Home desserts Baked apples with curd filling. Baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven, recipe

Baked apples with curd filling. Baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven, recipe

Even more delicious apples, just plucked from a tree, can get bored. Then baked apples in the oven come to the rescue - everyday diet dish or a fancy holiday treat, depending on what ingredients you included in the recipe and how you served it. Magic Food has compiled a collection of recipes for you, from a simple cooked apple to a complex pie, but I'll start with the general principles of cooking the dish.

Theory of the question

Whole or in pieces?

Traditionally baked apples, stuffed with stuffing, entirely. To do this, the top of the fruit is cut off, the core is removed with a special knife, and the filling is laid out in a hole about 3 cm wide. However, this is not the only way. Apples are wrapped in dough (apples in dough), cut into pieces or slices and baked, sprinkled with sugar and spices, included in the composition apple pie- whole, not cut into slices or otherwise.

About toppings and sauces

Recipes baked apples variety of dessert and snack fillings. The most popular are sugar, nuts, especially walnuts, raisins, cinnamon. Minced meat for baked apples can include almost all dried fruits, berries, ginger, vanilla, nutmeg, star anise, cloves. They stuff heavenly fruits with cottage cheese and rice, oat flakes, pumpkin and slices of citrus fruits. Before sending it to the oven, put a couple of peas of butter on the minced meat. Poured with liquid honey, maple syrup, lemon juice, toppings, sauces. Served with scoops of ice cream, cream, jam.

Sometimes recipes say to cook apples with water, which prevents them from burning. It turns out baked apples in their own sauce: water mixed with juice and melted butter. Pour sauce from a baking sheet when serving ready-made apples.

What apples are good for cooking in the oven?

You can bake any fruit, but better autumn varieties(they have a hard skin, will not fall apart), medium size because the larger ones take longer to bake. Solid Antonovka and Granny Smith, Simirenko and McIntosh are equally good - the key word here " solid“They hold their shape when baked. The skin can also be removed before or after cooking.

More tips:

  1. Peeled apples or, as in our case, with a core removed, darken, sprinkle them with lemon juice or cook immediately.
  2. Stuff not very tightly, leave 1 cm unfilled on top so that the filling does not leak out. Approximately the same (1.5 cm) thickness, the apple should have a “bottom”.
  3. Ready apples are easily pierced with a knife. Apples straight out of the oven are very hot, let them cool!
  4. Do not leave uneaten dessert on the table - put it in the refrigerator. It stays there for 2-3 days.

Apple in dough cooked in the oven

But this is already my favorite option - a soft and juicy apple is perfectly combined with a thin and crispy shell of shortcrust pastry. Of course, it turns out somewhat more satisfying than in classic version However, a couple of extra calories are worth it!


  • about 5-6 apples;
  • 2-3 st. l. thick jam red (cherry, currant, plum);
  • 100 g of high-quality butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 g icing sugar;
  • 200 g flour.

How to bake an apple in dough

  1. We chop the ice cream butter with powder, salt and flour - we chop quickly and finely. I use the services food processor, but two knives also do a good job of this job.
  2. We collect the dough into a ball, then divide it into 5-6 parts (depending on the number of apples), wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  3. At this time, we wash and clean the apples, remove the core, and we do it from the side opposite the cutting (let it stay - it’s more beautiful with it!). We put a little jam inside each apple.
  4. We take out the dough (one ball at a time), roll it into a round layer and wrap it around an apple, starting from the side of the “hole” with jam. Perhaps you will have very large fruits - then you can just make a "plate" in which to put an apple. I like it even more - eating three servings at once, I amuse myself with the illusion that there is not enough dough in them, just a little bit!
  5. We spread the apples in the dough in a baking dish and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour.

Ready! Tasty, incredibly tasty when warm (with a scoop of ice cream - you will swallow your tongue!), Amazing, incredibly crispy and juicy when cold (with whipped cream - you will sell your homeland!).

Twice baked apple in the oven

Delicious and delicate dessert who is not ashamed to apply for festive table Not only does it look amazing, but it also tastes amazing!


  • 6 apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • a handful of nuts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks.

How to cook apples baked twice in the oven

  1. 4 apples, peeled and cut in half crosswise. I recommend leaving a “tail” at the top half of the apple - this way the apple will look much more original and more fun.
  2. We take out the core with a special spoon or a sharp knife - make sure that you remove the membranes along with the seed box (it is very unpleasant when hard partitions come across in the tender pulp of baked apples).
  3. We connect the halves together, put the apples in a baking dish. Add a little water (it should not cover the fruit by more than 1 cm) and put the apples in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
  4. Wash the remaining 2 apples, peel, remove the core and rub on a medium grater. Mix with sugar, yolk and cream, add the juice and zest of half a lemon. The filling is ready.
  5. We take out the apples from the oven, open them and place the lower half in portioned serving rings that are suitable for baking in the oven. If you (like me) do not yet have such “happiness”, you can fold the foil several times and make rings of the desired diameter from it.
  6. We fill with the stuffing to the top cut of the ring, cover with a “lid” from the top of the apple and place in the same baking dish. Next, lay out the cinnamon sticks and bake for another half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Periodically, we take out the form from the oven and pour over the resulting juice.

