Home Bakery Do bees make wax from honey? What do bees make honeycombs from? What is wax? What do bees make wax from? What is wax made from?

Do bees make wax from honey? What do bees make honeycombs from? What is wax? What do bees make wax from? What is wax made from?

a name used to designate a group of fat-like solids of natural or synthetic origin; by chemical nature, these are, as a rule, esters of higher monobasic fatty acids and higher monohydric fatty alcohols; fossil waxes are saturated hydrocarbons.
Varieties and uses. By their properties, waxes resemble solid fats, for example, they have a shiny and greasy surface to the touch. They melt over a wide range of temperatures (40-90°C) - usually at higher temperatures than solid fats and fatty acids. Wax is a complex mixture of compounds; it may contain hydrocarbons, fatty acids, fatty alcohols, esters or ethers of fatty alcohols and glycerol, or degradation products thereof. For example, Japanese wax and the secretions of the cerewort (a plant from the genus Myrica) are actually fats, since they consist mainly of palmitic acid triglyceride. Natural waxes can be of mineral, animal, vegetable and marine origin. Synthetic waxes are obtained by adding non-waxy or pseudo-waxy materials to natural waxes. All types of waxes are used for similar purposes - for the manufacture of candles, colored pencils, carbon paper, polishes, cosmetics, confectionery, chewing gum, casting, emulsions, sealing and dressing compounds and for making paper and textiles water-repellent properties. Waxes are usually mixed to obtain the desired properties. The use of additives in commercial waxes is common and allowed if the mixture satisfies a certain set of requirements. Expensive imported waxes, such as carnauba (Copernicia wax), are carefully analyzed to detect fakes.
Mineral waxes. Paraffins. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds, most of which are hydrocarbons (paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and aromatic). Paraffinic (saturated, or saturated) - stable hydrocarbons from methane (one carbon atom) to paraffin (C18 - C35). In the petroleum industry, crude oil is first processed to separate and purify several more volatile fractions (gasoline, kerosene, naphtha and solar oil). Paraffin distillate is a high-boiling oil fraction, from which paraffin is isolated by melting or crystallization from a solvent.
See also CHEMISTRY AND METHODS OF OIL REFINING. Commercial refined paraffin is divided into three grades according to melting point (48-49° C, 50-51° C, 54-56° C). It is resistant to heat, light and air, although it will discolour slightly with age. Conventional fat solvents dissolve paraffin when heated, but when cooled, the paraffin crystallizes out of solution. Acids and alkalis do not affect paraffin. There is another kind of paraffin - amorphous (microcrystalline) wax, which is more plastic, has a greater stickiness and mixes with additives, including oils, without melting. Paraffin is an important ingredient in the production of sealants, tracing paper, carbon paper, waterproof cardboard, dummies, colored pencils, candles, ointments, cosmetics, shoe polishes and floor mastics. Amorphous, or microcrystalline, paraffin wax is used as a waterproof adhesive for paper. Both forms of paraffin are cheap and are used as additives to expensive waxes of wax-forming insects and plants. Ozokerite forms underground deposits along with oil and is mined in the states of Utah and Texas in the USA, as well as in Russia and Poland. Raw ozokerite is melted and washed with water and then with acid to free it from foreign inclusions, and bleached with special bleaching clay (Fuller's earth). Commodity ozokerite is black, green, yellow or white, depending on the degree of bleaching. Purified ozokerite melts at a higher temperature (65° C to 80° C) than wax; it consists almost entirely of high molecular weight hydrocarbons. Acids and alkalis do not affect ozocerite. It holds oils and other additives firmly. Ozokerite is insoluble in volatile alcohols, but soluble in benzene, kerosene and other hydrocarbons. Ceresin - a mixture of saturated, mostly aliphatic, hydrocarbons C36 - C55 - is obtained by mixing ozocerite with paraffin or microcrystalline paraffin wax. Commercial ceresin melts at temperatures ranging from 54° C to 77° C, depending on the amount and grade of paraffin used as an additive; It is used in the manufacture of floor mastics and shoe creams, for the manufacture of candles, paper coatings, waterproof impregnations, colored pencils and carbon paper. Mountain wax occupies an intermediate position between vegetable and mineral waxes; it is obtained from lignites (brown coals). The color of crude mountain wax varies from brown to black. To clean it, it is washed with acid and treated with bleaching clay. Purified mountain wax is slightly colored and smells like bitumen or asphalt when heated. It is brittle and hard, resistant to scratching, approaching carnauba wax in this respect. Due to these properties, mountain wax is used in polishing compositions, in the manufacture of candles and to increase the melting points of softer waxes.
Vegetable waxes. Carnauba (Brazilian) wax. The South American palm Copernicia cerifera produces a yellowish wax from its leaves. Powdered brittle wax is swept or scraped off the sun-dried leaves and washed with boiling water, the hardened wax is separated, obtaining commercial raw materials. If necessary, it is subjected to further cleaning and bleaching. Carnauba wax melts at 85-90°C and is the hardest and most durable natural wax. According to the chemical structure, it is a real wax; it consists almost entirely of the myricyl ester of cerotinic acid and small amounts of the corresponding acid and alcohol resulting from hydrolysis during processing. Its commercial application is based on its ability to improve the performance of cheaper waxes by raising their melting points, reducing tackiness and increasing gloss.
Candelila (herbal wax). It is obtained from the surface of the arrow-shaped leaves of the Mexican shrub Euphorbia antisyphilitica. The hardness of this wax approaches the hardness of carnauba and is much greater than that of bees. The purified product has a light color and a pleasant smell, it contains about 65% hydrocarbons and alcohols and 35% esters and acids. It is most often used as an additive to carnauba wax. Japanese wax, laurel, myrtle and waxwort. These waxes are actually fats - glycerides of palmitic and other higher fatty acids; they are obtained from the fruits of trees of the genus sumac (Rhus gen.). These waxes are completely saponified by alkali, which is why, among other things, they are often used as raw materials for soap making.
Insect waxes. Beeswax. The common honey bee secretes wax and uses it to build combs. In the industrial processing of beeswax, the honeycomb is boiled in water and the wax is removed from the surface. Further cleaning and bleaching gives a light yellow wax with a balsamic smell. Pure beeswax is primarily palmitic acid myricyl ester and ceryl esters of cerotinic acid; it contains about 50% unsaponifiable substances, including alcohols and hydrocarbons. By its properties, beeswax resembles microcrystalline paraffin, which is often added to beeswax. It is used for the same purposes as other waxes. Chinese wax is a secretion of the mealybug Coccus ceriferus, which remains as a coating on the branches of ash and evergreen trees growing in southeast Asia; It consists predominantly of cerotinic acid ester and ceryl alcohol, but also contains some free alcohols and hydrocarbons. It is inferior to carnauba wax in hardness and less plastic than beeswax.
Animal waxes. Spermaceti (cetin). In the head of the sperm whale there is a fibrous sac - a cavity filled with spermaceti oil, which contains from 8 to 20% spermaceti. It is separated from the oil by freezing and filtration or crystallization from solvents. Spermaceti crystallizes in the form of shiny, greasy to the touch plates. It consists of cetyl palmitate and free cetyl alcohol. Spermaceti is too soft for polishes or waxes, but is used for candles, ointments and creams. Cetyl alcohol is obtained from it for the production of synthetic detergents.
Wool wax (lanolin). When washing sheep's wool, a soft, greasy, ointment-like wax is obtained, strongly colored and with an unpleasant odor. Raw wool fat is a by-product of wool washing and can be extracted by solvent extraction from washing drains or from the wool itself. Although wool processing produces tons of wool fat, only relatively small amounts of it are isolated and converted into purified lanolin. It is a fatty wax containing free cholesterol, lanosterol and related sterols, as well as their esters with fatty acids. Lanolin easily forms emulsions, which makes it a very valuable component for the preparation of ointments, creams and cosmetics.
Belkevich P.I., Golovanov N.G. Wax and its technical analogues. Minsk, 1980

