Home Product Ratings Candy production is the most delicious business. Technology for the production of sweets Business plan for the production of chewing sweets

Candy production is the most delicious business. Technology for the production of sweets Business plan for the production of chewing sweets

To open your own confectionery shop, the first step is to register with the Federal Tax Service. There are two options here: register as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, more time and documents will be required. But here you can make transactions not only with individuals, but also with legal entities. The second option will require less tax.

In addition to registration, a novice entrepreneur must collect a number of documents: permission from territorial authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection. If the premises for the confectionery shop will be rented, then the fire department will not need permission.

Market analysis and required equipment

To open your own workshop, you need to clearly define the type of products. It is important that products differ from competitors.

To start a business, you need to learn the basic steps of making sweets. They include: kneading the sweet mass, molding into special shapes, cooling, applying glaze and packaging. It is important that sweets must be stored in a warehouse for several days before packaging and only then sold.

Sweets can be produced in various types: with icing, with filling, roasted and so on. The chocolate base itself is made from natural milk and cocoa.

It should be noted that the organization of the workshop will require special equipment. It includes tempering machines, refrigeration tunnels. The latter are used for applying glaze. Confectionery production is always as automated and mechanized as possible. This will cost a lot.

To date, lines for the production of sweets of small capacity (150-200 kg per day) are very popular. For such a technological process, a room of no more than 100 square meters will be required. m.

In addition to equipment, you will need to purchase transport, premises for an office or warehouse.

Forms are of great importance for obtaining quality products. They are made of polycarbonate and have a different configuration.

The last stage in the organization of a confectionery shop is the establishment of trade relations.

Candy production is a highly profitable business. The opening of even a small workshop will require from its owner an accurate knowledge of all stages of work and a large initial capital.

Sweets are one of the most common and favorite sugar-based confectionery products for children and adults. They can have a different composition, taste, shape and design, they are made from one or several candy masses at once. The assortment of candy is several hundred items. Experts number about 500 types of these delicacies.

The production of sweets is carried out at specialized and universal confectionery factories, in large and small confectionery shops. There are several classifications of sweets: according to the design and availability of packaging (wrapped, not wrapped, in cores made of polymer and other materials, in fillets, in capsules, in foil, etc.), according to consistency (soft and hard), depending on method of preparation and finishing (unglazed, glazed, chocolate with fillings and embossed patterns on the surface, in powdered sugar, in wafer crumbs, with colored powder, etc.).

That main part of the candy, which is under the icing, experts call the body. Candy cases are made from various candy masses. Finely ground chocolate mass is made from sugar and cocoa products with the addition of milk, fat, nut crumbs, vanillin and other flavoring and aromatic additives. The roasted base is a solid amorphous mass, which is made from sugar, various semi-finished products (berries, fruits, nuts) and other flavoring and aromatic components. The liqueur mass, as a rule, has a liquid or syrupy, partially crystallized consistency. It is prepared on the basis of sugar with or without the addition of alcoholic beverages (if we are talking about sweets for children), fruit and berry semi-finished products and other additives.

Plastic and viscous marzipan mass is made from sugar and unroasted nuts with the addition of various aromatic components. Fondant mass has a fine-crystalline structure and is prepared from sugar and molasses. To improve the taste, various components are added to it (semi-finished products from berries and fruits, nuts, milk, etc.).

The milk mass may be partially or completely crystallized. It is made on the basis of milk, as the name implies, and sugar with the addition of butter, fruit and berry fillers and other additives.

The fruit mass is viscous in consistency and looks like jelly. It is made from sugar and fruit and berry semi-finished products. The creamy mass, oily and knocked down in consistency, is made from sugar, fat, chocolate with various additives. Praline finely ground mass is made from roasted nuts, sugar and fat with the addition of cocoa products, milk powder and other components. The whipped foamy mass is prepared from a foaming agent, sugar, a gelling agent and various additives (milk, cocoa powder, berry puree, etc.).

