Home Product Ratings Preparations for the winter Hungarian snack. Hungarian appetizer "Uncle Vanya": recipe, ingredients. Winter pickled tomatoes

Preparations for the winter Hungarian snack. Hungarian appetizer "Uncle Vanya": recipe, ingredients. Winter pickled tomatoes

Lecho is a great Hungarian appetizer, very popular and loved by many. And, as is often the case with famous dishes, lecho has many variations in performance. I also cook lecho for the winter, and, as you understand, there are several recipes for this preservation in my cookbook. I would like to introduce you to one of them today.

Classic recipe

The peculiarity of this lecho is that, in addition to the standard ingredients: tomatoes, bell peppers and onions, it also includes carrots. It gives the appetizer a special charm with its sweetness and perfectly complements the rest of the vegetables.

And how does it taste? Fine!

The recipe for this blank is simple - you know, I do not like intricate conservation, which requires a lot of time and effort. No, this lecho will not cause you any difficulties, but I promise you an excellent result in the end! Such a lecho can be not only an appetizer, but also an excellent vegetable side dish for meat dishes in the cold season.

Need Ingredients

  • 2 kg of bell pepper;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of onions;
  • 1 head of garlic (4-5 cloves);
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil (5 tablespoons);
  • 5 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar (to taste);
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

*The weight of peeled vegetables is indicated. From this amount of ingredients, approximately 5 liters of preservation are obtained. If you want to cook a smaller amount of lecho, proportionally reduce all ingredients by 2, 3, or 4 times. Accordingly, the output of finished products will decrease by the same number of times.

How to preserve step by step

For preservation, choose ripe fleshy red tomatoes. Bulgarian pepper is desirable to use a bright color - then the appetizer will be even more appetizing.

We wash the tomatoes and, having made a cross-shaped incision from the side opposite to the fastening of the stem, pour boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Remove the skin from the tomato and chop finely. This can be done at will and at your discretion.

Peel the carrots and wash thoroughly. We rub the carrots on a large grater.

Onions are peeled, washed and cut into small cubes, about 0.5 cm each. Garlic is peeled, washed and passed through a press.

We wash the bell pepper, cut it in half lengthwise, remove the sepals, seeds and partitions. Cut the pepper into pieces about 1.5 cm.

In a saucepan with a thick bottom made of stainless steel (lecho will burn in an enameled saucepan), pour half a glass of water and spread the tomatoes. Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil.

Add carrots, mix and simmer covered over low heat for 15 minutes.

Add onion and garlic, stir and simmer for 10 minutes after boiling.

Add bell pepper to the pan and, stirring, simmer after boiling for 10 minutes.

Pour salt, sugar, ground black pepper (optional), pour vegetable oil and mix. Simmer after boiling for 10 minutes.

Preservation not only helps to save food, but also gives us our favorite treats, without which a feast or a family dinner is not imagined.

Popular canned foods:

  • Jam, jam, confiture, jam. From quince, physalis, apples, chokeberry, plum with nuts, dogwood. All fruits, berries and even some vegetables serve as the basis for jam. The widest palette of flavors in every jar!
  • Preparations of fish and meat. Homemade stew, lard and canned fish.
  • Berry and fruit puree.
  • Pickled vegetables. Not only cabbage can be fermented, but also other vegetables. However, the traditional dish of all times is sauerkraut.
  • Compotes, syrups, juices. Made at home, they are 100% natural, without the use of reconstituted ingredients and chemical preservatives. A great way to pamper the kids.
  • canned mushrooms. Crispy mushrooms, delicious white, tender boletus mushrooms - the best snack on the festive table.
  • Pickles. Favorite cucumbers and tomatoes of various cooking methods - crispy, bright and fragrant.
  • Pickling. Eggplant, mushrooms, pumpkin and other vegetables in a special marinade.
  • Salads. Pumpkin, green tomatoes, winter salad and other combinations of your favorite foods.
  • Sauces. Mother-in-law's tongue, adjika, homemade horseradish, Gorynych sauce - a great addition to meat dishes.

Decorating a table on a gray winter weekdays is not difficult! You just need to get all the same bright and tasty vegetables or fruits from the jar. Our portal will not only introduce recipes, but also tell you all the secrets of housewives and professional chefs. Billets for the future will be not only tasty, but also easy to prepare. Register, chat!

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Nothing blooms and ripens forever. In cold latitudes, summer is short, and there are so few vegetables and fruits. What should we do if expensive foreign or greenhouse vegetables and fruits on store shelves in winter do not attract us too much?

We have a tasty answer to this question - canning!

