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Restaurant activity. Restaurant business in modern conditions. What you need to start

"Vmenenka", 2011, N 2

In the provision of catering services, a "smart" may face many questions. The article describes in detail what types of activities of cafes and restaurants are subject to the payment of UTII, what needs to be taken into account when organizing leisure activities, as well as how to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visitor service hall.

According to paragraphs. 8 p. 2 art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, “imputation” includes activities in the provision of catering services through catering facilities with a customer service hall of no more than 150 sq. m. To such catering facilities on the basis of Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation includes restaurants and cafes. Accordingly, if an organization or an individual entrepreneur provides catering services through a restaurant or cafe, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe customer service hall in which does not exceed 150 sq. m, then they can switch to paying a single tax on imputed income.

Note. Organizations and entrepreneurs providing catering services must register as a UTII payer with the tax authority at the place where such services are provided (clause 2, article 346.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Terms. A restaurant- a public catering establishment with a wide range of dishes of complex manufacture, including custom-made and signature dishes and products, alcoholic, soft, hot and other types of drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, tobacco products, purchased goods, with a high level of service and, as a rule, combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Cafe- a public catering enterprise for organizing catering and recreation for consumers with the provision of a limited range of public catering products compared to a restaurant, selling branded, custom-made dishes, products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

This is stated in Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and GOST R 50762-2007, approved by the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated December 27, 2007 N 475-st.

However, to switch to this special mode, fulfillment of this condition alone is not enough. There are others. Firstly, an organization or an individual entrepreneur must comply with the requirements of clause 2.2 of Art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Secondly, in the municipal district, urban district or in the city of federal significance, where the restaurant or cafe is located, an "imputation" has been introduced in relation to the specified type of activity. Thirdly, public catering services are recognized as such for the purpose of paying a single tax on imputed income. Fourthly, a restaurant or cafe must be owned by an organization or individual entrepreneur or be transferred to them for use under a lease or other similar agreement (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.20.2007 N 03-11-04 / 3/72 and the Resolution of the FAS West Siberian District dated July 26, 2007 N F04-5208 / 2007 (36853-A81-29)).

What is meant by catering services?

In accordance with Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, public catering services for the purpose of paying a single tax on imputed income are recognized as services for the manufacture of culinary products and (or) confectionery products, the creation of conditions for the consumption and (or) sale of finished culinary products, confectionery products and (or) purchased goods, and also for leisure activities. Services for the production and sale of beer, alcoholic products (drinking spirits, vodka, alcoholic beverages, cognacs, wine and other food products with an ethanol content of more than 1.5% by volume, with the exception of wine materials) are not included in public catering services.

At the same time, what should be understood by culinary products and confectionery, in Ch. 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not specified. So, given the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, let's turn to GOST R 50647-94 "Public catering. Terms and definitions" and GOST R 53041-2008 "Confectionery and semi-finished confectionery products. Terms and definitions".

Note. GOST R 50647-94 and GOST R 53041-2008 are approved respectively by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated February 21, 1994 N 35 and the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated December 15, 2008 N 402-st.

They say that a culinary product is a set of dishes, culinary products and culinary semi-finished products, and a confectionery product is a multicomponent food product, ready to eat, having a certain predetermined shape, obtained as a result of technological processing of the main types of raw materials (sugar, flour, fats, cocoa products), with or without food ingredients, food additives and flavors. Confectionery is divided into the following groups: chocolate, cocoa, sugary confectionery, flour confectionery.

Thus, if culinary products and (or) confectionery products are sold to visitors in a restaurant or cafe, then an organization or an individual entrepreneur can apply a taxation system in the form of UTII in relation to this type of activity.

At the same time, it should be noted that in order to classify activities as public catering services, the implementation of one sale of culinary products and (or) confectionery products is still not enough. It is also necessary that one more condition be met, namely: conditions for the consumption of the specified products have been created in the catering facility. Not only regulatory authorities agree with this position, but also judges (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.07.2009 N 03-11-09 / 233, dated 01.26.2009 N 03-11-06 / 3/10, dated 07.21.2006 N 03 -11-04/3/359 and the Decree of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District of March 11, 2009 in case N A12-11657/2008).

Now consider several situations in which questions may arise in choosing a taxation system.

If the production and sale of culinary products are carried out in different places

Claims from the regulatory authorities in this case, although they take place, are not substantiated. This is due to the fact that in order to recognize the activities of catering services Ch. 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not establish such a requirement as the sale of culinary products and confectionery products in the same place where they were produced. The main thing is that these products are sold through their own service network (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District of March 30, 2010 in case N A27-10571 / 2009).

Thus, if culinary products and (or) confectionery products are sold through kiosks, tents and culinary shops (departments) operating at a restaurant or cafe, then such activities are recognized as catering services.

If a cafe (restaurant) delivers its products to customers

Today, many restaurants (cafes) have small halls and cannot serve a large number of guests. Therefore, along with cooking, they often deliver ready meals. In this regard, the question arises: will such activities for the purposes of Ch. 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation to be recognized as catering services? Since in this case conditions are not created for the consumption of manufactured products directly in the catering facility, entrepreneurial activity related to the delivery of ready-made meals to consumers does not correspond to the concept of "catering services" established by Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and cannot be transferred to the payment of UTII. Delivery-related transactions should be taxed under the general taxation system or the USN (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10.12.2010 N 03-11-06 / 3/166, dated 12.07. dated 13.05.2010 N 03-11-11/133).

By the way, the sale of culinary products to take away, that is, without the consumption of these products on the spot, will also not be included in public catering services for the purpose of paying UTII (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06.12.2006 N 03-11-04 / 3/528).

Sale of purchased goods

In cafes and restaurants, in addition to products of their own production, purchased goods are often sold. To what kind of "imputed" type of activity should such a sale be attributed - to retail trade or catering services? The Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation in Decree N 17123/08 of 23.06.2009 indicated that the sale of purchased food products at retail through a public catering organization is an activity for the provision of public catering services. And the regulatory authorities attributed the sale of not only food, but also non-food products to public catering services. For example, in Letters No. 03-11-04/3/148 dated March 24, 2008 and No. 03-11-04/3/170 dated May 22, 2007, the Ministry of Finance of Russia indicated that the sale of purchased cigarettes and lighters through catering facilities refers to catering services and can be transferred to the payment of UTII.

Note that if ready-to-drink soft drinks and cocktails purchased for subsequent sale (milk, sour-milk, fermented, fruit, etc.) in the manufacturer's packaging and packaging are sold through retail outlets, then this entrepreneurial activity for the purpose of paying UTII is retail trade (Letter Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 17, 2009 N 03-11-09 / 403).

Sale of alcoholic products

As you know, when selling alcoholic products on the territory of the Russian Federation, companies should be guided by the norms of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 N 171-FZ "On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" and the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 19.01.1998 N 55.

Note. Read more about this in the article "Sale of alcohol: when to pay UTII" // Vmenenka, 2010, N 5.

Based on them, documents for alcoholic products (waybills and certificates for them, certificates of conformity and quality certificates) must be located directly at the outlet. The seller must be ready to present them at the first request of the buyer or the regulatory authority. Judicial practice also testifies to this (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated January 12, 2010 in case N A29-11272 / 2008).

As for the "imputed" public catering, it includes the sale in restaurants and cafes of only purchased alcoholic beverages and beer, both in the packaging and packaging of the manufacturer, and without it (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 30.07.2009 N 03-11-06 / 3 / 199, of 16.06.2008 N 03-11-04/3/275 and of 17.12.2007 N 03-11-04/3/497). For more information on the taxation of the sale of alcoholic products, see Table. one.

Table 1. Taxation of the sale of alcoholic products

Kind of activityTaxation system
Production of alcoholic products
and beer and their subsequent sale
through a catering facility
This type of activity is not
no catering services
nor retail trade for the purpose of paying
UTII, therefore, from the income received
must pay taxes within the general
systems or USN
Sale of alcoholic products
and beer of own production
through a retail network
Implementation via object
catering purchased
alcoholic beverages and beer

to "imputed" public services
Sales through retail
network of purchased alcoholic products
and beer
This type of activity is
to "imputed" retail trade

Production of cocktails and soft drinks

Production and sale of non-alcoholic drinks and cocktails, except for phyto-cocktails, obtained by mixing the relevant ingredients immediately before use in restaurants and cafes, are classified as catering services and are subject to taxation in the form of UTII.