The jelly-fruit mass is similar in consistency to jelly and is made from sugar, jelly-forming agent, molasses and semi-finished fruit and berry products. The jelly mass has the same composition, with the exception of fruit and berry additives.

Candy bodies can be made from one or more candy masses. If there are several layers, then they are usually separated by wafers. They also cover the body of the product. In addition, nuts, berries and fruits, cookie crumbs, etc. are often used as fillers.

Confectionery production, in general, refers to a highly mechanized and automated branch of the food industry. Most of the sweets are produced in a flow-mechanized way, except for expensive hand-made chocolates. A wide range of equipment is on sale for the manufacture of all types of confectionery products - from caramel to chocolate. The flow-mechanized line allows the production and packaging of casting glazed sweets with fondant, fondant-milk, jelly, milk and other cases. The maximum productivity of such a line is up to 10,000 products per minute.

Consider the process of production of sweets on the example of products from fondant and fondant-candy masses. The procedure for making this type of sweets consists of several main stages: cooking, boiling sugar-molasses-milk syrup, filtering it, churning fondant, dosing and mixing semi-finished products, tempering the candy mass, molding sweets and packaging them.

Fondant mass, depending on the components, is ordinary, dairy and creme brulee. The basis of any such mass is sugar, molasses and water. Only in milk fondant most of the water is replaced by milk, and in the mass of creme brulee there is baked milk. In addition to the main ingredients, the recipe also includes cocoa powder, red dye and vanillin.

There are several technologies for making fondant. For example, according to one of them, previously sifted and purified from impurities, sugar is loaded using a dispenser into a mixer, where molasses flows from a tank through a plunger dispenser, and water enters through another dispenser. All these components, getting into the mixer, form a mixture of granulated sugar and a solution of sugar in a water-treacle solvent. With the help of a plunger pump, the supply of which can be regulated, this mixture enters the apparatus, which is heated by steam. During its journey, the mixture gradually heats up, the sugar dissolves and forms a concentrated solution, which, in turn, is filtered and collected in a collector. The resulting semi-finished product is still too liquid, therefore, for further work with it, it is fed into the cooking apparatus.

All the released steam is separated in the steam separator, where the boiled solution enters. Then the syrup is filtered again and flows into the funnel of the fondant maker. It is supplied gradually, which helps to cool the liquid. The cooled solution is mixed in a fondant maker, which leads to sugar crystallization. The resulting lipstick is transferred to a heated collector equipped with a special stirrer. Heating is needed so that the fondant does not freeze ahead of time. At this stage, flavoring and flavoring substances, as well as dyes, are added to it. The resulting mass is brought to the desired temperature, molded and wrapped in a wrapper.

Molding refers to the process of giving candy a certain shape and appearance, including various finishes. Molding, depending on the type of sweets, is carried out in two main ways: with obtaining a candy layer or a tourniquet, followed by cutting it into separate portions, or by producing individual products at once. The candy layer is formed in two ways - spreading and rolling. In the second case, molding is carried out by casting or jigging.

Casting is carried out in molds that are stamped in rice or corn starch. The first method is somewhat more complicated and consists of several procedures: preparing the candy mass, forming the mass into a layer, curing the layers and cutting them into separate products or cases, if we are talking about the production of whipped and creamy candy masses.

When using the extrusion method, the mass is extruded in the form of a bundle through a hole in the dies. Then the tows are cooled and cut into separate pieces. This method is commonly used in the production of fondant and praline candies. One of the varieties of this method is jigging. In this case, the mass is extruded in a vertical plane. Cream, whipped, nut and fondant masses are formed in this way.

After molding, according to the recipe, candies can be glazed. This is done to protect the inner part of the product from the effects of the external environment, increase the nutritional value, give it a more attractive appearance and better taste. The sweet mass that covers the candy shells is called icing. The icing can be chocolate (it costs more and tastes better) or fat.

