Home Drinks and cocktails What to cook from salmon meat. Fried salmon fillet. Salmon fillet fried in a pan

What to cook from salmon meat. Fried salmon fillet. Salmon fillet fried in a pan

salmon in cream sauce in the oven

Cook fragrant red fish at home just like in a restaurant? Easy! Salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven will captivate your family and guests with its appetizing appearance, light fragrance greenery and amazing taste of juicy gourmet fish. And to make this culinary masterpiece is not so difficult, the main thing is to withstand the temperature and select only the highest quality ingredients.

Baked salmon in the oven

There are thousands of ways to cook fragrant and delicious baked salmon in the oven, every housewife knows how to give this fish a pleasant aroma, rich flavor and make fish meat tender. We present to you one of the most simple recipes cooking red fish - Baked salmon in the oven!

Salmon in a slow cooker

Salmon is a wonderful fish that can brighten up an ordinary dinner or even a festive table. And salmon in a slow cooker is generally a separate conversation. Firstly, this dish is very quick and easy to prepare thanks to an electrical appliance. Secondly, the steaks are very tender, fragrant and, of course, tasty. And thirdly, this fish is rich in minerals and vitamins, which are so necessary for our body. So that Bon appetit!

Salmon in a slow cooker

The world of kitchen appliances has long conquered us with its variety and dishes prepared with its help. All these unique devices not only help to create exceptional delicious food, but also reduce the entire cooking process by two or even three times, which greatly simplifies the life of a modern person. And today we present to your attention a great dish called "Salmon in a slow cooker"!

Lemon rosemary salmon

Lemon - rosemary salmon is a delicious dish that can be served not only for lunch or dinner, but also on the festive table. Lemon gives the fish an appetizing citrus note and pleasant sourness, while rosemary brings piquancy and its own special bouquet of aromas to the dish. At the same time, preparing this dish will not be difficult, so let's get started.

Salmon in lemon juice

Everyone has long known that salmon is useful and very delicious fish, which saturates our body with essential trace elements. Dishes from it are obtained "with a bang." What is worth trying salmon in lemon juice! This dish will leave behind only admiration and good mood, because the fish turns out to be tender, juicy, with a light citrus aroma.

Salmon steak with sauce

Of course, the steak is prepared from meat and mainly from beef, but what prevents you from cooking it from nutritious and tasty fish - salmon. And if you add it spicy sauce from mushrooms, you get a delicious dish that can also be served on the festive table. After all, a salmon steak with sauce turns out to be very appetizing, fragrant, and most importantly so tasty that you just lick your fingers.

Fried salmon fillet

Every fish has its own special recipe cooking, which emphasizes the advantages and advantages of this particular fish. Salmon (lat. Salmo salar) or, as it is also called, noble salmon is the most famous and beautiful type of salmon. It has many different cooking options. It is easy to cook this fish, it is almost impossible to spoil it. Basically, they are used to doing it on the grill or bake in the oven, and I will tell you how to make fried salmon fillet.

Steamed fish in a slow cooker

We live in a world of electronic technology, which has long become an indispensable assistant in solving many household tasks, such as storing food, cleaning, washing and even cooking. Some kitchen appliances are so perfect that they help to create divine culinary masterpieces, while reducing the work process by several times. And right today we will use just such a machine, we are preparing a dish called fish in a slow cooker for a couple! Simple, ingenious and tasteful!

Salmon nuggets with vegetables

Salmon nuggets with vegetables are a tasty and healthy replacement for boring cutlets. Fresh in summer, thanks to the addition of zucchini, they will definitely conquer you from the first bite. Still would! Such a beautiful and tasty fish as salmon is good in any form, but it is in this dish that it reveals its taste to the maximum.

Salmon steak in a pan

Salmon - tender, tasty and useful fish. Steaks from this fish can be cooked in different ways - on the grill, baked in the oven, or simply fried. I want to tell you and show you how to make a salmon steak in a pan.

Cutlets from red and white fish

Cutlets from red and white fish are a delicious dish for adherents of a healthy diet. It will take only 20-25 minutes to cook them, and you will get 100% pleasure. This dish is the perfect breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Salmon in the oven with vegetables

We present to your attention a simple, appetizing, as well as fragrant dish, which will appeal to all lovers of fish and gifts of nature - this is salmon in the oven with vegetables. Very often it is recommended for those who follow a certain diet, or people who prefer a healthy lifestyle. To make this yummy, you will need an hour of your free time, the products indicated in the recipe and the desire to feed your family with a healthy lunch or dinner, if you have everything you need, you can start the process!

