Home Vegetables Rapeseed oil: what is more in it for a person - benefit or harm. Rapeseed oil: what is it made of, benefits and harms, application

Rapeseed oil: what is more in it for a person - benefit or harm. Rapeseed oil: what is it made of, benefits and harms, application


Until the end of the 1980s, rapeseed was used only for technical purposes. Now they have learned to make a uniquely useful food product from it - rapeseed oil.

This is a big success! All thanks to new achievements in biochemistry, molecular biology, breeding, oil purification technologies.

Our publication is about the benefits and harms of rapeseed oil for the human body, how to take it and where to use it.

How to choose a quality product

We say: "high-quality rapeseed oil", we mean - "canola". Canola (CANadion Oil Low Acid) is the common name for low-erucic rapeseed varieties. For the first time, such varieties of rapeseed were bred by a Canadian scientist, hence the name.

For comparison: technical rapeseed contains up to 60% erucic acid (hereinafter referred to as EC for brevity), and canola - from 0 to 5%.

Why was it so important to achieve low scores? Based on toxicological studies, it was found that EC does not oxidize well on its own and prevents other acids from doing so..

As a result, a large number of toxins first accumulate in the heart, and then in other organs. Serious pathologies appear, up to necrosis. Thrombocytopathy may occur.

Although this issue has been studied in animals, concerns still remain serious for humans.

In addition to EC, in the original raw materials there are other toxic substances - isocyanates(derivatives of thioglycosides). They are found up to 45% (with an acceptable rate of 3%).

Dangerous because they contain sulfur, inhibit the growth of young organisms, cause irreversible changes in the thyroid gland, enterocolitis. In addition, they have a bitter taste and a specific smell.

Do not forget about poisonous volatile oils, as well as harmful pigments.

Therefore, the technology of rapeseed oil purification necessarily includes such methods as sulfuric acid refining and bleaching with adsorbents.

And to remove fatty acids, conventional refining is additionally used.

Rapeseed oil the highest quality (canola) is usually sold in dark glass containers.

The label indicates that this is a food product, there must be marks of quality, expiration date, and also the content of EC is indicated (the allowable rate is 5%).

Color golden yellow or slightly greenish, there should be no sediment.

Chemical composition, calorie content, nutritional value, glycemic index

Here is the perfect composition:

Calorie content - 899 kcal per 100 grams, glycemic index - 0. Fats - 99.9, proteins - 0, carbohydrates - 0.

Beneficial features

Everyone can appreciate rapeseed oil. Obvious benefits:

  • easily digestible;
  • has an optimal ratio of physiologically important acids for the body;
  • is a unique source of phytoestrogen, which is identical in composition to the female hormone estradiol;
  • has a pleasant nutty flavor.

O useful properties ah and contraindications of rapeseed oil will tell the program “Live healthy!”:

What is useful

For adult men and women

It is dominated by monounsaturated oleic acid.. It is rapidly absorbed by the digestive system.

At the same time, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which means it prevents atherosclerosis, also normalizes blood pressure and is a prevention.

Polyunsaturated acids (omega-6 and omega-3) are in the only right ratio for health 1:2. And this is the correct functioning of the brain, heart, reduction of inflammation, prevention of tumors.

Harmful saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids make up a very low percentage, which reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The manufacturer, as a rule, enriches the oil with tocopherol(a form of vitamin E content). He, like all antioxidants, is a powerful stimulator of recovery processes. Accordingly, improves the health of our skin, nails and hair.

For pregnant and lactating

Is rapeseed oil good for expectant mothers? This oil is just a godsend. It contains a natural analogue of the female hormone estradiol.

This hormone affects the mood, attractiveness, stamina, as well as the reproductive function of a woman. In addition, it is responsible for the preservation of the fetus and blood clotting, which is important for preparing for childbirth.

A group of French scientists found that in those regions where women constantly use this product, a significantly lower percentage of breast cancer cases.

So nursing mothers can not be afraid for themselves, and for their crumbs too.

For kids

Rapeseed oil is an ingredient in many infant formulas. and is therefore considered safe.

It can perfectly complement the regular children's diet, because it is light, rarely causes allergies.

In addition, it has a good effect on the formation of brain activity. Why not experiment?

It is only necessary to coordinate with the pediatrician the daily dose of consumption, each age group is different.

