Home Bakery products Dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes. Recipes for mom's dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms from childhood Prepare dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms delicious

Dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes. Recipes for mom's dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms from childhood Prepare dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms delicious

Culinary delights from unleavened dough and a variety of toppings can be found in many cuisines around the world. Italy is famous for them, where such food has been elevated to the cult of ideal food. There are similar delights in China. But Ukraine is considered the homeland of dumplings, although their analogues (for example, dumplings or manti) are present in the diet of all Slavic peoples. And their popularity surpasses even the most delicate potato pancakes.

It is believed that dumplings are a dish with no meat in the filling. This is not true, since in classical Ukrainian cuisine they were prepared as with minced meat, and cottage cheese, stewed cabbage, cherries, berries. But one of the most delicious options for the dish is dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms: champignons, chanterelles, honey agarics ... The choice of the latter is not limited - for delicious filling any variety will do. The easiest way for city dwellers to buy oyster mushrooms or the same champignons, as well as dried mushrooms in briquettes.

Step-by-step recipe for dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms as in the photo

So, how to make homemade dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms? To do this, you need at least 1 hour of time and following products(based on the volume for 2 servings):

  • 220 g flour
  • a tablespoon of butter (pre-melted),
  • 2 yolks,
  • 5 tablespoons of water
  • 300 g fresh mushrooms or 100 dried
  • 3 large potatoes,
  • 1 onion
  • parsley,
  • salt pepper.

Cooking process

  1. Start making dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes by kneading the dough. In a large bowl or on a work surface, sift the flour, form a slide out of it, make a depression in the center.
  2. Beat 2 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, add only the yolks to the flour.
  3. Pour in melted butter and water.
  4. Knead the dough gradually, starting from the center. You should end up with a tight mass.
  5. Wrap the dough with cling film, refrigerate for half an hour.
  6. Start filling: peel and boil potatoes, rinse and chop the mushrooms, peel and finely chop the onion.
  7. Heat a spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until transparent. Add mushrooms, fry until moisture evaporates.
  8. When the potatoes are boiled, drain the water thoroughly and mash them in mashed potatoes. Mix with ready-made mushrooms and onions, add parsley, salt and pepper.
  9. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1-2 mm, cut into circles of equal diameter (it is convenient to do this with a glass or a cup).
  10. Place the filling (about 1 teaspoon each) in the center of each mug.
  11. Pinch the edges the usual way or "pigtail", alternately bending the edge in different directions and pressing it.
  12. Boil the dumplings in boiling salted water. The dough is ready about 4 minutes after boiling.
  13. Serve hot.

5 secrets of making perfect dumplings

It would seem, what subtleties can be when you cook dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes? But experienced housewives know how to make the dish truly perfect and make the cooking process easier.

    1. To make the dough elastic, do not add salt to it during kneading. And pour only ice water, previously kept in the freezer.
    2. To make the edges of the dough stick well, grease the entire layer before cutting into circles with egg white (you will have it after you add the yolks to the flour). Apply protein in a thin layer, not generously.
    3. If you are using dry mushrooms, pour boiling water over them for 20 minutes before cooking. Then drain the water into a bowl (do not pour out). Cut the mushrooms themselves (if left as they are, they will greatly increase in size during frying).
    4. If you use fresh mushrooms, it is not recommended to soak them in water and generally wash them for a long time, as these mushrooms actively absorb moisture. You can remove the top skin with a knife, or rinse quickly, then wipe each fungus clean with a paper towel.
    5. If you still have water left after soaking dry mushrooms, it can be used to boil dumplings, then the mushroom taste will become even more intense. Or cook based on it delicious sauce for serving dishes.

How to serve a dish correctly

You know the recipe for dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. It remains to find out how to serve them correctly. There are 2 serving options in traditional Ukrainian cuisine.

      • With sour cream - there should be a lot of it. Ideally, the bowl of sour cream is placed in the center of the table, next to the platter. And everyone applies as much as he needs. If you are serving portions, gently spread the sour cream over the entire surface of the dumplings.
      • With fried onions - a large onion should be finely chopped, fry until cooked in vegetable oil... Pour the resulting frying into a dish with dumplings or add to each plate when serving in portions.

If you want to try something new, make a delicious sauce. Fry chopped onion and garlic (a couple of cloves) in a pan, add the mushrooms, soaked water (if any), a teaspoon of dried thyme, salt, pepper. Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, pour in 50 ml of cream and 150 g of sour cream, reduce heat and boil until thickened.

Who doesn't love homemade dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms? Especially if you spice up the portion with a spoonful of sour cream, butter or a fragrant onion dressing with cracklings.

The potato and mushroom filling has long been considered a classic. The most commonly used mushrooms or oyster mushrooms are available mushrooms that all year round available for sale. Naturally, you can use and Forest mushrooms, pre-boiled and then fried with onions - the taste of the filling will only benefit from this and become richer.

About dough for dumplings

The dough for dumplings can be kneaded with kefir, water, boiling water or potato broth. Each of the recipes is good in its own way and will go well with the filling, but still I recommend cooking the dumplings with the broth, which will remain in excess after boiling the potatoes. Kneading the dough on a still warm potato broth is a pleasure, it is soft and pliable, much softer than just boiling water. Dumplings are easy to sculpt, they do not break and do not open during cooking.

How to freeze dumplings for future use

Homemade dumplings are best cooked in large quantities in order to freeze some of them for future use. This is very convenient, because you can get a portion of a semi-finished product from the refrigerator at any time and prepare a delicious lunch or dinner in just 10-15 minutes. Freezing dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes is very simple: for this dough product you need to place it on a board lined with cling film or a plastic bag sprinkled with flour, and then send it to the freezer for 2 hours.


For filling

For the test

  • Wheat flour 900 g
  • potato broth 0.5 l
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.

