Home Blanks for the winter Delicious cottage cheese pie with apples. Cottage cheese pie with apples: recipes for delicious pastries. Bulk cottage cheese pie with apples

Delicious cottage cheese pie with apples. Cottage cheese pie with apples: recipes for delicious pastries. Bulk cottage cheese pie with apples

Baking with apples fills the house with the aroma of comfort and peace, and the addition in the form of cottage cheese will make the homemade pie hearty, with tender pulp. Apple Cottage Cheese Pie can be made from simple products that are always at hand.

You can adjust the amount of cottage cheese, apples and sugar to suit your taste. Baking is prepared quickly, in a matter of minutes, does not require exotic products, sophisticated blenders and always turns out to be very tasty and tender.

You will need:

  • pasty cottage cheese - 100 grams,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 150 grams,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 piece,
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • apples - 1 - 2 pieces,
  • baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • flour - 1 glass
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the mold.

How to make a quick apple cottage cheese pie

Grind sugar, cottage cheese and sour cream until gruel is formed.

Put the eggs in a separate bowl. Add salt, vanilla sugar, baking powder. Beat the mixture. It is easily whipped until frothy with a regular fork.

Add the egg mixture to the curd mass. Mix gently.

Pour in the sifted flour.

Knead the dough. It should be like thick sour cream.

Wash the apples, wipe them off. Cut each fruit into 4 pieces and remove the middle. Cut into 1cm slices.

Oil the mold.

Spread out half of the dough and level with a silicone spatula.

Arrange the sliced ​​apples on top of the dough in one layer.

Top with the remaining dough. Smooth out and send to the oven at 190 degrees.

Bake for 20 - 30 minutes until browning. Willingness to check with a match in the thickest place (it must be dry).

Cool the cake in a mold (it will settle a little). Gently remove from the mold and transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon as desired.

The apple pie with cottage cheese turned out to be porous, delicate, balanced in sweetness, with a bright apple aroma, with a curd aftertaste. Top up the dish with a scoop of ice cream or drizzle over berry syrup optional. Serve fresh milk tea or compote with these pastries.

The pie does not stale for a long time and retains its taste.

Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar. Beat well with a whisk. butter and crush the cottage cheese, mix the dough.

Sift flour and baking powder into the dough, mix with a spoon.

Add candied fruits to the dough. I took 70 grams of candied pineapple and 30 grams of dried cranberries. Stir the dough well, it will turn out like thick sour cream.

Cover a mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm with parchment and put the dough there.

Cut the apple into 4 pieces and core, then cut into thin slices. I had a large apple, one was enough. Arrange the apple slices on top of the pie in a circle. Also fill in the middle.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the pie with cottage cheese and apples for 45-50 minutes (readiness can be checked with a wooden stick - when piercing the pastry, it should remain dry). Focus on your oven.
Then sprinkle the cooled cake with icing sugar and cut into pieces.

The structure of this delicious pie with cottage cheese and apples baked in the oven - great!

Bon Appetit!

17 apple pie recipes for every taste

1 hour 30 minutes

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Any housewife can immediately name a few excellent recipes apple pies, tasty and aromatic. However, it seems to me that our family recipe curd pie with apples stands out from the standard. It's incredibly easy to prepare and doesn't require expensive ingredients. In addition, this dish can be prepared as quickly as possible when the guests suddenly appear, and you simply have nothing to treat them with. I propose to jointly consider two options great recipe apple and curd pie With step by step photoin a slow cooker and oven.

A simple recipe for making a pie with cottage cheese and apples in the oven

Kitchen utensils

  • Form or baking sheet 22x32 cm.
  • Sieve for sifting flour.
  • Deep container for kneading dough.
  • Coarse grater for shredding oil.
  • A pin or a special Chinese stick for removing seeds from berries.
  • Sharp knife for cutting food.
  • Rolling pin for rolling out the dough.
  • Baking paper for baking.
  • Flat rectangular dish for serving the product on the table.

