Home Salads and appetizers Juice production technology. Apple juice production technology. Compote production technology

Juice production technology. Apple juice production technology. Compote production technology

Not so long ago, bags with the inscription "straight-pressed juice" began to appear on store shelves. My husband and I intuitively immediately gave our preference to these particular juices, although I am traditionally skeptical of all marketing tricks. Namely, such an inscription seemed to me. And although it seemed like it was implied that this juice should be more natural, there was still some skepticism on this score, and as it turned out, in vain.

Recently, I happened to visit apple orchards and trace the entire path of the juice with my own eyes. This is what I want to tell you.


Apples for domestic direct-pressed juice are grown by the OOO "Sad" company of the Samara region.


The path of a juice bag to the moment it hits our table is long and complicated. It begins in the fields where apples are grown. Garden lands don't have many companies. After all, growing apples is a much more complex and time-consuming process, in contrast to buying Chinese concentrate.


Even in order to grow an apple tree to the point where it begins to bear fruit, it will be necessary to transplant it several times and spend many hours on care.

First, small shoots are grown. This is the so-called "stock". Or "wild". In fact, these are also apple trees, but so far this is only the basis for the future variety, its foundation. The root system and the stem of the future tree are called rootstock. It is responsible for growth rate, fruiting time, resistance to weather conditions, diseases or harmful insects, longevity, number of apples and many other factors.




After the rootstocks are grown, they are transplanted and a variety is grafted onto them. This is called "graft".


This is a different field. If you look closely, you can see colored electrical tape on each of the stems. It was there that the cutting was grafted. So the apple tree already has a certain variety.



Apple trees begin to bear fruit while still quite small. This looks unusual. A small "bush", all dotted with apples! But for manufacturers it is much more convenient. And you can process and pick apples from a height of human growth, without substituting a ladder. This greatly simplifies the work. However, trees up to 3.5 meters in size are grown here. This, of course, is the apple size more familiar to the layman.


By the way, just like that, an apple tree may not give a harvest. Making it bear fruit (and doing it annually) is a separate and very serious job. To do this, they use special tricks: weed the flowers (so that more strength goes into the remaining fruits), cut the roots or make incisions on the stem in a special way (so that the apple tree “thinks” that it is over and finally begins to actively “reproduce”). All this colossal volume is just an ordinary routine. It remains only to admire the amount of work. Any agriculture is a big and hard work.


Picking apples by hand. There is no complicated and tricky technique - of course it exists, but it spoils the fruit, not allowing them to be sent for long-term storage.


After the apples are harvested, they are sent to a special storage. Here, in a huge hangar, a special temperature and humidity are maintained, which allows apples to be stored until the next season.


All apples are sorted before storage. This is done more for aesthetic purposes. Apples that go on sale should be even, neat, about the same size. Their task is to look beautiful in the window. For apples that go for juice appearance no longer matters. And they all taste the same, of course.



Apples lie in the warehouse until an order for a certain batch arrives. Some of them are sent to stores for sale, but mostly they will still make juice from these apples.


The plant of the Nectar company, at the grand opening of which we ate apples, receives either the juice itself (in the case of apples) or a concentrate for some exotic juices (we have not yet learned how to grow guava or mango in our strip).


Here, in huge vats, the processes of filtration and pasteurization of the future juice take place. Everything is sealed and hidden from prying eyes.


Tetra Pak equipment line is installed at the plant. We are used to the fact that this is only high-quality packaging, but in fact the company produces entire production lines to equip factories, including those for the production of juices. Modern equipment and the latest pasteurization technologies allow, on the one hand, to preserve all the useful substances, and on the other hand, to ensure long-term storage.


The next stage is the actual bottling and packaging. Here everything is already very noisy and dynamic.

First, the machines turn flat Tetra Pak packaging, which arrives at the factory in rolls, into a package familiar to our eyes, after which juice is poured into it, and it is sent further to the conveyor.



There, it is repeatedly scanned, weighed, compared with reference indicators in order to prevent the release of low-quality products. If an inaccuracy is found in any package, it is “blown away” with a sharp stream of air from the tape into special mesh-catchers and they will no longer fall on the counter. The process is monitored not only by technology, but also by people.


A little later, caps, tubes and other accessories are added to the juice packages on the conveyor.



Several brands are produced at the Nectar plant in Samara - Ivanych, Volzhsky Posad and others.


The manufacturer is especially proud of branded bags with Madagascar cartoon characters (in partnership with the copyright holder). Of course, such marketing actions are always effective. Children love images of their favorite characters and these products will always be in high demand.


The last step on the way is packing the juice bags into boxes and assembling the pallets for shipping. Now it is done manually, by strong loaders. But the plant already has plans for the development of production and soon additional equipment will be installed here, which will replace the labor of people.




By the way, if you believe the map, then not only on ours. They are also supplied to some foreign countries, including China.


Here is such a path of juice, from a small cutting - a rootstock, to a delicious glass of juice.


Bon Appetit! =)

Apple juice is the juice that is squeezed from fresh apples. sweet taste it is given by the presence of natural sugar in apples. At present, most apple juice obtained industrially using pasteurization and aseptic packaging.

Apples are the most popular pome fruit used for canning. These canned foods are the most diverse: compotes, juices, jams, nectars, etc. The production of natural canned food with a low calorie content and attractive packaging is now the focus of modern nutrition in the country and the world.

Technology for the production of apple juice.