Recipe for dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes step by step

  1. Peel a couple of large onions and cut into cubes. We heat the vegetable oil and fry the onion on it, that is, fry it until soft and transparent.

  2. We wash the champignons, clean up the dirt with a knife, slightly trim the legs. Grind in slices or cubes, along with the legs. Pour the mushrooms over the sautéed onion and continue cooking over high heat, stirring occasionally, without a lid.

  3. Fry the mushrooms until fully cooked - the mushrooms will turn brown in about 15-20 minutes. At the very end of cooking, salt and pepper to taste.

  4. Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters, fill cold water so that it completely covers it, and put the pan on the fire. As soon as the potatoes boil, remove the foam, add salt (about 0.5 tablespoons) and cook until cooked for 20-25 minutes. Strain the potato broth, but do not pour it out - it will be useful for the dough. Mash the potatoes in mashed potatoes and combine with mushrooms. Mix well, adjust the amount of salt and pepper in the resulting filling to taste.

  5. It is most convenient to knead the dough in 2 stages - this way it is easier to knead and roll it out. To do this, take 450 g of sifted flour, drive 1 egg into it and pour out 250 g of potato broth (warm, but not hot!). We do not add salt to the dough, since it is already contained in the potato broth.

  6. We knead a tight bun with our hands and wrap it in cling film. We repeat the procedure with the remaining ingredients. As a result, we get two balls of dough - it is dense, but soft and not too steep due to the potato broth.

  7. The dough and filling are ready, you can start sculpting the dumplings. Cut off a small part from the total piece of dough and roll it out with a sausage tourniquet. Then we cut it into pieces 2-3 cm thick.Roll out each piece with a rolling pin to make a cake with a diameter of about 5-6 cm.

  8. Place the filling in the center of the cakes and pinch the edges. We repeat the procedure until all the dough and filling are used up. The output is 50-60 pieces, depending on the size of the dumplings.
  9. We cook blinded dough products in boiling, well-salted water. Readiness is determined by how the dumplings float to the surface - after that it is enough to boil them for 1-2 minutes. We serve the dish hot, seasoned with butter or frying, as well as a spoonful of homemade sour cream.

Of the great variety of recipes for such a dish as dumplings, some of the most popular are those prepared with a filling such as a combination of mushrooms and potatoes. It is not difficult to prepare dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, nevertheless, it is a rather laborious process.

In order for the prepared dish to turn out delicious, you need to pay special attention to choosing the right ingredients to create this culinary masterpiece... The greatest attention should be paid to the choice of mushrooms for dumplings, since they are the main ingredient in the filling.

Selection of ingredients

The necessary ingredients for making dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms can be roughly divided into two parts: products for making the dough and for the filling.

List necessary products to prepare the dough:

  • flour - 0.9 kg;
  • potato broth - 0.5 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

List of ingredients for making the filling:

  • potatoes - 0.8 kg;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • oil - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • salt and pepper.


To prepare dumplings with mushrooms, you need to choose wheat flour, and before kneading the dough, it must be sifted through a sieve. This will enrich the dough with oxygen, and this will have a very favorable effect on the dough during molding and on the finished dish.

Potato broth

You can also knead the dough in water, but cooked with potato broth will be tastier. You can use the broth that remained after boiling the potatoes for the filling. The broth should be filtered 2 times through a sieve or cheesecloth.


To prepare dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, you need to take chicken eggs. If they are too small, then instead of two, you can take three.


You can take any kind of potatoes for dumplings, the main thing is to avoid green tubers. The fact is that solanine accumulates in green tubers, and this substance is unsafe for health. It is formed in potatoes if they have been stored for some time in a place where there was direct sunlight.


This recipe requires onions, and it is the tubers, not the greens. 2-3 medium sized pieces will be enough.


Since the oil will be used for frying, you can take vegetable oil, for example, sunflower or olive oil. If desired, you can use butter, but you will need to take a little more of it.


For making dumplings, you can use different mushrooms: white, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and so on. The recipe for dumplings with mushrooms described in this article is designed for using champignons. They can be bought at a grocery store or supermarket and used according to the directions for use.

Step-by-step description of the cooking process

The recipe for dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms includes 3 main stages of preparation:

  • kneading dough;
  • preparation of the filling;
  • modeling and cooking dumplings.

Each stage will be considered separately.

Kneading the dough

It is necessary to sift the flour into the bowl for kneading the dough, then make a depression in it, and drive the eggs into it and pour in the broth. The dough must be kneaded with your hands, so it turns out to be more elastic, smoother and softer.

If some time passes before the dumplings are made from the moment the dough is kneaded, the dishes with it must be covered with cling film.

Preparation of the filling

According to this recipe, champignons are used for dumplings with mushrooms. The mushroom caps need to be peeled, then rinsed, and chopped.

Mushrooms are cut into small cubes, the rib height of which does not exceed 5 mm. Onions are processed in the same way as mushrooms - after peeling, they are cut into small cubes.

With the addition of a small amount of salt, it is necessary to fry the mushrooms and onions in oil for a few minutes.

National Ukrainian dish - dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

  • Filling:
  • medium-sized potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • onions - 4 pieces;
  • champignons - 300-400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50-60 ml;
  • ground black pepper - to your taste.
  • Dough:
  • water - 400 ml;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • white wheat flour - 800 g.
  • Innings
  • onions - 5 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 150-200 ml.
  • Preparation time: 01:20
  • Cooking time: 00:15
  • Servings: 6
  • Complexity: average

We offer you to try the most successful, delicious, nutritious option - dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you properly prepare the filling, knead the dough, stick it beautifully and serve the dish to the table.


In the recipe, we will use the most simple mushrooms- champignons, for which you do not need to go to the forest, but just go to the nearest supermarket.

