Home Bakery Open a small restaurant. Restaurant business: how to open a restaurant. The cost of opening a restaurant from scratch: cost calculation and necessary documents. steps to open a fast food cafe

Open a small restaurant. Restaurant business: how to open a restaurant. The cost of opening a restaurant from scratch: cost calculation and necessary documents. steps to open a fast food cafe

We will tell you what it takes to open your own restaurant. Find out where to start and how to proceed. What ideas will bring you the most profit? All details in the article.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Elena Zaitseva is with you - a full-time expert of the HeatherBober magazine on business and finance issues.

It always seemed to me that opening your own restaurant is a win-win business idea: all you need is a beautiful interior and delicious food. But after talking with successful restaurateurs, I realized that especially at the beginning I have to solve many problems, from choosing a cuisine to organizing an advertising campaign.

If you are considering going into the restaurant business, this article is for you. I have prepared detailed instructions for opening my institution and collected answers to pressing questions. At the end, a bonus awaits you - tips from successful businessmen who will make your start effective.

1. Opening your own restaurant - business features

There are no reliable statistics, but, according to experts, only 3 out of 10 establishments in Russia continue to work in a year. And it is even more difficult to say how many of them remain successful in the future.

Such figures are associated with the specifics of the restaurant business. It is important to choose the right premises, invite a good chef and hire polite and helpful staff. But this is not all.

Get ready to face:

  • with high competition;
  • with increased client requests;
  • with regular inspections of fire, sanitary-epidemiological and other services;
  • with the need to search for and subsequent control of suppliers, etc.

These factors are typical for any type of establishment, be it a fish restaurant, a children's cafe or a pastry shop.

There are 2 ways to start a restaurant business - create an institution from scratch on your own or buy a franchise. Experts believe that the risks in the first case are greater.

A franchise is a paid right to work under the brand name of a well-known company. Buying it, you use not only the famous name, but also the same technologies and standards.

Alex Yanovsky, co-founder of Japanese restaurants, is sure that franchising is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

2. Ideas for a restaurant

Choosing the cuisine that you will offer to visitors is a key step. The menu of your establishment, customer segmentation and return on investment depend on it.

A national restaurant, a pizzeria with a delivery service or a small family-owned ice cream parlor - these options are almost classics. But I propose to consider 3 ideas that are now at the peak of popularity.

Sushi restaurant

I analyzed the statistics: Asian cuisine in almost all countries of the world is in 3rd place, second only to national and Italian. The popularity of sushi over the years does not fall, but grows. A vivid example of the success of such a business is the Sushi Master company.

Their first point was opened in 2013. After 12 months, there were 14 establishments, and now there are more than 125. By the end of 2018, the owners plan to expand the restaurant chain to 300 units.

The founders of the company are sure that the secret of success is in the right niche, optimal format and partnerships within the company.

Sushi Master is a multi-format brand. Among the establishments there are both classic restaurants and street outlets and food courts. This approach covers more target customers and allows you to adjust to the specifics of the location.

The company aims to expand to 30,000 restaurants by 2030. Such plans are an indicator of the success of a business.


Coffee and a fragrant croissant will transform the most sleepy morning. A hearty hot cake after work will help restore strength and mood.

Confectionery is a great business idea

The confectionery does not require a significant area, which significantly reduces rental costs. Of the staff per shift, a waiter, a salesman and a confectioner are enough.

The average check in a pastry shop is lower than in a classic restaurant. But the investment is less.

When planning a cafe-confectionery, pay special attention to the location. It is best to open in shopping malls, on the main streets or other popular places. Evaluate the presence of competitors. If there is a point with a similar assortment nearby, then it will be difficult to “kill” it.

Grill Restaurant

Meat cooked on the grill is the main element of the grill bar menu. In such establishments, the assortment plays a key role. The set of equipment necessary for work also depends on the dishes offered to visitors.

Lava grill imitates coals and is great for barbecue or roasting meat. And to cook a whole chicken, you need a skewer or roller grill.

Consider in advance the placement of equipment, taking into account the weight, size and power of the equipment. Give preference to devices made of stainless steel and with non-stick coating.

It is good to open a grill restaurant outside the city. It is optimal if the institution has a terrace with beautiful views.

