. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, the table can be greased with a small amount of flour.

Avoid using large amounts of flour, as this will cause the finished bread to separate when sliced.

8. Roll out the dough into a 2 cm thick layer.

Roll up.

Place the shaped dough piece into a baking dish. If you don't have a non-stick pan, grease it with a little oil.

9. Leave the bread to rise for another 30 minutes. If the room is cool, the proofing time can be increased to 60 minutes. As a result, the dough piece should increase in size by almost 2 times.

Approached test piece

When the dough rises, it will form a beautiful cap. If you cover the dough with a film or a towel, the top of the dough will rest against the towel and a beautiful shape may not work. To avoid this, I do not cover the dough, but so that its top does not wind, I put it in a cupboard.

10. Preheat the oven to 220⁰С and place a bowl of water on the bottom. The water from the bowl will evaporate and steam will form in the oven, which will provide our bread with a crispy crust.

11. We bake bread. After the dough piece has come up, put it in the oven and bake the pan bread for the first 20 minutes at a temperature of 220⁰С. Then reduce the heat to 200⁰С, remove the bowl of water and bake for another 20-30 minutes. The baking time depends on the characteristics of your oven.

Homemade bread always turns out more magnificent and tastier than store-bought. The benefits of home baking are so obvious that those who have tried it once need no proof.

Homemade bread is valued much higher than industrial bread. Already during baking, it fills the house with breathtaking aromas and creates a magical atmosphere of comfort and warmth. In addition, homemade bread stays fresh much longer. This is especially true for wheat bread.

Bake a simple at first glance, but incredibly delicious wheat bread-brick. This is a great alternative to toast bread - wheat bread is ideal for making sandwiches and sandwiches. The brick is very tender, porous and lush. And all because there are no industrial additives in its composition and nothing prevents it from “getting fat” and “prettier” during proofing and baking.

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
Yield: standard loaf


  • 160 ml water plus 2 tbsp. top spoons
  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 1 st. sesame spoon
  • ¾ teaspoon dry yeast
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp starch


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    Dissolve salt and sugar in lukewarm water. Mix flour and yeast separately. Flour must be sifted.

    Add water to flour and vegetable oil and knead elastic dough. This will take you about 5 minutes. You can knead the dough in a food processor or bread machine.

    Remove the dish with the dough, covered with a clean towel, in a warm place. Leave the dough until it has doubled in size. It will take about 1 hour depending on the ambient temperature.

    Roll out the finished dough into a layer about a centimeter thick. The width of the layer should match the width of your baking dish.

    Then roll this layer into a roll. Thanks to this, wheat bread will have a beautiful rounded shape.

    Lay the resulting roll seam down in a mold greased with vegetable oil.

    Cover the mold and put it back in a warm place for proofing. When the bread has doubled in size, while baking it.

    Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. In the meantime, make cuts on the surface of the loaf with a sharp knife, mix water with starch and coat the bread with this liquid, then sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    Send the brick to the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes until a delicious golden crust is formed.
    Let the bread cool slightly on a wire rack before cutting. Bon appetit!

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