Home Meat How to open a shop for the production of sweets. Candy production technology Candy production technology

How to open a shop for the production of sweets. Candy production technology Candy production technology

Candies are confectionery products obtained from a mass that is made on the basis of sugar, with various additives. They differ in shape, taste, aroma and processing method.

Technological stages

The production of sweets is divided into several stages.

  1. The very first is the preparation of a mass of sugar, molasses, agar, water, butter, milk and flavorings. Depending on the type, its composition and the temperature at which the ingredients are mixed and acquire the desired consistency are determined.
  2. The next step is the formation of candy. The most common method of casting the mass into starch. It allows you to make many types of sweets. When pouring, fondant needs 70 degrees; milk and fruit filling - 100; jelly on agar - 75, on pectin - 95, on caraginan - 80. Production of sweets with liqueur filling is possible at 95 degrees. For the formation, sifted and dried corn starch is used. In addition to forming the body of sweets, it is also involved in removing excess moisture from the surface by absorbing it.
  3. The third stage is glazing. Candy production may or may not include this process. Glaze is needed so that the product stays fresh longer, not hard and not dried out. Chocolate can also act as it. Confectionery glaze is not covered with a whitish coating, since it does not have fat subsidence. And real chocolate is not immune from this. Although such a plaque is harmless, the appearance can be spoiled.
  4. Drying completes the production of sweets. It is carried out in special chambers with the possibility of cooling for the speedy structuring of the body and hardening of the glaze or chocolate. Then it remains only to pack delicious products in wrappers or boxes.

Candy making ingredients

This type of sweets consists mostly of sugar. Sweets may also contain molasses, berries and fruits, honey, nuts, sunflower, sesame. In addition, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, dairy products, wine, coffee and vanilla. Components such as fats of animal origin, less often vegetable, and eggs are also part of the candy mass, which is very different.

  • For example, a syrup made from sugar is used for fudge. Sweets are prepared by boiling it with molasses.
  • If you add milk, you get milk fudge, and if baked milk, then creme brulee.
  • Milk fillings differ from fudge by the high content of this product. Fruit mass is obtained by boiling fruits and berries with the addition of flavors and flavors.
  • Jelly fillings consist of sugar, molasses, gelatin or agar. Fruit and berry raw materials are often added.
  • Pralines and nut fillings consist of roasted nuts, sugar and fats. Whipped mass is similar to gelatinous foam and is made from sugar syrup, egg whites, agar and flavorings.
  • Roasting filling includes fruit mass or sugar and crushed nuts. Marzipan sweets are made by grinding almonds with molasses and powdered sugar.
  • Cream fillings consist of mixed and whipped chocolate, fondant masses and pralines with fats. Liquor additives are prepared from sugar, alcohol solution and flavorings.


The candy mass is cast into starch on a special candy casting machine. Piston pumps feed the mixture through a heating funnel. Equipment for the production of sweets from fondant, fruit, jelly and milk mass is equipped with a gear pump. With the help of it, the mass is pumped into the funnels of the casting machine.

Liqueur and whipped mixture is loaded manually. Special equipment for the production of sweets stamps cells of various shapes and sizes. It is used to ensure that the structure of the products in the trays does not collapse.

For storage of products, a warehouse with a temperature regime of 20 degrees and humidity up to 75% is used.

Technology for making caramel

The process consists in the preparation of the mass, its cooling, dosing, rolling and molding, separating the layer into sweets, and feeding it into packaging. Initially, the moisture content of sugar-treacle caramel syrup is about 15%. In the process of boiling, it decreases tenfold.

Then the resulting mass is molded and cooled to 45 degrees, wrapped in a wrapper, packed in packs and packed in boxes. The technology for the production of caramel sweets involves the presence of a digester with a stirrer, an intermediate tank, a temperature table, forming rollers, a conveyor-type cooling machine, a vibrating tray and packing tables. Such a line has a capacity of 150 kg of caramel per hour and costs approximately 1.3 million rubles.

Technology for making truffles

A similar amount will be required for the purchase of equipment for the production of truffle sweets. They are made from cocoa, toffee essence, coconut oil. The process of creating truffles consists of the following operations: preparation of the candy mass, tempering (the production of chocolates is indispensable), shaping the body, cooling, sprinkling with cocoa powder, finishing and packaging.

The production line is made up of a digester, tempering machine, churning, depositing, cooling conveyor equipment, glazing machines, steam generator, conveyor belt for feeding products to stacking. It has a capacity of 150 kg per hour and costs from one to one and a half million rubles. Equipment pays off, as a rule, in 6-8 months.

Dragee preparation technology

The cheapest line for making small round sweets in sugar shell. Dragee is a body with an outer coating rolled onto it. This is done in a special rotating boiler, set at an angle. First, the base is prepared, which is then coated and glossy.

