Home Bakery Corn porridge with mushrooms recipe. Corn porridge with mushrooms. interesting fact about corn instead of an epilogue

Corn porridge with mushrooms recipe. Corn porridge with mushrooms. interesting fact about corn instead of an epilogue

step by step recipe with photo

Scientists say that it was thanks to the cultivation of corn that the ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations flourished. This is easy to believe, given the culinary possibilities of its grains and productivity, even if the ears of ancient corn were several times smaller than modern ones.

Corn came to Europe only ten thousand years after the beginning of its cultivation, but was quickly appreciated on its merits, becoming in some countries and regions national dish: in Moldova, for example, they eat corn hominy, in Western Ukraine - banush, in Italy - polenta.

Banush is corn porridge boiled in water, milk or sour cream and seasoned mushroom sauce and dry sheep cheese. We will prepare a similar dish today.


  • corn grits - 1 tbsp.
  • butter - 50-100 g
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • champignons - 100-200 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • pepper, salt


1. Measure out a glass of cereal and rinse it in a deep bowl 3-4 times.

2. Pour 700 ml of water into a narrow saucepan and cook the porridge over very low heat until all the water has boiled away. Be prepared for the porridge to stick to the bottom, even if you stir it often. It is better not to interfere with the cereal at all and not to lift the stuck pieces, but watch the fire so that the stuck ball does not burn, otherwise it will spoil not only the pan, but also the porridge with the smell of smoke. Before the end of cooking, salt the grits and put half of the butter on it.

3. Cut the boiled champignons into several pieces.

4. Fry them in vegetable oil along with onions.

Cooking time: 40 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Servings: 4

Cuisines: European

Type of dish: second courses
, side dishes

The recipe is suitable for:
post, dinner, lunch.

Ingredients for the recipe Corn porridge with mushrooms":

Water 2 tbsp. Corn grits 0.5 tbsp. Bulb onion 1 pc. Refined sunflower oil 3 tbsp. l. Carrot 1 pc. Salt 0.75 tsp. Garlic 1 clove Fresh champignons 250 g

Cooking corn porridge with mushrooms

Many different dishes can be prepared from corn, ranging from soups to sweets, for example, corn sticks. Corn just goes well with other products, so it is widely used for salads, casseroles, stews.

Corn groats are also very popular with housewives. Porridge prepared from such cereals can be served with milk, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables. Today I propose to cook corn porridge with mushrooms. The dish turns out bright, satisfying and tasty.

Cooking recipe "Corn porridge with mushrooms":

Step 1

For work, we need corn grits, water, salt, sunflower oil, onions, carrots, garlic, mushrooms.

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Step 2

Rinse corn grits (0.5 cups) well in cold water. Let the water drain.

Step 3

Bring water (2 cups) together with salt (0.5 tsp) to a boil. Pour the prepared cereal into the water. Mix. Cook, stirring, 20 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, wrap in a blanket or terry towel for 15 minutes to evaporate.

Step 4

In the meantime, peel the onion (1 piece), cut into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) until transparent.

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Step 5

Add 1 carrot, peeled and grated on a coarse grater, to the onion. Simmer, stirring, until the vegetables are soft (approximately 10-12 minutes). At the end, add salt (0.25 tsp) and mix.

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Step 6

In another pan with sunflower oil(1 tbsp), in parallel, fry the peeled and cut into small pieces of champignons (250 g) until tender. At the end, add peeled and finely chopped garlic (1 clove), mix and cook for another 1 minute.

Corn (maize) is the oldest cultivated plant.

During excavations in Mexico City, corn pollen was found, which is 55 thousand years old!

Corn porridge (mamaliga) with mushrooms and onions

vegetarian, seasoned with herbs,
(original recipe for a lean but hearty meal)

Dishes from corn chips (finely chopped cereals) are among many peoples. For example, hominy, banosh, abysta or polenta are versatile, satisfying, and, most importantly, healthy foods. They serve calling card those nationalities where they are prepared. Yes, originally, like many famous dishes, these folk know-how were designed to quickly, cheaply and satisfyingly feed. However, the versatility of using ground corn grits, I emphasize once again, its benefits and taste have suited many people around the world, even those who were initially deprived of this pleasure for geographical or other reasons.
And, if you have not yet become fans of this dish, I suggest you cook this porridge once, and I guarantee that you will make it a permanent part of your home diet.
The main thing is not to buy "fodder" cereals, instead of high-quality grain. The grain should be finely ground, uniform and uniform in color, it should be “yellow”, without white patches. Corn, ground into flour, is also a good thing, but it is not suitable for porridge. Rather, it is suitable for Abkhazian abasta and Italian polenta.
Our components:
3 glasses of water
1 cup crushed corn grits
0.5 kg - mushrooms,
0.5 kg - onions,
Olive or vegetable oil - 100 ml,
What we do:
First, clean the mushrooms and onions. And fry in vegetable oil until cooked in a pan. Since the seasoning for porridge takes longer to cook than the porridge itself, we start with mushrooms and onions. Then we traditionally wash the cereal in several waters. It does not need to be washed as long as rice, but even without washing, I do not cook it. And, meanwhile, three glasses of slightly salted water boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. We fall asleep porridge and constantly stir it. It is better not to take risks, and do not leave the porridge. Moreover, it boils over low heat for only ten minutes, a maximum of twelve. After that, turn off the fire under the pan, add a few spoons vegetable oil from a pan with fried mushrooms and onions, mix for the last time, but do not remove from the stove. We let stand under a tightly closed lid for another five to seven minutes. Then put on plates and add mushrooms with onions and herbs to taste. They eat porridge warm, if you have not calculated the portions, and you have porridge left, then in the morning cut it into pieces and fry it on all sides - you will get corn tortillas. Also yummy.

- interesting fact about corn instead of an epilogue:

Surprisingly, no wild-growing ancestors (or sisters and other relatives) have ever been found in corn.

She seemed to have always been cultured.

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