According to this regulation, there are:
- directly squeezed apple juice (juices obtained from fresh or kept fresh apples by mechanical processing);
- freshly squeezed apple juice (obtained by direct extraction, not canned, made in the presence of the consumer from fresh or kept fresh apples);
- concentrated apple juice (produced by physically removing water from juice to increase the amount of dry soluble substances by two or more times);
- diffusion apple juice (obtained by extracting extractives from fresh or dried apples with water, from which it is impossible to obtain juice by mechanical processing). Apple juice obtained in this way is first concentrated and then reconstituted.

Similar to the manufacturing process various kinds canned food delivery, acceptance and storage of components for the production of apple juice. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, then inspected to remove fruits that are affected by pests, as well as rotten and with other violations. In the production of apple juice, the main method of influencing plant tissue is mechanical crushing (grinding). But very fine grinding can make the fabric a solid mass that does not have the channels that are necessary for the juice to flow out.

By pressing, centrifugation, diffusion and other methods, juice is extracted from apple pulp. Pressing is the main way to extract juice from fruits. Juice is extracted by pressure on the pulp.
Destruction by pressure of plant tissue, crushing of the biomembrane of the cell structure is not a function of pressing. Its main function is to squeeze out juice, which was obtained from cells damaged during pre-treatment. Pressing is not used to isolate the juice from the cells, but is used to isolate the juice (liquid phase of the pulp), which flows out of the destroyed cells before pressing. Pre-treatment of raw materials mainly affects the high yield of juice from the fruit.

To achieve a more pleasant taste, juices are blended (mixed). Can mix juices of two different types, juices of one kind of apples or juices of apples containing different amounts of sugar and acid.

Organization of production of juice from apples.
It should be noted that the production of canned food is currently quite a convenient area for small businesses. Due to a very simple technology, low cost (i.e. it does not require significant investments and large areas for production), easy organization of production (it takes a little technological equipment), technically light production equipment (it can be made in simple conditions) a large number of small businesses are involved in this area.

Production quality goods is the main criterion for the successful growth and development of a business, for this I recommend that you read an article about . Flavorings do not need to be added. Instead, you can mix the juices of different fruits, mix them in different ways, make multifruits, or even mix the juices at the request of the buyer and get a unique taste.

The price of a mini line for the production of apple juice by direct extraction starts from 1,000,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the mixes contain more vitamins and useful substances because they complement each other. It follows that juice mixtures are more beneficial.

The problem with doing business in this industry is that in order to produce large volumes of juice, you need a huge amount of fruit. For example, to make 250 ml of juice, you will need 1 kg of apples, and even more berries - from 1 kg - 50 ml of juice.

You can try to develop the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping a small business for the production of natural juices before making juice from vegetables or. Vegetables contain vitamins that are not found anywhere else, neither in fruits nor in berries, and are no less useful.

Production of directly squeezed juice from own apples.
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Then the apples are re-washed and rinsed under the shower of the washing machine 5. Further along the elevator 6 they are fed into the disk crusher 7. The resulting pulp enters the screw stacker 8, where up to 40% of the juice is separated from the pulp by gravity and with slight pre-pressing (instead of 60% during normal processing). The amount of suspensions in the juice in this case is several times less than in the juice obtained on screw presses.

The squeezed juice enters the collection 16, from which the plunger pump 17 is sent through the pipeline to the sump 24. The settled products are decanted, and the piston pump 14 is fed into the pasteurizer-cooler 23 for heating to a temperature of 80 ... 90 ° C and subsequent cooling to 25 ...30 °С.

For more efficient cooling, the juice is passed through a tubular cooler 22. With rapid heating and cooling, protein substances coagulate, resulting in improved clarification of the juice during filtration.
The cooled juice under pressure first enters the collection 20, installed on the site 21, from there - by gravity into the separator 19 for cleaning. When served by gravity, the juice is better cleared of suspensions. The purified juice is collected in a collector 18, from which it is sent for final purification to a filter press 28. The filtered juice is collected in a collector 29. Then, with a pump 14, the juice is pumped into a tubular heater 30, where it is heated to a temperature of 90 degrees C and fed into a double-walled boiler 31 for maintaining a constant temperature before packaging.

The bottles are washed in the 43 machine and viewed through the 42 screen. When leaving the washing machine, the temperature of the bottles must be at least 50 degrees C. For this, a special 40 scalder is equipped: two inch pipes 1.5 m long with bubblers are mounted on both sides of the 41 conveyor, into which steam is supplied. The holes of the bubblers on both sides are directed to the body of the bottles. The section of the conveyor with bubblers is closed with a casing with an exhaust hood.
Hot bottles are fed by a conveyor to the filling machine 32, then to the capping machine 33. The bottles are sealed with crown caps with polyethylene inserts, which are pre-treated for 3 ... 4 minutes with live steam in a cabinet or hot water(85...100 °C) in a double-walled boiler.

After capping, the bottles while moving along the conveyor 35 are checked on the 34 rejection machine. From the storage table 36, the bottles are placed in baskets 37 in three rows. Each row of bottles is shifted with a wooden grate. Using an electric hoist 38, the baskets are placed in an autoclave 39 for sterilization. Then they are unloaded on the storage table, labeled, installed in boxes, sent to the warehouse or sold.

The pomace obtained on the drainer and containing up to 20% juice is fed into the screw scalder 9. In this case, protopectin is hydrolyzed and the pulp is separated from the skin and seed chambers. To prevent the product from burning, it is heated in a scalder to a temperature of 100 ... 110 "C. After scalding, the pomace is fed into a single-stage universal mashing machine 10 (sieve hole diameter 1 ... 1.2 mm). The mashed puree is collected in a collector 15 , from which the pump 14 is sent to the second wiping machine 25 (hole diameter 0.6 ... 0.8 mm).Then the product enters the vacuum apparatus 26 for cooking jam or for sulfitation.