Finished products are packaged and packaged. This is the simplest and cheapest production, including a micromill, a digester, a dragee drum, a sugar sifter, and a packaging machine. Such a line costs 200 thousand rubles and produces 100 kg of products per hour. For its installation, a room of 30 m 2 is required, and only three people can serve it.

General information

Sweets are confectionery products prepared on a sugar basis, various in composition, shape, finish and taste, obtained from one or more candy masses. The range of sweets includes more than 400 items.

Depending on the methods of manufacturing and finishing, sweets are divided into unglazed (without coating the body with icing), glazed (fully or partially covered with icing), chocolate with fillings of various shapes and embossed patterns on the surface (such as "Assorted" ), in powdered sugar (“Cranberries in powdered sugar”), etc.

Most types of candies have a soft texture. This was the reason for the common name "soft candy". Only one type of roasted candy has a solid consistency. According to the external design, in accordance with the standard, sweets are produced in the following types: wrapped, unwrapped, in capsules or fillets, in corre- ss made of polymeric and other materials, molded into foil or polymeric materials.

The surface of glazed and unglazed sweets can be rolled or sprinkled in whole or in part with fine granulated sugar, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, crushed nuts, wafer crumbs, chocolate grains.

Candy bodies (the so-called molded candy masses covered with icing) and unglazed sweets are prepared from confectionery masses of the following names:

1 .fondant (fine-crystalline mass), made from sugar and molasses, including various flavoring and aromatic components (milk, fruit and berry semi-finished products, etc.);

2. fruit (jelly-like, viscous mass), prepared from sugar and fruit and berry semi-finished products;

3. jelly-fruit (jelly-like, elastic mass), prepared from sugar, molasses, gelling agent and fruit and berry semi-finished product;

jelly (jelly-like, elastic mass), prepared from sugar, molasses, gelling agent, flavoring and aromatic components;

praline (finely ground mass), prepared from roasted nuts, fat and sugar with the introduction of milk powder, cocoa products and other flavoring and aromatic components;

roasted nuts and sugar with the addition of flavoring and aromatic components;

whipped (foamy mass), made from sugar, foambbuilder, gelling agent with the introduction of flavor and aroma components (fruit and berry semi-finished products, cocoa powder milk, etc.);

liquor (liquid or partially crystallized syrupy mass), prepared from sugar with or without the introduction of alcoholic beverages, fruit and berry semi-finished products, etc.athygienic taste and aromatic components;

creamy (oily churned mass) made from sugarafat, nuts, chocolate and other flavoring and aromatic components;

roasted (solid, amorphous mass), prepared from sugar, including nuts and other flavoring and aromatic components

fruit and roasted (soft, viscous, gelatinous, mass), prepared from sugar, fruit and berry semi-finished products, including nuts and other flavoring and aromatic components;

chocolate (finely ground mass), made from sugar cocoa products with the introduction of milk, nuts, fat and other flavoring and aromatic components;

dairy (partially or completely crystallized mass prepared from sugar and milk with the introduction of butter, fruit and berry semi-finished products and other flavoring and aromatic components.

Marzipan (plastic, viscous mass) made from unroasted nuts and sugar with the addition of flavoring and aromatic components;

Candy bodies are made from one or two or more candy masses. Wafers are used as a layer between two masses or within two or more layers of one mass. With wafers I cover the cases of sweets or introduce wafer crumbs into the mass. Nuts, alcoholized berries and fruits, etc. are also used as candy shells.

The variety of candy masses and the possibility of their various combinations served as the basis for the development of a wide range of different sweets.

The nutritional value of candy masses has a wide range. Praline and cream have the highest nutritional value - more than 2000 kJ per 100 g of product, the minimum - fruit and hand jelly - only about 1300 kJ. The value of the nutritional value of fondant, whipped and dairy products is in the range of 1500-1600 kJ per 100 products.

The main mass of sweets is produced in a flow-mechanized way. An extensive range of sweets, a variety of technological methods for their manufacture led to the development and use of a number of different flow-mechanized lines, on which various technological processes are carried out.

The figure shows a diagram of the production of cast glazed sweets

It is designed for the manufacture and automatic wrapping of cast glazed sweets with fondant, fondant-milk, fruit-jelly and other cases.

On the line, the processes of mechanized preparation of various candy masses, molding of candy bodies cast into starch, accelerated curing of cast candy bodies in the flow, cleaning them from starch, glazing with chocolate or fat glaze, automatic wrapping of glazed candies in the flow, mechanized dumping and transporting wrapped sweets, automatic weighing and packing them into sales containers.

The line includes a technological complex for the preparation of candy masses, a casting unit with an installation for an accelerated curing of cases, glazing and automatic wrapping units, and candy packaging.

