Home Second courses Apple jam baked goods. Apple jam pie. Shortcrust pastry

Apple jam baked goods. Apple jam pie. Shortcrust pastry

You wanted sweets for tea, but you have neither the time nor the desire to mess around in the kitchen for a long time? Why not bake a pie with apple jam! The filling is already ready, and the dough can be quickly kneaded in one way or another from the products found in the bins. In any case, the taste of fresh baked goods is incomparable.

"Lattice" pie with apple jam and yeast dough

Kneading the dough with dry yeast automatically shortens the baking time. You don't need to put the dough, it's minus 40 minutes. In addition, powdered yeast works faster than fresh yeast, so the mass rises 2 times faster.

  1. The milk is heated to 38 degrees. Dissolve yeast in it. Add sugar, a little salt, eggs. Stir.
  2. The flour is sifted and poured into milk in portions. Knead the dough in a bowl.
  3. At the end, pour in warm margarine. Continue to knead the dough on the table for about 15 minutes, until it becomes plastic, obedient.
  4. A ball is rolled from the dough. Place in a deep bowl sprinkled with flour. Cover with a towel. For 2 hours they put to come up in a warm place.
  5. Before the formation of the cake came up thick crust crushed to get rid of the yeast odor.
  6. Separate ¼ part for the decorative top - the lattice. Most of them are rolled out in a layer up to 1 cm thick. They are screwed onto a rolling pin and carefully transferred to a baking sheet greased with a drop of vegetable oil.
  7. Apple jam, if it is very dense, cut into slices and spread overlapping on the base of the pie. The soft jam is heated to 30 degrees and distributed in an even layer over the base, retreating from the edges by 2 cm.
  8. The dough left for the top is rolled out thinly. Cut into ribbons and spread, intertwining with each other, on top of a layer of apple jam.
  9. The edges of the base of the pie are tucked inward, pinched slightly, forming the sides. Cover the cake with a towel and let it stand for 20 minutes.
  10. The oven is heated to 190 degrees. The top of the pie is smeared with an egg. Bake for half an hour.

You do not need to immediately remove the finished cake from the sheet. It should "rest" and cool slightly so that the base can easily come off the baking sheet.

We bake from fresh unleavened dough

This is an option for those with a sweet tooth, because in addition to the filling, the dough itself in the pie turns out to be quite sweet. The liquid base of the muffin is sour (kefir, liquid sour cream, sour milk). For the splendor of the masses, use baking soda. It takes very little time to assemble the cake, because unleavened dough does not take time to proof.

Product proportions:

  • apple jam - 200 g;
  • kefir (2.5%) three days - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 grams of baking soda;
  • flour - 900 g;
  • melted margarine - 100 g;
  • a pinch of salt.

Time - 1 hour.

Caloric content 100 g - 295 kcal.

  1. Kefir is heated to body temperature. Stir sugar, beaten egg, melted margarine in it.
  2. The flour is sifted, mixed with soda. Pour in a slide on the table. A depression is made in the center where it is poured liquid base muffins. The plastic dough is quickly kneaded.
  3. Unleavened dough does not need to rest or rise. It is immediately divided into parts for the base and top of the cake. The base is rolled out into a 1.5 cm thick slab and transferred to a greased baking dish.
  4. The remaining part is formed into the top of an open pie. It can be pigtails, braiding ribbons, a layer with figures cut out for cookies.
  5. On the basis butter cake spread the apple jam, remembering to leave 2 cm free around the perimeter. Cover with the top, wrap inward and pinch the edges.
  6. By this time, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. The formed cake is placed in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

Butter unleavened dough rises well when baked, becomes as airy, tender, fluffy, like yeast dough. But the trouble with him is two times less.

Open cottage cheese pie with apple jam

Those who are just learning how to bake pies will appreciate this recipe. On cottage cheese without a liquid component, the dough is kneaded easily and quickly. The main thing is to bring the mass to homogeneity so that there is not a single lump.

Product proportions:

  • apple jam - 250 g;
  • cottage cheese (5%) - 400 g;
  • butter(72.5%) melted - 190 g;
  • flour - 390 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • potato starch - 60 g;
  • drinking soda - ½ tsp.