Thus, freshly squeezed juices are produced by mechanical cooking of fruits and vegetables to give them new properties, which makes them suitable for consumption in the form of drinks. If subsequently these juices are sold through public catering facilities, then such activities are recognized as public catering services and transferred to the payment of UTII (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.28.2007 N 03-11-05 / 85).

But the preparation of teas, herbal cocktails, infusions, decoctions and other non-alcoholic beverages of plant origin used by visitors as strengthening medical drugs, according to the Russian Ministry of Finance, does not apply to public catering services (Letter of December 17, 2009 N 03-11-09 / 403 ). This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP), the production and consumption of drinks using medicinal plant materials are classified as phytotherapy services (code 8512503), which must be provided by clinics and private doctors.

Note. OKDP approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of 08/06/1993 N 17.

The sale of oxygen cocktails will also be taxed under the general regime or the simplified taxation system. Let's explain why. According to Appendix N 1 to the Nomenclature classifier of medical devices and medical equipment (medical devices), approved by the Order of Roszdravnadzor dated November 9, 2007 N 3731-Pr / 07, special medical equipment is used to prepare oxygen cocktails, namely an apparatus for preparing singlet-oxygen mixtures (cocktails) (code 168 4408). In addition, the State Register of Medicines of Roszdravnadzor defines the purpose of use and the recipe for an oxygen cocktail. Thus, an oxygen cocktail is recognized as a drug.

Organization of leisure in a cafe

Very often, the services of restaurants and cafes include activities to organize the leisure of visitors. And what about leisure services for the purpose of paying a single tax on imputed income? Let us turn to the All-Russian classifier of services to the population OK 002-93, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of June 28, 1993 N 163. According to its provisions, leisure services include the organization of music services, concerts, variety programs and video programs, the provision of newspapers, magazines, board games, gaming vending machines, billiards. A similar opinion is shared by the financial department (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 31, 2006 N 03-11-04 / 3/399).

Note. The organization of leisure is not a mandatory criterion for classifying restaurants and cafes as UTII payers.

Take note. Payment for the public performance of musical works

So, restaurants and cafes, along with catering services, can provide leisure services for their visitors. Moreover, in relation to restaurants and cafes of the luxury class, the presence of a stage in which is a mandatory requirement, live music cannot be separated from catering services (GOST R 50762-2007 "Catering services. Classification of catering establishments" approved by the Order of Rostekhregulirovanie dated December 27 .2007 N 475-st). Therefore, charging a separate fee for live music in these catering facilities is illegal.

It is worth noting that in other restaurants and cafes, charging for live music is a direct violation of paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", since the opportunity to use public catering services (ordering dishes) is made dependent on payment for live music.

An additional fee may be charged only for those services that the consumer can avoid without giving up the catering service. Therefore, when charging an additional fee for the public performance of musical works, if the visitor refuses to pay for this service, he must be offered another hall for the consumption of the ordered products.

However, for the recognition of leisure activities as catering services, it is not enough just to provide the above services. It is also necessary to take into account where the conditions for this are created (Table 2).

Table 2. Application of UTII in relation to leisure activities

Room features
for leisure
Kind of activityTaxation system
Venue for holding
leisure constructively
separated from the hall
visitor service
for leisure
regarded as
independent view
Income received from
implementation of the
activities should
be taxed
under the general regime
or USN
Site visitors
catering can
pass with snacks and
(or) drinks in the premises
for leisure or
in these rooms are
service tables
for leisure
regarded as
accompanying services
for the organization of leisure
visitors in this
case recognized
"imputed" services

Determine the area of ​​the customer service hall

As you know, a modern restaurant or cafe often includes not only a hall for the consumption of cooked products, but also a dressing room, many corridors, a kitchen, a billiard room, a bowling alley, a dance floor or a stage. Therefore, "imputers" often have a question about what premises are included in the area of ​​​​the visitors' service hall when calculating UTII in relation to the provision of catering services. Let's try to figure it out.

According to Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall for serving visitors is understood to be the area of ​​​​specially equipped premises (open areas) of a public catering facility intended for the consumption of finished culinary products, confectionery and (or) purchased goods, as well as for leisure activities. That is, areas where food consumption by visitors and their leisure activities (kitchen, places for serving dishes, utility rooms, etc.) are not provided for should not be taken into account in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visitor service hall (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.02.2009 N 03-11 -06/3/19 and dated 03/21/2008 N 03-11-04/3/143).

In order to determine the indicated area, one should use the inventory and title documents (Article 347.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Recall that inventory and title documents include any documents available to the taxpayer containing information about the purpose, design features and layout of the premises of such an object, as well as information that confirms the right to use this object. This can be either a contract for the sale of non-residential premises, a technical passport for non-residential premises, plans, diagrams, explications, or a lease (sublease) agreement for non-residential premises or its part (s), permission for the right to serve visitors in an open area, and many others. documentation.

Thus, if the area of ​​the visitor service hall is allocated in the documents, then it is this area that must be taken into account when calculating the single tax on imputed income. If a restaurant or cafe uses a smaller area than indicated in the documents, then UTII can be calculated from the actual area used. However, in this case, in order to avoid disputes with regulatory authorities, we advise you to conduct a technical inventory and make appropriate changes to the documents. That is, clearly indicate in them exactly what area is intended for food consumption and leisure activities for customers (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 25, 2010 N 03-11-06 / 3/8).

Note. A similar opinion is shared by the judges (Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District of March 29, 2010 in case No. A45-13412 / 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District of July 15, 2010 in case No. A12-20984 / 2009 and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District of December 19, 2007 in case No. A36-1291/2007).

By the way, according to the arbitrators, taxpayers can confirm the actual use of the area of ​​the catering facility with such documents as lease agreements, acts on redevelopment, repair or reconstruction, estimates of work performed, plans for leased premises (Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated 08.10.2010 in the case N A27-673 / 2010 and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated January 26, 2010 in case N A63-5939 / 2009-C4-17).

When the Leisure Area is Included in the Visitors Hall Area

So, according to Art. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the area for leisure activities should be taken into account when determining the area of ​​the service hall. However, this provision does not always apply. If the premises intended for the provision of leisure services are structurally separated from the premises in which catering services are directly provided, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch premises is not taken into account in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visitor service hall (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.26. 3/46, dated April 15, 2010 N 03-11-06/3/60 and dated August 31, 2006 N 03-11-04/3/399).

Thus, if, for example, a billiard room is separated from the customer service hall, where food is consumed, by partitions and visitors cannot eat there, then the area intended for playing billiards is not taken into account in the area of ​​the customer service room.

Example 1. OOO "Magnolia" provides catering services through the restaurant, which belongs to him on the right of ownership. The area of ​​the restaurant, according to the inventory and title documents, is 185 square meters. m, of which the kitchen occupies 17 sq. m, utility rooms - 19 sq. m, cashier's place and showcase - 5 sq. m. Are catering services subject to the taxation system in the form of UTII in this case? If so, what area of ​​the visitor service hall should be taken into account when calculating UTII?

In accordance with par. 20 st. 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, restaurants are catering facilities that have a customer service hall. Therefore, in order to apply UTII, it is necessary to have a visitor service hall of no more than 150 sq. m.

In accordance with the lease agreement, the entire occupied area is one catering facility. But since part of the premises is not used for eating and spending leisure time (kitchen, utility rooms, cashier's place and shop windows), the area of ​​​​the visitors' service hall will be 144 sq. m (185 sq. m - 17 sq. m - 19 sq. m - 5 sq. m). Thus, in this case, the restaurant has the right to switch to a taxation system in the form of UTII.

UTII payable will be calculated on the basis of the physical indicator "the area of ​​​​the visitor service hall (in square meters)" in the amount of 144 square meters. m.

If the restaurant (cafe) has several halls for serving visitors

In practice, such situations, when a restaurant or cafe uses several customer service halls to provide catering services, are quite common. How to determine the physical indicator in this case?

Based on the provisions of paragraphs. 8 p. 2 art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall or halls for serving visitors must be determined as a whole for the catering facility.

Thus, if a restaurant or cafe has several halls for serving visitors, then when calculating UTII, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese halls will be taken into account (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 30.04.2009 N 03-11-06 / 3/116, of 06.27.2008 N 03-11 -04/3/300 and dated 03/06/2007 N 03-11-04/3/63).

When considering disputes, judges accept the following circumstances as evidence that catering services are provided through one facility with several halls. Namely: the visitor service halls have common utility rooms, a common kitchen, common service personnel, a common cash register, etc. This conclusion is contained in the Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated February 11, 2010 in case N A26-3172 / 2009 and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated 10/17/2007 No. КА-А41/9776-07.