  1. Peel the potato tubers, wash thoroughly and cut into four parts. Put them in a saucepan, pour over hot water and send to the stove. As soon as the water in the saucepan starts to boil, turn on a small heat, season with salt and boil the potatoes until cooked.
  2. During this time, prepare the rest of the filling components. Peel the onion, wash and cut into very small cubes, you can even chop it in a blender. Pour half of the vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat and transfer the onion, fry until golden brown.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well, dry and cut into cubes, strips or sticks. In a separate skillet, heat the other half of the vegetable oil, add the mushrooms, salt and pepper and fry until tender.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, throw out the bay leaf and pour it into the mashed potatoes using a pusher or blender.
  5. Add fried mushrooms and onions, mix everything thoroughly. The filling is ready, taste it, add a little salt and pepper if necessary.


There are a lot of recipes for dumplings dough - on ice water, on kefir or whey, with vegetable oil or with an egg, custard. We offer you the simplest option - plain water, salt and flour.

  1. Take warm water for the test or room temperature but not hot. Add salt to your taste and stir well. Transfer to a large bowl for kneading dough. Add the sifted flour gradually and knead the dough with a wooden spoon.
  2. When the dough is already difficult to knead with a spoon, grind the work surface of the table with flour and continue kneading on it by hand. To prevent the dough from turning out too steep, add flour during kneading in small portions. Hands will have to work long and hard, but as a result you will get soft, elastic dough... It shouldn't stick to your hands. Be sure to let it rest, transfer to a bowl, cover with a clean kitchen towel and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Dumplings and their serving

    Traditionally, dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are served with fried onions and sour cream.

    1. Now divide the rested dough into four parts and form them into sausages. Cut each such sausage into several identical pieces.
    2. Dip each piece in flour and roll out with a rolling pin into a circle about 3 mm thick. Do the same for all the dough pieces.
    3. Everything is ready, you can start sculpting dumplings. Place a circle of dough on one palm, with the other hand, use a teaspoon to fill in the potato-mushroom filling and place it on the center of the circle.
    4. Gently join the edges and create nice, even pintucks. Sculpt the dumplings until the dough or filling runs out, and place them on the floured kitchen boards. Keep in mind that if you have made a lot of dumplings, you can send some of them to the camera for freezing. It is very convenient when after a working day there is neither time nor energy to cook dinner, you can only heat the water in a saucepan and boil the dumplings.
    5. So, ready-made dumplings are waiting in the wings. Set a pot of water on the fire, in which you will cook them, let the liquid boil. When the water boils in the pan, add salt and add the dumplings. After they float to the surface, let it simmer for another 3-4 minutes, then use a slotted spoon to take them out and transfer them to a bowl.
    6. In the meantime, peel, wash and cut the onions into half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet, transfer the onion and fry until golden brown.
    7. Add the sauteed onions to a bowl and stir. Please note that this should be done in a special way - not with a spoon, but cover the bowl with a lid and shake the contents so that the fried onions are evenly distributed over the dumplings. Serve them to the table with sour cream.

    These are such beautiful dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, step by step recipe with a photo, we hope, will stay firmly and for a long time among your culinary addictions.

Dumplings are most widespread in the Ukrainian national cuisine... In this country, they are cooked without exaggeration in every home and restaurant. First, it's not difficult. Secondly, very, very tasty. Thirdly, there are so many fillings for making dumplings that every time you can discover the dish from a new side.

Choosing mushrooms for dumplings

  • If you are avid mushroom pickers, you can take fresh mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus boletus, boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms for dumplings, wash and fry them well enough.
  • You can also take dried mushrooms, just before cooking they need to be soaked in warm water for 25-30 minutes.
  • A great option for filling is frozen mushrooms, just remember to defrost them correctly. Never do this with microwave oven or warm water, just remove the mushrooms from the freezer and leave at room temperature until completely defrosted.

Homemade dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms and fried onions - recipe

A delicious dinner can be easily made from the leftovers of yesterday. For example, make lean but satisfying potato dumplings with mushrooms and fried onions, with a small set of calories.

For the filling, fresh mushrooms are suitable - white, champignons. Pickled, salty dishes will not spoil. It is permissible to cook from frozen.

Homemade dumplings will have different tastes, but in any case, you will hear the approval of the household.

If you are interested in the calorie content of a dish, then it is not too scary. For 100 gr. dumplings 184 kcal. Is it a lot for you, or a little, decide for yourself. But you can sin once or twice, right?

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

The most common recipe for dumplings is with champignons. They are available all year round, on a budget, and prepared quickly. I propose to repeat step by step after me and cook extremely tasty dish.

Ingredient composition:

  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Champignons - 250 gr.
  • Potatoes - 250 gr.
  • Egg.
  • Water is a glass.
  • Bulb.
  • Butter - 25 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - a couple of spoons.
  • Ground pepper (more spicy if you want), salt.

How to cook dumplings

If yesterday's puree is gone, peel and cook the potatoes.

In parallel, prepare the other filling components. Chop mushrooms at random.

I propose to chop the onion in two options. Cut most of it into cubes, it will be used for dressing the dish. I advise you to grind a smaller share with a blender, and put it in the filling.

Fry both types of onion separately in a skillet. Add mushrooms to the slices for the filling and fry together.

Turn boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes and combine with fried onions, add mushrooms. Add butter, salt if necessary and stir. The filling is ready.

In parallel with working on the filling, make a dough.

Kneading the dumplings dough is not difficult. First, break an egg into a bowl, salt, stir. Pour in water. Add a little flour, gradually knead the dough.

Cover with a towel and let the mass "grab". Enough about 15 minutes, no more.

Roll out the soft, pliable dough on the table, sprinkle it with flour. I have a special large baking board.

Divide the test ball into pieces. Make a sausage out of each and cut into slices. I advise you to lightly sprinkle the knife with flour, then it will not stick, and it will be easy to cut.