Time - 80 minutes.

Caloric content 100 g - 284.5 kcal.

  1. Rub the curd through a sieve. Take half, combine with half the sugar and one egg.
  2. Oil and soda are added to the curd mass. Stir.
  3. The flour is sifted, in parts it is introduced into the curd. Knead the plastic dough.
  4. Finished curd dough rolled into a ball, wrapped in cling film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. The second part of the cottage cheese is ground with an egg, sugar, a spoonful of starch.
  6. The dough is rolled out into a circle with a diameter slightly larger than the baking container. They are moved into the mold, necessarily forming high sides.
  7. Sprinkle the base with starch. Spread curd filling... Top with an even layer - apple jam.
  8. The oven is turned on 180 degrees. As soon as it warms up, put the cottage cheese pie with apple jam to bake. In 35 minutes it will be ready.

Stove high open pies with a lot of filling it is better in silicone or split forms. This will make it easier to get the baked goods and transfer them to the dish.

Shortcrust pastry

The fastest and easiest version of the pie from shortcrust pastry with jam. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare products, an excellent solution in cases where there is absolutely no time to mess around in the kitchen.

Product proportions:

  • jam - 200 g;
  • creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • flour - 260 g;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • baking powder - 1 pack.;
  • a pinch of salt.

Time - 50 minutes.

Caloric content 100 g - 411 kcal.

  1. The flour is sieved, mixed with baking powder.
  2. Margarine, well set in the refrigerator, is quickly chopped as small as possible.
  3. Pour sugar and flour into the margarine. Stir and grind with hands until fine crumbs are obtained.
  4. Pour half of the mass into a baking dish, level it, form low sides. Press lightly with a spatula.
  5. Overlapping plates of dense apple jam are laid on top.
  6. Cover the filling with a layer of the remaining sand crumbs.
  7. The oven is turned on 180 degrees. After a couple of minutes, put the form inside. Bake a pie from grated shortcrust pastry for 40 minutes.

The dough according to this recipe is very crumbly. Therefore, before you take the cake out of the mold, it must be allowed to cool. Then you can safely transfer to a dish, cut into pieces and serve with tea.

Yeast and butter dough for sweet pies it should be soft, obedient. If the mass sticks when kneading, it is better to lubricate your hands with sunflower oil. But in no case add flour. Otherwise, the dough will become heavy, rise poorly and after baking it will not turn out fluffy.

To make dry yeast work faster, the dough-free dough can be placed in an oven preheated to 50 degrees. Butter sweet dough, on the contrary, cannot be left warm for a long time - it must be transferred to a mold and baked immediately after kneading.

Into the filling curd pie with apple jam, if desired, you can add steamed raisins or a little crushed peanuts. And sprinkle with grated chocolate on shortcrust pastry baked goods for a variety of flavors after cooling.

The video is simple and very delicious recipe making a pie:

Pies with the same apple jam filling can be so different. This type of jam is good with any dough, and baked goods always turn out well. Therefore, it is enough to conduct an audit in the kitchen, decide on a set of products and boldly start cooking.

  • dry yeast - instant packaging;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • refined sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • delicious jam (it is better to use a pear or apple jam so that there is no sour pie) - 150 gr.

How to make apple jam pie in the oven

  1. Pour the milk into a convenient bowl, so that later you can make the dough there and heat it in microwave oven... On average, about 40 seconds are spent. (Required before room temperature, otherwise the yeast will brew).
  2. Pour yeast into warm milk for 15 minutes to dissolve. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Pour sunflower oil into a bowl and mix. Sifted flour with salt through a sieve, gently insert into the dough (there can be less or more flour - how much the dough will take) so that it does not stick to your hands.
  3. Knead soft elastic dough and put in a warm place to come up. Can be poured into the sink hot water and in 40 minutes the dough is perfect. When the dough rises, knead with your hands and put it back in a warm place.
  4. Divide the dough into two unequal pieces. Roll out most of the dough into a sheet and place in a baking dish. Grease the mold with oil.
  5. Make decorations from the rest of the dough: a pigtail and flowers. For a pigtail, take 3 pieces of dough, from each make a sausage. Then just weave an ordinary pigtail from the flagella.
  6. We make flowers to decorate the jam pie. The dough ball must be flattened and cut in a circle. Place the pigtail along the side of the form. Apply a layer of jam on the surface of the dough, lay the flowers on top.
  7. Let the cake stand for 15-20 minutes and brush it with whipped yolk before going into the oven to give a beautiful color to the finished dish.
  8. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes.
  9. We take out and grease the surface of the pie with butter to keep it soft. Cover it with a waffle towel to keep the jam pie dry.
Category -

