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How to use incense sticks correctly. Incense sticks: truth and fiction Incense sticks how to use

From this article you will learn:

    Why incense cones are convenient

    How to use church incense

How to use incense? Turning to the study of this issue, a person will discover a lot of important and interesting information. How do scents affect our lives? In what cases can you use certain incense. This article will provide answers to the most popular questions.

What are the types of incense

Aromas have a unique ability to influence our physiology and energy. Plants have a huge supply of energy, which gives them the ability to survive even in poor conditions. All the objects around us have a similar reserve. Fragrances give us this energy, which in turn has a truly magical effect on us.

Aroma molecules penetrate our aura and have a powerful effect: they relieve immune deficiency, help distribute and harmonize energy, improve healing, make the etheric body lighter and denser. In addition, aromas affect physical health and emotions. They can even replace a psychologist. Aromas restore the aura, work with complexes and aggression, help to believe in goodness again. But how to choose and use incense correctly so that it works to its full potential? First of all, you need to focus on Prakriti (in Ayurveda, this concept means the original nature of a person given to him from birth).

Incense is also used for medicinal purposes. In this case, you can get rid of the imbalance of doshas (the so-called vikriti). Having studied the state of prakriti and vikriti, you will be able to choose and use the right fragrance correctly. A variety of materials are used to make incense: a variety of herbs, aromatic trees, special resins. Sometimes incense combines about a hundred different aromatic components.

The extensive classification of incense is due to two factors: a rich variety of varieties and a wide range of applications. Incense is divided according to the following characteristics - composition, application, appearance, country of origin.

Origin incense are:

  • Indian and similar.

This includes Indian, Thai, Ceylon, Malay and Burmese incense. In this group, there are almost no sticks without a base. But only here you can find "cones" and "plasticine" - a great alternative to aroma sticks.

Such incense is the most powerful in terms of energy. Their composition and method of manufacture are kept secret, this knowledge has been passed from generation to generation for many centuries. Herbs are harvested in the highlands of the Himalayas only at certain hours and only by hand. After the raw material is subjected to environmental impact assessment.

Unlike Indian, the composition of Tibetan incense has up to forty ingredients. In addition, due to the absence of a bamboo base, there are no additional foreign odors. They also differ in a more complex composition - during burning, the aroma is revealed gradually.

Sometimes in Tibet, incense is made in the form of a powder with crushed Tibetan herbs. The most popular manufacturers are: Dr. Dolkar Tibetan Medicine Center, Dalai Lama Center, TWYC Center, Tara Tibetan Incense Center of Tashi Choling Monastery, Zonkar Shuud Monastery and others.

Tibetan sticks do not have a base. True, due to their lower density (compared to Chinese and Japanese ones), they crumble a lot and burn out faster.

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There are also Chinese incense. In this group, sticks without a base of sandalwood or flowers are popular. There are also unique incense, for example, incense in the form of a spiral. It is believed that when they burn clockwise, an energy column is created. Thanks to this, higher powers will be able to help a person faster. Noticing small sandalwood and flower barrels, boats, baskets, you will know for sure that their homeland is China.

Chinese sticks are as elegant as their country of origin. The delicate scent of flowers promotes clarity and concentration of the mind. Such incense can be safely used at home. The sticks are thin, but hard, and tinted in various shades.

A more delicate and sophisticated smell of sticks from Japan. True connoisseurs of beauty, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun made sticks with a fragrance that is very difficult to capture. Such incense is pacifying, soothing and can be used by very sensitive people. Just like Chinese and Tibetan chopsticks, Japanese chopsticks are made without a base. Their main feature is beautiful packaging; the Japanese approach its choice with great responsibility. Incense in a neat wooden box decorated with traditional painting will be a wonderful gift.

By shape allocate:

Such incense is common in Tibet and China. They are made in the form of sticks, which are cut off on both sides. For example, Chinese incense resembles a bunch of pasta. Incenses originating from Tibet are thicker and most often tied together with colored thread.

Bulk incense is a special powder or ground herbs. To use them, the powder is placed in an aroma burner, and a burning coal is placed on top. Also, such incense can be sprinkled on a burning stick.

This type of incense is really very similar to plasticine familiar to us. This texture is achieved due to the composition: it most often contains honey and ghee. Due to the plasticity of incense, you can make a variety of shapes. Another feature is a strong rich aroma. Plasticine incense is recommended for use in spacious rooms or outdoors.

5 rules for using incense

First rule- choose a fragrance, focusing on your characteristics: body constitution, date of birth and zodiac sign, character.

Second rule- choose fragrances that will work with your weaknesses and bring the doshas into balance.

Third rule- listen to yourself: whether an allergy is manifested and whether you experience a feeling of disgust after using incense.

Fourth rule- You need to use only those incense that you really like.

Fifth Rule- experiment. You can use several types of incense at once, mixing aromas with each other.

How to use incense sticks

How to use incense correctly? First of all, you need to purchase incense sticks and a stand in which the ashes will be collected. As soon as the smoke comes out of the incense, place them in the room or in the center of the apartment so that the aroma can envelop the entire room. You can place the wand in any room and open the door - very soon a delicate aroma will reach the most secluded corners of your home.

How to use incense cones

To use this type of incense, you will need a special incense burner. It should be bought together with aromatic cones. Couldn't find? No problem. Take any saucer with a smooth bottom. Then everything is simple: you need to set fire to incense, gradually smoldering, they will spread the exquisite aroma throughout the house. After some time, the cone will completely burn out. Sometimes smokers have a special lid that can be used to extinguish the incense at any time. Aromatic incense in the form of cones can be used to scent rooms and for meditation.

