Home Nutrition How to cook jelly. Recipes for making delicious meat snacks for the New Year. How to cook jellied meat, aspic and jelly What you need to cook jellied meat

How to cook jelly. Recipes for making delicious meat snacks for the New Year. How to cook jellied meat, aspic and jelly What you need to cook jellied meat

Fragrant transparent jelly is a frequent guest at many festive feasts and celebrations. For some, the main decoration holiday table- exotic dishes and tropical fruits. But many prefer the traditional, but no less delicious food, to which jelly can be attributed. It is also often referred to as jelly. However, not every young housewife dares to cook jelly - the recipe is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The process has its own nuances. In order for the jelly to turn out not only tasty, but also transparent, appetizing and simply beautiful, you must follow some rules for its preparation. Do not neglect these recommendations - and the jelly will surely become your signature dish, a real decoration of any festive feast.

How to choose the right meat for jelly?

The first rule for preparing a transparent and tasty jellied meat is the choice of the basis for the dish. For cooking jelly, you can take almost any meat of your choice - pork, beef, chicken or turkey. However, many experienced housewives recommend opting for beef. Since you can cook beef jelly only from some, you need to take meat on the bone, the part of the lower leg that is closer to the hoof, or beef shank with veins, cartilage or skin. This choice is due to the fact that they contain special gelling agents that contribute to the rapid solidification of the broth without the use of gelatin and do not make it cloudy in appearance. You can use one or more types of meat.

When buying a meat set for making jelly, be sure to make sure it is fresh. If the beef has a specific "old" smell, small spots on the surface, visible traces of frequent frosts, defrosting, or too dark a color, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product, as it is cooked delicious aspic it won't work out. Be sure to ensure that the meat set has approximately the same content of pulp and bones. If there is too much beef pulp, the jelly simply will not freeze. The same goes for too much bone content. Therefore, the most important thing is the measure in everything.

Food preparation

So, fresh meat for cooking aspic is chosen. Next, it must be properly prepared. Beef should be soaked - this helps to get rid of traces of blood and provides a beautiful transparent base of the jelly. If the meat is not soaked, the broth will be cloudy and unappetizing. Put the beef in cold water and leave for a couple of hours before boiling the jelly. The recipe of any housewife is the same in that the meat must be completely covered with water, otherwise the remaining blood marks and stiffness of the skin cannot be avoided. After soaking, you can safely proceed to cutting. To do this, it is better to use a special meat knife or a hacksaw with large sharp teeth - it can be used to cut beef bones so that there are no small fragments. If you just chop the beef with a hatchet, then there will definitely be sharp edges on the bones. Next, clean the meat with a knife, freeing it from bone fragments, prepare other ingredients for cooking.

Ingredients needed to make jelly

  • Beef or meat set weighing from 2 to 4 kg.
  • Pure cold water, better purified.
  • Salt to taste (about when to salt the jelly, below).
  • 2-3 large onions.
  • 2-4 large carrots.
  • Garlic cloves - 6-8 pcs.
  • Spices and herbs of your choice - bay leaf, black peas, red pepper, and celery, dill.

The main stages of cooking jelly

Read on to learn how to make delicious jelly. Place the cooked meat set in a saucepan and pour clean cold water. It is better to choose purified or filtered water for cooking this dish. If you use ordinary tap water, then there will be a very high probability of a cloudy shade of the broth. In addition, tap water has specific impurities that can give an unpleasant aftertaste to the finished jelly. Water should be taken in a ratio of 1:2 to meat - this means that for 1 kg of beef you will need 2 liters of purified cold water. Lay the pieces of beef very tightly so that the meat is completely covered with water. We put on fire.

So, how to cook jelly. After 20-30 minutes, as soon as the broth boils, it is necessary to carefully collect all the foam on its surface. The foam will rise during the entire cooking process, so it is very important to collect it carefully and regularly at all times. Thanks to this process, the broth will remain transparent and beautiful in appearance. Many well-known chefs recommend not collecting foam, but completely draining the first water in which meat was cooked for jelly. Drain all the water, and thoroughly rinse the beef itself under clean running water - this way the meat will be cleaned of the remnants of foam and bone fragments.

How to achieve a transparent color of the finished dish?

A question that torments not only novice housewives: how to make jelly transparent? Everything is simple here. Put the washed parts of the meat set back into the pan and fill with water, chop again if necessary. After that, the pan can be put on a small fire again. Now, when foam or fat appears on the surface of the broth, you can simply remove them with a slotted spoon. As mentioned above, jelly is cooked over low heat - which is why the entire cooking process of this dish can take from 5 to 10 hours. You should not increase the fire in an attempt to speed up the long cooking process - the broth will become cloudy, and your jelly will turn out to be unattractive and unappetizing. In addition, long-term cooking on low heat contributes to the excellent solidification of the finished jelly - you do not need to use gelatin or other substances.

Rules for adding spices and herbs

After the jelly is boiled under the lid for 4-5 hours, it's time to add spices and herbs. This happens until the moment when it will be necessary to salt the jelly (including beef). These ingredients should not be added before the specified time - by the end of cooking they will lose their taste and characteristic spicy aroma. For jelly, it is recommended to use whole vegetables without chopping them. You can take carrots and other vegetables directly in their skins without peeling them, just rinse them well under running water. If you do not like this method, peel the vegetables, but do not cut them into pieces. Many people put a whole unpeeled onion into the jelly that is being prepared - this trick helps to give the broth a light golden hue. Garlic cloves can be put in any form convenient for you - whole or chopped. At the same time, add various spices to the future jelly to your liking - black pepper, allspice, celery root or parsley, bay leaf give a special piquancy and incomparable taste to the dish. But in no case should you be too zealous with the amount of spices - the finished jelly has an incredibly delicate and refined taste, which can be easily spoiled with hot spices.

When should beef jelly be salted?

The basic rule of delicious and appetizing dish- correct salting. When to salt aspic? Remember that jelly must be salted 20-30 minutes before the end of its preparation. If you salt the dish earlier, the result will certainly disappoint you. Meat absorbs a lot of salt. And even a small amount of it, sprinkled at the beginning of cooking, can make your dish simply inedible. In addition, the broth must be simmered for at least 5 hours - during this time the water in the pan boils away strongly, so the concentration of salt in the broth becomes excessive. The best option for salting jelly is half an hour before the end of cooking.

Grinding cooked meat properly

After the jelly is cooked, turn off the heat and carefully remove the cooked meat from the pan with a slotted spoon. Whole onions and carrots can also be removed - they have already fulfilled their purpose. Let the cooked meat cool slightly. Next, the cooked meat must be carefully chopped. This can be done simply with your hands or use a small knife, with which you can carefully separate the pulp from the bones and cartilage. Many people prefer to use a food processor or a meat grinder to grind meat, but in the case of cooking jellied meat, it is better to avoid such methods, since with a similar method of grinding ready meal loses its unique refined taste. Make sure in cooked meat there were no small bones, remnants of skins or cartilage. Grind garlic cloves through a press and mix them with the resulting meat. It is better not to cut the garlic with a knife, but to press it through a special press - this way it mixes better with the beef, there will be no large sloppy pieces.

Pour cooked meat properly

At the bottom of deep plates or trays, place chopped meat and mixed with garlic. If you want to make your culinary creation brighter and more original, you can put pieces of boiled yolk or carrots on the bottom of the plates, as well as any other products of your choice. The meat must be poured with the resulting salty broth (we have already mentioned when to salt the jelly). To do this, it should be carefully filtered through a fine sieve or gauze folded in half. Thus, small pieces of cartilage and bones, excess fat are removed from the broth. As a result, it acquires an even, pure color and a pleasant shade. Heat the strained broth a little in a saucepan over low heat and pour it into the molds with cooked meat. If you are using gelatin when preparing jellied meat, it's time to add this ingredient to the broth as well. To do this, take a glass with already prepared and strained broth, dilute one bag of gelatin in it and add the resulting mixture to the rest of the broth before pouring it into molds.

Aspic freezing

It would seem that for housewives the most controversial issue is the question of when to salt the jelly. But it is not so. There is another stage in the preparation of this dish, which raises a lot of questions - freezing.

