Home Kashi What can be cooked with a leg of pork. Pork leg: how to choose and what to cook. Baked pork legs recipe

What can be cooked with a leg of pork. Pork leg: how to choose and what to cook. Baked pork legs recipe

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Pork legs, despite being cheap, are considered a delicacy. This is an exquisite and popular dish of many nations. The geography of pork feet is extensive. They are prepared in Germany, France, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia. When choosing pork legs in the market or in a store, you need to pay attention to the color of the legs and the smell. Fresh pork legs have a pleasant smell of meat. Outwardly well tarred, without bristles, pinkish, without damage. Dark spots, a blue-gray tint indicate that the legs are not fresh, perhaps even frozen several times. The cut of the legs should be even, clean, moist, without ichor. When pressed in the softest part, the fossa quickly levels out, the skin is elastic.

Cooking legs always starts with cleaning them. To make the legs easier to clean, they should be soaked in cold water for several hours or overnight. Then, using a knife, clean off all dirt and bristles from the skin. Rinse the legs in cold water and then use according to the recipe.

In Georgia, a cold dish called muzhuzha is prepared from the legs, very similar to Russian jelly.

To prepare jelly, take the legs, as well as pig ears and tails. Prepared products are soaked in cold water, then scraped with a knife, if necessary, cut into pieces. Processed meat products are poured with water and boiled for 40 minutes. Then the legs are transferred to another pan, the broth is filtered, the legs are poured again, roots, spices are added and boiled under the lid for 5 hours. At the same time, in another bowl, boil the pork pulp until soft with salt and spices, season with wine vinegar. The legs and tails are taken out, the meat is separated from the bones. Boiled pork is disassembled into fibers, everything is mixed with cilantro, red basil, chopped garlic, red and black pepper. The meat is placed in deep plates or ceramic molds. Pour the meat with cooled broth and put it in the refrigerator so that the husbands freeze. Husbands are served, cut into portions with a sharp knife.

Legs in honey glaze - favourite dish Swedes. The legs are soaked, scraped, then transferred to a saucepan, poured with a small amount of water and boiled for 3 hours, an hour before the readiness, the broth is steeply salted. The legs are removed from the broth, rubbed with a mixture of mustard and honey and baked until golden brown in a hot oven. The potatoes are baked separately. The legs are served with potatoes, sprinkled with garlic and chopped rosemary.

Legs in soy sweet spicy sauce cooked in China. The legs are cleaned, dipped in boiling water, boiled until tender, salted at the very end. Take the legs out of the water, dry them. Fat is heated in a wok, legs are lowered into it, fried, added soy sauce, honey, garlic, chili pepper. The legs are turned over often so that the sauce envelops the entire surface. The legs are served with boiled rice.

Jellied legs are cooked in Russia. For jelly, take 1 kilogram of pork legs and beef pulp, roots, bay leaf, garlic. Pork legs are scalded with boiling water, put in a saucepan, poured with water, brought to a boil, and the foam is removed. The peeled roots are fried in a dry frying pan without oil to give them flavor. Put the roots to the legs, add beef to the pan. Cook until the beef is soft. Season with salt, allspice and bay leaf. Cook meat and legs for another 20 minutes. The beef and legs are taken out, disassembled into fibers, the skin and bones are thrown away. The broth is filtered, seasoned with pepper and garlic. The meat is placed in ceramic molds, poured with broth, cleaned in the cold. Before serving, the fat formed on the surface is removed.

Germans prefer to cook pork legs with sauerkraut. This recipe has been around for many years. Pork legs are cleaned of bristles, after soaking in cold water overnight. Boil the legs until tender in salted water. The legs are cooled, rubbed with chopped garlic and put in the refrigerator for several hours.
Peel the garlic, finely chop. Remove the legs from the pan, dry, put in a bowl, sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
Fry onions with smoked meats in a frying pan. Cabbage is added, previously washed from sour juice with boiled water. Add chopped tomatoes, dill or cumin seeds, sugar, stew for 10 minutes, stirring. Cabbage is transferred to a patch, pork legs are placed on top. Cover the patch with a lid or foil and place in the oven for 2 hours. Simmer at 150`C. 20 minutes before readiness, I remove the foil, sprinkle the dish with thyme, allspice and bay leaf. Serve pork legs with cabbage, cutting each into 2 parts lengthwise.

