Home Soups Candy production technology. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery The process of making sweets at a confectionery factory

Candy production technology. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery The process of making sweets at a confectionery factory

Reading 5 min. Published on 08.11.2019

The competition in the field of chocolate production is so high that it is time for a novice entrepreneur to think about how to attract the attention of buyers. The originality and exclusivity of chocolates can be of great help in this matter. Yes, and for a natural product, without additives and impurities, consumers are willing to pay more. If you choose the right direction for business development, then it will soon become profitable and promising.

Chocolate home business: where to start?

The chocolate business, like any other, requires official registration with the tax office. If it is supposed to produce chocolate or chocolates, selling products through a network of outlets or your own store, then. Wholesale customers and suppliers prefer cooperation with legal entities.
However, the matter does not end with registration with the tax office.

The entrepreneur will need to visit:

  1. In SES and fire inspection in order to obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the working premises with the standards provided for the declared activity. It must be equipped with engineering communications, ventilation, fire-fighting system. In the production of food products, it is better to entrust the solution of this issue to experienced lawyers.
  2. In Rospotrebnadzor , where you should submit the recipe for manufactured goods and receive a certificate of their compliance with existing standards.

Note: To work with the product group, you need a medical book.

If you plan to open a store to sell your own products, then you should also obtain permission for it. In general, the costs of registering an enterprise and taxes will cost around 19,000 rubles.

How to organize the process of production of chocolates at home?

An important condition for the production of delicious chocolates is strict adherence to the technological process. The recipe for their manufacture is easy to find on the Internet, but let a specialist do it. Complex recipes, selected by chocolatier - for exquisite sweets. The standard technology for making chocolate at home does not require much effort and expense.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour - 1 teaspoon.
  • Cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 5-7 tbsp. spoons.
  • Forms for pouring the finished product.

Milk, cocoa and sugar are mixed in a small saucepan or bowl, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. Oil and flour are gradually added to it, with continuous stirring. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, the chocolate is ready. It remains only to pour the filling into it (chopped peanuts, walnuts, raisins, waffle crumbs) and pour into molds.

If, according to the technology, you need to put whole nuts in chocolate, then the mold is filled halfway, the filling is poured into it, which is poured with chocolate on top. After a few hours, the sweets harden and you can eat them.

With the correct organization of the production process, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Maintaining the temperature regime during storage of finished products within 15-180C. The split system and refrigerators do an excellent job with this.
  2. Compliance with the terms of product implementation - no more than 2-6 months. So that chocolate does not lose its taste and presentation, it should be stored refrigerated.
  3. Transportation of chocolate is carried out in specially equipped vehicles.
  4. Use for business premises with an area of ​​at least 60 sq.m. It allocates 2 premises for a warehouse for storing raw materials and finished products, a place for a production workshop, and a sink.

Advice. It is very important to purchase good equipment when making chocolate yourself, since the taste of sweets depends on it.

True, in 99% of cases, small businesses do not produce their own chocolate, but buy a ready-made product, process it and produce delicious sweets.

Assortment of handmade chocolate products

To attract as many customers as possible, it is desirable to diversify the assortment of chocolates.

Current offers include:

  • Gift Baskets.
  • Chocolate figurines, postcards, portraits, sculptures.
  • Truffles.
  • Praline.
  • Milk, black, white chocolate.
  • Chocolate fountains.
  • Diet chocolate and more.

Recently, one of the fashion trends among culinary specialists is a non-standard mixture of tastes and aromas. So, for example, the taste of chili peppers, olives, ginger and other spices is increasingly manifested in chocolate. Confectioners offer chocolate-covered bacon, sweets with dried tomatoes, candied fruit, thyme. Sweets filled with fragrant aromas of coffee, roasted sesame and grated nuts activate the senses. The original packaging further enhances the pleasure of the exquisite taste of sweets.

In this case, the size of one candy should not be too large. To enhance the taste, it must be completely in the mouth. For example, the most common weight of truffles, loved by many, does not exceed 3-7 g.

Where to sell homemade chocolate products: chocolate candy market

There will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products if you agree in advance with retail outlets, cafes and restaurants on the supply of chocolate. True, given the fact that homemade sweets have a short shelf life, it is better to produce them on order.

You can offer chocolate delicacies or organize holidays. If things go well, then opening your own store will only increase turnover.

How much will it cost a beginner to organize a chocolate business: an approximate business plan for the production of chocolates at home

We offer an approximate business plan for the production of chocolate at home with the opening of your own store.

Start-up costs

If the entrepreneur does not understand the intricacies of chocolate production, then a specialist will have to be sent to the chocolatier courses, and these are additional expenses of 15,300 rubles.