For complete solidification of jelly, a rather significant amount of time is required - from 4 to 10 hours. You can leave the molds with a fragrant meat dish for the whole night. In order for the cooked jelly to freeze, it will need a cool temperature, which is below room temperature. You can leave the dish on the balcony or on the windowsill - but these places are completely unsuitable in the winter season. At low temperatures, the delicate jelly left on the balcony will simply freeze and completely lose its unsurpassed delicate taste. The best option for quick and high-quality solidification of jelly is a refrigerator.

It is better not to put dishes with beef jelly on the top shelf of the refrigerator - as you know, here is the lowest temperature zone, and your meat delicacy will simply freeze. It is not recommended to place molds with beef jelly on the lower shelves of the refrigerator - here, on the contrary, it will not harden. The best choice would be the middle shelf with optimal temperature conditions.

So, you have learned how to cook and when to salt the jelly. And everything was done according to the recipe. Now your cooking masterpiece ready, but what to serve it with? The traditional answer to this question is spicy sauces, mustard, horseradish or adjika. You can serve a delicate meat dish with a little soy sauce- it will give the jelly a special piquancy. A very tasty combination will be jelly served with pickled mushrooms or cucumbers, fresh or canned tomatoes, salad of fresh vegetables with herbs to your taste.

The most important nuances

To make beef jelly really tasty and appetizing, follow a few simple rules for its preparation.

  • The basic rule of how to make jelly transparent - in no case do not add water to meat that is already being cooked. If a new portion of water is added to the broth during the cooking process, it will lose its beautiful transparent color and become cloudy. In addition, such a broth almost never freezes without the addition of gelatin. In this case, it is best to immediately pour a little more water into the beef pan than you need - when boiling, the required amount of broth will remain, and its color will not suffer at all.

  • Let's repeat when to salt the jelly when cooking. During the preparation of a delicate meat delicacy, you should not do this at the beginning or middle of the process. When cooking, the broth boils away and becomes more saturated, the salt concentration increases significantly. That is why even a small pinch thrown into a pan with jelly at the beginning of cooking can make it salty and inedible.
  • Many people do not like the specific fatty taste that ready-made beef or pork jelly can have. A simple way to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon is to drain the first water in which the meat was cooked. So you will not only remove excess fat from the meat broth, but also make the finished dish heavy on the stomach.
  • Do not try to put 10 kg of various meat products. Remember that the water in the pan should cover the meat by at least 2-3 cm. This is necessary in order to get the required amount of clean and aromatic broth as a result. If initially there is too much water in the pan, it will not boil away during the cooking process, and the broth will harden badly. At the same time, if you add too little water, the opposite problem will arise - it will quickly boil away and you will have to add a new portion of water to the pan. In this case, the appearance of an unpleasant cloudy shade in the finished meat dish cannot be avoided.
  • 5-10 hours - so much you need to cook aspic. The recipe does not tolerate haste and sloppiness.
  • Many experienced housewives recommend not throwing away meat cartilage and skins that you get after you finish cooking beef. Grind these products thoroughly with a knife, meat grinder or food processor, then gently fold the resulting mixture into the cooked beef. As you know, cartilage and veins contain special ones that contribute to the rapid solidification of the finished jelly without the use of gelatin. At the same time, the taste of a delicate dish does not worsen at all.

And finally

Since cooking delicious jelly is a painstaking task and requires a certain skill, you should not be upset if your first jelly turned out not quite the way you expected. A little culinary practice and patience - and your dish will become the main decoration of any holiday table.

Kholodets (jelly) is a dish of meat or meat that has thickened from cooling. fish broth with pieces of meat or fish.

When cooking jellied meat, to obtain a golden color of the broth, it is advisable to add onions along with dry upper scales and peeled whole carrots.

Aspic can be prepared from beef, lamb, pork, veal heads, legs, lips, as well as from fish heads, bones, tails and fins. You can also make jelly from the offal of poultry.

It is recommended to prepare jelly using aromatic spices, carrots, parsley roots, celery, parsnips, and spices. You can cook jelly with garlic. Extraordinarily good jelly with the addition of poultry or rabbit meat.

Kholodets is considered a "winter" dish. Great for appetizers and as an addition to side dishes.
There are many recipes for making jellied meat. But each housewife gets it "in her own way."

Secrets of cooking beef jelly. General principles of preparation

The main ingredient is beef, always on the bone.
Jellied meat made from several varieties of meat is considered real. Therefore, we recommend adding pork legs and beef pulp to the broth.

Aspic requires a lot of seasonings and spices. Suitable as the most simple - bay leaf, allspice and peas, and oriental - ginger, thyme, cloves. You will definitely need fresh onions, a few carrots, for decoration - fresh parsley, an egg.

Mustard is indispensable for serving.

The meat and legs are put in a large saucepan and poured with water. The broth is boiled on slow gas, removing the foam for the first fifteen to twenty minutes. After five or six hours, fresh prepared vegetables, spices and seasoning are added to the broth. Let it boil.
The meat is taken out with a slotted spoon, laid out on a dish and allowed to cool. In the meantime, be sure to filter the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Finely chopped or fiberized meat is placed in molds, sprinkled with garlic, decorated with carrots, herbs, eggs, peas, olives, and poured with broth.
Put in the refrigerator for several hours. Cold is ready!

Jellied beef "Spicy"

This is a recipe for jelly only from beef meat. The taste and wonderful aroma of the dish will give a variety of seasonings and spices.

One kilogram of beef with bones;
Three carrots;
Two bay leaves;
Fifteen grams of thyme;
fresh parsley;
Three cloves of garlic;
One table. a spoonful of olive oil;
One tea. a spoonful of acetic acid.

Cooking method:
Beef on the bone, carrots, onions, lavrushka and other spices and seasonings are put in a large saucepan. Pour three liters of cold running water. Put on a slow fire for five hours. After boiling, the broth is filtered through a fine sieve. The meat is laid out on a dish, allowed to cool and finely chopped.
Chopped parsley, garlic, mustard, olive oil and vinegar are mixed with chopped beef.
A little broth is poured into a special form, the meat is laid out and the broth is poured again. Put in the refrigerator for six hours.

Beef jelly "Classic"

Combination beef leg and tender veal pulp will make your aspic rich and delicate in taste.

Beef leg weighing one and a half to two kilograms;
Two liters of water;
Half a kilo of veal;
One bulb;
One carrot:
Twenty peppercorns;
Three bay leaves;
head of garlic;

Cooking method:
Primary broth is cooked from beef leg. It is completely filled with water and brought to a boil on strong gas. After five minutes, the broth is drained, the leg is washed and again poured with running water.
The secondary broth on slow gas should boil for several hours. Boiling should not be seething, but should be a slow rising of small bubbles. The cooking process takes five to six hours.
Peel the onion and cut in half. Put the flat side into the pan and fry a little. Carrots are peeled and left whole. Pre-boil the meat in the broth in a separate pan. An hour before the end of the cooking process, veal and vegetables are added to the leg. The gas is increased and the broth is allowed to boil again. Throw spices and salt.
Meat and bones are taken out of the boiled broth. Strain through a saucepan. Boiled cartilage is separated from the bones, finely chopped along with meat or passed through a meat grinder.
Garlic is passed through a press or finely chopped, added to the meat and mixed. The veal is laid out on the bottom of the mold for jelly. Pour in broth. In order for the meat to be on the bottom and the broth on top, you need to pour it with a spoon without mixing the ingredients. The filled form is cleaned in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Beef jelly in a slow cooker

Most fast way cooking jellied meat - this is jellied meat from a multicooker. Minimum time, maximum benefit.

Two pork legs (700 grams);
One and a half kilograms of beef on the bone;
One and a half liters of water;
five bay leaves;
Salt and garlic - to taste.

Cooking method:
Pork legs are thoroughly washed. Place in a saucepan and fill with cold water. Leave in water for five hours. Then drain the water from the legs and rinse again. The beef is washed, the carrots are peeled. Pork legs, beef, whole carrots, bay leaf, peppercorns are put into a saucepan from a multicooker. Pour the meat with water. Add salt. Select the jellied mode.
The meat and legs are taken out of the broth, transferred to a bowl, cooled and the meat is separated from the bones. Carrots are taken out, they are no longer needed. The meat is laid out in forms in which the jelly will solidify. The broth is filtered and poured into molds. The garlic is peeled and finely chopped, added to the broth. The jelly is placed in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Bon Appetit!