Delicious both hot and cold. Serve sprinkled with roasted and chopped nuts. Incredibly appetizing with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Pie with baked apples and chocolate filling

Like apples, seemingly baked, but in the form of a pie! A magical recipe for fruit and chocolate lovers. Ideal for a large family gathering.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1/3 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 5-7 small apples;
  • 1 bar of chocolate;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cream;
  • 100 g shortbread cookies;
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon.

oven baked apple pie recipe

  1. First of all, wash the fruit and peel them from the skin. If they do not “stand” very steadily on the table, it is worth cutting off a little apple from the bottom. Using a special knife, it is necessary to remove the core, removing all the seeds and films from the apple.
  2. We prepare a baking dish - we cover it with paper and, if we do not trust the quality of parchment, lightly grease it with any oil.
  3. We spread, or rather, expose the apples - evenly distribute them throughout the form.
  4. We break the cookies into small pieces, quite small. Break the chocolate into pieces, add cream, melt in microwave oven or in a water bath, pour into cookies, add cinnamon and mix thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the apples with the resulting mass.
  6. Cooking the dough. Beat sugar and eggs, add melted butter. Separately, mix sour cream, salt and soda, add to the egg mass. Sift flour, mix until smooth.
  7. Pour apples with the resulting dough and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for at least an hour. We check the readiness with a toothpick - make sure that it pierces the dough, not apples. Due to the moisture of the apples, the cake takes longer to bake than usual, keep this in mind!

When cutting the pie into portioned pieces, try to hold the knife in such a way as to cut the apple in half (fruits are well guessed by the tubercles under the dough) - then on the cut you will get an extraordinary beauty: yellowish sour cream biscuit, white apples, dark chocolate.

About the benefits

I won’t list the vitamins and elements of the Periodic Table that an apple is rich in - it’s boring and uninteresting, and so everyone knows that only a fruit basket can be more useful than this fruit. They cleanse the body, fill it with usefulness, remove cholesterol, strengthen the immune system - all this and a bunch of other pluses turn an apple into an indispensable component of a healthy diet, however, in my opinion, this is not the main thing at all.

It's tasty. Just taste-but-e, and that says it all! It is unlikely that you will endlessly chew, for example, parsley root just because it is healthy. But you can eat apples - and almost endlessly. The final is determined solely by the moment when the apple stock runs out in the house. Red and green, yellow and orange, small and large, tight and soft, sour and sweet, juicy and fleshy - the choice of options that an apple has is so great that everyone can be pleased.

Calorie baked apple - 47 kcal.

They say that in baked form, this fruit is much better absorbed by the body. I completely believe - after baking, the hero of the day gains the opportunity to improve metabolic processes, accelerates the removal of any debris from the intestines and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

They also say that with the regular use of baked apples, there is a certain opportunity to lose weight - potassium, which “lives” in large quantities in this product, successfully fights sodium, which retains moisture in subcutaneous fat. At the same time, only 47 kcal is hidden in 100 g of a baked apple. Nonsense benefit, of course, but still nice! In general, long live the apple!

General principles cooking apples with cottage cheese in the oven

5 reasons why you should try this dish:

1. Useful. Suitable for adults and children, sick and healthy, dieters and even nursing mothers. The apple is the most useful fruit. Vitamins and elements included in its composition cleanse the body, remove harmful and toxic substances from the body, strengthen the immune system. All this makes the apple a staple of a healthy diet. Baked apples make the list even more diverse. useful properties. When baked, apples are much better absorbed by the body, improves metabolic processes, removes toxins from the intestines and has a positive effect on the skin.

2. Economically. All products are readily available for purchase.

3. Low calorie. 100 grams of a baked apple contains 47 calories, and an apple with cottage cheese contains 100 calories. Perfect for anyone who is on a diet or wants to arrange fasting days.

4. Simple. You will be convinced of this by reading our recipes.

5. Delicious! Believe me, there is no need to argue with this statement.

The products you need are easy to find in every home. This:

Cottage cheese - if you want to pamper your children, then buy homemade cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat. And if your goal is diet food, then the cottage cheese should be fat-free.

Egg - will be needed to bond the curd mixture. But you may not use it.

Sugar - if you like sweet apples and powdered sugar - for decoration.

Cinnamon - its excellent combination with apples has long been known. But if you do not like cinnamon, then you can not take it at all or replace it with vanilla.

Raisins, banana, honey are additional ingredients that you can use as you wish.

Recipe 1. Classic recipe


Apples - 2 pcs.;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Cottage cheese - 150 grams;

Raisins - 50 grams;

Sugar - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

1. From apples, select the core and bones, leave the bottom intact.

2. Add sugar, egg and raisins to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready.

3. Put apples in a baking dish and start filling them with curd.

4. Put in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Recipe 2. Apples baked with Rastishka cottage cheese


Green apples - 4 pcs.;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Sugar - to taste;

Cottage cheese Rastishka - 2 jars.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the filling for our apples. Separate the yolks from the whites. We set the squirrels aside, we will not need them. You can make meringue out of them.