In supply tanks 1 are sugar solution, molasses and condensed milk. The constituent parts of the prescription mixture are pumped by plunger pumps 2 into the continuous mixer 3. Next, the recipe mixture heated to the boiling point passes through filter 4 and is pumped by pump 5 into column 6, where it is boiled down to a solids concentration of 88-90%.

The boiled syrup is separated from the secondary steam in the 7 cyclone and enters the 8 fondant beater, where it cools and crystallizes, turning into lipstick. The finished lipstick enters the collection 9, and then the pump 10 is pumped into the collection 11 with a stirrer, where coloring and flavoring substances are introduced into it. Heated to the required temperature lipstick pump 12 is fed into the funnel 18 of the candy molding machine 17, which pours lipstick into the cells formed in the molding material in the trays.

Trays with lipstick enter cabinet 16, where they are blown with air (the direction of movement of the trays is indicated by arrows). In the closet, lipstick hardens. Trays with hardened cases from the cabinet again enter the candy molding machine and are freed from the cases here. The bodies cleaned from the molding material are sent by the conveyor to the unfolding device 15 of the glazing machine 14, where they are glazed. As the sweets pass through the refrigerating chamber 13, the icing hardens.

Sweets from the refrigerator are fed in parallel rows to the conveyor 19. The required number of sweets is oriented by the partition 20 in one row and enters the wrapping machine 21. The wrapping of sweets by other machines takes place in a similar way.

Wrapped sweets are collected on the 22 conveyor with the help of transverse conveyors, then they enter the hopper 23 of automatic boxes, where the 24 boxes are filled with sweets and fed to the 25 banding machine, which closes the top valves, seals, bands and marks the boxes. Packed boxes 26 are sent to the expedition.

Multi-layer (two- or three-layer) candies are made mainly from fondant confectionery masses without glazing of the bodies.

The line includes a section for the preparation of raw materials, a recipe-mixing technological complex for the preparation of fondant-based candy masses; equipment for molding a multilayer layer, obtaining sweets from the layer, their curing and packing wrapped products into cardboard boxes.

The pump through pipelines equipped with a steam jacket of the “coarse in the pipe” type, the prepared fondant is fed into two mixers 3 and 4 with a capacity of 650 and 300 liters with z-shaped blades, designed to prepare two- or three-layer sweets in a line. The prescription amount of lipstick and grated nuts is measured by weight. Alcohol, wine, essence are poured last. Then all components are thoroughly mixed for 10-20 minutes. The indicators of the finished mass are as follows: humidity 9-11%, content of invert syrup 5-8%, temperature 60-72 ° C.

After thorough mixing of the mass, the mixer 3 is overturned and the mass is fed through pipelines into the receiving funnels of the forming mechanisms 2 and 6.

Similarly, from the mixer 4, the mass is fed into the funnel of the forming mechanism 5.

The formation of an endless candy layer on a moving conveyor belt 1 is carried out by roller forming mechanisms, which have two smooth rollers rotating towards each other. Roll length 500 mm, diameter 212 mm, average speed 4.5 min. The rolls, hollow from the inside, are cooled with brine at a temperature of minus 7 to minus 10 ° C. The temperature of the candy layer descending from the rolls is 45-55 ° C.

To synchronize the speed of the belt and rolls, each mechanism is equipped with a speed variator.

The layer thickness is determined by the width of the gap between the rolls, which can be adjusted with a special device. The total thickness of a two- or three-layer layer is about 12 mm.

To remove the layer from the rolls, two steel plates are installed from below - knives covered with sheet fluoroplastic. When the conveyor belt 1 moves, the layers are superimposed on each other, forming a two- or three-layer layer, which, being between the forming mechanisms, is not additionally cooled. After molding, the layer passes under a roller lined with fluoroplastic, while the surface is leveled and the individual layers are combined into one layer.

Moving along with the conveyor belt, the candy layer enters the cooling chamber 7, inside which there is an air cooler with brine finned batteries. The formation is in the chamber for about 7 minutes. The formation temperature before cutting is 32-40°C.

After cooling, the layer enters the cutting machine of continuous action R. For longitudinal cutting, circular knives 8 are installed, for transverse cutting - a guillotine knife 10, which makes a complex movement. The layer is cut into 22 rows with a width of 20 mm each, the length of the candy body is 38 mm, and the height is 12 mm.

Ready-made sweets are stacked on rigid sheets of pressed cardboard, which are manually fed one by one from a stack.

Next, the flow of sweets on the sheets enters the three-tier belt conveyor 11 for continuous maturation. Sheets with sweets are transferred from the upper tier to the lower tier using a special reloading mechanism.

In the process of moving along the two upper tiers, the sweets are continuously blown with air at a temperature of 18-25 ° C, which is supplied through the slots of the air ducts located along the entire length of the conveyors above the belt or on its side. The cases are blown and cooled on the lower tier of the conveyor for 24-25 minutes. The temperature of the body after standing and cooling is about 24-26 ° C. Instead of a three-tiered belt conveyor, stacked trolleys can be used.

