Home Drinks and cocktails How to make liver pate. Liver pate in the form of a roll. Pork liver pate in jars

How to make liver pate. Liver pate in the form of a roll. Pork liver pate in jars

Traditionally, pork pate is made from the heart or liver, and few people know that it is also very tasty from the head of this pet. You will be surprised, but pork head pate can become a real delicacy, if, of course, it is cooked correctly. Interested? Then we go to the kitchen to create our culinary masterpiece!

How to choose a pig's head correctly?

The main rule of a delicious pate is a competent choice of pork head. How not to make a mistake when buying it? This will help us with the advice of experienced chefs. So, first of all, it is necessary to determine whether there is a repulsive smell. A fresh head should have a natural smell.

No less important is the weight of the pig's head. Adhere to the golden rule: it is better to take more in number of heads, but less in weight. The fact is that a large head has a lot of fat on the cheeks and it will need to be cut off, otherwise the pate will turn out to be too fat. And then, as you understand, either there will be less pate, or you will have to add lean meat, and this is an extra waste. An ideal pork head for making pâté weighs approximately five kilograms.

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If possible, ask the seller to cut the heads into several pieces, as this will not be so easy to do at home.

Let's prepare a tender pate from a pig's head for the winter

It only at first glance seems that it is difficult to cook pork head pate at home. Of course, such a culinary process is time-consuming, but even novice cooks are quite capable of doing it. The main thing is to properly prepare the pig's head: wash it thoroughly, butcher and soak in cold water overnight.


  • 15 kg of pig heads;
  • pork lungs, liver and heart - 2 kg;
  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • 10 heads of onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 10-15 peas of allspice;
  • 7-8 leaves of laurel;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a mixture of spices;
  • ground black pepper.


  • Prepare the pig's head. First, let's check if there are bristles on it. If there is, then we need to get rid of it. It's easy to do: scorch the bristles, holding your head over the gas burner.
  • We fill the heads with warm water and arm ourselves with a clean metal kitchen sponge. We are not lazy and, making every effort, we wipe the skin of the head until it becomes almost white. Be sure to clean off the soot, otherwise the pate will be irrevocably spoiled.
  • Pour clean heads with water and leave overnight.

  • We also wash the lungs, heart and liver well and put them in a container with water. Soak them overnight.
  • In the morning, rinse the pork head and offal again and cut into pieces so that all the ingredients fit in the pan.

  • Now we need to boil everything. Here it is important to choose the right spices for cooking! The ideal choice would be bay leaves, allspice black, a special mixture of spices for jelly or broth.
  • So, put chopped pork heads in a large saucepan, add spices and bay leaves. Attention: no salt is needed at this stage!
  • Peel the carrots and 1 onion and send them to the saucepan with the head. This little trick will allow us to give the pork meat a flavor and a pleasant aftertaste.

  • We cook the pork heads until the meat easily moves away from the bone, as when cooking jellied meat.

  • In another saucepan, boil the liver, heart and lungs until tender. We also season the water in which offal is cooked with spices and bay leaves, but do not salt it.
  • We clean the bulbs, cut them into medium cubes and sauté in refined vegetable oil until golden brown.

  • Now we need to separate the meat from the bone in the heads.
  • Add offal to it and grind everything together with an electric meat grinder. Of course, you can use a conventional meat grinder, but then it is better to pass the ingredients through it 2-3 times. Attention: pig brains are not suitable for making pate!

  • Now we need to beat the eggs, add salt and spices.

  • Thoroughly mix all the components of the pate until smooth.

  • We will prepare the jars in advance: rinse and dry. It is best to roll the pate in small jars with a nominal volume of ½ and 1 liter.
  • We lay out the pate in jars without filling them entirely. During the heat treatment, the pate mass will rise, so we leave a distance of 1-1.5 cm unfilled.

  • We cover the jars with pate with food foil and send them to the oven. Attention: put the jars in a cold oven!

  • We heat the oven to a temperature threshold of 180 degrees and detect fifty minutes from the moment the pate boils.
  • After this time, the pork head and offal pate will be ready.
  • We sterilize the lids in boiling water, then roll up the jars.

  • We turn the jars upside down, wrap them in something warm and leave them in this form until they cool completely.
  • Then we send the pate to a cool place for storage, and in winter we indulge ourselves with a delicious and tender snack.

Sometimes you want a normal, tasty, homemade pate. Not even from meat, but from liver.
The pâté sandwich is a great breakfast option.

You can use any liver. All parts of the liver must be prepared, washed and cleaned.
Cut out the trachea, large ducts, veins and membranes.

Designed for 20-30 servings.
Cooking time: 8-12 hours.