3. How to open your own restaurant - where to start

Serious work precedes the opening of the doors for the first guests. The owner has hundreds of tasks - from planning a project for future activities to organizing an advertising campaign.

When you decide on the direction of the institution, the time will come for concrete action. To make it easier for you to navigate, I have prepared step-by-step instructions for entering the restaurant business from scratch.

Stage 1. Development of a business plan

The business plan will show the amount of required costs, the amount of profit, the profitability and payback of the project, and other indicators.

Experts advise conducting the first analysis before launch.

Include in your document:

  1. Analysis of the market and main competitors.
  2. Your pricing policy.
  3. The cost of buying or renting a property.
  4. Product range.
  5. Cost estimate for opening and advertising campaign.
  6. Monthly costs for wages, utilities, product purchases, etc.
  7. Expected financial results - profitability, payback, break-even and others.

Are you making a business plan not only for yourself, but also for potential investors? Contact professional analysts. This approach will make the document more persuasive and attract more money.

Be sure to adjust the planned data as the case develops. This will bring the forecast closer to reality.

Stage 2. Registration of entrepreneurial activity

Register as an entrepreneur. The best option is to open an LLC. Can an individual entrepreneur be in the restaurant business? Yes, but there are limitations. For example, it will not be possible to sell strong alcohol, including wine.

Let's get ahead of ourselves - the paperwork will not end with the registration of entrepreneurial activity. Then you will need permission from the fire department, sanitary and epidemiological services, an agreement for garbage collection and disinfection, registration of a cash register, etc.

It is not necessary to spend time studying all the legal intricacies of the restaurant business. Contact a company that will prepare all the necessary paperwork for you.

Stage 3. Room selection

Finding the right space to buy or rent is essential.

The Italian restaurateur Marciano Palli believes that in the list of 5 key success factors, the place of the future establishment should occupy the first 4 positions.

The meaning is:

  • city ​​district - premises in the center are more expensive, but the traffic in them is higher;
  • infrastructure - it is better to open near a shopping mall, market or other crowded place;
  • location - a small cafe at the intersection of streets will be seen by more people than a large bar in a dead end.

Consider not only the place, but also the specifics of your kitchen. For example, place a fast food cafe near the train station, and a premium restaurant near the hotel.

For more tips on choosing a room, see the video:

Stage 4. Purchase of equipment

The set of equipment that you will need for work depends on the specifics of the kitchen. If you open a grill bar, you will have meat cooking equipment, and if you open a pastry shop, baking equipment.

Leading restaurateurs advise to consult with the future chef before purchasing equipment. He knows what he will need for cooking and will tell you which brands and models are best to choose.

Stage 5. Recruitment

Interview staff yourself - select people according to your goals and character.

Carefully select employees, the mood of customers depends on their work

The number of employees depends on the work schedule of the institution and the volume of labor duties.

For the first time in a shift, it is enough to have:

  • 1-2 waiters;
  • chef;
  • 1-2 chefs (based on 50 guests);
  • cleaning lady
  • cashier;
  • employee meeting guests (hostess);
  • administrator;
  • dishwasher.

You can combine duties. For example, the cleaning lady will wash the dishes, and the administrator will meet the guests.

Consider maintaining tax and accounting records. There are three options: keep records yourself, hire an “incoming” employee or hire an accountant.

Stage 6. Compilation of the menu

Delegate this issue to the chef. At the same time, discuss with him in advance the list of products for the purchase of which you already have an agreement with suppliers.

When your point is up and running, it's a good idea to conduct a visitor survey. So you will understand what dishes to remove and what to add.

Stage 7. Advertising and PR

Effective tools to attract guests:

  1. Bright sign.
  2. Distribution of leaflets.
  3. Banners around the city.
  4. Advertising in social networks.
  5. Information through the media.
  6. Promotions and drawings.

4. How long will it take

From the idea of ​​​​opening your own restaurant to the first guests, an average of 4-6 months pass. But the path of each institution is individual.

The timing of the implementation of the business plan depends on:

  • time spent on search, repair and design of the premises;
  • the speed of registering business activities and obtaining all required permits;
  • time spent searching for employees and suppliers.

The larger the business, the more time it will take to implement the project. A small cafe will start working in 3 months, and sometimes a year is not enough to open a large restaurant.