From the lower tier, sheets with sweets go to wrapping machines. The machinists manually remove sheets of sweets from the conveyor and stack them on the table of the machine. Wrapped sweets are fed to automatic scales. Here the sweets are weighed on portioned automatic scales and put into corrugated cardboard boxes. Next, the boxes are sent to the machine for pasting with gummed tape. Sealed boxes on trolleys go to the expedition of the factory.

A multi-tiered installation for accelerated curing of cut candy bodies on sheets completely solves the issue of mechanizing the production of multi-layer candies.

The line capacity is 1.2-1.4 t/h. The total length of the standing conveyors is about 130 m.

The figure below shows the schemes of production lines for praline glazed sweets. They produce praline glazed sweets such as "Squirrel", "Mask", "Kara-Kum" and other mass varieties.

The main raw material for the hulls is a finely ground mixture of roasted grated oil-containing walnut kernels or a mixture of oil and legume seeds with sugar and hard fats. To improve the taste and nutritional properties, dry dairy products (powdered milk, cream), cocoa products (cocoa mass and powder), honey and other components of the recipe are added to the praline mass.

In the production of candy mass such as praline, deodorized soybean, protein flour obtained from sunflower meal, milk protein concentrates are used; kernels of almonds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts (hazelnuts, hazelnuts); waffle, cracker and caramel crumbs are used as fillers.

After the preparation of the main and auxiliary raw materials (sifting, roasting, grinding), the production process of sweets with bodies of praline masses consists of the following main stages: mixing the components and obtaining a prescription mixture, grinding the mixture, maceration of the mass, curing (cooling), molding, glazing and packaging.

On the prescription-mixing complex (Fig. a), the weight dosing of the initial components that make up the praline candy mass is carried out. Sugar from the bunker enters the 7 funnel, and then the 2 screw is fed into the 72 hammer mill, where it is crushed into powdered sugar, which enters the 13 receiver. container J, equipped with a mixing paddle shaft 4, which is designed to prevent the bulk product from hanging. Liquid components - grated nut mass, hydrogenated fat, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and other components - are pumped from tempering collectors 6 and 7 by pumps 8 to receivers 9 and 10. The number of collectors and pumps is determined by the number required according to the recipe components. Screws 2, 3 and pumps 8 are equipped with an automatic control system that receives an impulse from a weighing device 75, on the platform 14 of which receivers 9-11 and 13 are installed.

The weighed portions of the components are unloaded sequentially (first loose, then liquid) into the mixer 16 with a capacity of 500 liters. Mixing is carried out by two shafts 77, equipped with figured blades. The mixer tank is trough-shaped and equipped with a water jacket (mixing temperature 40-45°C). The mixing time is 15-20 minutes and is set using a time relay.

The mass from the mixer 16 is unloaded into the collector-accumulator 18 through the lower openings, which are closed by shutters 19. The collector-accumulator with a capacity of 1000 liters serves to accumulate and continuously supply the recipe mixture for rolling. It is a bath equipped with a water jacket and two 20 belt type mixers.

The recipe mixture is unloaded from the storage tank 18 with the help of a system consisting of two horizontal and one vertical screws 27, and is fed to a steel belt conveyor 23 connected to a group of five-roller mills 24.

The resulting prescription mixture contains particles of sugar, grated nuts and other components of large size.

For fine grinding of these particles (less than 30 microns in diameter) and giving a delicate and pleasant taste, the recipe mixture is passed through multiroll mills one or more times. Such processing is called rolling and is carried out exclusively on high-speed five-roll mills (the rotational speed of the last roller is 300-500 min. -1 ).

The recipe mixture from the 23 conveyor is sent to the 24 five-roller mills using 22 unloaders. The parallel installation of the roller mills creates good conditions for maneuvering, especially when using a backup mill.

The flaked mass is collected on a 26 belt conveyor and loaded into one (or several) two-blade mixer 27 installed on the line for rinsing. An automatic 25 remote dispenser supplies fat for rinsing to the same machines. After a warm-up, which lasts 20-25 minutes, the operation of preparing the candy mass ends. The finished product is pumped by pumps 28 through a funnel 29 to a conveyor 30, which directs it to a forming machine 31. ShVF-22, ShGF-22 and ShPF presses with the appropriate number of outlet holes can be used as a forming machine. in a matrix (from 5 to 22). The number of holes is regulated by the width of the spreading sheet of the glazing unit (with a sheet width of 800 mm - 22 bundles, with a width of 620 mm - 18 bundles, etc.).