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


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Scientists have long tried to synthesize wax artificially, they managed to create a certain substance with similar properties. It is impossible to argue with nature: natural beeswax cannot be replaced by anything.

What are they made of?

Wax is formed in special glands of young (not older than 20 days) honey bees. These glands are located in pairs on the ventral side, the substance is secreted through the smallest pores of wax "mirrors" and on their surface turns into hard wax plates, each of which weighs from 0.18 to 0.25 mg.

The process of wax production by a bee is very complicated: on the 10-12th day of life, the bee begins to intensively eat fresh honey and pollen, since a sufficient amount of enzymes must accumulate in the body. The bee family receives from 0.5 to 2 kilograms of wax per season and uses it to build combs and equip their homes. Due to the antibacterial properties of the wax, honey does not ferment before maturation, and pollen does not become moldy when the humidity in the nest rises.

About how beekeepers collect wax from hives, an experienced beekeeper, archpriest Dmitry Kadomtsev: “Bees use their wax to build honeycombs: nesting and honey. In nesting bees, the queen bee lays eggs, the larvae mature. In honey houses, the family stores honey reserves. In each hive, I install 10-12 empty frames on which the worker bees will build their combs. A young swarm with a very strong building instinct can build 10 frames in 3-4 days. And during the season, one bee colony can create up to 50 frames. They will serve for several years until they darken. These are the frames I reject, usually once every 3-4 years.