If catering services are provided through several catering facilities, each of which has its own customer service hall, then when calculating UTII, the area of ​​the customer service hall must be considered separately for each facility. The presence of several catering facilities can be established on the basis of inventory and title documents (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of March 30, 2007 N 03-11-04 / 3/98 and Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga District of June 16, 2009 in case N A57-16468 / 2008).

Example 2. Appetite Center LLC, which provides catering services, owns a restaurant, on one floor of which there is a visitor service hall with an area of ​​148 sq. m, and on the other - an area of ​​63.7 sq. m. According to the inventory and title documents, these premises have a single entrance, a common kitchen, and common utility rooms. Can an organization switch to a taxation system in the form of UTII?

Since in this case, according to the inventory and title documents, the customer service rooms are located in one restaurant and have a single entrance, a common kitchen, and single utility rooms, for the purposes of applying the taxation system in the form of UTII, the area must be determined in total for two service rooms.

Thus, the total area of ​​the customer service hall in the restaurant LLC "Center of Appetite" is 211.7 square meters. m (148 sq. m + 63.7 sq. m), that is, exceeds the established limit of 150 sq. m. m. Accordingly, the organization in relation to catering services is not entitled to switch to the payment of UTII.

We calculate the amount of the single tax

For activities related to the provision of catering services through restaurants and cafes, the physical indicator is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe customer service hall (in square meters), and the basic yield is set at 1000 rubles. per month per square meter.

Example 3. Let's use the conditions of example 1 and assume that the company provides catering services on the territory of the city of Velikiye Luki. Calculate the amount of UTII payable for the 1st quarter of 2011.

In 2011, the value of K1 is 1.372. The value of K2 in the territory of Velikie Luki for this type of activity is 0.77.

The tax base for UTII for the 1st quarter of 2011 is 456,382.08 rubles. . The amount of the calculated UTII will be 68,457.31 rubles. (456,382 rubles x 15%).

By the way, the company has the right to reduce the amount of UTII payable by the amount of paid insurance premiums and paid sickness benefits, but not more than 50%.


Expert of the magazine "Vmenenka"

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Number of catering establishments in Russia (2018)

Share of restaurants in catering (2017)

Number of restaurants in the million population (2018)

Growth dynamics of restaurants in millionaires (2018)

The restaurant business is the leader in the number of bankruptcies. Not everyone manages to create a successful restaurant. And all because in this case there are many pitfalls, subtleties and features.

This article brings together ten key restaurant business challenges and tips on how they can be successfully overcome. For some, the points we have given may seem obvious enough to be called “pitfalls”. Maybe. Our text is more about the reasons for these pitfalls, having dealt with which you are unlikely to add to the list of losers.

1. Blindness towards competitors

The catering industry is highly competitive. Therefore, before choosing stylish plates and calling on chefs, be sure to research the market. What do you need to pay attention to?

    identify the main market participants, study where they are located in order to choose a suitable place;

    visit the establishments of your competitors to scout the situation and find out how the business of others works. Examine the menu - this will help evaluate the offer on the market and develop your own, unique;

    make a portrait of your visitor (age, budget, interests, preferences, etc.) - this will allow you to determine the target audience and its needs. Based on this, it will be easier to solve many issues;

    study trends and concepts in the overseas market. Fashion, including in the field of catering, comes to us from abroad. There you can peep fresh concepts - and become a pioneer in a new format.

Keep in mind that the more information you collect, the more accurate conclusions you can draw. Real work on the project will begin from this data: a business plan, a general concept, menu development, restaurant design, and so on.

Market research should be the foundation upon which you build your business. If you refuse this stage, then even the most original concept, exquisite menu from the chef and stylish design will not stretch your project.

2. Concept? No, have not heard

It is important to decide on the concept of the institution at the initial stage. And that's why:

    as part of marketing research, pay attention to how your segment lives. Because everything depends on it: from the choice of a place to an advertising policy. And you need to immediately understand the specifics of the institution in order to properly plan all the processes. It would seem, what's the difference? There is a kitchen - they cook in it, there is a hall - they eat in it. But not everything is so simple. A pizzeria and a Chinese restaurant will have different target audience, menu, list of necessary equipment and even the number of staff.

    30% of the success of an enterprise is determined by a competent analysis of marketing research;

    it is the concept that determines how the further implementation of the project takes place.

    in a highly competitive environment, you need to stand out. Your task is to offer visitors something that no one else has offered. And here we are not necessarily talking about an exotic menu or spectacular decorations. You can “hook” a client with a convenient service, a chip in the feed, profitable offers, and additional services.

Now that we have explained why it is so important to choose a concept at the start, let's take a closer look at this process.

Restaurateurs advise two ways when choosing a concept:

    Determine the specifics of the cafe, and then look for a suitable room to implement your idea;

    First, find a comfortable room that is suitable in all respects (from location to price per sq.m.), and then choose a cafe format for it.

As you formulate a concept, ask yourself three questions:

    Who will visit your restaurant?

    Where is the restaurant located?

    How will it attract your target audience?

Clear answers to these questions are three whales for the concept of the institution.

To make it easier for you to imagine the whole variety of options, among which you need to look for your own, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the classification of establishments.

According to the concept, cafes and restaurants are divided according to:

    Menu specifics. It can be highly specialized: coffee shop, pizzeria, burger, etc. Or it is focused on a certain national cuisine: Russian, Chinese, Italian, Caucasian and so on.

    The specifics of the target audience. The menu in your establishment should match the preferences of your target audience. For example, if this is a cafe - a canteen near the university (i.e. the target audience is students), then the prices there should be democratic, and the dishes should be hearty. If this is a children's cafe, then the menu should consist of simple dishes with an interesting, "childish" serving. In addition to the menu, it is important to provide a playing area in such a cafe. If the restaurant is for a business class, this obliges both an exquisite menu and a presentable interior. Therefore, you need to clearly represent the audience that you want to see in your institution - and create suitable conditions for it.

    The format of the room, its location. Here you need to consider where the institution is located: in a residential, separate or public premises. For example, in a residential area you cannot open a cafe that will work after 23:00. For example, a pub or a night bar cannot be opened on the ground floor of a residential building. If you open in a shopping center, then you should take into account the time of its work.

    By seasonality. There are cafes that operate only in the warm season - the so-called summer cafes. And there are establishments that work all year round, regardless of weather conditions, have a heating and air conditioning system.

    According to the static and scale of the room. This classification divides establishments into mobile (for example, a trailer on wheels) or stationary.

Understanding how cafes are classified, it is easier to decide on the concept.

A few tips for choosing a concept:

    Keep in mind that your personal tastes and preferences are secondary. In the first place is the opinion of restaurant marketing experts and the real situation on the market.

    In recent years, fast food establishments have become popular. Even in a crisis, they are actively developing. Democratic cafes and restaurants are making money today.

    In choosing a concept, be guided by consumer demand. What is not in a particular city, microdistrict? What is missing in your city that is already successful in similar cities? What establishments are the most popular among city dwellers?

So, the concept of a restaurant is as important as the food you offer. Along with the choice of concept, it is necessary to determine the format and corporate identity of the institution, draw up a work plan, develop technological, engineering and design projects. At this stage, the restaurant owner should have an understanding of how the project will work. The concept, corporate identity and "chips" are necessary in order to distinguish the institution from many others. The concept should answer the main question: why should a visitor choose your restaurant?

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

If you can't come up with something original, explore what the overseas market has to offer. Collect ideas, combine them - and you will definitely find a concept that will make your restaurant unique. However, the project alone will not be able to pull out the concept. So don't relax. The next steps are equally important.

The problem that scares future restaurateurs is the preparation of all the necessary documentation. It must be acknowledged that the fears are not unfounded. A restaurant is one of the most difficult types of business in terms of collecting documents. In order to legalize the restaurant business, you will need to collect an impressive list of papers. Therefore, in order to save time and effort, entrepreneurs often turn to companies that draw up the necessary documentation on a turnkey basis. The price for such services varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

First you need to register a business with government agencies. The most convenient and common form for restaurants is the “LLC” form. Type of activity for a restaurant project according to OKVED-2 classification:

    56.10 Restaurant activities and food delivery services

    56.10.1 "Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."

When you have collected a complete package of constituent documents and a lease agreement (or certificates of ownership of the premises), you can proceed to the next stages of approval.