How to use incense according to your zodiac sign

When choosing aromatic incense, you can also focus on your zodiac sign. However, keep in mind that it is quite difficult to make the right choice and predict the result. Don't be discouraged if the listed fragrances don't suit you or if you don't quite agree with the list. This is just a guide that will help you understand the many flavors. Listen to your intuition. So, for each sign, you need to use certain healing herbs and aromas.

ARIES(March 21 - April 20): Pine, Patchouli, Geranium, Rose, Lemon, Musk, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Coriander, Violet, Juniper, Sage.

TAURUS(April 21 - May 20): bergamot, mint, cedar, chamomile, lemon, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rosemary, vanilla, thuja, jasmine, sage, lily of the valley, strawberry, lilac.

TWINS(May 21 - June 21): Strawberry, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Orange, Musk, Neroli, Rose, Palmarosa, Frankincense, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Tulasi .

CANCER(June 22 - July 22): Jasmine, Amber, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Neroli, Orange, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Vanilla, Ylang-Ylang, Juniper, Sage.

A LION(July 23 - August 23): Frankincense, coconut, lemon, orange, lemongrass, patchouli, myrrh, rose, gardenia, sandalwood, rosemary, thuja, juniper.

VIRGO(August 24 - September 23): Myrrh, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, geranium, orange, lemongrass, Musk, Neroli, Aphrodesia, Frankincense, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, tulsi.

SCALES(September 24 - October 23): pine, rose, lavender, incense, cedar, mint, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, geranium, eucalyptus, orchid.

SCORPION(October 24 - November 22): patchouli, jasmine, tulasi, pine, lemon, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon, vanilla, ylang-ylang, magnolia.

SAGITTARIUS(November 23 - December 21): lavender, Musk, lemon, lemongrass, almond, Myrrh, Neroli, patchouli, Frankincense, rose, rosemary, cinnamon, thuja.

CAPRICORN(December 22 - January 20): Amber, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Sage, Carnation, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Frankincense, Rose, Cinnamon.

AQUARIUS(January 21 - February 20): lemongrass, rose, cedar, bergamot, pine, lemon, orange, Frankincense, thuja, thyme, eucalyptus, tulasi, ylang-ylang, hyacinth.

FISH(February 21 - March 20): Cedarwood, Orange, Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Musk, Myrrh, Neroli, Frankincense, Rosemary, Vanilla, Jasmine, Juniper.

How to use incense for different purposes

A huge number of incense can be used at home every day.

Most often there are incense from India with a base of bamboo. They are easy to buy, they are cheap, and a wide variety of compositions will allow you to find the desired flavor.

If your goal is to improve family relationships, pay attention to the following fragrances: jasmine, orange, musk, mandarin, coconut, incense, lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, and combinations thereof. They can be used to improve energy and make the room more comfortable. This is a great choice if you are just starting out in aromatherapy.

Incense from Tibet and Nepal is recommended for various spiritual practices. From the very beginning, they were made to improve physical and mental health. It contains only natural ingredients, often using unique ingredients that are famous for their strong healing and sacral properties. Such incense is not characterized by too sugary and sweet aromas. They are distinguished by an exquisite, calm, deep aroma of herbs that grow in the harsh Tibetan climate.

If you need to create an appropriate atmosphere for meditation, try using incense from China and Japan, especially sandalwood sticks. Among other types of incense, it is worth looking at sandalwood, myrrh, pine, incense, musk, neroli, juniper, rose, rhododendron. These aromas can be used to improve energy and achieve harmony with the outside world.

To communicate with higher powers. The use of incense is an important part of the rites and rituals of many traditions. When choosing incense, a number of factors are taken into account - the tradition that a person is guided by, the tasks that need to be completed. A simple example: for a love ritual, you can use the following types of incense - ylang-ylang, rose, vetiver, jasmine, musk. However, when performing a cleansing ceremony, you need to use completely different aromas - sage, incense, juniper.

By the way, there are a number of universal fragrances that can be used to perform rituals and other magical actions in different traditions. These include frankincense, myrrh and cedar.

For what purposes incense can be used, sometimes you can already find out from the name. For example, "Clean House", "Gold and Silver", "Divine Healing", "Higher Power" and others.

Often, rituals use aromatic resins (incense and mixtures, myrrh, copal, etc.) and herbs (common and white sage, juniper, bison, and others). Many experts prepare aromatic mixtures on their own. True, the choice of incense is very extensive, so you can easily find the necessary composition.

Incense is an indispensable attribute of magic and spiritual practices. They have a beneficial effect on you, the space around you and the result of your practice: they calm you down, promote concentration, and cleanse you of negative energy.

In "Witch's Happiness" there are incense for any ceremony and for everyday use. Not sure which type of incense is right for you? And we are always in touch on Facebook, Telegram, VK and WhatsApp.

"Witch's Happiness" - the magic starts here.

Aromatherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating a person with the help of smells. Incense sticks (or incense) are the most convenient and optimal way to influence the human body with the help of aroma. Incense sticks can be with or without a stem. Aroma sticks are made of thin bamboo, on which a special aromatic substance is applied along the entire length (except for the end of 3 cm). Such sticks burn together with bamboo and, in addition to the main smell, have a light woody aroma. Sticks without a stem are made only of aromatic substance, they do not have a special handle. The smell of such sticks is more delicate and deep.