For the elderly

Is a gentle product for the digestive system of the elderly. Therefore, it is able to perform the function of a supplier of essential acids for the body.

Moreover, animal fats and milk at this stage of life should be reduced to a minimum. They are too high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

In old age, you need to use only refined oil as salad dressings. It is strictly forbidden to fry on it.

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seed oil will be revealed by the material. Find out more right now!

Potential danger and contraindications

Still, is rapeseed oil harmful, who has cause for concern? Overweight people should be aware that the product is high-calorie.

Those who suffer from serious diseases of the liver or gallbladder should consult a doctor.

In the presence of diarrhea, oil should be excluded from the diet for a while.

The product may cause a potential health hazard, which has not passed the international quality control (ISO), or does not comply with GOST, or is overdue. It contains unacceptably harmful substances.

Everyone can choose for themselves how to use this oil. Moreover, it is already very pleasant to the taste, and besides, it is not without benefits, as we see.

In Germany, Israel, Canada, they love him more than.

But remember that if the bottle says: EC impurity is 5%, and isocyanates 3%, then the daily dose of product consumption cannot exceed 30 grams.

In cooking

If you get creative, then here you can find many uses for rapeseed oil. For instance, mix with any other - and season the salad. Moreover, it will not spoil the taste of fish, meat, or vegetables.

Even on an industrial scale, this oil is added to mayonnaise, so why not do the same with homemade mayonnaise?

Mix it with lemon juice. The result is amazing. Used in marinades for meat, fish, mushrooms.

That's just fry on it, however, as with other vegetable oils, Not recommended. Due to the formation of carcinogens at high temperatures.

Rapeseed oil - oil obtained from rapeseed, can be attributed to one of the most widespread at the global level, its production is about 14% of the total production of vegetable oils.

Rapeseed is an annual plant from the Cruciferous family, it has been cultivated for more than 6 thousand years. This is a cold-resistant plant, it grows well in a temperate climate, but, according to most researchers, the homeland of rapeseed is the Mediterranean. Rapeseed plants are demanding on moisture.

The root of rape is taproot, it grows into the depth of the soil up to 2 meters, the stem is straight, covered with a bluish bloom, the basal rosette and stem leaves differ from each other. Relatively large flowers of rapeseed in inflorescence in the form of a brush are yellow or white. They contain a lot of nectar, therefore they are valued as honey plants.

Rapeseed pods are up to 10 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, they are smooth on the outside. In one pod there are up to 15-30 spherical black-brown seeds, up to 2.5 mm in diameter. Seeds ripen unevenly along the height of the plant, so they must be stored for some time before processing and ripen.

In agriculture, rapeseed is grown both as a winter crop and as a spring crop. In addition, this plant improves the structure and fertility of the soil on which it grows, enriches it with nitrogen. After sowing grain crops in this place, their yield increases.

Application of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil in its natural form is used for food, mayonnaise, margarine are made from it. By its properties, rapeseed oil approaches olive oil, it is transparent, does not deteriorate in the air for a long time, does not go rancid. The optimal ratio of physiologically important acids puts rapeseed oil in first place in terms of benefits compared to other vegetable oils.

It is possible to use rapeseed oil not only as food product, but also as a raw material for a number of technical products. From it, an ester of fatty acids is obtained, which are able to reduce the cetane number of fuel and are used as biodiesel fuel.

The rubber industry, steel industry, lubricants, film production - this is not a complete list of the use of rapeseed oil for non-food purposes.

Waste obtained from the production of rapeseed oil (cake) is a good animal feed. But the green parts of rapeseed plants are also highly valued in agriculture due to their high content of vegetable protein, they are given to animals fresh or in silage.

Benefits of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil has a pleasant taste. The use of rapeseed oil lies in the presence of essential amino acids in its composition, which are not synthesized in the human body - linoleic and linolenic.

Rapeseed oil contains a lot of vitamin E and A - natural antioxidants that protect cells from damage by oxygen radicals. In addition to them, rapeseed oil contains a lot of B vitamins.

The high content of trace elements in it indicates the significant benefits of rapeseed oil: calcium, copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc. They are contained in rapeseed more than in soybean oil, and their digestibility from rapeseed oil is higher.

Rapeseed oil has a positive effect on metabolism, it reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol, prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, and prevents the development of breast cancer in women.

The use of rapeseed oil in cosmetology as part of masks or baths improves health and appearance skin.