Roll out small pieces, put the filling and mold the dumpling.

Boil the blanks in salted water. Stir so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom, when they float up - note the cooking time.

Put the cooked dumplings in a bowl, add fried large onions to them. When serving, place on the table sour cream sauce... The supper is ready.

How much to cook dumplings

The filling of the dumplings is ready, the dough is cooked quickly. For cooking, 5-6 minutes is enough, after the water boils and the dumplings float.

In the filling to the potatoes, you can add fresh or sauerkraut... Want to know other recipes dumplings with cabbage- I invite you to a new article.

To help inexperienced housewives, I picked up a video with a step-by-step recipe. May it always be delicious for you!

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms: how to make dough and filling

A hot second course of filled dough can be found among national recipes any country. Manty, gedza, ravioli, wonton, khinkali, kurze - different names, but the same principle. One cannot but recall dumplings - there is no more popular dish in Ukrainian cuisine. If you fill them with potatoes with mushrooms, it turns out to be especially satisfying. How to cook them deliciously?

The general principle of creating such a dish is as follows: the chef turns on unleavened dough, which should have high strength, because it will need to be rolled thinly.

After that, the base is rolled out and the semi-finished products are molded: thinly stretched circles are filled with prepared vegetable mixture(it can be raw or cooked), bent in half and pinched tightly with a crescent.

The amount depends on the preference of the chef. After that, it remains only to boil them, and the preparation of the dumplings is completed.

Due to the fact that this semi-finished product is not served raw, the filler, along with the dough, undergoes a heat treatment stage, and can be in any state during filling.

The only exception is that dry mushrooms must be soaked before combining with potatoes. The rest of the points are determined by the personal preferences of the cook: the addition of spices, vegetables, herbs - everything is absolutely optional.

A couple of important general nuances of how to make a delicious homemade filler:

  • The filling for dumplings at the time of laying should not be hot - only at room temperature or slightly warmer.
  • Try to have significantly more potatoes than mushrooms. Their approximate ratio is 3: 2 or even 3: 1 and 4: 1.
  • The most successful additives for a potato-mushroom mixture are onions, grated garlic, carrots fried in lard, any greens.


In structure, such a basis is similar to a dumplings, i.e. based on eggs and flour.

Water is not always a liquid component - the dough for dumplings with mushrooms in sour milk or kefir is not more complicated and also gives an excellent result.

No sugar is added, salt can be used in a minimal amount. You can do without eggs, but then the Italian flour "zero" or "durum" is introduced. Yeast can be used.

By the type of kneading, the dough can be:

  • Custard. The advantage lies in the density of the raw product and the delicate structure of the thermally processed one. Housewives with insufficient experience are afraid of the difficulties inherent in such a base for dumplings, i.e. it must be done with boiling water and the bowl warmed up at the same time.
  • Cold. It's classic quick option kneading, which is used by most housewives. It requires ice cold (you can hold it in the freezer) water and a low temperature in the room, so as not to have doubts about the outcome of the venture. This is how the ease of sculpting and the strength of the finished base are achieved.

A couple of important nuances of a good base for dumplings without regard to the filling:

  • Long-term manual kneading is a guarantee of durability. The approximate time taken for this stage is 9-10 minutes.
  • Rest before rolling and sculpting - half an hour or an hour.
  • If the cut out pieces begin to dry out, turn them upside down with the side that lay on the board. So you won't have any problems with sculpting.

This simple Slavic dish made from boiled dough can be prepared in any way, but first it is boiled, and then the product can be baked or fried.

There are a lot of options for the base and filling, therefore, below are especially successful ones from the standpoint of professionals and housewives.

Whichever recipe for making dumplings you prefer, remember that when cutting out the dough, the edges of each round blank must be additionally rolled out so that they become thinner. If this rule is followed, the product will cook evenly.

Step by step recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 6 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 4090 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.

If you are looking for an idea of ​​how to make the most nutritious dumplings, potatoes with mushrooms will be the best filling for them. This simple photo recipe will help you make about 50 medium-sized convenience foods that you can freeze.

The classic option for the filling is champignons, but you can use the ones that appeal to you more. Keep in mind that the dumplings in the saucepan must be stirred until the water boils again.


  • flour - 870 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • butter - 35 g;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the potatoes, drain off half a liter of liquid. Drain the rest.
  2. Mash the finished tubers with a piece of butter.
  3. Fry chopped champignons for a couple of minutes. Combine with mashed potatoes, season with spices.
  4. On the cooled potato broth, make soft dough with flour and beaten eggs.
  5. Roll out, cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm.
  6. Place a spoonful of filling in the center, pinch the edges. Boil.

With dried mushrooms

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1998 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Lean dumplings with potatoes and dry mushrooms differ from the classic ones mainly in their base - it is devoid of eggs, and vegetable oil is responsible for elasticity.

Similarly, you can make dumplings with any fillings, even sweet ones, only you will not have to roll out the dough in such a thin layer so that the moisture of the filler does not corrode it. The mushroom component can be additionally fried.


  • flour - 380 g;
  • dry mushrooms - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • dill - 9 g;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil potatoes, mash until puree.
  2. Pour mushrooms with hot water, squeeze out after half an hour. Grind.
  3. Salt, mix with dill.
  4. Make a malleable lump from the remaining components by pouring 2/3 cup of water. Roll out (layer thickness - 3 mm), form medium-sized dumplings.

With cheese

  • Time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 3716 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

This dish tastes like French julienne, especially when cooked in a pot. Serve on the table such dumplings with potatoes, cheese and mushrooms with sour cream and under a dill cap.

An alternative, which looks very attractive, is a sauce made up of the same sour cream, grated garlic, parsley and ground black pepper.