Incense sticks are common all over the world, as many ancient cultures used incense during various events. To date, the most famous are Tibetan, Chinese, Nepalese and Indian incense. Each fragrance can bring a certain feeling and emotion to a person.

Choosing an aroma stick scent

Some incense is aimed at meditation and relaxation, others help to increase a person's performance. In order not to fall asleep at work, you need to know what various aromas contribute to.

  1. Cedar, lemongrass, citrus, fennel, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary, magnolia are stimulating aromas that increase efficiency, make a person concentrate on what is important. With the help of these aromas, you can improve memory, cope with stress, acquire a cheerful mood. In many eastern countries, such incense is lit in large offices.
  2. Mint, lavender, jasmine, rose, almond, oregano, myrrh, laurel - these incense help to establish contact with people and their own self. Such aromas are used for various contradictions, when a person does not know what to do. These tools will help you immerse yourself in the process of meditation and make the right decision.
  3. Frankincense, orchid, lemon balm, chamomile, geranium, tea tree will help you calm down. Such incense perfectly relieves nervous exhaustion, pacifies after physical and mental overwork. They are able to overcome even severe depression.
  4. Carnation, jasmine, sage, rose, opium, juniper - have a powerful energy component. Such incense sticks will protect your spirit from energy vampirism, from the evil eye, ill-wishers. They are able to restore the human aura.
  5. Musk, patchouli, ylang-ylang, violet, nutmeg rose, ginger are the strongest aphrodisiacs. Such incense kindles sexual desire and attraction.
  6. Sandalwood, patchouli, pine are able to fight bacteria and germs in the air. They are often used to disinfect rooms where there are patients. Even in ancient times, during periods of rampant typhus epidemics, pine branches were burned in every house so as not to get infected.

Before buying, it is important to decide what exactly you need - to relax or concentrate, to protect your home from envious people or to awaken passion in a partner. When the necessary incense is bought and brought into the house, you need to kindle it.

Special stands for sticks, which are called incense burners, can be wooden, marble, clay or glass. If you use a rod stick, you can take a wooden censer for it, since the rod itself does not burn without aromatic substance. If you use incense without a stem, then you need to choose a non-combustible material so that a fire does not happen. Today, incense burners can be a real piece of furniture - they are very beautiful, artsy, patterned. If you don’t have a special incense burner, you can use improvised means - a glass of rice, sand or salt. The incense stick will just need to be stuck into the bulk composition.

  1. When the incense burner is ready, simply insert the stick into the holder. If the incense burner is homemade, stick the stick in salt or sand.
  2. If the room is small, it is better to use half an aroma stick so that the pungent smell does not cause a headache.
  3. Choose a place where the burning stick will stand. It is better to place it away from carpets, curtains and other flammable objects. Place the censer on the table (if there are no children in the house), on a bookcase or a high shelf.
  4. Lighting aroma sticks is not difficult, just hold a lighter or a burning match to the end of the stick and wait until it lights up. It will not burn in the literal sense - only a barely noticeable smoldering. If a red light is visible at the end of the wand and the wand smokes heavily, everything is in order, you did everything right. If the wand is extinguished, it must be lit again. You are probably lighting the wand in a draft, so it will die out.
  5. Place the smoldering stick in the holder so that it is tilted at a slight angle over the stand into which the ashes fall. If you are using a homemade incense burner, insert the stick into the bulk composition so that it holds well and does not fall.
  6. The incense stick usually burns for half an hour, but long after burning, it fills the room with its aroma.
  7. Do not leave burning incense unattended. If you urgently need to leave, just dip the burning end of the stick into the water.

This simple way to burn incense will help you achieve your desired goal.

Incense will help to relax and calm down, if necessary, increase efficiency and give your home a pleasant aroma. Along with all these advantages, incense also has its downsides.

Scientists have found that the constant use of incense sticks increases the risk of developing lung cancer. However, this does not threaten those who fumigate their house less than twice a week. In addition, a certain aroma can cause individual intolerance. Allergic reactions can manifest as dizziness, coughing, and even spasm of the respiratory organs.

When choosing incense sticks, special attention should be paid to the place where they are sold. Cheap incense of low quality may consist of synthetic substances, the combustion of which is very harmful to the body. To test the quality of the incense, sniff the sticks through the packaging. If they exude a sharp aroma, it is better to refuse them. Real incense sticks don't have a strong smell when they're not burning. It is best to buy this product in its home country, such as India. Keep in mind that aromatic compounds in India are sold not only in the form of sticks. They can be loose - the powder is poured onto burning coals. Animal figurines are also very popular. They are set on fire, and they envelop the room with a magical aroma.

Incense sticks are an effective way to relax in this noisy and fast paced world. Look for time for self-knowledge and relaxation, live in harmony with yourself. And incense, which helps to expand your consciousness, will help you with this.

Video: how to make homemade flavors

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became very popular during the "esoteric boom" when the magic of the East began to penetrate our country. In those days, they were credited with all sorts of "magic" and healing properties, used during rituals, practices and various ceremonies. Then incense began to be used mainly as fragrances, to create a pleasant atmosphere, and so on.

Recently, there have been many discussions on the Web on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? The use of incense is said to increase the risk of lung cancer, asthma, and other diseases. They are also credited with a psychotropic effect and are sometimes even classified as narcotic substances.

In fact, incense sticks have practically no effect directly on health. They cannot cure a cold or relieve stomach pain, nor can they cause cancer or asthma. Incense does not have a narcotic effect and does not contribute to the expansion of consciousness.