Cucumbers and tomatoes, sauerkraut, compotes and jam. So many things can be preserved for the long winter months, not only preserving the beneficial properties of the products, but also creating full-fledged tasty dishes.

Salads, appetizers, desserts, lunches. All this is conservation.

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If you do not know how to preserve apples, I will tell you! Moreover, the recipe is very simple - no sterilization-pasteurization, everything is fast and without any hassle!

In winter, you want something summer, spicy, fragrant. Precisely such an appetizer are canned peppers. I love to eat them with black bread. Oil-soaked peppers are hearty and delicious.

I always preserve small bulbs for the winter. I use them later in stews, as an appetizer for vodka, or add them to salads. It will take half an hour to preserve; It's easy to work with, you don't even need to cut it!

Now is the season of vegetables, and many are beginning to think about how to preserve tomatoes growing in the garden. I recommend that lovers of interesting recipes learn how to cook tomatoes in tomato juice :)

Canned green beans - yellow and green - are used for salads, stews, soups, and also as an independent snack. There is nothing easier than canning green beans.

Nettle contains vitamins C, A, K and B. It has long been used to heal wounds - both external and internal. In food, nettle is used as an ingredient in salads, stuffing and cabbage soup.

Canned beetroot is used for making salads, garnish, garnishing dishes, cooking okroshka with beetroot, etc. Preserving beetroot at home is very easy! See for yourself!

Stew is a purely Soviet invention, a wide variety of dishes were prepared from it. Today, dishes with it are a delight, and homemade stew itself is a great way to preserve meat for long-term storage.

Canned patissons are the same pumpkins, only they look like a painted flying saucer. Small canned fruits look great on the snack table. They come out firm and crispy.

Exquisite dessert - canned pears. In its own juice, by the way. Such a pear looks great under chocolate or filled with bright syrup. A dish for those who love desserts and count calories.

Canned radish is an excellent snack that can be crunched all winter. The taste of such a radish comes out spicy-sour. Friends, seeing a radish on the New Year's table, groan and immediately sweep everything away!

Canned horseradish is a great accent for a hot dish or sauce. It is desirable that he be one from which tears flow (happiness, of course!). I offer a simple recipe for traditional white horseradish.

Grape leaves are preserved for the preparation of rolls with various fillings and, of course, cabbage rolls. Canned grape leaves are sour, elastic and have a pleasant aroma of fresh leaves.

Canned garlic loses its pungency, but remains savory, crunchy and resilient. Wonderful snack! Such garlic is also used for salads, served with hot meat dishes.

Canned cucumbers with vinegar is one of the most common ways to harvest cucumbers. The taste of cucumbers depends on the variety, pickling varieties are especially tasty. Recommend!

Learn how to preserve grapes, and a new original appetizer will appear on your table - juicy, spicy, fragrant grapes perfectly set off the taste of meat, liver, and can be used to make salads and canapes. So let's get started? ;)

If you know how to preserve champignons, then you are very lucky - this is an indispensable home-made preparation that can significantly save the family budget and diversify the winter menu. And if you don't know, you're welcome, I'll tell you! ;)

Who doesn't love canned corn? Her sweet and delicate taste is liked by children, she often saves busy housewives who need to whip up a side dish or salad. Canning!

In winter, it is advisable to eat hearty, vitamin-rich dishes reminiscent of summer. This is the canned beans for the winter. It is prepared simply and quickly, preserving all the good that summer gives us.

Canned asparagus is a great addition to any side dish, and it's good on its own. If you want to preserve asparagus - read this recipe and you will succeed.

Cabbage with garlic is a very simple and budgetary, but tasty preparation. Garlic gives cabbage a very unusual aroma and flavor - try it, garlic lovers will definitely appreciate it! ;)

Tomatoes in their own juice are not only a good appetizer, but also a great base for soups and sauces. And if there are also tomatoes from your garden, then they have no price! I offer you my simple recipe!

Green beans contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins. It grows even among lazy people, but it is preserved very simply. Canned asparagus beans are used to make stews.

Canned spinach is used for soups, sauces, stuffing in pancakes, meatloaf, scrambled eggs, side dishes and sauces. Spinach cooks quickly, just as quickly and simply canned.

Most of us are used to buying green peas from the store, but home-cooked ones are much tastier, trust me! From this recipe, you will learn how to preserve green peas, preserving the maximum of their nutritional properties and nutrients.

Garlic marinated tomatoes are one of my signature tomato preparations. They are prepared simply, no more difficult than other preparations, but they turn out very tasty, spicy, fragrant. Recommend!

If you not only love strawberries, but also try to make homemade preparations as healthy as possible, this recipe is for you! How to preserve strawberries, preserving their taste, aroma and maximum vitamins, you will learn from this recipe.