From the molding machine, the candy mass is squeezed out onto the 32 receiving conveyor belt in the form of continuous bundles, which enter the cabinet 33, where cooling batteries and fans are located, maintaining the air temperature at 6-8 ° C by circulation.

The bundles cool down in a refrigerated cabinet and, upon exiting it, are divided into cases by a guillotine knife in a cutting machine 34. The knife reciprocates in the vertical and horizontal planes. By changing the course of the knife, you can change the length of the cut-off cases of sweets. Typically, the housing has a section size of 18×10 mm and a length of 38-40 mm.

The cases of sweets go to the intermediate (layout) conveyor 35, and then to the enrobing machine 36, where they are covered with chocolate mass. To harden the chocolate shell of sweets, the conveyor 37 sends them to the 38 refrigerator, the device of which is similar to the device of the 33 refrigerator.

The cooled finished products from the cabinet 38 enter the conveyor 39, above which is the belt converter rows 40. The latter is an endless belt driven by a pulley with a vertical axis of rotation. Several rows of sweets moving along the conveyor belt 39 and advancing on the converter belt 40 line up along it in one row and enter the individual belt feeder 41, which feeds them to the wrapping machine 42. Depending on the performance of the forming and enrobing machines, as well as the performance of wrapping machines, their number varies between 9-12 pcs. This number corresponds to the number of row converters. Wrapped products are transferred by narrow transverse belt conveyors 43 to an assembly conveyor 45, and then weighed and packed in cardboard boxes. If any machine is overloaded or stopped, the sweets from conveyor 39 are dumped onto conveyor 44, at the end of which they are collected in trays and transferred to free-standing wrapping machines equipped with individual feeders.

(Fig. b) shows a scheme with a vertical mixer of components for obtaining praline masses, developed by Buhler (Switzerland). In this scheme, preliminary grinding of granulated sugar into powdered sugar is excluded, which greatly simplifies the technological process, since powdered sugar is extremely hygroscopic and difficult to dose.

Bulk components (granulated sugar, cocoa powder, milk powder, etc.) from workshop bunkers 3, having successively passed through a weight curtain 2, enter a two-shaft vertical batch mixer 7. There from tempering collectors 6 and 9 liquid components are loaded through weighing dispensers 5, 8, 10 (grated nuts, cocoa mass, cocoa butter or its equivalent and substitutes, etc.). Vanillin, lecithin and other components required in small quantities come from 4, 7 and 11 volumetric dispensers. mills 77. The rolled mass is collected by a conveyor 15 and, after being weighed at a weight dispenser 12, it is distributed into one of the two mixers 13. According to the recipe, liquid components are additionally dosed into the mixer tank from tempering collectors 6 and 9. The process that takes place in the tank of the mixer 13 is called otminka. Chatham, the finished praline mass is loaded into rolling bowls 14, which feed it for molding. On the line, it is possible to obtain semi-finished products of the recipe mixture before and after rolling. To do this, they come from conveyors 18 or 15 into a rolling bowl 16.

The figure shows the scheme for the production of Golden Niva sweets.

For these sweets, a praline mass is preliminarily prepared, into which dry milk dried together with sugar comes. This pre-prepared praline mass is mixed with butter in a tempering collection /. Here, flavoring and flavoring components of the recipe are introduced into the resulting mixture and pumped with a pump 2 to a continuous tempering machine 3, where the mass is tempered and sent to the 4 beater. The glazed cases go to the 6 refrigerating chamber and then to the glazing machine 7 with a cooling cabinet 8. Then the sweets are glazed again in the machine 9. The glazed cases are sprinkled with wafer crumbs on the conveyor 10 using a special device 11. Excess wafer crumbs through the holes of the perforated tray 13 wakes up on conveyor 12.

The upper belt of this conveyor moves in the same direction as the idle branch of the 10 conveyor. At the same time, the wafer crumb returns to the working branch of the 10 conveyor. The finished candies are cooled in the 14 cabinet and sent to the wrapping machines and for packaging.

The productivity of the line is 500-600 kg per shift.

The figure shows a diagram of the production line for caramel-like and semi-hard toffee.

In collection 4, equipped with scales 3, sugar syrup and condensed milk are dosed from collections 5. There, the pump 2 doses fat, previously melted in a heated pot 1.