Beef jellied shank

You will need a beef leg and a knuckle. Usually such a jelly turns out to be quite fatty and “sticky”, which does not require the use of gelatin.

Four kilograms of beef leg and shank;
Two large bulbs;
Three carrots;
head of garlic;
Four liters of water;
Black pepper (peas);

Cooking method:
The meat ingredients are poured with water and washed thoroughly, freeing them from bone fragments. The legs are pre-scraped with a knife and singeed.
Meat on the bones and legs are put in a large pot or an enameled bucket, poured with water. When the broth boils, remove the foam and leave on low heat for five hours. Cover with a lid.
At the end of cooking, peeled onions, garlic and whole carrots are added to the broth. Salt, add spices. After that, the jelly should boil for another two hours.
After cooking, carrots and onions are taken out of the broth, boiled meat and bones are laid out on a dish. Allow to cool, separate the meat from the bone and finely chop. Prepared meat is placed in molds. To decorate the bottom of the molds, you can put bright pieces of boiled carrots, fresh herbs, an egg. Top with finely chopped garlic. Strained broth is poured into molds, closed and left in the cold.

Beef jelly with ribs

Beef ribs make an excellent broth for jelly. Add more onions, only whole heads.

Beef shank with bone (one and a half kilograms);
One kilogram of beef ribs;
Two hundred grams of onion;
One or two carrots;
Allspice and peas;
Bay leaves;
Head of garlic.

Cooking method:
Place the fresh drumstick and ribs in a large saucepan and cover completely with cold water.
Bring the meat to a boil over high heat. Then the gas is reduced and the broth is left to boil for six hours. Periodically remove the resulting foam.
Meanwhile prepare the vegetables. Peel onions and carrots. An hour before the end of cooking, put them in the broth, also add pepper, parsley and salt.
Then vegetables, meat and spices are removed from the broth. Carrots are left to decorate the jellied meat. The meat is separated from the bones and finely chopped.
In special forms, spread the meat with a layer, sprinkle with garlic, passed through a press.
The broth is filtered through a sieve and the meat is poured over it. The jelly is placed in the refrigerator until it hardens. Before serving, remove fat from above.

Jellied beef and chicken

Chicken meat will give the jellied meat tenderness, and will also be a guarantee of a quick solidification of the jellied meat.

Calf's tail;
Pork knuckle;
Two bulbs;
Ginger and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:
The meat is washed and placed in a large pot. Filled with tap water. Add a whole peeled onion, garlic, ginger and salt. Boil the broth over low heat for seven hours.
After the meat is cooked, the broth is filtered through a sieve. The meat is separated from the bones and finely chopped. Lay out in portioned forms, add fresh garlic and ginger. Pour in broth and refrigerate until set.

Beef jelly with gelatin

Consider the recipe for making beef jelly with the addition of gelatin. It does not affect the taste, but only contributes to the rapid solidification.

Six hundred grams of beef meat;
A bag of gelatin;
One large onion;
One carrot;

Cooking method:
The meat is washed and lowered whole into a large pot or enameled bucket. Fill with water and put on a strong fire.
After boiling, the gas is reduced and the broth is left to boil for three to four hours. Take off the foam. It is most convenient to remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
After three hours, salt, onion, carrots and peppercorns are added to the jelly. Cook for another hour. Before the end of cooking put a bay leaf.
Then the meat is removed from the broth, allowed to cool and cut into small pieces.
Gelatin is poured into a glass of boiled water. Gelatin should swell and stand for half an hour. After that, it is stirred and poured into the broth.
The meat is laid out in molds or deep plates and poured with broth strained through gauze. Leave in a cold place until solidified.

Jellied beef and pork

Add some pork knuckles to the beef shank.

Seven hundred grams of pork legs;
Half a kilogram of beef shank;
Bulb bulb;
Three carrots;
Four cloves of garlic;

Cooking method:
The meat is thoroughly washed. Peel onions and carrots. Fill a large pot with water and add meat and vegetables to it. Cook over low heat until the meat separates easily from the bone.
At the end of cooking, the broth is salted. The meat is taken out with a slotted spoon, allowed to cool and separated from the bones. Divided into fibers and laid out in shapes. Place chopped carrots and garlic on top. The broth is filtered and the meat is poured over it. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

Tricks and helpful tips

It is better to take a leg for jelly that has already been processed and sawn into several parts. If necessary, the leg is singeed and soaked in water for five hours, then scraped.
If you cover the form for setting the jelly with cling film, before serving it can be easily pulled out and cut into pieces.
To harden the jelly, you can use a regular detachable baking dish. Then pre-lay it with foil so that it does not leak.
In order for the legs to fit in containers for cooking aspic, they are first cut into pieces.
The ratio of water and meat when cooking broth for jelly should be one to one.
To make the jelly freeze faster, edible gelatin is added to the broth.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker

Cooking jelly, at first glance, is a very time-consuming procedure.
But this is only at first glance, and if the kitchen does not have such a wonderful "pot" as a pressure cooker.
After all, it is she who greatly simplifies the process, reducing the time required for the digestion of natural gelatin from the bones, without which the broth cannot harden.
If jelly is cooked on the stove for ten hours, then using a pressure cooker, such a dish can be cooked in just 3-4 hours, and this, along with the time spent on preparing the products.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker - the basic principles of cooking

Any meat is suitable for cooking jelly in a pressure cooker: pork, beef, chicken, you can put poultry liver instead of meat or with it.
From offal, it is best to take parts of the carcass containing a large amount of tendons and cartilage compounds: beef shank, pork shank, legs, chicken feet, it is from these parts that most of the natural gelatin necessary for solidification is boiled.
All meat components must be fresh or chilled, it is best to buy meat in the market, where it is very easy to determine its freshness.
Onions and carrots can be omitted if you do not like it, but it is worth noting that the onion is laid in order to make the broth more transparent, and the carrot gives it a slightly yellowish tint.
Spices can be taken according to taste preferences, but according to the classic recipe, it is recommended to lay peppercorns and bay leaves.
And of course, the most basic thing is how to properly cook jelly in a pressure cooker.
First of all, you should rinse the meat well in water, scraping off the scorched places from the skin, and cutting off unnecessary rough areas: the skin in the area of ​​​​the hooves of pig legs, keratinized, yellow skin from chicken paws and be sure to cut off the seals on the skin.
After processing, meat pieces are placed in a pressure cooker, spices and peeled whole onions and carrots are added. Everything is filled with water, salt is added and put on fire.
After boiling, the resulting foam is removed from the surface of the broth, and the pressure cooker is hermetically sealed with a lid. After steam comes out of the valve with a hiss, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the jelly is cooked for the time specified in the recipe.
The hotplate is then switched off and the air is vented through the slightly raised valve. When all the air comes out, the “hissing” stops, the lid is opened, the broth is filtered, separating spices, meat, and proceed according to the recipe.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker "Classic" from beef

three kilograms of beef meat set: leg, shank, third part of the shank, tail;
2 carrots, medium size;
two onion heads;
eight cloves of garlic;
two leaves of lavrushka;
a few peas of black pepper;
water - 3, 200 l.

Cooking method:
1. Place the beef in a large bowl, cover with water and leave for 6 hours, and preferably overnight.
2. Wash the meat components soaked in water with water.
3. Carefully inspect for the presence of bone fragments, chips from chopping meat, and wool. If necessary, scrape with a knife and put in a pressure cooker.
4. Add peeled carrots, washed unpeeled onions, spices, spices and salt.
5. Pour in the required amount of water and boil the jelly as described in the cooking principles for two and a half hours.
6. After removing the lid from the pressure cooker, put the meat in a separate bowl and set it to cool, and strain the broth through a sieve, on the bottom of which lay two layers of gauze.
7. Break the meat into pieces with your hands or cut it with a knife.
8. Arrange the chopped meat in prepared containers so that it occupies about a third of the container in height.
9. Add chopped tendons and garlic with a knife, mix and pour in the cooled broth.
10. At the bottom of the containers, you can place sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin thin rings chicken eggs or halves of quail, rings of boiled carrots, sprigs of greens.