Summing up, the calculation is given for the production of dark chocolate bars:

  1. The cost of chocolate is 76.7 rubles. for 1 kg.
  2. Taking into account production costs, the cost of chocolate mass is up to 500 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. 1 kg makes 10 standard chocolate bars. The cost of 1 tile is 50 rubles.
  4. The retail price of chocolate is from 100 rubles. for 1 tile. Income is 50 rubles. from sale.

The monthly profit of the chocolate production shop is approximately 300,000 rubles. Within two years of productive work and subject to established sales, the initial costs of the business pay off.

Since childhood, sweets have been a favorite treat for many. Moreover, these confectionery products are so popular and diverse that for sure everyone has the most delicious and favorite sweets that give only positive emotions. The love for candy begins in childhood. And often children, with their inherent spontaneity and faith in miracles, say that in the future they will definitely open a confectionery factory, which will produce delicious sweets for every taste! By the way, if you had just such a dream as a child, it's time to make it come true - a candy factory in Russia can be a reality.

Features of the production of sweets

To organize a "sweet" business, however, you will have to work a little and spend certain financial resources to start activities. After all, in order for the factory to work, it is necessary to buy equipment for the production of sweets, immediately find an excellent supplier who offers high-quality raw materials for the production of sweets and study the technology of work. And all this costs effort and money.

For the manufacture of different sweets, different raw materials are used, the technological scheme for the production of sweets is also different.

Basically, sweet confectionery products are divided into three groups:

  • Glazed sweets, which are made from one or several sweet masses at once, and are covered with glaze on top.
  • Unglazed sweets - not covered with glaze.
  • Bulk sweets - covered with cocoa powder, nut crumbs, wafer, chocolate.

As for the main candy mass, the most diverse raw materials are used for it. There are confectionery products that are made from only one candy mass - such sweets are called simple. And there are products that are prepared from several masses at the same time - they are called complex. Depending on the ingredients, candy masses produce fondant, whipped, fruit-jelly, milk or pralines, liqueur, cream or marzipan, roasted or others.

Candy production - where to start?

Opening your own candy production means working in a highly mechanized, automated industry. The main mass of sweets in the modern world is helped by the candy production line, while manual labor is minimized. Equipment for the production of chocolates is presented on the market in a wide range and is intended for the manufacture of various types of sweets. But the entrepreneur decides to buy a line for the production of chocolates or to choose equipment for working with jelly or fondant sweets. Usually, when opening small enterprises, one or two lines are chosen to start activities, while larger factories use more serious, diverse equipment that allows them to offer consumers a wide range of confectionery products.

Otherwise, a candy making business starts like any other type of business – paperwork for business opportunities, writing a business plan, researching competitors, and selecting a core product range. The next important steps are finding and renting suitable premises, purchasing equipment and hiring qualified personnel. Once all the above steps are completed, you can start looking for a supplier of high-quality raw materials and start production.

The main stages of candy production and the necessary equipment

The technology for the production of sweets depends on the type of product. For each variety of sweets, separate equipment is provided, which has certain operating principles.

But still, the main stages in the production of sugar-based confectionery products can be distinguished:

  1. Preparation of existing raw materials.
  2. Obtaining semi-finished products for the manufacture of candy mass.
  3. Preparation of candy mass.
  4. The actual formation of sweets depends on the type of sweets. This can be pouring into molds, casting into starch or sugar, smearing followed by cutting, rolling followed by cutting, forming on caramel equipment, vibrocompression.
  5. Formation of the structure of sweets.
  6. Final finishing.
  7. Package.

For the production of high-quality and tasty sweets, not only modern equipment is needed, but also high-quality raw materials. It is very important to use natural ingredients. And if it is impossible to do without dyes and preservatives according to the recipe, then they should be contained in the product within the normal range. In addition, preservatives should not be harmful to the human body. It is advisable to take into account European standards, as domestic ones are a little outdated.

You can talk a lot about equipment for the production of sweets due to its diversity. Of course, each entrepreneur decides for himself what to buy. The price of equipment for the production of sweets also plays a role. But still it is not difficult to single out the main types of machines necessary for work. These are a dough mixer, a candy-forming machine for making sweets without filling, a machine for making sweets with filling, a coating and decorating line, a cooling conveyor, a guillotine for cutting, a packaging machine. This is a list of a kind of minimum set of equipment for the production of a fairly wide range of sweets.

Mini factory or large factory?

Any novice entrepreneur thinks about which business is better to invest in. Everyone understands that it is easier and less expensive to open a small business, but the income from the activity will not be too high. It is much more profitable to open a large enterprise with a wide turnover. But this option requires serious investments, which not every businessman has. Therefore, entrepreneurs rarely start with large investments. Most often, small confectionery factories are opened - and at an affordable price, and the risks are minimal.