The resulting mixture is pumped by pump 7 through hose b into mixer 8. Then this mixture is fed by pump 9 to two-chamber heat exchanger 11, where it is heated to a boil and enters steam separator 12. If necessary, if it is necessary to warm up the heat exchanger, the mixture can be sent back from it into the mixer 8. For this, a special tap 10 is installed, which allows the circulation of the prescription mixture. From the 12 steam separator, hot sugary milk syrup flows through the 13 tap into the 14 storage tank, from where it is pumped by the 15 pump into the 16 container and then by the 17 dosing pump it is pumped through the coil cooking column 18, where the mixture is boiled down. From the column, through the steam separator 20, the mass enters the funnel 19 of the cooling machine 21. The cooled toffee mass exits the machine in the form of a tape and, using a special device 22, is folded into a layer. Next, the toffee layer passes through the 23 prominal rollers, after which it enters the 24 transfer conveyor. At the end of this conveyor, a knife device is installed, where the toffee mass is cut into pieces and fed to the 25 distributing conveyor. rolling machines. In running machines, a loaf is formed from the toffee mass, from which a rope is pulled and calibrated, which enters the toffee wrapping machines 26. The wrapped toffee is cooled by air on a 27 mesh conveyor. packing into containers 30.

Line productivity up to 400 kg/h.

In this article:

The purpose of the project: substantiation of financial and economic efficiency and technically possible implementation of the production of chocolates in the Russian Federation. The main criterion is a conservative scenario for the development of events, the calculation of prices is given taking into account inflation. The project has a significant economic potential based on an assessment of the current state of the market.

The concept of the project for the production of chocolates

It is planned to build production and storage facilities or rent them, install equipment for the production of products. An initial assortment of glazed fondant sweets and chocolates is planned:

  • oval-shaped sweets glazed with chocolate icing, having a filling of chocolate-fondant mass of a different taste. Mass ratio 60/40%. Candy weight up to 12 grams;
  • chocolate glazed oval-shaped sweets with jelly filling. Mass ratio 70/30%, candy weight up to 11.5 grams;
  • chocolate bar weighing 100 grams, with a pattern.

Analysis of the confectionery market

The market of confectionery and chocolate sweets (chocolate) is resistant to crisis changes in the economy. Presents and purchases for children, gifts and personal preferences make this product segment quite popular among the general consumer masses.

At the moment, the Russian market, in particular the chocolate business, is represented by a wide range of products in the form of chocolate: milk, porous, black or regular with various fillers; chocolates of the most diverse form and fillers. In terms of value, the sales segment of chocolates and bars accounts for 1/3 of the total sales of confectionery products.

It should be taken into account that production of chocolates depends on the season, at the time of the greatest surge (holidays and pre-holidays), production can increase by 300%. The rest of the time, the enterprise can be loaded only at 30-60% of the planned capacity.

The most demanded product is loose sweets and chocolate bars, the sale is represented by regional offices of large confectionery companies. This has its advantages: the cost of delivery and payment for office representative offices increase the cost of their products by 6-8%.

For example, Nestle sweets have a cost price of $3 per 1 kg, their sale in the regions is $8 per kilogram. The production of sweets in your region makes it possible to reduce the price of your own goods of high consumer demand.

Consumer behavior towards confectionery

Active buyers of chocolates and chocolate are 65% of buyers, regardless of the season, buying these products 3-4 times a week, and 20% are inactive, buying once a week. Thus, given the number of population in the region, it is possible to calculate in advance the volume of production of chocolates and chocolate bars.

Production plan of the project

1. Rental of premises: production workshop and warehouse. Mandatory drafting of the contract according to the established regulations. Construction of additional facilities (office and household premises), rental of vehicles for the delivery of products to retail outlets.

2. Installation and installation of the necessary equipment, adjustment work, launch of the production line.

3. Production process of candy production.

Candy production technology consists of several stages:

- mixing the individual ingredients of the fondant mass;

- cooking process;
- molding or casting fondant in special oval shapes;
- running molds through cooling systems;
- glazing of sweets with chocolate fudge;
- cooling;
- packaging of products in wrapping paper.

Technology for the production of chocolate bars:

  • mixing the ingredients of the chocolate mass;
  • cooking process;
  • casting into special molds;
  • run through the cooling system;
  • wrapping tiles in wrapping paper.

Equipment for the production of chocolates

It should be noted that the candy production line consists of four sections, each of which has its own range of equipment:

1. Candy mass production area:

  • universal cooker, used for cooking, mixing and emptying the mass, with automatic control;
  • weighing device for dosing fondant or chocolate mass components;
  • loading pump for supplying the mass to the casting;
  • dosing pump for flavors, acid, fondant colors and chocolate.

2. Casting installation:

  • one-shot casting installation with servo drive and electronic control;
  • casting mold conveyor;
  • cooling cabinet, including distribution control cabinet and cold air preparation station;
  • forms.

3. Line for the production of sweets (for glazing cases):

  • table for supplying products to the glazing machine;
  • glazing machine;
  • a pump for the return of excess mass.

4. Automatic candy wrapping packaging line:

  • distribution conveyors for supplying sweets to warehouses.

The technological scheme for the production of chocolates and chocolate bars is quite complicated, it requires highly qualified personnel and serviceable equipment.

The cost of purchasing equipment, renting premises is about $50,000, which is the starting capital. Estimated time of self-sufficiency and profitability of the enterprise is 5-8 years. The expected profit per year is 36% of the starting capital.