The procedure for coating the candy body with icing is carried out using special equipment. The tempered glaze is fed into a container, from which it flows onto the candy. And the lower side of the product, where the glaze does not fall from above, is glazed with the help of rollers. Then the candy is blown with air, which removes excess glaze, and cooled in a cooling cabinet at a temperature of 6-10 degrees Celsius for five minutes.

The finished candy is wrapped in a wrapper, packed in cardboard boxes or placed in boxes. Most of the products are wrapped or in plastic packaging. With the help of packaging equipment, sweets are wrapped on machines in a label or foil and in a label with a lining of paraffin paper and foil. Ready-made sweets are poured into packs or boxes made of corrugated cardboard or plywood boxes, in which they go to stores.

There are other technologies for the production of fondant sweets with the addition of molasses (at least 3% by weight of sugar), which acts as an anti-crystallizer. When the mixture enters the fondant machine, it cools down, which allows you to maintain any crystallization mode. The degree of readiness of the syrup is determined by its moisture content. To obtain a fondant mass, flavors, flavoring substances and dyes are introduced into it.

Thus, the composition of the line required for the production of sweets from fondant includes the following equipment: a digester, a filter, a fondant maker, a tempering and jigging machine and a steam generator. Equipment in this configuration will cost 900 thousand rubles. Its payback period, according to suppliers, is less than six months. To service such a line, four workers are enough for one shift.

The production of caramel products, which make up over 20% of the total output of confectionery products in our country, has some differences. As raw materials for their production, molasses, sugar and various semi-finished fruit and berry products, as well as all kinds of confectionery masses (milk, whipped, nut-chocolate, etc.) are used.

Technological processes include the preparation of caramel mass, its cooling, tempering, dosing, mixing with additives, rolling and molding caramel, cooling, separating the layer into separate products, feeding products to packaging.

First, sugar-treacle caramel syrup is made with a moisture content of about 15%, which is boiled down into a caramel mass with a moisture content of 1.5-2.5%. The resulting mass is molded and cooled to a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius, wrapped in a wrapper, packed in packs and packed in boxes. For the production of caramel, a digester with a stirrer, an intermediate tank, a temperature table, forming rollers, a conveyor-type cooling machine, a vibrating tray, and tables for packing ready-made sweets are required. Such a line with a capacity of 150 kg of products per hour is also served by 3-4 workers. Its cost is about 1.2 million rubles.

A similar amount will cost equipment for the production of truffle sweets, which include cocoa in various forms (grated, powder, butter), toffee essence, coconut oil. Truffles are made in several stages, which include the preparation of the candy mass, tempering (one of the important stages in the production of chocolates in the first place), shaping the bodies, cooling, dusting with cocoa powder, finishing and packing the candies.

The production line includes a digester, tempering machines, churning, jigging, cooling and conveying equipment, icing machines, a steam generator, a conveyor belt for feeding candies to the stack. A line with a capacity of 150 kg of sweets per hour will cost 1-1.5 million rubles. Its payback period is, according to manufacturers, more than six months.

The cheapest line is for the production of dragees - small round candies in a glossy shell or in a polished sugar shell. Dragee consists of a body and an outer coating, which is rolled onto the body in special rotating kettles installed at an angle. First, the base of the dragee is prepared, then this mass is coated, glossy. Ready sweets are packaged and packed in boxes. Perhaps this is one of the easiest confectionery products to make.

A line with a capacity of 100 kg of dragee per hour, consisting of a micromill, a digester, a coating drum, a sugar sifter and a packaging machine, will cost 200-250 thousand rubles. To install this equipment, an area of ​​​​30 square meters is sufficient. m, and three people are enough to serve it.

Regardless of what kind of sweets you are going to produce, you will also need a specially equipped warehouse for their storage with a constant temperature of about 18-20 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of no higher than 75%.

Entrepreneurs who do not have a large start-up capital are advised by experts to choose one direction to start. For example, you can produce only caramel and dragees or chocolates and truffles. Then, as the company develops and its profits grow, you can gradually expand the product range.

