Home Drinks and cocktails Interesting facts about honey: calorie content, sugaring, consumption rates. Nutritional and energy value of honey

Interesting facts about honey: calorie content, sugaring, consumption rates. Nutritional and energy value of honey

Honey is traditionally considered one of the healthiest natural products. And, we must admit, he fully justifies this title. The bee product has a rich composition, pleasant taste and many healing properties. In order not to be unfounded, we will give numbers that will tell you what the actual calorie content of honey is and how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are contained in the product.

Calorie content and BJU of honey in a teaspoon and a tablespoon

In 1 tsp. on average fits 12 gr. honey (+-). By simple calculations, we get that it will contain 39 calories and 9.6 grams. carbohydrates. Accordingly, a tablespoon, where there is room for 21 gr. product, contains 68 calories and 16.9 gr. carbohydrates.

Calorie content and BJU per 100 grams

The composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 g of the product is as follows:

At the same time, carbohydrates are represented mainly by glucose and fructose. They belong to the category of fast, due to which honey is great for restoring strength after physical activity and increasing general tone organism. The percentage of fructose and glucose in the total composition is 40 and 35%, respectively, which is 4/5 of the mass of the product.

The average calorie content of honey is 324 kcal. per 100 grams. Calorie content, however, different varieties may vary, see table below for details.

Kind of honey Calories per 100 grams
Buckwheat 301
Floral 303
May 304
Heather 309
sainfoin 315
Lime 323
Honeycomb 327
honeydew 328
acacia 335
Honey with nuts 485

How much sugar is in the product and is there any?

Which has more calories - honey or sugar?

Comparison of these two products in terms of calorie content in general is not entirely correct. For example, take 1 teaspoon. In the case of honey, it contains 39 kcal., With sugar - about 28. But the bee product is placed in a spoon much more than sugar, all because of the different density of the products!

If we take the calorie content per 100 grams, then sugar will have 399 of them, while honey will have about 324. Also, “honey” calories are absorbed much faster than those contained in sugar. Plus, the bee product, unlike sugar, is not subjected to industrial processing, which allows it to retain its original composition.

Glycemic index

According to the data from the official website of the Montignac method, the glycemic index of honey is 60. But the GI can be 90, it all depends on the variety, time and place of collection of the bee product. For comparison, sugar has a GI of 70, while pure glucose has a GI of up to 100.

Chemical composition

Among the variety of useful components in the composition, it is worth highlighting: B vitamins, essential oils, nitrogenous compounds and organic acids (lactic, malic, citric).

Honey remains one of the last all-natural foods. It is not processed industrially, so it retains all the qualities inherent in nature. The calorie content of honey depends on its variety, but on average it is 300-360 Kcal. Despite the high nutritional value of "sweet amber", this product is allowed even with the most strict diet, but in limited quantities.

Light varieties are considered less high-calorie compared to dark ones (for example, buckwheat).

In the event that the honey variety cannot be determined, the average value is taken as the basis - 328 kilocalories.

Calorie content of some light varieties of honey per 100 grams of product:

  • flower - 303 kcal;
  • acacia - 335 kcal;
  • linden - 323 kcal.

Calorie content of 100 grams of dark varieties of honey:

  • buckwheat - 361 kcal;
  • honeydew - 324 kcal;
  • heather - 309 kcal.

Energy and nutritional value of honey

It is easiest to calculate the energy and nutritional value of this product, knowing the calorie content of honey, which contains:

  • in 100 grams;
  • in a teaspoon;
  • in a tablespoon.

In 100 grams

The table shows how many calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins are contained in 100 grams of honey:

in a teaspoon

  • in a teaspoon without a slide, 8 g of this product is placed - 13 kcal;
  • one teaspoon of honey with a slide contains 18 grams - 30 kcal.

In a tablespoon

One tablespoon contains:

  • with a slide - about 28 grams - 56 kcal;
  • without a slide - about 10 grams worth 32 kcal.

The video, shot by the JIt Zdorovo channel, tells about the origin of honey, its properties and nutritional value.

Is honey easy to digest and how much can you eat per day?

As with any food high in sugar, honey should be consumed in limited quantities. This rule also applies to healthy people, and especially those who suffer from chronic diseases and metabolic disorders.