Irreplaceable are still there!

Even the ancient Greeks made wax dolls for children, using wax-coated tablets when writing. Melted wax was added to the paints and hot covered the sides of the ships to protect the wood from wind, water and sun. Amphoras with products were sealed with beeswax. Beeswax was used by artists, it was in Greece that encaustic wax painting, which is still popular today, was developed.

Doctors of antiquity, including Hippocrates and Avicenna, used beeswax to treat patients. Where is beeswax used today?

  • Large amount of beeswax, about 70% comes back , in the beekeeping industry, in the form of artificial foundation. Voshchina - these are wax sheets with hexagons squeezed out on them - the bottoms of the cells, are attached to the hive and serve for the construction of honeycombs by bees.
  • In medicine, wax is added to ointments, suppositories, emulsions for the treatment of skin inflammations, burns, and wounds.
  • In cosmetology, creams, masks, lipsticks are made on the basis of beeswax.
  • In the perfumery industry - for the manufacture of soap.
  • In the food industry - for the manufacture of sweets, it has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect.
  • In the leather industry - for impregnation, polishing and coloring of leather. Due to its water-repellent properties, beeswax is added to shoe polishes.
  • In ferrous metallurgy, wax is used to check molds for casting machine parts.
  • In the aviation industry - for the preparation of impregnating and coating emulsions.
  • In polygraphy - for production of dense grades of paper.
  • In radio engineering and electronics - in the manufacture of insulating tapes, dielectric sensors.
  • In the paint and varnish industry - in the manufacture of varnishes, inks, pastes for furniture, lithographic pencils, added to oil paints.

Wax is also widely used in optical factories, railway transport, in the electrical, woodworking, automotive, glass, and textile industries.

Wax is a simple compound used in the manufacture of candles, honeycombs, and cosmetic products. You can cook it yourself and use it at a convenient time for yourself, because this necessary composition is not always in the house. A variety of crafts and figurines are made from wax - it is only important to show imagination and study the question of how to make wax yourself.

How to make wax?

Do-it-yourself wax preparation

For cosmetic purposes, self-prepared wax is suitable. It is made from sugar and lemon juice in proportion - one lemon per pound of bulk product.

So how do you make wax at home using just these two products? Here the following actions are carried out:

  1. Sugar is poured into a saucepan and put on a small fire.
  2. Gently stirring the composition, it is necessary to pour the juice of one lemon into it.
  3. You may need less juice, you need to monitor the state of sugar.
  4. As soon as the mass of a thick consistency acquires a characteristic brown tint, remove the pan from the heat.

The resulting mixture is used hot for epilation or a newfangled introduction - shugaring. The composition should also be used in the manufacture of various candles and other figurines, but only as it hardens. If there are special forms in the question presented, there will be no problems - the liquid is simply poured into the prepared form.

How easy is it to make wax?

As simple methods for preparing wax, you should use ready-made wax objects - candles, honeycombs, wax pencils and other products. The easiest way to quickly make wax is to make a composition of candles.

  • Here you need to use ordinary candles (you can use church ones).
  • Break them into several pieces and remove the wick - it is quite difficult to find it in a liquid composition.
  • The resulting wax pieces are placed in a saucepan and heated over low heat to a liquid consistency.
  • In the future, such material is used only in the manufacture of figures and molds.
  • You should not resort to hair removal or any other cosmetic procedures, since paraffin or other auxiliary chemicals are often present in such formulations.
  • Their effects on the skin can be dangerous.

Do not look for difficult ways - if there are wax objects, use them immediately. In the case of the intended cosmetic procedure, use sugar and lemon juice.

Bees provide humanity not only with honey, propolis, bee bread, but also with another unique product - wax. This fat-like substance, which is produced by special glands, is used by winged workers as a building material for the construction of honeycombs.

Some people think that wax is just a waste of bee activity, but in reality it has found wide application in traditional and folk medical practice, in cosmetology and even industry.

This substance with the most complex biochemical composition is the result of the vital activity of hardworking insects. Externally, the wax is a hard brittle material of a whitish or yellow-brown hue with a characteristic sweetish aroma. If there is an excess of propolis in the product, its color becomes greenish.

It remains to understand how bees make wax. Young insects (less than 20 days old) secrete it with the help of special glands, which are located on the abdomen. These whitish plates weighing 0.2 mg are used to build honeycombs - small nests that are designed to store fodder reserves, honey and raise children.