  • potatoes - 450 g;
  • semi-hard cheese - 200 g;
  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • butter;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 375 g;
  • egg;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a slide from wheat flour, break an egg in the center, pour in water. Knead a tough dough.
  2. Fry chopped onions with mushrooms.
  3. Boil the potatoes, mash.
  4. Mix with mushroom frying, grated cheese.
  5. Fill round blanks for dumplings with the resulting filling.
  6. Place in a pot, add 2 glasses of water. Cook at 190 degrees in the oven for half an hour.

With onion

  • Time: 45 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1037 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

For these dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms and onions, a custard base is used, and the filling is complemented with sour cream for greater tenderness. There are no particular difficulties in creating such a dish, but it is important to let the dough lie down for at least half an hour before you start rolling and sculpting.

Remember that eggs cannot be combined with boiling water to avoid curdling, so wait until the main mixture cools down.


  • flour - 175 g;
  • egg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • bulb;
  • sour cream - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Shake the egg with water (50 ml). Salt.
  2. Boil the rest of the water, add to the sifted flour.
  3. Combine both masses, let the dough ripen for half an hour.
  4. Chop mushrooms with onions, fry, add mashed potatoes and sour cream.
  5. Roll out the base for dumplings, form semi-finished products.


  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1332 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Lithuanian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

If you don't have time for a complicated dinner, try making lazy dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - almost zeppelins, but without meat. The semolina can be replaced with starch, the number of yolks is determined by the size of the eggs - very large enough and 2 pieces.


  • potatoes - 750 g;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • bulb;
  • semolina - 120 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil 2/3 of the total amount of potatoes, crush.
  2. Combine with semolina, egg yolks, remaining grated potatoes (squeeze before that). Salt.
  3. Divide into 15 parts. Make a large, thick cake out of each.
  4. Fry chopped onions with mushrooms. Scroll in blender.
  5. Place in the center of the potato tortilla. Form products that are shaped like cutlets.
  6. Cook after boiling for 18 minutes.

With frozen mushrooms

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 3458 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Lithuanian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

If you like to add flavor to familiar recipes, try dumplings with potatoes and frozen mushrooms for cool dough(a feature of Lithuanian cuisine).

The unusualness of this dish during appearance: no crescents or triangles: cutting is done in squares / rectangles. The number of yolks varies according to their size, or the overall consistency of the base.


  • egg;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 560 g;
  • water - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 660 g;
  • mushrooms - 190 g;
  • bacon - 70 g;
  • seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. Twist the boiled potatoes through a meat grinder. Add chopped bacon and season.
  2. Defrost mushrooms, fry. Combine with potatoes and raw egg.
  3. Do the dough, starting it on the remaining components.
  4. Divide the lump in half, roll out 2 large layers.
  5. On the first place, spoon the filling with a spoon, keeping a distance of 2-3 fingers between these "slides".
  6. Cover with a free layer. Press down where there was a distance. Cut into rectangles.


  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 5 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 3080 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Very tasty option serving dumplings - frying, but it is advisable to carry it out only with products for which the dough is not rolled out very thinly. The filling should not be too wet.

It is recommended to sprinkle such fried dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms with chopped onion feathers. Or, for a pungent taste, you can add a little grated garlic to the filling.


  • flour - 620 g;
  • butter - 45 g + for frying;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 230 g;
  • fresh milk mushrooms - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 370 g;
  • the tomato is big.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil potatoes. Knead.
  2. Pour the milk mushrooms with water, clean after half an hour. Chop, fry with tomato.
  3. Mix all the filling ingredients.
  4. Knead the dough from the remaining ingredients. Roll out not thin.
  5. Form stuffed crescents. Cook until it floats.
  6. Fry in butter until blush.

With raw potatoes

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 1698 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Some housewives are trying to save time by not thermally processing the components of the filling for dumplings. This greatly simplifies the whole process if it is important for you to speed it up before freezing semi-finished products.

However, an important nuance must not be missed: dumplings with raw potatoes and it will take about 15-20 minutes to cook the mushrooms (the time is counted from the moment the water boils again).


  • flour - 320 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • salt - 4 g;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • mushrooms - 100 g;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes, potatoes too. Season, stir.
  2. Make a dough from the rest of the ingredients, kneading very carefully.
  3. Roll out, cut out circles, stuff with potato-mushroom mixture.

With salted mushrooms

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 3456 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

If you are planning to cook dumplings with potatoes and salted mushrooms, you need to squeeze the filling very well just before placing it in the dough. The salt draws out the liquid, so the mass becomes very wet and interferes with a good "adhesion" of the edge.

For reliability, professionals advise adding a little starch to this mixture so that it takes away excess water.


  • flour - 750 g;
  • kefir - 200 g;
  • soda - 3 g;
  • potatoes - 640 g;
  • salted mushrooms - 220 g;
  • starch - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine soda with kefir. Add flour in portions, stirring actively.
  2. Boil peeled potatoes, mash.
  3. Cut the mushrooms, add the onion. Add to mashed potatoes.
  4. Add starch to the same place.
  5. Roll out the dough, cut out large (up to 10 cm diameter) circles. Fill, secure the edge.

For a couple

  • Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 2028 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Yeast dough is rarely brought to such a tasty dish.

However, it gives a wonderful delicate structure and fluffiness, which is especially pronounced when steaming dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. Fresh milk is recommended as a liquid component, however, in the absence of boiled water, you can dilute it with low-fat sour cream.

Eggs are not used, salt is also undesirable.


  • yeast - 17 g;
  • milk - 200 g;
  • flour - 430 g;
  • carrot;
  • mushrooms - 180 g;
  • potatoes - 410 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute yeast with warm milk.
  2. After 20 minutes, knead a soft dough. When the lump comes off your palms, you can start filling.
  3. Fry mushrooms with grated carrots. Boil potatoes, mash
  4. Form the dumplings, place, keeping distance, into the bowl of the double boiler. Cook for 20 minutes.