Harm of rapeseed oil

The harm of rapeseed oil lies in the presence of up to 50% erucic acid in traditional varieties of rapeseed. The peculiarity of this acid is that it is not able to be broken down by the enzymes of the body, therefore it accumulates in the tissues and contributes to growth retardation, delays the onset of puberty. Also, erucic acid leads to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, causes cirrhosis of the liver and infiltration of skeletal muscles. The safe threshold for the content of this acid in oil is 0.3 - 0.6%.

In addition, the harm of rapeseed oil is caused by sulfur-containing organic compounds that have toxic properties - glycosinolates, thioglycosides and their derivatives. They negatively affect the thyroid gland and other organs, and give the oil a bitter taste.

Breeders have bred varieties of rapeseed in which the content of erucic acid and thioglycosides is minimal or completely reduced to zero. Bezeruk varieties (Spar, Agat, Promin) significantly reduced the harm of rapeseed oil.

The rapeseed variety Canola does not contain thioglycosides. The oil obtained from it is called canola oil, it is completely safe for humans, and it is used for frying, salad dressing, etc.

It is not recommended to use rapeseed oil with individual intolerance, with diarrhea, gallstone disease, chronic hepatitis, as it negatively affects the functioning of the liver and the entire digestive tract.

This is a vegetable oil that is obtained from rapeseed for food and industrial purposes. We will talk about its beneficial properties, as well as harm and contraindications. Learn how to properly use the product in cosmetology.

What is rapeseed

An oil plant with yellow flowers, from which pods are formed with small black grains inside, they will be processed.

How is rapeseed oil obtained

The technology is similar to sunflower. Rapeseed oil is made from seeds, first they are cleaned of debris and impurities, then dried well. The prepared grain is sent under a press, defended, filtered, cooled. As a result, they are poured into containers for storage. The remaining cake is suitable as an additive to the main feed of farm animals.

Where is used

The scope of rapeseed oil is surprisingly extensive: it is part of biofuels, fuels and lubricants, rubber, paint and varnish products. In recent years, it has been actively used in the creation of medicinal products and in cosmetology. There are a huge number of nourishing masks for face, hair and hands with this ingredient.

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is believed that it normalizes metabolism and regeneration in tissues. Has an antioxidant effect. It even helps them lose weight.

It is inferior in quality to olive oil, so the only reason to buy rapeseed oil is to save money.

Useful action:

Helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body.

  • Strengthens blood vessels.
  • Reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  • It has a suppressive effect on inflammation.
  • It is used for preventive purposes of oncological diseases.

Contraindications and harm

Some varieties contain erucic acid, respectively, if such an oil is poorly filtered, it can suffer: the thyroid gland, muscle tissue, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. The problem is that this substance is not completely absorbed, and, therefore, it is deposited in the tissues in the form of fat. There is a risk of developing a heart attack due to a pathological effect on the myocardium.

  1. Intolerance.
  2. Hepatitis and cholecystitis in the acute stage.
  3. Digestive disorders (diarrhea, flatulence).
  4. Childhood.

Nutritionists suggest refraining from frying with rapeseed oil, because when heated above 170 C, carcinogens and toxic substances are formed in it.

Violation of oil production technology negatively affects the quality of the product:

  1. Reduces the amount of vitamin E.
  2. Cell membranes become more rigid, which leads to degenerative disorders.
  3. May cause lung cancer.
  4. There is a decrease in platelets in the blood, triglycerides, on the contrary, increase.
  5. It can cause severe allergic reactions, it is contraindicated in people with bronchial asthma.

How to choose and store

When buying for cooking, carefully study the packaging, it must be labeled P - food. In addition, the label should contain information on the content of erucic acid in the amount of 0.6% and not more. The label "hydrogenated rapeseed oil" indicates the presence of harmful trans fats.

Interesting fact:

Scientists conducted an experiment on mice, they added erucic acid to their food. As a result, cirrhosis of the liver and the deposition of fatty substances in the skeletal muscles and heart were diagnosed in rodents. That is why you need to be careful when choosing rapeseed oil.

Store in a dark place in a glass container.

Use in baby food

Let's start with the fact that rapeseed is a genetically modified crop. Unfortunately, there is no other way, since erucic acid must be removed somehow. Well, the poison was removed, but the seeds joined the ranks of GMO products. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Before rapeseed oil enters children food it goes through several processes. Ideally, use cold-pressed raw materials. It is impossible to track the technology for obtaining the final product, which means it is better to refrain from such mixtures. Forgive me Russian manufacturers, but you should not trust the health of your baby to them.