In the Czech Republic, pork legs are baked in beer. The legs are cleaned, boiled in water until half cooked. Chopped, shifted into a deep form, poured with beer, sprinkled with spices, garlic, sugar, add half a lemon, baked in the oven. The legs are removed, the sauce is filtered and evaporated by 1/3. The legs are served with sauce and boiled potatoes.

With legs in Belarus they cook hot, fatty and fragrant soup. Peeled legs are cut lengthwise into 2 parts, put in a saucepan, boil for 2 hours over low heat. Salt, finely chopped onion, diced potatoes are added to the broth. Boil potatoes until soft. Season the soup with garlic and finely chopped dill.

In Italy, legs are cooked with tomatoes, olives, herbs and garlic. The legs are cleaned, cut into 2-3 parts, fried in oil. Pour the legs with a small amount of water, cook under the lid for 1 hour. Then add tomatoes, salt to taste, sugar, wine vinegar, garlic, olives. Stew the legs for another 1 hour. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

In Ukraine, they cook kulesh with pork legs. Peeled legs are chopped, fried in a cauldron with onions and garlic. Pour in water, cook under the lid for 2 hours. Then, washed millet is poured into the broth, salted to taste, boiled, stirring, until the cereal is soft. Kulesh is served in deep bowls.

Coming to the store for groceries, most housewives completely ignore pork legs, believing that nothing tasty and original, with the possible exception of jelly, can not be cooked from them. And absolutely wrong! Although pork feet take longer to cook than e.g. pork ribs or shank, a variety of dishes from pork legs and their taste qualities quite allow to make them a welcome guest of both our everyday menu and the festive table. Today we invite you to learn and remember how to cook pork legs with us.

Today, in our kitchens, dishes from pork legs are unfairly forgotten, and yet quite recently, our grandmothers knew how to cook from legs and appetizing snacks and delicious hot meals. Even today, dishes from pork legs are widely represented in many culinary traditions of the world. Remember the well-known a traditional dish German cuisine Iceban - pork legs baked with stewed sauerkraut and spicy hunting sausages. Italian Zampone are also highly valued by gourmets - pork legs stuffed with minced meat with fragrant spices and herbs. In Irish bars, the traditional Crubins appetizer is still popular today - boiled and then pickled or stewed pork legs. V Korean cuisine pork legs are represented by the Partyogi dish - the legs are boiled with vegetables, herbs and spices and served hot or cold. Pork legs were not forgotten in traditional Russian cuisine either. Jellies and jellies were prepared from them, the legs were boiled and baked, fried and stewed.

Of course, at first glance, cooking dishes from pork legs may seem unnecessarily time-consuming to you. But only at first glance. Having once cooked delicious stewed, stuffed or baked pork legs, you will be surprised how tasty and fragrant they turn out, and the pleasure and gratitude of your loved ones will be the most pleasant reward for your work.

Today KEDEM.RU "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important secrets and tips, along with proven recipes original dishes, which will easily help even the most inexperienced housewives and tell you how to cook pork legs.

1. When choosing pork legs in the store, pay close attention to them. appearance and smell. Good pig's feet should be clean, well washed and thoroughly de-haired. The skin should be smooth without damage, its color varies from white, slightly pinkish, to slightly yellow. But dark spots, a bluish or pronounced gray skin tone will tell you that the legs offered to you are no longer fresh. Inspect the cut of the pork leg, it should be even, clean, slightly damp. You should not buy pork legs, the cut of which seems to you too windy or dried up. Press with your finger in the most fleshy part of the pork leg: in the fresh leg, the formed hole will immediately straighten out, and in the stale leg it will remain for a long time. Be sure to smell the legs before buying. Fresh pork legs have a pleasant sweetish aroma. If the pork legs offered to you have a pronounced foreign smell, the smell of ammonia, manure or rot - refuse to buy, nothing good can be cooked from stale legs.