To exclude problems with government agencies when opening a restaurant, all permits should be issued. Before providing a list, please note that it may differ in different regions. The table provides a list of documents that are required to open a restaurant. This list is not exhaustive, but contains the main documents.

List of documents for opening a restaurant



    OGRN certificate;

    TIN certificate;

    receipt for payment of state duties

Restaurant building and premises

    tenant agreement

SanPina requirements and Fire supervision

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (issued by Rospotrebnadzor);

    contracts with SES and fire service;

    production control program;

    contracts for planned disinfection, deratization and disinfestation

    certificates for finishing with the necessary requirements of SES;

    documents for checking instrumentation and measuring utensils;

    an agreement with the housing complex for garbage collection;

    health records for staff.

Cash register

    conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers

    cash register service contract

    KKM card and passport

    cashier's journal

Production documents

    contracts with employees

    assortment list approved in SEN

    safety magazine;

    Technological and costing cards


    a license to sell alcohol, if it is supposed to be in the establishment

Having collected this impressive list of papers, you can be calm. This is almost half of the completed project. We covered in more detail the topic of collecting permits for opening a restaurant in this article.

Some useful tips that will come in handy when resolving a legal issue:

  • even if you plan to collect all the papers yourself, be sure to include expenses of about 20 thousand rubles in the budget.

  • immediately decide for how long you plan to issue a license to sell alcohol. This will depend on its cost. A license for a year will cost you 65 thousand rubles. Keep in mind that the license is issued for no more than 5 years. Another important nuance: you may be denied a license if you do not take care of the security of the institution. To avoid problems with this, provide: a contract for the installation and maintenance of an alarm and an alarm button, as well as a contract for security;

    pay attention to the requirements that are listed in the permit documentation. This information will help you when choosing a room. It is recommended that you immediately fulfill all the requirements so that you do not have to redo the inconsistencies and spend money on it.

Finding the right space for a restaurant can take a long time, so it's best to take care of it in advance. When choosing, it is worth considering two key parameters: the location and the condition of the room itself.

The place for the future restaurant is chosen based on the concept. For example, it is better to place a youth cafe near educational institutions and entertainment centers; an expensive restaurant in the city center, and a family cafe in a residential neighborhood.

The wrong location can leave the restaurant without visitors. First, if you locate in a location with low foot traffic, you are missing out on a powerful promotional tool. How can people guess that there is a wonderful cafe around the corner? Secondly, you need to place where your target audience is concentrated. Otherwise, people passing by will not be interested in your offer. Thirdly, the location of the restaurant affects the business reputation. Most likely, a cafe on the outskirts of the city, overlooking the industrial zone, is unlikely to inspire confidence in visitors. Fourth, the location should have convenient transport accessibility and parking. Fifth, you must evaluate the location in terms of competition. For example, if you are a pizzeria, you should not open next to another (but already promoted) pizzeria.

How to evaluate the location of the restaurant premises:

  1. Locate competitors using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS;

  2. Provide parking, convenient access;

    Assess pedestrian traffic. This can be entrusted to a special firm that will conduct the study. The cost of such services will be from 3 thousand rubles. Or you can take simple measurements yourself. For this you need:

    within 15 minutes, count the number of people passing by. For example, in 15 minutes you counted 200 people. We multiply this number by 4 and get pedestrian traffic: 800 people per hour. But these are inaccurate readings. How to get closer to the most accurate average of passing traffic?

    conduct a study 4 days in a row and find the average value;

    count traffic 3 times a day: in the morning from 10:00, in the afternoon from 13:00 and in the evening from 18:00.

    consider the presence of the target audience in the stream.

Note: according to the rules and regulations, only non-residential premises can be used for catering establishments. These include the first floors of residential buildings. The kitchen and client area should have natural light. Now let's move on to the assessment of the premises itself.

Basic requirements for the restaurant premises:

    an area of ​​approximately 100 sq. m.;

    availability of communications: sewerage, hot and cold water, electricity, gas, artificial and natural ventilation;

    the presence of additional premises for a warehouse, a room for staff, a bathroom, (or the possibility of redevelopment. Please note that the redevelopment must be legalized);

    as a standard, 40% of the total area must be allocated for the kitchen and warehouse, and the remaining 60% will be occupied by the hall for visitors.

More detailed requirements for the premises are set out in SanPiN.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Also, be sure to pay attention to the functionality of the premises: does the layout allow the premises to be converted for your project, are there the necessary capacities that will ensure the uninterrupted operation of food equipment).

Try to find a place where there used to be a catering establishment. In this case, it will be possible not only to simplify the obtaining of permits, but also save on some costs, as well as speed up the preparation process. In such premises "with a good legacy" there is usually a ventilation system, a convenient division into functional areas and repairs. All you have to do is move in with your furniture and equipment.

Ready-made ideas for your business

How much does a restaurant space cost? The amount of rent can depend on many factors: the city, district, pedestrian traffic, advantageous proximity to other public institutions is important. On average, 80-150 thousand rubles will have to be paid monthly for renting a room. Experienced restaurateurs advise you to pay rent immediately for six months - then by the time you pay the next payment, you will already have time to unwind and gain financial stability. In the lease agreement, you will need to not only clearly state the rate, but also the frequency of its increase. After looking at the success of the restaurant, the landlord often begins to demand an increase in fees, arguing that this is a good place. In general, when concluding a contract, it is better to use the services of a lawyer. Start from the principle that good rooms are rarely empty. Perhaps the reason for the congress of the previous tenant lies precisely in the problems with the landlord.

Another important parameter to consider when choosing a room is renovation. A common problem with options in the center is that they belong to the old foundation, which can mean rotten beams, crumbling walls and rotten communications. Pay attention to the allocated electrical power: it can be very difficult to get electricity in the center even for a lot of money. The total power consumption of even a small cafe (with no more than 30 seats) is no less than 45-50 kW. It is better to choose a room that does not require major repairs, wiring, communications, etc. Repair is not only financial, but also time-consuming. And these are resources that every entrepreneur should appreciate and save. The longer it takes you to solve problems with the preparation of the premises, the more opportunities you will miss.

It should be noted that modern interiors in institutions require less and less decoration. The design is played up with furniture and decor - that which can be quickly transported from one object to another. It is often possible to meet the amateurish point of view that the design of the room is a determining factor for future success. However, experienced restaurateurs have a different opinion: it turns out that the interior for visitors is far from in the first place. This is especially true for budget cafes. Still, the main task of the interior of the restaurant is to create the right atmosphere in which it is pleasant to be.

The acquisition of high-quality kitchen equipment is one of the key stages in opening a restaurant. The production capacity of the kitchen, the organization of the workflow and even the taste of the dishes depend on the quality of the equipment and tools. That is why you need to make a responsible choice. Read in advance the experience of other restaurateurs and their feedback on this technique. Examine the various commercial offers of kitchen equipment suppliers. Choose several options and compare value for money. Excessive savings are useless, however, the purchase of the most expensive equipment is not a guarantee of success.

Pay special attention to such a parameter as warranty service, and from what moment it is calculated. If from the moment of sale, then you run the risk of losing those few months of warranty when the equipment is actually idle while you solve paper issues and delay the opening. Naturally, such equipment will fail exactly after the expiration of the free repair period.

You can reduce the cost of equipment if you buy used equipment. You need to be careful with this method: you can run into low-quality, broken, defective equipment without any guarantees. And yet, sometimes you can find a bargain on the market, when restaurateurs whose business has failed are selling almost a new set of kitchen equipment. Therefore, study the ads on the sites.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The list of required equipment may vary depending on the menu. For example, if you are planning to open a pizzeria, you will need special oven equipment. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out the main categories of kitchen equipment that will be useful to any restaurant:

    heat treatment equipment: oven and fryer, oven, induction cooker, fryer, etc.;

    electrical devices: mixer, blender, combine;

    storage equipment: refrigerator, freezer, vacuum sealers for food storage, refrigerated display case. The choice of a suitable model of refrigeration equipment depends on the layout of the kitchen and the volume of stored products. You should also purchase a special refrigerated table. It keeps in a cool state all the products that lie on its surface.

    Dishwasher to automate the process of dish disinfection;

    beverage preparation equipment: juicer, coffee machine;

    kitchen utensils and other small equipment(knives, food containers, coasters, containers, etc.);

    test equipment: kneader, sheeter, etc.

Ideally, you need to collect as many offers from suppliers as possible and coordinate the list of equipment with the chef. By enlisting the help of a chef, you shift the responsibility for the selection of equipment and the issue of its placement to him. In the future, this will allow you to avoid unnecessary reproaches and scandals that “everything is not right” and “it is not right”.