A mini candy factory is a very good option for those who have long dreamed of a “sweet” business, but have a small start-up capital. The initial investment may be enough to purchase high-quality equipment that allows you to produce one type of candy. And high-quality products with proper planning of activities will successfully enter the market and will soon allow you to receive a decent income.

Usually mini-factories work for several years. After this period, they either close, because the entrepreneur cannot find his market and is not able to get ahead of his competitors, which is why profits decline, or tiny companies grow into large factories that produce different types of sweets. The second case is a clear example of successful activity. The profit received provides great opportunities for expanding production, studying new working technologies and offering new varieties of delicious sweets to the market.

There is another option to start with minimal investment for the production of confectionery products - a mini production of handmade sweets. In this case, financial investments are minimized, since no complex equipment, expensive lines for glazing, forming and packaging of sweets are required. You will need only high-quality raw materials, interesting recipes and skillful hands of the author of chocolate masterpieces. Yes, yes, it’s masterpieces, because simple sweets are not created by hand. So you need to be ready immediately and for the high cost of chocolates, prepared with tenderness and love by the dexterous hands of the confectioner. But this is a different story - handmade sweets are still rare these days and are sold only in certain places.

With the exception of making sweets with your hands, the production of sweets of any scale requires serious financial investments and a lot of effort. The organization of work should be thoughtful, efficient, which is not for everyone. But if you have any doubts whether to open a “sweet” business or look for simpler and cheaper options for starting an activity, you must remember that the production of chocolates, although costly in the beginning, will bring a solid income in the future. All invested funds will more than pay off in a fairly short time and will help, if necessary, to significantly expand production in order to reach a more serious level.

In this material:

Sweets are one of the favorite treats of children and adults. And even despite the high popularity of a healthy lifestyle, sweets still occupy a leading position among food products. In addition, Russia is in the TOP-10 countries in terms of candy consumption per capita. This means that even with high competition and a wide range of products available, an entrepreneur will always find his target audience. The candy business is profitable for many reasons, but do not forget about the risks and pitfalls. Thanks to a competent business plan, the project will start to make a profit from the first months and pay off in a short time.

Candy production project description, concept

The goal of the project is to create an enterprise for the production of several types of sweets on the basis of own or rented premises. The quantity and type of products is determined based on consumer demand, market shortages, and complexity of production. The most popular types of sweets are chocolate, caramel, truffles and dragees.

Methods of implementation - own or borrowed funds (bank loan), as well as attracting sponsors. The organization of the project will require at least 1.5 million rubles with subsequent investments during the first months.

The concept of a business for the production of sweets is standard:

  • search for premises;
  • carrying out repairs and preparing the area for work;
  • equipment installation;
  • launch of production and sale of products.

Naturally, each stage implies numerous preparatory actions, such as market analysis, development of manufacturing technologies, search for distribution channels, and much more.

Market analysis: target audience, demand, competition and risks

Sweets do not have a so-called target audience, because the products are designed for a wide consumer. We can safely say that each person acquires sweets with a certain frequency - someone 2-3 times a week, someone once a month. At the same time, it is not necessary that the consumer has a sweet tooth or regularly eats sweets. Products are purchased as a gift, a treat for children, for a festive table or just for tea.

The statistics of the candy market reflects the following data:

  • 70% of the population regularly purchases various sweets at least 3 times a week;
  • 20% of the population buys sweets 3-4 times a month;
  • 10% of the population purchases products no more than once a month.

Based on these data and the number of inhabitants living in the region where production is started, it is possible to calculate the purchasing power and the approximate volume of products sold.

The main demand is for inexpensive types of sweets purchased for every day. Lollipops, chocolate bars, fudge-filled sweets are all tasty and inexpensive. More expensive treats, like truffles, are less in demand, but still find their buyer. Reduced sales volumes are offset by increased prices.

The competition in the candy business is very high. The market is oversaturated with products, but manufacturers regularly appear offering customers new types of sweets or varieties that have already fallen in love. This only means that the demand for products is huge, so even newcomers to the market have a great chance of success.

The candy market is mostly represented by local producers. At the same time, confectionery factories of federal significance, as well as foreign representatives, work according to a similar scheme - they have production in a certain region of the country and sell products to related areas. This greatly reduces the cost of goods, making it as affordable as possible for buyers. It is pointless to compete with brands such as Nestle, Krasny Oktyabr or Rot Front, because these factories are familiar to most buyers. Giant companies supply up to 30% of the total volume of sweets to the country's stores. Aspiring entrepreneurs can only produce their own products in an affordable price category and promote the brand in the region by all available means.