Photo of the main ingredients below.

* lamb liver without kidneys - 1.5 kg;
* onion - 2 pcs.;
* carrots - 1 pc.;
* onion - 1 pc.;
* cream - 150-200 ml;
* black peppercorns - to taste;
* salt - to taste;
* butter - 200 gr.;
* vegetable oil - 50 ml.

As for spices - there are a variety of options that you like.

1. Cut all parts of the prepared liver into pieces of such a size that they freely enter the meat grinder. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil.

2. Bring to a boil, be sure to remove the foam. Then reduce the heat and cook for another 40 minutes.

3. Coarsely chop the carrots and onions, and while the liver is being cooked, fry the vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil until soft. Neither onions nor carrots should burn.

4. After cooking the liver, cool it and wash it well.
5. Next, pass the whole liver and all the vegetables through the meat grinder twice. Add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Put the minced meat in a saucepan, add softened butter (leave it a little) and beat well with a blender. In the process of whipping, add cream in portions until the mass becomes homogeneous and sufficiently sticky.

7. Lubricate the forms with the remaining butter and fill with pate mass. Cover with foil and place in an oven heated to 120 degrees Celsius for 80 minutes.

8. Remove the molds from the oven and slightly open the foil. Leave to cool completely. Recommended 5-6 hours in a cool place. In this case, the pate is easily removed from the molds.

9. Remove the foil from the cooled molds

and take out / knock out the pate on the board

Make a submission.
Looks great when cut into sectors.

Bon appetit!

Video version of the recipe:

Hello everyone! Bought lamb liver (approximately 1.5 kg), planned to make liverwurst out of it. But something was too lazy - she made a pate: easier, faster and still delicious!

I remember that I used to buy lung for dogs and cook it. If you cook it for a long time, about 3 hours, then the lung becomes soft-soft and, in taste and texture, it even resembles a boiled tongue. I decided to cook in a slow cooker - turned it on and forgot. The lung was cut into pieces, the heart was put whole. I also added a couple of pieces with a bone from a lamb leg. Here in the photo is a heart and meat on top - for clarity. Then I moved them down. Salted. I added some water, less than a glass.

I turned on the cartoon for 3 hours and forgot.After 2.5 hours I went to check it - it was cooked! Lightweight and soft.

She cleaned the lamb liver from the films, cut it into three parts and put it on top in a cartoon so that it would be steamed and would remain juicy.

So far, the point is, it turned out that the liver was cooked for me only 20 minutes (during the cooking process, I turned it over).

For food it turned out the way I adore - with blood !!! It was hard to resist not to eat it right there! However, such a liver is not suitable for pate - it will be tasty, definitely. But the pate will spoil very quickly.

Meanwhile I have onion fried ( 5 small onions). I threw the liver there, after cutting it into pieces - literally for 2-3 minutes, so as not to overcook, so that it just “reached”.

Scrolled through a meat grinder with a conventional grate. Turned it over three times. First, one meat with onions, then with creamy butter (500 g). By mistake I bought 72% oil - I never take it. It is not suitable for sandwiches, for cream and pastries - too. So I used it in pate. In the pate "agreed".

Then a third time I scrolled everything together.

She put the pate in the pate bowl. What didn’t fit, I put it in a container in the freezer.

And in the morning for breakfast - so sincerely spread on a sandwich !!!

Here's how I'll show you the structure:

My opinion: I liked the pate. He habitual hepatic is different, of course. The taste of the liver is not so pronounced. But in the case of lamb liver, this is even for the better. The lamb liver is slightly bitter. I read that you need to soak it first. I don't know if it would help. So from one liver this bitterness would be obvious. And here it is only slightly, slightly felt. I liked it - piquancy gives.

Oh, while I was writing, I went and smeared myself a sandwich! And she doesn't seem to be hungry. And so wanted! The last two photos I just took and added at the last moment.


Each season has its own special dishes, autumn is the richest in culinary delights.
And I want to tell you about one such seasonal recipe, because it is in the fall in our region that they begin to chop rams that have managed to fatten up fat during the summer on free grazing.
This is a truly delicious appetizer - this is lamb liver pate!
The liver of a ram is small, so they are reluctant to sell it by weight, but very cheaply you can buy a full set of mutton liver - lungs, liver, heart, kidneys and cook delicious bakhsh -.
But if you look at the market early, when the butchers have just laid out their goods, smile at the seller and conspiratorially say that you want to cook pate from lamb liver, they will cut it off and sell it! Checked! Yes, and you need a liver less than a kilogram.