The sugar necessary for cooking the jam is sifted on an 11 vibrating sieve, the required amount is weighed into the 12 collector on a 13 scale and fed into the 26 vacuum apparatus in mashed potatoes. The finished jam is packed in jars or barrels with a capacity of 50 liters with polyethylene liners. If the jam is packed in jars with a capacity of 0.65 ... 1.0 liters, then they are then sterilized in autoclaves. If the puree is intended for obtaining a semi-finished product, then after the second rubbing it is cooled in 27 digesters, packed in barrels with polyethylene liners, sulphated and sent for storage.

Collection. The most important indicators fruits and berries - size, color, aroma, taste, firmness of the pulp and their suitability for processing - are formed during ripening. During ripening, the volume and mass of fruits and berries increase due to cell division and stretching, accumulation of juice, nutrients and stretching of intercellular spaces.

Fruits and berries are characterized by a constant accumulation of sugars and a decrease in the content of titratable acids and, as a result, an increase in the sugar-acid coefficient.

During ripening, the amount of tannins in fruits and berries decreases, the amount of coloring, nitrogenous, aromatic substances increases and their quality increases.

Fruits and berries for processing are harvested at technical maturity. For apples and pears, technical maturity occurs 2-3 days later than the removable one, when the fruits are still somewhat unripe. By this time, the amount of sugar in the fruit approaches the maximum possible, the titratable acidity remains at the optimum level, the content of soluble pectin in the pulp is minimal and it retains its hardness.

The processing of such raw materials provides a good yield of juice with a low content of sediment, and the juice is easily clarified. The technical maturity of stone fruits and berries coincides with the full one.

Premature and late harvesting of fruits and berries reduces the yield, yield and quality of juice.

The time of onset of technical maturity of fruits and berries is determined by organoleptic and chemical analyzes. Depending on the natural conditions of the region, the physical and chemical indicators of raw materials are specified. For example, in the Lithuanian SSR for apple juice, the optimal values ​​of the main components are as follows: titratable acidity of at least 8 g/dm3, pH up to 3.4, sugar content of at least 8 g/100 cm3, nitrogenous substances at least 200 mg/dm 3, phenolic substances not less than 1000 mg/dm 3 , pectin substances not more than 2.5 g/dm 3 , sugar-acid index from 7.6 to 14, pectin coefficient (ratio of soluble pectin to protopectin) 1-2.5.

In our country and abroad, three methods of harvesting fruits are used: manual harvesting using ordinary harvesting equipment (garden ladders, bench ladders, baskets, fruit-picking bags); manual removal from mobile ladders, platforms or towers, manually moved, self-propelled or mounted on a tractor; mechanized - simultaneous mass removal of fruits using special machines.

Machines have been created that provide comprehensive mechanization of harvesting apples, cherries, sweet cherries and plums. The complex includes a fruit harvester, a container ship, a loader, a line for commodity processing of fruits.

The new self-propelled single-unit harvester MPU-1A is used for harvesting in gardens of stone fruit and pome crops. The harvester produces simultaneously shaking, catching, cleaning the fruits from leaves and other impurities, as well as packing them into boxes. The fruits can be used both for fresh sale and for processing. For an hour of working time, the combine harvests fruits from 30-35 trees and ensures the completeness of the removal of plums 97.5%, apples 95%.

A two-unit harvester for harvesting pome and stone fruit crops KPU-2 was created. Combine productivity 35-45 trees per hour. The completeness of the removal of fruits: pome fruits 96%, stone fruits 93%.

The complex of the machine includes the VUK-3 unit, designed for loading fruits packed in containers; container ship VUK-3; forklift PVSV-0.5 designed for loading and unloading containers; container emptyer OKP-6 is used for unloading fruits from containers. The MPYa-1 currant harvester is being prepared for production.

Integrated mechanization of harvesting increases the productivity of pickers and allows you to pick fruits and berries at optimal maturity.

Collect fruits and berries according to pomological varieties. Pome and stone fruits are sorted during commodity processing, berries - during their collection.

Transportation of fruits and berries. Apples are transported in bulk in heavy flatbed trucks, in dump trucks, in FAC containers, in boxes; stone fruits (apricots, cherries, plums, cherry plums) - in baskets, wooden and plastic boxes; tender berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries) - in barrels, plastic boxes, trays, sieves.

Storage of fruits and berries before processing. During the storage of fruits and berries, water evaporates, carbohydrates and organic acids are consumed for respiration, and yeast, bacteria and mold multiply. During storage, the mass of raw materials decreases and its quality deteriorates.

The time from the moment of collection of raw materials to its processing should not exceed during storage at raw sites: for strawberries, raspberries, blackberries - 5 hours; apricots, cherries, peaches, plums - 12; red and black currants, blueberries - 24 hours; pears, apples of summer and autumn varieties - 2 days; quinces, lingonberries, cranberries, tangerines, lemons, sea buckthorn - 5; apples of winter varieties - 7 days.

Acceptance of fruits and berries. Upon acceptance, fruits and berries are weighed and quality indicators are determined: pomological and commercial grade, total extract, sugar content, titratable acidity and stone content for stone fruits.

Unloading fruits and berries. The fruits are unloaded into the receiving hoppers by hydraulic conveyors, electric hoist or GUAR-15M automobile unloader.