Analysis of income and expenses

The cost of rent (construction) and raw materials account for 77% of the total start-up capital, the next item in the expense column is electricity, water and gas - 7.5-8%. The salary fund is 8% of total expenses, 3-5% insurance premiums and taxes, 7% other expenses, which include advertising and promotion costs.

The dynamics of reducing the burden of costs on the cost of production is calculated for 5 years, after which the costs will stabilize and the price may remain fixed.

Production Plan

Considering the structure of variable costs, you can see that the highest costs of funds (more than 77%) are spent on the purchase of raw materials. Thus, the calculation of the cost of production is:

the sum of the cost of raw materials + the sum of the salary fund and the cost of communications, rent, taxes + 6% to increase profits.

In a more simplified formula:

the amount of expenses + 37-38% of the amount of expenses = the cost of 1 kg of sweets.

Product demand risk

In order for the enterprise to be considered profitable, it is required to calculate the minimum critical level of production volume, taking into account seasonal sales.

Payroll costs (per year) + taxes (per year) + utilities and rent (per year) / divided by total annual income = minimum output in kg per day.

Thus, the minimum (critical) cost of sweets (taking into account risk) is $6 per kg - this is the threshold value of the selling price for the production of chocolate and sweets, the minimum production volume per day is from 5 tons.

The candy business is quite risky due to its demands for quality and beautiful design. Packaging material for sweets and chocolate bars should be consistent with the positive image of the company.

Packaging material will be considered the cheapest if you make it yourself. This will require:

  • special packaging paper and foil (for chocolate), and cardboard (for making candy boxes);
  • inkjet printer for printing;
  • computer.

The production of boxes for sweets has its own manufacturing features:

  • the cardboard has the corresponding certificate allowing to use it in the food industry;
  • is made according to the finished correx;
  • can be used for automatic and manual packaging.

Business idea: production of sweets at home.

A profitable business - the production of sweets, you can start at home with minimal investment by purchasing only the necessary molds for making sweets and the actual ingredients.
You can sell it to local chocolate shops, small cozy cafes, negotiate with the organizers of celebrations to promote sweets at events, and also create your own website or VKontakte group to sell goods. To draw attention to sweets, order beautiful shiny wrappers.

Sweets are supplied to the Russian market exclusively by venerable candy factories. There are no private producers on the candy market. Surprisingly, in every city there are many small bakeries that prepare cakes, pastries, but no one cooks homemade sweets, only mothers and grandmothers in the kitchens.
Huge profits are received by factories for the production of sweets of dubious taste and composition. But the production of homemade sweets can be a profitable business.

Before starting the production of sweets, you must decide that you are interested in this business, that you, as a perfumer, are ready to invent new flavor bouquets. You must have your own secret recipe.
If there is none, you definitely need to invent it, subtract it, modernize it, come up with a legend that you got this recipe from your great-great-grandmother, who prepared sweets according to this recipe even at the royal court. It is important to create a mystery and a fairy tale around sweets, because we all come from childhood.

You can start making sweets in your kitchen. Over time, you will be able to open a small confectionery factory. You will not compete with large concerns, because the scale of your production will be many times smaller, because your sweets will be handmade.
But you will have to buy equipment for the production of sweets and kitchen utensils, you cannot do without molds and special devices. Packaging is a separate item of expenditure. Each candy can be wrapped in a designer wrapper, if you do not have your own design skills, you can order the development for a fee. By the way, the appearance of sweets can be "copied" from foreign sites.

Be sure to have a variety of boxes for packing sweets in your arsenal. Gift wrapping is the key to the success of your business. After all, most people will purchase products as a gift.

Learn the technology of candy production, chat on forums with professional confectioners. You may not have a professional education, but you must be able to cook deliciously. Come up with several candy recipes, it can be chocolates, lean sweets made from dried fruits and nuts, organic lollipops.

You can deliver your products to the confectionery kiosks of the city, to gift shops, just keep in mind that home-made candies perish quickly, so most candies will have to be prepared to order. It can be a chain of cafes and restaurants or a company serving special events. Opening your own shop is too expensive, especially at the initial stage of business development. Create an "appetizing" site on the Internet, offer your work on it.

Make bouquets of sweets, focus on natural ingredients. During the holiday period, take orders in advance, hire couriers and confectioners for a part-time job for the New Year and March 8, who will help you not to miss customers, please everyone, and not lose income.

Reading 5 min. Published on 08.11.2019

The competition in the field of chocolate production is so high that it is time for a novice entrepreneur to think about how to attract the attention of buyers. The originality and exclusivity of chocolates can be of great help in this matter. Yes, and for a natural product, without additives and impurities, consumers are willing to pay more. If you choose the right direction for business development, then it will soon become profitable and promising.