Chicken jelly in a pressure cooker with gelatin

one large chicken, weighing approximately 2.2 kg;
two cloves of garlic;
three small bags of gelatin;

Cooking method:
1. Wash the chicken carcass with tap water, cut the gland out of the tail and, cutting it into pieces, put it in a pressure cooker.
2. Fill with water, lay spices: bay leaves, peppercorns and peeled onion, salt.
3. Put the pan on the fire and cook the jelly as described above, in basic principles.
4. Cooking chicken jelly in a pressure cooker is recommended for two hours.
5. Remove the chicken from the cooked broth with a slotted spoon and put the disassembled meat without bones, joints and skin into the prepared dishes.
6. Dissolve gelatin with a glass of hot broth and pour into a bowl with strained chicken broth mix well and leave to cool.
7. Pour warm broth for jelly to the decomposed chicken meat and set to solidify.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker in French

3 kg of meat set for jelly: pork legs, chicken thighs, beef shank, lamb trimmings, can be replaced with pork;
three small onions;
four medium carrots;
one small celery root;
two cloves of garlic;
three bay leaves;
peas of black and allspice five pieces each;
four umbrellas of carnation;
one hundred grams of baked sweet pepper;
six pickled gherkins;
a small bunch of parsley;
50 ml of whiskey or cognac;
two small bags of gelatin.

Cooking method:
1. In an oven heated to two hundred degrees, bake the peppers. Select the seeds, remove the skin and place in a bowl with olive oil mixed with vinegar for a couple of hours.
2. Put the bones, carrots, celery and onion cut into two parts on a large deep baking sheet and put in the oven to bake.
3. After fifteen minutes, remove the baking sheet and, pouring a glass of water into it, leave it on the table for ten minutes.
4. Transfer the bones and vegetables to a pressure cooker, add spices, pour in water, salt and put the jellied meat to boil. How to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker is described in the basic principles of cooking.
5. After two and a half hours, when the jelly is cooked, put the meat out of the pressure cooker, strain the broth into a clean saucepan and put on fire. Boil down the broth until it becomes three times less.
6. Dissolve gelatin in hot broth and let cool.
7. Fry the onion, finely chopped with a knife, until golden brown. Add the boned and sliced ​​meat with tendons and fry over low heat for two minutes.
8. Pour in the cognac, lay the garlic chopped with a knife and fry for another minute.
9. Finely chop the greens, cut the gherkins into small pieces, pickled roasted pepper and gently mix in a separate bowl with fried meat.
10. Line a rectangular shape with cling film, leaving a margin five centimeters long on all sides.
11. Put a mixture of vegetables and meat into a mold, pour in the broth and lightly mix everything with a fork.
12. Wrap the hanging edges of the film and put the jelly in the refrigerator to harden.
13. Before serving, unfold the film, put the jelly on a large flat plate and, after removing the film, cut into small pieces.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker with tongue

one pork leg;
front knuckle, pork;
half a kilo of pulp, beef;
small size beef tongue;
large bulb;
one heaping tablespoon of coarse salt;
a head of garlic;
two leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:
1. Soak all meat components overnight in cold water.
2. Wash the pulp and put it in a pressure cooker.
3. Remove the skin from the shank, scrape the legs and tongue with a knife and add to the pulp.
4. Fill the contents of the pot with water so that the water covers all the meat and its level is two centimeters higher.
5. Place the pressure cooker on the switched on stove and leave to boil, periodically removing the resulting “noise”.
6. When it boils, put peeled and washed vegetables in the broth, add spices, spices and peeled garlic. Pour in salt and, after boiling, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the jelly for an hour and a half, using the recommendations described above for cooking jelly in a pressure cooker.
7. Put the meat out of the finished jellied meat, and strain the broth and cool.
8. Separate the cooled meat from the bones. Especially carefully disassemble the legs, they contain the most small bones.
9. Scroll the skin removed from the legs, tendons and cartilaginous joints in a meat grinder with a large grill, cut the tongue with a knife into small thin slices. Separate the meat into fibers with your hands or chop finely with a knife and add to the twisted ingredients and mix well.
10. On the bottom of the vessels prepared for pouring jellied meat, lay out the carrots, slices of the tongue, meat, cut into thin slices and pour the broth over.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker with chicken liver

two pork legs;
half a kilo of chicken liver;
half a large chicken;
large onion;
three leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the liver and half of the chicken carcass under the tap. Scrape the legs under running water with a knife, especially the hooves, and put everything except the liver in a pressure cooker.
2. Add spices, parsley, peeled onion and, filling the pan with water, set to boil.
3. Remove the foam from the boiled broth, salt to taste and, covered with a lid, cook the jelly for two hours. How to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker is described in the principles of cooking.
4. In a separate pan, boil until cooked chicken liver and put, draining the broth, cool.
5. Release steam from the pressure cooker, lay out and cool the meat.
6. Arrange the cooled chicken liver in molds, sprinkle with canned peas.
7. Put the meat separated from the bones, cut into small pieces and the tendons chopped in a meat grinder on the liver.
8. Pour the broth strained through gauze and set to solidify.

Jellied meat in a pressure cooker from a pig's head

3 kg pig's head;
one large carrot;
medium-sized bulb;
six peas of allspice;
bay leaves - 2 pcs.;
head of garlic.

Cooking method:
1. Pour the pork head cut into large pieces with water and leave to soak overnight.
2. Remove the brain from the head, remove the fragments of small bones and, putting it in a pressure cooker, pour three liters of water.
3. Add carrots, onions and put on the stove to boil.
4. When it boils, lay the parsley, add salt, close and cook, guided by the principles described above, for two hours.
5. Put the boiled head pieces in a suitable dish, and strain the broth through a rare sieve.
6. Separate the meat from the bones with your hands and sort it into large pieces along the fibers.
7. In a large bowl, mix the meat with the broth, add the chopped garlic and fill the plastic bottles with the top cut off with the resulting meat mass. Put the jellied bottles in the refrigerator.
8. When it hardens, cut the bottle and free the jellied meat. Aspic prepared in this way can be cut into thin slices and put on bread, eat like saltison.

Dark jelly in a pressure cooker

500 grams of pork ribs;
400 grams of pulp;
two legs, pork;
small bulb;
black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
lavrushka sheets - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the meat components under the tap, if necessary, scrape the legs with a knife.
2. Put a piece of pulp and legs in a pressure cooker, and put the ribs on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven for twenty minutes.
3. Transfer the baked ribs to the legs with pulp and fill with water so that the water is three centimeters above the meat.
4. Add salt to taste, bay leaves and peppercorns.
5. Place the pressure cooker on the switched on stove and leave to boil.
6. Remove the foam, close the lid tightly and cook the jellied meat in a pressure cooker for two and a half hours.
7. Remove the meat with bones from the broth with a slotted spoon and, after cooling, disassemble the jelly, separating the meat from the bones.
8. Grind meat with tendons and skin in a meat grinder.
9. Spread the twisted mass into prepared molds.
10. Pour the strained broth and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Jelly in a pressure cooker - tricks and tips

Do not overload the pressure cooker, it must be filled to the maximum mark, otherwise the valve will clog and the pressure cooker will explode. If there is no such mark, pay attention to the rivets from the handles located inside the pan, they will be the maximum mark.
To cool the pressure cooker faster, place it in a large bowl of cold water.

Gelatin jelly recipes: beef, vegetable, chicken

Aspic with gelatin is a unique dish for the festive table.
Many housewives do not know how to cook this delicacy properly.
It is believed that its preparation requires a lot of trouble and time.

Jelly with gelatin: general principles

For jelly with gelatin, you can use any kind of meat, vegetables, fish. You should choose the right main ingredient. It is best to use fresh rather than frozen foods.

If the meat is with a skin, this will positively affect the solidification of the broth. The sizes of meat slices for jelly with gelatin can be different. The drumstick and brisket can be divided into several parts, and it is better to leave a large bone whole.

Meat before cooking should be soaked in clean cold water to rid the product of blood residue. Next, the meat pieces must be washed, placed in a saucepan and start cooking.

