Home Second courses Embryo soup. Chinese restaurants offer a dish of unborn babies

Embryo soup. Chinese restaurants offer a dish of unborn babies

Everything was about chinese cuisine which makes us shiver. However, this material is, to put it mildly, shocking !!!

As known, food traditions different countries, often even neighboring ones, can be very different. So, for example, from the point of view of a Russian person, it may seem disgusting to eat frogs by the French, insects by many peoples of Africa and Asia, or dogs by Koreans. But all these food "oddities" of other nations pale in front of the Chinese elite dish - baby soup.

This material can shock a person even with the strongest nerves ...

Visitors to the cannibalistic restaurant

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies that are 6-7 months old. Baby soup is ancient chinese dish loved by the local aristocracy. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency. It is traditionally served in closed restaurants by prior agreement of the nobility with the administration. The price for the dish fluctuates around 3-4 thousand yuan per serving, which at the exchange rate is 430-570 US dollars.

The process of cooking a scary dish

The channels for the entry of human meat into restaurants are simple: China has strict legislation regarding the number of children a married couple has.

The slogan "One family - one child" is being promoted.

Those who violate this law are subject to administrative prosecution. Offenders are faced with the dilemma of what to do with the child that is born. There are two ways out - to abandon the child in the hospital or to have an abortion.

In the first case, the newborn is 95% likely to receive an injection of alcohol in the head, after which it will be sold on the black market as meat. In the second case, the “benefit” is received by the parents themselves, and not by the clinic. The prices for this type of meat are hushed up by the press, but, apparently, the business is quite profitable.

So, the main sources of obtaining terrible raw materials for soup are as follows:

Clinics delivering childbirth to parents who abandon their children;

Parents who have an abortion especially for such a case;

Illegal turnover of already born children under the age of five months.

The process of consuming a scary dish

The origins and reasons for the consumption of the meat of unborn babies by the Chinese should be sought deeply in the roots of Chinese history, in the peculiarities of mentality and culture. Chinese "gourmets" are not at all embarrassed by the fact that they are engaged in cannibalism - on the contrary, they are firmly convinced that there is nothing disgusting in this. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, eating the meat of an unborn baby has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the eater's body, for example:

Ready-to-eat soup

Improves kidney function;

Rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the hair;

Has a therapeutic effect in some chronic diseases such as asthma, hypertension;

Significantly strengthens potency;

Strengthens the muscles.

He wrote all kinds of things about Chinese cuisine, which makes us shiver. However, this material, to put it mildly, shocking !!!

As you know, food traditions of different countries, often even neighboring ones, can vary greatly. So, for example, from the point of view of a Russian person, it may seem disgusting to eat frogs by the French, insects by many peoples of Africa and Asia, or dogs by Koreans. But all these food "oddities" of other nations pale in front of the Chinese elite dish - baby soup.

UPD: Readers pointed out that this is a fake. Thank you for that, otherwise I would radically change my opinion about the Chinese !!!

This material can shock a person even with the strongest nerves ...

Visitors to the cannibalistic restaurant

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies that are 6-7 months old. Baby soup is an ancient Chinese dish loved by the local aristocracy. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency. It is traditionally served in closed restaurants by prior agreement of the nobility with the administration. The price for the dish fluctuates around 3-4 thousand yuan per serving, which at the exchange rate is 430-570 US dollars.

The channels for the entry of human meat into restaurants are simple: China has strict legislation regarding the number of children a married couple has.

The slogan "One family - one child" is being promoted.

Those who violate this law are subject to administrative prosecution. Offenders are faced with the dilemma of what to do with the child that is born. There are two ways out - to abandon the child in the hospital or to have an abortion.

In the first case, the newborn is 95% likely to receive an injection of alcohol in the head, after which it will be sold on the black market as meat. In the second case, the “benefit” is received by the parents themselves, and not by the clinic. The prices for this type of meat are hushed up by the press, but, apparently, the business is quite profitable.

