Home Soups Nice cheese platters. Step by step recipe with photos. Cheese platter secrets

Nice cheese platters. Step by step recipe with photos. Cheese platter secrets

Greetings, dear readers. A good hostess always cares not only about the taste of the dishes, but also about their beautiful presentation. No matter if it's a buffet, a home reception or a family dinner, the dishes on the plates should look appetizing. Plain cold appetizer can become the main dish and the main decoration of the table, if presented with imagination. Ideas on how to perform beautiful decoration cheese slices will certainly come in handy in the near future.

After all, a whole string of festive events awaits us soon. I have collected for you another useful information, which will help to collect cheese platter according to all the rules.

Cheese platter secrets

Cheese is a popular product of everyday demand, but also on festive table it is posted frequently. Slicing is prepared quickly, looks appetizing, is eaten clean. The rules for making a cheese plate are simple, so it’s not difficult to follow them.

As for the amount of product, for each guest you need to prepare from fifty to one hundred grams of various cheeses, at least three types. However, the advice is to use an odd number of varieties from the wish area. It is not necessary to strictly follow it.

Europeans are sensitive to the composition of the plate, assuring that it should contain nothing but cheese and additives to it. The Slavs have a different opinion on this matter. Often our hostesses add to sour - dairy product meat delicacies, rightly believing that such a set looks more appetizing. To decorate such a cut, olives, olives, slices of cucumber or lemon, strips of bell pepper, cherry tomatoes are used.

The best combinations of cheeses and additions to them

The composition of the assortment is determined in accordance with the general menu, focusing on the alcoholic drinks served to the table and the main dishes.

Option 1

For buffet snacks, dry wines or champagne, restaurateurs recommend serving assorted blue cheeses, soft and durum varieties. Honey, nuts (walnuts or almonds) will be best combined with them.

The plate can be decorated with sliced ​​fruits and whole berries. To do this, use pears, figs, grapes, strawberries. Onion marmalade, confiture, jam will also work as an original additive.

Option 2

The second set of cheeses will perfectly complement the classic feast in the style of the Soviet era, with strong alcoholic drinks like Russian vodka, cognac, fortified wines. The composition of the plate includes semi-hard and hard, brine, smoked processed varieties. The first group is represented by "Russian", "Gouda", "Maasdam", "Edamer".

Gruyère belongs to hard varieties. Suitable for such a set and "Pecorino". This spicy cheese is made from sheep's milk. All types of table greens (parsley, dill, green onion feathers), crackers, nut sauce will serve as additives to the snack.

Option 3

Option number three can be considered universal, since it is suitable for any occasion. It is especially recommended to serve such a cheese "selection" to fish dishes, fresh herb salads, low-fat varieties meat and poultry. The assortment includes pickled varieties: Mozzarella, Limansky, Suluguni, Feta, as well as hard and semi-hard ones.

Give a special note savory cheeses from sheep and goat milk. Complement the plate with olives, cashew nuts, cherry tomatoes, strips bell pepper, peach fruits, grapes. The cut is decorated with sprigs of fragrant rosemary, arugula. Dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, figs), olive oil, honey are also served with such cheeses.

At home, not every housewife will be able to repeat the recommendations of chefs big restaurants. But in this case, too, do not refuse additions to the cheese plate. Grapes, nuts (pecans, almonds, hazelnuts), apples or figs are great for any variety of this lactic acid product.

Europeans serve cheeses with special jams, among which there are not only sweet and sour, but also spicy in taste. If nothing like this appears on our shelves, feel free to take apricot or fig jam.

When cheese slices are served as an independent dish or dessert, it is certainly accompanied by fresh bread. Offer guests a choice of several types bakery products, placing baguette slices, English crackers, Italian focaccia with olives, rye slices with dried apricots and prunes on a separate plate.

Rules for serving appetizers

In restaurants, sliced ​​cheese is laid out on a special wooden board or ceramic dish with a wooden base. At home, large round serving bowls can be used for this purpose as one option.

Please note that it is not customary to put bread next to cheeses. But sprigs of spicy greens can be mixed with chopped slices. They will serve as a kind of decoration for cheese slices and add flavor to the dish. The prepared plate must be taken out of the refrigerator half an hour before serving so that the product reaches room temperature.