Baked salmon in a slow cooker

Baked salmon in a slow cooker is a great opportunity to pamper your loved one at lunch or dinner. Tender, juicy fish just melts in your mouth! In addition, it is very useful, as it contains many vitamins and essential substances. Therefore, having prepared a fish dish, you will not only brighten up a wonderful evening, but also recharge the body of people close to you with energy, strength and health. Bon appetit everyone!

Salmon with potatoes in a slow cooker

Salmon with potatoes in a slow cooker - very tasty and tender dish, which can be treated to a loved one, for example, on Valentine's Day or a birthday. The main thing is that it is done quite quickly, and not only because an electrical appliance comes to the rescue, but all the ingredients are cooked for a maximum of 20-30 minutes, especially fish. Thanks to the properties of the multicooker, salmon and potatoes retain more vitamins than if we baked everything in the oven.

Salmon in foil in a slow cooker

Very often, when making this or that dish, we think more about its taste and aroma, but we don’t think about the benefits at all. But it is worth remembering that food is not only a pleasant delicacy that saturates the stomach, in part, all foods are a medicine that helps the human body to function well. For example, everyone knows that red fish is insanely appetizing in all forms, be it fried, salted, smoked, baked or pickled, and it also contains a lot useful substances: fats, acids, minerals, vitamins, so you should make sure that this fish is a frequent guest on the table. And today we will cook a wonderful dish called salmon in foil in a slow cooker!

Salmon steak in the oven (without foil)

In fact, a steak is nothing more than a piece of beef. Moreover, the invention is purely American. Some researchers believe that the steak is perhaps the only contribution of the inhabitants of this country to the culinary culture. Let the experts deal with it. And we, culinary specialists, are an inventive people. So today we will try to cook fish steak, but not from any fish, but from salmon. And not on the grid, as in traditional recipes but in a conventional oven. I assure you, it will turn out, firstly, very tasty, secondly, relatively inexpensively, and thirdly, simply. For those who love delicious food, but value their time, a salmon steak in the oven is a real find.

Salmon on the grill

Trips to nature or the countryside are often accompanied by the preparation of traditional meat kebabs, but grilled salmon turns out to be no less tasty. After all, the tender meat of this fish with fragrant garlic and spices can compete with any meat dish. In addition, salmon is very useful for our body.

Salmon for a couple

Are you a healthy and proper nutrition but still love delicious food fast food? If yes, then steamed salmon will delight you with its simplicity, excellent appetizing and divine aroma. In order to create this miracle of cooking, you will need some free time, the most simple products and of course an electric, bamboo or stationary steamer!

If you need to serve something tasty, refined, and at the same time not too banal to the festive table, then the favorite “royal” fish of Russian tsars, salmon, will help you out.
The content of the article:

Salmon needs no introduction. She is known and loved, for refined taste, many. Well, the comprehensive benefits of fish have long been scientifically proven. Due to the huge number of trace elements, it is able to strengthen the immune system, normalize arterial pressure, improve memory, liver and digestive system. And recent studies have proven that regular consumption of salmon is an excellent prevention of cancer and thrombophlebitis.

In addition, salmon is rich in vitamin B6, which during PMS, menopause and pregnancy significantly improves the condition of internal female organs, preventing the risk of developing gynecological cancers. For men, this vitamin is also useful, especially in solving infertility problems. Vitamin D found in fish strengthens muscle and bone tissue, E is an excellent antioxidant, B 12 improves blood condition.

How to choose salmon?

The most useful salmon, according to experts, is wild, caught in reservoirs. But in the modern world, we are more often faced with artificially grown individuals. How exactly they are grown remains a mystery to us, so we have to trust the conscience of the producers.

In order for the use of salmon to really benefit our health, it is advisable to buy fresh fish. It should not have a pronounced fishy aroma. If one is present, then it is better to refuse the purchase. And since salmon must be stored under certain conditions, preference should be given to those stores that have a certificate for the storage of such products.