What could be better than yeast-dough jam pies with tea for home gatherings with relatives or friends? These pastries are good at any time of the year. It doesn't matter what is outside the window: rain, snow or heat. After all, there is a reason to once again get together with a warm company.

Apple Jam Pie

Let's talk about how to make yeast dough jam pies. Our first recipe involves the use of homemade jam. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but your own is not only tastier, but also healthier. So you can take a chance and cook it yourself. To do this, you can twist the soft apples in a meat grinder, add sugar and boil several times for thirty minutes.


  1. Yeast (always fresh) - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Butter (butter) - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  4. One egg.
  5. Milk - ¼ liter.
  6. Sugar - 100 g.
  7. A pinch of salt.
  8. Two glasses of flour.
  9. Apple jam - 0.5 kg.
  10. One egg yolk.

How to make a pie?

Fresh yeast must be crumbled and soaked in milk for thirty minutes. In a separate bowl, mix sugar with egg, butter, salt. Add yeast there. Mix all the ingredients well, adding a little flour in such an amount that the dough does not stick to your hands. Next, it should be left on the table and covered with a towel.

After an hour, you can knead the dough a little and put it back on. Then we divide it into two parts. We separate the fourth part from the larger one. And we roll out the remainder and put it in a mold, forming the sides.

We spread the jam on the base, and from the remaining dough we make strips with which we cover the top of the pie, grease everything with yolk. Next, bake the pie in the oven for about forty-five minutes.

It's so easy to prepare with yeast dough jam.

Open pie with jam


  1. Margarine - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Three glasses of flour.
  3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Yeast - pack.
  5. Salt.
  6. Two eggs.
  7. Jam - 0.4 kg.
  8. Milk - 210 g.

How to cook (photos will help you figure it out)? Dilute yeast in warm milk, add eggs, salt, sugar, the remaining milk. Mix everything well and add the sifted flour. Let's prepare the margarine after melting it. And then we knead the dough. We will add margarine to it at the very end. As a result, we get a dough with a homogeneous structure, which does not stick to dishes and hands at all.

Over time, we will separate a quarter from the main part of the dough. Roll out the cake from it and put it on a greased form. We will definitely form the sides. Next, lay out the jam, it can be anything. We bend the sides. Cut out thin strips from the dough remnants, from which we form the top of the pie in the form of a braid. Next, grease the top with an egg and leave the cake to stand for half an hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven to two hundred degrees. We will bake for about half an hour.

As you can see, the recipe for yeast dough jam pie is pretty simple. Even a novice hostess can handle it.

Sweet yeast cake

In principle, all pies with yeast dough jam are prepared according to similar recipes, which differ only in some components. Below is a pie that differs from the classic one in that no eggs are used in its preparation. It does not stale for a long time, retaining freshness even after a few days.

For the filling, you can take a jam bought in a store, it is quite dense, it can even be cut with a knife. It is convenient because, with such a consistency, it never flows out during the baking process. However, of course, you can use any homemade jam that will be tastier and healthier than the store jam.


  1. Milk - 240 g.
  2. Flour - 460 g.
  3. Yeast (dry) - 15 g.
  4. Butter - ¼ packaging.
  5. Sunflower oil - 60 g.
  6. Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  7. Vanilla.
  8. Jam - 150 g.
  9. One egg.
  10. Salt.

Cooking a butter cake

Heat the milk a little and add the yeast. In about ten minutes they should be frothing. Add salt, vanilla, ghee and vegetable to the mixture. We mix everything.