And now the most interesting thing: in the USA and Europe, children's products containing this ingredient are prohibited, because they cause a delay in growth and development.

Rapeseed oil in cosmetology

To enrich the shampoo or cream, add rapeseed oil in an amount of 5-10% of the total volume. For example, just a few drops are enough for 100 ml. If you add more then instead of a positive effect, the condition of the skin or hair may worsen. Oils stick together dead skin cells of the epidermis, so you don’t need to get carried away too much, otherwise the pores will become clogged and the hair will look dull.

Cosmetic ingredients should be of high quality, which have been produced specifically for care purposes.

Masks by skin type Application frequency Types of oils
Rapeseed Essential (number of drops)
fading 1-2 times a week One tablespoon Sandalwood (1), Rosewood (1)
acne prone Lavender, cedar, carnation (1)
Dry Rose, limmet (2), lemon balm (1)
For hands Not more than once a day Lavender, bergamot (2)
For thin and damaged Apply, wash off after an hour, repeat weekly. 1 st. l. rapeseed and avocado + 10 cap. retinol Bay or rosemary (5)
Lightening 1 time in 3-4 days 2 tbsp. l. + 1 liter of kefir + 2 tsp. sea ​​salt.

Industrial use

First of all, rapeseed oil belongs to industrial crops; it is used to produce biofuels for export. This is a good replacement for petroleum products, although fuel consumption increases by 10% (for example, instead of 10 liters per 100 km, 11 will burn), and engine upgrades will also be required. Use in other directions:

  1. Manufacture of textiles and leather products.
  2. Soap making, floriculture, animal feed.
  3. Production of drying oil, lubricating coolant, chipboard, plastics.
  4. Prevents wear of metal structures and drilling rigs.

Specifications of the state standard:

The benefits of rapeseed oil are blocked by a negative effect on the body. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using it in food, even if it is refined. Read labels carefully and keep your children away from this product.

Rapeseed, or "northern olive", as it is also called, oil is extracted from rapeseed seeds. This culture is widely used for the production vegetable oil and margarine. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil have long been studied, the benefits of this product have long made it popular among people around the world.

Today, rapeseed fields occupy about 2% of the total area of ​​plowed fields in the world. The plant has become so widespread for three reasons:

  1. Cheap production.
  2. Waste-free production: after squeezing, cake remains, which is used as animal feed.
  3. Scientists are trying to use rapeseed oil as a fuel.

A bit of history

People cultivated rape 1500 years ago. Opinions are divided: some believe that the homeland of the plant is Northern India, and some - the Mediterranean.

Despite the fact that rapeseed is one of the first plants that people began to consciously grow for their needs, until the 70s of the last century, they tried not to eat products from it. They contained a large amount of erucic acid, which, in fact, is a poison for the body. We are not able to break down this acid, which leads to its accumulation in the body and causes some diseases.

In the 70s of the XX century, a plant variety containing no more than 2% of this poison was selected in Canada. This amount makes the food suitable for human consumption. Of course, a large part of the population used rapeseed oil in cooking before, but after a sharp increase in the quality of the product, the demand for it has become huge. The oil spread throughout America and Europe. The market has expanded to the Far and Middle East: in just 30 years, China has occupied 1/4 of the market for the production of this product. In Germany, 70-80% of citizens eat rapeseed oil, and in European countries this product has officially become considered a medicine.

Rapeseed oil: benefits and harms


The general composition of the product is optimally balanced and, in terms of properties, resembles the well-known to everyone. A tablespoon of rapeseed oil contains a large amount of monounsaturated fats - as much as 8.2 grams - and 30% of the daily value of vitamin E. Also, the composition contains poly- and monounsaturated acids Omega 3, 6 and 9, which are important for the body. They are not synthesized by the body on its own. What are they needed for? These acids affect the functioning of the circulatory system:

  1. slow down the thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  2. prevent the formation of blood clots;
  3. which also prevent the total accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

For example, a lack of Omega 6, or linoleic acid, in the body often leads to serious malfunctions in the heart: heart attacks and strokes. Eating rapeseed oil is able to maintain the amount of this substance at the required level.

Vitamin E, in turn, is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. It supports the protective functions of the body.