In a fresh carcass, the sides and belly should be a bright silver color, and the back should be black and iridescent. The salmon is black with colored spots, says that it was caught during the spawning period. The meat of such an individual is tasteless and has practically no useful properties.

It would seem, well, what could be easier than cooking a salmon steak? I took it, put it on the grill, frying pan or oven - and all the love. However, even such a seemingly elementary case, it turns out, has nuances.
  1. It is advisable to marinate salmon, fillets or steaks before cooking. The marinade will make it softer and give it a special taste.
  2. For marinade use fresh lemon juice, vegetable or olive oil, aromatic herbs (thyme, rosemary, cilantro), salt and pepper. They perfectly complement the taste of salmon. But here it is important not to overdo it with spices, so that they do not interrupt the taste of the fish and spoil the dish.
  3. Only 15-20 minutes will be enough to marinate the fish. If it is overcooked, it may fall apart during cooking. Since the acid of lemon juice, while frying the fish, destroys the protein in its cells, from which the meat becomes softer and begins to disintegrate.
  4. The cooking temperature is determined “by touch” - it will be difficult to hold your palm over a frying pan or barbecue. In the oven, the temperature is usually chosen - 180 ° C.
  5. The degree of roasting of the fish is determined by pressing its flesh with a finger, which should spring. You can also pierce the surface of the finished fish, if the protein comes out, then it is ready.
  6. So that the fish does not stick to the pan or grate, they should be warmed up well, and the baking sheet oven brush lightly with oil.

How long to bake salmon steak?

Thanks to the simple and fast way cooking salmon, it is often called a food that cannot be spoiled. This fish is salted, fried, rolled, marinated and baked. But the most popular recipe is tender baked steaks. However, not everyone knows how long to cook them so that they remain soft, juicy, tender and not overdried.

Basically, the cooking time of salmon depends on the size of the piece. Most often, for steaks 2.5 cm thick, from 5 (for medium frying) to 10 minutes is enough. If the fish is baked whole, it will take 25-30 minutes.

5 baked salmon recipes

Healthy and tasty salmon is gradually becoming a favorite among all types of fish. Today, it is sold in any supermarket at an affordable price, which allows you to buy it more often and eat nutritious lunches or dinners. Of the many cooking options for salmon, one of the most common is baking it. But this type of heat treatment can be varied. For example, salmon is baked in the oven as a whole, sirloins, steaks, in a sleeve or foil, just on a baking sheet, in marinades, with vegetables, etc. It remains only for us to choose the appropriate option from such a variety. To this end, we have selected several interesting recipes which we hope you enjoy.

1. Cooking salmon steak in a pan

Among the huge options, one cannot help but stop at a simple and proven recipe for cooking salmon in a pan. This is a win-win option that can be cooked at home no worse than in famous restaurants.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 242 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Fresh frozen salmon steak - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking salmon steak:

  1. Wash the steak pieces, dry with a cotton towel or napkins, wipe with salt, black pepper and sprinkle with fresh lemon juice.

  • Pour the olive oil into a deep container and dip the fish slices in it on both sides.
  • Heat a frying pan with olive oil and put the fish to fry.
  • Fry the fish on one side for about 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Then turn over and fry for the same amount of time.
  • When the crust on the second side is almost ready, reduce the heat by half, cover the pan with a lid and keep the fish on the stove for 3-5 minutes.
  • Put the finished salmon steak on plates and gather your family for dinner. Do not forget to drink a glass of fresh water 30 minutes before a meal, this will greatly improve your digestion.
  • 2. Cooking in the oven

    Baked salmon in the oven is a delicious dish that suits absolutely everyone, including. and those who are on a diet or are on diet food. Such an easy-to-cook dish at home proves once again that food can be not only tasty, but also very healthy.


    • Salmon steaks - 750 g
    • Provence herbs - 2 tbsp.
    • Juice of one lemon
    • Salt - to taste
    Cooking salmon in the oven:
    1. Wash the steaks and pat dry with paper towels.
    2. Mix salt with Provencal herbs and rub the fish with this mixture.
    3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour over the steaks and leave them to marinate for 15-20 minutes.
    4. After the allotted time, wrap each piece separately from each other tightly in foil so that there are no holes and place on a dry baking sheet.
    5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the salmon to bake for 20 minutes. Then unfold the foil and leave it in the oven for another 5 minutes.
    6. Serve the fish on a platter, drizzling with lemon juice.