How much to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

Duration of primary heat treatment for such a semi-finished product is determined by the state of the filling and the thickness of the dough. An important role is played by the characteristics of the stove (multicooker, oven, etc.

) It is impossible to predict how much dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are cooked in your place, so be guided by their appearance - the finished products will float up and become unsinkable. The approximate time during which they need to be boiled is 7-10 minutes.

For the "lazy" option, this figure is reduced to 3 minutes, but depends on the size of the cut.


How to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms step by step recipe with photos

Greetings, my dear friend, to the pages of my culinary blog! I really like to eat dumplings, but, unfortunately, I rarely cook them for the reason that you have to spend a lot of time preparing them.

Sometimes I went to the store and bought them, but the taste of purchased products is very far from homemade ones. And just today I had a little free time and even inspiration flashed. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms and then a step-by-step recipe with a photo awaits you.

The process is completely simple, so anyone, even a novice cook, can handle it.

But my recipe for dumplings is not quite ordinary. And it's all about the test. I used to cook for dumplings classic dough, and today I made a custard. It is also easy to cook, but I like it because it turns out to be elastic and keeps its shape during cooking, does not boil over.

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Steep boiling water - 1 glass
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 14 tsp
  • Potato
  • Mushrooms
  • Salt, spices to taste

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms:

Where to start making homemade dumplings is up to you: with the filling or dough. It seems to me that first it is better to prepare the dough, and only then everything else. The thing is that the dough after it has been kneaded needs to be given some time to rest.

This rule applies to almost all types of dough (except for biscuit, which must be baked immediately).

And my dear hostesses, do not forget about the secret ingredient. When you cook this dish, try to put your good mood into it, think of your loved ones with warmth and love. This little secret helps not only to cook deliciously, but thanks to this step, love, harmony and understanding reign in the family. I don't think you should give up such a "spice".

It's all about the gluten in the flour. During rest, the gluten swells and the dough becomes more elastic and resilient.

The dough for dumplings can be prepared as usual, according to classic recipe... I've done that before. But recently I tried to do choux pastry and I really liked it.

Now I cook dumplings and dumplings with him. As I wrote above, I like this dough because it turns out to be more elastic.

Dumplings from it perfectly keep their shape during cooking and do not fall apart or fall apart.

First, put the kettle on gas so that the water boils at the right moment. Until the water boils, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add salt and stir.

Then, pour in the vegetable oil and mix everything again.

Pour a glass of boiling water into the flour and quickly mix everything with a spoon.

When it becomes difficult to knead with a spoon, put the dough on the table, sprinkled with flour and then knead it with your hands. Watch carefully, as you can burn yourself.

While kneading, add a little flour if necessary. The thing is that the specified amount of flour in the recipe may not be enough. I don’t know what it depends on, maybe because of the quality of the flour.

The result should be an elastic and resilient dough.

Ready dough put in a plastic bag and leave to rest for 30 minutes or more. In the meantime, the dough is resting, let's start preparing the filling.

First, we peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into several pieces. We put the potatoes in a saucepan, fill with water, add a little salt and put on fire. Cook the potatoes until tender.

While the potatoes are boiling, finely chop the onion and fry until golden brown.

Now let's prepare the mushrooms. As for the mushrooms, you can use whatever you like or have. For example, my favorite mushrooms are champignons. But this summer, my husband and I went to the forest and collected rowings and froze some of them. Therefore, I chopped the frozen mushrooms into small pieces and fried them in a pan.

If you use any forest mushrooms, boil them first. But the champignons are easy to peel, cut and can be fried right away.

When the potatoes are ready, drain the water from them and chop them in mashed potatoes using a pusher. You can add butter at this point if you like.

Put the onion and mushrooms in the crushed potatoes and mix everything.

Well, that's all, we have the filling, dough ready, now you can form dumplings.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer.

Cut out the circles with a glass (if there is a special round shape for cookies, you can cut out the circles with it).

Put the filling in the middle of the circle.

And pinch the edges. Transfer the finished dumplings to a chopping board sprinkled with flour.

That's all, the dumplings are ready, we just have to cook them.

Cooking dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms is very simple. Put a saucepan with water on gas, add a little salt to the water and wait until it boils.

Put the dumplings in boiling water and cook them for 1-2 minutes.

We transfer the finished dumplings to a plate, add a little butter and serve.

In fact, dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms can be eaten not only with butter, but also with sour cream, ketchup, etc. It all depends on your taste preferences.

Bon Appetit!!!

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. Ingredients: wheat flour, potatoes, potato broth


I didn't have time for the potato competition, but it doesn't matter. Such dumplings are very good as a hot dish the day after new year's eve- salads and jellied meat are eaten, I want something simple, fresh and quickly prepared.

And here just in the freezer (or on the balcony, if it's frosty outside the window) there are dumplings and dumplings waiting ... I accidentally improved this simple recipe.

When the potatoes were boiled, the thought occurred to me: what if the potato broth was added to the dough instead of water! I did just that, and I was very pleased with the dough and dumplings!

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Peel the potatoes, put in a saucepan with water, cook until tender, salt to taste at the very end. Drain the potato broth, but do not pour it out - it will be useful for the dough. Mash potatoes with a crush.

Cut onion and mushrooms into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil for several minutes (10-15 minutes). The moisture should evaporate, the onions and mushrooms should brown. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Combine mashed potatoes and mushroom mixture and mix well. Taste and adjust for salt and pepper. At this stage, the main thing is not to eat the filling completely ...

While the filling is cooling down, let's make the dough. Sift flour. Prepare the rest of the ingredients: potato broth (already cooled, barely warm) and an egg. From the written ingredients for the dough, I first take half, so it is easier to knead the dough, in parts. So, for the first batch I take 450 g of flour, 1 egg and 250 ml of potato broth.