Risks associated with candy production:

  • high competition is the most important risk, which cannot be completely eliminated. The only solution for a novice entrepreneur is the formation of competitive advantages. This is expressed in the quality of the product, its value for the consumer and an effective advertising campaign at the stage of project development;
  • increase in the cost of raw materials - it is rather difficult to maintain an attractive price for products due to the regular increase in the cost of raw materials. This entails the loss of a part of the target audience and the difficulty in attracting new buyers. The way out of situation 2 is the sale of products with a minimum margin or the conclusion of contracts with partners for the supply of raw materials at a fixed price. The second option is the most preferable, but less common in practice;
  • unforeseen factors - changes in legislation related to entrepreneurial activity; equipment failure; product return.

Reference: the costs of eliminating risks and problems beyond the control of the entrepreneur are best included in the financial plan of the project in advance.

All sweets and confectionery are 80% sugar. Despite this, each type of product provides for a certain production technology and the ratio of components.

Caramel and lollipops

For the production of caramel, the following equipment is required:

  • digester;
  • capacity for intermediate storage of the mass of products;
  • table with temperature control option;
  • forming rollers;
  • cooling equipment;
  • packing table.

Caramel production technology:

  • preparation of mass for sweets;
  • cooling;
  • molding;
  • supply to the packaging surface.

Caramel is made from sugar-treacle syrup with the addition of flavors and flavor enhancers. Subsequently, the mass is boiled with a decrease in liquid to 1.5%, cooled and sent for packaging and packaging.


The main composition of truffles is cocoa, coconut oil and toffee base. First, a mass is prepared for future sweets, which is subsequently tempered. Sweets are shaped, after which they are sent for packing and packaging.


  • digester;
  • tempering equipment;
  • equipment for cooling, glazing;
  • shipping tape.

Dragee sweets include one of the simplest and most inexpensive productions, characterized by the preparation of a mass for the candy shell and the addition of fillings (peanuts, raisins). This will require:

  • digester;
  • mill;
  • drum for dragee production;
  • packaging technology.

chocolate bars

Chocolate bars, like dragees, do not provide for difficulties in production. Depending on the type of product (presence of filling - nuts, raisins, nougat), appropriate equipment is purchased.

Production technology:

  • preparation of ingredients;
  • kneading mass for sweets;
  • heating the mass to the desired temperature;
  • adding toppings;
  • molding;
  • cooling and packing.

Business organization step by step

Registration of activities, documents

It is necessary to start a business with the registration of entrepreneurial activity - an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For a mini-factory and even a medium-sized candy production workshop, the status of an individual entrepreneur is quite enough. It is more convenient in terms of reporting, paying taxes and cheaper when registering activities (state duty is 800 rubles).

LLC is relevant when organizing a large business or if the project has several sponsors and potential owners. In this case, a legal entity is registered - a limited liability company, in which each founder is allocated a share in accordance with his investments or at the discretion of all members of the organization.

The procedure for registration of IP and LLC is identical:

  • collection of documents - passport, TIN, application, paid receipt of state duty. An LLC will require a decision to establish a company, a charter, a bank account with a capital of at least 10,000 rubles;
  • submission of documents to the tax service;
  • obtaining a certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity.

Organizational events do not exceed 5 days.

Before starting the production of sweets, you need to visit Rospotrebnadzor with documentation on the technology for manufacturing products. The organization will issue a quality certificate. In the future, you should prepare for scheduled inspections by the fire inspection and the sanitary service.

Production room

The area of ​​the room depends on the volume of products produced. For example, if the production of one type of candy is meant, then 50-60 sq. m. Otherwise, the area of ​​​​the premises increases in proportion to the volume of production.

Location - city limits or an industrial zone with convenient access for trucks and a small distance from transport links.

Reference: if you plan to wholesale or retail sales of products directly from the warehouse, it is recommended to find a room in the city to attract more buyers.


The set of equipment for the candy shop depends on the type of product being produced. What is mandatory:

  • cutting tables;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • transport line;
  • packing machine;
  • containers for mixing ingredients;
  • molds for various types of sweets;
  • tempering installation;
  • office furniture;
  • computer technology.

Formation of an assortment of sweets

A mini-shop for the production of sweets compares favorably with large plants and factories in that it can afford to experiment with the volumes and range of products. While big brands aim at mass production, private enterprises are famous for customized products.

An entrepreneur can produce both well-known types of sweets, like the same caramels or chocolate bars, or start producing sweets according to his own recipe in a unique package. Such an approach to business will have a positive impact on the formation of the target audience and the development of a personal brand.

Purchase of raw materials from suppliers

Ingredients can be purchased from one supplier or several at once, depending on the offers, price and quality of raw materials.

For sweets you will need:

  • cocoa beans - raw materials are supplied from Asia, Africa and Australia. In addition, you can use ready-made cocoa powder produced in Russia;
  • sugar, milk, butter - ingredients in the supply of which there will be no problems;
  • filling - nuts, raisins and others can also be purchased from regional or direct suppliers.