Incense sticks can only be harmful if they are of poor quality. Then you can earn a headache and an allergy. Also, outdoor incense will seem too smoky and spicy and may cause discomfort. This, by the way, applies to most Indian incense, as in India they are used to drown out the unpleasant odors that literally soak the streets.

In order to avoid such troubles as allergies and headaches, you should carefully consider the choice of incense sticks, and do not buy incense that is packaged in a bright wrapper and is inexpensive. High-quality aroma sticks are never cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that they do not smell too intense and “poisonous”. If you feel a strong smell even through the packaging - it is better not to buy such sticks. You still can't use them at home.
Incenses with "popular" smells, such as rose, vanilla, pine, lavender, strawberry, as a rule, leave much to be desired, because artificial flavors are used in their manufacture.

"Types of incense".

Among all the variety of incense sticks presented in stores, there are undoubtedly higher class and really good quality incense. These are Japanese incense. As you know, the inhabitants of the land of the setting sun are distinguished by a scrupulous approach to business and are literally obsessed with the high quality of production. Japanese aroma sticks are a fundamentally different product, which is most often handmade in a family business, recipes are inherited under great secrecy, and raw materials (herbs and plants) are harvested at certain times of the year and in certain places.
In addition, Japanese incense is baseless. This means that the aroma of the stick is not distorted by the smell of smoke and burning bamboo base (as happens with Indian incense). The Japanese do not welcome perfume additives, so the aroma of these incense is never harsh and "chemical", and you will not get a headache or an allergy.

Japanese aroma sticks, like good tea and aged wine, are not cheap compared to Indian and Nepalese ones. However, they deserve it.
There are several Houses in Japan that have been producing incense for several centuries. One of them is Shoyeido. This company has a long history and an excellent reputation, the products are certified, and the level of quality is beyond doubt.

The most common type of incense is incense sticks. They are popular because they are easy to use, cheap and fit perfectly into any interior. What do you need to know about them?
The “core” of the stick is thin bamboo chips, on which the base with an aroma filler is applied. Usually, charcoal or "masala" is used as a base, a mixture of fine particle dust or crushed fragrant plants. The bright black charcoal sticks emit a pure aroma filler smell when burning (charcoal does not remove impurities!).

Masala sticks can be from light beige to dark brown, and when they burn, the aroma of the base plants is mixed with the smell of the aroma filler.

There are "barless" incense without a bamboo chip. They are more brittle, but when they burn, the smell of smoldering bamboo is not added to the main smell.

The quality of the stick does not depend on its color (they say, all black chemical, and light natural). The main thing is the composition of the aroma filler. If it consists of synthetic substances, the incense will be mediocre, and if it is made from pure natural ingredients, it will be excellent.

Incense differs in shape (sticks, cones) and in composition (mono-aromatic with the smell of one plant, and poly-aromatic odor compositions). Do not burn incense at night with a stimulating, exciting effect.
Sometimes burning bamboo base causes allergies. In this case, switch to either stemless incense or pure essential oils, not synthetic ones!

Offer 14 incense for relaxation and recharging:
1. Bergamot tones, gives strength, improves memory and attention.
2. Jasmine has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, mobilizes the body's reserves. Enhances sensuality, is considered a "feminine" fragrance.
3. Ylang-ylang is a good antidepressant, it causes a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. Excellent aphrodisiac "male smell", increases male potency.
4. Lavender relieves fatigue, insomnia, strengthens the immune system. Stimulates blood circulation, eliminates mental lethargy, irritability and states of causeless fear.
5. Frankincense inspires, awakens interest in life.
6. Lemon tones, strengthens the immune system, has an antiviral effect. Relieves headaches, dizziness, nausea.
7. Lotus relieves fatigue, promotes spiritual development.
8. Myrrh is a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress.
9. Opium tones, invigorates, sharpens the mind and fires the heart.
10. Patchouli antiviral. Nourishes, refreshes, gives strength and determination. Strong erotic stimulant.
11. Rose helps with depression, insomnia, stress and nervous tension. Relieves fear, nightmares. Improves blood circulation.
12. Sandalwood relaxes, calms the nerves. Helps with depression, insomnia, nervous hiccups, throat irritation, runny nose, nausea, heartburn. It is a mild aphrodisiac, increases sensuality.
13. Pine activates respiration, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the process of rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.
14. Eucalyptus purifies the air, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

Each sign according to the aroma!
Aries: pine, patchouli, rose, lemon, nutmeg, frankincense, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla
Taurus: bergamot, mint, cedar, jasmine, lily of the valley, lilac
Gemini: sandalwood, eucalyptus, orange, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, lemongrass, ylang-ylang
Cancer: Jasmine, Bergamot, Pine, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Ylang Ylang, Juniper
Leo: Frankincense, Lemon, Orange, Lemongrass, Patchouli, Myrrh, Rose, Sandalwood
Virgo: myrrh, sandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, orange, lemongrass, musk
Libra: Cedarwood, Mint, Cinnamon, Ylang Ylang, Eucalyptus, Orchid
Scorpio: Patchouli, Jasmine, Pine, Lemon, Magnolia
Sagittarius: almond, myrrh, patchouli, frankincense, rose, rosemary, cinnamon, thuja
Capricorn: amber, sandalwood, bergamot, pine, lavender, sage, clove
Aquarius: frankincense, thuja, thyme, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, hyacinth
Pisces: Cedarwood, Orange, Bergamot, Lemon, Musk, Myrrh, Frankincense, Rosemary, Vanilla

You smoke the leaves of a tangerine tree: as if you are looking into the distance from the top of a mountain in autumn. You smoke osmanthus: as if you are contemplating the writings of ancient books, and the laws of the ancients themselves appear before your eyes.