2. We drive a little sugar into the yolks, two jars of Rastishka curd and beat everything well with a whisk.

3. Cut off the lid from the apples. We cut the core out of them with a special knife and spoon. Fill apple cups with stuffing.

4. Put the apples in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Place the apple lid on the baking sheet next to it.

5. After the apples are cooked, cover them with a baked lid and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3. Fitness recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the oven

This is a recipe for a fasting day. Such a day is very easy to endure, because the combination of an apple with protein - cottage cheese saturates very well. It is recommended to consume half an apple every two hours. If this is not enough, then you can eat two halves. Daily rate should not exceed 1 kg of apples and 300 grams of cottage cheese. Be sure to drink herbal teas (chamomile, linden, St. John's wort).


Apples - 4 pcs.;

Cottage cheese (1-2%) - 200 grams;

Banana - half;

Egg - 1 pc.;


Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples in half and cut out their core.

2. Knead a banana with cottage cheese, egg and cinnamon with a fork.

3. We fill the apples with the resulting curd mixture and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes until they are reddened.

Recipe 4. Apples in the oven with cottage cheese and honey


Cottage cheese (fat-free) - 180 grams;

Raisins, dried fruits - 20 grams;

Honey - 1 - 2 tablespoons;

Apples - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the filling: knead the cottage cheese and add honey. If there is no honey, then you can use sugar. Add it at your discretion, as much as you need for sweetness.

2. Add raisins and mix. In addition to raisins, you can use various dried fruits.

3. Cooking apples: cut off the top and use a small spoon to remove the core.

4. We stuff the apples with the curd mixture and put them into a mold. Add water to the thickness of a finger in the mold.

5. Put everything in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Recipe 5. A simple recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the oven with dried apricots


Apples - 4 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 150 grams;

Dried apricots - 5-7 pcs.;

Raisins - 30 grams;

Egg - 1 piece;

Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare the apples for the filling: wash them thoroughly, wipe them with a napkin and cut out the core with a special knife.

2. Pre-soak dried apricots and raisins. Dried apricots are also very useful, as it retains all the vitamins and trace elements that have a positive effect on the endocrine system. Given that dried apricots do not contain sugar, but only glucose and fructose, it is recommended for people who are on a diet or have diabetes.

3. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg.

4. Add chopped dried fruits.

5. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Stuff the resulting curd mixture with apples.

7. The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees, time - 20 minutes.

8. After the dessert has cooled, decorate to your liking.

Recipe 6. Classic recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the microwave


Apples - 2-3 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 180 grams;

Raisins - 20 grams;

Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare the filling from cottage cheese, raisins and sugar.

2. Cut out the core of the apples and put the filling inside.

3. stuffed apples put on a plate and cover with a plastic lid.

4. We put in the microwave for 5 minutes at the highest power.

5. After cooling, you can pour honey on top.

Recipe 7. Apples baked with cottage cheese in a slow cooker


Apples - 4 pieces;

Cottage cheese - 4 tbsp. or for each apple 1 tbsp. cottage cheese;

Nuts (almonds);

The yolk of an egg, you can whole, you can not take it at all;

Cinnamon or vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, egg yolk and mix well. You can add sour cream or yogurt if the curd is dry.

2. Add steamed raisins and also mix well.

3. For apples, cut off the lid cone-shaped. Cut out the core - the seed box.

4. We start the apple as desired. You can put a little honey, sprinkle with cinnamon, stuff with cottage cheese, decorate a little with almonds and cover with a lid. Or you can leave the apples open and decorate on top.

5. We cover the multicooker bowl with foil. Can be lubricated with butter. Close the lid and put on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with icing sugar.

Recipe 8. Baked apples with cottage cheese and prunes in a slow cooker


1. Apples - 4 pcs.;

2. Cottage cheese - 100 grams.

3. Pitted prunes - 4 pcs.

4. Sugar - to taste.

5. Cinnamon - optional.

Cooking technology:

1. We carry out preliminary preparation of products. Wash the apples with water and dry. Cut off the top and remove the core.

2. Soak the prunes for a few minutes in boiling water to soften. It is also a storehouse of useful properties and vitamins. The use of dried plums normalizes bowel function, improves metabolism and even helps with weight loss.

3. Add sugar and cinnamon to the cottage cheese. Mix everything well.

4. Put 1 prunes at the bottom of each apple and fill with cottage cheese. You can finely chop the prunes and mix with cottage cheese. It is at will.

5. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter and put the apples on the bottom with the cuts up.

6. Set the "Baking" mode and make sure that the cooking time for this recipe is 30 minutes. In some multicookers, the automatic time of this mode is 1 hour.