Large factories use lines with a capacity of more than 1000 kg of products per hour, and small enterprises acquire equipment that allows them to produce about 150-200 kg of sweets per hour. Mini-lines of domestic and foreign production are especially popular among entrepreneurs. A small area (about 100 square meters) is enough to accommodate them. The compactness and affordable price make it possible to buy these lines in the future, as soon as the company has the opportunity to expand the range of its confectionery products.

So, to open your own confectionery factory, you will need a suitable room, brought into line with all sanitary standards, equipment, qualified workers, including a confectioner and a technologist. The quality of your products and, consequently, the success of your business directly depends on the qualifications of the last two specialists.

Often, small confectionery production is located in the regions, since the average level of wages there is much lower than in large cities. Competition in the candy market is quite high both among domestic producers and among Western companies. Small enterprises working for the region sell their products through retail chains, individual food stores and points of private entrepreneurs. Some of them open their own points of sale - from individual stalls to shops.

If you plan to work with other regions, you will need a wholesale customer search manager. In addition, you should think about creating your own website with company contacts and data on the assortment.

Sales of confectionery directly depend on the season. The peak of sales of sweets in sets falls on the period of various holidays (September 1, March 8, New Year, etc.), candies by weight are well sold from autumn to mid-late spring. In summer, there is a significant decline in the market for chocolates, sweets, soufflés, but at the same time, it almost does not affect the caramel and dragee segment.

Lilia Sysoeva
- portal of business plans and guidelines

One of the main brands of the Saratov region is the Saratovskaya confectionery factory, the abbreviated name is KONSAR JSC. She is better known as "Confashion". Today we’ll talk a little about the factory, but at the same time we’ll see how sweets are made.

The factory has existed for many years - it has been leading its history since 1930, when in the form of an artel named after. Rosa Luxembourg was located in the city center (on the corner of Radishcheva and Kutyakova streets). Now the factory has a different address, and its assortment is wider.

Why is the factory one of the main brands in the region? So after all, its products are sold in most regions of Russia (more than 60 regions of the country), as well as abroad (exports are made to 12 countries of the former USSR, except for the Baltic countries, as well as to China and the USA). And in 2015, the factory became the best exporter in the region. But, despite this, the factory is more of a regional manufacturer.

Photo taken from Denis djhooligantk

Let's look at the production of the main product of the factory - sweets. Confectioners call this type of production sugary. So, Konsar produces all the significant sugary confectionery products: chocolates, caramel, toffee and chewing sweets. They also sort gift sets. Products are constantly updated.

Information stand for employees

The factory produces 18.5 thousand tons of sugar products per year on 14 production lines. By the way, the equipment at the factory is both domestic and foreign (Italian, German and Swiss). Equipment of different years, there is also an old one already. But it does its job well and there is no need to change it. In addition, all equipment undergoes periodic maintenance.

Although it should be said that the factory is constantly working to improve the quality of the assortment and the diversity of the assortment. Therefore, new equipment is also bought - to open new lines. So, recently a line of sweets "One Shot" was opened with the most modern equipment of Italian origin. The peculiarity of this line is that the formation of the filling and the body is carried out simultaneously.

And now let's get acquainted with the process of production of sweets. We will start the tour from workshop No. 6 (there are 7 workshops in the factory, in which 40 lines for the production and packaging of confectionery products operate). This is a workshop for the production of the most expensive products - assorted sweets, which are also used for gift sets (see header photo). By the way, the factory produces about 1.5 million of these sets per year. For such sweets, by the way, real cocoa butter is used.

The start of the line - a machine with empty forms for sweets laid in it

The workshop has 2 production lines (both German) - Knobel and Yubitek .
Yubitek is a line for the production of sweets with assorted fillings. It produces chocolate sweets with a variety of fillings. Moreover, the forms of sweets are very diverse. Examples of sweets of this line are sweets and sets of sweets "Confession de Luxe", "Overture", "Miracle Nut", "Cherry in Chocolate".
And on the line Knobel make jig sweets - sweets based on marzipan, truffle and praline.