Dong Yue - The Book of Incense, 17th century

Incense came to yoga from Hinduism, where they are burned to this day during religious rituals (yagy and puja) - and this is not surprising, because yoga is a part of Indian culture, just like religion. Many yogis use incense to address patrons, egregors of practice - the deities of the Indian pantheon. But in fact, incense is not an exclusively Indian thing, they are used in other religions of the world: Christianity (incense is the oldest incense) and Buddhism, for example.

In general, incense probably existed before all religions - after all, fragrant (or not very) smoke from a fire from different “sticks” was part of the life of a primitive and later a primitive person. Later, smoke - including narcotic plants, but not only - was used in shamanism. Gradually, religions almost everywhere replaced paganism and shamanism, but ... the use of fragrant smoke remained! What is so interesting about it that people have been doing it for thousands of years, like yoga?

In fact, burning incense sticks (including Indian and Tibetan ones) and not even religious people at all! - after all, they simply, objectively speaking, smell pleasant and so help to create a pleasant atmosphere of peace and joy in the room. So, on the other hand, incense is also an air fragrance, cheap and easy to use - but more or less natural and harmless? - this is a must see.

If you “dig” a little deeper, then incense is not just a full house of fragrant smoke and a little self-hypnosis “for peace and success in business”: after all, incense often contains (presumably) natural substances that are really useful (or, if you are unlucky - harmful) to health. Incense has long been widely and successfully used in Ayurveda, traditional Chinese, Tibetan and other types of ancient medicine. But the use of incense - which is included, for example, in the compulsory training course of a monk from Shao-Lin! - study for YEARS, under the guidance of an experienced mentor, a doctor ... Not our case, right? Therefore, let's leave aside for a moment the traditions of Indian Purna yoga (where it is difficult without sticks for ritual reasons), because the question of the benefits or harms of the components of the "stink stick" in terms of health comes to the fore for us.

First, of course, the "bad news"!

  • It is necessary, if possible, to avoid inhaling the smoke of "chemical" incense, which is widely used in India, because. they smell strongly, powerfully, and - there, in Asia itself - are ridiculously cheap. Often, these "sticks" have lurid, tasteless packaging and sometimes unusual names that would be more suitable for a toilet air freshener ("brandy", "coffee with milk", "surf", etc.). Such sticks contain not only the "stick" itself - a wooden rod, the smoke from the combustion of which contains the same substances as firewood in the stove (including CO2), but also artificially synthesized substances, poison for our body. These sticks usually have "heavy" aromas, if you try different incense, you will gradually give up on these. If your goal is not to drown out the smell of cow dung and rotting garbage from the street, as is often the case in India, then is it worth using "heavy artillery"? With Evian mineral water on hand, you are unlikely to drink bright yellow Pinocchio? Although, the taste and color. (POSITIVE: Usually expensive and “branded” (Sai ​​Baba Ashram, Auroville, etc.) Indian, as well as Tibetan (according to Tibetan medicine, i.e. 100% of natural ingredients), Nepalese (Sang and cheaper "Tibetan" sticks) and Chinese (baseless) sticks and spirals.)
  • Scientists have found that too much smoke, even natural, indoors is definitely harmful. Usually there is a rule - no more than 3 sticks per room, but for some chemical incense even this will not work - even 1 "super-stick" can "stink" the entire hall and literally suffocate those involved. However, according to the sensations, such moments are usually determined quickly. And from the point of view of "chemistry", the smoke of cheap incense can contain polyaromatic hydrocarbons, carbonyl compounds, toluene and benzene - all this, with prolonged exposure, can cause cancer. In general, follow a simple rule: if the smell begins to "put pressure on the brain" - it's time to "turn off" the wand, or even completely abandon the use of this type of incense, at least indoors. (POSITIVE: Many sticks, even "super smelly" indoors, feel much better outdoors. They can be burned safely when practiced outdoors.)
  • If you use (especially Indian) incense without measure, then the whole room “stinks” with them for a long time. The author of these lines “at one time” stank of his apartment so much that the smell of “India” could still be heard from the entrance to the entrance (“there is a yogi’s apartment somewhere” - perhaps other residents might have thought). Do you want all your clothes and upholstered furniture to smell like an Indian flea market? You decide. (POSITIVE: If you smell strongly of exotic incense, other yogis will recognize you from a mile away and praise you for your "pleasant aura"!)

The BENEFITS of incense are no less significant:

  • Some incense is distinguished by a weak psychosomatic effect - i.e. are able to unobtrusively regulate the state: invigorate, calm, or promote concentration. This is important and beneficial for any yoga practice! Such incense, of course, is not addictive in the medical sense. That is, it is a safe way to modulate your state the way you want: for example, “burn lemon sticks” in the morning to cheer up, and in the evening - relax with the smell of patchouli, create a romantic mood with sandalwood or rose, or meditate “on a juniper wave ". This is normal and not dangerous (assuming the sticks are impregnated with natural fragrance oils and not synthetic fragrances!). Examples of beneficial, natural incense ingredients: sandalwood, lavender, bergamot, jasmine, saffron, juniper, sweetgrass, lemongrass, citrus aromas. oils, wood oils (fir, pine, cedar), and others.
  • Properly selected incense harmonizes vital energy (prana or "qi") and through this health in general: they make up for the missing or, conversely, remove the excess of some energies, manifestations, tendencies in the human body. And it, as we know from yoga, is “multilayered”, has not only a dense physical, but also a more gentle “pranic” “layer”, which also responds to the components of natural incense. Like practicing yoga! - and on any other influences: information, food, drinks, and medicines! In this aspect, incense is a medicine - or a poison if you choose and use it incorrectly. Everything is good not only in moderation, but also in due time: for example, some “sticks” are good for a cold, others are good for heat, others are good for depression, and fourth if you need to calm your mind, and so on. In the East (Tibet, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.) since ancient times, entire branches of medical science have been created dedicated specifically to treatment with the help of incense.