We knead the dough, it turns out not too steep, soft due to the potato broth. There is no need to add salt to the dough, because when the potatoes were boiled, they were already salted. Put the finished dough in a foil and knead another bun from the second portion of the ingredients.

The dough and filling are ready, you can start sculpting the dumplings. Cut off a small part from the total piece of dough and roll it out with a sausage tourniquet. Then we cut the "sausage" into washers, roll out each piece: we get a flat cake with a diameter of about 6-7 cm. Put the filling in the center, pinch the edges.

These are the handsome guys! No less than 70 dumplings)))

Cook the dumplings until tender (about 7 minutes after boiling) immediately after molding ...

... or freeze. I put it out in the cold on the balcony.

Serve with sour cream or butter. Bon Appetit!!!


Delicious dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

My household is so fond of dumplings that they can eat this dish at least every day. Therefore, I will gladly share the wonderful delicious recipe dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms with you. I think that your family, too, will not remain indifferent to the aromatic and mouth-watering dish.

I have already told how I prepare a universal dough for dumplings with sour cream and water. Dumplings from it always work out wonderfully well. Today I will cook this dish with my favorite filling. As always, I am posting a step-by-step illustrated photo recipe for cooking.

Using it, you can easily prepare a delicious Ukrainian dish on your own. We need to prepare:

  • dough for dumplings with sour cream and water - 300 gr;
  • boiled potatoes - 300 gr;
  • mushrooms - 100 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 20 gr;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

With pre-cooked dough, you can quickly prepare this dish. And if children and / or even a beloved husband are involved in the sculpting of dumplings, then the matter is argued much faster. And, ultimately, dumplings made collectively will seem to you the most delicious in the world!

Mushrooms are capable of imparting a unique taste and aroma to any dish. The dishes in which they serve as the basis are loved by many. And these include dumplings with mushrooms.

Experienced housewives will spend no more than an hour preparing a dinner of dumplings with mushrooms, even if they have to use forest mushrooms for this. A novice culinary specialist may need a little more time, but he will also have a delicious dish if he knows the peculiarities of the technology of its creation.

  • As a filling for dumplings with mushrooms, you can use champignons, porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms and others. However, they definitely need to be prepared, depending on which category they belong to. Some mushrooms need to be soaked beforehand, and almost all wild mushrooms must be boiled until tender before being put into the filling. Champignons and porcini mushrooms are good because it is enough to lightly fry them, after which you can already fill dumplings with them.
  • For the filling, you can use not only fresh mushrooms, but also frozen and dried. If you decide to use a frozen product, you must first defrost the mushrooms and wait for the excess liquid to drain from them. Dried mushrooms you need to fill it with water and wait until they regain their size (swell).
  • Is of great importance. If it is tough, the dumplings will not be very pleasant to eat. However, dough that is too tender can break through during cooking, which also will not improve the taste and appearance. ready meal... In order to do good dough, you should know a few secrets. First, the flour must be sifted. Secondly, vegetable oil can be added to the dough for elasticity. Thirdly, the test should be given the opportunity to "rest". If you took into account all three points, your dough will turn out to be soft, but elastic, the dumplings will retain their shape.
  • Boiled dumplings with mushrooms, steamed or in water. The second method is most often used. To prevent the dumplings from sticking together, they are immersed in boiling water, and not all at once, but one at a time. Boil them in plenty of water. A wide-bottomed saucepan is best for this.
  • Dumplings with mushrooms can stick together after boiling. To prevent this from happening, brush them with butter or sour cream immediately after removing from the pan.

Cooking recipes

Dumplings with mushrooms


  • Champignons (500 g)
  • Onion (1 pc.)
  • Wheat flour (4 tbsp.)
  • Egg(1 PC.)
  • Sunflower oil (5 tbsp. L.)
  • Water (1 tbsp.)
  • Edible salt(taste)


Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb water very easily and quickly. Therefore, it is recommended not to wash the mushrooms before starting cooking, but to wipe them with a damp cloth or simply peel them with a sharp knife. Then finely chop the peeled mushrooms and put them in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil.

Peel the onion and cut into small pieces. When the mushrooms in the pan are reduced in size and acquire a golden brown crust, add onions to them, stir and salt to taste. Ready filling put in a separate plate. There, the mushrooms will drain enough from the excess oil and cool down.

Let's prepare the dough for the dumplings. To do this, sift flour into a deep bowl, add water, egg and salt. Mix everything and whisk. This dough should be quite tough. Form the dough into a convenient storage shape, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about half an hour.

The base for future dumplings can be prepared in several ways. Choose the most convenient one for yourself. The whole dough can be divided into several small parts and rolled out one by one on the countertop, cutting out the shapes with a glass. You can also roll the dough pieces into sausages, cut them into small pieces, and roll each piece individually. Put a teaspoon of mushroom filling in the finished rounds in the middle.

Gently fold the edges of the dumpling together and wrap the dough or press it firmly with your fingers, as shown in the photo. If this is not done strongly enough, the dumpling may come unstuck during the cooking process. Sprinkle the finished dumplings with flour and send to the freezer. Or cook immediately.