As mentioned above, sweets have different shapes: a basket, a bottle, a hemisphere, etc. It depends on the terms of reference received by the line. Each form has its own dose of chocolate icing. Glaze, by the way, is also different. The factory uses bitter, milk and white chocolate for glaze.

This is how the press looks like to give the future candy various shapes. Now the simplest forms are being made - hemispherical.

The process of creating a candy is as follows: first, the machine forms the body of the candy (just the photo above), then the cooling tunnel comes into the body (10-14 degrees of heat), then the filling is poured into the body. The filling and glaze are prepared ahead of time - in another workshop.

The top photo is a machine for shaping (on the right you can see the finished product - the line is a conveyor belt). The lower right photo is the candy body after cooling.

There are 2 filling machines installed on the line (photo below) - in order to quickly switch from one to another when the raw material runs out. It also allows you to make sweets with two fillings at the same time.

And now the body of the candy is filled with filling.

And this is what marriage looks like. Such sweets are not for sale - they are processed for subsequent production (for example, they are used to stuff waffles).

After filling with the filling, the bottom of the candy is made. To do this, the sweets are heated a little (to melt the top a little), and then they are poured with chocolate and leveled.

End view

And at the very end of the line, the candies are “shaken out” from the mold and fall onto pallets for further sorting.
Part of the product goes to the packaging line, part - to warehouses.
Let's look at the packaging line first. Here, first, the sweets enter the wrapping machine. There are several such machines, each with its own wrapping.

General view of the machine

Candy wrapping process

Finished sweets at the exit of the machine

Then already wrapped sweets get to packing and packaging.

Here we see a weight package of truffles.

Video of this line and candy packaging

Kingdom of various sweets

The sweets are numbered here: each type is in a special tray under its own number.

And already according to these numbers, the process of assembling the set is underway.

This is where various gift sets are formed: seasonal, festive and themed. Here they are - in the form of assorted

Or like this

Residents of the region can purchase the products of the factory both in federal chain stores and in their own branded outlets (for example, in the well-known Chudesnitsa stores). The factory also created an online store, which distinguishes the factory from others. This store is little known to Saratov residents, and in vain - all ordered products will be delivered to your home for free. True, it has its own limitations (for example, the minimum order value is 700 rubles), but a bonus system is provided.

By the way, the work clothes of employees are strictly monitored here: white coats strictly over all clothes and mandatory hats.

But not only sweets are made at the factory. The flour production of confectionery products is also presented here, which we will talk about next time.

Business idea: production of sweets at home.

A profitable business - the production of sweets, you can start at home with minimal investment by purchasing only the necessary molds for making sweets and the actual ingredients.
You can sell it to local chocolate shops, small cozy cafes, negotiate with the organizers of celebrations to promote sweets at events, and also create your own website or VKontakte group to sell goods. To draw attention to sweets, order beautiful shiny wrappers.

Sweets are supplied to the Russian market exclusively by venerable candy factories. There are no private producers on the candy market. Surprisingly, in every city there are many small bakeries that prepare cakes, pastries, but no one cooks homemade sweets, only mothers and grandmothers in the kitchens.
Huge profits are received by factories for the production of sweets of dubious taste and composition. But the production of homemade sweets can be a profitable business.

Before starting the production of sweets, you must decide that you are interested in this business, that you, as a perfumer, are ready to invent new flavor bouquets. You must have your own secret recipe.
If there is none, you definitely need to invent it, subtract it, modernize it, come up with a legend that you got this recipe from your great-great-grandmother, who prepared sweets according to this recipe even at the royal court. It is important to create a mystery and a fairy tale around sweets, because we all come from childhood.

You can start making sweets in your kitchen. Over time, you will be able to open a small confectionery factory. You will not compete with large concerns, because the scale of your production will be many times smaller, because your sweets will be handmade.
But you will have to buy equipment for the production of sweets and kitchen utensils, you cannot do without molds and special devices. Packaging is a separate item of expenditure. Each candy can be wrapped in a designer wrapper, if you do not have your own design skills, you can order the development for a fee. By the way, the appearance of sweets can be "copied" from foreign sites.