We need ingredients

To prepare the dough
Wheat flour 300 g
cottage cheese 300 g
frozen butter 230 g
egg 1 PC.
granulated sugar 70 g
salt 5 g
vanilla extract 5 g
baking powder 11 g
To prepare the filling
medium sized apples 6 pcs.
large cherries 12 pcs.
cinnamon 5-10 g
granulated sugar 20-30 g
Additional ingredients
lemon or lime juice 10 ml
Wheat flour 20-30 g
vegetable oil 5-10 ml
chicken yolk 1 PC.
To decorate the cake
powdered sugar 20-30 g
cherries 9 pcs.
mint 9 pcs.

Step-by-step instruction

Cooking the dough

  1. Sift flour and baking powder into a deep bowl.
  2. Then pour salt and granulated sugar there, mix everything well.
  3. Rub the frozen butter on a coarse grater, put it there.
  4. Rub the butter and flour with our hands until a homogeneous crumb is obtained.
  5. Add cottage cheese to the resulting mass and rub everything again with your hands until smooth.
  6. Break the egg into a separate bowl, pour out the vanilla extract and shake the mixture a little.
  7. In the curd mass, make a small depression in the middle and pour the egg mass into it.
  8. Gently knead the dough with your hands until you get a whole lump. You should not be too zealous, this dough does not require a long kneading.
  9. The dough should be soft, but not sticky to your hands. If it does stick, add a small amount of flour.
  10. Now we divide the dough into two equal parts. We form a cake from each piece, which we wrap in a plastic bag. Then we send the dough to the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Cooking the filling

Collecting the cake

The final stage

Decorating the cake

Video recipe for making apple pie with cottage cheese in the oven

For those who like to perceive information visually, I suggest a video with step by step instructions the above recipe. Of course, you will have to tinker a little to prepare it, but there is nothing more delicious than a pie made from the most delicate curd dough and an amazing combination of aromatic fruits in the filling.

Recipe for making a pie with cottage cheese and apples in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: for kneading the dough 10-15 minutes, for baking the product 1 hour.
  • Servings: for 8-10 persons.

Kitchen utensils

  • Two deep containers for kneading dough and filling.
  • Whisk for mixing ingredients.
  • A flat dish for serving pie on the table.

We will need

To prepare the dough
Wheat flour 100 g
cottage cheese 360 g
vegetable oil 20 g
egg 2 pcs.
granulated sugar 100 g
vanillin 5 g
baking powder 7-11 g
For pouring preparation
sour cream 200 g
egg 3 pcs.
granulated sugar 80 g
vanillin 5 g
To prepare the filling
apples 2-3 pcs.
To decorate the cake
powdered sugar 20-30 g

Step-by-step instruction

Cooking the dough

Cooking the filling

Collecting the cake

The final stage

Decorating the cake

Video recipe for making a quick apple pie in a slow cooker

This video will really appeal to lazy and novice hostesses, this video in detail answers the question of how to cook properly curd dough for a pie with apples and at the same time do not stay too long in the kitchen. Happy viewing!

  1. In the process of kneading the dough, you may need more flour than indicated in the recipe - its amount depends on the fat content of the curd you choose.
  2. It is advisable to sift the flour before using it to make the dough.

Other possible preparation and filling options

Apples have always been, are and will be the most popular filling for pies. Moreover, these same pies can be made on the basis of any type of dough. Delicious, moderately juicy, aromatic apple baked goods can make you and your family happy all year round, so do not hesitate to master new recipes for these pies.

  1. Make the lowest calorie, tender, and fluffiest.
  2. - smells like kindergarten and school. This famous Russian pastry is always popular. The dough takes longer to prepare for him, but the result is worth it.
  3. There is nothing easier than cooking. This product is really delicious. The main thing in the recipe is to take seriously the choice of flour and butter.
  4. The most fragrant will delight those who do not want to start cooking too long. Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the pastries are very tasty.
  5. - the most popular baked goods in North America. Such a delicacy will not leave indifferent even those who do not like apples and pies.