To unload the berries from the transport container, the innovators of the Alytus Winery introduced and successfully used a pneumatic conveyor. Berries are sucked in by a corrugated hose and fed into storage cyclones. The vacuum in the accumulators is created by the RMK-3 pump.

Washing and crushing fruits and berries

Washing. To remove dust, microorganisms and pesticides, apples, pears, stone fruits and berries with hard pulp and smooth skin are washed before crushing, tender berries (raspberries, strawberries) are sent for processing without prior washing.

When washing raw materials, leaching of extractives is possible, so the water should be cold, and the process itself should be short-lived.

At the enterprises for washing raw materials, fan (KMV), drum, elevator and shower unified washing machines KUV-1 and KUM-1 are used. These machines are equipped with an air blower with a separate switch, allowing you to wash raw materials with a soft and hard structure. Fruits with hard pulp are soaked and washed in a bath and rinsed in the shower, berries with tender pulp are rinsed in the shower. Productivity of washing machines: KUM-1-3 t/h, KUV-1-10 t/h.

The washed raw material is fed to the KTV inspection conveyor for culling fruits damaged by fruit and gray rot, moldy. The raw materials from the inspection conveyor are fed to weighing in batch automatic scales DKF-50. Spoiled fruits and berries are weighed separately and written off according to the act.

Splitting up. The pulp of fruits and berries consists of plant cells, consisting of a membrane, protoplasm and nucleus. The protoplasm of cells is impermeable to juice. To extract the juice, the cellular structure of the tissues of fruits and berries is violated by mechanical processing (crushing, crushing, cutting).

When crushing raw materials, only a part of the cells is damaged, but this causes the death of neighboring cells, which increases the sap output. Coarse crushing does not provide a sufficient violation of the cellular structure of the raw material, and the particles of the pulp of apples and pears are compacted during pressing, and the juice is not squeezed out of them. Fine crushing gives a puree-like pulp, which is compressed, the capillaries are clogged, and the juice does not flow out. The largest amount of juice is obtained from evenly crushed raw materials, consisting of juice and fruit pieces, which provide the drainage necessary for the juice to flow out of the pulp during pressing.

Apples and pears are crushed on centrifugal disc crushers VDR-5, RZ-VDM-10, and RZ-VDM-20 with a capacity of 5, 10 and 20 t/h, respectively.

The particle size of the pulp of apples and pears is 0.5-0.6 cm; cherries 0.5-0.7; berries 0.2-0.3 cm. The number of crushed seeds should be no more than 20%.

Berries are crushed on roller crushers VDV-5 with a capacity of 5 t/h. The gap between the rolls is adjustable for berries 2-3 mm, for cherries with pitting (up to 20%) 3-4, for plums, cherry plums without pitting 5-7 mm.

Cranberries, blueberries, blueberries and lingonberries are crushed until cracks form in the skin; cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums can be crushed on disc crushers.

Preparing the pulp for pressing

The yield of juice depends on the cell permeability and viscosity of the juice, and the cell permeability depends on the physiological state of the plant cell, the viscosity of the juice - on the content of pectin.

With a low content of pectin (cherries), the juice is separated more completely, from fruits with a high content of soluble pectin (plum, blackcurrant, quince), the juice is more difficult to separate, and the juices obtained from them are poorly clarified.

To increase cell permeability and reduce the viscosity of the juice, the pulp is infused, heated and processed. enzyme preparations and electric current.

Infusion of pulp. For infusion, the pulp is pumped into oak vats, into vertical stainless steel or enameled containers. When insisting in the pulp, the following processes occur: the death of plant cells due to the lack of oxygen in the air; hydrolysis of pectin with the formation of insoluble salts of pectic and pectic acids (for example, Ca-pectinate and Ca-pectate); partial hydrolysis of cell wall hemicellulase; diffusion of extractives from the skin into the juice.

With the death of plant cells and the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses, the permeability of cell membranes increases, and with the hydrolysis of pectin, the viscosity of the juice decreases. Infusing the pulp increases the yield and quality of the juice: the juice is better clarified, the extract increases in it, the color and aroma intensify.

Heating fruits, berries or pulp. When fruits, berries or pulp are heated, plant cells die, pectin in the juice coagulates, the rate of diffusion of extractives and juice yield of the pulp increase.

Fruits and berries are heated on scalders with hot steam: plums for 3-4 minutes, blackcurrants, blueberries, mountain ash for 20-30 seconds.

The pulp is heated in vats with coils, in mezgonagrevatel and in the installation BRK-ZM to a temperature of 60-70 °C with exposure at this temperature for 10 minutes and subsequent cooling to 25-30 °C.

Pulp treatment with pectolytic enzyme preparations. As a result of the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations pectavamorin P10x, pectofoetidin P10x, soluble pectin is rapidly hydrolyzed, the viscosity of the juice decreases, which allows to increase its yield, accelerate clarification and increase the stability of juices.

Enzyme preparations are calculated per 1000 kg of raw materials for a standard activity equal to 9 units/g. The maximum consumption rate of the enzyme preparation is 0.03% by weight of the raw material.

Example: a) the activity of the enzyme preparation 9 units/g:

x 1 \u003d 1000 ⋅ 0.03: 100 \u003d 300 g,

where x 1 - the amount of enzyme preparation per 1000 kg of raw materials at standard activity;

b) if the activity of the enzyme preparation deviates from the standard, its amount is recalculated according to the formula

x 2 \u003d 300 ⋅ 9: A,

where x 2 - the amount of the enzyme preparation at a given activity; A - the activity of the enzyme preparation used.