Be sure to have a variety of boxes for packing sweets in your arsenal. Gift wrapping is the key to the success of your business. After all, most people will purchase products as a gift.

Learn the technology of candy production, chat on forums with professional confectioners. You may not have a professional education, but you must be able to cook deliciously. Come up with several candy recipes, it can be chocolates, lean sweets made from dried fruits and nuts, organic lollipops.

You can deliver your products to the confectionery kiosks of the city, to gift shops, just keep in mind that home-made candies perish quickly, so most candies will have to be prepared to order. It can be a chain of cafes and restaurants or a company serving special events. Opening your own shop is too expensive, especially at the initial stage of business development. Create an "appetizing" site on the Internet, offer your work on it.

Make bouquets of sweets, focus on natural ingredients. During the holiday period, take orders in advance, hire couriers and confectioners for a part-time job for the New Year and March 8, who will help you not to miss customers, please everyone, and not lose income.

In this material:

Sweets are one of the favorite treats of children and adults. And even despite the high popularity of a healthy lifestyle, sweets still occupy a leading position among food products. In addition, Russia is in the TOP-10 countries in terms of candy consumption per capita. This means that even with high competition and a wide range of products available, an entrepreneur will always find his target audience. The candy business is profitable for many reasons, but do not forget about the risks and pitfalls. Thanks to a competent business plan, the project will start to make a profit from the first months and pay off in a short time.

Candy production project description, concept

The goal of the project is to create an enterprise for the production of several types of sweets on the basis of own or rented premises. The quantity and type of products is determined based on consumer demand, market shortages, and complexity of production. The most popular types of sweets are chocolate, caramel, truffles and dragees.

Methods of implementation - own or borrowed funds (bank loan), as well as attracting sponsors. The organization of the project will require at least 1.5 million rubles with subsequent investments during the first months.

The concept of a business for the production of sweets is standard:

  • search for premises;
  • carrying out repairs and preparing the area for work;
  • equipment installation;
  • launch of production and sale of products.

Naturally, each stage implies numerous preparatory actions, such as market analysis, development of manufacturing technologies, search for distribution channels, and much more.

Market analysis: target audience, demand, competition and risks

Sweets do not have a so-called target audience, because the products are designed for a wide consumer. We can safely say that each person acquires sweets with a certain frequency - someone 2-3 times a week, someone once a month. At the same time, it is not necessary that the consumer has a sweet tooth or regularly eats sweets. Products are purchased as a gift, treats for children, for a festive table or just for tea.

The statistics of the candy market reflects the following data:

  • 70% of the population regularly purchases various sweets at least 3 times a week;
  • 20% of the population buys sweets 3-4 times a month;
  • 10% of the population purchases products no more than once a month.

Based on these data and the number of inhabitants living in the region where production is started, it is possible to calculate the purchasing power and the approximate volume of products sold.

The main demand is for inexpensive types of sweets purchased for every day. Lollipops, chocolate bars, fudge-filled sweets are all tasty and inexpensive. More expensive treats, like truffles, are less in demand, but still find their buyer. Reduced sales volumes are offset by increased prices.

The competition in the candy business is very high. The market is oversaturated with products, but manufacturers regularly appear offering customers new types of sweets or varieties they have already fallen in love with. This means only one thing, that the demand for products is huge, so even newcomers to the market have a great chance of success.

The candy market is mostly represented by local producers. At the same time, confectionery factories of federal significance, as well as foreign representatives, work according to a similar scheme - they have production in a certain region of the country and sell products to related areas. This greatly reduces the cost of goods, making it as affordable as possible for buyers. It is pointless to compete with brands such as Nestle, Krasny Oktyabr or Rot Front, because these factories are familiar to most buyers. Giant companies supply up to 30% of the total volume of sweets to the country's stores. Aspiring entrepreneurs can only produce their own products in an affordable price category and promote the brand in the region by all available means.