On this positive note, we will end our conversation. If you have any questions or suggestions for improving the recipe, write them in the comments and I will definitely talk with you. Also, if anyone has the urge to show off their delicious pie, even with a different filling - please share your knowledge with me, I will be very grateful to you. Bon appetit and more culinary victories!

A great option for baking with cottage cheese - loose pie with cottage cheese and apples. The filling is laid out in layers, the dough does not need kneading, proofing and molding, as ordinary sand crumbs are prepared. Thanks to apple juice the crumb turns into soft moist cakes, and the cottage cheese turns into tender soufflé... The aromas of apples, vanilla and cinnamon will turn the head of even those on a diet.


  • For the test:
  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 180 g butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • For apple filling:
  • 4 sweet and sour large apples
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • For the curd filling:
  • 350 g cottage cheese
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 chicken egg
  • vanillin

Cooking time: 20 minutes + 90 minutes. for proofing the dough + 25-30 minutes for baking. Output: 40 pieces.


You need a lot of apples, this is the main secret of delicious apple pie... You can take any cottage cheese - store, home, thanks to the processing, it will be soft and juicy.

Prepare first curd filling... To do this, in a deep bowl or in the bowl of a food processor, combine cottage cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla. If the curd is soft and pasty, stir the filling well with a spoon. If the cheese is grainy and dry, beat the mass with an immersion blender or food processor until smooth.

For shortcrust pastry mix in a deep sifted bowl wheat flour(make it a rule to sift the flour for each bake) and sugar, add 2 tsp baking powder. Cut the butter into cubes. My butter has melted a little on the kitchen table, so it is more likely to grind into crumbs.

Grind the butter and dry ingredients until finely crumbled. It is most convenient to do this with your hands.

Free the apples from seeds and grate on a coarse grater. If you do not like apple peel in baking, you can peel it first, but I do not remove the peel - the cake is baked for a long time and the apple mass becomes pasty, the peel is not felt.

In a split form (I have a form with a diameter of 21 cm) put it? part of the whole crumb, spread with your hands over the entire surface and press a little. Do not use parchment and butter for lubrication, as shortbread dough will not stick to the form.

Put it on top of the dough? apples, spread over the cake and sprinkle with half of the cinnamon. Will you be bullied from above? part of the whole crumb.

The next layer is curd. Spread all the cottage cheese over the cake with the back of a spoon and grind it again? part of the sand crumb.

Bake a loose pie with apples and cottage cheese in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 45-50 minutes. The top of the pie will brown, and the delicious aroma of apple baked goods will spread through the kitchen.

Let the apple cottage cheese pie cool completely in the tin. This is important, the filling should stabilize and thicken.

Serve our juicy fragrant cake for tea, milk, kefir or coffee. I'm sure you will love the simplicity of preparation and the incredible taste of these curd baked goods.

They are always distinguished by a delicate structure. They are not only tasty, but also healthy. But feeding them to little gourmets sometimes takes a lot of effort. Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples will definitely be popular. This simple and at the same time exquisite delicacy will not leave indifferent even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Delicate and aromatic

To cook this amazing dessert, you need to take three eggs, 250 grams of sugar, 750 grams good cottage cheese, a little slaked soda, vanilla and 4 glasses of flour. For the filling, you need a kilogram of apples, cut into small slices, a glass of raisins and a glass of peeled walnuts... Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples is very easy to prepare. Mix eggs with sugar, cottage cheese, vanilla and soda. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass and add flour. Divide the dough into two halves and set aside.

Cut the apples into small slices and mix them with raisins and chopped nuts. We spread half of the dough in the form and level it. Then we spread the filling and cover it with the second half of the dough. On top of the pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples, grease raw egg... We bake a delicacy at a temperature of 200 degrees. In 40-50 minutes it will be ready. If the top part starts to burn, then you can cover the "Tenderness" pie with cottage cheese and apples with foil.