Various additives (thickeners, flavor enhancers) are sold everywhere, from wholesale depots to manufacturers.


For a mini-workshop you will need:

  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • handymen;
  • cleaners;
  • guards;
  • drivers;
  • office workers;
  • accountant.

The number of positions depends on the scale of production. Each employee must have a valid sanitary book. When employed, the staff signs a non-disclosure agreement for commercial secrets, and in particular the recipe for the production of sweets.

Possible marketing channels and advertising

  • outdoor advertising using the company logo, name and product representative. If a certain type of candy is in front of people, then buyers at a subconscious level will pay attention to products in stores;
  • Internet - creating your own website with a list of goods, descriptions and composition of sweets;
  • advertising in urban communities, publics and groups in social networks;
  • printed products;
  • television and radio;
  • advertising on public transport.

The main task of the entrepreneur at the initial stage is to inform the population about the appearance of new products.

The main sales channels for sweets are retail grocery chains. These include supermarkets, convenience stores, confectioneries and specialty sweets outlets. It is better for an entrepreneur to negotiate with large customers personally, and for the development of the territory and the conclusion of contracts with small shops, it is recommended to hire a sales representative. The salary of the TP consists of a fixed salary and a percentage of sales, the number of contracts concluded.

Project financial indicators

Investments and current expenses

The candy production business provides for the following investments (in rubles):

  • 20,000 - registration of entrepreneurial activity and paperwork;
  • 75,000 - rent of premises;
  • 250,000 - repair work;
  • 1,500,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 300,000 - purchase of raw materials;
  • 70,000 - advertising.

Result: 2,215,000 rubles.

Current expenses:

  • 75,000 - lease extension;
  • 400,000 - salaries to employees;
  • 25,000 - utilities;
  • 50,000 - replenishment of raw materials.

Result: 550,000 rubles.

Income and expected profit, assessment of production profitability

Business income depends on the volume of production and demand for products. The average volume of deliveries of sweets to retail chains is 150 kg/day. Of this, 60-65% is accounted for by supermarkets and large retail chains, and the rest by small and medium-sized stores.

The wholesale selling price of 1 kg of sweets varies within 150 rubles. Based on this, the income per month is 675,000 rubles.

Net profit - 675,000-550,000 \u003d 125,000 rubles.

Profitability of the project - 19%.

Investments will pay off in 1.5-2 years. In practice, this period is reduced to 14-16 months, since sales volumes and profits increase with the development of the territory.

This type of business can initially scare away the complexity of the organization of the process and high competition. But provided that there is always a demand for the product, every entrepreneur can occupy his niche. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan for production, assess the possible risks and costs, and then proceed to organize the project.

Buy a ready-made business plan

Investments: Investments 1 700 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

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Chocolate factory "Russia" in Samara is one of the largest in our country. The factory was built according to the project of the Italian company "Carle i Montanari" in 1969, and the first production was received in April 1970. In 1992, the factory became an open joint stock company, and in 1995 it became part of the Nestlé group of companies in Russia. In 1996, the factory began producing international Nestle brands - Nestle classic chocolate and Nuts bars.

In 1997, the slogan "Russia" was born - a generous soul. In 2001, the production of premium-class chocolate "Zolotaya Marka" began. In 2007, the factory received ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. In 2010, the production of Komilfo premium sweets began. In March 2011 JSC "Confectionery Association "Russia" was transformed into LLC, and in June of the same year the factory was attached to LLC "Nestlé Russia" as the main production branch. Today, the factory produces more than 170 types of products under the brands "Russia" - generous soul!", "Nestle", "Nesquik" and "Nuts".

01. Checkpoint at 257 Kirov Avenue. About 1350 people work at the factory.

02. The factory maintains a very high level of cleanliness and order - all workers wear overalls and hats. Handwashing is mandatory upon entering production.

03. Markings for pedestrians and vehicles are everywhere on the floor.

Workshop No. 1 Cocoa bean processing department

04. So, where does the production of chocolate begin? Of course, with the processing of cocoa beans. Pre-roasted cocoa beans must be thoroughly crushed.

05. Crusher. The better the cocoa nibs are crushed, the richer and more subtle the taste of chocolate will be. The final size of the cocoa solids passed through the grinding equipment must not exceed 75 µm.

06. Cocoa liquor contains 54% of a very valuable substance - cocoa butter, which is the main component for the production of real chocolate. To obtain cocoa butter, cocoa liquor is heated to a certain temperature and then pressed in a heated state. This is how the cocoa butter separates from the solid residue. The solid residue is further used to make cocoa powder.

08. Tanks in which cocoa liquor is stored, intended for pressing.

10. There is a lot of all kinds of equipment and pipelines.

12. Liquid chocolate flows

13. Workshop, in which there are so-called "mills" for the production of powder.

15. One of the oldest units of the factory made in 1967, designed for conching (mixing) chocolate mass, has been preserved here.