Cheeses can be laid out from the center, along a spiral line, or from the middle to the edges, so that the slices overlap each other. Varieties alternate in degree of sharpness and hardness. Closer to the edge are hard cheeses with a bright taste, in the center they put more fresh-tasting, soft textures. Small bowls with additives (honey, jam, sauce) are placed in the middle of the plate. Skewers are laid out on a common dish, with the help of which each guest will grab pieces of snacks.

We cut according to all the rules

If you decide to cook a snack with your own hands, keep in mind that you need to wash the knives and the board after processing each variety. Soft cheeses crumble, sticking to the blade or cutting surface. The resulting particles can spoil the taste and interrupt the aroma of the next product.

The method of cutting depends on the consistency. Hard cheese is usually laid out in small cubes with a side of 1.5 -2 centimeters. Soft - thick triangular slices.

Cheeses with blue mold are served in slices that can be broken by hand. In order not to damage their structure, a special device with a stretched fishing line is used for cutting. Semi-solid varieties are divided into thin layers, which are then rolled into tubes.

For the children's table, you can prepare pieces in the form of various figures using cookie cutters.

Cheeses are cut and served so that three components are visible: crust, middle, edges. Don't start cutting ahead of time. The product tends to dry out quickly on contact with air, and Camembert or Brie quickly melts in heat.

Festive decoration

IN New Year we can’t do without slicing delicious cheese, because the hostess of 2020, the White Rat, simply loves this delicacy. By the way, astrologers do not advise adding smoked sausage to a plate, the totem animal does not respect this product.

Slicing on the festive table is made out in the style of a common serving. There are New Year's motifs here: Christmas trees, Christmas wreaths or stars. The photo shows various ideas for a beautiful layout of cheeses on a platter.

You can add a little exotic to the compiled assortment by powdering the slices coconut flakes like a light snowball.

To make the cut look more elegant, use spiced cheeses that have a green, orange or reddish tint.

Having studied the beautiful design of cheese slices, you can surprise your guests with a creative presentation of the product.

See also the ideas for decorating a cheese plate in these videos:

In parting, I want to wish all housewives not to be afraid of experiments, to boldly invent their own options for decorating dishes. Subscribe to my blog, write comments, share links with friends. Have a good holidays.

Cheese plate - a dish, which includes at least four varieties of cheese - soft, hard varieties, blue cheese, goat, sheep and others.

What is included?

So what is a cheese plate? Its composition is both simple and complex at the same time. Usually, this dish means serving assorted noble, high-quality and expensive cheeses, laid out on a round board of hardwood in a breathtakingly beautiful form. You can replace the board with porcelain tableware, but still it is the combination of cheeses and wood that gives a truly amazing effect.

It is also worth considering that it is not advisable to cut beautifully and interestingly arrange one or two types, it will be just cutting, but not a cheese plate at all. Cheese sandwich varieties, processed or pasty are also not suitable.


The cheese plate can be prepared in advance, cut the cheeses, decorate the board and wrap it in cling film, put it in the refrigerator. Half an hour before serving, it will be necessary to remove the plate, put it on the table, remove the film and let it stand for room temperature. During this time, the cheese bouquet and aroma will open in full force.

And even if you don’t have a cheese plate prepared in advance, the cheeses must be taken out of a cold place before slicing, only after the cheese has been infused, it will be possible to decorate and serve.

Also, neatly and correctly sliced ​​cheeses on a cheese plate should be served with wooden sticks and special knives.

Cheese arrangement on chalkboard

As mentioned above, the minimum number of varieties is four, but you should not get carried away either. If there are a lot of cheeses, it will simply not be possible to arrange them beautifully and aesthetically. Putting cheeses on a plate correctly, but at the same time beautifully, is a great art that requires a sense of style.

"Clock face"

To make a beautiful cheese plate, you need to spread the cheeses on the board in a circle. You should start with the softest and most tender varieties, moving on to harder and sharper ones. The conditional “dial” is completed by brighter and more saturated varieties. Since in the end there will be two absolutely opposite types nearby - light and saturated - do not forget that the cheeses do not come into contact with each other. Otherwise, this delicate and delicate product will absorb the smell and taste of the neighboring variety.

Edge to center

There is another way to arrange cheeses on the Cheese Plate dish. The design in this case begins from the edge of the board, where hard and sharper varieties are placed. The closer to the center the cheese is laid out, the softer and more tender it becomes, the saturation of taste decreases. In the very center of the plate lay out the most delicate and tender varieties.