    3. Recipe for a couple

    Many people know that steamed food is the healthiest. This method of heat treatment allows you to save all the vitamins, valuable and nutrients in the product. steamed salmon steak good idea to get not only a tasty and juicy dish, but also much healthier than other home-cooked options.


    • Salmon steaks - 2 pcs.
    • A mixture of any dried herbs to taste - 1 tbsp.
    • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper- taste
    Steaming salmon:
    1. Wash salmon steaks, dry and wipe with dried herbs, such as Provencal.
    2. Then season the fish with salt and ground pepper. Well, since we have a recipe for healthy food, it is better to use sea salt.
    3. Drizzle the salmon with olive oil and rub it well so that the oil penetrates the fish fibers.
    4. If you have a steamer, use it following the cooking instructions that come with the appliance. Well, if such a technique is not available, pick up a pot of water and put it on the stove. Put the fish steaks in a colander, which close the lid. When the water in the pan boils, put a colander with fish on it, while boiling water should not touch the surface of the container with salmon.
    5. Cook the fish in this way for about 10 minutes. Then serve it with a light vegetable side dish, and, if desired, complement the meal with white wine and your favorite sauce.

    4. Recipe for cooking salmon in foil

    As mentioned above, salmon in cooking is one of the most the best fish. It is difficult to spoil or not cook correctly. It will always be tasty and juicy, especially if it is baked in foil, and even with vegetables and cheese.


    • Salmon steaks - 700 g
    • Tomato - 1 pc.
    • Dill greens - 20 g
    • Parmesan cheese - 50 g
    • Mayonnaise - 40 ml
    • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
    • Vegetable oil - 1–2 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    Cooking salmon in foil:
    1. Wash the steaks in cool water and pat dry with paper towels. Salt each piece on both sides, pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave the fish to marinate for 15 minutes.
    2. Wash the tomatoes, dry and thinly slice into rings.
    3. Wash the dill and chop finely.
    4. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
    5. When all the products are prepared, start collecting the fish dish. Cut the required size of the foil and put the salmon steak on it. Sprinkle the fish with chopped dill. Put tomato slices on top, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with oil and cover with a small strip of mayonnaise.
    6. Wrap the fish in foil and put it in the oven to bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. You can bake salmon in a similar way on coals.

    5. How to fry a salmon steak at home quickly

    What should be the meat of perfectly cooked salmon? Appetizing ruddy on the outside and tenderly heavenly on the inside. To achieve this effect, there is a simple way to cook salmon at home, while spending no more than 7 minutes of time.


    • Salmon steak - 1 pc.
    • Seasoning for fish - 0.5 tsp
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • White dry wine- 50 ml.
    • Refined vegetable oil - for frying
    Cooking fish steak at home:
    1. Wash the salmon fillet, dry it with a paper towel and wipe it with seasoning for fish. This will give the salmon a more pronounced taste.
    2. Also season the fish with salt and pepper.
    3. Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil and heat very well over high heat.
    4. Put the fish in a pan, and for 1 minute on the same high heat, fry it on one side. Then, turn over and fry it on the reverse side for about 45 seconds until lightly browned. The fish should acquire an appetizing appearance, without the formation of a hard, fried crust.
    5. Then pour 50 ml of dry white wine. Reduce the heat to the smallest, cover the pan tightly with a lid and cook the fish for another 5 minutes. After such processing, salmon steaks will be incredibly tender, and at the same time appetizingly toasted.
    6. Spread fish splendor on a dish and serve immediately. But if you want to get 100% roast, then let the fish stand in the pan with the stove turned off for 5 minutes, this will not affect its taste and tenderness in any way.
    And here is a video recipe on how to cook trout / salmon and tips from chef Ilya Lazerson:

    Salmon or salmon is the favorite fish of average Russians. The taste of fish is self-sufficient and does not require sauces, and cooking does not take much time. Salads, first and second courses, cold and hot appetizers are prepared from salmon.

    This fish contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, E and group B, including omega-3 fatty acid. These substances enter the human body within an hour after consumption. Thus, the inclusion of salmon dishes in the diet reduces cholesterol levels, improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the figure, despite the calorie content, since salmon fats do not accumulate in the human body.