Boil slightly salted water in a saucepan and send the dumplings there. They are prepared quickly, within 7-10 minutes. As soon as they come up, you can take out with a slotted spoon and serve with chopped herbs and sour cream. Dumplings with champignons are ready.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms


  • wheat flour - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • water - about 1/5 cup
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt to taste
  • potatoes - 400g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • dried mushrooms - 100g
  • salt, ground black pepper, dill and parsley - to taste


  1. For the filling, pour the mushrooms with water or milk and leave for 1-2 hours.
  2. Drain the milk from the mushrooms, squeeze them lightly and fry in vegetable oil along with finely chopped onions.
  3. Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water and mash. Combine mashed potatoes, mushrooms and onions, add salt, pepper, chopped herbs to taste, mix well.
  4. Sift flour. Add an egg, salt to cold water, all thoroughly. Gradually, stirring in, add flour and knead not very tough dough. Sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and let stand for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Roll out the dough into a thin (about 1.5 mm thick) layer, squeeze out round flat cakes with a glass.
  6. Put a teaspoon of minced meat on each cake, grease the edges of the dough with a beaten raw egg and combine.
  7. Bend the edges with a pigtail.
  8. Dip the dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms in salted boiling water and cook until they float to the surface. Throw in a colander or sieve to drain the water. Serve hot with butter and sour cream.

Dumplings with meat and mushrooms

Dumplings are a dish of all times and peoples. Among the cuisines of the world, perhaps, one cannot find one where they are not prepared. Of course, there they are under different names, but the meaning is the same: filled dough, boiled in water. For us, dumplings have always been a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, but they are not in the last place in Russian either. Try to cook them with boiled meat and mushrooms. It is delicious and satisfying.


  • Wheat flour 2 tbsp.
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water 0.8 tbsp.
  • Bulb onion 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil 30 ml
  • Champignon 150 g
  • Boiled chicken 300 g
  • Ground black pepper to taste


To prepare dumplings with meat and mushrooms, we need the following products: flour, hot water, salt, sunflower oil, boiled meat (I have chicken), onions and champignons. Sift the flour. Salt.

Add refined sunflower oil. Pour hot water into flour with salt and sunflower oil, but not boiling water. Its temperature should be about 65–70 degrees C. Knead a hard, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. It is a pleasure to work with him. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

While the dough is resting, we make the filling for the dumplings. Peel, wash and chop the onions. Pour a little into the pan sunflower oil and fry the onions until golden brown. We clean the champignons, wash them and chop them very finely.

Add the mushrooms to the chopped onion in the pan. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Grind the boiled meat. I have a chicken. Combine chopped meat with onions and mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste, mix. The filling is ready. Cut off a small piece from the dough and roll it into a layer. Cut out the mugs with a glass or cup. In each circle we put a filling of boiled meat, mushrooms and onions. We make dumplings.

This is how we deal with all the dough and filling. From the specified amount of ingredients, 40 pieces of dumplings are obtained. We send dumplings to boiling salted water. As soon as the dumplings come up, cook them for another 7-10 minutes.

Some boil for only one minute or take it out right away. In this case, they will still be raw. Dumplings with boiled meat and mushrooms are ready.

We serve them with sour cream for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Bon Appetit!

Dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms and fried onions

When you roll out blanks for dumplings from the dough, stack them on top of each other, lightly dusting with flour, and be sure to cover with a towel or film so that the edges do not dry out. If you want the dumplings to be perfectly the same, roll out the dough into a 2 mm thick layer and cut the circles out with a glass.


  • 500 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 large onion, to serve
  • For filling:
  • 300 g potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 60 g champignons
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper


For the dough, sift the flour with a slide, make a "well" depression, add an egg, 10 ml of butter, salt. Knead the dough, gradually adding 175 ml of water and another 10 ml of oil. Let the dough sit under the towel for 30 minutes.

Cook the potatoes until soft, rub in mashed potatoes. Cut onion and mushrooms into cubes, fry in oil, 10 minutes, mix with mashed potatoes, salt. Cut the onion into thin rings for serving, fry in a large amount of oil until crisp, pat dry on paper towels.

Cut the dough into pieces, roll into sausages with a diameter of 4 cm, cut across 1 cm pieces, roll out round cakes, dusting them with flour. Stack on top of each other. Place a spoonful of the filling in the center of each tortilla. Join the edges, pinch, and place on a tray. Before cooking, dumplings can be frozen for 30 minutes. Boil the dumplings in salted boiling water for 8-12 minutes. Serve the dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms and fried onions.

Dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms


  • white cabbage - 300 g
  • mushrooms - 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • wheat flour - 265 g
  • milk - 300 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil, salt


  1. Sift 2 cups of flour into a deep bowl, add 300 grams of milk and 1 egg, salt and knead the dough. We leave it for half an hour.
  2. Chop the onions and mushrooms, chop the cabbage. Fry the onions, cabbage and mushrooms separately until golden brown, combine everything and salt to taste. Let the future filling cool.
  3. We put a pot of water on the fire. We return to the test. We divide it into equal parts, which we roll thinly and cut out circles from them. We fill these circles with the cooled filling and connect the edges.
  4. Throw dumplings into boiling salted water. As soon as the water boils again, reduce the heat to medium and let simmer for 5-7 minutes. Dumplings stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms are ready. Bon Appetit!

Secrets of delicious dumplings

  • How to cook delicious dumplings, as they say, "lick your fingers"? Tips for beginners and advanced cooks:
  • Pre-boil the water for the dough and cool.
  • If there is too much flour in the dough, then it is difficult to sculpt neat dumplings from it, and this will affect the taste. Therefore, flour should be introduced in small portions to control the consistency.
  • Dumplings can be cooked in water or steamed. And you can form dumplings not only by hand, but also with the help of a dumpling machine.
  • Frying onion is a traditional addition to the dish. The onion cut into half rings is fried in oil until golden brown and laid on top of the dumplings.
  • The filling can be prepared with both fresh and dried, frozen and pickled mushrooms.
  • Instead of champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and other mushrooms that you like are suitable.
  • If you haven't finished eating the dumplings, then you can fry them in oil until golden brown. You will get a more high-calorie, but very tasty dish.

More recipes for making dumplings with different fillings, you can find, and. Spoil homemade dumplings self made... You will see, everyone will be satisfied!

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