7. After the time has elapsed, the specified dessert is ready.

Recipe 9. Apples in the oven with cottage cheese and berries


Apples (sweet and sour varieties) - 2-3 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 180 grams;

Honey - 3 tablespoons;

Blueberries, raspberries (season - July) - 100 grams each;

Vanillin - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Initially, you need to prepare apples. Wash them, dry them, cut off the lid and remove the core.

2. Mix cottage cheese with berries and vanilla.

3. Place the resulting curd mixture in apples and pour honey.

4. Close the apples with a lid.

5. Place the stuffed apples in the oven and bake at 180 ° C until cooked for about 20-30 minutes.

Recipe 10. Original


Apples (preferably large winter varieties) - 4 pieces;

Cottage cheese - 200 grams;

Honey - 4 tbsp. l .;

Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;

Jam (preferably raspberry, but you can try any) - 2 tbsp. l .;

Cinnamon - 1 tsp;

Walnuts - 1 tbsp. l .;

Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare apples in the following way: cut off the top and cut out the middle.

2. Prepare the filling: mix cottage cheese with sugar, chopped walnuts, cinnamon.

3. Add jam. You can take a separate type of jam for each apple and compare the tastes at the end of cooking.

4. Pour the bottom of the apples with honey and lay the curd mass on top. If honey is not at hand, then apples can also be sprinkled with sugar.

5. Turn on the oven and heat it up to a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. When the oven has warmed up, fill the bottom of the baking sheet with water with the addition of cognac. This drink can not be added, but it perfectly plays the role of flavoring.

7. At the indicated temperature, apples with cottage cheese are cooked in the oven for 20 minutes.

Secrets and tricks of cooking apples with cottage cheese in the oven

To make apples soaked with a more delicious aroma and look appetizing, they can be decorated with such fillings:

powdered sugar;

warmed up apple juice and cinnamon;



It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Remember some more tricks that you will need when preparing this dessert.

1. Baking time depends on the variety of apples. For example, Golden bakes very quickly.

2. Pour a little water on the baking dish so that the apples do not burn.

3. Pour raisins before use hot water and let him stand for 30-40 minutes. From this, it will swell, become softer and tastier.

5. Before stuffing apples, pierce them with a fork in several places. This is done so that when the apples are baked, they do not burst. Steam will escape through these holes. The hole on the apples should not be through.

6. This dessert can be served both hot and cold. They also store well in the refrigerator and can be consumed the next day.

Don't be afraid to try new flavors and recipes! It will only make your family happy!

Hello everyone! I recently decided to please my girls with baked apples with a “zest”. In fact, our "zest" came out according to the principle of preparing my grandmother's pizza toppings - what they found in the refrigerator was added. Apples with cottage cheese in the oven turned out to be very tasty, but also extremely healthy! Baked apples are rich in pectin, which has a positive effect on the entire digestive system as a whole. Such a dessert is ideal for allergic children, as well as lactating women, because the ingredients included in it are hypoallergenic.

how to cook apples with cottage cheese in the oven recipe

  • 4 small apples
  • 100 g curd,
  • half a banana,
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg.

Carefully remove the core from apples and add a little sugar inside.
I first cut the middle of the apple, and then removed the contents with the smallest spoon that I found at home.

Now let's prepare the filling: put cottage cheese, banana and a little sugar in a deep plate. In general, it is better to use brown sugar for desserts, but I did not have one at the moment.

Beat it all well with a blender. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon or vanillin, my youngest child is allergic and therefore the filling is quite modest.

We put our apples in a baking dish, fill them with stuffing and send them to bake in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

In the meantime, let's prepare the next ingredient - meringue.
Separate the protein from the yolk, put in a deep bowl and beat it with a whisk, gradually adding sugar. I don’t have a mixer, because until recently I bypassed such recipes due to the lack of a good oven, and a blender is not capable of whipping to good peaks.

Therefore, I will have a modest “lid” of meringue, and you can beat the protein to a peak and use a pastry syringe (or a regular plastic bag) to make “hats”.
We take out our baked apples with cottage cheese, pour them with whipped protein and put them back in the oven for 20 minutes, cook at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Our apple-curd dessert is ready. Don't forget to drizzle the apples with the juice that formed during the baking process, it has an amazing caramel flavor!

Bon Appetit!

Apples baked with cottage cheese recipe and photo by Ekaterina Apatonova.

Similar baked apple recipe curd cream and raisins from the YouTube video channel:

A delicious dessert recipe for adults and children from baked apples with cottage cheese, dried apricots and honey was sent to us in the Notebook by Galina Kotyakhova:

One summer, I had to try baked apples with honey in the oven from a friend, you can “swallow” your tongue, such a yummy. Today I remembered the recipe for this dish and decided to cook from Antonovka, but with cottage cheese. An excellent dessert of cottage cheese and apples turned out, the grandchildren really liked it. My recipe is "Apples baked with cottage cheese in the oven."

Apples baked with cottage cheese are a great fruit dessert for breakfast or dinner.

In our article we will talk about the most popular recipes, the preparation of which will take you no more than 30 minutes.