So, the main sources of obtaining terrible raw materials for soup are as follows:

Clinics delivering childbirth to parents who abandon their children;

Parents who have an abortion especially for such a case;

Illegal turnover of already born children under the age of five months.

The origins and reasons for the consumption of the meat of unborn babies by the Chinese should be sought deeply in the roots of Chinese history, in the peculiarities of mentality and culture. Chinese "gourmets" are not at all embarrassed by the fact that they are engaged in cannibalism - on the contrary, they are firmly convinced that there is nothing disgusting in this. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, eating the meat of an unborn baby has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the eater's body, for example:

Improves kidney function;

Rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the hair;

Has a therapeutic effect in some chronic diseases such as asthma, hypertension;

Significantly strengthens potency;

Strengthens the muscles.

The process of cooking a scary dish

The process of consuming a scary dish

Ready-to-eat soup

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In some restaurants in China, you can order soup from babies who are 6-7 months old

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies that are 6-7 months old. This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($ 428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

To the correspondent, one of his acquaintances, a businessman by the name of Wang who is over 62 years old, said that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, stressed that the dish of babies helps him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone was really preparing such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a familiar manager if he could make this dish for them. The manager said they don't have babies in stock right now, but they have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and the placenta should not be frozen or they will not taste good. He went on to say that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all the girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already expected. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for an order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him that the baby was very young.

The cook said that they usually get babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depends on the size of the baby and whether he is alive or dead. These are mostly girls. Wang, in turn, told his friend that he was paying more than 3 thousand yuan and that he was not interested in all these details about how they got the babies.

Everyone at the restaurant table that evening poured their soup into bowls, divided the baby's meat and ate everything with gusto. The correspondent himself could not overpower himself and try this dish.

In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also identified himself as a Christian, and stated that neither the Bible nor the laws of the country prohibit infant feeding.

We all think: cannibalism has been destroyed in the civilized world. And - we are mistaken. Rumors of cannibalism in China started spreading in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend a "dinner" during which hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article highlighting how dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy". The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at a banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, serve as a way for the Chinese people to improve their health and beauty. The young human body, she said, has much more useful properties than the placenta. However, such a delicacy is not available to everyone. Those without definite connections have to write on long lists waiting for the human body.

The most valuable are male embryos. By the way, in the previous media materials devoted to the problem of "embryo-eating" in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese eat only girls and the demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China, you can only have one child without being persecuted by the law. Women are generally considered second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.
Obstetricians taking part in childbirth tell reporters that all newborn babies, from mothers who do not have permission to give birth, are injected with alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many of the problems of "unlicensed" children on a daily basis.
At the request of the magazine staff, Liu showed the place where the embryos are prepared. In front of the amazed journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.

-Don't worry, this is just meat, and nothing more than a highly evolved animal., - she said during the trial. According to the customs of the region, the embryos are fired in forges before being cooked. However, some Chinese cannibals do not prefer newborn babies, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $ 10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: a soup made from a six to seven month old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.

The addiction of the Chinese to cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, in Guangxi province, police arrested a group of smugglers transporting babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old. The children were packed three or four into sacks and were practically on the verge of death. None of them were reported missing from their parents. In 2004, a resident of Shuangchengzi City found a bag with dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other terrifying information from time to time appears on the pages of publications and TV screens in China.
Human babies are more difficult to obtain for food, and I believe China has laws regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there seems to be no law against the eating of aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small fetuses are boiled for soup. Late fetuses are eaten like fried suckling pigs. It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese are doing with cats and dogs. But it is needlessly worried: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would negatively reflect on public enthusiasm for closer rapprochement with the Chinese. \

Reports that dead fetuses are being used to supplement the diet began to spread early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses following abortions. Doctors defended their actions, arguing that fetuses are beneficial for skin condition and general health.

Soon it was said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetuses as a tonic. The cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other over the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, the Eastern Express subsidiary, traveled to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, a reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asked the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they were over in their department and asked to come another time.