Anatoly, the owner of the grill bar:

I picked up a room in a week, found the chef in 2 more days. I was sure - a month or two and we will open. But then everything went terribly - the fire department did not coordinate the hood, the sanitary and epidemiological service also “deployed”.

We spent another 3 months to correct the shortcomings, but we did not receive the necessary permits. Only six months later we were able to organize the work so that we were given the necessary documents. In total, it took us almost 8 months, although we planned to meet a maximum of 3.

5. How much does it cost

There is no exact answer to the question of how much it will cost to open your own restaurant. The final amount is made up of many factors.

The amount of investment in the restaurant business is affected by:

  • the format of ownership of the premises - buying an object is much more expensive than renting it;
  • the cost of finishing - in one case, cosmetic repairs are enough, and in the other, a complete redevelopment is required;
  • price of furniture and equipment;
  • the cost of dishes and kitchen utensils;
  • expenses for formalities necessary for opening - registration of activities, fees, etc.;
  • the cost of the services of the organization that will undertake the paperwork;
  • the cost of installing a cash register, signaling, surveillance and computerization.

In total, opening a mid-level establishment will cost 3-4 million rubles, excluding further monthly costs.

6. Help in opening a restaurant - a simple solution to complex problems

While collecting information for the article, I realized that opening your own restaurant is a complex and labor-intensive process. But is it necessary to create an institution from scratch yourself?

Abroad, the opening of franchised catering establishments is widespread everywhere. Large companies such as KFC, McDonalds and SubWay provide rights to use their brand, giving tremendous development opportunities to other entrepreneurs.

I asked my friend Arkady, who works on a franchise from, to talk about the benefits of such a business.

Here are the benefits he listed:

  1. The brand is already known, no need to spend money on its promotion.
  2. The parent company supports partners both at the start and in the process of work.
  3. You don't need to invent anything. An effective working model has already been created, it just needs to be implemented correctly.
  4. The franchisor provides all advertising materials and gives advice on their use.

And most importantly, the risks of such activities are minimal - the model has been tested on hundreds of successful restaurants.

Sushi Master provides an opportunity to launch a project for entrepreneurs with different amounts of initial investment.

The table below shows the characteristics of the 4 possible formats:

Of course, no franchise can guarantee 100% success. With illiterate application, even the most successful model will be unprofitable.

Entrepreneur's Choice- open a restaurant on your own or use the service " Full construction» from a third party. Specialized companies help organize business in the HoReCa sector. They take care of the documentation, design, selection of equipment. The process of launching a public catering enterprise requires experience and a professional approach. And any delay is an additional cost.

How to open a restaurant from scratch - a set of events

Concept development - is based on the analysis of a number of factors. The target audience is identified. The format is selected for it, the location of the object is taken into account. A concept is created, consisting of three blocks:

  1. Idea - information for the guest, forming an idea about the institution. For themed restaurants, this is a legend - a real or fictional story. The marketing image defines the niche for the enterprise.
  2. Format - choose their "place" both by price category and by the method of service.
  3. Brand - name, marketing image, logo design.

Business planning - has three goals:

  1. Evaluation of a business project - taking into account the number of seats and determining the rate of return for each of them, restaurant occupancy rates, margins, seasonal factor.
  2. Action plan for opening an enterprise - updating cash flows, comparing sales figures, budget parameters and profitability indicators.
  3. Search for funds - own investments, lending, investment.

room - when choosing, they are guided by the following conditions:

  1. Location - proximity to the center, office and shopping complexes, metro stations, passable streets and crowded places.
  2. Type - residential / non-residential, free appointment / for public catering, shopping center / detached.
  3. Floors - basement / basement, first / high-rise building.
  4. Condition and area - repair / redevelopment is required, the presence of communication networks, the number of entrances, the height of the ceilings.
  5. Power - increase if necessary.
  6. Price/legal conditions - terms of lease and price per square meter per year, the possibility of prolongation of the contract.

Engineering and design - includes a full package of drawings: architectural solution, engineering networks, electricity, layout of premises. 3D visualization makes it possible to see all the nuances, evaluate the created idea indoors, and not on paper. Develop the zoning of the hall and kitchen, taking into account the ergonomics of space. A technological project is a plan for arranging furniture and appliances. It indicates the sequence of production processes, the flow of lines, the patency of the hall.