The liquid level should be several centimeters above the meat level. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a large amount of water contributes to poor solidification of the broth. To make the jelly with gelatin transparent, you should not allow the broth to boil. It takes about 6 hours to cook a fragrant liquid mixture, then the result will please.

After 3.5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, you can add vegetables to the boiling mass. Salt in the broth also needs to be poured after a few hours. After all, when the liquid boils away, the broth becomes concentrated, so there is a chance to spoil the desired taste of the dish.

To surprise the bouquet of aromas, laurel leaves, peppers and other spices must be added 20 minutes before the end of the preparation of the jellied meat.

Remove the meat from the container, sort it out with your hands, separate from the bones. And strain the broth through a thin cloth, removing vegetables and spices. In a separate bowl, dissolve the gelatin and add to the broth. Stir the liquid well.

Put greens, slices of vegetables and meat on the bottom of the prepared molds. Pour the ingredients with fragrant broth. Send the container to the refrigerator to set the broth for 5 hours.

Jellied chicken and beef with gelatin

beef shank - 520 g
chicken - 430 g
onion - 60 g
carrots - 90 g
sheet gelatin - 22 g
garlic cloves - 25 g
water - 2.4 l
laurel leaves - 3 g
crushed black pepper - optional

Cooking method
1. Wash chicken and beef.
2. Place in a saucepan. Pour cool water.
3. Cover the container with a lid.
4. Bring its contents to a boil. Get rid of foam.
5. Peel the onion and carrot from the top layer. Rinse vegetables under water.
6. Add to meat.
7. Cover the pan with a lid. Reduce fire.
8. Sprinkle the broth with salt. Spice up. Cook 25 minutes.
9. Take out the chicken.
10. Boil the broth for another 180 minutes.
11. Put a bay leaf.
12. Get the meat out of the broth.
13. Remove the pan from the heat.
14. Remove boiled onions and carrots.
15. Strain the broth using cheesecloth.
16. Place gelatin in a bowl.
17. Pour in cold water.
18. Leave for 8 minutes.
19. Get the gelatin out of the liquid. Send to hot broth. Stir until completely dissolved.
20. Remove meat from bones, skin, fat and sinew.
21. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Divide into deep bowls.
22. Remove scales from garlic. Grind in a convenient way. Divide among plates.
23. Pour in the broth.
24. Send plates of jellied meat to the refrigerator.
25. Serve an appetizer dish with horseradish.

Jellied rabbit with gelatin

slices of sweet peppers - 75 g
onion - 110 g
rabbit meat - 1.9 kg
allspice peas - 8 g
bay leaf - 4 g
dried parsley root - 40 g
gelatin - 30 g
carrots - 200 g

Cooking method
1. Divide the rabbit carcass into 8 parts.
2. Put them in a deep container.
3. Add onion, cut into rings.
4. Put slices of carrots, peppers and parsley root.
5. Pour the required amount of salt.
6. Pour in cold water.
7. Put the container with the ingredients on the stove.
8. Wait until the mixture boils. Remove foam.
9. Add spices.
10. Cook the dish over low heat for 2.5 hours.
11. Soak gelatin in water 45 minutes before the end of cooking.
12. Take out the meat. Cool down. Break into pieces, get rid of the bones.
13. Pour gelatin into the broth. Put the container with the broth on the stove.
14. Dissolve gelatin. Do not bring the broth to a boil.
15. Arrange the meat in containers in the desired amount.
16. Pour the broth through a strainer.
17. Set to cool.
18. Put away in a cold place.
19. Serve with horseradish, fresh black bread and boiled potatoes with dill.

Vegetable jelly with gelatin

vegetable broth– 485 ml
fleshy tomatoes - 220 g
chopped greens - 26 g
basil - 15 g
cucumbers - 80 g
gelatin in granules - 14 g
vinegar - 35 ml

Cooking method
1. Chop the tomatoes into circles.
2. Put on a dish.
3. Sprinkle with salt.
4. Pepper.
5. Add chopped greens. Mix.
6. Lay out the basil.
7. Soak the gelatin granules.
8. Pour vinegar into the hot broth. Dissolve gelatin in it.
9. Mix part of the broth with tomatoes.
10. Add cucumber slices to the rest of the broth.
11. Arrange the dish in molds.
12. Cool in a cold place.
13. Serve vegetable jelly with gelatin for dinner.

Jellied chicken meat with gelatin

domestic chicken - 1.8 kg
onion - 140 g
black peppercorns - 10 g
animal gelatin - 12 g
quail eggs - 8 pcs.
heads of garlic - 70 g
parsley - 110 g

Cooking method
1. Pluck, gut and rinse the chicken.
2. Cut into pieces.
3. Put in a goose.
4. Pour in water.
5. Put the vessel on fire.
6. Bring the liquid to a boil.
7. Lower the fire.
8. Remove foam with a slotted spoon.
9. Remove the husk from the onion.
10. Add to the pan.
11. Pour in peppercorns.
12. Cook the broth for 4 hours.
13. Soak gelatin in a glass with 120 ml of warm water.
14. Leave to swell for 180 minutes.
15. Hard boil eggs.
16. Separate the garlic with cloves. Clear. Crush.
17. Rinse parsley. Separate into branches.
18. When the chicken meat is already cooked, remove it with a slotted spoon. Cool down.
19. Throw away the onion.
20. Strain the broth using a gauze pad.
21. Enter the dissolved gelatin.
22. Mix the mixture well.
23. Separate the bones from the meat with a fork.
24. Cut the meat pieces finely.
25. Divide the meat into bowls.
26. Sprinkle with garlic.
27. Eggs cut into figures. Decorate the meat on top.
28. Put a sprig of greens.
29. Pour the mixture of gelatin and broth.
30. Let cool. Send to the refrigerator.
31. Decorate the dish with lemon slices.
32. Serve with mustard.
33. Eat jelly with gelatin cold.

Beef jelly with gelatin

mustard - 16 g
salt - 25 g
offal - 1900 g
beef - 380 g
egg - 1 pc.
peeled carrots - 245 g
gelatin powder - 11 g
peeled onion - 140 g
parsley root - 85 g
garlic cloves - 40 g
bay leaf - 4 g
peppercorns - 5 g

Cooking method
1. Finely chop the lean parts of the beef carcass.
2. Soak offal and bones in water.
3. Cook at a low boil for 4 hours, constantly removing fat.
4. After 2 hours, put the meat in the broth.
5. Pour spices 50 minutes before the end of cooking.
6. Post vegetables.
7. Remove offal and meat from the pan. Leave to cool.
8. Remove bones. Finely chop the pulp. Send to strained broth.
9. Sprinkle with salt.
10. At the end of cooking, add garlic.
11. Pour in the gelatin solution. Stir the mixture.
12. Cool the finished jelly with gelatin.
13. Put pieces into molds boiled eggs and slices in the form of stars from vegetables.
14. Pour the broth with meat into molds.
15. Serve a dish with pickles.

Seafood jelly with gelatin

canned salmon - 270 g
crab meat - 190 g
pink salmon - 225 g
gelatin - 50 g
small pickled cucumbers - 45 g
parsley (greens) - 15 g
green peas - 80 g
dry white wine - 135 ml
boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
boiled carrots - 60 g
green onion- optional
mayonnaise - 30 g
Red bell pepper without stalk and seed - 120 g
salt - a pinch
mustard - 14 g

Cooking method
1. Chop green onions and parsley into medium-sized pieces.
2. Salt.
3. Sprinkle with pepper.
4. Add mustard. Knead the mixture.
5. Cucumbers, Bell pepper and chop the carrots into small cubes.
6. Eggs get rid of the shell. Chop into straws.
7. Crab meat cut into rectangular slices.
8. Mix the ingredients.
9. Disassemble the red fish into small pieces.
10. Soak gelatin in clean water. Withstand 25 minutes. Drain the liquid mass.
11. Put the swollen gelatin in a pot of boiling water. Dissolve.
12. Refrigerate. Add liquid from under the red fish.
13. Pour in the wine.
14. Mix the chopped ingredients with mayonnaise.
15. Add mixture with gelatin.
16. Put the mass into the mold.
17. Put in the refrigerator.
18. Before serving, lower the form into a container of hot water for 25 seconds.
19. Cover with a dish. Flip. Remove form.
20. Appetizing jelly with seafood gelatin is ready to eat.