Evgenia Korsakova, specialist in external procedures of Tibetan medicine, student of Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo, Geshe Rinchen Tenzin, Dr. Nida Chenantsang:

“In Tibetan medicine, medicinal compounds or their components are often used as incense, which the patient takes orally. It is believed that this enhances the effect on the disease. The most famous of these is Agar 31. This Tibetan healing incense is made up of 31 herbal ingredients collected in the Himalayan region. Chief among them is Aqualaria Aloga, which is widely used in Tibetan medicine. The incense is handmade in the traditional way in strict accordance with the Tibetan Medical Tantra. Includes aloe, flowers of various herbs, saffron, red and white sandalwood, sapwood resin and others. It has a positive effect on: pain in the upper body; dry mouth and tongue, rapid breathing, irritability, depression and insomnia, muscular or nervous stiffness, tightness of the limbs, pain in the waist, hips, bones and joints due to a nervous disorder. How to use: light one stick and inhale its smoke for a few seconds, then switch to normal use. In other words, if you are tired, stressed, had a hard day at work, when you come home in the evening, light Agar 31 on a stick, inhale its aroma 2-3 times, and you will feel how your fatigue and stress dissolve ... "

Thus, we see that properly selected incense perfectly complements yoga practice and enhances its beneficial and harmonizing effects!

And, finally, no one canceled the "Pavlov's dog reflex" ... Many yogis noticed that as soon as you light your favorite "stink stick" (any, even the most harmful!), you get up (or sit) on the rug - so the practice immediately and “It will do”, but this is the main thing for us ... Regular and energetic exercises are a matter of habit, this is a fact - and incense can be the starting point, the “on button” of this good habit. But, as in other techniques, it’s good not to be lazy in using sticks, understand this issue, and do everything right - for health and success in Yoga!

Materials used in the preparation of the article (further reading):

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Indian incense: harm and benefit

In India, incense sticks that exude a specific smell have been used since ancient times. They are mentioned in the ancient Indian scriptures - the Vedas. The popularity of exotic incense has increased exponentially over the past decades.

The wand is installed on a special stand in the hole prepared for it directly or at an angle of 45 degrees. A reed with aroma must be set on fire and immediately extinguish the flame. The stick should slowly smolder. Burning, it exudes aroma, the ashes remain on the stand.

Today, Indian culture is in fashion: dances, clothes, religion. Many try to create a mysterious atmosphere in their home using Indian incense. Smoky sticks are not able to cure diseases. In India, they are used as a means of preparing a person for a meditation ritual.

The aroma stick consists of a bamboo base, on which an odorous mixture is applied, it is dipped for some time in essential oils of vegetable or animal origin.

In their homeland, Indians light such fragrant candles at various ritual ceremonies - attracting spirits, in memory of the dead, during daily prayer. Indians attribute healing and psychotropic properties to fragrant reeds. In fact, incense from India is able to fill the room with a certain pronounced smell. Therefore, incense should be used in a well-ventilated area.

Aromasticks have bactericidal, antifungal, anti-cold properties. Odorous aromas with antiviral properties are actively used. Smells can affect the state of mind of a person, his nervous system. There are teachings that say that incense should be chosen according to the horoscope. Diseases of the body and nervous system, characteristic of a certain zodiac sign, are proposed to be prevented by inhaling a certain aroma.

A large number of smells are on sale, everyone can choose a pleasant and useful aroma for themselves. It can be jasmine, lavender, lilac, lily of the valley - these smells relieve stress and fatigue. Ylang Ylang relaxes the nervous system. Sandalwood and pochuli excite passionate desire, eucalyptus and sandalwood can give a positive result in colds. Lemon also helps with colds, relieves headaches and strengthens the immune system.

Can Indian incense be harmful? Scientists from all over the world are arguing about this. Studies by Danish scientists have shown that regular inhalation of fragrances applied to sticks can lead to the development of lung cancer. The probability of getting this terrible disease is doubled. But when aromatherapy is performed no more than twice a week, the harm from it is minimized.

Ailments are caused by combustion products - organic carcinogens, including benzene, carbonyl substances, polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

The strong-smelling smoke can cause severe headaches and, in some cases, an allergic reaction. Poor-quality aroma sticks can be harmful to health and cause a sharp deterioration in well-being. It is important that the aromatic base consists of natural, not synthetic, components.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of aroma sticks. For the price, they are the most affordable way of aromatherapy. When choosing Indian incense sticks, you need to pay attention to their smell - if a sharp aroma is already felt through the packaging, it is better to refuse to use such incense.

It is better to buy products from India that can affect the nervous and physical condition in specialized stores that are responsible for the quality of their goods. Indian sticks are discreetly packaged, unlike Thai incense sticks, which are packaged more colorfully. Thai products are of lower quality and higher price. When buying, you need to specify the origin of aromatic fumigants.