General principles for cooking apples with cottage cheese in the oven

5 reasons why you should try this dish:

1. Healthy. Suitable for adults and children, sick and healthy, dieters and even nursing mothers. An apple is the healthiest fruit. Vitamins and elements included in its composition cleanse the body, remove harmful and toxic substances from the body, strengthen the immune system. All this makes the apple a staple of a healthy diet. Baked apples make the list of useful properties even more diverse. When baked, apples are much better absorbed by the body, improves metabolic processes, removes toxins from the intestines and has a positive effect on the skin.

2. Sparingly. All products are readily available for purchase.

3. low calorie. 100 grams of a baked apple contains 47 calories, and an apple with cottage cheese contains 100 calories. Perfect for anyone who is on a diet or wants to arrange fasting days.

4. Just. You will be convinced of this by reading our recipes.

5. Yummy! Believe me, there is no need to argue with this statement.

The products you need are easy to find in every home. This:

Cottage cheese - if you want to pamper your children, then buy homemade cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content. And if your goal is diet food, then the cottage cheese should be fat-free.

Egg - will be needed to bond the curd mixture. But you may not use it.

Sugar - if you like sweet apples and powdered sugar - for decoration.

Cinnamon - its excellent combination with apples has long been known. But if you do not like cinnamon, then you can not take it at all or replace it with vanilla.

Raisins, banana, honey are additional ingredients that you can use as you wish.

Recipe 1. Classic recipe


Apples - 2 pcs.;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Cottage cheese - 150 grams;

Raisins - 50 grams;

Sugar - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

1. From apples, select the core and bones, leave the bottom intact.

2. Add sugar, egg and raisins to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready.

3. Put apples in a baking dish and start filling them with curd.

4. Put in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Recipe 2. Apples baked with Rastishka cottage cheese


Green apples - 4 pcs.;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Sugar - to taste;

Cottage cheese Rastishka - 2 jars.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the filling for our apples. Separate the yolks from the whites. We set the squirrels aside, we will not need them. You can make meringue out of them.

2. We drive a little sugar into the yolks, two jars of Rastishka curd and beat everything well with a whisk.

3. Cut off the lid from the apples. We cut the core out of them with a special knife and spoon. Fill apple cups with stuffing.

4. Put the apples in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Place the apple lid on the baking sheet next to it.

5. After the apples are cooked, cover them with a baked lid and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3. Fitness recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the oven

This is a recipe for a fasting day. Such a day is very easy to endure, because the combination of an apple with protein - cottage cheese saturates very well. It is recommended to consume half an apple every two hours. If this is not enough, then you can eat two halves. The daily rate should not exceed 1 kg of apples and 300 grams of cottage cheese. Be sure to drink herbal teas (chamomile, linden, St. John's wort).


Apples - 4 pcs.;

Cottage cheese (1-2%) - 200 grams;

Banana - half;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples in half and cut out their core.

2. Knead a banana with cottage cheese, egg and cinnamon with a fork.

3. We fill the apples with the resulting curd mixture and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes until they are reddened.

Recipe 4. Apples in the oven with cottage cheese and honey


Cottage cheese (fat-free) - 180 grams;

Raisins, dried fruits - 20 grams;

Honey - 1 - 2 tablespoons;

Apples - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the filling: knead the cottage cheese and add honey. If there is no honey, then you can use sugar. Add it at your discretion, as much as you need for sweetness.

2. Add raisins and mix. In addition to raisins, you can use various dried fruits.

3. Cooking apples: cut off the top and use a small spoon to remove the core.

4. We stuff the apples with the curd mixture and put them into a mold. Add water to the thickness of a finger in the mold.

5. Put everything in the oven at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Recipe 5. A simple recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the oven with dried apricots


Apples - 4 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 150 grams;

Dried apricots - 5-7 pcs.;

Raisins - 30 grams;

Egg - 1 piece;

Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare the apples for the filling: wash them thoroughly, wipe them with a napkin and cut out the core with a special knife.

2. Pre-soak dried apricots and raisins. Dried apricots are also very useful, as it retains all the vitamins and trace elements that have a positive effect on the endocrine system. Given that dried apricots do not contain sugar, but only glucose and fructose, it is recommended for people who are on a diet or have diabetes.

3. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg.

4. Add chopped dried fruits.

5. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Stuff the resulting curd mixture with apples.

7. The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees, time - 20 minutes.

8. After the dessert has cooled, decorate to your liking.

Recipe 6. Classic recipe for apples with cottage cheese in the microwave


Apples - 2-3 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 180 grams;

Raisins - 20 grams;

Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare the filling from cottage cheese, raisins and sugar.

2. Cut out the core of the apples and put the filling inside.

3. Put stuffed apples on a plate and cover with a plastic lid.

4. We put in the microwave for 5 minutes at the highest power.

5. After cooling, you can pour honey on top.

Recipe 7. Apples baked with cottage cheese in a slow cooker


Apples - 4 pieces;

Cottage cheese - 4 tbsp. or for each apple 1 tbsp. cottage cheese;

Nuts (almonds);

The yolk of an egg, you can whole, you can not take it at all;

Cinnamon or vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, egg yolk and mix well. You can add sour cream or yogurt if the curd is dry.