If you do not know how to preserve sweet tomatoes, then this simple recipe is just for you. It turns out amazingly tasty tomatoes: not for everyone, of course, but very many people like it :)

Few people cook pickled tomatoes with apples, so much the better - you can surprise your guests :) Take round, hard tomatoes, and Antonov apples are best. Sharing an easy recipe!

I love pickled cherry tomatoes for a convenient size. If you take tomatoes of different colors, you will get beauty. If you haven't tried making pickled cherry tomatoes yourself, try it!

Few have tried canned cucumbers with ketchup! When you have already rolled cucumbers in one way or another, and they keep growing and growing, try the recipe for canned cucumbers with chili ketchup.

Cooking adjika from tomatoes is very simple. This appetizer will delight lovers of spicy. According to the classic recipe, adjika is prepared without tomatoes, but we are breaking traditions and will prepare our own version!

With the help of canned sorrel, you can quickly and easily prepare many dishes. Don't know how to preserve sorrel? Much easier than any other vegetables or greens! I tell you how.

Canned cucumbers without vinegar are easy to prepare, the main thing is to take cucumbers of the desired pickling variety and size. It is good to make cucumbers in small jars, it is more convenient if the family is small.

I make canned cucumbers with onions when the main program for harvesting cucumbers is completed, but they all do not end and do not end. Try it, maybe you will like this simple recipe?

Your cold winter evening will be much better if you open a jar of cabbage with mushrooms. Yes, boiled potatoes. Both champignons and porcini mushrooms are suitable for this simple hodgepodge recipe.

Canned crispy cucumbers are the real wealth of any housewife. I have several options for crispy cucumbers in my arsenal - I am sharing one of them.

Canned Bulgarian cucumbers are distinguished by the fact that horseradish, dill or garlic are not added to the jars, but onions are placed. Cucumbers should be taken small, pickled varieties. Ready!

My recipe for cabbage hodgepodge for the winter involves not pickling, but conservation. In addition to cabbage, I add tomatoes, onions and carrots. This hodgepodge can be used for snacks, salads and various toppings.

Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert. The contents of a large jar disappear in an instant in winter! So roll more! By the way, you will get not only peaches, but also delicious compote.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard are the first thing I run out of. No matter how you do it, you still won’t make it until spring :) I borrowed the recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard from my mother-in-law. I share!

Canned sweet crunchy cucumbers are no worse than store-bought ones. If you take small cucumbers, you will get delicacy jars that will quickly disappear from the bins. Here is the prescription!

Remember baby food? Especially from apples! I always tried to "steal" at least a little bit from my little sister. Yummy! What about mashed potatoes? Real jam! I suggest making apple puree for the winter.

My favorite canned juice for the winter is apple juice. Fresh, sour, rich in vitamins, bright golden color. By the way, it is indicated for those who complain of stomach problems and want to lose weight.

Of all the savory snacks for the winter, I want to highlight spicy eggplants. Their taste is incredible. Preparing a snack at home is very simple. Spicy lovers will love it! ;)

This eggplant appetizer for the winter is very bright, both in color and in taste. Plus, it's spicy and nutritious. In winter, it will definitely return the blush to your cheeks! Be sure to cook it at home!

This recipe is dedicated to blue lovers. Korean-style eggplant for the winter is put with carrots, bell peppers and onions. All vegetables retain their juiciness and "fresh" taste. In winter, such a jar is a godsend!

This eggplant salad recipe for the winter is designed for those who love spicy and watch calories. Although it is highly recommended to everyone else too! It retains all the vitamins of fresh vegetables.

Legumes contain a lot of vitamins we need. Therefore, dishes with them are hearty and nutritious. Bean and bell pepper salad for the winter is an excellent preparation, both nutritious and tasty.

In order to put pears in their own juice for the winter, you only need a pinch of citric acid, water and jars. Well, pears, of course! Fruits are best taken unripe, medium in size.

Eggplant lecho is my favorite variation of this dish. It's easy to make and you can add ingredients to taste and preference. Lecho prepared according to this recipe can be preserved.

This recipe is designed for one liter jar and allows you to keep the dish in the refrigerator for a year! No conservation! I advise you to choose medium-sized young eggplants for preservation.

Stuffed eggplant is a very beautiful and tasty snack. For her, it is better to choose eggplants of the same size. You can enjoy such a snack for six months, it is perfectly preserved.