On average, honey can be eaten per day:

  • for a healthy person, no more than two tablespoons (this is enough for normal absorption of the product);
  • children over three years old - one teaspoon;
  • people suffering from diseases such as diabetes and obesity, you need to select a daily dose together with your doctor.

Almost 80% of honey consists of a mixture of simple carbohydrates glucose and fructose, so the digestibility of its main components is high. They do not require preliminary splitting and additional load on the internal organs. Although honey is not a low-calorie food, it is 100% digestible.

Most Russians love bee products. They, savoring the viscous natural...

Most Russians love bee products. They, savoring the viscous natural sweetness, do not even think how many calories in honey, sincerely believing that in any case he is much healthier than chocolate, sugar and cakes. And they are 1000% right!

Take a look at a jar of honey - you see a natural pantry rich in microelements, vitamins and amino acids:

  • Vitamin groups B1-3, B5-7, B9 are true antidepressants with a high resistance to stress.
  • Defender of immunity - vitamin C will resist any virus.
  • Improvement is given by enzymes (catalase, amylase, lipase, etc.), calcium, magnesium, iodine and iron.
  • Organic acids and essential oils bring delight in taste and smell.
  • Fructose, which surpasses sugar in many ways, supplies the body with vigor and strength.

Reference. If you look deeper, then the honey consistency is somewhat similar to human blood plasma.

Therapeutic effect honey composition applicable not only from the inside - massage, in which honey is used instead of ointments, is universal:

  • Relieves a debilitating cough;
  • Acts as a prevention of bronchitis;
  • Relieves pain in joint problems and osteochondrosis;
  • Effectively fights cellulite.

But for dieters and overweight sweet tooth, it is still worth considering, how many calories are in honey (in tea or a large spoon, in 100 g). Because some "food figures" are able to change mercy (benefit) to anger (harm)! Here already initially harmless products, having felt their unlimited “dominion” over the human body, will be deposited with fatty layers in problem areas ...

It's time to find out how many calories are in honey per 100 grams!

You will be surprised, but the amount reflecting how many calories in honey per 100 grams, equivalent to the calorie content of bread, beef and liver - approximately 320 kcal. But the viscous golden "substance" in this series has its own priorities, the first one is a dietary purpose. It is noteworthy that honey is equated to sugar in the hierarchical ladder - their glycemic index differs by units: 85/97 (on average)!

Does this mean that they are equivalent in usefulness? No, because those utilities that were described above prove this. Like the nutritional value: carbohydrates - 82 g, proteins - 0.8 g and a complete absence of fat.

The smallest recorded “honey” value is 301 kcal / 100 g, we will definitely tell you more about this variety later. In the meantime, we will understand why there is no exact indicator. Calorie content is not independent - it is influenced by a specific grade of honey (do not believe the "experts" who claim the opposite). The determining factor is the type of honey plants, and the processing process, texture, aroma and even taste.

Flower varieties of honey will not have more calories than 380 kcal, but the dark consistency indicates a higher figure - up to 420 kcal. A teaspoon or dessert spoon of an unusual treat can contain 25-40 kcal. It is clear that the sugar in this product does not affect the "energy", it is replaced by glucose - a valuable substance!

How many calories are there in a spoonful of honey?

Can you lose weight with it?

range showing, how many calories in a spoonful of honey, next:

  • Type fresh honey into a tea device and get 8 g of a product with a calorie content of 25-30 kcal. The candied consistency by weight is 12-14 g / 42-50 kcal.
  • The cutlery will fit 30 g of a thick or liquid treat - 100-110 kcal, candied - 40-45 g (137-157 kcal).

We promised to talk about the lowest-calorie honey - this is a buckwheat variety brought by bees from flower plants. Its thick and viscous mixture has a bright aroma and a reddish-brown hue. Recall that the calorie content of this tantalizing taste buds of honey is 301 kcal / 100 g.

Buckwheat honey is rightfully called the most piquant variety, as its dark consistency candied faster than its counterparts, turning into large crystals. The color changes to a lighter one. In this state, the number of calories in a small spoon reaches only 36 kcal, in the dining room - 108 kcal.

The unique properties of the buckwheat variety give it the title of "the best doctor". The content of minerals and useful protein compounds is much higher than in sunflower, acacia and linden honey. It is this variety that is ideal for the treatment of anemia - iron is present in it in large doses!