2. Before you start cooking, pork legs must be properly prepared. First of all, rinse the legs under running warm running water, scrape them with a knife or a wire brush and rinse thoroughly again. Put the well-cleaned legs in a deep bowl or pan, pour with a mixture of water and milk, taken in equal proportions, and leave in a cool place for several hours or overnight. Rinse well-soaked legs again and dry slightly with paper towels or napkins. Pork legs prepared in this way will require much less time to cook and will favorably differ in a milder taste and delicate aroma with a slight milky note.

3. Most pork leg recipes start with boiling them. The success of the further preparation of your chosen dish will depend on how correctly you cook the pork legs. Prepare, clean and soak the pork feet in advance. Pour enough water into a deep saucepan so that when the legs are immersed, it would cover them by five to ten centimeters. Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil. Lower the pork legs into boiling water, bring to a boil again and carefully remove the foam. Cook the legs covered for one hour over moderate heat. At the end of time, add one whole peeled carrot, one large onion, a small piece of celery root, lava leaf, black pepper in a pot and a teaspoon of dry mustard powder. Boil everything together for another forty minutes, then salt to taste and cook for another hour. Remove the pot from the heat and let the legs cool in the broth. Pork legs cooked in this way are very tender, juicy and tasty.

4. Armenian cuisine invites us to enjoy original snack Mozhozh - marinated pork legs. It is not at all difficult to prepare it. Thoroughly clean and rinse four pork legs, put them in a deep saucepan, pour boiling water over them and cook under a lid over low heat for three hours. Meanwhile, prepare the brine and marinade. For brine, dissolve six tablespoons of salt in two liters of hot boiled water. To prepare the marinade, mix three liters of cold boiled water, 200 ml. good wine vinegar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 10 chopped cloves of garlic, half a bunch of dill (large with your hands), three bay leaves, a teaspoon of black peppercorns. Once the pork feet are ready, remove them from the broth and immediately plunge them into the brine. Leave for 10 minutes. Then remove the legs from the brine, carefully remove the bones and tough tendons, and place the deboned legs in the marinade. Leave for a day room temperature and then refrigerate for another day or two. Serve chopped into small pieces and sprinkled with circles hot pepper and finely chopped fresh herbs.

5. Prefer spicier snacks? Try the Panamanian style pork feet. Boil two pork legs until tender, cool slightly and carefully remove all the bones. Cut the boned legs into small pieces. Two fresh cucumber cut into thin circles, cut 1 - 2 hot chili peppers into rings, chop four cloves of garlic, finely chop half a bunch of parsley, half a bunch of cilantro and a few sprigs of green onions. Combine pork, herbs, garlic, peppers and cucumbers and place in a marinating bowl. Prepare the sauce separately. To do this, mix 200 ml. broth in which the legs were cooked, 100 ml. white wine vinegar, 100 ml. vegetable oil, juice of half a lime, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt. Pour the pork legs with the prepared sauce and refrigerate for 12 hours. The finished snack can be served cold or preheated slightly in the microwave.

6. It is not at all difficult to cook pork legs according to the Carpathian recipe. Boil two pork legs until tender, remove the vegetables and whole spices, drain the broth, leaving just enough to lightly cover the legs. In a hot broth with legs, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons minced garlic and leave for one hour. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. To do this, mix ½ cup sour cream, 1 tbsp. spoon tomato paste, one minced garlic clove, ½ teaspoon ground paprika, a pinch of cumin, salt and red pepper to taste. Take the pork legs out of the broth, drain slightly, coat thoroughly with the prepared sauce, place in a baking dish and bake in an oven preheated to 180° for 30 minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes and fresh vegetables.

7. Pork legs baked with potatoes and mushrooms are very tasty. Boil two pork legs in advance and let them cool in the broth. While the legs are cooling, peel ten small potatoes, cut one onion into rings and cut into 300 gr slices. fresh forest mushrooms or mushrooms. Put potato tubers in a greased baking dish, drizzle with melted butter. Next, lay out the onion rings and slices of mushrooms. Lay the pork legs on top of the mushrooms. Mix half a glass of low-fat yogurt with half a glass of dry white wine, add two crushed garlic cloves, a pinch nutmeg and a pinch of cumin. Pour the resulting sauce over pork legs with potatoes and mushrooms and bake everything in an oven preheated to 180 ° for one hour until the potatoes are ready. Sprinkle with chopped dill before serving.