    Salmon also has disadvantages that require special attention. Firstly, according to research, salmon can accumulate mercury in meat during its life. Second, to improve appearance product, with artificial breeding, the fish is tinted or fed with coloring substances, which is harmful to humans. Therefore, it is important to choose the right steaks and carcasses when buying.

    How to choose salmon

    It is important to determine the freshness of the fish, but this factor is not the only main criterion. No less necessary will be the definition of the type of fish: salmon or salmon. Unscrupulous sellers are sometimes cunning and give out tinted cheap fish for salmon, and tinting is harmful both to human health and to the taste of the dish.
    Today the store shelves are full different fish. These are fresh, chilled or frozen carcasses, cut and not cut, fillets, portioned steaks "pieces", which are equal in thickness to 2-3 steaks, as well as the tail and head, suitable for cooking first courses.

    If salmon is represented by a whole carcass, take a closer look at the head. Salmon have a pointed head. In addition, large scales, and there are no black dots on the surface, like a trout. Pay close attention to the following settings:

    • The color of the fillet is a bright or pale shade. Preference should be given to pale fish, because. there is a high probability that such fish is grown in natural conditions. But this parameter is not accurate, because many factors affect the color of meat. The "correct" fish has white streaks;
    • Date of cutting or packing. Chilled fish is stored for 14 days;
      Structure chilled meat elastic, does not deform when pressed with a finger;
    • Another indicator of the freshness of uncut fish is the eyes. In fresh fish, the eyes are clear, not cloudy, and the tail is wet. Also pay attention to the shine of the fish. If it shines excessively, the fish has probably been chemically treated to extend its shelf life;
    • Naturally, the carcass should not be slippery, and the packaging should not be torn or damaged;
    • Fresh fish smells like the sea.

    Salmon in the oven with lemon

    • Salmon steak 3 pcs.
    • Lemon 1 pc.
    • Sprigs of fresh rosemary 6 pcs.
    • Olive oil.

    We cut one half of the lemon in half and cut into circles, and squeeze the juice from the second and sprinkle the steaks.

    Put lemon slices on the foil, and rosemary sprigs on top. We put a steak on this pillow, and then rosemary and lemon again. Spray with olive oil.

    If fresh rosemary is not available, then mix lemon juice with olive oil, salt and dry seasoning. We rub the steak with this mixture, put the lemon slices.

    We wrap it in foil and put the fish in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Also, fish steaks in foil are cooked on a charcoal grill. Serve with different side dishes to taste.

    Salmon steaks with vegetables

    • fish steaks 3 pcs.
    • frozen vegetable mix 300 gr
    • sour cream 2 tbsp
    • salt and spices - to taste

    Rub the steaks with a mixture of salt and spices to taste, leave to soak for 5-7 minutes. For impregnation and aroma we use black pepper, suneli, a mixture provencal herbs, rosemary or lemon pepper.

    Transfer the marinated steaks to a baking dish and set aside. vegetable mixture or cauliflower, broccoli, after boiling for three minutes. For onions, lotus cutting is preferred.

    Pour the fish with sour cream, salt. Cover the baking dish with a lid or wrap with foil. We send it to the oven for 20-25 minutes. The dish is served as an independent dish with a cup of boiled rice.

    Salmon fillet or steaks with mustard


    • salmon fillet or steaks - 2 pcs.
    • mustard sauce - 6-7 tsp
    • salt - to taste.

    Rinse salmon or salmon meat and blot with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Then we rub the prepared pieces with salt and generously coat with the finished mustard sauce.
    We tightly wrap each portioned piece in culinary foil and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. Then we change the oven mode to grill and remove the foil so that the fish is browned for another 5 minutes.

    Salmon with rice in foil

    • salmon steaks 2 pcs.
    • rice 200 gr
    • bulb 1 pc.
    • carrot 1 pc.
    • 1/2 lemon
    • salt, white ground pepper

    Steaks prepare: defrost, wash and dry with paper towels. Drizzle the meat with the juice of 1/2 lemon, lightly salt and pepper.

    Boil the rice in salted water until half cooked, reducing the instructions on the package by half, put it in a colander and let the excess water drain.

    Cut onions and carrots into cubes and sauté with the addition of vegetable oil, then mix with boiled rice.