Sift the flour, enriching it with oxygen and making it homogeneous without lumps. Gradually, in small portions, pour the flour into the mixture. We knead a very soft and sufficiently elastic dough. Next, put it in a clean saucepan, cover it with a towel, and put it in a warm place. It should double in volume. This will take about an hour. Next, we divide the dough into two parts. We roll one part into a cake, put it in a greased form, spread the filling on the base. I must say that its amount depends on your taste and consistency. If the jam is not very thick, then you should not put too much of it in order to avoid leakage.

Roll the rest of the dough into a large crust and cut it into strips with a curly dough wheel. Next, we lay the pigtails on top of each other with a cross. It will turn out to be a beautiful, as if wicker, basket, which is also decorated with curly stripes in diameter. Grease the dough with yolk on top and set the pie to brew for half an hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven to one hundred and ninety degrees. A sweet pie with yeast dough with jam will be baked for about forty-five minutes. Having taken it out of the oven, the finished product must be left to cool, and only then taken out of the mold.

Apple Jam Pie

Of course, all are delicious, but the most delicious of them is the apple jam pie. It's about the stuffing itself. Nothing in the world beats the sweet, aromatic apple jam, especially if it is made with your own hands from country apples.

So how do you make an apple cider pie from a yeast dough with whipped egg whites? Such a delicacy is not difficult to prepare. You just need to slightly change and supplement the classic recipe, and you will get an unforgettable dessert.

A regular pie should be garnished with a cap of fluffy whipped egg whites. The baked goods will taste very delicate.

Kneading the dough over the usual recipe, make a cake out of it and put it in a mold, forming the sides. Next, spread the jam on the layer. And on top of it - sliced ​​apple slices. The cake should stand for half an hour. Then we boldly send it to the oven. The baked goods should be golden brown. Then we take the cake out of the stove and decorate it with a protein mass of powdered sugar and protein. Return the baked goods to the oven for a couple of minutes to brown the whites. Then the cake is taken out and served on the table.

Like this in a simple way you can vary the pies with yeast dough jam.

Instead of an afterword

If you want to learn how to bake pies, start with the simplest jam pie recipes. As you can see, they are very simple to implement. In addition, the modest composition of the ingredients speaks in their favor, thanks to which you will get not only a delicious dessert, but also an economical one. You will not buy anything like this for the same money in a supermarket.

Recipes for delicious apple cider pies made from yeast, shortcrust and puff pastry

2017-09-15 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

5 gr.

6 gr.


51 gr.

282 kcal

Option 1: Classic Apple Jam Pie

The option is lush and easy home baking. V classic recipe apple jam pie, the dough is made with whole cow's milk. If desired, it can be diluted with part of the water, this will slightly reduce the calorie content. Yeast dough loves warmth, so you need to take care of a suitable place for its ripening in advance.


  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g yeast;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 200 g of jam.

Cooking method

1. Heat milk to 40 ° C, add granulated sugar to it, add fast-acting yeast and salt. Stir, leave for 10 minutes.

2. Add flour, add vegetable sunflower oil without smell. Carefully knead the dough until smooth, transfer to a bowl with high sides, cover with a towel.

3. After 1 hour and 20 minutes, the dough rises well, you need to lower it by hand, that is, knead. Leave for another hour.

4. Knead the jam so that there are no lumps in the mass.

5. Take out the dough and separate about a third part, set aside.

6. Roll out the larger piece, then carefully transfer the layer to the mold. We use dishes with a diameter of about 23-25 ​​cm. Straighten the sides.

7. Put the apple jam on the dough, smooth out the filling in an even layer.

8. Roll out the remaining dough and cover the filling. Connect the edges of the two layers. Make one or more small holes on top.

9. Beat the egg, grease the pie.

10. Turn on the oven, warm up to 200 ° C. During this time, the cake will rise a little. Bake for 15 minutes.

There is no need to rush to take the cake out of the mold and even more so to cut it. Allow the baked goods to cool completely. Then the jam will not flow out of the pieces when slicing, you will get a beautiful and neat pie.

Option 2: Puff Pastry Apple Jam Pie

A variation on the delicious apple jam pie that doesn't require kneading. It is sold in the store. Can be used yeast-free dough or with yeast. The entire cooking process, including baking, will not take more than 40 minutes.