The found amount of the enzyme preparation is weighed and a 5% or 10% suspension is prepared. The enzyme preparation is poured with juice or water at a temperature of 30-45 ° C, mixed and infused for 30 minutes. Suspension with constant stirring contribute to the raw material.

Fermentation modes depend on the type of raw materials, which are divided into three groups: group I - pome fruits, group II - berries and cherries, group III - stone fruits (except cherries) and rose hips.

A suspension is introduced into the pulp of groups I and II, mixed, heated to a temperature of 40-45 ° C and the raw materials of group I are kept for 3-4 hours, group II - 4-6 hours.

The processing of raw materials of group III is carried out as follows: water is added to the pulp from plums and dogwood - 15-20% "for rose hips 30-50%; the pulp is heated to 80-85 ° C for 10-20 minutes, for plums 10 minutes, dogwood 15, wild rose 20 min; cooled to 45-50 ° C, dosed with an enzyme preparation and aged for 3-6 hours.

Control over the course of fermentation is carried out by viscosity or by the speed and degree of clarification of the juice. At the end of fermentation, the juice is separated from the pulp and cooled to 20-25 °C.

The norm of the enzyme preparation and the fermentation mode depend on the type of raw material, the degree of its maturity and are determined by the trial processing of the pulp in the factory laboratory.

For processing pulp from a mixture of apple varieties obtained under production conditions at a VDR-5 crusher in the Kherson and Crimean regions, the optimal rate of pectavamorin P10x is 0.02%. The contact time of the preparation with the pulp is 30 minutes. The suspension was dosed into an apple crusher. The juice yield increased by 4.3 dal/t compared to the control.

An increase in the duration of the contact of the pulp with the enzyme preparation leads to an increase in the viscosity of the juice due to the hydrolysis of protopectin of the cell walls and to a decrease in the juice yield.

If pomace from apples is used to prepare pectin, then juice is treated with enzyme preparations instead of pulp.

Electrical treatment. Processing the pulp with an electric alternating current of low frequency and high voltage denatures the protoplasm in plant cells (electroplasmolysis), the cells die, the juice yield increases.

At the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the MCCP, the mechanism of the electroplasmolysis process was studied, the laws of processing raw materials with current were established, and installations for the electrical processing of the pulp of fruits, berries and vegetables were developed. The units are mounted on a mezgoprovod, simple in design and electrically safe.

Selection of juice on the stackers and pressing the pulp

Selection of juice on stackers. To increase the productivity of the presses and obtain a high-quality juice fraction from the pulp, gravity juice is taken before pressing. For the selection of gravity juice from apple pulp, stackers VSP-5 (5 t/h) and RZ-VSR-10 (10 t/h) are used, similar in design to the stacker BCH-20. The average yield of free-flowing juice is 35-45 dal/t.

Pulp pressing. Pulp from fruits and berries due to its high viscosity, and from berries and due to the lack of large seeds, it is more difficult to press than pulp from grapes.

For pulp pressing, screw basket presses P-11 and P-12 are used, reconstructed on a pack-press with a capacity of 0.6 t / h, a hydraulic press M-221 (aka batch) with one basket (capacity 1.8 t / h) , with two (3.6 t/h) and three baskets (4.65 t/h), batch press 2P-41 (1.35 t/h), ROK-200s (3.3 t/h) and presses continuous action for apples, pears VPSH-5 (5 t/h) and B2-VDYa-10 (10 t/h).

Pressing the pulp on basket presses is carried out in the following order.

The inner surface of the basket is lined with fabric in such a way that its edges come out. The pulp is loaded into the press basket at half height, a drainage grate is laid, the second half of the basket is filled with pulp and it is closed with the free edges of the fabric, pressing boards and beams are placed and pressed until the juice stops flowing. The pulp is mixed and pressed a second time.

The resulting gravity juice, I pressure juice and II pressure juice are combined and called fraction I juice.

The best results are obtained on batch presses, on which the pulp is pressed into bags 5-7 cm thick. A drainage grate is placed under each bag.

Pressing is performed once and ends after 20 minutes. The juice is obtained with a large yield and clear. Pak-press. ROK-200 s (in literary sources it is called POK-200) is equipped with a hydraulic pressing mechanism and three platforms (pulp is pressed on one, unloaded on the second and loaded on the third). The thickness of the package depends on the type of raw material and its degree of maturity. When pressing pulp from apples, the thickness of the package is 60-80 mm. In one load, 7-14 packages are placed with a total height of 900-1000 mm, the amount of pulp in packages of one load is 600-700 kg. For pressing fruit and berry pulp, linen fabric article 14107 and lavsan fabric article 56071 are used.

Given the shortage of these fabrics, employees of the Moscow branch of VNIIViPP "Magarach" in collaboration with the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Fabrics (Yaroslavl) developed the TLF-6 fabric from lavsan thread. The fabric is more than 30 times stronger than linen; when pressed, the pulp does not clog, does not get wet, freely passes the juice, and when shaken, the pomace is easily separated from it.

The production of the new fabric was mastered by the Lisichansk factory of technical fabrics. Weight 1 m 2 540 ± 30 g. The number of threads per 10 cm in the warp and in the weft is 50 ± 2 each. The width of the fabric is 170 ± 1 cm. As practice has shown, TLF-6 fabric is used for two seasons of presses, so its consumption rate is 0.07 m per 1 ton of raw materials.