Jelly with gelatin: tricks and tips

-In order for the jelly with gelatin to turn out transparent, it is necessary to boil the dish over low heat.

- Boiled carrots can be used to decorate jellied meat with gelatin.

- The gelatin solution must be introduced into the boiling broth in a thin continuous stream. The liquid mixture must be stirred to avoid the formation of lumps.

- Care should be taken to ensure that the gelatin does not stick to the bottom of the container during the preparation of the broth.
A large amount of gelling ingredient will spoil the dish, aspic with gelatin will turn into a rubber mass.

- Soak gelatin in powder for about an hour.

-To understand how much gelatin should be added for normal solidification, it is recommended to try the resulting mixture.A spoonful of melted gelatin should be put in a container with a small amount of broth and dip your fingers into it. If they are separated with little effort, there is enough of everything in the jelly.

- Meat with bones is better not to chop, but to cut. When cutting, the bones are finely crushed, then come across in a dish.

-In order for the jelly with gelatin to have a unique taste, it is better to use not one type of meat, but cold cuts.

Jellied chicken offal and veal feet

Chicken giblets (liver, stomach, heart) - 500 g, veal legs - 500 g, carrots - 300 g, onions - 300 g, hard-boiled eggs - according to the amount of jelly, garlic and salt - to taste.

When eviscerating a bird, be careful and careful not to crush the gallbladder. If this happens, the bitter bile will saturate all the meat, making it inedible.

Cooking method
Chicken giblets (you can use goose or turkey) rinse well and pour water. Singe the veal legs, carefully remove the hair, cut into pieces, add to the giblets, add the onions, carrots, salt and cook over medium heat until fully cooked. Grind the pulp and offal and arrange in forms, add garlic. Strain the broth, bring to a boil and pour over the meat. Decorate with egg slices and set aside.

Resol (rooster jelly)

Rooster - 1 kg, gelatin - 1/ tablespoon, carrots - 1 pc., parsley root - 1 pc., onion - 2 pcs., garlic - / heads, bay leaf - 4 pcs., black peppercorns - 6 pcs. ., salt.

Cooking method
Cut the rooster: singe, take out the giblets, chop off the neck, wings and legs, from which to remove the skin, after scalding them with boiling water, and then beat them off with a wooden mallet. Cut the rest of the carcass into 4 parts. Put all the products in a saucepan so that the paws and other offal are at the bottom, and large pieces of the rooster are on top. Add finely chopped parsley root, onions, carrots, pour water so that it covers the meat by at least 5 cm, and cook on very low heat for 2.5 hours.

Then remove the large pieces of the rooster from the broth, and continue to cook the offal for another 60-80 minutes, adding bay leaves and peppercorns 10 minutes before the readiness. After that, salt the hot broth, then strain, add chopped garlic, gelatin and pour over the pieces of rooster with offal laid out on a plate. Put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Sterlet jelly

Sterlet - 1 kg, gelatin - 15–20 g (for 4 cups of jelly), caviar (for clarification of jelly) - 25 g, celery and parsley roots and onion head - 1 pc., parsley, crab pieces or crayfish necks for decorations.

Cooking method
Wipe the cleaned and washed sterlet dry with a napkin, cut into pieces and cook together with roots and onions. After cooking, place the pieces of sterlet in a deep dish or salad bowl and cover with a napkin. Put the soaked gelatin into the strained broth and stir it until dissolved. Lighten the jelly with pressed or granular caviar, strain it, cool it and pour it over the sterlet. Garnish the sterlet pieces with parsley leaves, crayfish necks or crab pieces.

mushroom jelly

Mushrooms fresh, salted or pickled - 150 g or dried - 40 g, gelatin - 10 g, mushroom broth - 250 g, garlic - 1 head, salt - to taste.

Cooking method
fresh mushrooms boil and chop finely. dried mushrooms soak, boil and chop, rinse and chop the salted ones, separate the marinated from the marinade and chop.

Soak gelatin in water and, heating, dissolve in a decoction of fresh or dried mushrooms with salt and minced garlic. For jelly from pickled and salted mushrooms, dissolve gelatin in water with the addition of brine or marinade. Spread the chopped mushrooms into molds, pour over the jelly and cool.

Kholodets "Not for the lazy"

Pork legs - 2 pcs. (or part of a pig's head), turkey leg - 1 pc., carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., garlic, ground black pepper, salt - to taste.

1. The main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of water, if there is too much of it, the dish will not freeze. If there is not enough water, then, most likely, it will boil away during the cooking process. The meat should be covered with water to the thickness of the palm, no more and no less.

2. You can add water during the cooking process, but only during cooking, you can’t add water after, otherwise the dish may not freeze.

3. In order for the dish to be transparent, a whole onion should be boiled in the broth (some people add an unpeeled onion with a husk, this gives a beautiful shade).

4. Meat must be with a bone.

5. Cook the dish for at least four hours.

6. You can salt only at the end of cooking.

7. Aspic should not be boiled, it should languish over a very slow fire. Given these rules, you can easily cook a delicious rich jelly.

How to cook pork jelly. Ingredients

  • pork knuckle (leg)
  • garlic
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • ground black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • salt.


We cut the pork knuckle (leg) into several parts. Soak meat in cold water for 2 hours. We shift pork knuckle(leg) into the pan. Fill it with cold water no more than 5 cm. Put it on a big fire. After the water boils, remove the foam. Reduce the gas to a minimum and cook for 4-6 hours, add a whole peeled onion and peeled carrots.

We continue to remove the foam periodically. After 2 hours, add chopped garlic, salt, spices and bay leaf to the water. (Garlic in hot water partially loses its taste qualities, so lovers of garlic taste are advised to add it at the very last moment - before pouring into molds or immediately after).

pork knuckle (leg)

At the end of cooking, do not forget to taste the broth for the amount of salt. Take it off the fire.

Remove the boiled pork knuckle (leg) from the jelly. Once it has cooled, separate the meat from the bones with your fingers and arrange it on plates and forms. Pour the hot broth over the meat and leave it on the table for a while. After 30 minutes, place the dish in the refrigerator.

how to cook jelly

Divide the frozen jelly into portions, garnish with herbs and serve with horseradish or mustard.

How to cook jelly from pork and beef - with divided meat

Many people know how to cook jelly from pork and beef with divided meat, since it is almost classic recipe many hosts. But each recipe has its own zest. Let's look at the easiest way to prepare this dish.


  • pork knuckle (leg) - small size - 1 pc.
  • pig hooves - 1 pc.
  • beef shank
  • a small piece of pure beef meat - 300g.
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • bulb 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • black ground pepper

How to cook jelly

Thoroughly clean and rinse the hooves, shank and shank. Place all the meat ingredients in a large pot of water, peeled onions and carrots, also put a piece of beef at once, the water should cover no more than 5 cm. Bring to a boil and reduce to a very low heat. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until the meat begins to move away from the bone, approximately 3-4 hours, skimming the foam from time to time.

Salt the broth about 30 minutes before the end of cooking. Then separate the broth from the meat and bones. And, as the meat cools down from the bones, be sure to add fatty streaks and subcutaneous layers to the meat. Diversify your menu and cook beef rolls in the oven

After the meat is separated from the bones, it is necessary to cut it into small pieces.

Then add the chopped meat to the broth. And again, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 5-10 minutes, add ground black pepper and bay leaf, do not forget to check for salt.

Prepare deep dishes for jelly. For beauty, cut the carrots into flowers, finely chop the dill and greens and put on the bottom.

Top with hot jelly. Wait for it to cool down room temperature then refrigerate.

how to cook jelly

As it hardens, carefully remove a thin film of fat from the surface with a tablespoon and turn the jelly over.

Bon Appetit.

How to cook jelly with twisted meat

This recipe makes the jelly very tender and soft. It is made no more difficult than other types, the only thing is that it will take a little more time. But it's worth it.


  • beef shank
  • pork knuckle (leg)
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 unpeeled onion
  • garlic
  • Dill
  • Bay leaf


We wash the offal well, if necessary, chop into small pieces. Fill with water. Water should cover the meat by about 5-10 cm. Add the onion and carrots. It is better not to peel the onion, the onion peel will give a pleasant color to the jelly.