If the aroma that you liked initially causes any discomfort or general discomfort, it is better to refuse it. You need to fumigate the room with only one aroma. Smells cannot be mixed. Before starting the aromatherapy ceremony, it is worth studying the meaning of smells and their effect on the body and nervous system, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Indian incense is not limited to scented sticks. Indians use powder from dried plants to fumigate rooms, on which smoldering coals are placed. Figurines fashioned from mixtures with a strong smell are exhibited on the streets.

Aromatherapy using Indian incense can bring a lot of pleasant moments and positive emotions. You need to remember about the limitations in the use of aroma sticks and choose the right fragrance for a particular situation. Then the smells from India will not do harm.

Useful (29) Useless (13)


How to use incense sticks correctly

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Aromatherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating a person with the help of smells. Incense sticks (or incense) are the most convenient and optimal way to influence the human body with the help of aroma. Incense sticks can be with or without a stem. Aroma sticks are made of thin bamboo, on which a special aromatic substance is applied along the entire length (except for the end of 3 cm). Such sticks burn together with bamboo and, in addition to the main smell, have a light woody aroma. Sticks without a stem are made only of aromatic substance, they do not have a special handle. The smell of such sticks is more delicate and deep.

Incense sticks are common all over the world, as many ancient cultures used incense during various events. To date, the most famous are Tibetan, Chinese, Nepalese and Indian incense. Each fragrance can bring a certain feeling and emotion to a person.

Choosing an aroma stick scent

Some incense is aimed at meditation and relaxation, others help to increase a person's performance. In order not to fall asleep at work, you need to know what various aromas contribute to.

  1. Cedar, lemongrass, citrus, fennel, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary, magnolia are stimulating aromas that increase efficiency, make a person concentrate on what is important. With the help of these aromas, you can improve memory, cope with stress, acquire a cheerful mood. In many eastern countries, such incense is lit in large offices.
  2. Mint, lavender, jasmine, rose, almond, oregano, myrrh, laurel - these incense help to establish contact with people and their own self. Such aromas are used for various contradictions, when a person does not know what to do. These tools will help you immerse yourself in the process of meditation and make the right decision.
  3. Frankincense, orchid, lemon balm, chamomile, geranium, tea tree will help you calm down. Such incense perfectly relieves nervous exhaustion, pacifies after physical and mental overwork. They are able to overcome even severe depression.
  4. Carnation, jasmine, sage, rose, opium, juniper - have a powerful energy component. Such incense sticks will protect your spirit from energy vampirism, from the evil eye, ill-wishers. They are able to restore the human aura.
  5. Musk, patchouli, ylang-ylang, violet, nutmeg rose, ginger are the strongest aphrodisiacs. Such incense kindles sexual desire and attraction.
  6. Sandalwood, patchouli, pine are able to fight bacteria and germs in the air. They are often used to disinfect rooms where there are patients. Even in ancient times, during periods of rampant typhus epidemics, pine branches were burned in every house so as not to get infected.

Before buying, it is important to decide what exactly you need - to relax or concentrate, to protect your home from envious people or to awaken passion in a partner. When the necessary incense is bought and brought into the house, you need to kindle it.

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How to use incense sticks

Special stands for sticks, which are called incense burners, can be wooden, marble, clay or glass. If you use a rod stick, you can take a wooden censer for it, since the rod itself does not burn without aromatic substance. If you use incense without a stem, then you need to choose a non-combustible material so that a fire does not happen. Today, incense burners can be a real piece of furniture - they are very beautiful, artsy, patterned. If you don’t have a special incense burner, you can use improvised means - a glass of rice, sand or salt. The incense stick will just need to be stuck into the bulk composition.

  1. When the incense burner is ready, simply insert the stick into the holder. If the incense burner is homemade, stick the stick in salt or sand.
  2. If the room is small, it is better to use half an aroma stick so that the pungent smell does not cause a headache.
  3. Choose a place where the burning stick will stand. It is better to place it away from carpets, curtains and other flammable objects. Place the censer on the table (if there are no children in the house), on a bookcase or a high shelf.
  4. Lighting aroma sticks is not difficult, just hold a lighter or a burning match to the end of the stick and wait until it lights up. It will not burn in the literal sense - only a barely noticeable smoldering. If a red light is visible at the end of the wand and the wand smokes heavily, everything is in order, you did everything right. If the wand is extinguished, it must be lit again. You are probably lighting the wand in a draft, so it will die out.
  5. Place the smoldering stick in the holder so that it is tilted at a slight angle over the stand into which the ashes fall. If you are using a homemade incense burner, insert the stick into the bulk composition so that it holds well and does not fall.
  6. The incense stick usually burns for half an hour, but long after burning, it fills the room with its aroma.
  7. Do not leave burning incense unattended. If you urgently need to leave, just dip the burning end of the stick into the water.

This simple way to burn incense will help you achieve your desired goal.

The benefits and harms of incense sticks

Incense will help to relax and calm down, if necessary, increase efficiency and give your home a pleasant aroma. Along with all these advantages, incense also has its downsides.

Scientists have found that the constant use of incense sticks increases the risk of developing lung cancer. However, this does not threaten those who fumigate their house less than twice a week. In addition, a certain aroma can cause individual intolerance. Allergic reactions can manifest as dizziness, coughing, and even spasm of the respiratory organs.