    Form envelopes out of cooking foil and lightly grease with vegetable oil. Put the rice-vegetable mixture on the bottom of each envelope, put the steak on top. Roll up tightly and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

    Salmon in the oven with potatoes

    • Piece of salmon carcass 500 gr
    • Potatoes 5-6 pcs.
    • Cream 20-25% 300 ml
    • Garlic 2 cloves.
    • Juice of 1/4 lemon
    • Nutmeg on the tip of a knife
    • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
    • Dill - a few sprigs

    Rinse the salmon, pat dry with paper towels, cut off the skin and remove the bones. Cut the prepared fillet into small slices 5-7 mm thick. Place the fish in a colander, squeeze the lemon juice on top (the excess will drain off) and season with spices to taste.

    Boil the potatoes in their skins until soft, peel and cut into slices. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil, lay salmon slices and potato circles.

    Top with sauce of cream and chopped dill and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.

    Salmon with tomatoes in the oven

    Salmon steaks baked in the oven are the most tender in taste with a pleasant structure. Cooking the dish is similar to the recipe for salmon with cheese. The only difference is in the sauce with which the pieces of fish are lubricated.

    • salmon fillet on the skin 500 gr
    • sour cream 2 tbsp. l.
    • mustard sauce 1 tsp
    • onion 3 pcs.
    • cheese durum varieties 50-70 gr
    • tomatoes 2-3 pcs.
    • salt, black ground pepper
    • olive oil for frying

    Rinse the fish and pat dry with paper towels. Make cross cuts without cutting through the skin, salt and pepper.

    Peel the onion and chop into half rings. Saute in olive oil until caramelized and place on the bottom of a baking dish.

    Mix sour cream with sauce, coat the salmon fillet. Place the prepared fish on onion pillow and bake for 20 minutes at 190 degrees in a preheated oven. Sprinkle with grated cheese and top with sliced ​​tomatoes.

    Or the salmon family

    Fish belonging to the salmon family are very tender and tasty meat. They live both in the seas and oceans, and in the rivers of the Northern Hemisphere. The most famous and noble types of salmon fish are salmon and trout. Chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, etc. are also very popular. But salmon is the "queen" of salmon. Its meat is lean, very tasty and healthy. Salmon eats small fish and shrimps, so its meat has a bright pink-red color. The content of omega-3 acids in it is several times higher than in other varieties of fish. Due to this, the use of this fish in food helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, helps the brain work. Dishes from salmon are recommended by doctors for heart disease, Alzheimer's disease. It is easily digestible and provides twice as many calories as other fish. This is, in fact, a delicacy, and salmon dishes are excellent in taste. Let's get to know the most simple recipes her preparation.

    Lightly salted salmon

    You will need fish, salt and pepper. Clean the fish from scales and entrails, cut off the head, rinse well. Cut along the ridge, remove large bones. On cling film, generously sprinkled with salt, put the prepared fish fillet, and be sure to skin down. Salt generously on top. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 24 hours. After that, the salmon should be washed from salt and can be served at the table, cut into pieces.

    Second courses from salmon

    To preserve the taste, it is better to bake the fish in the oven. It is very good to take salmon steak for this. You will need: food foil, salmon, salt, pepper.


    For a steak, you need the middle of a fish carcass. Sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper and brush a little with vegetable oil. It is very good to use ready-made spices for fish. If nothing is on hand, dill will do. You can cut the onion into rings and put on top of the fish. Wrap the salmon in foil and put in the oven for half an hour. To get a crust on the surface of a salmon steak, tear the foil 10 minutes before the end of cooking. A very tasty crust will turn out if the steak is sprinkled with a little grated cheese. You can fry the same steak in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Prepare the sauce for the salmon dish. Take yogurt or cream, add lemon juice, some olive or vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Chop the dill very finely and add to the sauce. You can pour in a little white table wine. Mix everything thoroughly and serve.

    Salmon barbecue

    It is very tasty, refined and simple dish. It can be cooked at home in a skillet. You will need salmon, sweet pepper, olive oil, salt and ground pepper. Marinade products: grain mustard, lemon juice, honey. After preparing the marinade, put pieces of salmon in it for half an hour. Cut the sweet pepper into pieces. Pieces of fish should be strung on wooden skewers, alternating with pieces of bell pepper, sprinkle everything with salt and ground pepper. Put the skewers in a preheated pan with olive oil and fry on each side for 3 minutes. Serve the finished kebab with lettuce and lemon slices. You can cook these delicious dishes from salmon and trout, as the meat of these fish is very similar in palatability and appearance.