Round cheeses should be cut into segments, other varieties - into cubes and cubes. It should be borne in mind that each piece should consist of both the middle of the cheese and its edge. The fact is that the taste of each piece - the middle, the crust and near the crust - is slightly different from each other. And the correct cutting will allow you to enjoy the food, feel the aroma of all the above pieces.

It is also allowed to serve cheese without preliminary cutting. In this case, everyone will be able to take the amount of cheese he needs. With this method of serving, a sufficient number of knives are placed on a separate board or plate. A separate knife is required for each type of cheese, so as not to mix tastes and smells.


Do not lose sight of the additional products that are laid out on the board with cheeses. They will also determine how your cheese plate will look. What cheeses did you choose to treat? Based on their varieties, it is worth choosing an addition to them, since different types require appropriate "accompaniment".

Nuts and grapes are perfect for soft blue cheeses. For rich, hard, take avocados or dried fruits: raisins, dates, dried apricots.

You can also use fresh fruit to accompany cheeses, especially pears go great with cheeses. Raisins, cashews, almonds, olives and crackers - all this will be a nice addition to the cheese plate. Use jams, honey, marmalade. Try olives, figs, tomatoes.

But serving bread with cheeses is not recommended, unless it is toast specially prepared for this purpose, otherwise it will clog the taste of cheeses. But the cheese plate goes well with herbs, coffee beans, mint leaves, arugula and lettuce.

In general, cheese accompaniment is milestone in decoration. After all, the pleasure of seeing a plate should not be inferior to the satisfaction of tasting cheeses.

How to cut cheeses?

Cheeses can be cut into segments, cubes or diamonds. But a cheese plate with curly sliced ​​cheeses will look no less attractive. To do this, you can use knives with curly blades, so ordinary cheese squares will take on a particularly presentable and attractive look.

No less effective, but at the same time, a simple way is to cut out various figures from slices of cheese. For example, in the form of leaves, fish, hearts, stars, etc. You can use special molds for making cookies.

Cheese plate: recipe

There are many different recipes, it all depends on the taste preferences of each and on financial capabilities. Here are some of them.

Recipe one

Take 100 grams of the following cheeses: mozzarella, gorgonzola, brie, parmigiano reggiano, emmental. From fruits, pears, grapes are perfect, you can add strawberries to them. You will also need cores. walnuts and 100 ml of honey.

Cut fruits and cheeses into segments, lay out everything beautifully, according to the rules of the "dial", decorate with strawberries and grapes, walnut kernels. Put honey in the center of your plate in a wooden bowl.

Method two

Here you have to tinker longer, but the result is worth it.

So, you will need:

  • 100 grams of hard cheese Emmental;
  • 100 grams of Calamber or Brie cheese;
  • 50 grams of blue cheese, such as rustic;
  • 100 grams of cheese made from goat's milk;
  • two pears;
  • 20 slices of grainy bread;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • half a kilo of grapes;
  • 20 ml fruit vinegar;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 2-3 black peppercorns;
  • a pinch of salt.


1. First, make a marinade for grapes. To do this, mix 300 ml of water and vinegar in a container, add salt, peppercorns and sugar. Stir.

2. Take a bunch of grapes and, without removing the berries from the brush, rinse it well and dry it. Make a small puncture on each grape and place the bunch in a saucepan.

3. Bring the marinade to a boil, pour over the prepared grapes. Close the lid and leave for a couple of days at room temperature. Be sure to refrigerate before serving.

4. Wash the pear, dry it, peel it and cut it in half. Remove the core, and cut the pulp into thin slices, sprinkle them lemon juice so they don't darken.

5. Fry each piece of toast on both sides in heated olive oil.

6. Cut soft and blue cheeses into sectors, the rest into cubes. Lay out from the edge to the center in the manner described in this article. Garnish with pear slices, pickled grapes and bread toast.

Cheese plate "Tasty standard"

Vkusny Produkt is a manufacturer of a ready-made cheese plate format with numerous lines of Say Cheese flavor variations. This company specializes in the manufacture of original snacks.

They developed a special ergonomic container, where various types of cheese are hermetically packed, according to the basic requirements for a cheese plate. Such sets are complemented with French crackers, honey, a variety of nuts and bamboo skewers for ease of use.

Each package of such a plate describes in detail which cheeses and which additions go with them. Also on each packaged plate there are transparent windows where you can see the product you are going to purchase.


It is also worth considering that it is better to buy cheeses for forming a cheese plate in specialized stores, and not in supermarkets. In such places, they can advise you on the best combination, offer to taste the cheese before buying, in addition, they will give a guarantee on the quality and freshness of the goods.