Batch presses are widely used in practice for pressing fruit and berry pulp. The disadvantage of these presses is low productivity.

At large enterprises, continuous presses VPSh-5 and B2-VDYa-Yu are used to press the pulp of pome fruits. The average output of juice from apples from screw presses 66-68 gave a content of suspensions 45-55 g/dm 3 .

To fully extract extractive, aromatic substances and increase the yield of juice, the pomace is extracted. The resulting juice is called the juice of fraction II (water fraction). The pomace extraction increases the juice yield by 12-15%.

Juice II fraction is used to prepare sugar syrup or fermented and distilled into raw alcohol.

Much attention in the technology of fruit juices is given to the processing of pome fruits (apples, pears, quince), since this group makes up the bulk of raw materials.

A number of enterprises process apples on production lines assembled according to their own projects. For example, at the Rybnitsa winery (Moldavian SSR), apples arriving for processing are unloaded into feed hoppers with a capacity of up to 100 tons, apples are crushed on a crusher made on the basis of the Volgar agricultural machine installed on the hopper of the T1-VPO-20 press, on which they select gravity juice. The pulp is pressed on the VPSh-5 press, 67-68 decalitres of juice are obtained from 1 ton of apples on the line.

At the Bardar Experimental Winery (Moldavian SSR), a method for processing apples using electroplasmolysis has been introduced.

At the experimental winery "Anikshchu Vinas" (Lithuanian SSR) in 1969, a production line for processing apples was introduced (Fig. 71).

Apples are delivered to the plant in bulk by trucks. To receive them, seven bunkers 3 with a capacity of 12-15 tons each are installed, which is a daily supply of raw materials. A concrete channel 4 with a rounded bottom runs along the bunkers, which is closed when loaded with shields. Water is supplied through the channel by pump 2 (slope 12 mm per 1 m). During operation, the shields are opened and the apples fall into the channel, where they are washed with water flowing at a speed of at least 2 m / s from the settling tank 1. Then the apples are dropped by a lifting conveyor 6 onto the inspection conveyor 7, where they are washed with clean water and sorted.

The pump 5 pumps out the used water into the settling tank 1, in which the water is replaced with fresh water once a day. Washed and sorted apples are fed by an 8 elevator into a 9 hopper, weighed on a 10 control scale, and then sent to a KPI crusher 11. The scraper conveyor 12 delivers the pulp through the intermediate hopper 13 to the press 14 brand ROK-200. Juice from the press enters the collection. The pomace by a scraper or belt conveyor 15 and an elevator 16 is sent to the hopper 17.

The presence of the ROK-200 press in the line reduces the productivity of the line and increases its labor intensity. The association "Aniksciu Vinas" has developed optimal modes of processing apples: apple crushing, pressing on continuous presses, pomace extraction and juice clarification.

The use of a stacker in the line makes it possible to obtain up to 55 dal/t of free-flowing juice and increase the productivity of the PNDYA-4 presses by 1.5 times.

The industry commercially produces lines for the processing of pome fruits (apples) B2-VPYA-5 and B2-VPYA-10 with a capacity of 5 and 10 t/h. Line B2-VPN-5 is equipped with equipment (Fig. 72).

During the testing of the line, the following average indicators were established: productivity 5.3 t/h; juice yield 66.3 dal/t; the content of suspended matter in the juice is 45-55 g/dm 3 . The production line for processing apples B2-VPYA-Yu is similar to the line B2-VPYA-5.

Crusher VDR-5 was replaced by RZ-VDM-10, stacker VSP-5 - by RZ-VSR-10, press VPSh-5 - by B2-VDYA-10. The speed of water supply to the hydraulic conveyor has been increased.

For the processing of stone fruits, berries and mountain ash, the pulp is pressed on batch presses.

The yield of juice depends on the variety of fruits and berries, the natural conditions of their growth, the degree of maturity and the method of processing.

According to the literature, the maximum yield of juice from 1 ton is (in dal): for blackberries 90, raspberries 85, apples 84.6, cherries 75, the minimum for rose hips 30. , in the Lithuanian SSR 68.8 gave.

To increase the yield of juice from apples, the following measures are provided: timely collection of apples and their processing, uniform crushing; pulp treatment with pectolytic enzyme preparations or electric current; transportation of the pulp without grinding by gravity; the use of stackers and pressing on continuous presses at reduced pressure with additional pressing on batch presses; adding rice, oatmeal, buckwheat chaff or chopped straw to the pulp to increase its capillarity in the amount of 3%; extraction of pomace in extractors.

Characteristics of juices

Apple juice. Juice of cultivars of apples should be from greenish-straw to light amber in color, with a pronounced apple aroma, pleasantly refreshing acidity, hardly noticeable astringency. The acidity of the juice, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of apples, ranges from 7 to 14 g/dm 3 , sugar content is 6-11 g/100 cm 3 .

Pear juice. Juice of cultivated varieties of light straw color, with the aroma of fresh fruits. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, slightly tart. Acidity 2-8 g / dm 3, sugar content 5-12 g / 100 cm 3.

Cherry juice. Juice from light red to dark ruby ​​color, with aroma fresh berries cherries, with pleasant acidity. Acidity, depending on the variety of cherries, ranges from 9-20 g / dm 3, and sugar content - 6-11 g / 100 cm 3.

Plum juice. Juice from greenish to pink color, with the aroma of fresh fruits. The content of acids is 8-15 g/dm 3 , sugar content is 4-7 g/100 cm 3 . The juice contains a lot of pectin and protein substances, as a result of which it clarifies very slowly.