To reduce the list of equipment and reduce costs, you can simplify the production cycle. This can be done by purchasing ready-made semi-finished products. For example, bakery products can be purchased from a bakery. And equip your kitchen with only the appliances that are necessary for preparing main dishes.

Do not forget to include other equipment in the list of costs: a bar counter, a cash register, a cashless payment terminal, an air conditioning system, ventilation and an alarm system, if there are none in the room. The next step is to purchase furniture and decor items.

What furniture is needed for a restaurant

The choice of furniture depends on the concept and format of your establishment. For example, for a bar you will definitely need a bar counter, for a self-service cafe - an individual distribution line.

For an average restaurant, the main elements of the interior are tables, chairs and upholstered furniture. It is also worth equipping the hall with a bar counter, which is both a seating area for guests, and a bartender's workplace, and a showcase that stimulates the sale of alcoholic beverages. Do not forget about staff furniture: waiter stations, cabinets, utility tables, etc. Another essential element in the interior is a wardrobe. It can be like a full-fledged wardrobe with hangers and attendants, or maybe just hangers installed in the hall. And, finally, various partitions and screens are used in restaurants for space zoning.

The nuances of choosing furniture for a restaurant:

  • consider the convenience of furniture, its functionality, the ratio of the height of the table and chairs;

  • furniture should be made of materials that are durable in use, not afraid of dry cleaning and disinfectants;

    furniture should support the format and concept of the establishment, be in the same style and be in harmony with the interior;

    consider the layout of the hall and the features of the room;

    the main criteria for choosing furniture: small size and versatility;

    standard set: square or rectangular table, chairs without armrests;

    to simplify the process of purchasing furniture, try to find an integrated supplier who can provide your restaurant with furniture, dishes, and textiles.

The main mistake of novice restaurateurs is their desire to include their favorite dishes in the menu. But the preferences of the restaurateur and the tastes of the target audience can vary significantly. The menu depends not only on someone's tastes, but also on the concept of the institution. It is worth adding that even a narrow focus does not determine the composition of the menu by 100%. Today in any restaurant you can find classic dishes that are in demand in any institution. For example, pizza, Caesar salad, etc.

Also, when forming the menu, you need to pay attention to the price of dishes. It must match the format and concept. If you position yourself as a student cafe, then high prices will definitely scare off the target audience. But if you set low prices for exotic dishes in a fashionable restaurant, then you can not cover the cost of their preparation. Thus, it is necessary to compare the cost of dishes and the profit that you want to get from it.

When compiling the menu, consider the following nuances:

  • periodically add new dishes to the menu or make special offers to keep the customer base.

  • for each dish from the menu, make a technological map, indicating the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving. This information will be required to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for the purchase of products;

    update the menu according to the taste preferences of visitors. Regularly monitor orders to identify unclaimed items. Such positions are best replaced or completely excluded from the menu.

    when compiling the menu, follow the principle of full and variable use of products. This will reduce the risk of food spoilage if a particular dish is unpopular.

One of the preparatory stages is the search for suppliers of raw materials. The main requirement for suppliers is the delivery of high-quality and fresh products on time according to the agreed schedule. Supply disruptions can disrupt a restaurant, with the lack of many items on the menu unlikely to please diners. That is why it is so important that fresh ingredients are always present in the kitchen.

All products used must comply with the requirements of GOSTs. To understand how much ingredients you need to buy, you need a flow chart and a sales forecast. Calculating the exact volume of purchases is quite difficult. You will not be able to predict the choice of visitors - especially at the start. Over time, thanks to the analysis of orders, you will understand what dishes and in what quantity your guests choose. And at first, you should rely on the experience of other restaurateurs and approximate calculations. We advise you to make the first purchase of products in a small volume in order to reduce the risk of product spoilage. Also, when you make a purchase for the first time, break the order into small lots from different suppliers. So you compare the quality of products, you can evaluate the terms of cooperation and choose the most profitable option.

For certain categories of supplies that provide the main menu, it is better to conclude exclusive agreements with one reliable supplier. Purchases are recommended to be carried out frequently and in small batches - this will increase the cost of delivery, but reduce the risk of spoilage of products and simplify their storage. When signing the contract, read all the terms of cooperation. Please note that the transport costs for the supply of ingredients are borne by the restaurateurs. Therefore, choose suppliers based on territorial proximity; then save on shipping.

Consider the risk of food spoilage. What can cause this to happen:

    low demand for individual items on the menu;

    procurement planning errors;

    breakdown of storage equipment;

    storage violations.

You can minimize the risk with the help of competent planning and sales forecasting, monitoring orders and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. It is also necessary to establish control over the maintenance of equipment to avoid breakdowns, and the work of personnel to avoid storage errors.

People come to the restaurant not only for delicious food. They want to relax in a comfortable environment. And comfort is created not only by the interior, the atmosphere, but also by the service. Therefore, it is important to provide quality service in the restaurant.

Finding qualified employees is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Rigid selection is applied not only to the chef, but also to his assistants, as well as waiters.

How to find a decent chef in a restaurant

Let's start with a simple truth: a good cook never sits idle. Therefore, it is useless to advertise and wait for the culinary genius to respond. You need to look for a chef purposefully: in other institutions, at professional conferences, master classes, or through a restaurant recruitment agency.

So, the action plan for finding a chef looks like this:

    visit restaurants that are similar to yours. For example, if you are going to open a sushi bar, then you should look for a chef in an institution that offers Japanese cuisine;

    visit thematic exhibitions, competitions, conferences;

    use the services of a restaurant staffing agency;

    post vacancy announcements on thematic portals;

An equally serious choice is when looking for waiters. Experienced restaurateurs assure: good waiters should be educated by themselves, conduct trainings and educational events for them, and be motivated for the result by a reward system.

If you do not take care of this and decide to save on employee salaries, then be prepared for staff turnover. Without proper motivation, the quality of service also decreases. All this will lead to an outflow of visitors, which can become a road to failure for the restaurant business.

How to deal with employee theft

Another pitfall in the restaurant business is staff theft. The problem is old, but still relevant. According to experts, theft in the restaurant industry can range from 10 to ... 60% of revenue! And the amount by which the restaurateur will be “punished” by employees largely depends on the organization of control and the production process, wages, motivation, etc.

The easiest way is to choose employees carefully. Although the method is rather dubious, since it is impossible to predict the behavior of the staff and rely only on their decency. In order to minimize this risk, it will be necessary to apply a whole range of measures:

    automation system;

    video monitoring;


  • staff motivation;

    secret guest;

    control of the conclusion of contracts (kitchen, bar);

    control of DDS (settlement account, bank client, cash);

    bar control system.

For these measures to be effective, the implementation phase requires the direct participation of administrative staff and the owner of the establishment.

Before talking about advertising tools, let's see: what determines the popularity of a restaurant? First of all, the level of service and cuisine, as well as prices. In the second - from the interior, atmosphere and "chips" of the institution. In order to correctly declare yourself, you should disclose your main advantages and features in advertising.

We will not list the banal and long considered methods of promotion. Outdoor advertising, decorated window-showcase, development in social networks and more. But for each advertising tool, the tips below are relevant. So, what to consider in the advertising policy of the restaurant?

A simplified scheme for calculating the effectiveness of an advertising tool looks something like this. You ordered 1,000 flyers from a printing house for 3,000 rubles and another 2,000 to a promoter who handed out flyers to passers-by. As a result of this action: 30 visitors to the establishment, who received the coffee promised in the advertisement for free. The cost price of "promotional" coffee was 1000 rubles. The total cost will be 6000 rubles. At the same time, visitors who came by flyers made additional orders for a total of 15,000 rubles. Those. revenue will be 9000 rubles. It turns out that in this case the restaurant not only covered the cost of advertising, but also made money on it.

Analyze each advertising tool for effectiveness. Some indicators can be calculated in advance, some can be estimated only by the results of advertising. There is no ready-made formula for promoting a restaurant. It is possible to determine an advertising strategy only in practice.

2. Favor low-cost tools

Expensive does not mean effective. Thoughtful advertising using flyers can be several times better than expensive advertising in the popular media or on radio. Start with low-cost methods - the cost of an error will be lower.

Thoughtlessly spending money on promotion is wrong, but it’s also not worth saving hard on this cost item. A competent advertising campaign is needed for a new institution to make itself known and attract the first visitors. Without promotion, you will be lost among competitors. Therefore, an advertising campaign should be planned even before the opening of the restaurant.