16. The logo of the Italian company "Carle and Montanari" on it.

17. Now the conching process is on a new modern line. This is one of the most important stages in the production of chocolate. After mixing and grinding, the chocolate mass is subjected to intensive kneading at high temperatures. This is a very long process, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates from the chocolate mass, lumps that are still present are eliminated, volatile acids and excessive bitterness are displaced, and cocoa solids are rounded. Conching can take from several hours to several days.

Production of chocolate bars

19. In the "kitchen" workshop, marshmallow is prepared, which goes through pipes to the chocolate bar production workshop.

20. Pastila is rolled into a long layer with the help of large drums, which travels along the conveyor.

21. Marshmallow cools

22. and cut into strips.

23. A large knife cuts strips depending on the length of the bars.

24. Strictly at a certain temperature, the bars are doused with liquid chocolate.

25. Here the machine applies a pattern on top of the bars.

26. Employees of the enrobing section randomly check the bars for size and weight.

Chocolate bar packaging

28. Packing shop

29. Before packaging, the bars are checked by a metal detector.

30. In the packaging shop, almost everything is automated.

31. Tape for packaging Nesquik bars.

32. Boxes for Nesquik bars

33. A stacking robot stacks candy bars into boxes. Each box contains a strictly defined, fixed number of bars.

34. Some of the bars fit into boxes without an account.

35. Such boxes are weighed and marked.

36. Boxes are stacked on a trolley and taken to a warehouse.

Production of domed candies

37. Dome-shaped sweets are produced in the dome-shaped candy workshop. In this case, we see how the machine casts candies "Native expanses".

38. Long slender rows of sweets go to the apparatus, where liquid chocolate is poured.

41. Chocolate-filled candies fall out in wafer crumbs.

42. Ready sweets go to the packaging area.

43. The packaging of such sweets is made by hand.

44. Intermediate control of finished boxes.

45. Boxes are packed in large cardboard boxes, labeled and taken to the warehouse.

Production of chocolate bars

47. Hot chocolate is poured into similar molds and sent along a conveyor belt through a refrigerator. At the same stage, if the recipe requires it, various additives (for example, nuts) are added to the chocolate.

48. Then the forms with frozen chocolate are turned upside down and shaken onto the conveyor.

51. Large chocolate bars are made in the same way.

52. Ready-made and packaged large tiles are laid out by hand in boxes.

53. In the packaging shop.

Production of chocolates

55. The most difficult is the production of premium sweets, such as "Comme il faut".

56. Most of the operations here are done manually.

57. Line for the production of chocolates "Comilfo".

58. Candy packaging.

Central laboratory

59. The factory has a laboratory where you can create miniature chocolate "from and to". Used to create new varieties of chocolate before being put into production.

60. The laboratory also selectively checks all products for exact compliance with all standards, from packaging to the taste of chocolate. It's good to be a taster :)

61. Examples of products of the chocolate factory "Russia".

Taken from chronograph in Samara: chocolate factory "Russia"

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In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, chocolate consumption increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Despite the trends towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, people continue to buy sweets and candies: for themselves and their families, as a gift for the holidays. The chocolate production business pays off in a matter of months and brings stable profits to the owners.

Chocolate Making Business Ideas

There are two models of the organization of the technological process: home or industrial production of chocolate.

By choosing the first option, you can start a business at home in the kitchen, investing a minimum of money in equipment. But it will not be possible to officially register such a business, so the responsibility for working without registration with the Federal Tax Service and paying taxes will lie with you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of the inspection authorities, rent and prepare a workshop, hire employees and set up a streaming production of chocolate products.

Making handmade chocolate

"Chocolate boutique" is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. The boutique sells elite handmade chocolate made according to home recipes. The owners of such establishments rely on the uniqueness of products, yielding to large workshops in production volumes.

The range of chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate bars;
  • chocolate with fillers - fruit and berry;
  • truffles;
  • sweets with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets of different types of chocolate.

Customers can order custom sets, chocolate fountains and even engraved sweets.

The fashion trend of gourmet boutiques is a combination of incongruous tastes. High-end chocolate manufacturers offer ginger, chili, candied fruit, and even bacon as fillings. They sell fragrant sweets exclusively in original packaging.

Handmade chocolate is a delight for gourmets, so it will always find its buyer

Making fruits in chocolate

Strawberries, apples and bananas are fruits that are in demand all year round. Combined with chocolate, they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of the fruit-covered chocolate business is the minimal competition in the Russian market. The disadvantage is a pronounced seasonality. In winter, the cost of fruit increases, and the demand of buyers falls.

A possible way out of the situation is to rent an area in a city shopping center in order to work even in the cold season, in a place with maximum traffic. In advertising, you can focus on the saturation of products with vitamins.