Restaurant equipment - supply of equipment, utensils, inventory and furniture takes several months. The bar counter is made to order, which requires additional time. Therefore, applications for a complete set are placed at the stage of writing a project.

Obtaining documentation for putting the facility into operation - the list is adjusted by regional legislation.

  1. Registration of a legal entity - a certificate, the charter of the enterprise, TIN, a certificate from the statistics committee, certificates of registration with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, opening a current account.
  2. Premises - a legal document (rent / ownership), BTI approvals, permission for public catering.
  3. Cash register - passport, registration card, cash book with the stamp of the Tax Inspectorate.
  4. Licenses - for trade in food, alcohol and tobacco products.

Menu - Unusual recipes are sure to interest customers. You can make a signature serving of classic dishes, and guests will remember them. A smart move is the organization of a master class for staff, where they will be trained to work with professional equipment. The range is developed in several stages.

  1. Pre-Assortment
  2. Tasting study, quality assessment
  3. Statement
  4. Technological study with photoset
  5. Creation of technological maps, calculation cards, pricing
  6. Formation of a PAR-list (purchase) and selection of suppliers
  7. Menu design
  8. Entering flow charts into the automation system to create dishes that are not included in the menu.
  1. Outdoor advertising (in transport, pavement signs, signs, signboards) - is placed in places where potential customers gather. Represents a specific route that will lead the guest to the restaurant.
  2. Internet advertising. The modern client is a network user. In the virtual space, the guest will read the reviews, the description of the institution. A well-designed website will also attract attention.
  3. Media and PR - radio advertising helps to inform about entertainment programs and promotions. News feeds in the print media shape the image of the cafe.
  4. Printed (POS) materials - little things that inform and remind you of your restaurant: business cards, logo pens, flyers and booklets.
  5. Event marketing - internal events and loyalty programs.

How much does it cost to open a restaurant

Without exception, all start-up entrepreneurs are wondering about the cost of organizing a business in the HoReCa sector. The restaurant is characterized by a wide range of dishes and drinks, a high level of service. It is important to correspond to the status, because the contingent of the institution is determined.

In the metropolis, the amount of financial investments is approximately thirty million rubles. Each case is individual, has its price. It is determined by rent, the need for repair and redevelopment, the work of designers and designers, the production cycle of the enterprise, and equipment. On average, a square meter of usable area costs $ 1000-1500. Consider a list of expenses. As an example, let's take a restaurant with an area of ​​250 m² for 80 seats.

Expert business support (consulting)

  • The concept of the restaurant - 25-35 thousand rubles.
  • Business planning - 55-65 thousand rubles.
  • Assortment of dishes - from 500 rubles. for one position
  • Premises selection
  • Selection and training of personnel - 10-20 thousand rubles.


  • Rent per year - 2.5 to 25 million rubles.
  • Full design - 162,500 rubles.
  • Full design - 262,500 rubles.
  • Finishing - 375 thousand to 3 million 750 thousand rubles.

Restaurant equipment - RUB 3,407,234

  • Equipment (thermal, refrigeration, electromechanical, neutral) -1,563,540 rubles.
  • Crockery (kitchenware) - 88,780 rubles.
  • Crockery (tableware, including knives and glasses) - 323,210 rubles.
  • Inventory - 42,263 rubles.
  • Serving items - 178,503 rubles.
  • Uniform of cooks - 13 180 rubles.
  • Furniture - 1,001,740 rubles.
  • Automation - depends on the selected program "1C: Restaurant", R-Keeper, Iiko - 30 to 120 thousand rubles.

Brand promotion

  • Corporate identity - logo, business cards, menus and other printed materials - 30,000 rubles.
  • Production of a sign - the price depends on the chosen design - roof installation, light box, LED sign, pylons, steles, etc.
  • Advertising - outdoor, interior, print, media, BTL

Staff - should initially work on the project. The chef himself forms the team. The choice of equipment also often falls on his shoulders. The costs associated with the formation of wages grow in proportion to the profitability of the institution and depend on the staffing table.