I want to warn you that if you can’t stand a ram, then you are unlikely to like its liver either. She smells! For example, I like it. It also has a slightly bitter and astringent taste. For those who are afraid, you can try replacing the mutton liver with a less “criminal” one from other animals, you will also get a delicious pate, though, why then such dances around the stove? There is an easier option.
But if you are not afraid of new dishes, feel free to cook such a pate, it will be very tasty.

Would need:

  • 700 grams lamb liver
  • large bunch of cilantro
  • 200 grams butter at room temperature
  • small bunch of basil
  • salt, black ground pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • 600 grams cherry tomatoes (optional)

The idea of ​​this pate is not mine, the author of the recipe is Stalik Khankishiev. As always, he approached cooking creatively - first he boiled liver pieces with butter and herbs in vacuum bags at a low temperature, then fried, rubbed through a sieve ... I made everything easier.

1. Thoroughly clean the liver from films and ducts, cut into large slices and fry in a small amount of olive or ordinary sunflower oil on both sides for 15-20 seconds. The pan should be on medium heat, and in the process of frying, add finely chopped cilantro to the liver.
All that is fried, together with cilantro, we send it to a heat-resistant form and fry the next batch of liver.
Such a short heat treatment will simply allow us to get a crispy crust on the slices, while inside the liver will remain raw, but the juice will no longer flow out of it.

2. We put the fried liver and cilantro in a baking dish in an oven preheated to 120 degrees for one hour. The low temperature and long cooking time of such a delicate product will keep the beautiful color inside the pieces, and the cilantro will remain bright green.

3. We shift the liver into a suitable container, cut the butter into cubes (it should already have time to thaw after the refrigerator and become soft). Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Grind with a blender into a puree.
Add finely chopped basil and knead with a spatula until smooth (you do not need to grind the liver with basil - the pate will become an ugly color, and the texture will be more interesting).

4. I really liked Stalik's idea about the perfect combination of liver, basil and tomatoes - it really is very tasty! But most of all, I was captivated by the way the liver pate was served - I saw this only at Stalik, such a simple stylization of the dish - and it looks cool in a restaurant!

We cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, in a deep dish or form (in which you will serve the pate later), lay a layer of cherry halves with the slices up.
They have pate on them. Carefully fill in all the voids and level the surface, and on top of the remaining cherry slices down.
Garnish with basil leaves and refrigerate for a few hours to firm up the pâté.

* it is not necessary to use multi-colored tomatoes, I just had such a crop))

5. It is interesting to eat such a pate in a non-traditional way - it is convenient to cut it into pieces and arrange portions on plates. With a little care, each such piece will contain a generous portion of pate, which is enough for a couple of sandwiches, and a cherry tomato.
The pate keeps its shape well and the pieces are not deformed, but it is easily spread on bread. And you can just eat with a fork))

On the issue of storage - such a pate is in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, only it is necessary to cover it with cling film so that it does not deteriorate. It seems doubtful to me to keep it longer - after all, there are chopped tomatoes there, and on the third day they are already flowing. And freezing is also slightly problematic, after defrosting nothing will happen to the pate, but the cherry tomatoes will be sad.
As an option - do without tomatoes at all and freeze the pate in portions, it will not change the taste.
And we have such a form that “left” for Friday and weekends - breakfasts and several tea parties per day. So this is quite a suitable dish for a large feast or picnic with a lot of people.

Well, do not miss the short season of lamb paradise on the market - while there is a lot of lamb, then liver too!

Easy and inexpensive pork pate recipes that you can make at home with simple ingredients, try it!

The pate is tasty and satisfying, well cut into thin slices.

  • Pork liver - 1.2 kg
  • Undercuts (peritoneum) - 800g
  • Onion - 400g
  • Carrot - 200g
  • Ground black pepper
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.

Undercut (without skin) cut into large pieces. Clean the liver from the duct and also cut into large pieces.

Cut the onion into quarter rings. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.

Put a layer of underlay into the bottom of a thick saucepan. Top - a quarter of carrots and onions. Salt and pepper. Then lay a layer of liver and again onions with carrots. Salt and pepper.

Repeat layers. The top should be onions with carrots. Pour in 150 ml of boiled water, cover with a lid and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 1 hour. Reduce the temperature to 175 degrees and bake for another hour.

Let the meat with the liver cool down and pass through the meat grinder twice. Or once through a meat grinder and punch with a blender until smooth.

Add yolks and stir.

Add the beaten egg whites and fold in gently from bottom to top.

I lined one baking dish with strips of bacon. This is not necessary, but it turns out tastier and more beautiful. I filled the form with pate and closed it with bacon. The rest of the pate was laid out in disposable aluminum molds. I put the pork liver pate for 20 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Allow the pate to cool slightly in the molds, and then turn them over onto a dish.