There is nothing tastier than fruits in chocolate: neither children nor adults can resist this delicacy

Making figurines from chocolate

The technology for making chocolate figures is simple - hot chocolate is poured into the molds, then cooled until hardened and the halves are taken out. The edges of each are carefully heated and glued together. Cakes and pastries are decorated with figurines, they are given for holidays to children and adults.

To prepare a chocolate butterfly or openwork lace, you need:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • Silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any objects: cups, stacks, spoons, paper sheets and others. Combining different types of chocolate and adding food coloring, confectioners give the figurines a unique design. Show your imagination and an unprecedented result will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate figurines are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes.

Where to start: registering a business

Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so be prepared for numerous checks by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register a business before starting work by choosing one of the forms - LLC or IP.

Advantages of the status of an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration within 5 working days;
  • minimum state duty when registering a business;
  • minimum documents.

The main disadvantage of IP is the responsibility to creditors with all property. If you own an apartment, and your business has accumulated debts, be prepared for the property to be put up for sale.

Advantages of opening an LLC:

  • financial responsibility within the authorized capital;
  • a participant in a legal entity can withdraw from it by alienating a share of the company;
  • the company can be sold or donated if necessary;
  • in case of suspension of activities, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The disadvantages of an LLC are a complicated registration procedure and the need to deposit an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles, as well as a state duty of 4 thousand rubles. for setting up a company.

When registering, choose the tax system that is comfortable for you. Small businesses should consider a simplified regime (USN 6 or 15%). When planning to open a large-scale production, think about UTII (fixed tax on imputed income). The amount and procedure for paying taxes depends on the system chosen.

Table: comparison of tax regimes

tax regime Limits
Revenue Average number of employees Average annual value of funds Kind of activity Capital structure
BASIC No limits
ESHN No limits No limits No limits Agriculture No limits
UTII No limits 100 people No limits The share of participation of other organizations is not more than 25%
USNO 6% 60 million rubles 100 million rubles Except for some activities
USNO 15%
PSN 60 million rubles 15 people No limits There is a list of activities For IP only

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as the conclusion of the SES on the possibility of starting work. Issue a health book, even if you make sweets in minimal quantities.

Organization of home production of chocolate

An exclusive home confectionery can compete with large-scale productions due to the quality of products, the use of natural ingredients and proven chocolate recipes. When working on your own, pay close attention to the quality of the product. Experiment with flavor combinations, offer customers a variety of products. The disadvantage of a home business is the inability to officially register a company. This is due to the fact that the kitchen must be removed from the housing stock in order to organize food production in it. All the risks associated with informal entrepreneurship, in this case, you take on yourself.

Recipe and manufacturing technology

Follow the recipe and the technological process in the manufacture of chocolate - the taste and shelf life of the finished product depends on this.

The simplest chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. Gradually add 1 teaspoon flour and 50 g butter. Continue to stir the composition until a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour hot chocolate into molds, after pouring the filling into it (wafer crumbs, nuts, raisins).

When choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to the appearance and taste.

Once the chocolate has cooled, it can be eaten. You can store homemade sweets for 2-6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Transportation of chocolate is allowed only in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3–6 g, so that the client can put it in his mouth as a whole and taste it without biting.

Requirements for the premises

Technical conditions for the production of chocolate are determined by GOST 31721–2012. In the document you will find information on the quantity of ingredients for the manufacture of various types of cocoa-based products, as well as requirements for equipment and workshop. Despite the lack of registration and checks, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room should be ventilated, with an artificial temperature regime and a low level of humidity. The optimum temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

A home bakery can be opened with minimal investment if you work to order and use kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for chocolate production:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy quality ingredients. To save money, replacing cocoa butter with palm, and cocoa with carob, you risk the taste of future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder.

As your business develops, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • high power juicer for cocoa butter;
  • grinder to remove excess moisture;
  • tamper for quick crystallization of chocolate;
  • various shapes and stencils.

The cost of a home kit for the production of elite sweets does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

At first, sell candy directly to customers. To do this, create groups on social networks, take attractive product photos and place ads. Invite friends and acquaintances to groups, set up targeted advertising for members of competing groups.

When you develop the business and open a kitchen outside the home, having received permits from the SES, negotiate with retail chains and coffee houses that do not have cooking and supply sweets for sale. The main thing is to comply with the terms of delivery and storage of goods.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require special costs and pays off within a few months.

Table: business start-up costs

Table: systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one bar of exclusive handmade chocolate is 200 rubles, the cost of its production is 25–35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, 200 tiles can be sold per month, the total income is 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 15 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 5 months.