On the shelves of stores there are a variety of delicacies that are either very difficult or impossible to make on your own in ordinary life. With the growth of urbanization, people began to abandon such activities as conservation. Many people are still making blanks, especially those who have a country house or cottage. But ordinary city dwellers prefer to shop in stores. A new brand of canned food - "Uncle Vanya" - has become very popular. All products are incredibly tasty, so women begin to look for a recipe for blanks to please their loved ones with a delicious homemade treat. One of them is the Hungarian appetizer "Uncle Vanya", the recipe of which will be presented below.


If you carefully read the composition of the snack, then we can conclude that this is nothing more than an ordinary Russian lecho. A loud name adds demand to the product, which is why they buy it more often.

Before preparing the Hungarian appetizer "Uncle Vanya" according to the recipe, you need to read the composition on the jar. And although the manufacturer is the same, the product found in different regions may differ. The classic recipe requires the presence of bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, onions and auxiliary additives. What to look for when choosing components will be discussed in the next paragraph.

How to choose products?

First, decide for yourself how many snacks you should end up with. This will depend on the number of products. The article will provide a recipe for the Hungarian snack "Uncle Vanya" with minimal proportions, so if desired, they can be increased several times.

Secondly, the amount of all ingredients should be approximately equal. If you send more tomatoes to the harvest, then the consistency will be different from the store product. Also, with a large amount of pepper or carrots, the taste and appearance will change.

Thirdly, do not forget about quality. All components must be strong and ripe. Tomatoes not the first freshness are best left in tomato juice. Give preference to either juicy vegetables, or ripe and fleshy. Unripe fruits are best put aside, although in small quantities they are also suitable.


To prepare a Hungarian snack for the winter, you need to take:

  • Carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • Sunflower oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.

More sugar can be added if desired, depending on the desired result. Many people like snacks with sourness, so this crumble is added to a minimum.

Bulgarian pepper is part of the Hungarian snack "Uncle Vanya" not only to add flavor, but also as a decoration. Therefore, it is better if all the vegetables are multi-colored, then in jars "lecho" will become very beautiful.

The list indicates that the vinegar should be 9%, but in the absence of just such, apple or other fragrant is quite suitable. If the product is ordinary, but with a lower percentage, you need to add a little more, but not too much, otherwise the snack will be spoiled.

Onions and garlic are vegetables that no winter canning recipe can ruin, so if you add 6 cloves (or more) instead of 5, you get more spicy. But the main thing is not to overdo it.


That's the whole recipe for the Hungarian snack "Uncle Vanya". It remains to decompose the mass into pre-prepared sterilized jars, roll up and put away in a secluded place to cool.

Many housewives experiment and decorate the classic appetizer with additional ingredients. The best variations are described below.

With hot pepper

The composition of the main dish will not have to be changed, but the specified ingredient will need to be added to it. You should not put a lot: one small pod is enough for the volume of vegetables in the recipe. If you really like spicy snacks, you can put a little more. This winter preservation recipe is very good for barbecue lovers. The sharpness will warm, and fragrant vegetables will decorate the meat. Great substitute for store-bought ketchup.

With bean pods

Surely gardeners often do not know where to put young bean shoots. And here's a good use for them. They will perfectly decorate the "lecho", soaked in tomato juice. It is important that the beans do not have time to fully ripen, otherwise they will turn out to be tough and ruin the whole dish.

Rinse the pods well, peel and cut into 2-3 cm slices. Add along with all the vegetables. Make sure they cook well.

How to make the Hungarian snack "Uncle Vanya" even tastier? Follow the tips below! Here are collected the nuances of experienced housewives, which help to add the missing zest to the dish.

  • As you know, sunflower oil is of two types: with a smell and without. It is better to give preference to refined, non-aromatic, then the dish will turn out much more pleasant.
  • To simplify the process of cooking "lecho" tomatoes can be chopped with a blender without removing the peel. This will save a lot of time, and the consistency will be quite tender. Only this option is more "Russian", because the Hungarians are used to cutting vegetables into pieces.
  • It is better to cook goodies for preservation in a special metal dish with a thick bottom. It is necessary so that the contents do not burn.
  • Greens are never superfluous, so if you really want to put a little parsley or dill, do not deny yourself such a pleasure. It is impossible to spoil the dish with this, only decorate it.

Not all conservation lovers have a basement for storing jars, so they are looking for ways to save them in the apartment.

Almost all high-rise buildings have balconies, so you can put conservation there. However, first you need to equip the place. To protect the blanks from frost, lay the shelves (the whole cabinet, etc.) with foam. It keeps the internal temperature and keeps cold air out. If it is not possible to purchase material, cover the jars with several warm blankets.

In the apartment itself, you can store only those snacks that contain vinegar. You can allocate a place for conservation in the back cabinet of the kitchen or in another secluded corner.

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