2. Add steamed raisins and also mix well.

3. For apples, cut off the lid cone-shaped. Cut out the core - the seed box.

4. We start the apple as desired. You can put a little honey, sprinkle with cinnamon, stuff with cottage cheese, decorate a little with almonds and cover with a lid. Or you can leave the apples open and decorate on top.

5. We cover the multicooker bowl with foil. Can be lubricated with butter. Close the lid and put on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with icing sugar.

Recipe 8. Baked apples with cottage cheese and prunes in a slow cooker


1. Apples - 4 pcs.;

2. Cottage cheese - 100 grams.

3. Pitted prunes - 4 pcs.

4. Sugar - to taste.

5. Cinnamon - optional.

Cooking technology:

1. We carry out preliminary preparation of products. Wash the apples with water and dry. Cut off the top and remove the core.

2. Soak the prunes for a few minutes in boiling water to soften. It is also a storehouse of useful properties and vitamins. The use of dried plums normalizes bowel function, improves metabolism and even helps with weight loss.

3. Add sugar and cinnamon to the cottage cheese. Mix everything well.

4. Put 1 prunes at the bottom of each apple and fill with cottage cheese. You can finely chop the prunes and mix with cottage cheese. It is at will.

5. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter and put the apples on the bottom with the cuts up.

6. Set the "Baking" mode and make sure that the cooking time for this recipe is 30 minutes. In some multicookers, the automatic time of this mode is 1 hour.

7. After the time has elapsed, the specified dessert is ready.

Recipe 9. Apples in the oven with cottage cheese and berries


Apples (sweet and sour varieties) - 2-3 pcs.;

Cottage cheese - 180 grams;

Honey - 3 tablespoons;

Blueberries, raspberries (season - July) - 100 grams each;

Vanillin - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Initially, you need to prepare apples. Wash them, dry them, cut off the lid and remove the core.

2. Mix cottage cheese with berries and vanilla.

3. Place the resulting curd mixture in apples and pour honey.

4. Close the apples with a lid.

5. Place the stuffed apples in the oven and bake at 180 ° C until cooked for about 20-30 minutes.

Recipe 10. Original


Apples (preferably large winter varieties) - 4 pieces;

Cottage cheese - 200 grams;

Honey - 4 tbsp. l .;

Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;

Jam (preferably raspberry, but you can try any) - 2 tbsp. l .;

Cinnamon - 1 tsp;

Walnuts - 1 tbsp. l .;

Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. We prepare apples in the following way: cut off the top and cut out the middle.

2. Prepare the filling: mix cottage cheese with sugar, chopped walnuts, cinnamon.

3. Add jam. You can take a separate type of jam for each apple and compare the tastes at the end of cooking.

4. Pour the bottom of the apples with honey and lay the curd mass on top. If honey is not at hand, then apples can also be sprinkled with sugar.

5. Turn on the oven and heat it up to a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. When the oven has warmed up, fill the bottom of the baking sheet with water with the addition of cognac. This drink can not be added, but it perfectly plays the role of flavoring.

7. At the indicated temperature, apples with cottage cheese are cooked in the oven for 20 minutes.

Secrets and tricks of cooking apples with cottage cheese in the oven

To make apples soaked with a more delicious aroma and look appetizing, they can be decorated with such fillings:

powdered sugar;

Heated apple juice and cinnamon;



It all depends on your imagination and desire.

Remember some more tricks that you will need when preparing this dessert.

1. Baking time depends on the variety of apples. For example, Golden bakes very quickly.

2. Pour a little water on the baking dish so that the apples do not burn.

3. Before use, pour raisins with hot water and let them stand for 30-40 minutes. From this, it will swell, become softer and tastier.

5. Before stuffing apples, pierce them with a fork in several places. This is done so that when the apples are baked, they do not burst. Steam will escape through these holes. The hole on the apples should not be through.

6. This dessert can be served both hot and cold. They also store well in the refrigerator and can be consumed the next day.

Don't be afraid to try new flavors and recipes! It will only make your family happy!

Insanely delicious apples with cottage cheese- very tasty and healthy treat, which favorably affects the digestive process, contain many vitamins and minerals.

Apples baked in the oven are tasty and, most importantly, healthy. Nutritionists and doctors recommend using them during prevention and for the treatment of certain chronic diseases, especially those associated with digestion. After all, half of the sucrose in them during baking breaks down into simple sugars(fructose, glucose), which are absorbed by the body much better and have a sweeter taste.

In the preparation of this dessert, the variety of fruit should be taken into account. Apples should be with a strong and firm skin, and not particularly sweet flesh. Suitable varieties - golden, mac, granny smith, runet, antonovka.

The classic recipe for baked apples with cottage cheese uses a minimum amount of additives. In an apple, in addition to cottage cheese, put raisins and a little sugar.

The required amount of products (per 1 serving):

  • 1 apple;
  • 20 g white raisins;
  • 25 g of cottage cheese;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.