Cheese plates are a great option for a buffet table, for organizing a theme party, spending time with friends and a romantic evening. Pairing this excellent dish with equally fine wine, you will have a great time!

In everyday life, we most often use cheese as sandwiches. But cheese may well become a full meal if applied correctly.

It is also unacceptable to simply cut several varieties of cheese on the festive table. It is necessary to correctly compose a cheese plate and arrange it according to the rules.

It is an assortment of cheese of several varieties. Usually cheese slices are served on a large plate or wooden board and are additionally decorated with fruits and nuts.

The cheese is sorted into varieties - first cheeses with soft, delicate taste, then sharper varieties. This is done in order to distinguish between tender and savory cheeses, since soft varieties absorb the smells of sharper and more spicy cheeses, and this is absolutely not allowed. That is why it is necessary to leave space between them on the cheese board.

We recommend sending soft cheeses for several hours in the refrigerator, and also avoid contact with spicy cheeses. That's why in a cheese platter there should be a gap between the last and the first slice.

In order to compose and decorate a cheese plate, it is enough to use five or six types of cheese for a cheese platter, but they should be varied in taste. Cheese snack is usually an addition to the main course - as a rule, it is an appetizer or dessert with wine. Cheese slices should weigh in this case about 30 grams.

However, nothing prevents the cheese platter from acting as an independent dish and decorating any holiday table. Each cheese slice must weigh at least 150 grams. Delicate varieties of cheese are complemented by apples, pears, grapes, it is good to emphasize the taste of blue cheeses with a slice of avocado or pineapple, and almonds and walnuts are most suitable for fatty cheeses.

Since the “plate” is primarily a platter, it should contain cheeses with different flavors: fresh (white cheeses), neutral (reblochon, tomme), tender (young goat or sheep cheeses), pronounced (, brie, shaurs), spicy (aged hard cheeses) and very spicy (blue cheeses). It is important to remember that there is no room on the plate for processed and spreadable cheeses.

How to make a cheese plate

A properly composed and decorated cheese plate looks like a clock face. Cheeses are laid out in a strictly defined order: clockwise from more delicate varieties to cheeses with a brighter and more pronounced taste.

As the "circle" begins delicate cheeses, and close the savory ones, it is important to lay out the pieces so that there is a sufficient distance between them. Otherwise, sharp and seasoned aromas will irrevocably mix with delicate creamy notes. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that hard and semi-hard cheeses are laid out along the edges of the plate, and soft ones in the center.

If you try to build a chain, you get something like this:

  • mozzarella, ricotta or feta (fresh);
  • shaurs, nechatel (soft);
    camembert, brie (soft with a pronounced taste);
  • edam, gouda (semi-soft);
  • maasdam, emmental (hard);
  • parmesan, gruyère (hard, savory);
  • pecorino, chevret (goat, sheep cheese);
  • , gorgonzola or dor blue (with blue mold).

How to decorate a cheese plate

In addition to cheese, the cheese plate is decorated with additional ingredients, which should correctly shade and emphasize the taste of each of the varieties.

Almost any kind of cheese is suitable for fresh fruits and berries - figs, figs or ripe strawberries. Also very good - especially for soft cheeses- pears and grapes.

Blue cheeses are accompanied by honey or jams. Spicy varieties are in perfect harmony with dried fruits: dates, raisins, prunes and dried apricots. Fatty cheeses are ideally complemented by walnuts and almonds. However, nuts will decorate any cheese plate, also playing a decorative function.

Greens lovers can complement the cheese platter with spicy herbs like cilantro and arugula. The mint will come in handy too.

How to cut cheese

For different varieties cheese has its own knives. For example, Roquefort and other blue cheeses are cut with a special tool with a fishing line so as not to damage the mold. For hard cheeses that are difficult to cut, there are special massive knives with handles on both ends.

When serving, do not forget to put two different knives on the table so as not to mix the tastes of delicate and sharp cheeses.

Cheeses can be cut into slices, thin layers, rolled into tubes, cubes. The most ideal cut is when the edge, crust and core of each species presented is visible.

On what and how to serve cheese

Usually, a special board made of quality wood acts as a cheese tray for a classic French appetizer. This special board can be made of porcelain, faience or ceramics, bought separately or as part of a service.

The large cheese slices that make up the main dish should be served with a special knife-fork or an ordinary knife and fork, as the guest may want to try all the pieces of cheese.