Chocolate home business: where to start?

The chocolate business, like any other, requires official registration with the tax office. If it is supposed to produce chocolate or chocolates, selling products through a network of outlets or your own store, then. Wholesale customers and suppliers prefer cooperation with legal entities.
However, the matter does not end with registration with the tax office.

The entrepreneur will need to visit:

  1. In SES and fire inspection in order to obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the working premises with the standards provided for the declared activity. It must be equipped with engineering communications, ventilation, fire-fighting system. In the production of food products, it is better to entrust the solution of this issue to experienced lawyers.
  2. In Rospotrebnadzor , where you should submit the formulation of manufactured goods and receive a certificate of their compliance with existing standards.

Note: To work with the product group, you need a medical book.

If you plan to open a store to sell your own products, then you should also obtain permission for it. In general, the costs of registering an enterprise and taxes will cost around 19,000 rubles.

How to organize the process of production of chocolates at home?

An important condition for the production of delicious chocolates is strict adherence to the technological process. The recipe for their manufacture is easy to find on the Internet, but let a specialist do it. Complex recipes, selected by chocolatier - for exquisite sweets. The standard technology for making chocolate at home does not require much effort and expense.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour - 1 teaspoon.
  • Cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 5-7 tbsp. spoons.
  • Forms for pouring the finished product.

Milk, cocoa and sugar are mixed in a small saucepan or bowl, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. Oil and flour are gradually added to it, with continuous stirring. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, the chocolate is ready. It remains only to pour the filling into it (chopped peanuts, walnuts, raisins, waffle crumbs) and pour into molds.

If, according to the technology, you need to put whole nuts in chocolate, then the mold is filled halfway, the filling is poured into it, which is poured with chocolate on top. After a few hours, the sweets harden and you can eat them.

With the correct organization of the production process, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Maintaining the temperature regime during storage of finished products within 15-180C. The split system and refrigerators do an excellent job with this.
  2. Compliance with the terms of product implementation - no more than 2-6 months. So that chocolate does not lose its taste and presentation, it should be stored refrigerated.
  3. Transportation of chocolate is carried out in specially equipped vehicles.
  4. Use for business premises with an area of ​​at least 60 sq.m. It allocates 2 premises for a warehouse for storing raw materials and finished products, a place for a production workshop, and a sink.

Advice. It is very important to purchase good equipment when making chocolate yourself, since the taste of sweets depends on it.

True, in 99% of cases, small businesses do not produce their own chocolate, but buy a ready-made product, process it and produce delicious sweets.

Assortment of handmade chocolate products

To attract as many customers as possible, it is desirable to diversify the assortment of chocolates.

Current offers include:

  • Gift Baskets.
  • Chocolate figurines, postcards, portraits, sculptures.
  • Truffles.
  • Praline.
  • Milk, black, white chocolate.
  • Chocolate fountains.
  • Diet chocolate and more.

Recently, one of the fashion trends among culinary specialists is a non-standard mixture of tastes and aromas. So, for example, the taste of chili peppers, olives, ginger and other spices is increasingly manifested in chocolate. Confectioners offer chocolate-covered bacon, sweets with dried tomatoes, candied fruit, thyme. Sweets filled with fragrant aromas of coffee, roasted sesame and grated nuts activate the senses. The original packaging further enhances the pleasure of the exquisite taste of sweets.

In this case, the size of one candy should not be too large. To enhance the taste, it must be completely in the mouth. For example, the most common weight of truffles, loved by many, does not exceed 3-7 g.

Where to sell homemade chocolate products: chocolate candy market

There will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products if you agree in advance with retail outlets, cafes and restaurants on the supply of chocolate. True, given the fact that homemade sweets have a short shelf life, it is better to produce them on order.

You can offer chocolate delicacies or organize holidays. If things go well, then opening your own store will only increase turnover.

How much will it cost a beginner to organize a chocolate business: an approximate business plan for the production of chocolates at home

We offer an approximate business plan for the production of chocolate at home with the opening of your own store.

Start-up costs

If the entrepreneur does not understand the intricacies of chocolate production, then a specialist will have to be sent to the chocolatier courses, and these are additional expenses of 15,300 rubles.

Summing up, the calculation is given for the production of dark chocolate bars:

  1. The cost of chocolate is 76.7 rubles. for 1 kg.
  2. Taking into account production costs, the cost of chocolate mass is up to 500 rubles. for 1 kg.
  3. 1 kg makes 10 standard chocolate bars. The cost of 1 tile is 50 rubles.
  4. The retail price of chocolate is from 100 rubles. for 1 tile. Income is 50 rubles. from sale.

The monthly profit of the chocolate production shop is approximately 300,000 rubles. Within two years of productive work and subject to established sales, the initial costs of the business pay off.

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