  • Chef - 50,000 rubles, with a name - from 10 thousand dollars.
  • Director - 100,000 rubles.
  • Manager - 50,000 rubles.
  • Sous chef - 25,000 rubles
  • Cook - 18,000 rubles
  • Kitchen workers - 10,000 rubles.
  • Waiters, bartenders - 12,000 rubles.

There is no specific template to open a restaurant. In each case, an individual approach is needed. Starting a business from scratch implies the presence of additional cost items associated with obtaining permits and preparing the premises. However, this time-consuming process in all respects can be eliminated. Use the service of a third-party organization to launch a turnkey restaurant.

How to make money in a restaurant, bar, cafe

seasonal factor

The peak of work of the institution in the tourist center falls on April-September. European cuisine restaurants, sushi bars and pizzerias win. You can get revenue during the season, subject to the basic rules.

  • Menu - replace the standard card with offers with a small number of items within the concept. The function of promoting the “necessary” dishes is assigned to the waiters. The main thing is that the recommendations are not intrusive. Focus on food that is low cost, easy to prepare and quick to serve. As a result, the work of the kitchen is simplified, customer service is accelerated. In addition, a compact menu helps to manage inventory levels, minimize costs, and eliminate the appearance of a stop list.
  • Bar card - turnover growth determines the speed of sales, so it is better to replace complex cocktails, leaving a couple of bestsellers for regular customers.

It is necessary to serve tourists in 5-7 minutes. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing customers, so the day of the traveler does not have free time.

Marketing to Locals

According to statistics, the lion's share of the establishment's regular customers live in close proximity to it. Therefore, the work strategy is focused on a specific area. It makes no sense to talk about your cafe to people who, if they come to you, are only out of curiosity. As a result, they will give preference to a bar near the house. Profit is formed on regular customers. Therefore, your task is to create an incentive to return. Loyalty cards still work. A good move is the organization of themed evenings: literary, musical, gaming, corresponding to the idea of ​​the institution. As a rule, owners of coffee houses, restaurants of Italian or Mediterranean cuisine resort to such marketing chips.

Storming costs

Any restaurant can suffer a disaster. There are many reasons for this. We will not dwell on them. Let's see how to stay afloat and get out of a difficult situation.

Owners of beer bars, steakhouses, fish restaurants, where the average check is not affordable for everyone, sometimes face a drop in demand. The main thing is not to panic, work systematically. To begin with, fixed costs are analyzed. You can ask the landlord to revise the contract for a while. If you resort to this practice once a year, unstable financial moments are excluded.

Reduce the cost of products by splitting suppliers. This minimizes the shortage of goods in the kitchen, will allow you to form a pricing policy. World practice shows the effectiveness of a small, managed menu with the inclusion of seasonal products to control costs.

For example, if you are the owner of a FISH house, update the menu based on the catch of a particular fish. while maintaining top positions. This also applies to bakeries where fruit and berry pastries are present. In summer and autumn, filling products are much cheaper, which helps to save money, create a material reserve in case of a low season.

A satisfied and regular customer is the result of the correct work of the restaurateur and his team. Follow the established rules, resort to the help of professionals, and your business will become successful, sustainable and prosperous.

Now you know how to open a restaurant. If you have any questions, write in the comments!

The material covers the issues of choosing a concept, registration, taxation, obtaining permits and the necessary documents and necessary equipment, also contains an approximate calculation of how much it costs to open a cafe.

Catering business(cafes, restaurants, eateries, bars, etc.), provided it is properly organized, has always been and remains profitable. However, if the creation of a restaurant is a large-scale, extremely costly and complex project (and sometimes unprofitable), then opening a small cafe will require much less investment, time and effort, and is also characterized by fewer risks.

How to open a cafe, where to start

What is a cafe, how does it differ from other catering establishments? The answer to this question is given by GOST R 50762-2007.

This is an enterprise that organizes catering and recreation for visitors and provides them with a limited range of products, as well as selling specialties, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks.

Thus, the purchase of basic equipment for a small cafe will cost about 200 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need air conditioning, kitchen utensils, dishes, textiles, furniture, office equipment, the purchase costs of which will be ~ 100 thousand rubles.

Total investment in equipment ~ 300,000 rubles.