Wine to cheese

Red wines are perfect with hard cheeses. Creamy, soft and fatty cheese Perfectly complement dry or semi-dry wines. If you want to emphasize noble, tart blue cheeses, buy sweet fortified wine.

Brut is ideal for all cheeses with a moldy crust, as are sparkling wines in general. A classic sauvignon - best supplement to goat and sheep cheeses.

In general, it is difficult to choose wine for the whole cheese plate, so we recommend using a universal and proven option - light wines with fruity tones.

It is quite rare to observe the phenomenon when there is no plate with beautiful meat and cheese cuts on the festive table. This is not surprising, because it is these products that make an excellent snack, which usually warms up the appetite of guests before serving the main courses.

Therefore, do not neglect the design of meat and cheese plates, it is better to learn how to lay out products so that they resemble a dish from the most expensive restaurant, and then all guests will remember your feast for a long time.

If there are several types of sausages or meat products of different shades, they can simply be laid out in an original assortment.

Thin slices can be laid out in a spiral or in a circle, alternating dark and light shades, a rainbow layout will also look good, while the pieces are laid out in rows from light to darkest or vice versa.

Since the sausage is more malleable than, for example, meat, it can be laid out in the form of a flower. It is not difficult to do this, one piece is twisted into a tube, after which it must be wrapped with other thin slices.

It is easier to roll a rose from cut slices, securing it with a toothpick.

Another type of original cut can be made using conventional dough molds, preferably metal. Thinly sliced ​​sausage slices need to be shaped to your liking, and then carefully laid out in rows or collected in a canapé.

Sausage of a rather large diameter can be thinly sliced ​​and folded in half, then next to spread out all the other slices in one direction. In the pockets that have formed, you can put additional products, for example, a tomato or a cucumber.

Also, slices can be twisted in the form of a cone resembling a calla flower or twisted into tubes.

To arrange sausage cuts in the form of a large flower, lay lettuce leaves on a plate, and then thin slices that will resemble petals; with this layout, it is advisable to lay out the middle with dark products, for example, olives. You can also place a saucer with sauce in the center of the cut.

Here are examples of beautiful cuts of meat:

Cheese cutting on the festive table with a photo

Unlike sausage, the cheese does not have to be cut into thin slices, although if the cheeses are of different shades or with additional additives, then laying in a spiral with transitional colors will look spectacular, the main thing is to stack them alternately from neutral to savory.

Also, this product can be rolled into tubes and cones, if it is soft and does not break and crumble, you can add an olive, olive or even a slice of tomato or bell pepper to the middle of each piece. This design will resemble a plate with blooming calla flowers.

You can also make roses from this cheese. Their composition is the same as in the case of sausage.

Soft and semi-soft types of cheese can be cut into large identical squares or triangles and then laid out of them in any shape you like, alternating varieties with fruits, berries, nuts.

You can also create an original canape with cheese cubes. To do this, you need to string a piece of cheese on skewers and add a suitable product to it (olives, walnuts, strawberries, and so on).

Canape-sandwiches with the addition of bread, pickled vegetables, herbs, pickles and so on are also original.

In addition to skewers, you can use glass containers and multi-level trays for decoration.

Also, all kinds of figures will look beautiful from pieces cut into small cubes.

Suitable for decorating plates and all kinds of cookie cutters.

Here are examples of cheese plate layouts:

How to beautifully cut sausage and cheese on the table - photo

According to the rule for serving dishes, the cheese and meat platter should be stacked so that the meat products occupy ⅔ of the plate, and only ⅓ of the part is given to the cheese.

Given this rule, in the design of the layout, you can apply all the above techniques regarding cheese and meat products.

Here are examples of cutting meat and cheese with a photo:


There are many different tools with which you can create an original and beautiful cut of sausage and cheese. To cut very thin slices, a special device called a slicer is used. Also, the housewives use slicers with different nozzles.

For cutting “blue cheeses”, a special knife is usually used; instead of a blade, it has a strong fishing line. For particularly soft varieties, a serrated knife is better, and for hard varieties, a special spatula is used.

For festive cutting and sausage and cheese, the housewives use curly knives. Particularly inventive use metal baking dishes to give the slices an interesting shape.

The main rule for successful cutting is a well-sharpened knife or any other device.

Products for cutting

For a variety of cold cuts, you can take any meat products(balyk, brisket, boiled pork, and so on), the only remark is that the products are not too fatty, that is, it is better not to use lard-containing species in such a dish.