  • 400 g of dough;
  • egg;
  • 200 g of jam.

Cooking method

1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Turn the oven on immediately, let it warm up to 220 ° C.

2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.3 cm. Place one in a mold or on a small baking sheet.

3. Break the egg into a bowl, shake with a fork. Dip a brush and smear the edges of the lower layer.

4. Lay out the jam, stretch it over the entire surface with a spoon, but do not touch the ends.

5. Roll out the second layer and, without transferring it to the pie, make several cuts on top with a sharp knife.

6. Transfer the layer to the cake, connect the edges. Brush the top of the pie with the remaining beaten egg.

7. Bake 15-18 minutes until golden brown.

Puff pastry does not like low temperatures, dries up, crumbles and becomes tasteless, which is why the oven needs to be properly warmed up and done in advance. Otherwise, the cake will be hopelessly spoiled.

Option 3: Homemade Shortcrust Apple Jam Pie

A special feature of this cake is the crumbly dough. If oil is not available, cooking oil or margarine can be used. In addition, for shaping, you will need a grater, which gives this pastry a second name - grated pie.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • 350 g jam;
  • 5 g ripper.

Cooking method

1. Combine the grated butter with flour, add prescription sugar to them, grind together until crumbs are obtained.

2. Add baking powder. Stir.

3. Add eggs and knead regular dough... Separate the third part, roll into an elongated sausage, put in a bag, then in the freezer.

4. Roll the rest of the dough into a bun and simply put in the refrigerator. It is recommended to cover with something so that the crust does not dry out.

5. After 30 minutes, take out a large piece of dough, which was simply put into the refrigerator. Sprinkle it with flour, roll it into an even layer, transfer to a baking sheet. There is no need to lubricate the sheet, shortbread dough will not stick.

6. Spread a layer of apple jam on the bottom cake layer. It is desirable to distribute evenly.

7. Take a piece of dough out of the freezer, take it out of the bag. Using a coarse grater, grind it immediately into a layer of jam. The device must be held in a canopy, smoothly moving over the cake.

8. The oven should have already warmed up to 200 ° C by the end of the cake formation. Put a baking sheet in it.

9. Bake the top grated dough shavings until golden brown. It will not take more than 20 minutes in time.

This pie should be sliced ​​right away. You can make squares, rectangles, triangles, or long stripes. If allowed to cool completely, it will be more difficult to separate portions.

Option 4: Pie with apple jam and cottage cheese

A variant of a hearty apple jam pie, which also contains cottage cheese in the filling. Useful product after cooking turns into tender soufflé... If desired, part of the jam can be mixed with a fresh apple, cut into small cubes.


  • 700 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 350 g margarine;
  • 6 g ripper.

The composition of the filling:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 250 g jam;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • egg;
  • protein.

Cooking method

1. Keep margarine warm for two hours so that it softens. Add sugar, beat with a mixer for about five minutes.

2. Introduce one egg first, beat, add the second egg.

3. Gradually pour water into the dough, just stir.

4. Combine flour with baking powder, add to the total mass and knead gently.

5. Pinch off the fourth part of the dough, put in the refrigerator.

6. Roll out a large piece. The bottom layer needs to be made about 0.5 cm.

7. Carefully transfer the prepared dough into the mold.

8. Put the future pie in the oven. Bake for 7-8 minutes at 180 ° C.

9. Grind the cottage cheese, combine with sugar, one protein and a whole egg, beat the filling.

10. Cut into long strips from the previously set aside dough.

11. Remove the mold with the first crust from the oven, grease it with jam, carefully pour the cottage cheese on top and spread the strips of the remaining dough on it.

12. Re-bake the cake. Bring to full readiness, the top strips of dough should be browned.

The finished cake cannot be removed from the mold immediately; you need to wait at least 40 minutes. Only then transfer to a flat dish. You need to cut it after it has cooled completely, the filling will get stronger by this time, the pieces will turn out to be even and neat.

Apple baked goods are incredibly tasty, which is why they are very popular not only during the apple harvest season. A pie with apple jam under a cup of hot tea will perfectly warm in the winter cold and brighten up the dull autumn slush, and ours will tell you how to cook it step by step recipe... It is worth noting that it takes very little time to prepare such a cake, and if you use a ready-made purchased dough, then it will be an express dessert at all.