The choice of personnel is a very responsible task for opening a successful cafe. Taking into account shift work, a small establishment will need a chef, 2 cooks, 4 waiters, an administrator, a dishwasher, and a cleaner. The number of employees depends on the concept and size of the cafe, but at first, too much staff can be detrimental to the business. All staff must have medical books.

About the franchise

A cafe franchise is a variant of opening a catering business owned by well-known chain brands. Such a business has both its pros and cons. Today you can buy a franchise of companies such as Subway, Chocolate Girl, 33 Penguin, Baskin Robbins etc.

On the one hand, a franchise allows you to purchase a perfectly calculated model of a ready-made cafe; in this case, the business will be guaranteed to be successful. On the other hand, these are additional cash costs in the form of one-time contributions, regular royalties, deductions to funds, etc., as well as the lack of opportunities to make changes to the business to your liking and discretion. Therefore, before you open your franchise cafe, you should carefully evaluate all the possible consequences.

December 2015 update:

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the Pizza Time franchise, an interesting option for opening a catering business in 2016.

Cafe is the most popular format of public catering establishments. It doesn't take a multi-million dollar to start this business. costs. With a good work of the cafe, it is easy to acquire a permanent loyal clientele. You can work in one place for decades and even pass this business on by inheritance.

But in order for the cafe to bring a constant stable income, before opening it, you need to study the key points of this business. Of course, nothing can replace your real experience, but still, it is worth knowing where to start if you decide to open your cafe from scratch.

For our users, we have written a book about opening a small cafe, where we have collected only practical recommendations, examples and calculations. This is a little more than just a step-by-step guide, so we highly recommend that you read it.

What will you learn by reading our book? Before you open your cafe, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • Where will you open a cafe? Will it be a shopping center, a busy street, a residential area or a closed area such as an office center, university, enterprise?
  • Are there enough potential customers out there? How to estimate the expected attendance of your cafe?
  • How are your competitors doing? What niche in the catering market can you occupy?
  • Where to buy equipment, furniture and utensils for your cafe?
  • How to legally resolve the issue with musical accompaniment?
  • What do you need to get permission to open a cafe?

Our instruction book will tell you where to start to open your own cafe. But we did not limit ourselves only to describing the procedure for opening a cafe. You will also learn how to evaluate the restaurant's menu for profitability, what are the performance indicators of a working cafe, what should your chef do, and what area of ​​responsibility should you control yourself.

How much does it cost to open a cafe from scratch

To understand how much money you need to open a cafe, you need to decide on the format of your establishment. At the preliminary stage of assessing the location, activities of competitors, possible attendance, average check, you can already assume what daily income your cafe will bring. A good payback period for a cafe would be one year of full operation, and that's what you need to base your calculations on how much money you need to open your cafe.

All costs for opening a cafe from scratch can be divided into one-time and those that will have to be borne for the entire period of the cafe's operation. Let's collect this data in a table:

We did not indicate in the table the most important item of expenditure - for the premises, since the situation here may be different:

  • Do you already have your own cafe space?
  • Are you planning to buy a property?
  • cafe space will be rented.

Most often, the premises for a cafe are rented. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, areas where there is good attendance are often located in shopping centers, where premises can only be rented. Secondly, renting rather than buying premises reduces the cost of opening a cafe. Thirdly, despite all the preliminary calculations, the location of the cafe may turn out to be unsuccessful.

You need to rent a space for a cafe wisely. About what you need to pay attention to when concluding a lease agreement with the owner, we told in our book. Well, if the premises are yours, congratulations, your risks when opening a cafe from scratch will be much less.

In each case, the amount of expenses when opening a cafe from scratch will be different. In our book, we calculated in detail and to the smallest detail the cost of opening a summer-type cafe for 20 people. One-time costs amounted to 500 thousand rubles, plus 330 thousand rubles were fixed costs for the first month of the cafe, taking into account the lease of the premises. Total, 830 thousand rubles.

For business starters, we advise you to consider the option of a franchise in the field of catering. Opening a franchise cafe in some cases will be cheaper, due to the fact that the franchisor is interested in promoting his brand. For example, he may offer you equipment in installments, for rent, or even for free use. Of course, he will reimburse his expenses later when he receives monthly payments from you, but at the first stage, running a franchise cafe will help you start making a profit faster.