The process of wax production by bees is quite complicated: approximately on the 11th day of life, the insect absorbs fresh nectar and pollen at an accelerated pace in order to accumulate the necessary amount of enzyme substances in the body. Only after this is the release of wax through the abdominal glands.

One hive is capable of producing up to 1.5-2 kilograms of wax in the spring and summer. Due to the antibacterial qualities of this compound, honey does not ferment, and pollen stocks do not become moldy with high humidity in the combs.

The color of the product depends on the time factor. Fresh wax, which appears in the hive in April-May, is creamy in color. The honeycomb wax produced during the summer months is usually darker - more of a yellowish or even brown tint. Perhaps the change in appearance is associated with a change in the diet of insects.

Read also: How to melt natural beeswax at home?

Also, by autumn, various residual components accumulate on the surface of the honeycomb, including bee nectar, pollen particles, chitinous residues, etc. Because of this, the honeycomb cells begin to darken almost to blackness and cannot fully perform their functions. They are often used to isolate wax.

At the same time, a certain pattern can be distinguished - the older the cell cells, the more unnecessary ballast in them. Consequently, the less wax can be obtained from the processing of honeycombs.

Composition and properties of wax

Wax is a compound with the most complex, not yet fully understood biochemical composition. Scientists have been trying to reproduce its formula artificially for many years, but it is impossible to completely repeat the original data.

According to some data, beeswax includes more than 50 (up to 300) various chemical elements. Of particular note are:

  • complex essential substances (about 70%);
  • limiting hydrocarbon components (up to 15-17%);
  • fatty acids (about 14%);
  • a small amount of water (just over 2%).

In addition, the product contains vitamin and mineral substances, carotenoids, pigments, aromatic ingredients, as well as various impurities - pollen particles, propolis (such inclusions may not be present in purified wax).

As for the chemical and thermal qualities, the wax does not dissolve in water and glycerin, it dissolves well in heated medical alcohol; perfectly dissolve this product fatty substances, essential oils, gasoline, paraffin and turpentine compounds.

How is refined wax obtained?

The next question that interests consumers is: where does wax come from in the consistency we are used to? A purified product can be obtained by melting special raw materials: wax lumps, rejected combs, zabrus (lids that are cut off from the honeycombs before pumping out the honey).

There are 4 main methods for obtaining wax.

  1. Dry melting. Under the influence of sunlight, the molten wax begins to slowly drain into a special receiver, where settling and crystallization take place. This method is the most useful, but not effective enough, since about 30% of the wax can be extracted from the raw materials.
  2. Steam melting. Heated steam is fed into the wax container. After that, liquid wax flows into the receiver, where crystallization subsequently occurs. Using this technique, up to 60% of purified beeswax is isolated.
  3. Water melting. In this case, the raw material is boiled in water, after which the wax (insoluble in water) begins to float on the surface of the liquid. A similar method is actively used in small apiaries. The quality of the finished product remains low due to the presence of additional impurities, therefore, in the future, the wax is further purified.
  4. Solvent extraction. In this capacity, gasoline, heated alcohol can act. The wax-containing raw material remaining after pressing is soaked in a solvent and evaporated until a saturated extract is formed.

Wax ingots obtained by various methods can differ significantly in quality. Moreover, the darker the finished product, the more various additives it contains. However, it is important to understand that some unscrupulous manufacturers may specifically clarify the substance with acids.

What is wax? Waxes are solid fats that tend to melt at high temperatures. This is a product of bees, or rather their wax glands. It is produced when the bee no longer produces royal jelly, then begins to eat the nectar and pollen that make honey. After that, beeswax begins to be produced. This is a very difficult process for a bee, because it requires the presence of certain enzymes. The color of the beeswax actually depends on the color of the honeycombs that have been melted down.

In general, there are 4 types of wax:

  1. Pasechny
  2. press
  3. extraction
  4. Bleached

Beeswax is considered one of the best. Most often fresh wax has a cream or white color. Natural has a pleasant smell, like honey, which becomes stronger when heated. It also retains its color and smell. It must be stored in a dry and cool place. Very often they make a fake instead of real beeswax by adding paraffin to it, or with other additives. But as a result of the addition, the smell and quality change. Also, beeswax contains a small amount of water. But its basis is esters. They have no smell, they cannot be melted in water. Wax is used for various purposes, but you can also make it yourself at home with your own hands. The recipe for this remedy depends on the purpose for which it is needed.

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How to make wax with your own hands?