Rapeseed oil also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rapeseed oil: properties especially beneficial for women

The use of the product brings especially many benefits to ladies.

  1. The oil is used in cosmetology and dermatology: it can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
  2. The hormone estradiol contained in the product exactly corresponds to a special female hormone, which is also called the “health hormone”. It helps to reduce the potential risk of breast cancer, and also enhances maternal functions of the body, such as a woman's ability to become a mother and bear a healthy child.


The only, but very serious, disadvantage of rapeseed oil is the presence of erucic acid in it. It has a destructive effect both on the body as a whole and on the work of individual organs and systems: the liver, heart and bone tissues. As we have already said, in the last century a new variety of rapeseed was bred, in which the presence of this poison is minimal, this oil can be eaten without fear. However, you need to choose the product in the store carefully enough.

How to choose a good rapeseed oil?

To choose an oil that will only benefit the body, you need to follow a few simple principles. Before the purchase:

  1. Look at the bottom of the bottle: if there is sediment in it, then the product is of poor quality.
  2. The content of erucic acid should be minimal: from 0.3 to 0.6%. This data is printed on the label. Usually, any product that has been refined has normal indicators, so you need to choose refined oil.
  3. If the label says that the oil is hydrogenated, then it is better not to take it: such a product has an unstable molecular structure and will not bring any benefits.
  4. The color should be a clear amber yellow.

After buying, be sure to check the oil for smell: a good product has a pleasant nutty flavor.


The wonderful qualities of the oil are best preserved in glass containers. Even if you bought liquid in a plastic bottle, at home it is better to pour it into glass jar and close hermetically.

It is better to store the oil in a dark, cool place, protecting it from sunlight. Of course, nothing bad will happen to the product, but the liquid may become cloudy and lose its delicate aroma. In addition, vitamin E is best preserved in a place inaccessible to light.

Application in food

Rapeseed oil, like olive oil, is best for salad dressings. It is not recommended to fry and bake on it, since at temperatures above 160 degrees toxic substances are formed in it.

Rapeseed oil in all its qualities is not inferior to olive oil, has a pleasant smell and taste, and is much cheaper. It is worth thinking about using it for your culinary delights!

Rapeseed oil- a product obtained as a result of squeezing the seeds of an annual herbaceous rapeseed plant. This culture is widespread in temperate latitudes. Rape - a plant up to 1 meter high, has yellow inflorescences and light green leaves. Pollinated flowers form seed pods. After harvesting, the seeds are cleaned of pods and left in storage for 2-3 weeks until fully ripe. Then they are sent for processing.

The color of the oil varies from light yellow to amber. It has a pleasant nutty aroma and taste similar to olive oil.

Like any vegetable oil, rapeseed oil can be refined and unrefined. In the first case, the oil is obtained by hot pressing. In the second case, the extraction is made from the raw seeds of the plant. When hot pressed, the oil is stored longer, but loses some of the nutrients. But raw-pressed butter retains all its trace elements that are beneficial to the body, but the shelf life is significantly reduced.

In recent years, the production of rapeseed oil has increased several dozen times. The area under rapeseed is about 19% of the world's arable land. This is due to an increase in demand for oil.


The use of rapeseed oil began several millennia ago. It was used for medical, industrial and other purposes.

In cooking

In cooking, edible rapeseed oil has been used relatively recently. Rape seeds contain substances harmful to all kinds of mammals, such as thioglucoside and erucic acid. But in the 60s of the twentieth century, breeders bred a rapeseed variety with a minimum content of these poisons. Around the 80s, oil found its place in cooking.

This product is widely used in the kitchen. It is used for frying meat, fish, vegetables, etc. This oil is also used in the preparation of margarine. It is a good seasoning for salads and the basis for marinades. Many sauces are made from rapeseed oil, such as mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, aioli and others. In terms of quality, the oil of this plant is not inferior to olive oil.

It is also widely used in the preparation of desserts, pastries.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, rapeseed oil is used for several reasons:

  • high content of nutritious macro- and microelements;
  • neutrality of smell and color;
  • price availability.

It is used in creams, lotions, shampoos, injectables, balms, and other skin care products.