All people have different tastes for baking. Someone does not perceive any other cake, except for a shortbread, others are crazy about a puff air dough, and for some, biscuit charlotte is the height of the culinary art. However, the traditional rustic pie made of lush air remains undeniable. butter dough like grandma's.

Butter pie with apple jam


  • - 1/4 l + -
  • - 2 tsp + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • - 50 g + -
  • - 0.5 kg + -
  • - 1/2 tsp + -
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp + -
  • Apple jam- 200 g + -

Making the right dough to keep it soft as down is real science. And today we want to introduce you original recipe lush pie with apple jam on a baking without eggs.

The main feature of such baking is that when kneading the dough and in the process of cooking the cake itself, all products must be at room temperature. Proceed with us step by step, and you will be able to create a real and most delicious culinary masterpiece with your own hands.

  1. Let's prepare the dough. Dissolve yeast and 20 g of granulated sugar in milk at room temperature, then leave the mixture warm until a fluffy foam forms.
  2. Then add salt to the dough, the rest of the sugar, vanilla, butter heated to a liquid state and vegetable oil... We mix everything thoroughly until the granulated sugar completely dissolves.
  3. After that, we begin to slightly add sifted flour into the composition, kneading plastic, soft dough... Covering the container with the dough with a lid, leave it warm for 20 minutes. During this time, the batch will double or triple in size.
  4. As soon as the dough rises, divide it in half equally.
  5. We roll out one part into a thin layer and spread it in a baking dish, forming small sides. Then evenly distribute the apple jam over the crust and overlap on top with any decoration made from the remaining piece of dough.
  6. Now, covering the cake with a napkin, put it in the heat for half an hour. During this time, the formed dessert will swell and become lush.
  7. It takes no more than 40 minutes to bake a butter cake at 180 ° C.

Do not rush to cut the finished hot pie. You need to wait until the dessert has cooled completely and only then cut off portioned pieces for tasting. So the jam will definitely not be able to flow out.

Quick Apple Jam Pie

Desire to do homemade cakes Sooner or later, she visits every hostess, even if she is a complete ignoramus in confectionery matters. Today in retail outlets you can easily purchase already ready dough, which greatly facilitates the task of making a pie for a beginner.

In this recipe, we will use ready-made puff pastry and thick apple jam to cook a chic, tender and very tasty pie"Viennese". Everything about everything will take us no more than 30 minutes.


  • Yeast puff pastry - 1 pack (500 g);
  • Starch - 1 tablespoon;
  • Apple jam - 300 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;

How to make apple jam pie

  1. Roll out half a roll of thawed dough a little, put it in an oiled mold and make several punctures with a fork along the bottom so that the cake does not swell when baking. It is imperative to make the sides to avoid leakage of the filling! Gently cut off the excess dough along the edge with a knife.
  2. Mix apple jam, even if it is thick enough, with a spoonful of starch to thicken and a packet of vanilla for aroma. There is no fundamental difference here which starch you decide to use - potato or corn. Also instead of vanilla for the pie original taste you can use ½ tsp. cinnamon powder or ground ginger.
  3. Spread the finished filling in an even layer over the surface of the cake and top the cake with the second half of the dough. To decorate the top cake, make several cuts in a checkerboard pattern, so that when stretched, a perforated pattern is obtained, as on the classic "Viennese" cookies.
  4. Now the top layer of the dough should be smeared with a beaten egg so that when baking the cake becomes ruddy and glossy and remove the form in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Dessert is prepared very quickly. Its taste is simply delicious. And if you use your hidden talents of a culinary artist for dough decoration, then from a simple "Viennese" this pie can turn into a real royal one.

Apple jam pie on puff pastry it will turn out even more tasty and juicy if you use 1 apple cut into thin slices together with jam as a filling.

Classic apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will receive perfect dessert for tea, apple compote and unusual alcoholic cocktail... Our chef invites you to prepare an almost apple home party for unexpected guests in just half an hour.

In addition to the video recipe, we want to please you with a selection of the most unexpected charlotte recipes.

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