We put the jelly to cook for about 5 hours. During the cooking process, remove the foam and, if necessary, add water. Somewhere 1-1.5 hours before the end of cooking, you will need to salt. At the finished jellied meat, the meat should be easily separated from the bones.

When the meat is cooked to the desired state, turn off the pan and let cool slightly. Then we take out all the meat with carrots in a separate bowl. Throw away the bulb. Carefully separate the meat from the bones.

The remaining broth is carefully filtered, as there may be small bones.

We twist the meat with carrots in a meat grinder and put it into the broth.

Check for salt and let the jelly boil. During the boil, remove all the fat that forms on the surface with a ladle.

We check for salt again, add black pepper and bay leaves and let the jelly boil again. Boil 2-3 minutes. The cold is ready.

Now you need to pour it into plates or special containers, sprinkle chopped garlic on top, decorate with herbs and take it out to the cold or put it in the refrigerator to freeze.

And then cut into portions.

how to cook jelly

Bon Appetit!

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How we cook step by step with a photo

For 8-12 servings we need:

  • Pork hoof - 1 kg
  • Chicken thighs - 5-8 pieces
  • You can use any chicken meat with bone or beef tenderloin, as well as add pork knuckle (the part just above the hoof) - 500 g
  • White onion - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (large)
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves (small)
  • Celery stalk - 2 pcs. (not necessary)
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-8 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons + to taste
  • Horseradish (or mustard) - to serve

Want even more cold?

Stock up on a huge pot (from 8 liters) and multiply the components by 1.5-2 times.

  • Cooking time - about 7-7.5 hours.
  • Time before and after cooking - 45-60 minutes.

The ideal alignment is to pre-soak the pig's hooves in water, putting them in the refrigerator - from 3 to 8 hours (for example, overnight).

In any case, the hooves should always be washed thoroughly - in running water, scraping off the surface layer with a knife.

We use a large pot, where we will cook the meat. Compactly stack washed hooves and chicken thighs and fill with water - so that it covers the meat.

As soon as the first broth boils, we drain it completely (!) - be sure!

We wash the meat, put it in the pan again and fill it with a fresh portion of water.

Amount of water = Cover the meat 2.5 fingers from the top (4-5 cm, no more!).

We put it on the stove again, let it boil, reduce the heat and let the broth boil a little under the lid - 5 hours.

Then add peeled vegetables (whole carrots and onions) and celery stalks. We continue to cook meat in a vegetable company for 40-45 minutes. Throw peppercorns, bay leaf and salt (2 teaspoons). Cook for another 15-20 minutes. We do not add water! Total - 1 hour after adding vegetables.

Our step-by-step recipe with photos knowingly specifies the time of laying the ingredients. By adding spices at the end, we insure against the bitterness that overcooked bay leaves and peppers can give.

The broth for jelly is cooked. Remove from heat, remove hooves, onion, bay leaf. Set aside for processing boiled carrots and chicken meat: they will be included in the jelly as solid ingredients.

We filter the saturated broth through a very fine sieve. Even better - through a paper towel or several layers of gauze. So we will get perfect composition for a clear jelly wonder after setting in the mold.

We add garlic, squeezed through a press, to the strained broth, and taste the liquid for salt. Without fanaticism, we add salt if it is too bland.

We separate the cooled meat from the bones with our hands (we make sure that cartilage and small fragments of bones do not get stuck!). We cut carrots into thin circles.

We form jelly in portions. A very cute serving option that always captivates guests. Deep bowls, small bowls or wide cups are suitable - the main thing is that the shape expands to the top.

Aspic layers in each serving:

A circle of carrots - Pieces of meat - Pour the broth 1-2 fingers above the meat.

We put it to harden - in the refrigerator, which will take from 3 hours and will require another portion of patience. Serve with horseradish or mustard.

If we are worried about whether the jelly will freeze:

We put in the refrigerator 1-2 tbsp. spoons of broth - in a small bowl. If it hardens, you do not need to add gelatin.Checking is worth doing if you have taken different meat or water proportions, or added water to the broth due to boil-off.

How to get jelly out of the mold? For a couple of seconds, dip the bottom of each bowl in hot water and tip onto a plate. A little fuss, but what a spectacular result!

Seven main secrets of success

We choose meat - for a strong gelatinous broth.

Always need pork or beef hooves. They give gelatin - the basis of jellied meat. Without them, the broth is unlikely to harden well - you will need to add gelatin.

How to choose good hooves? Smooth, light color, no stains from defrosting. We sniff before buying! Pleasant sweet scent fresh meat- the best reference.

An interesting alternative to purely hoofed aspic is to add a shank to the hooves, taking it 2 times less than the hooves. But we take into account that the knuckle will make the jelly even fatter.

We choose meat - in the composition of the jelly.

Whatever your heart desires, taking into account the ability to chew. We love chicken, it is soft and perfect for both adults and children. A good option- turkey or beef tenderloin. Pork (hooves) + another type of meat - enough for a rich meal.

What vegetables and spices to use?

Classics of the genre: onions and carrots - always, celery stalk and parsley root - optional. Vegetables are not cut while cooking. It is convenient to add them 1 hour before the end of the meat digestion. Spices - to taste. Traditionally we use black peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, dill seeds.

How long to cook? What to do when welded?

On average, we cook jelly for 6-12 hours. The meat is taken out and separated from what will go into the finished jelly. The broth itself is filtered, as we described above in step by step recipe(very fine sieve or gauze).

What is the best way to cut meat?

To cook a beautiful and transparent jelly at home, the best choice- disassemble the meat with your hands into small oblong pieces - along the fibers. The process itself can become a very sweet family tradition, in which the whole family or at least a curious little one is involved. Another option for hastily- Finely chop or pass through a meat grinder.

How to serve jelly?

Pour into bowls, rectangular bowls, or into a large bowl with a ribbed bottom (for example, for a cake). Or do as we showed above - portion molding in bowls. Decoration - circles of carrots and eggs, dill and parsley, green pea, stripes doctor's sausage.

Let's end the story with a spectacular Georgian recipe - appetizer of pork legs in jelly.

  1. Soak 6 pcs. legs in water (put in the refrigerator overnight). In the morning we take out, wash and scrape. Cook - as described in the recipe above, at least 5 hours. An hour before the end, we send 2 onions, 2 medium carrots, parsley root to the broth.
  2. Let the boiled legs cool. We cut them in a special way: cut along one side and carefully remove the bone. Our goal is to form tubes of skin and meat.
  3. We stack these tubes in 1 row in a convenient form. Pour the tubes not just with strained broth, but with a mixture of broth + juice of 2 lemons + finely chopped parsley or cilantro. The dish freezes in the cold for 3-4 hours. When serving, add lemon slices and sprigs of greens.

We hope that in our step-by-step recipe with a photo you have found for yourself useful tricks how to cook jelly at home masterfully - from any meat, truly transparent, easily holding its shape without gelatin. Bon appetit and admiration of your favorite companions!

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And the first snow fell outside the window! And you no longer want green, light salads and snacks. More and more the table is dominated meat dishes. And, of course, without jelly anywhere! I especially love it, but it also makes an excellent jelly.

I already wrote about his pork knuckle recipes, but traditionally jelly was boiled and boiled from pork legs. The broth based on them is incredibly strong, sticky and very rich. Do not worry about the fact that the dish will not harden, it simply will not happen. The legs contain a lot of collagen and other beneficial gelling substances.

Many are wondering how long to cook jelly? The answer is long, 5-6 hours. In principle, readiness can be determined by eye. The meat should come off the bone on its own and break into pieces. If you dip your index finger into the broth and rub it against your thumb, you should feel sticky.

By following simple rules, you will definitely succeed delicious snack!

Pork leg jelly without gelatin

Aspic only from pork legs - the dish is quite fatty and heavy, since they contain little meat. But this dish is also very popular and many people love it. And it is prepared simply, like any other jelly.

By the way, you can not worry, the broth will "grab" one hundred percent. You don’t even need to check, there are more than enough gelling substances in the legs.

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas - 6-8 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.