The reporter came to lunch the next day. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was carrying a glass bottle filled with embryos the size of a thumb. The doctor said: “ There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and we give them away for free»...

The reporter found that fetuses are currently priced at $ 10 apiece, but when the supply is insufficient, the price could rise to $ 20. But that money is a pittance compared to the prices at private clinics, which are reported to be making big bucks from fetuses. At the clinic on Bong Men Lao Street, they ask for $ 300 for one fetus. The director of the clinic is a person of about 60 years old. When he saw the unwelling reporter, he offered him 9-month fetuses, which he claimed were the best. medicinal properties... When a woman doctor is named Young... Xing Hua Clinic was asked if fetuses are edible, she hotly stated, “ Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they are good for your kidneys. When I was at the Jiangti Provincial Military Hospital, I often brought fetuses home.»...

A certain mr Cheng from Hong Kong states that he has been eating fetus soup for over six months. He is in his 40s and has to travel frequently to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of fetuses. “At first I felt embarrassed, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetus would help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them and gradually the asthma disappeared, "Cheng said ...

Zou Keene, A 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a diet of fetuses. As a doctor at Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She believes the fetus is very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. " Usually, people prefer fetuses from young women; The best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They will be uselessly lost if we do not eat them. The women we have abortions do not need these fetuses. Moreover, the embryos are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of eating fetuses...»

Dr Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. " Eating fetuses is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has deep roots in Chinese folklore.... ", he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. from Eastern Express, a newspaper published on English language in Hong Kong, there is much more information available. If this is not enough for you, you can try to rummage in Chinese folklore yourself. As this person said, eating fetuses is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition.

I am in deep shock, because this phenomenon cannot be justified by any laws or they are absent! How can you possibly eat THIS? Or those who eat for a long time are no longer people ?!

We warn quite seriously and, having all the grounds for this, that impressionable people should not familiarize themselves with this material, since the moral and ethical component of this information is very controversial, but, what is most sad, reliable, given its sources.

Where is this world heading if for uplift vitality and tone along with the penis it is necessary and, most importantly, you can eat dishes prepared from fellow biological species.

“Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies that are 6-7 months old. This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($ 428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman named Wang, who is over 62 years old, told the reporter that he was a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, stressed that the dish of babies helped him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone was really preparing such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.
Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a familiar manager if he could make this dish for them. The manager said they don't have babies in stock right now, but they have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and the placenta should not be frozen or they will not taste good. He went on to say that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all the girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.
This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already expected. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for an order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him that the baby was very young.
The cook said that they usually get babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depends on the size of the baby and whether he is alive or dead. These are mostly girls.
Wang, in turn, told his friend that he was paying more than 3 thousand yuan and that he was not interested in all these details about how they got the babies.
Everyone at the restaurant table that evening poured their soup into bowls, divided the baby's meat and ate everything with gusto. The correspondent himself could not overpower himself and try this dish.
In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also identified himself as a Christian, and stated that neither the Bible nor the laws of the country prohibit infant feeding.
We all think: cannibalism has been destroyed in the civilized world. And - we are mistaken. Rumors of cannibalism in China started spreading in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend the “dinner”, during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.
Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article highlighting how dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of storage and preparation of this “delicacy”.
The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at a banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, serve as a way for the Chinese people to improve their health and beauty. The young human body, she said, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, such a delicacy is not available to everyone. Those without definite connections have to write on long lists waiting for the human body.
The most valuable are male embryos. By the way, in the previous media materials devoted to the problem of "embryo-eating" in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese eat only girls and the demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China, you can only have one child without being persecuted by the law. Women are generally considered second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.
Obstetricians taking part in childbirth tell reporters that all newborn babies, from mothers who do not have permission to give birth, are injected with alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many of the problems of “unlicensed” children on a daily basis.
At the request of the magazine staff, Liu showed the place where the embryos are prepared. In front of the amazed journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.
“Don't worry, it's just meat, and nothing more than a highly evolved animal,” she said during the trial. According to the customs of the region, the embryos are fired in forges before being cooked. However, some Chinese cannibals do not prefer newborn babies, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $ 10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: a soup made from a six to seven month old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.
The addiction of the Chinese to cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, in Guangxi province, police arrested a group of smugglers transporting babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old. The children were packed three or four into sacks and were practically on the verge of death. None of them were reported missing from their parents. In 2004, a resident of Shuangchengzi City found a bag with dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other terrifying information from time to time appears on the pages of publications and TV screens in China.
Human babies are more difficult to obtain for food, and I believe China has laws regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there seems to be no law against the eating of aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.
Small fetuses are boiled for soup. Late fetuses are eaten like fried suckling pigs. It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese are doing with cats and dogs. But it is needlessly worried: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would negatively reflect on public enthusiasm for closer rapprochement with the Chinese.
Reports that dead fetuses are being used to supplement the diet began to spread early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses following abortions. Doctors defended their actions, arguing that fetuses are beneficial for skin condition and general health.
Soon it was said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetuses as a tonic. The cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other over the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, the Eastern Express subsidiary, traveled to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, a reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asked the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they were over in their department and asked to come another time.
The reporter came to lunch the next day. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was carrying a glass bottle filled with embryos the size of a thumb. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and we give them away for free
The reporter found that fetuses are currently priced at $ 10 apiece, but when the supply is insufficient, the price could rise to $ 20. But that money is a pittance compared to the prices at private clinics, which are reported to be making big bucks from fetuses. At the clinic on Bong Men Lao Street, they ask for $ 300 for one fetus. The director of the clinic is a person of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang ... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked if fetuses were edible, she hotly stated, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they are good for your kidneys. When I was at the Jiangti Provincial Military Hospital, I often brought fetuses home.
A certain Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong claims to have eaten fetal soup for over six months. He is in his 40s and has to travel frequently to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of fetuses. “At first I felt embarrassed, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetus would help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them and gradually the asthma disappeared, "Cheng said ...
Zou Keene, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to the fetal diet. As a doctor at Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She believes the fetus is very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer fetuses from young women; The best fetus to eat is a baby boy. They will be uselessly lost if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions do not need these fetuses. Moreover, the embryos are already dead when we eat them. We do not have abortions just for the sake of eating embryos ... "
Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. “Eating fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and has deep roots in Chinese folklore,” he says.
In an article dated April 12, 1995. much more information is available from Eastern Express, an English-language newspaper in Hong Kong. If this is not enough for you, you can try to rummage in Chinese folklore yourself. As this person said, eating fetuses is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition. "

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies that are 6-7 months old. This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($ 428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that such a soup raises tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman named Wang, who is over 62 years old, told the reporter that he was a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, stressed that the dish of babies helped him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone was really preparing such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a familiar manager if he could make this dish for them. The manager said they don't have babies in stock right now, but they have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and the placenta should not be frozen or they will not taste good. He went on to say that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all the girls. The couple were going to stimulate premature birth and abandon children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

The correspondent still didn't quite believe it all. For several weeks, he conducted an investigation in the city, heard many stories about this, but he could not get any concrete evidence. Then Wang called him and said that the product was already there and that the weather was now cold and several of his friends wanted to improve their health.

This time they went to Taishan City, Guangdong Province. We found the right restaurant, where they were already expected. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for an order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look. There, for the first time, he saw with his own eyes what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay a small corpse of an infant who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him that the baby was very young.

The cook said that they usually get babies through their channels from the villages. He did not say what their purchase price was, but said that it depends on the size of the baby and whether he is alive or dead. These are mostly girls.

Wang, in turn, told his friend that he was paying more than 3 thousand yuan and that he was not interested in all these details about how they got the babies.

Everyone at the restaurant table that evening poured their soup into bowls, divided the baby's meat and ate everything with gusto. The correspondent himself could not overpower himself and try this dish.

In the course of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of culture of behavior. He also identified himself as a Christian, and stated that neither the Bible nor the laws of the country prohibit infant feeding.