Redcurrant juice. The juice is light red in color, has a pleasant acidity with a slight aroma of fresh currant berries. Acidity 16-25 g / dm 3, sugar content 5-9 g / 100 cm 3.

Blackcurrant juice. Juice from dark ruby ​​to dark garnet color, with a strong aroma characteristic of berries, sour taste, tart. Acidity 18-35 g / dm 3, sugar content 5-8 g / 100 cm 3. Juice is used for making varietal juices or blends.

Raspberry juice. Raspberry-colored juice with a pink tint, with a persistent aroma and taste of raspberries, is very delicate and easily spoiled. The acidity of the juice of various raspberry varieties ranges from 10-16 g/dm 3 , sugar content - 4-8 g/100 cm 3 .

Strawberry and strawberry juices. Juices from pink to light red with a brownish or brownish tint, with the aroma of fresh berries. The taste is sweet and sour. Juices are unstable and require careful maintenance. Acidity 8-15 g / dm 3, sugar content 5-8 g / 100 cm 3.

Cranberry juice. The juice is pink or light ruby ​​in color and has a fresh cranberry flavor, with refreshing acidity and slight astringency. Juice is obtained from autumn cranberries and from snowy (spring) cranberries. Acidity 25-30 g / dm 3, sugar content 2-4 g / 100 cm 3.

Cowberry juice. The juice is red with a brown tint, with the aroma of fresh berries, the taste is tart with a slight bitterness, quite sour. Acidity 18-25 g / dm 3, sugar content 4-7 g / 100 cm 3.

Blueberry juice. Pomegranate-colored juice, with the aroma of fresh berries, sweet and sour taste, used as a dye. The acidity ranges from 7 to 12 g/dm 3 , the sugar content is 3-5 g/100 cm 3 .

Pigeon juice. Ruby-colored juice with a purple hue, with the aroma and taste of fresh berries, with a slight astringency, acidity 7-12 g/dm 3 , sugar content 3-6 g/100 cm 3 .

Rowan juice. The juice is light red with a brown tint, with the aroma of fresh fruits, tart and slightly bitter. Acidity 20-27 g/dm 3 , sugar content 4-8 g/100 cm 3 .

Blackberry juice. The juice is dark ruby ​​in color, with the aroma of fresh berries, slightly astringent. Acidity 7-12 g/dm 3 , sugar content 3-8 g/100 cm 3 .

Gooseberry juice. The juice is light pink with a greenish tint, with the aroma of fresh berries. The taste is refreshing, tart. Acidity 12-25 g/dm3, sugar content 4-9 g/100 cm3.

Juice clarification

When pressing the pulp on the presses 2P-41 and ROK-200, clear juice is obtained (the content of suspensions does not exceed 2%).

When apple pulp is pressed on continuous presses, the juice is cloudy (the content of suspensions is up to 5% and above). Juices from continuous presses are clarified to improve quality. The research group of the Odessa branch of the IPK, together with the specialists of the association "Anikshchu Vinas", developed an in-line clarifier for apple juice.

The working body of the clarifier is a cylindrical frame mounted on a frame at an angle of 12° to the horizon and rotating around its axis at a speed of 5-8 min -1 . Outside, the cylinder frame is covered with a nylon or metal woven or stamped mesh. Install two clarifiers connected in series with different sieve cells (1-0.1 mm 2). The mesh is regenerated with compressed air.

Clarifiers are mounted above the bunker of the ROK-200 press. The sediment is continuously ejected from the clarifier and squeezed together with apple pulp, which increases the yield of clarified juice. With an average content of suspensions in juice before clarification of 16.3% by weight after clarification, the amount of suspensions does not exceed 3.7% by weight. Humidity sediment 81-83%. Productivity of a clarifier from 8 to 10 m 3 /h. Clarifiers provide the required degree of juice clarification, process flow and have high productivity.

An expedient and promising method is the clarification of juices on separators.

Juices are the most valuable component of fruits, berries and vegetables. They contain many water-soluble biologically active and easily digestible substances. Most juices have a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Juice is a liquid product obtained from quality ripe fresh fruits and/or vegetables kept fresh by cooling, intended for direct consumption or for industrial processing.

The range of juices is extremely wide.

Juices, depending on the method of production, can be directly squeezed and reconstituted; depending on the method of production - clarified, unclarified and pulpy juices (nectars); depending on the composition - from one type of raw material, two or more (blended); natural without additives and with additives (sugar or sweeteners, vitamins, minerals, acids, etc.). In addition, concentrated juices with a high content of soluble solids are produced.

Technology for the production of natural juices. The technological process for the production of natural juices includes the following operations: preparation (washing, in some cases cleaning) and crushing of fruit and vegetable raw materials (its features), juice extraction (on a stacker and presses), its cleaning (filtering) and clarification, filtering, packaging, pasteurization.

Crushing prepared fruit and vegetable raw materials. It should ensure the destruction of pulp cells by at least 75%. Quince, apples, pears, rhubarb are crushed on knife, grater or disc crushers. Apples are crushed into particles 2-6 mm in size, depending on the density of the fruit tissue and the pressing equipment used. The denser the tissue, the smaller the fruit particles should be.

Stone fruits (cherries, sweet cherries, plums) are crushed on universal crushers. Crushing is regulated so that the bones are not crushed. The presence of destroyed bones in the pulp is allowed no more than 15% of its mass.

Berries of currants, gooseberries, lingonberries are crushed on roller or disc crushers. Ripe strawberries, raspberries and blueberries can not be crushed.