Honey in weight loss - fiction or reality?

The calorie content of honey, as it turned out, is not so suitable for diets. So why do many dietary systems and courses actively include it in the base? This is facilitated by an important nuance - honey calories are not equivalent to kilocalories of sugar. The latter are naturally recognized as “empty”, carrying absolutely nothing to the human body and organs! Honey, in turn, smartly kills hunger and has a beneficial effect on digestion, blood vessels, blood flow and the whole body as a whole.

Effective weight loss with honey is due to the accelerated metabolism:

  • The saccharides responsible for the high calorie content of the honey composition do not leak into fat - our body begins to actively consume them as an energy charge.
  • Moderate consumption of honey stimulates weight loss by cleansing the body.
  • In the process of proper consumption, toxins are excreted along with salts.
  • There is a strengthening of immunity, hair and skin.

We will give three simple ways designed to save you from excess body weight ...

Revitalizing honey water

Using water with the addition of honey for weight loss is not only simple, but also (surprisingly for many) effective. It is enough to drop 5-8 drops of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and stir with a small (large) spoon of honey. In the morning you drink it on an empty stomach, before the evening meal for 1 hour - the same amount. Removal of toxins and excellent energy for the day are provided to you. Excessive appetite will disappear, which means that portion sizes will decrease.

Be sure to calculate the daily calorie content of the entire menu in this case - it should not exceed 1300 kcal!

Honey tea for weight loss

Such tea drinking will speed up the metabolic process and suppress hunger. All you need is to throw cinnamon on the tip of a knife into green or black seagulls, a pinch grated ginger, just a little hot red pepper and a spoonful of honey. It is not forbidden to enjoy the tart taste of this tea both before meals and after (as a snack it is also optimal).

You will not feel it, but the body will respond to such a deliciousness with the release of bile and active breakdown of fats, diuretic and delicate laxative effect. The diaphoretic property will help expel excess fluid and salt. Your need for sweet candies and confectionery delights will decrease!

Breakfast on honey

See what breakfast will be a great start to the day:

  • Oat flakes - 200 g (180 kcal);
  • Honey - 20 g (76-80 kcal);
  • Dried apricots - 3 things (70 kcal);
  • Prunes - 3 fruits (70 kcal).

The amount of calories will be 396-400 kcal. We drink green tonic tea and feel satisfaction from a healthy and nutritious menu that saturates you to a lunchtime exercise. Digestion will improve, honey will provoke fat burning, the invigorating effect will wake up the body after sleep, giving a positive mood!

What daily amount of honey is safe to maintain a great feminine shape?

Honey is an amazing home doctor who will never prescribe chemical drugs. Only the natural life-giving power of a natural gift! But...

Attention! The active use of honey in the daily menu is possible only after testing for allergic provocations. The largest amount of allergens is found in sunflower honey "elixir", since the proportion of pollen in the composition is very high.

Knowing how many calories in a teaspoon of honey, make it a rule to use it in the correct doses:

  • Optimal for men and women daily rate equal to 120-150 g of honey, but not once, but divided into 4-5 doses.
  • Distribute the honey delicacy into portions and savor it not at the moments of the main meals, but 60-90 minutes before them or 2.5-3 hours after.
  • The children's norm is much lower - no more than 50 g per day.

Any product is endowed with "good" and "evil" for human health. Forget about the measure and begin to increase sweet dosages - honey will turn into an enemy, bringing with it weight gain, allergies, and a violation of the digestive system.

"Wrong honey" bees do not create - this is the most amazing sugar product, designed to be beneficial.

Honey is an ancient delicacy that is still popular with consumers today. Since ancient times, bee products have been used in folk medicine- They helped to cope with various ailments. Official medicine also confirms healing properties sweet amber. Honey is distinguished not only by its incomparable taste and aroma, but also by its high calorie content. Therefore, those who follow their figure use a sweet product with caution. Find out what is in 1 teaspoon and how much it can be consumed per day.