    Although red fish is prepared in a variety of ways, in this article I will tell you how to cook salmon in the oven. Culinary masterpieces cooked from this fish in the oven are very useful. Nutritionists recommend eating them in winter, when the body suffers most from a lack of vitamins.

    It is not surprising that it is present on almost every holiday table, because preparing a steak or fillet is as simple as a goose in the oven. It needs no introduction at all, since many people know the taste of salmon. As for the comprehensive benefits of red fish, it has been proven for a long time.

    Classic cream recipe

    Tired of standing at the stove for a long time? Do you want to quickly prepare a dish that is both tasty and fragrant at the same time? It takes less than half an hour to bake in cream. It's quick to prepare and delicious!


    Servings: 6

    • salmon 1 kg
    • cream 250 ml
    • hard cheese 50 g
    • butter 1 st. l.
    • Dill 1 branch
    • ground black pepper taste
    • salt to taste

    per serving

    Calories: 110 kcal

    Proteins: 15.3 g

    Fats: 4.9 g

    Carbohydrates: 1.1 g

    25 min. Video recipe Print

      I generously grease the baking dish with oil, put the steak or fillet, salt and pepper.

      Sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped dill. I pour cream.

      I send the form to the oven for about a quarter of an hour. The temperature is 200 degrees.

    If you try to find an easier recipe, nothing will come of it. Salmon in cream has a divine taste, and the aroma cannot be conveyed in words. Compared only to the smell of baked rabbit.

    Cooking on a vegetable bed

    Wonderful red fish is cooked different ways at home. Let's talk about cooking salmon fillet on a vegetable pillow. The dish has an exquisite taste, delicious aroma and is ideal for the New Year's menu.


    • salmon - 500 g;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 head;
    • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • soy sauce- 3 tbsp. l.;
    • dry white wine - 1 glass;
    • spices, salt, parsley.


    1. I skin the whole salmon. After tweezers or hands with fillets, I remove the bones. I season the steaks with spices and salt.
    2. Finely chop garlic, parsley, onion and half a bell pepper. I cut the zucchini and carrots into rings, and the second half of the pepper into strips.
    3. I send the chopped vegetables and herbs to a bowl, salt, pour sauce, wine. I add some olive oil and mix everything well. It makes a wonderful marinade.
    4. I put foil on the bottom of the baking dish. Then I lay out the vegetables in layers. First of all, zucchini, then carrots, and finally bell pepper. I make sure that the size of the vegetable pillow matches the size of the fish. I season each layer with marinade.
    5. I put salmon on top of the vegetables, season with marinade, wrap the foil in an envelope. I seal all edges tightly so that liquid does not leak during baking. I make as many envelopes as there are pieces.
    6. I send the form with envelopes to the oven for 10 minutes. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees.

    Fish with vegetables cooks quickly and does not require much effort. At the same time, the dish will easily become a decoration of any table.

    Delicious salmon with potatoes and mushrooms

    I, like any cook, have my secret dishes. I will share the recipe for one of them - salmon with potatoes and mushrooms. Agree, it sounds amazing, but it tastes ... In general, let's go.


    • salmon - 400 g;
    • potatoes - 500 g;
    • mushrooms - 200 g;
    • onion - 1 head;
    • sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
    • mayonnaise, lemon, pepper, salt.


    1. I peel the potatoes and cook until half cooked. Wash the mushrooms, cut into small pieces.
    2. I fry onions and mushrooms in sunflower oil for 5 minutes until half cooked. Then I mix it with potatoes.
    3. I heat the baking dish in the oven and grease with oil. I spread potatoes and onions with mushrooms.
    4. Bell pepper cut into slices, place on top of potatoes. I generously grease everything with mayonnaise.
    5. I cut the fish into portioned steaks, wash, sprinkle with salt and pepper, pour over with lemon juice.
    6. I put the steaks on potatoes, grease with mayonnaise. Place a slice of lemon on top of each.
    7. I send the baking sheet along with the contents to the oven, where I bake for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

    A recipe with potatoes and mushrooms will help you quickly and easily prepare a tasty and satisfying treat for a family feast.