Fruit with filling can be baked for 15-20 minutes. Its calorie content is about 170 kcal per serving.

How to bake:

  1. Preheat the oven to 220 Cº. Cut out the center of the washed fruit.
  2. Mash cottage cheese, add a little sugar, mix.
  3. Soak raisins in boiling water, then rinse cold water. After drying the raisins on a paper towel, add them to the curd mass.
  4. Fill the fruit with the resulting mixture.
  5. Submit stuffed dish into the oven for about 15 minutes.
  6. Garnish the finished apple dessert with powdered sugar, cool a little, then serve.

Stuffed apples are a very cheap but tasty and healthy dessert. If you are going to cook them without losing nutrients, then the most The best way- baking. Such a fruit is better absorbed by the body. In addition, a baked apple becomes sweeter and can be a wonderful dessert even if you cook without sugar.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 2 large Granny Smith apples
  • 150 g of fresh cottage cheese;
  • 2 teaspoons of lime liquid honey;
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon.

A healthy dessert can be prepared in 20 minutes. Each serving contains about 179 kcal.

  1. Cut the apple in half, remove the middle along with the seeds;
  2. Mix cottage cheese, honey and cinnamon in a bowl;
  3. Put the curd-honey mixture into the prepared halves. Fold them into a mold and bake at 180 Cº in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Apples can be baked with almost all kinds of fillings, but to get the perfect balance of flavors, it is important that it is sweet, tender and uniform. To do this, mix the mashed cottage cheese with honey, vanilla, add lingonberries and proceed according to the recipe, adhering to the cooking time, which can last up to 30 minutes.

Number of products:

  • 3 sweet and sour apples;
  • 50 g cottage cheese (9%);
  • 20 g of liquid honey;
  • 1 sachet of vanillin;
  • a handful of lingonberries;
  • 20 g butter.

It will take 25 minutes to bake, 1 serving contains no more than 180 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fruit thoroughly, then cut off the top and carefully cut out the middle. You will get an apple "glass".
  2. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese with honey, vanilla and lingonberries. When stirring, try not to crush the berries.
  3. Stuff the cups with the filling, put a cube of butter on top.
  4. Roast in the oven until the fruit is soft, 20 to 30 minutes.

In general, any baked apple with cottage cheese and melted chocolate is a good substitute for high-calorie cakes and “harmful” sweets. This dessert is usually very popular with both children and adults.

Amount of required ingredients:

  • 5 apples (preferably large ones);
  • 50-60 g of sugar;
  • half a chocolate bar;
  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese.

It will take 30 minutes to prepare. One serving contains 180 kcal.

  1. It is important that the curd filling is not dry, so use homemade cottage cheese. If you still have a dry product, just combine it with sour cream (400 g of product will need ¼ cup of sour cream);
  2. Add sugar to cottage cheese and mix well;
  3. Wash the apples, cut off the “top”, carefully remove the core and partially the pulp. Leave about 1 cm around the edges;
  4. Fill prepared fruit curd filling top with the cut top. Cook for 15 minutes. in the microwave;
  5. Now we need to act like this: remove the dish and remove the “lid”, it will no longer be needed. Put a piece of chocolate on the curd filling, send the fruit to the microwave to melt the chocolate;
  6. Serve immediately.

If you need a portioned and healthy dessert, for example, children's party, then there is nothing better than a baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese and colorful candied fruits, try it.

You will need:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 apples;
  • 2 tsp diced multi-colored candied fruits;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • 10 g honey.

This dish is easy to prepare in 30 minutes. The calorie content of a serving is 170 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse apples, cut off the top part, remove some pulp and core. It is important that the recess is not through;
  2. Pierce the skin of the fruit in 3-4 places with a wooden toothpick;
  3. Mix candied fruits with honey and mashed cottage cheese;
  4. Fill apple cups with filling, sprinkle with cinnamon. Put them in the bowl of the multicooker, after pouring a little water into it;
  5. Set the appliance to the "baking" mode, cook for at least 30 minutes.

Low-calorie breakfast: apples stuffed with cottage cheese and zest

Another ingredient - lemon zest - will give the filling a completely special taste. Instead, you can take cinnamon, vanilla or dried berries, such as cranberries.

You will need:

  • Apple hard varieties- 2 pieces;
  • egg;
  • lemon ½ part - for zest;
  • fat-free fresh cottage cheese - 100 grams;
  • 25 grams of semolina;
  • 8 g fructose.

It takes 30 minutes to cook. The value of 100 g serving is 125 kcal.


  1. Cut the apples in half, remove the core.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon using a grater.
  3. Rub skim cheese with egg, semolina and fructose, put the zest.
  4. Fill the halves of the fruit with the minced meat and bake over medium heat in the oven, about 20 minutes.

diet apples, stuffed with cottage cheese and dried fruits, can be eaten as a low-calorie dessert. Because the calorie content of the dish is only 150 kcal per 100 gr. dessert.