Composition of honey

The sweet product of beekeeping consists of 80% sugars: glucose, sucrose, fructose and others. Honey also contains nitrogenous substances, which are represented by protein and non-protein compounds. They get into honey from flowers, plants, bees. Most nitrogenous substances are found in honeydew honey - there are very few of them in flower honey - up to 0.4%. In the product of beekeeping, nitrogenous substances are in a colloidal state, which causes its turbidity. Mineral, coloring, aromatic substances, vitamins and lipids are also part of honey. directly depends on its variety. Honey is similar in composition to human blood plasma. Many people prefer to consume a small spoonful of sweet "amber" per day. But the calorie content of honey in 1 teaspoon can be different depending on its variety. For example, flower and linden bee products are less caloric than their dark counterparts.

Beneficial features

Any doctor will confirm that honey is good for health, especially during an exacerbation colds. And indeed it is. obvious.

  1. It strengthens the immune system, fights colds, viruses.
  2. The bee product contains amino acids, enzymes that improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Honey normalizes appetite, has anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Due to the content of glucose, fructose, it perfectly tones.
  5. The product of beekeeping prevents the development of sclerosis, has a positive effect on various diseases of the internal organs.
  6. Honey is effective for thrush, pneumonia, stomatitis, rhinitis.

But, despite the mass of useful properties, one should remember about the content of a large amount of calories in the beekeeping product. Before using it, it is advisable to clarify the calorie content of a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon.

How many calories in honey

It depends on many factors: from which plant the bees collected pollen, how it was processed, and so on. In general, natural sweetness is divided into 2 types:

  • flower;
  • honeydew.

On store shelves, we often see the first type. Flower honey, in turn, happens:

  • polyfloral;
  • monofloral.

The second type of product is obtained by collecting it from a specific flower or plant. The first type is a kind of assortment of various flowers. Therefore, the calorie content of honey in 1 teaspoon can start from 25 kcal and end with 40. To determine the exact value, consider specific varieties of natural sweetness.

flower honey

100 g of the product contains about 300 kcal. The calorie content of flower honey in 1 small spoon (12 g) is 36 kcal. This is a low figure, so it is recommended to use a teaspoon of sweet "amber" for everyone without exception per day. Flower honey is considered dietary product. More often we use an acacia bee product, which is distinguished by a light golden color. This is a kind of flower honey. It is collected from white or yellow flowers. It has no bitterness, expressive taste and smell. It has a liquid transparent consistency, which can retain its original appearance for a long time. By the way, a small spoonful of natural acacia sweetness contains 40 kcal. Calorie content of honey - 120 kcal. The product has a high level of natural fructose, which is easily absorbed by the human body. That is why flower honey is most often added to the children's and diabetic menu.

Buckwheat honey

This bee product is also famous for its low calorie content. It can be recognized by its thick, viscous reddish-brown texture, which is distinguished by a rich aroma. The calorie content of buckwheat honey in a teaspoon is 36 kcal, and in the dining room - 108. Natural sweetness quickly sugars, forming large crystals. Many experts believe that such changes add a special piquancy to buckwheat honey. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it contains a larger amount of minerals, protein (compared to other honey varieties). Buckwheat natural sweetness is famous for its iron content, so it is recommended for people with anemia to take it. Regular use of the bee product can lower blood pressure and avoid hemorrhages.

Linden honey

He is called the most quality product beekeeping. This delicacy has a viscous liquid structure and a light shade. He is distinguished by pleasant sweet taste with elements of mild bitterness. Linden honey overshadows all its "relatives" with an incomparable aroma. The pollen collected by bees from the inflorescences of the tree has antimicrobial, antibacterial properties, as well as an expectorant effect. Honey has a mild laxative effect and perfectly strengthens the heart. In addition, natural sweetness is widely used in cosmetology. The calorie content of linden honey is not very high. A small spoonful of such a treat contains 26 kcal, and a tablespoon contains 56.

heather honey

This gift of bees is shrouded in a halo of mystery. Few know him. The product of beekeeping is really for gourmets. It has an individual taste with elements of bitterness and a long aftertaste. Someone idolizes him, while others do not understand all the charm of a magnificent delicacy. It should be noted that the heather beekeeping product overtakes its "relatives" in terms of useful properties. It contains an abundance of trace elements that other varieties cannot boast of. Doctors recommend using heather honey for people with low stomach acidity, as well as for headaches, intestinal disorders, and neurasthenia. Natural sweetness is not sugared and remains in a jelly-like state for a long time. The calorie content of honey in 1 teaspoon is 37 kcal. A tablespoon contains 111 kcal.

Can you lose weight with honey?