To increase the yield of juice during pressing, the pulp is preheated, treated with enzyme preparations or electric current.

When the pulp is heated to 70...76 °C, protein denaturation occurs and its juice-yielding capacity increases.

Processing the pulp with enzyme preparations leads to the hydrolysis of proteins, pectin compounds and starch, which also contributes to an increase in juice yield. The suspension of the enzyme preparation is added to the pulp of pome fruits immediately after crushing, and to the pulp of stone fruits - after adding water (10 ... 15% by weight of the pulp) and heated to 40 ... 45 ° C. The pulp with the preparation is mixed and incubated for 40 ... 60 minutes, depending on the type of processed raw material, and transferred to pressing.

Pulp pressing. To extract the juice, the pulp of fruits and berries is fed to presses of various systems.

For pressing apple pulp on a batch press to increase the yield of juice and facilitate pressing, it is recommended to install stackers in front of the presses. The time of separation of the juice in the glass and pressing should not exceed 20 minutes in order to avoid significant oxidation and darkening of the pulp and juice. The yield of juice in the stacker is up to 30%. With an increase in pressure and a higher juice yield, it is enriched with suspensions and its clarification will be difficult.

To increase the yield of juice when using screw presses, it is recommended that the pomace of apples after the screw press be additionally pressed on a hydraulic, bag or basket press. The precipitate from the separator of coarse impurities is combined with pomace and pressed together with them.

The pulp sediment can be used as an additive (no more than 20%) to applesauce when cooking jam or returned to the pulp for re-pressing.

The yield of juice depends on the quality of the feedstock, the preparation of the pulp, the pressing method and is, %: from grapes 70...80, apples 55...80, cranberries 70...80, cherries 60...70, red currants 70...80, black 55...70.

Straining juice. The juice flowing from under the press is filtered through a stainless steel sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.75 mm or a nylon sieve to remove pieces of pulp, seeds and other impurities that have fallen into the juice during pressing.

Further operations with juice depend on what types of juice are produced: clarified or non-clarified.

Juice clarification. Clarified juices are prepared from barberry, cranberries, pears, cranberries, mountain ash, red currants, grapes, apples, etc.

Juice can be clarified immediately after its manufacture or later, by preparing semi-finished products, preserving them and then clarifying them.

Juices are clarified by the following methods: gluing, enzyme preparations, gelatin with enzyme preparations or bentonite with gelatin and enzyme preparations, or silicon dioxide with gelatin and enzyme preparations, or heating.

Filtration. After clarification, the juice is sent for filtration. Filtration on filter-presses is carried out at a pressure of 39.2 ... 157 kPa.

Juice packaging. For packing juice, bottles or cans with a capacity of 0.2 ... 3 dm 3 are used. Juice heated up to 75…78 °C is packaged and sent for pasteurization or sterilization.

Juice pasteurization. Natural juice, with sugar, blended is pasteurized in jars with a capacity of 0.65 ... 1.0 dm3 according to the formula 10-20-20 minutes at a temperature of 85 ° C and a pressure of 118 kPa.

It is allowed to preserve juices by hot filling. In this case, before packing into a heated container, the juice is heated to a temperature of 96...98°C.

Reconstituted juices from concentrated juices are produced in this order.

The concentrate is weighed on electronic scales and, according to the recipe, is added to the water in the long-term pasteurization bath. In it, concentrated juice is mixed with water. In order to remove the microflora present in the concentrate, pasteurization is carried out. Then, in a rotary pulsation plant operating on the principle of cavitation or a homogenizer, the mass is homogenized to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps and inclusions.

Prepare the container. Then the prepared bottles go to the bottling plant, and then to the vacuum capping line.

Bottles with juice restored from concentrate, after bottling, are inspected on a special screen, where unwanted inclusions in the liquid in the bottle are detected, and part of the product is rejected. Then the bottles are labelled. The mass fraction of soluble solids in straight-pressed juices and reconstituted juices is shown in Table 8.3.

The bottles that have passed the inspection control are sent to the group packaging - to the thermal tunnel, where they are wrapped in stretch film, and they are sent to the warehouse for temporary storage or for sale.

Progressive non-waste technology for obtaining apple juice - the use of microwave energy with a frequency of 2400 + 50 MHz for 2 ... 3.5 minutes. When processing whole washed apple fruits, the temperature throughout the fruit reaches 80 ... 90 ° C, which ensures the inactivation of enzymes and prevents the oxidation of the resulting juice. The new technological scheme for processing apples includes the following operations: washing, inspection, fruit rinsing in the shower, microwave processing, juice flowing through the stacker, pressing (microwave drying of apple pomace), filtering, microwave pasteurization of juice, packaging juice into prepared and Microwave-processed bottles, capping, storage. It allows you to get not only juice that has natural taste, aroma and color, but also to reduce the time of its production and dispose of waste (drying pomace). Tomato, plum, apricot, etc. juices are produced according to the considered scheme.

The shelf life of juices depends on the container in which they are placed: in glass containers (light) - 2 years; in glass containers (dark) - 1 year; in metal containers - 1 year; in aluminum tubes - 1 year; in consumer packaging made of combined materials based on aluminum foil and paper (cardboard) aseptic and hot filling drinks - 1 year.

For liquid products of aseptic preservation, combined materials based on foil, paper, cardboard and polymer are widely used, for example, polyethylene/paper/polyethylene/aluminum foil/polyethylene.

In consumer packaging made of combined film materials, juices are stored for 9 months, and in bottles made of polymeric materials - 1 year.

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