4. Know your audience

Different audiences need different ads. Effective advertising is one that fully meets the needs of the audience. For example, if a cafe is aimed at young people, advertising on social networks is suitable. It is important to know the interests of your audience not only in order to choose advertising methods, but also for the design of the advertising material itself: text, video, flyers, etc. Try to make advertising useful for customers: gifts, free tastings, promotions, interesting informational materials.

How to attract restaurant visitors

    Discounts on the menu at certain hours stimulate sales during "dead hours";

    Special promotions on certain days of the week (usually weekdays) will help increase sales at less popular times;

    Gifts and discounts for birthdays will increase the number of large, banquet orders;

    Special offers for large companies will increase the average check from one table;

    Holding events will attract new customers.

The list goes on. There are many ways to interest visitors, so proceed from your capabilities and visitor requests. Analyze the results, test different promotion options. Over time, you will understand which chips really work, and which ones should be abandoned.

5. Experiment with venues

Try different things, don't stick to the same thing. Advertising has flooded everything, and people are tired of the same type of ads. In order for your ad to get noticed, it needs to stand out and grab attention. Therefore, it is so important to come up with something new, original. The world does not stand still: what worked fine yesterday does not arouse such interest today.

How to find new promotion tools and methods

Today there are many opportunities to find new marketing techniques: specialized literature, the Internet, master classes. You can also peep ideas in other businesses. Try to adapt for your project what worked in another segment. Sometimes this way you can derive a formula for effective advertising, which none of the competitors have yet thought of.

Let's summarize. The promotion plan may include various promotional tools, their application depends on the budget that you are willing to spend. In order to immediately attract the attention of consumers, it is necessary to conduct an active advertising campaign even before the establishment opens, and spend most of the budget in the first months of operation. So in a short time you will be able to gain a client base and reach payback. But do not forget that the best advertisement for a restaurant is a quality product and service. If the consumer likes the taste of the dishes and the service, he will come back to you and recommend your establishment to his friends.

10. Unprepared for the unexpected

The main pitfalls of the restaurant business, the knowledge of which in 90% of cases will allow you to save your business, have been considered, but the pitfalls themselves, as you understand, are much more. And you should always be prepared for any surprises. Resign yourself to the fact that absolutely everything cannot be taken into account, you can only minimize the risks. Therefore, finally, a few more nuances that are useful to consider.

    Equipment used in the restaurant. And he tends to break. Danger can lie in wait in any direction: from the stove in the kitchen to the cash register. You must always be prepared for such a development of events. So make sure you have an engineer available to fix minor breakdowns and a phone number for all emergency services for more serious situations. It is advisable to stock up on the numbers of specific masters - today everyone has a mobile number. As practice shows, most breakdowns occur on Friday evening. At the same time, cash tape, credit card tape and printer cartridges are running out. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have an emergency supply of consumables.

    Experienced restaurateurs advise the owner to actively participate in the management. Especially in the first months of work. If left to chance, a new business can quickly fail without reaching a profitable performance. And the profit should be expected in a year, or even two. A restaurant as a business requires considerable investments, which will pay off on average in 1-1.5 years. The practice of restaurants also suggests that already in the third month of work in the institution, the staff changes by 2/3, and only a third of the employees remain from the starting team. Therefore, experienced restaurant owners are advised not to invest too zealously in training the first staff and immediately hire experienced business coaches, knowing that most of these employees will probably “not take root” and go to competitors.

    During the first year, the budget will have to “feed” the project with cash investments. You must have a reserve capital for prompt resolution of issues. Be sure to include in the start-up capital an amount that can cover all expenses at the initial (often unprofitable) stage. After all, even if you work at a loss, you still have to pay rent, staff salaries, etc.

    When opening a restaurant, it is always wiser to target the middle class.. This means that your establishment must guarantee good quality at affordable prices. An excellent option would be a mass menu with the author's presentation.

    "Open kitchens" that allow customers to personally observe the process of preparing a dish, significantly increase the level of trust in the institution. The cost of creating such a kitchen is small, but the effect is very significant.

There are many pitfalls in the restaurant business. You will encounter the first difficulties at the stage of creating an idea. However, if you approach everything prepared, you can succeed. Make a business plan, conduct market research, plan all actions. If you work hard and put your soul into your favorite business, it will definitely give a result.

541 people are studying this business today.

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Famous world-class entrepreneurs are sure that one of the most profitable business areas is the food and holiday services sector. The organization of the restaurant business attracts both experienced businessmen and start-up entrepreneurs in all countries of the world.

This trend is rapidly developing in Russia. Both network companies and individual entrepreneurs enter the holiday food market.

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What you need to start

A restaurant is a serious business. Its main advantage is its difference from other similar institutions. Therefore, you need to create your own idea. It is recommended to consider the following:

  1. The trademark of the enterprise, that is, a special feature.
  2. Starting from the highlight (the main difference of the restaurant), you need to develop an interior design.
  3. The next step is recruitment. Personnel must:
    • correspond to the chosen feature of the restaurant;
    • have the appropriate qualifications;
    • sometimes even the appearance and temperament of people are important.
  4. An important step is the selection of dishes (menu development). The list of treats should be:
    • harmonious;
    • consistent with the chosen idea;
    • acceptable to customers.
  5. The previous step is related to suppliers:
    • they need to be found;
    • conclude contracts;
    • develop a style of interaction and more.
Reference: All of the above steps are collectively referred to as enterprise concept development.

What are restaurant businesses?

There are a lot of gastronomic organizations. A novice restaurateur needs to choose one in order to develop a further development strategy. Enterprises are:

  1. A restaurant. This is a catering enterprise that has a peculiarity or personality. It differs:
    • expensive interior;
    • non-standard design and gastronomic solutions;
    • high level of service;
    • peculiarity of the atmosphere.
  2. Cafe. The establishment is faster. Customers appreciate the cafe for the opportunity to have a quick, inexpensive and tasty meal. Takeaway services are welcome.
  3. Bistro. Such an establishment should offer food and drinks appropriate for the time of day. Its peculiarity is unpretentiousness and simplicity of the atmosphere.
  4. Coffee house. Small and cozy establishment. Specializes in coffee (by name), tea and desserts.
  5. Confectionery. About the same as a coffee shop. But the specialization of the institution is aimed at meeting children's and family needs.
  6. Bar. An enterprise aimed at an adult clientele. Specialization is associated with a large selection of strong drinks.
  7. Fast food. Such a catering establishment is aimed at a large flow of visitors. Meals should be planned simple, nutritious, inexpensive.
  8. Canteen. It is beneficial to open such an enterprise near educational institutions or large enterprises. The kitchen should be simple, homely.
  9. Sushi bar. This is what Japanese restaurants are called. To open one, you need a specialist in the preparation of sushi.
Advice! The type of institution must be selected based on the potential clientele.

Criteria for selecting a place for an institution

Restaurateurs need good premises to be successful.
Experts suggest relying on the following selection criteria:

  1. Location:
    • in the first line of buildings;
    • at the intersection of streets;
    • close to potential clientele.
  2. Requirements:
    • two entrances (technical required for product suppliers);
    • appropriate size;
    • on the ground floor or in a separate building;
    • the room must comply with the concept (for a bar, for example, a semi-basement is suitable, and for a coffee shop, a basement floor).
  3. Ways to acquire the right to use:
    • purchase (requires large investments);
    • lease (provided for some time with the possibility of extension).
Hint: as a rule, unprofitable premises are sold. Before concluding a contract of sale, it is advisable to study its history.

Instructions for opening a restaurant business

The algorithm for opening a catering enterprise can be divided into several important steps:

  1. Concept development. On the given stage, you need to come up with a highlight of the future institution. It is recommended to make a detailed description of the restaurant with all the subtleties and nuances.
  2. Drawing up a business plan. All necessary investments should be planned. Costs need to be correlated with likely returns. Their list should include:
    • purchase of equipment;
    • regular supplies of products corresponding to the menu;
    • recruitment;
    • interior design;
    • building renovations and more.
  3. Selection of premises (described above). The main criterion is potential customers.
  4. Design creation. The atmosphere in the institution should be unique, special, memorable. On the given stage is recommended to save money. Otherwise, you will have to invest more after a short time.
  5. Purchase of equipment. All devices must be professional, meeting the standards of regulatory organizations.
  6. Menu development. The list of dishes must be compiled based on the concept of the institution. The menu is drawn up on paper:
    • simple language;
    • colorful;
    • with a description of the ingredients.
  7. Recruitment. Specialists should be selected highly qualified, passionate about their profession. If necessary, you can use the services of special agencies.
  8. Creation of an advertising campaign.
Hint: in the absence of a large start-up capital, you should focus on the peculiarity of the idea.