To make wax with your own hands, you need to buy honeycombs, they are sold in special stores. We don't need honey, we need honeycombs to melt. It is advisable to do this in a water bath, until it becomes like plasticine. Then a do-it-yourself recipe with paraffin is used. You take paraffin wax and mix it with wax and petroleum jelly. You decide to make it softer or harder. It was one of the do-it-yourself recipes, but depending on the purpose, the use of this remedy is carried out by different recipes. Also, do-it-yourself paraffin baths have a great effect on the skin of the hands. Paraffin perfectly moisturizes the skin of the hands and reduces irritation on the skin of the hands. And it will not be difficult at all to prepare a bath for hands or nails from paraffin. First of all, you need to clean the skin of your hands from dirt. Then dissolve the paraffin with a water bath. This procedure will help your skin look more beautiful and younger. It is also useful for strengthening nails. After all, the condition of your nails can say a lot about your health. Therefore, the condition of the nails must be carefully monitored. Especially popular now are procedures to strengthen nails with wax. Wax is a fairly effective nail care product. It helps to restore cuticles, give shine to nails and can activate nail growth.

Video: Wax casting at home

Starting to make wax candles

A candle is a product made of wax, which causes different sensations for everyone. For some, this is a subject of romance, for some it is a thing that is remembered when there is no light in the house, but whatever one may say, no one forgets about candles and, on the contrary, they are gaining popularity. Now it has become very popular to make such products yourself, with your own hands. As you know, the Romans were the founders of this type of activity. Such an invention was made in order to burn the wick. They took candles with them on the road and lit them at their homes. But how to make a candle yourself at home? To get started, you can buy ready-made wax in the store in the form of a bar. Or is there another more interesting way. You buy honey in combs, the honey needs to be separated, and the wax is kept. Then take exactly as much as you need and already start casting candles. But if you cast candles, then do not forget that the dishes in which you did this must be lubricated. To prevent wax from sticking to it, when you make such homemade candles, do not forget about the wicks. Depending on which wick the candle will burn accordingly. For a candle, you do not need to take synthetic fibers. Also, do not use thin thread, as the candle will not burn. The wick should be in the center of the candle.

You can choose any shape for the candle that you like. Turn on your imagination and make interesting shapes. Just take into account that the dishes must withstand the temperature at which the candle is heated. The candle can be colored with wax crayons. Colored candles look much prettier. You can make candles scented by adding drops of essential oils to them - this is an interesting recipe for candles.

Making epilation wax

Every woman takes care of her beauty. But no matter how fragile creatures women are, they have to do a lot of things and at the same time have a model look. There is not always enough time to go to the salon, so women arrange a beauty salon at home to maintain the model look of their appearance. A woman should always be beautiful and she should always have perfect smooth legs. One of the good ways to have smooth legs is to apply waxing with a strip. It is also made in salons, but if you don't have time for a salon, you can make it at home. Of course, you can buy special wax and strips from the store, but you can also make your own recipe. To do this, you need to take a glass of granulated sugar, a glass of a remedy such as honey and about half a glass of lemon juice. You need to melt the sugar, as if to caramelize it. Then add other ingredients. If it becomes too thick, then you need to add water. An important point is that waxing works best when you have long hairs, because short ones cannot be pulled out with a strip. Before epilating, sprinkle the skin with starch. After that, the wax will stick to the hairs, and you will not be so hurt. For applying wax, it is best to use a wooden spatula. Then attach the strips, wait until it cools down, then sharply tear off the strips. If you do this abruptly, then the pain will decrease from the use of the strip.
By the way, wax can be stored for several weeks in the refrigerator. And the use of wax can be different, not only with the help of a strip.

Video: How to do waxing at home

Applications of wax in cosmetology

In fact, the use of beeswax is in many cosmetics. For example, in lipstick, various creams and many other products. But it is not necessary to buy such products, such a recipe can be easily prepared at home.

Face masks are very popular. The use of such masks is appropriate if you do not want to have wrinkles, in which case prepare a wax mask, also add honey and onions - you need to melt these ingredients.

If you have blackheads on your face, wax can be applied to remove them. Moreover, the use of bee means to carry out in its pure form.

Wax is a great tool to help with styling your hair. Especially the recipe is useful for dry damaged hair. He just revives them. And with oily hair, the situation is much more complicated, because you have to wash them more often. For example, such a mask is perfect for those who have done a perm. You need to put the shavings in a water bath to melt them. Then add 10 drops of ylang ylang. And let it freeze. Apply this mask for 40 minutes, and then rinse off the shampoo.

These masks are much more useful than those that we buy in the store. They are made from natural products, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Don't forget to make time for your beauty.

Now we know how widely the wax recipe is used in production. And that it is in the composition of many products. You can cook it at home to decorate your home or to take care of yourself.

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