8. Under the mug good beer as well as possible the traditional german dish Iceban - pork legs baked with cabbage. Boil two pork legs in advance until tender, remove from the broth, transfer to a deep bowl, sprinkle with three tablespoons of chopped garlic, a pinch of black pepper and salt to taste. Lightly rub the garlic and spices into the legs, cover everything with cling film and put in a cool place for 10 - 12 hours. Continue cooking when the legs are completely saturated with the aroma of garlic. Chop half a small head of fresh cabbage, cut into circles five hunting sausages, cut three tomatoes into slices, cut one onion into half rings. In a deep frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add onion and fry until soft, then add fresh cabbage and simmer, stirring often, for five minutes. Mix stewed cabbage with 500 gr. sauerkraut, add tomatoes, hunting sausages, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of dill seeds, 0.5 teaspoon of cumin, 1 teaspoon of dried marjoram and thyme. Salt to taste, mix and transfer to a greased baking dish. Lay the pork legs on top, cover the dishes tightly with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° for an hour and a half. 15 minutes before cooking, remove the foil and let the legs lightly brown.

9. Appetizing in appearance and incredibly tasty, breaded fried pork legs are easy to prepare. Boil until tender, cool in the broth and cut two pork legs into portions in portions at the joints. Rub the legs with ground black pepper and dried garlic, drizzle generously with melted butter and roll in breadcrumbs. Place the legs prepared in this way in a greased baking dish, place a small piece on top of each leg butter and bake in a preheated 180° oven for 20 minutes until golden brown. Serve with mashed potatoes or stewed cabbage. Be sure to submit to fried legs your favorite hot sauce.

10. Stuffed Pork Legs Italian recipe, Zampone, will easily decorate both your everyday menu and festive table. Pass half a kilogram together through a meat grinder with a medium grate pork neck and pork belly. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard, ½ teaspoon of white pepper, a pinch of nutmeg, marjoram, thyme and lemon zest to the minced meat, salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Carefully scrape and rinse two pork feet, soak them in cool water for an hour and dry them slightly. With a stocking, carefully remove the skin from the pork legs, helping yourself with a very sharp knife, leaving it only on the hoof itself. Remove the bones with the remaining meat along the joint closest to the hoof. Fill the pork skin prepared in this way with minced meat with spices, and tie the top tightly or sew it up with a thick thread. Pour four liters into a deep saucepan meat broth, add 2 teaspoons of salt and two bay leaves, and then bring to a boil. Put the stuffed legs into the boiling broth, bring to a boil again and cook over low heat for three hours. Remove the finished legs from the broth and cool. Before serving, cut the legs into circles.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more proven recipes and interesting ideas that will definitely tell you how to cook pork legs.

Pork legs baked in the oven is a popular German dish. The legs are baked in different marinades, after boiling them. Serve baked pork legs with sauerkraut or stewed cabbage, fresh vegetables and cold beer.

To cook pork legs baked in the oven, take the products from the list. The legs should be washed under running water, scraped well with a knife, soaked in cold water for several hours. The water needs to be changed several times.

Pour clean legs cold water, put on the stove. When the water boils, boil for 5 minutes, drain the water, scrape the legs again with a knife.

Pour again with clean water and cook over low heat for 1 hour.

After a while, add the chopped onion, laurel, peppercorns, salt and cook for at least another hour and a half. The bones should separate well.

Prepare marinade. Mix sour cream, mustard, soy sauce and garlic.

Transfer the legs to a baking dish, salt and pepper.

Lubricate the legs with marinade, pour a little broth into the mold, in which the legs were cooked, bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Every 10 minutes, grease the legs with marinade and broth from the mold.

Pork legs baked in the oven are ready. Serve with fresh vegetables or stewed cabbage.

And of course with a glass of cold beer.

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