When choosing a franchise, keep in mind that the cost and income examples in the franchisor's proposal may not be entirely accurate. The franchisor is interested in selling you a franchise, so recalculate all the figures given yourself and add those costs that are not taken into account in his rosy picture.

Are you planning to start your own business? Do not forget about the current account - it will simplify doing business, paying taxes and insurance premiums. Especially now, many banks offer favorable conditions for opening and maintaining a current account. You can get acquainted with the offers on our site.

How to open a cafe from scratch: a business plan

Do I need a business plan to open a cafe? If we talk about a professionally written document with formulas, graphs and market research, then it will cost a lot. Unfortunately, even an expensive document prepared by specialists will not guarantee you the declared income figures. A business plan is just a plan; only the cost figures will be more or less accurate in it.

Nevertheless, before you open your own cafe, you must definitely calculate its revenue side. Yes, it will only be assumed, but you have to imagine what you can expect with a good organization of the cafe.

We propose to replace a professional business plan for opening a cafe with an example with calculations of expenses and revenues. You can also find such an example in our book. In this example, we calculated not only the amount of expenses, but also how many visitors should enter the cafe, what should be the average bill, and what could be the payback period of your cafe.

What documents are needed to open a cafe

What permissions are needed to open a cafe? A cafe is a public catering enterprise, and such establishments are under increased attention of supervisory authorities. Answering the question: “What does it take to open a cafe?”, we must draw your attention to the presence of certain bureaucratic barriers.

Unfortunately, the process of obtaining permits for opening a cafe can take you a lot of time. The procedure itself is not explicitly spelled out in any regulatory act, because approvals must be obtained in different services.

The package of documents for opening a cafe in 2020 will include:

  • coordination with the fire inspectorate;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the cafe with the requirements;
  • permission to open a cafe from the local administration;
  • permission to place outdoor advertising;
  • a license to sell alcohol, if you sell it;
  • coordination with the police on the placement of a panic button.

The most difficult thing will be to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a cafe, because. for this, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of several special documents (SNiP). During the issuance of the conclusion, Rospotrebnadzor will request contracts for disinfection, garbage disposal, laundry services, a technological project for connecting equipment to electricity, water, sewerage, and other documents. Further, a program of sanitary production control will be approved, according to the plan of which further activities will be checked. We advise you not to conclude a lease until you know the sanitary requirements for your type of cafe. It is possible that the room you have chosen may not correspond to them at all.

It is easier to open a cafe in a room where there was already a catering point, or in a shopping center in the format of a food court, where the administration of the shopping center will provide some assistance in obtaining permits.

You can answer what documents are needed to open a cafe in Russia in specialized law firms that help in obtaining various kinds of licenses, approvals, permits. It is no secret that connections, knowledge of the procedure, regional peculiarities are of great importance in this matter, therefore, if you have the opportunity to order such services, you should take advantage of this.

In any case, do not despair, you can get permits to open a cafe on your own, especially since you only need to do this once. Look how many active catering outlets are around, they all managed to overcome these bureaucratic obstacles. You can too.

Cafe is a very promising business option. A pizzeria, a coffee shop, a fast food outlet at the mall, or a special place for children - any of these options can provide a stable income. It is important to accurately calculate the prospects of the business, choose the right premises, the right concept and the best prices.

The business is highly competitive, but there are always niches in the restaurant market that a newcomer should occupy. How to open a cafe from scratch? Step-by-step instructions are contained in our new publication!

The main difference between a cafe and a restaurant is a more democratic format. The prices here are more affordable, which attracts visitors with different income levels.

How to open a restaurant in Moscow and other cities of Russia from scratch and draw up a competent business plan? The answer is contained

For an entrepreneur, the cafe format is attractive due to the absence of strict regulations. This type of establishment may not have a cloakroom required for a restaurant. Service by waiters or distribution of dishes at the counter is possible. A cafe can have an extensive kitchen and cook all meals on the spot or reheat convenience foods.

Future restaurateurs can choose any cafe concept. Establishments with mono-dishes reflected in the name are very popular: patisserie cafes, ice cream parlors, coffee shops, sandwich shops, and dumpling shops. Establishments with national cuisine are no less in demand: Russian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, French, American.