For the cheese composition, you can use any kind of product from blue cheeses to regular processed cheese.

To make sausage and cheese cuts look bright and beautiful, it is recommended to use other additional products in the form of decorations. For example the following:

  • greenery;
  • olives and olives;
  • grape;
  • a tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • nuts;
  • bell pepper;
  • figs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • various sauces;
  • berry jams;
  • boiled and raw vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;

A cheese plate is a universal thing, in the sense that this concept describes both luxury stories with precious cheeses, and democratic prefabricated hodgepodges, accompaniment to wine at friendly parties ...

Nevertheless, despite such extensibility of the term, there are certain rules for serving cheeses, the observance of which will help make the cheese plate the highlight of any event.


First you need to decide the culinary traditions of which countries you are going to follow: in Spain, cheeses are served as an appetizer before main courses, in France and Italy, cheeses are eaten after the main course and before or instead of dessert, in Great Britain and Switzerland, cheeses are eaten “with wine”, and so Further.

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to serve cheeses from one region, and even vice versa: correctly selected different cheeses from different countries They are great friends on a cheese plate.

cheeses as entrée and cheeses as dessert

If you follow the Mediterranean logic and serve cheese as an appetizer before the main course, then the cheese plate is served with savory tapenades, herbs and olives; if you serve cheeses after the main course, then the plate is served with a sweet accompaniment - jam, honey, figs, candied fruits, etc.

As an entrée, soft cheeses are most often served - mozzarella, homemade soft cheese (for example, Adyghe), etc., they can be sprinkled olive oil and sprinkle a little with seasonings (basil, herbs of Provence, a mixture of peppers). Dessert (before dessert) is usually served with a variety of cheeses with a strong character.

how many cheeses to serve: the “3-5-7” rule

In France, a country where the production and eating of cheeses is elevated to the rank of a cult, there is an unwritten rule "3-5-7": a cheese plate should not contain many different cheeses, most often these are three different types, 5 for large companies, and 7 - for tasting events.

There are no logical and intelligible explanations for why the number of cheeses should be odd (as in many other issues related to French traditions).

It is generally accepted that less than three cheeses is uninteresting, more than five is meaningless, since the essence of the process is lost, because our receptors get tired and cease to perceive all the richness of taste. In the UK, there is no such rule, and the most common option is 4 cheeses on one cheese plate.

How to choose cheeses: the difference in textures and tastes

Traditionally, a cheese plate is made up of cheeses of different hardness and different types: for example, one long-aged hard cheese, one soft cheese and one "blue" cheese (blue cheese). Or combine cheeses from different types milk - cow, goat and sheep. At the same time, there is an important rule: on a plate there should be at least one cheese familiar to your latitudes (most often these are hard cheeses), understandable to most people sitting at the table.

Here are the possible combinations:

  • hard and long-aged cheeses: Gouda, Cheddar, Spanish Manchego, French Comte or Beaufort, Parmesan,
  • soft cheeses: brie, camembert, goat milk soft cheeses,
  • "blue" cheeses: gorgonzola, stilton.

What to serve cheeses with:

If you really serve good cheeses, each of which deserves special attention, then the best accompaniment for a cheese plate will be good bread, especially for soft cheeses (it is better to choose wheat bread, with a relatively neutral taste, without spices). To emphasize the taste of hard cheeses, you can serve a cheese plate with honey, onion marmalade, walnuts, figs and raspberries, apple and pear slices.

Rules for serving a cheese plate:

Cheeses should be taken out of the refrigerator at least one hour before serving and should be at room temperature.

In the French and Italian tradition, cheeses are served in whole pieces, and guests cut and put cheese slices on their own plate (there should be a separate knife for each cheese). In other countries, cheeses are often served already sliced ​​(you can stick toothpicks into the pieces to make it easier for guests to take the cheese off the plate).

If you are serving several particularly characteristic cheeses, then it is better to serve them on a separate plate so that they do not clog the taste of the “neighbors”.

A lot doesn't mean tasty - too many different cheeses on one plate levels out taste qualities everyone. It is better to choose 3-5 cheeses, of which at least one will be rare or interesting in taste.

Dessert cheeses are never sprinkled with spices or poured over with jam, everything that is designed to emphasize their taste is served side by side in a separate bowl.

To add intrigue, stick a small flag into each cheese with its name and place of origin - this is how a cheese plate turns from an ordinary dish into a gastronomic adventure.

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