Pork liver pate is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: homemade pork liver pate

  • Pork 700 grams
  • Pork liver 300 grams
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Cognac 50 ml.
  • Salt 2 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 1 tsp

Wash the pork neck, dry, cut into pieces.

Wash the pork liver, remove films and bile ducts.

Skip the pork and liver through a meat grinder along with the peeled onion. Add cognac, salt and pepper to the minced meat, no more spices are needed, I remind you, this is a homemade option. Thoroughly mix the mass.

Traditionally, terrine is baked in the terrine pans, which are rectangular, with high sides, a glass or ceramic cake pan is suitable. If possible, buy a piece of pork fat on the market and cover the mold with it so that the edges hang down, if not, just put the minced meat in the mold and compact. Put a couple of bay leaves on top of the mass and wrap the edges of the stuffing box (if using.

We heat the oven to 180 degrees. We take a suitable deep baking sheet and put a form or several forms with terrine in it. Pour boiling water into a baking sheet so that it reaches 2/3 of the height of the mold and put the baking sheet in the oven for one hour and twenty minutes. We take out the finished pate from the mold, cool, cover with a film and send it to the refrigerator for two days.

Recipe 3: how to make pork pate at home

Today we will prepare a pork liver pate in the form of a beautiful roll stuffed with cream, which we will prepare from egg yolks and butter. Pork liver pate is so outwardly beautiful and tasty that it can decorate any festive table, buffet table, as well as delight your guests with its exquisite taste. Pate can be served on the festive table cut into pieces as an independent snack, as well as spread sandwiches.

Despite the large number of steps in the recipe, pork liver pate is very simple and not difficult to prepare. As for products, in the recipe we will use products that are available to absolutely everyone, and they can be purchased at any outlet.

  • Pork liver - 1000 grams
  • Fat - 300 grams
  • Carrot - 1 carrot
  • Onion - 1 bulb
  • Salt kitchen - 1 teaspoon
  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Ground black pepper - ¼ teaspoon
  • Hard boiled chicken eggs - 8 eggs
  • food foil

And now let's move on to the recipe with a photo, namely the step-by-step preparation of a dish with photos.

A very tasty dish. First, let's prepare the products for the pate.

How to cook pork liver pate - recipes with photos, step by step cooking:

Rinse a fresh piece of lard and cut into medium-sized cubes, as in the photo. Salo can be cut directly with the skin.

Rinse the pork liver, cut into medium-sized pieces. At the same time, removing veins and hymen.

Peel onions and carrots and cut into pieces, as in the photo.

Heat up a frying pan, add lard and fry. As soon as a sufficient amount of fat appears in the pan, add the liver pieces and fry the liver a little, about 5 minutes.

As the pork liver has acquired a light color, we will immediately add salt and pepper to it.

Now add onion and carrot pieces to the liver, as in the photo.

We cover the pan with the liver and vegetables with a lid, set the fire to a minimum and simmer until cooked, stirring from time to time. Cool the cooked liver to room temperature.

Hard-boiled eggs are peeled.

We cut the chicken eggs into two parts lengthwise, carefully remove the yolk from the eggs and put it in a saucer. We do not need proteins, so you can use them for cooking other dishes.

The liver has already cooled down, and we pass it through a meat grinder 2-3 times along with lard, vegetables and the resulting juice during frying.

The resulting liver mixture is crushed with a spoon, as in the photo. You should get a slightly wet liver mass, if the mass turned out to be dry, then sprinkle some of its water.

We wipe the egg yolks through a sieve, as in the photo.

You should get such a beautiful and tender crumb of egg yolks.

Butter should be kept at room temperature for about 20 minutes so that it becomes soft. We combine soft butter with a tender yolk mass.

Stir the cream well with a spoon until smooth. The cream for filling the pork liver pate is ready.

We spread a piece of food foil on the table, and spread the pork liver pate on it in an even and thin layer in thickness.

On a layer of pork liver pate, apply a layer of yolk-butter cream, smearing it over the entire surface with a tablespoon. Try to spread, retreating from the edges, approximately 0.5-1 centimeter, as in the photo.

To roll the roll tightly, you need to start rolling the pork liver pate on one side with foil, slightly rolled up, pulled out the foil and tucked it up, rolled it up a little, rolled up the foil and so on until we roll the whole liver pate into a roll.

Since the pork liver pate is long, it can be easily divided into two parts, which we will do with you.

We wrap two parts of the pork liver pate in foil and put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours, so that our pate is infused and acquires an excellent aroma and unique taste.