Customer acquisition

In order for people to appreciate a restaurant, they need to provide information about the establishment. This is the essence of the advertising campaign.
Modern technologies provide a wide range of tools for its implementation. But do not forget the usual methods known for many decades.

To attract customers, you should use the following methods:

  • placement of advertisements in the media;
  • creation of specialized accounts in social networks (for example, Instagram);
  • placement of banners and other visual advertising media;
  • distribution of invitations in supermarkets;
  • production special offers and alert potential visitors.
Hint: the choice of methods for informing customers about a restaurant depends on its main idea and the age of potential customers.

Government requirements for catering establishments

The state regulates the activities of all organizations that affect the health of citizens. Catering is supervised especially strictly. The opening of the institution is associated with the receipt of such permits:

  • special certificate (issued for a year);
  • sanitary passport (issued by Rospotrebnadzor);
  • licenses for the sale of alcohol-containing products (if one is planned);
  • other.

To obtain permits in state institutions, you will need to submit an application and the corresponding set of documents. So, to get a certificate, you should build the following package:

  • charter;
  • memorandum of association (if any);
  • certificate of state registration;
  • tax accounting certificate;
  • documents for the premises (lease agreement or information about ownership);
  • conclusion of SES, fire supervision;
  • LLC seal;
  • list of employees;
  • medical books of all employees;
  • certificates for purchased food (taken from suppliers);
  • act of sampling dishes.
Advice! The work of catering enterprises is associated with a large amount of documentation. It is necessary to immediately hire an experienced specialist.

How to simplify the process of creating a restaurant

There are several options for opening a cafe or restaurant:

  • purchase of a ready-made institution;
  • creation from scratch;
  • franchise - the conclusion of an agreement with a restaurant chain to open an institution under their brand;
  • use of consulting services.

Restaurant consulting is a special type of business management activity. Consulting includes the provision of the following services:

  • attraction of high-class managers-managers;
  • development strategy analysis;
  • suggesting changes to the business project and adjusting the directions for its implementation;
  • consulting support for entrepreneurs;
  • trust management of business, if necessary.

When choosing the option of acquiring a profitable and original restaurant, you should rely on:

  • availability of start-up capital (or lack thereof);
  • existing business experience;
  • the possibility of attracting specialists to the development of the business.

Watch a video on how to open a restaurant

On the same subject

Restaurant service is understood as a service that brings satisfaction and pleasure not only to the client of the restaurant or cafe, but also to the staff.

The restaurant business is a type of activity in the field of catering that generates income or other personal benefits.

The restaurant, either as an independent entity or as part of a hotel complex, produces and offers catering to diners in order to satisfy their gastronomic desires. The economic purpose of this type of activity is to generate income, regardless of whether we are dealing only with a restaurant service (independent restaurants in specially designated areas), or with restaurants that are part of another enterprise or institution (for example, a restaurant in a hotel ).

For the successful functioning of a restaurant enterprise, the quality of food, level of service, menu, atmosphere, prices, management are important, but the most important is the location. Among the main criteria for choosing a place for a restaurant are the following types:

  • - attractiveness - how hospitable the building will seem to passing and passers-by people;
  • - demography - how many people live or come to a given area (area that is within the service radius of the enterprise);
  • - the average level of income of such population;
  • - whether the area is developing, or, conversely, is in decline, affecting its infrastructure (drainage, sewerage, etc.);
  • - accessibility and convenience in terms of transport connections and the possibility of car parking;
  • - catchiness - is it easy to distinguish and see a restaurant or cafe among other similar buildings;
  • - location - how well maintained the surrounding buildings are.

The state monopoly in the field of public catering is a thing of the past with the establishment of market relations. Numerous restaurants, cafes, buffets, canteens, bars and dumplings, which differed in the same taste of dishes and low level of service, were privatized, which caused a change in priorities: from working within the set plan to maximizing the profit of new owners, which caused a struggle for each potential client .

Being under the influence of the laws of supply and demand, the restaurant market of the Russian Federation began to gradually recover. Instead of severe administrative prohibitions in the process of adjusting the public catering market, legal and civilized methods gradually came, and an appropriate regulatory framework was created.

In large cities, first-class restaurants began to appear on the site of previously existing cafes and canteens. The existence of various price niches, along with the unsatisfied demand of the solvent population, led to the formation of restaurants of various character.

Efforts to open new and refurbish existing restaurants have attracted the attention of private revenue. The reason for this was the economic efficiency and expediency of investing available income in this service sector.

Applied economic theory and practice of the industrial countries of Western Europe, Japan and the United States of America clearly show the fastest return on investment in the restaurant business. The turnover of money capital invested in a public catering facility is, on average, 5-6 times higher than the same indicator that is typical for an ordinary grocery store. A small restaurant, a small shop and a small hotel - in this order of decreasing prestige are these main investment objects that are of interest to the middle class in the West. Adjusted for the peculiarity of domestic realities, we can talk about a similar behavioral stereotype that is typical for our country.

The financial crisis that occurred in 1998 radically changed the external environment of the restaurant business market. Restaurant owners faced the problem of adapting to the changes that had taken place, the main of which was the decrease in the number of customers and, as a result, competition began to grow.

The restaurant "boom", which was typical for 1991-1998, was caused by very low competition between newly opened restaurants and effective demand, which significantly exceeded their number. Compared to simple Soviet restaurants, post-Soviet restaurants were distinguished by high quality of service, elegant interiors and thoughtful composition of dishes, spirits and buffet products. There was an impression that a good location was enough for the successful conduct of the restaurant business, and there would be no end to customers. Experts give the following assessment to the restaurants that opened in the early 90s: within a year, the restaurants paid off, then they began to generate income. The time has come for reasonable pragmatism and calculation, which is dictated by growing competition with a drop in demand for restaurant services. New circumstances and conditions put forward the problem of the struggle for the client for the owners of restaurants. Today, the demand for high-quality restaurant services should be stimulated through special events. For this reason, the issue of marketing in catering establishments is very acute.

The restaurant business is a field of entrepreneurial activity that is associated with the organization and management of a public catering enterprise, which is aimed at meeting the existing needs of people in healthy, tasty and varied food, as well as generating income from this activity. As a sphere of entrepreneurial activity, the restaurant business has its own functions:

  • - economic
  • - social.

The economic functions of the restaurant industry represent the scope of entrepreneurial activity as the integrity of circulation and production. This means that this business is a profitable area for investment, which, compared to other areas in the business, will provide the fastest return on investment. With the right and skillful management, the restaurant business can guarantee about 32 percent profitability, which, combined with a fast turnover, is a very attractive factor for investing in this business area.

Only a market economy creates conditions for the real operation of a restaurant, the functioning of which is determined by the boundaries of the existing economic space, investment opportunities, the turnover of invested funds and the rules of competition.

The restaurant business requires constant systematization and study of the existing needs of the clientele, because the client is the main figure in the entire functional process of a restaurant, cafe, buffet or bar. At the same time, competitive conditions require the restaurant business to constantly innovate and form new habits, tastes, preferences and needs among potential customers.

The social functions of the restaurant industry are expressed in the fact that this area of ​​business activity is completely based on the interests of society and depends on them. This function of the restaurant business is reflected in the methods and form, as well as in the culture of service.

The desires of customers dictate the quality of service in the restaurant industry, which is equally determined by the type, nature and volume of services provided by the restaurant. The quality of service is determined by the following factors:

  • - convenient location of the restaurant;
  • - working hours suitable for clients;
  • - quality food;
  • - premises, furniture and utensils that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • - an atmosphere of hospitality, which is created by a kind, polite and attentive service staff towards customers.

The convenience of the location of the restaurant is mainly determined by the proximity to historical and cultural monuments, city attractions, highways, busy streets, as well as the availability of good transport links (relationship with the city transport line is desirable) and secure parking.

The operating mode of the public catering facility suitable for customers is associated with the rhythm of life of the urban population. This can be around the clock, work in the afternoon and late evening, weekends and holidays. The choice of operating mode is related to the capabilities and preferences of the target group of restaurant customers who have the opportunity to visit the establishment at a certain time interval.

The quality of culinary products is the main criterion for the degree of restaurant cuisine, which is determined by the nutritional significance of dishes, compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions and taste.