The oil effectively moisturizes and protects the skin from external irritants. Gives hair strength and healthy shine. Some use rapeseed liquid in cosmetics. home cooking. Below in the table you can find out several ways to use oil in cosmetics prepared at home. The following recipes are suitable for hair:

Acceleration of hair growth

Take the yolk of one egg, 2 teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon each of rapeseed oil and grated onion. Mix and apply to the hair at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the roots. Wearing a shower cap, wrap your hair with a towel for 45-60 minutes. Wash off with warm water afterwards.

Strengthening the roots and structure of the hair

Put 15-20 grams of parsley, 2-3 teaspoons of oil into a blender and beat until puree. Leave the mixture to infuse for 10 minutes. Then rub the mask into the scalp and along the entire length of the curls. Keep warm for 30-50 minutes. Then you should wash your hair with shampoo.

Removes damage after dyeing, perms and other irritants

Mix until smooth 150 milliliters of kefir, 5 drops of vitamins B 6 , V 12 , V 1 , 3 teaspoons of rapeseed and 40 milliliters of olive oil. Spread evenly over the entire length of the curls. Keep under a towel for 40-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo afterwards.

Reduces the amount of dandruff

Mix 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil and 1 dessert spoon tea tree oils. Warm the mixture slightly before use. Rub in circular motions into the scalp and wrap it in a towel for 30-40 minutes. Rinse off with shampoo.

For the skin of the face and body, you can apply the following products:

Clears pores, refreshes skin and gives natural radiance

Mix 1:1 rapeseed oil and fresh pineapple puree. Apply to the face and wait 20-30 minutes for all the necessary substances to do their job. After the procedure, rinse your face with warm water. Cleans pores, refreshes the skin and gives a natural glow.

Tightens and smoothes the skin of the face

Mix the protein of one egg, half a tablespoon of oil, 50-60 grams oatmeal, crushed to a state of flour, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Keep this mask should be no more than 15 minutes.

Eliminates dryness of the skin of the hands, gives elasticity

Take two drops of bergamot and lavender esters for 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil. Apply to wet skin of the hands no more than 1 time per day.

By using this oily liquid in cosmetic purposes can improve skin and hair health.

In industry

In industry, rapeseed oil has been used much longer than in cooking. Various branches of industry are interested in the production of this type of vegetable oil. It is widely used in the production of biofuels. For such purposes, oil from technical varieties of rapeseed is used.

Soap and leather manufacturers cannot imagine their production without this oil.

The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil

The benefits of rapeseed oil are chemical composition. It contains a huge number of useful elements, such as:

  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins E, A and D;
  • Omega acids 6,3,9;
  • minerals, etc.

Each substance that is part of the composition affects one or another organ in the human body. So:

  • vitamin E strengthens nails, hair roots, gives skin elasticity;
  • omega acids destroy bad cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, angina and atherosclerosis;
  • vitamin A improves vision and hair structure;
  • vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, prevents rickets and other diseases in children;
  • linoleic acid makes the walls of blood vessels thicker and more elastic, which prevents blood clots from forming.

The oil also helps people with a weakened digestive system. Enveloping the walls of the stomach, it minimizes the contact of gastric juice with the mucous membrane of this organ.

The benefits of rapeseed oil for women have been proven both in theory and in practice. It contains an element similar in chemical structure to the female hormone estradiol. This hormone is the basis of women's health and beauty.

During pregnancy, eating rapeseed extract in small quantities has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. In early pregnancy, vitamin D and omega acids prevent the formation of neural tube defects in the fetus.

In addition to the positive qualities, rapeseed oil can harm a certain group of people, which includes:

  • people with allergic reactions to individual components;
  • people with diseases of the liver and gallbladder (cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc.);
  • people prone to diarrhea.

There are much fewer contraindications than useful properties, but before introducing a new product into your diet, you should consult your doctor.

How to choose and store oil?

Choose quality and healthy oil you can with some tips. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the color. High-quality oil has a transparent, sunny yellow color. Usually good oil Sold in a glass container, it is stored in it longer. If you see sediment at the bottom of the bottle, then the oil has already deteriorated.

Second - read the composition and find the amount of erucic acid contained. It should not exceed 0.3-0.6%. If this percentage is exceeded, refrain from buying.

There are situations when desired product can't find it on the shelf in the store. What can replace rapeseed oil? If you didn't find quality product, this oil can be replaced with olive or sunflower. You can store rapeseed oil at room temperature but do not expose it to direct sunlight. You also need to keep the product in a glass jar.

This solar oil has become our replacement olive oil, which is not inferior in its qualities to its Mediterranean counterpart.

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