We all think: cannibalism has been destroyed in the civilized world. And - we are mistaken. Rumors of cannibalism in China started spreading in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend a "dinner" during which hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article highlighting how dead babies and embryos are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of the storage and preparation of this "delicacy".

The reason for the article was the revelations of the maid Liu at a banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin province, said that the corpses of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, serve as a way for the Chinese people to improve their health and beauty. The young human body, she said, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, such a delicacy is not available to everyone. Those without definite connections have to write on long lists waiting for the human body.

The most valuable are male embryos. By the way, in the previous media materials devoted to the problem of "embryo-eating" in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese eat only girls and the demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China, you can only have one child without being persecuted by the law. Women are generally considered second class, and whenever a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.

Obstetricians taking part in childbirth tell reporters that all newborn babies, from mothers who do not have permission to give birth, are injected with alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many of the problems of "unlicensed" children on a daily basis.

At the request of the magazine staff, Liu showed the place where the embryos are prepared. In front of the amazed journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and cooked soup from it.

Don't worry, this is just meat, and nothing more than a highly evolved animal, ”she said during the trial. According to the customs of the region, the embryos are fired in forges before being cooked. However, some Chinese cannibals do not prefer newborn babies, but the placenta, it is more affordable and is sold for only $ 10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong, you can order a very popular dish: a soup made from a six to seven month old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such a soup is from 3,000 to 4,000 yuan.

The addiction of the Chinese to cannibalism cannot but terrify. In 2000, in Guangxi province, police arrested a group of smugglers transporting babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old. The children were packed three or four into sacks and were practically on the verge of death. None of them were reported missing from their parents. In 2004, a resident of Shuangchengzi City found a bag with dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other terrifying information from time to time appears on the pages of publications and TV screens in China.

Human babies are more difficult to obtain for food, and I believe China has laws regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there seems to be no law against the eating of aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small fetuses are boiled for soup. Late fetuses are eaten like fried suckling pigs. It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese are doing with cats and dogs. But it is needlessly worried: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would negatively reflect on public enthusiasm for closer rapprochement with the Chinese.

Reports that dead fetuses are being used to supplement the diet began to spread early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses following abortions. Doctors defended their actions, arguing that fetuses are beneficial for skin condition and general health.

Soon it was said in the city that doctors in the city were recommending fetuses as a tonic. The cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other over the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, the Eastern Express subsidiary, traveled to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, a reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asked the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they were over in their department and asked to come another time.

The reporter came to lunch the next day. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was carrying a glass bottle filled with embryos the size of a thumb. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state clinic and we give them away for free. "...

The reporter found that fetuses are currently priced at $ 10 apiece, but when the supply is insufficient, the price could rise to $ 20. But that money is a pittance compared to the prices at private clinics, which are reported to be making big bucks from fetuses. At the clinic on Bong Men Lao Street, they ask for $ 300 for one fetus. The director of the clinic is a person of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang ... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked if fetuses were edible, she hotly stated, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they are good for your kidneys. When I was in the military hospital in Jiangti province, I often brought embryos home. "...

A certain Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong claims to have eaten fetal soup for over six months. He is in his 40s and has to travel frequently to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of fetuses. “At first I felt embarrassed, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetus would help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them and gradually the asthma disappeared, "Cheng said ...

Zou Keene, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to the fetal diet. As a doctor at Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She believes the fetus is very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer fetuses from young women; The best fetus to eat is a baby boy. They will be uselessly lost if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions do not need these fetuses. Moreover, the embryos are already dead when we eat them. We do not have abortions just for the sake of eating embryos ... "

Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these nasty rumors. “Eating fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine, and has deep roots in Chinese folklore ...” he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. much more information is available from Eastern Express, an English-language newspaper in Hong Kong. If this is not enough for you, you can try to rummage in Chinese folklore yourself. As this person said, eating fetuses is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition.

S. Sergeev. (Based on materials from the National Alliance)

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