The convenience of dining, banquet and trading halls is associated primarily with the aesthetics of the interior, with its compliance with the requirements that apply to the location of restaurants, their lighting, equipment, as well as the music and entertainment program of the institution and table setting.

The financial profit of a restaurant business certainly depends on the quality of service, which forms a constant flow of customers who want to enjoy the level of service provided and use the services offered.

The development of a culture of service entails a quantitative growth of customers, which leads to an increase in profitability, an increase in turnover and a decrease in the distribution costs of the restaurant business.

An obligatory component of the restaurant business is the restaurant market. The market economy forces the restaurant market to move and develop, therefore, on a large scale, the restaurant market is understood as the economic environment in which the restaurant business is formed.

In addition to buffet and culinary products, the goods purchased by customers are the atmosphere of hospitality, which is accompanied by the sale of products. This service has a monetary value, because financial resources are directed to its creation, which are expressed in direct and indirect costs, that is, the restaurant market has a dual direction. Goods and services are the subject of supply and demand. The prerequisites for the creation and development of the restaurant market is the existence of a need for the proposed service or product and a restaurateur who can satisfy this need.

In a narrow sense, the restaurant industry is a complex integrated system of different business entities, the central part of which is the restaurant.

The restaurant business in Russia today exists in three niches, unequal in volume and number of players - fast food, mid-range restaurants and gourmet restaurants.

All restaurateurs, regardless of the niche in which they position their establishments, today have one common problem - staff shortages. And, if the problem with hiring service personnel (waiters, sommeliers, hall managers) today mainly rests on a significant excess of demand over supply, then in the case of managerial personnel for restaurants, everything is much more complicated.

The fact is that the number of competent restaurant managers today is very limited. There is almost no tendency to increase it now - in Russia there are no specialized educational institutions that would train specialists of this level. Restaurant directors now predominantly grow from waiters, hall managers, even bartenders; they are little mobile and do not have sufficient opportunities for their further professional development.

As a rule, the owner is already a step above the director, and it is simply impossible to take his place. As a rule, directors change their jobs extremely reluctantly. The fact is that restaurant owners sometimes use not quite market methods to retain competent managers.

The average price niche in Russia is not only not overpopulated, but also not fully formed, obviously, only that the threshold for entering it is getting higher every day, and the processes taking place inside are more interesting.

In our study, we will focus on establishments of the middle price category - the Coffee House chain of coffee houses.

Coffee House is the largest chain of coffee houses in Russia and Ukraine. This is how the description of the company on its official website looks like:

“... We are developing in line with the expectations of our guests and shareholders.

We sincerely care about people and make them happy!

Our cafes are always nearby. They are ideal for meetings with loved ones, friends and business partners.

We are proud of our strong team of employees, which creates an atmosphere of special hospitality, offers unique coffees of our own roasting and quality products prepared using modern technologies.


Vladislav Dudakov, one of the most experienced managers in the food industry, heads the largest Russian chain of coffee houses, Coffee House.

Opening in 1999 the first coffee house "Coffee House" in the "Actor" gallery on Tverskaya, businessman Timur Khairutdinov hardly imagined that dozens of establishments would operate under this brand in a few years. In 2001, he invited Vladislav Dudakov to join his company. Khairutdinov did not set super tasks for the new manager. However, in a couple of years, Dudakov increased the number of network points by more than ten times and achieved that they started talking about it. Competitors began to copy the techniques of "Coffee House" - to enter "drinks and desserts of the month" in the menu, to offer coupons for free coffee.

3. The state of current phenomena.

Main development trends - mid-range restaurants

The audience of mid-price restaurants far exceeds the audience of expensive ones and makes up a significant percentage of the solvent population of multi-million Russia. Conceptual approaches continue to change: in the period of formation, foreign concepts dominated, 5–6 years ago the first restaurants with traditional Russian features appeared.

Each new gastronomic fashion leaves a noticeable mark on the Russian restaurant landscape: Azteca and Santa Fe remained from the “Latin” boom, Japanese cuisine is experiencing rapid development. However, according to some experts, the Japanese boom is starting to decline in Moscow - it is most likely that the next main restaurant fashion will be Chinese cuisine.

It is also interesting that the popular restaurant chains of the middle price level pick up and replicate the trends of their "older" brothers at a more affordable level. Before the advent of Planet Sushi and Yakitoria, sushi was considered an incredible delicacy "for the elite" and served in a few expensive restaurants for a lot of money, and before the creation of Patio Pizza and its followers, Italian food of similar quality was considered the privilege of visitors to a kind of "restaurants". -boutiques" of Italian cuisine. Symbolic in this sense is the brazier of the expensive (and now no longer existing) Tamerlan restaurant, on which it was possible to prepare a mixture of different types of meat, vegetables and seasonings for substantial money - now its much cheaper options are abundantly replicated by the Yolki-Palki chain

The situation at Coffee House:

The company's management consistently implements its vision of the "ideal coffee house". So, let's say, "Coffee House" is one of the few chains that offers visitors strong alcohol and basically does not include hot dishes in the menu. Instead, at the end of 2004, the company began to open near its coffee shops - where the area allows - inexpensive restaurants of Asian cuisine "Asia Cafe". The two concepts successfully complemented each other. The revenue of some coffee houses "Coffee House", next to which restaurants "Asia Cafe" operate, increased by 20%. Most of the visitors to the Coffee House establishments are people who do not live directly in the center, but walk or drive past them.

The "Coffee House" has developed uniform standards for pricing policy, assortment, quality of food and service. Established a training department for new employees. The position of manager has been introduced - a person who is responsible for the operation of several coffee shops.

In 2006, a “quality team” was created to monitor compliance with established standards. It consists of forty people. If complaints are received from any institution about the poor quality of the product, several people from the team go there in order to identify the reasons.

The institution also has its own confectionery shop. This allows us to offer guests exclusive cakes and pastries.

  1. The presence of a problem, its formulation.

The network of coffee houses "Coffee House" is really developing very dynamically.

However, the more popular the coffee shop, the more the atmosphere of the establishment suffers. It becomes noisy, smoky, and the staff treats guests less attentively.

When selecting staff, the company is guided by the following criterion: the staff is recruited from students with no experience in public catering. Before they start working, they go through a week of training.

Complaints about staff service have been received throughout the existence of this coffee shop chain. They communicate unprofessionally with guests: in some cases, they not only do not provide the proper quality of service, but also show rudeness and disrespect towards visitors.

The attitude of staff towards visitors largely depends on the manager of the coffee shop, whose main task is precisely to monitor the situation in the hall and the level of service.

Therefore, in Coffee House one of the most important is the problem of staff service, its incompetence.

4. Purpose of the study.

The purpose of our study is to determine the requirements for the quality of service personnel in catering establishments of the middle price category, in particular, in coffee houses "Coffee House"

The attendants of the catering establishment include: hall administrator, waiter, bartender, cook, personnel manager, cloakroom attendant, doorman.

5. Object and subject of research.

The object of the study is the attendants (hall administrator, waiter, bartender, cook, personnel manager, cloakroom attendant, doorman).

The subject of our study is the personal and professional qualities of service personnel.

6. Research objectives.

The work of service personnel is an important component of the success of the organization. Its quality depends on the personal and professional data of the staff, its competence. Consider the tasks of our study, the disclosure of which will help us determine:

1) Professional qualities required for a waiter, bartender, manager;

2) personal qualities that he must possess;

3) his psychological portrait.

7. The content of the study.

Professional behavior is formed depending on the psychological qualities of the attendants and taking into account the use of knowledge of psychology and the rules of etiquette.

Service personnel must have professional ability, i.e. be professionally fit.

The professional suitability for the work of service personnel is determined by the psychological qualities that they must possess:

1. the ability to communicate with people;

2. endurance, emotional stability, balance, self-control;

3. observation and memory;

4. the ability to feel the mood of another person, sensitivity;

5. erudition, expressive speech, rich vocabulary, correct pronunciation;

6. sensitivity to distinguishing shapes, colors, sizes;

7. ability to distribute and switch attention;

8. speed and accuracy of counting;

9. ability to understand people.

The waiter must be a good psychologist, which will allow him to:

1. understand consumer behavior and influence them purposefully to create optimal service conditions;

2. to understand oneself well and consciously manage one's feelings and emotions;

3. know your work colleagues well and maintain a relationship of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

The reaction of consumers to the actions of the waiter is largely determined by their temperament and character.

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