Specialized places include art cafes, establishments aimed at children, students, and youth. This category also includes those who rely on communication.

How to open a cafe: where to start, step by step instructions

When deciding to open a cafe, it is important to consider a whole list of questions:

  • The work begins with defining the concept of the future institution. The future owner needs to determine whether the cafe will prepare food on its own or rely on semi-finished products. A combination option is also possible. For example, snacks, soups and hot dishes are prepared in cafes, and desserts are ordered on the side.
  • Find the right space. It depends on the concept, price level and other factors. For example, a trendy cafe with a fairly high price tag is best opened in the city center, a children's cafe is more conveniently located near a park, inexpensive fast food can be opened at the food court of a large shopping center.

Usually the premises are taken on a long-term lease. Well, if there is a possibility of subsequent redemption.

  • Register a legal entity. Usually catering establishments, this applies even to large chains. This form of registration allows you to significantly save on taxes.
  • Take care of permits. It is easier to get it for a room in which a catering establishment has already been located. A separate important topic is the license for alcohol. If you plan to limit yourself to selling beer, you don't need a license. It can be obtained after the opening of the cafe. Separate documents are also needed to open a summer playground.
  • The next step is the purchase of equipment. You will need cutting tables, electric stoves and sinks, combi steamers and refrigerated chests. The hall must be equipped with showcases, both horizontal and vertical. The better the display of dishes, the higher the sales.
  • Hire staff. The cafe needs waiters, cashiers, baristas, dishwashers, cooks, confectioners, cleaners. Some positions may overlap. Mandatory hall manager, who monitors the work of the cafe, resolves conflict situations.
  • Develop a menu and set prices. Do not abuse discounts that reduce profits. A variety of culinary festivals, dishes of the month, special Lenten, children's, summer or holiday menus will help to make the menu more diverse.
  • Get into advertising. You can promote your cafe in the press, through blogs and social networks. This is the most accessible opportunity to tell about your institution. Communicating with potential and real guests, you can better know their preferences to make adjustments to the cafe.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch and what documents are required for this - read

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

Many novice restaurateurs make mistakes that bring significant losses to the enterprise and interfere with the normal development of the company. These include:

  • blurry concept;
  • too cramped room, which does not make it possible to accommodate the required number of guests;
  • extensive menu. The shorter the list of dishes, the easier it is to control their quality;
  • unsuccessful location of the cafe;
  • insufficient control over staff.

Cafe business plan: an example with calculations

A business plan is a visual diagram of expenses and income. The more detailed this document is, the easier it is to determine the profitability of the business. The plan is necessary for entrepreneurs who are going to receive loans, subsidies, attract investors and partners.

But even if you plan to run a business on your own and invest only your own funds, you cannot do without a business plan.

For example, consider the plan of a small city cafe. The enterprise is located on the first floor of the building, the total area of ​​the premises is 250 sq. m. It is assumed that half of the premises will be used as a trading floor, the second will be occupied by the kitchen and utility rooms.

The basis of the menu is Russian cuisine. Take-away trade is expected, part of the desserts is purchased in a large confectionery, pastries are prepared on the spot from semi-finished products. Business lunches are not provided, there is a 20% discount at lunchtime.

You can learn how to draw up a business plan for a confectionery and download a sample of it, you can

What equipment will be required?

  • bar counter;
  • professional coffee machine;
  • 2 refrigerated showcases for the hall;
  • Refrigerated chest;
  • combi steamer;
  • 2 electric stoves;
  • 2 freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • pancake;
  • grill;
  • juice cooler;
  • tables and chairs made of chipboard;
  • hangers-racks for the hall;
  • furniture for a children's corner;
  • wooden screens for zoning the hall.

Total equipment costs: 3,000,000 rubles. Part of used equipment.

Required personnel

Expected to work in 2 shifts. Service requires:

  • cooks (1 per shift);
  • barista waiters (2 per shift);
  • hall manager;
  • dishwasher (1 per shift);
  • cleaning woman.

When opening a cafe, it is worth considering the possibility of business development. The first successful venture can be the start of a network. Subsequently, you can develop a franchise and sell it to another entrepreneur, increasing your own income.

How to open a cafe from scratch - where to start, step-by-step instructions and other recommendations are contained in the following video:

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