Simple and tasty

Simple, but very cottage cheese is not felt in such baked goods, so even those who do not like this product eat it with pleasure. The number of apples can be changed depending on your own preference. For the dough, you will need 250 grams of cottage cheese, 200 grams of butter, one egg, 300 grams of flour (including the addition), 4 large tablespoons of sugar, a small spoonful of baking powder, half a teaspoon baking soda, vanilla and three tablespoons of vegetable oil. For the filling, take 4 large apples, cinnamon and 5 large spoons of sugar.

Melt the butter and add vanilla, sugar and cottage cheese to it. Beat all the ingredients with a blender to get a homogeneous mass. Then add vegetable oil and egg. The dough is fluffy. After that, you need to add soda, and then sifted flour with baking powder. It should be soft elastic dough, which we wrap in foil and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the filling. We remove the core from the apples and cut them into slices. To make them bake, we make them thin. Roll out the dough in a rectangular layer, and cut its sides into oblique strips about 1.5 centimeters wide. Put apples in the middle of the dough and sprinkle them with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Cover the filling with side strips, laying them in the form of a braid. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the "Tenderness" pie with cottage cheese and apples until tender.

Very delicate filling

This recipe is delicious and juicy filling... To prepare the dough, you need to take two glasses of flour, half a glass of sugar, baking powder and 110 grams of margarine. For the filling, you will need 500 grams of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 200 grams of sugar, two large tablespoons of semolina, 4 medium-sized apples and a bag of vanilla sugar. It is very easy to prepare the dough for the “Tenderness” cottage cheese and apple pie. Grind the flour mixed with baking powder and sugar with margarine. It turns out a small crumb, which will be the dough. Now we mix cottage cheese, semolina, eggs, sugar, sour cream and vanilla.

Grate the apples and add to this mass. Mix the filling thoroughly. Cover the form with parchment and put half of the dough into it. Then we fill it with filling. Distribute all layers evenly. Top with a pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples, a photo of which is worthy of the best culinary magazine, the remaining crumb. We bake it in the oven for about 35-40 minutes. We set the temperature within 200 degrees.

The easiest recipe

If you need easy recipe dessert, then here's one of the options. Take 200 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of butter (soft), 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of flour, a small spoonful of soda (quenched in vinegar) and 4 medium apples. Mix butter with cottage cheese until smooth. Then add eggs, soda and sugar to it. Beat everything with a mixer. After that, add flour, which is better to sift through a sieve.

Then beat the dough again with a mixer. Peel and core the apples and add to the dough. Mix everything well and pour it into a prepared form, which we cover with parchment. We bake in the oven at 180 degrees until a beautiful crust. Before serving the "Tenderness" pie with cottage cheese and apples, the recipe with a photo of which will become a hint for any housewife, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Filled cottage cheese

Cottage cheese can be added not only to the dough, but also to the filling. To prepare the dough according to the following recipe, you will need a glass of flour, 80 grams of soft butter, one yolk, one and a half large tablespoons of milk and three quarters of a glass of sugar. For the filling, take three apples, 500 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of sugar, three eggs, 40 grams of starch and 4 large tablespoons of lemon juice. Let's start with the test. Beat the egg yolk with sugar and add butter, milk and flour. You should get an elastic dough, which we wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, we roll out the layer, put it in a mold and bake it at a temperature of 200 degrees. After 10-15 minutes, the cake will be ready.

During this time, peel and core the apples and cut them into thin pieces. Then mix them with lemon juice (2 tablespoons). Beat the yolks with sugar, cottage cheese, sour cream and starch. Add the remaining lemon juice to this mixture. Beat the whites separately until fluffy. Then we mix the protein mass with the yolk. On the ready-made cake put out two-thirds of the apples and pour out. Then put in the remaining apples. Put the cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes. It turns out a delicate, tasty and unusual dessert.


Each of these dishes can become a table decoration. All recipes are good and easy to prepare. Both at the family dinner and at festive table Pie "Tenderness" with cottage cheese and apples will take its rightful place. Step by step recipe with a photo will help you prepare this dessert correctly. Delight your loved ones with delicious culinary masterpieces, turning an ordinary meal into a small celebration.

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