Risks associated with candy production:

  • high competition is the most important risk, which cannot be completely eliminated. The only solution for a novice entrepreneur is the formation of competitive advantages. This is expressed in the quality of the product, its value for the consumer and an effective advertising campaign at the stage of project development;
  • increase in the cost of raw materials - it is rather difficult to maintain an attractive price for products due to the regular increase in the cost of raw materials. This entails the loss of a part of the target audience and the difficulty in attracting new buyers. The way out of situation 2 is the sale of products with a minimum margin or the conclusion of contracts with partners for the supply of raw materials at a fixed price. The second option is the most preferable, but less common in practice;
  • unforeseen factors - changes in legislation related to entrepreneurial activity; equipment failure; product return.

Reference: the costs of eliminating risks and problems beyond the control of the entrepreneur are best included in the financial plan of the project in advance.

All sweets and confectionery are 80% sugar. Despite this, each type of product provides for a certain production technology and the ratio of components.

Caramel and lollipops

For the production of caramel, the following equipment is required:

  • digester;
  • capacity for intermediate storage of the mass of products;
  • table with temperature control option;
  • forming rollers;
  • cooling equipment;
  • packing table.

Caramel production technology:

  • preparation of mass for sweets;
  • cooling;
  • molding;
  • supply to the packaging surface.

Caramel is made from sugar-treacle syrup with the addition of flavors and flavor enhancers. Subsequently, the mass is boiled with a decrease in liquid to 1.5%, cooled and sent for packaging and packaging.


The main composition of truffles is cocoa, coconut oil and toffee base. First, a mass is prepared for future sweets, which is subsequently tempered. Sweets are shaped, after which they are sent for packing and packaging.


  • digester;
  • tempering equipment;
  • equipment for cooling, glazing;
  • shipping tape.

Dragee sweets include one of the simplest and most inexpensive productions, characterized by the preparation of a mass for the candy shell and the addition of fillings (peanuts, raisins). This will require:

  • digester;
  • mill;
  • drum for dragee production;
  • packaging technology.

chocolate bars

Chocolate bars, like dragees, do not provide for difficulties in production. Depending on the type of product (presence of filling - nuts, raisins, nougat), appropriate equipment is purchased.

Production technology:

  • preparation of ingredients;
  • kneading mass for sweets;
  • heating the mass to the desired temperature;
  • adding toppings;
  • molding;
  • cooling and packing.

Business organization step by step

Registration of activities, documents

It is necessary to start a business with the registration of entrepreneurial activity - an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For a mini-factory and even a medium-sized candy production workshop, the status of an individual entrepreneur is quite enough. It is more convenient in terms of reporting, paying taxes and cheaper when registering activities (state duty is 800 rubles).

LLC is relevant when organizing a large business or if the project has several sponsors and potential owners. In this case, a legal entity is registered - a limited liability company, in which each founder is allocated a share in accordance with his investments or at the discretion of all members of the organization.

The procedure for registration of IP and LLC is identical:

  • collection of documents - passport, TIN, application, paid receipt of state duty. An LLC will require a decision to establish a company, a charter, a bank account with a capital of at least 10,000 rubles;
  • submission of documents to the tax service;
  • obtaining a certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity.

Organizational events do not exceed 5 days.

Before starting the production of sweets, you need to visit Rospotrebnadzor with documentation on the technology for manufacturing products. The organization will issue a quality certificate. In the future, you should prepare for scheduled inspections by the fire inspection and the sanitary service.

Production room

The area of ​​the room depends on the volume of products produced. For example, if the production of one type of candy is meant, then 50-60 sq. m. Otherwise, the area of ​​​​the premises increases in proportion to the volume of production.

Location - city limits or an industrial zone with convenient access for trucks and a small distance from transport links.