1. Soak pork feet in water for 1.5-2 hours, after which we clean them with a knife.

2. We put our legs in a saucepan and fill it with water by 6-8 cm. We are waiting for it to boil and then remove the foam from the surface of the water. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 4 hours, periodically removing the foam.

3. After 4 hours, put the carrots and onions in the jelly and cook for about 3 more hours.

Onions in their skins will give the broth a golden hue. Just make sure you wash it well first.

4. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and garlic, passed through a press, to the broth.

5. Then remove the pan from the heat, take out the meat and let it cool.

We cut the meat, removing the bones. We disassemble it and lay it out in forms. You can lightly pepper it with ground pepper.

6. Pour the strained broth into molds. You can add decorations from carrots and greens.

To remove the fat, blot the surface of the broth with paper towels several times.

We remove the cooled jelly in the refrigerator for the night. And the next day we will already enjoy its taste!

How to cook homemade jelly from pork legs and beef meat?

In this jelly recipe, beef meat is also added to the legs. Here already the fatty parts are combined with lean meat, which greatly affects the taste of the dish. It turns out harmonious: it has both fat and meat. Just what we need!

Well, the guests will definitely be satisfied!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2.5 kg;
  • beef - 2 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt and ground pepper, as well as bay leaf;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.


1. Wash the meat and legs well, clean and fill with cold water for 2 hours. Then we wash everything, cut the legs into two parts.

2. Fill with water and set to boil. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat. We continue to cook at a low boil for 5 hours.

Calculation of water: 1 liter of water is needed for 1 kg of meat.

3. We take out the meat from the broth, remove all the bones and send them back to the broth, cook for another 2 hours.

4. We clean and wash vegetables. Onions can not be peeled, the main thing is to rinse it well. Cut into large pieces and fry them in a hot dry frying pan cut down.

5. After 30 minutes from the start of cooking the bones, put peppercorns, vegetables and salt into the boiling broth. Boil further on low heat for the remaining 1.5 hours.

6. At this time, cut the beef, and pass the meat from the pork legs through a meat grinder. We mix both types of meat with each other, adding chopped garlic, a little salt and ground pepper to it. Cover with cling film and refrigerate until the bone broth is done cooking.

7. We cover the colander with several layers of gauze and filter the finished broth. Pour our meat with strained broth, transfer it back to the pan, and put it on the stove again, bringing to a boil and adding bay leaf.

Then remove the bay leaf, mix so that the meat is evenly distributed throughout the pan. And we begin to pour jellied meat into molds with a ladle. Let cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 3 or more hours.

8. There will be a white layer of fat on the frozen jelly, scrape it off with a spoon and remove it.

To transfer the dish to nice plate, dip the mold in hot water and turn it over.

Cut into pieces and serve with horseradish or!

Proper jellied pork head, legs and tongue

Many different dishes are prepared from the pig's head, and jelly is no exception. It has a lot of meat, and it is also rich in material that helps the broth to set. As a meat base, you can also add pig tongue. Such a jelly turns out to be very satisfying, rich and tasty!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2-3 pieces;
  • pork head - 1/4 part;
  • pork tongue - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • peppercorns - 1 tsp;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • seasonings for jelly (optional).


1. Pour well-washed, peeled meat with cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain this water, rinse the meat again. Fill it with clean water and put it on the stove, adding vegetables to the pan.

After boiling, remove all the foam. Then reduce the heat and cook for 4 hours.

2. After 2 hours from the start of the boil, salt the broth and add spices. We continue to cook for another 2 hours.

3. Then we take out vegetables and spices, we will no longer need them. And take out the meat. When it cools down, cut into pieces with a knife.

We filter the broth through a sieve to get rid of small bones. Then add seasonings for jelly and chopped garlic to it. Bring it to a boil again. We put the meat cut into pieces in it and remove it from the fire.

Stir and pour hot into bowls. When it cools down a bit, put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

4. Remove the fat on the surface with a spoon and turn the jelly on a plate of a larger diameter than the form in which it solidified. You can serve to the table!

How and how much to cook jelly from pork knuckle and legs?

Well, everything is clear about the knuckle, jelly is often made from it, I devoted a whole article to this, which you can read by clicking on. It has a lot of meat, and the dish comes out rich, insanely satisfying. Well, if you use small molds, then such a jelly can be served on the table in portions.

Everything that is served to each person separately makes me feel like a holiday, for example, in a restaurant. Looks very unusual!

We will need:

  • pork leg - 1 pc.;
  • pork knuckle - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves.


1. Wash the meat well and pour cold water over the meat for an hour so that the water takes the blood into itself. Then we put everything on the fire, after boiling we remove the foam. Cook for 5 hours on low heat.

2. Then put salt and onions in the broth. Cook another 30 minutes.

3. We take out the meat and let it cool down so that it is comfortable to disassemble it with our hands. Then grind and put on the bottom of the form.

You can make jelly in silicone molds for cupcakes. Both beautiful and comfortable!

4. Squeeze the garlic into the hot broth, mix and filter it. We fill them with our molds. Once everything has cooled down a bit, put it in the fridge overnight.

This is such a beauty!

Video on how to cook pork jelly from legs (through a meat grinder)

Many people prefer to pass meat for jelly through a meat grinder, so the fat and meat are evenly mixed with each other. And the fat in this case is not felt at all. If you are also interested in learning how to make such a jelly, then watch the video and you will no longer have any questions.

How to cook delicious jelly from pork legs and chicken?

Since there is not a lot of meat in the leg itself, we need it more for a rich, strong broth. Then we, in addition to chicken, will also add pork knuckle here. You can also use legs and, for example, chicken legs or breast.

Very delicious combination this dish is amazing! Pork will give fat, and chicken white meat will make the jelly even more tender.

We will need:

  • pork leg - 1 pc.;
  • pork knuckle - 1 pc;
  • chicken backs - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black pepper.


1. Pour the washed meat with water and set to boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, pour it out, rinse the pan and meat. Fill everything again with water and again set to boil.

Then reduce the power of the stove and cook for 4 hours. After this period of time, add carrots and onions and cook for another 30 minutes.

2. Remove the meat and blot the surface of the broth with paper towels. Also add crushed garlic to it, mix.

3. Separate the meat from the bones and chop it, laying it on the bottom of the molds. Here you can also add carrots and greens for beauty. You can also put chopped boiled eggs on the bottom, they look very impressive.

Strain the broth, salt and pepper. We taste it and fill it with meat in forms. After cooling, put in the refrigerator.

If you have decorations at the bottom of the jelly, then you can turn it over and serve it beautifully on the table. Just dip the container in hot water and invert it onto a dish. The perfect appetizer for all time!

Cooking jelly from legs and turkey in a slow cooker (with a pressure cooker function)

The white meat of the turkey is the perfect complement to the pork legs. It is lean, tender, low-calorie. All this is revealed, combined with lard from the legs. All in all, a well-balanced dish. And in a pressure cooker, it cooks twice as fast as in a saucepan.

If you don’t have a pressure cooker function, but have a regular multicooker, then it’s still much easier to cook jellied meat in it than on the stove. The cooking time will be the same, but you will not need to monitor the broth, check it. Therefore, feel free to try to cook even jelly in your kitchen assistants!

We will need:

  • pork legs - 2 pcs.;
  • turkey shoulder - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • celery root (optional)
  • water - 3 liters;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasonings, pepper, bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • greenery for decoration.


1. Pre-soak the meat for a couple of hours in water. Then we drain the water and put all the meat in a slow cooker, cutting it if necessary so that everything fits well. We also send washed, unpeeled onions, carrots and celery root here.

Close the lid and valve. We set the "Soup" mode for 3 hours.

2. We take out all the vegetables from the broth and pour all your favorite seasonings, parsley and salt into it. Cook for another 15 minutes without pressure.

3. We take out the meat and, after cooling, disassemble it into fibers, put it on the bottom of the mold.

Pour with strained broth and decorate with garlic slices and dill sprigs.

Cool and put in the refrigerator.

And finally, I want to give you advice. If you are still worried that the jelly will not harden without gelatin, then pour quite a bit of broth into a gravy boat and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Taking it out of there, you will immediately understand whether the broth will seize or not. But in the case of pork legs, you should not even worry!

Bon Appetit!

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