  • 4 green apples;
  • 5-7 pcs. dried apricots;
  • 30 gr. seedless raisins;
  • 1 fresh egg;
  • 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Some sweet sand.


  1. To prepare the filling, dry fruits are thoroughly washed, steamed with boiling water for a quarter of an hour. We spread the softened raisins with dried apricots on a paper towel, dry thoroughly. Cut the dried apricots into small cubes.
  2. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork, breaking up large lumps. We drive in a raw egg, add sugar to taste, stir everything diligently. Add dried fruits to cottage cheese, mix.
  3. We wash the apples, cut off the top with a tail, cut out the core with a special tool or an ordinary teaspoon.
  4. It is better to take green apples with a thick skin so that they do not turn into a puree under the influence of high temperatures. It also depends on how much to bake apples in the oven.
  5. We stuff each apple tightly with curd filling, forming a small hill.
  6. We spread the apples in a mold, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
  7. Put the finished apples on a dish, decorate with fresh mint, cinnamon stick or star anise. Cool slightly before serving.

Oven baked apples with cottage cheese and walnuts

Oven baked apples can be stuffed different kinds fillings. The most delicious and healthy is the curd filling with nuts. Consider next detailed recipe of this dish.


  • 8 apples;
  • 220 gr. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 1 bag of vanilla;
  • 30 gr. walnut kernels;
  • 1-2 tbsp natural honey.


  1. Wash the apples thoroughly, dry them, cut a hole in the center of the fruit with a special knife. Now we expand the hole with an ordinary knife, keeping the cut out pulp.
  2. Finely chop the walnut kernels with a knife.
  3. In order for the nuts to reveal their taste and aroma more, they can be roasted in a dry frying pan.
  4. We grind the cottage cheese with a fork, add liquid honey, nut crumbs.
  5. Finely cut the cut apple pulp, add to the filling. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, adding a little vanilla sugar.
  6. We fill the apples with the filling, put them in a refractory mold, additionally flavor with thick honey on top so that it does not spread too much. Bake dessert for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  7. We spread the apples baked with cottage cheese in the oven from the mold on a serving dish or portioned plates, cool a little. Then we serve it on the table after the main meal.

Very tasty are apples baked with cottage cheese in the oven with the addition of semolina. Such a delicacy can be offered even to the smallest family members.


  • 150 gr. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp oil;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 1.5 tbsp manochki;
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. We start preparing the dessert with the preparation of the filling. Grind cottage cheese to a pasty state. Dissolve the butter in the microwave, stir into the curd. We put semolina, honey, vanilla there. Mix the mass thoroughly.
  2. We cut off the top of the washed apples, scrape out the core with a spoon, trying not to damage the bottom. Fill apple molds with curd filling.
  3. We place the products in a refractory mold. We send to bake in the oven for half an hour at 170-180 degrees.
  4. Put the apples baked in the oven on a plate, decorate with a sprig of mint, powdered sugar. Serve as a dessert. Read more:


  • apples 5-6 pcs.
  • cottage cheese 100 gr.
  • cinnamon sugar
  • walnuts 2-3 pcs.
  • butter 1 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. Wash apples with warm water
  2. Cut the core of the apples with stones, making a cone-shaped hole without cutting to the bottom so that the filling does not leak out
  3. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and cinnamon
  4. Stuff the apples with a little bit of butter in each
  5. Cover with the top of an apple or foil, put in a preheated oven for twenty minutes
  6. Remove apples, sprinkle chopped walnuts and cinnamon on top
  7. That's it, you've got the most delicious dietary dessert ready!

Bon Appetit!


  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Curd - 100 g
  • Plums - 4 pcs.
  • Coconut flakes - 1 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.

Cooking baked apples with cottage cheese:

  1. Wash the apples, dry them and with a special knife, remove the core from the side where the tail is located. If there is no such knife, use a regular one.
  2. Wash the plums, divide into 2 parts, remove the stone, and cut the pulp into small pieces.
  3. Put cottage cheese in a deep plate. Add chopped plums, honey, coconut flakes and ground cinnamon.
  4. Mix the filling well and fill it with apples with a small slide. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the dessert to bake for 7-10 minutes on the lower level. Apples can also be baked in the microwave. This will take about 5-7 minutes, although the preparation time depends on the power of the device.

Little tricks

  1. The apples you are going to bake must be hard varieties. This is important so that the fruit does not fall apart during cooking;
  2. A large amount of sugar never improves the taste of the filling, if you absolutely want to make more sweet stuffing, then for her there is a natural ally - raisins or honey;
  3. Very delicious stuffing It will turn out if you mix cottage cheese with berries. To do this, it is better to take the most tender berries: strawberries and strawberries;
  4. Instead of candied fruits, you can take any dried berries. It can be cranberries, lingonberries or raspberries;
  5. So that the apple does not crack during cooking, it must be pricked on all sides with a sharp toothpick;
  6. Dessert can be made sweeter by adding more sugar and serving sprinkled with powdered sugar. And the unsweetened version of baked apples with cottage cheese is especially good with raisins and candied fruits.

Bon Appetit!

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