Reference: if you plan to wholesale or retail sales of products directly from the warehouse, it is recommended to find a room in the city to attract more buyers.


The set of equipment for the candy shop depends on the type of product being produced. What is mandatory:

  • cutting tables;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • transport line;
  • packing machine;
  • containers for mixing ingredients;
  • molds for various types of sweets;
  • tempering installation;
  • office furniture;
  • computer technology.

Formation of an assortment of sweets

A mini-shop for the production of sweets compares favorably with large plants and factories in that it can afford to experiment with the volumes and range of products. While big brands aim at mass production, private enterprises are famous for customized products.

An entrepreneur can produce both well-known types of sweets, like the same caramels or chocolate bars, or start producing sweets according to his own recipe in a unique package. Such an approach to business will have a positive impact on the formation of the target audience and the development of a personal brand.

Purchase of raw materials from suppliers

Ingredients can be purchased from one supplier or several at once, depending on the offers, price and quality of raw materials.

For sweets you will need:

  • cocoa beans - raw materials are supplied from Asia, Africa and Australia. In addition, you can use ready-made cocoa powder produced in Russia;
  • sugar, milk, butter - ingredients in the supply of which there will be no problems;
  • filling - nuts, raisins and others can also be purchased from regional or direct suppliers.

Various additives (thickeners, flavor enhancers) are sold everywhere, from wholesale depots to manufacturers.


For a mini-workshop you will need:

  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • handymen;
  • cleaners;
  • guards;
  • drivers;
  • office workers;
  • accountant.

The number of positions depends on the scale of production. Each employee must have a valid sanitary book. When employed, the staff signs a non-disclosure agreement for commercial secrets, and in particular the recipe for the production of sweets.

Possible marketing channels and advertising

  • outdoor advertising using the company logo, name and product representative. If a certain type of candy is in front of people, then buyers at a subconscious level will pay attention to products in stores;
  • Internet - creating your own website with a list of goods, descriptions and composition of sweets;
  • advertising in urban communities, publics and groups in social networks;
  • printed products;
  • television and radio;
  • advertising on public transport.

The main task of the entrepreneur at the initial stage is to inform the population about the appearance of new products.

The main sales channels for sweets are retail grocery chains. These include supermarkets, convenience stores, confectioneries and specialty sweets outlets. It is better for an entrepreneur to negotiate with large customers personally, and for the development of the territory and the conclusion of contracts with small shops, it is recommended to hire a sales representative. The salary of the TP consists of a fixed salary and a percentage of sales, the number of contracts concluded.

Project financial indicators

Investments and current expenses

The candy production business provides for the following investments (in rubles):

  • 20,000 - registration of entrepreneurial activity and paperwork;
  • 75,000 - rent of premises;
  • 250,000 - repair work;
  • 1,500,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 300,000 - purchase of raw materials;
  • 70,000 - advertising.

Result: 2,215,000 rubles.

Current expenses:

  • 75,000 - lease extension;
  • 400,000 - salaries to employees;
  • 25,000 - utilities;
  • 50,000 - replenishment of raw materials.

Result: 550,000 rubles.

Income and expected profit, assessment of production profitability

Business income depends on the volume of production and demand for products. The average volume of deliveries of sweets to retail chains is 150 kg/day. Of this, 60-65% is accounted for by supermarkets and large retail chains, and the rest by small and medium-sized stores.

The wholesale selling price of 1 kg of sweets varies within 150 rubles. Based on this, the income per month is 675,000 rubles.

Net profit - 675,000-550,000 \u003d 125,000 rubles.

Profitability of the project - 19%.

Investments will pay off in 1.5-2 years. In practice, this period is reduced to 14-16 months, since sales volumes and profits increase with the development of the territory.

This type of business can initially scare away the complexity of the organization of the process and high competition. But provided that there is always a demand for the product, every entrepreneur can occupy his niche. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan for production, assess the possible risks and costs, and then proceed to organize the project.

Buy a ready-made business plan

Investments: Investments 1 700 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

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