    Cooking with curd cream


    • salmon - 2 pieces;
    • lemon - 0.25 pcs.;
    • olive oil - 35 g;
    • yogurt - 125 ml;
    • cottage cheese - 200 g;
    • spices, herbs.


    1. Squeeze lemon juice into a large bowl, add spices, olive oil.
    2. I rub the pieces of salmon with the resulting mixture and send them to a baking sheet covered with foil. I always cover the foil in two layers. I cover with foil on all sides, especially if I cook whole.
    3. I send the form to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
    4. While baking, do curd cream. To do this, finely chop the greens. I salt the cottage cheese, knead it with a fork, mix it with chopped herbs and yogurt.
    5. I serve the finished treat on the table along with the cream.

    Cooking salmon is a very simple matter. Take a free minute and treat your family to this dish. Everyone will like it.

    Juicy salmon in foil

    I don't add mayonnaise or sour cream. Everything is prepared in own juice with addition sunflower oil and spices.


    • salmon - 2 pieces;
    • onions - 2 medium heads;
    • fresh tomato- 2 pcs.;
    • fish seasoning;
    • ground pepper, cardamom, salt, bay leaf.


    1. Sprinkle fresh salmon fillets with salt and pepper.
    2. I cut onions and tomatoes into thin rings.
    3. I cover the bottom of the pan with foil. I slightly lift the edges to form a recess. I pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom and spread the fish with spices.
    4. I put some onion rings on top, add a little pepper and salt.
    5. I put tomatoes cut into rings on top of the onion, sprinkle with spices. I fasten the edges of the foil.
    6. I send it to the oven for half an hour. The optimum temperature is 200 degrees.
    7. I use fresh vegetables for garnish. vegetable salad or boiled rice.

    Finally, I will add that properly cooked salmon in foil is juicy, healthy and delicious treat.

    How to bake correctly

    The whole secret is in the salmon and the sauce that comes with it, because only the right sauce will emphasize the taste of food cooked in foil.


    • salmon - 1 kg;
    • lemon - 1.5 pcs.;
    • fish spices;
    • green onion, salt, dill.
    • fat sour cream - 150 ml;
    • thick mayonnaise - 150 ml;
    • fresh cucumber- 1 PC.;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • mustard, pepper, onion, dill, salt.


    1. I cut the medium-sized fillet into 4 steaks, salt, season with spices. Some spices have salt, so don't add salt.
    2. I cut the lemon rings and washed dill into two parts. I pour oil into a baking sheet, put lemon slices and dill on the bottom. I put the fish on top, sprinkle lemon juice, I put the rest of the dill and lemon.
    3. I seal the edges of the baking dish with foil and send the baking sheet to the refrigerator for several hours.
    4. After the time has passed, I move the baking sheet from the refrigerator to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After a while, bubbles become audible, immediately after that I reduce the heat and bake for 30 minutes.
    5. I'm making the sauce. Boil eggs and finely chop. I pass the cucumber through a grater, and chop the onion with dill.
    6. In a large bowl I mix sour cream and mayonnaise, add eggs, mustard, cucumber, onion, dill, mix everything, salt and pepper.
    7. I take out a baking sheet, transfer the contents to a plate, decorate with half rings of lemon and green onion. I serve with sauce.

    There is nothing difficult to prepare, but such a treat will shock any person to whom you dare to serve it.

    The original version under the cheese crust

    Salmon baked in this way will be a wonderful decoration. romantic dinner or holiday table.


    • salmon - 2 pieces;
    • cheese - 150 g;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • mayonnaise - 200 g;
    • fish seasoning, vegetable oil, salt.


    1. Cut the pieces in half and remove the pit.
    2. I sprinkle with seasoning, salt, water with lemon juice, spread on a baking sheet with the skin down. Lay paper on a baking sheet and brush with oil.
    3. I pass the cheese through a grater and combine with mayonnaise. I spread the resulting cheese mass on top of the salmon.
    4. I send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for about 25 minutes.
    5. I decorate the baked pieces with half rings of lemon, olives, caviar. Serve with potatoes or rice.

    In total, it takes no more than 40 minutes to bake. Even unexpected guests will not be able to take you by surprise.

    The main advantage of red fish is a lot of useful fatty acids in the composition, which favorably affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It also contains melatonin, which promotes cell rejuvenation, the formation of a healthy and sound sleep.

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