Business plan for the production of chocolate on an industrial scale

Industrial production is different from domestic production. You will not be able to cope with the volume of production alone, you will need to attract employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop costs dozens of times more, and manufacturing technology is more complicated than homemade.

First of all, hire a technologist for the enterprise. He will be responsible for the process of making chocolate and working out recipes. Buy raw materials only after working out each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are roasted, ground and mixed with the remaining ingredients in a conche machine, and then cooled and formed into bars.

The process of making chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes the following steps:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in a conche machine up to 3 days;
  • heating the chocolate mass to 50 degrees;
  • filling in forms;
  • cooling to 33 degrees and holding for 40 minutes;

The production of different varieties of chocolate differs in the initial set of ingredients and technology adjustments. To make porous chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading raw materials for conching, and for bitter chocolate, you will have to use more cocoa powder.

Room selection

To organize a chocolate shop, a room with an area of ​​60 sq. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • the walls are tiled up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the rest of the walls are painted.

To make tiles and sweets perfectly even, buy a molding machine in the workshop

Indoors, equip a place for a product warehouse with an optimal temperature, as well as an office and a workshop with equipment directly.

Purchase of equipment

The cost of purchasing equipment ranges from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for the chocolate shop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for kindling oil;
  • conche mixing machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • tamper for crystallization of chocolate.

In conche machines, the chocolate mass is kept under constant stirring for 24–72 hours.

Auxiliary equipment:

  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packaging unit;
  • printing press for wrapping.

Purchase of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, and Asia. There are three varieties of beans suitable for chocolate production:

  • "Creole" - selected beans of the highest class;
  • "Foreigner" - medium quality;
  • "Pumpkin" - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans go through three stages before turning into powder:

  • frying at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husks;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to the powder, buy cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as filling ingredients if you plan to make candies.

Do not save on ingredients: the more natural ingredients, the higher the quality of chocolate


For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure everyone has a valid health book.

Composition of employees:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Sign non-disclosure agreements with the company's recipes with employees.

Formation of the assortment

Large confectionery factories use a similar recipe, and their production volumes do not allow producing exclusive chocolate in small batches. In a small workshop, you can make chocolate according to original recipes, varying the composition of the components and fillings.

Together with the technologist, evaluate the possibilities of production, calculate the expected volumes of output. Develop your own specifications. Based on the planned purchases of raw materials, make a menu. Design them and post them on the company's website or in a group in social networks.

The range of high-end chocolate boutiques usually includes handmade sweets and cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift sets.

Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy their favorite product in supermarkets at the same time they buy other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are ready to specifically go to the store for chocolate. More often than others, milk tiles are chosen, less often - bitter ones. Only 4% of consumers love white chocolate. Gaining momentum "chocolate boutiques" with exclusive varieties of your favorite product.

Possible sales channels for products:

  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores outside the chains;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee houses, cafes;
  • fairs, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee houses;
  • Internet, social networks;
  • city ​​magazines;
  • issue of own catalogues;
  • sponsoring events.

So that your product does not get lost on the shelves of the store, do not skimp on the original packaging and catchy advertising.

Business calculations

The calculations are given on the example of a workshop with an area of ​​60 sq. m., equipped with everything necessary and operating under a license.

Table: opening costs

Table: recurring costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate bar is 100 rubles, the cost of making it is 20–35 rubles. On average, only through retail chains per month you can sell 5200 tiles, the total income is 520 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 260 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural ingredients. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa butter with cheap analogues, it will increase by another 1.5 times.

Franchise or own brand

You will need an impressive amount of capital to start your chocolate business from scratch. There is an exit. If you doubt your abilities, buy a franchise. Notable franchised chocolate factories:

  • "Chantimel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Franchise Benefits:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • the opportunity to buy equipment at a discount/leasing;
  • consulting assistance;
  • business mechanics;
  • feeling of teamwork.

Franchising Disadvantages:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller a monthly remuneration - royalties;
  • high cost of business;
  • excessive requirements for the incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the conditions of the franchisor.

A franchise buyer always runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous company that, instead of the existing mechanisms for effective work, gives only a couple of instructions for doing business.

Franchise "Konfael" allows you to ensure stable turnover and gives you the opportunity to get higher profitability compared to a business created from scratch

Rookie Mistakes

Beginners in the chocolate business often make mistakes. The key problem is the underestimation of consumer requests. Manufacturers in small towns are especially guilty of this. They rely on the uniqueness of the product, not paying attention to consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives an exclusive candy in an expensive package, but it turns out to be obscene in taste. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in provincial towns, people make excessive demands on the quality of food products, compliance with which is the key task of an entrepreneur.

Having decided to start a chocolate production business and having enough funds, do not hesitate. Assess the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate your expenses and income and get started. If you doubt your abilities, choose a popular franchise and follow the proven methods of professionals.

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