After 8-12 hours, we take out the pork liver roll , cut across not thick slices or spread them on sandwiches and treat guests to a beautiful and tasty snack on the festive table. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: pork liver pate at home

  • pork liver - 500 grams,
  • onion - 150 grams,
  • carrots - 150 grams,
  • butter - 200 grams,
  • 30 grams of refined vegetable oil,
  • ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

We wash the liver under running water, cut out the veins, ducts and cut into small cubes. My carrots and onions, peel and also cut into small cubes or grate. Fry the onion in vegetable oil for five minutes over medium heat.

Put the carrots in the pan and fry for another 10 minutes if it is grated, 20 minutes if it is diced. You can make it easier - bake liver pate in the oven. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil, put the chopped vegetables and liver, put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes. It is best to cover or seal with foil.

You need to chop the liver with vegetables into a pate. You can twist the contents of the pan twice with a meat grinder with a fine sieve, but it is better to use an immersion blender. So the pate will turn out more tender and airy. Grind the liver with vegetables into a homogeneous mass without lumps, salt, pepper. Salt is better to take fine grinding.

Spread softened butter. Before preparing the pate, simply leave it on the table for at least half an hour. Take real oil, which contains only cream. The spread will spoil the taste of the pâté. Grind the paste with butter again so that the butter is evenly distributed.

Take a plastic or glass container and line it with cling film so the pâté can be easily removed and placed on a plate. Although you can not use the film and spread the paste directly from the container. We remove the pate in the refrigerator until completely solidified, and then serve it to the table.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: Pork Liver Pate with Butter (Step by Step Photos)

Pork liver pate with butter is a simple but very tasty snack that you can cook for your family and guests. Homemade pâtés are especially popular, especially liver ones. The pate is not difficult to prepare, but it turns out tender and fragrant. Pork liver is in no way inferior to beef or chicken, especially when preparing this appetizer. Try it, you will definitely like this pate.

  • pork liver 500 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • butter 100 g
  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp.

Recipe 6: How to make a simple pork pate at home

  • 300 grams of liver
  • 30 grams of butter (take better quality),
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil

Put the liver in a bowl, cover with water and leave for 20 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse again. Transfer the liver to a cutting board and cut it up.

Peel carrots and onions. Cut the onion, carrot - grate on a fine grater.

Fry the liver in a pan, be sure to salt it.

Put the carrots and onions to the liver. Also fry.

Twist the mass in a meat grinder, add oil.

Then puree the mixture until smooth.

Pork liver pate is ready! Consider the fact that it is stored no more than 3 days.

Recipe 7, step by step: how to make pork pate with onions at home

Homemade pork pie recipe. I like that it cooks very quickly. And the taste of course does not compare with the store.

  • pork liver - 500 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • water - 200 ml

First you need to clean and cut the onion. You can cut both large and small, because everything will then be ground in a meat grinder. The frying pan, on which she poured vegetable oil, put it on the fire and put the prepared onion.

While the onion comes to softness in a pan, I peel and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

I add carrots to the onion in the pan.

Naturally, after mixing, I bring it almost to readiness. At this time, I cut the soaked and washed liver into large pieces.

I put the liver in the pan with the vegetables.

poured water

and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

During this time, the water will evaporate, and all the contents in the pan will cook. I take the butter out of the fridge and let it thaw a little.

I collect a grinder. I use the smallest grid.

Anyone who has a blender can use it. I pass through the meat grinder everything that was in the pan.

I add already softened butter, I try for salt (if necessary, I add some salt) and rub everything until a homogeneous mass. Of course, you could also use a mixer, but I didn’t do this, because I was too lazy to wash another dish later.

I put the prepared pate in clean and dry containers, put it in the refrigerator.

The product is natural, quickly prepared, little money and time was spent. When you need to have a snack or drink tea, coffee, you just need to spread the liver pate on bread.

Recipe 8: Pork Liver Pate (simple with photo)

The stores have a huge selection of all kinds of pastes, for example, from the liver. Those who make such purchases from time to time know that a good pate, as a rule, is not cheap, and the product that has a democratic price, unfortunately, is not as good as we would like it to be.

All this is a very good incentive to cook good quality pâtés at home. The production of pate at home, however, takes some time, but this is compensated by their quality and cost.

  • Liver 650 g
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Butter 180 g

Cut the liver into pieces. It is possible - quite large, because subsequently the pieces will need to be crushed.

We fry the liver in a pan in pork fat or vegetable oil, along with chopped onions and grated carrots. Salt, pepper. If you like any seasonings for meat, then you can add them. We will need a lot of oil, as vegetables will absorb it, so we can add if necessary.

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