When choosing incense sticks, special attention should be paid to the place where they are sold. Cheap incense of low quality may consist of synthetic substances, the combustion of which is very harmful to the body. To test the quality of the incense, sniff the sticks through the packaging. If they exude a sharp aroma, it is better to refuse them. Real incense sticks don't have a strong smell when they're not burning. It is best to buy this product in its home country, such as India. Keep in mind that aromatic compounds in India are sold not only in the form of sticks. They can be loose - the powder is poured onto burning coals. Animal figurines are also very popular. They are set on fire, and they envelop the room with a magical aroma.

Incense sticks are an effective way to relax in this noisy and fast paced world. Look for time for self-knowledge and relaxation, live in harmony with yourself. And incense, which helps to expand your consciousness, will help you with this.

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Indian incense and incense sticks

Agarbatti is the Hindi name for Indian incense, or incense sticks, which emit a special captivating aroma when burned. They were mainly set on fire during prayers and religious rites and ceremonies, but they were also used in medicine and in many other occasions. It is still believed that inhaling incense smoke is an ideal way to lift a person's spirit when he is in a very bad mood.

The manufacture of incense sticks occupies a special place in the Hindu tradition and dates back more than one millennium. The first mention of them is found in the Vedas. Sacred incense was believed to purify the atmosphere and a place for meditation and prayer. Even today, during daily prayers, Indian families offer incense, candles and flowers to the gods as a sign of supreme devotion and respect. In ancient Sanskrit texts, it is described that the smell of incense was distributed in the houses and on the streets during any holiday, as a result of which the hearts of the inhabitants were filled with joy and delight. In India, they say that "our actions in life should give happiness to other people, just like an incense stick gives off its beautiful smell."

Many Indian incense have a unique scent that you won't find anywhere else in the world. In addition, each fragrance carries a special energy and is used for specific purposes:

  • raising mood and improving well-being;
  • relaxation, reduction of psychological stress
  • enlightenment of human consciousness and purification of the atmosphere in which he lives.

Aromas and meanings of incense

Rose. The rose is known for its excellent scent. The soft sweet scent of rose is ideal for creating a romantic atmosphere. It helps reduce anxiety, stress, sadness, depression and improves mental and emotional well-being. Rose petals and rose oil sticks contain all the aromatic and healing properties of the flower and, when burned, increase mental strength, heal emotional pain and soothe anger. These sticks are also good for improving physical health, especially effective against insomnia, phobias and stress. Rose-scented sticks were also burned when it was about love, divination for love or divination. This scent is also believed to bring good luck.

Saffron. Saffron is known throughout the world as a spice that has many medicinal properties. It is widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy due to its rich, mild aroma. Saffron helps balance the nervous system and calm the mind. For thousands of years, people have used it for calmness, awareness, and extra energy. The smell of saffron is an important part of rituals and the spiritual side of life. Its soft natural aroma affects a person like fresh sea air, opening the mind, spirit and heart.

Sandal. The scent of sandalwood is renowned as the most uplifting scent and is one of the oldest incense known. It has been used in Asia for almost 4000 years. It has a refreshing, relaxing and slightly sensual scent that helps awaken the intellect and promotes a calm state of mind. The fragrance of sandalwood is also widely used during meditation, as it promotes relaxation, increases mental clarity and awareness. With the healing and protective properties of sandalwood leaves, the fragrance soothes and has a joyful effect on the mind and body.

Lavender. The pleasant gentle aroma of lavender is widely used in many aromatic formulations. It soothes, rejuvenates and has antiseptic properties that help relieve fatigue and muscle pain, feel light, balance emotions and get rid of stress. Lavender is considered a scent that promotes peace, happiness and love. It also improves sleep and alleviates anger. Lavender sticks are lit in the workplace to relieve tension and headaches.

Jasmine. Jasmine flowers are called in India the "queen of the night" because they release their fragrance at night. It is known for its stimulant properties and as an antidepressant. Jasmine gives a feeling of confidence, optimism and a certain euphoria and is a valuable remedy for depression, stress and fatigue. Burning, the incense spreads a delicious aroma in the air, rejuvenates, restores energy balance, soothes the mind, body and soul.

Lotus. The lotus is known in many cultures as a sacred flower that was given to the gods. It has many medicinal and aromatic properties. The aroma of the lotus contributes to the improvement of spiritual and divine inspiration. The lotus is considered a symbol of love, divinity, and also brings good luck and the blessings of the gods.

Basil. Basil is perhaps the most sacred plant in India. It opens the heart and mind, gives divine protection, cleanses the aura and strengthens the immune system. When burned, the smell of incense eliminates negativity and brings good luck to the home. Basil helps to increase sympathy between two people, reconcile quarreling lovers and avoid conflicts. In addition, it will protect you in a crowd of people. Basil calms the mind, helps to relax. Thus, the use of its fragrance is perfect for meditation and spiritual practices.

Lemon. Lemon has a characteristic refreshing aroma. Lemon flavor is commonly used for cleansing and in medicated oils. The aroma of lemon promotes spiritual purification and love, refreshes the mind, strengthens and calms the nerves, and eliminates depression.

Herbal. Herbal incense is made by mixing various aromatic medicinal herbs. These sticks refresh, purify the atmosphere and promote peace and mental stability. The herbal mixture used in these incense has many healing properties that help relieve stress. These wands are great for meditation, as they eliminate negative energy flows and promote inner peace and tranquility.

How to use incense

As a rule, special decorative stands are used for incense sticks. The stick is inserted into the hole in the stand. After that, it is first set on fire, allowed to burn out a little, then the fire is blown out, leaving the incense to smolder, emitting smoke. The ash falls on a special area of ​​the stand, which saves you from having to sweep the floor or wipe the table after using the incense.

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