The bee product is effective in diet. It speeds up metabolic processes, improves digestion, and is also a source of energy. But before you start losing weight, it is recommended to study the composition of honey. The calorie content of different varieties of natural sweetness varies, as described above. This should be taken into account when choosing honey for a diet. Any kind of sweet cleanses the human body, removing toxins and salts. Honey strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Those who are struggling with excess weight are recommended to drink honey-based drinks in the morning. And it's better to do it on an empty stomach. It is recommended to consume 1 small spoonful of healing treats per day.

Honey recipes for weight loss

  1. Tea with honey. Such a drink calms, warms, energizes, speeds up metabolism and helps to remove toxins from the body. In order for a tea drink to be especially effective in losing weight, it should be prepared according to a specific recipe. In pre-brewed black (green) tea, add a pinch of cinnamon, grated ginger (1 teaspoon), red hot pepper(at the tip of a knife), honey (1 small spoon). tea drink can be consumed before meals and in between meals.
  2. Oatmeal with honey for breakfast. The calorie content of honey products per 100 g of the product is 380 kcal. In 200 g oatmeal contains 180 kcal, provided that they are cooked on water. First you need to cook oatmeal, and then add honey (2 small spoons), dried apricots and prunes (3 each) to it. For a greater effect, flakes are recommended to be washed down with a mug of green tea (unsweetened). Breakfast prepared in this way will be satisfying, healthy, nutritious. It will give a boost of energy, allow you to burn fats and improve digestion. Regular cooking for breakfast oatmeal with the addition of honey will allow you to lose extra pounds. It is recommended to cook cereals with honey in the morning so that the calories contained in honey can be consumed during the day.

Taste is always accompanied by nutrition, so honey is a high-calorie product found on our tables. But this is not a reason to refuse it during a diet. It is necessary with rationality, without overeating, to use it.

As can be seen from the table, each type of bee product has its own calorie content. But 100 grams is not a very clear concept. It is much clearer to count honey with spoons. So how many calories are in 1 teaspoon and a tablespoon of honey:

  • In 1 teaspoon with a slide - 32 kcal
  • In 1 heaping tablespoon - 72 kcal

Linden honey is a product consisting of a maximum of useful substances, which makes it the most delicious and in demand, in comparison with other varieties. 100 grams of delicacy contains about 320 kcal.

Buckwheat honey is collected from the nectar of flowering buckwheat. Its color is bright, from yellow to brown, and sometimes reddish. This product is classified as high quality, with a pleasant aroma. It contains 37% glucose and 40% fructose, which contributes to its high calorie- per 100 g 301 kcal.

Since ancient times, people have been wondering: is there sugar in honey? Yes, but not the same as in the store, but fruit and grape, in the form of fructose with glucose, while being well absorbed by the body.

In the complex composition of natural honey, the main place is occupied by carbohydrates., the number of which is about 86%. Depending on the variety, carbohydrates can be more than 40 types.

The main ones are glucose and fructose. Their amount is up to 90% of the weight of all carbohydrates. The rest are complex oligosaccharides, disaccharides and sucrose. It is in the composition of the beekeeping product is about 3%.

Many people wonder if honey is high in calories. Let's disassemble. Sugar contains more calories than honey. For example, a teaspoon of sugar has up to 18 calories, and honey has 27 calories.

In this case, the calorie content of the honey delicacy is higher, but not because sugar has a lower calorie content, but because honey has a higher density, and a little more is placed in a spoon than granulated sugar. In 100 grams of sugar - 400 kcal, in honey about 330 kcal.

Is it possible to eat honey with diabetes? There are many different opinions on this issue. Some believe that honey is useful for diabetics - it lowers blood sugar, while others argue that the honey product increases it.

Studies show that the use of honey in diabetes is not always acceptable.

With diabetes, strict adherence to the diet is required, and if it is not followed, there is no difference than to poison yourself - with sugar or honey in large doses. But with an increased level of sugar in the blood - honey is contraindicated.

And now we will analyze whether honey should be candied and why this happens. Crystallization of honey is a natural process, as long as it is natural and without any additives. Its character is influenced by certain factors that reveal the speed and features of this process. At a temperature of 35°C, honey begins to melt gradually.

When there is an excess of 40-50 ° C, most of the nutrients are destroyed, and the bee product becomes an ordinary sweet syrup. Therefore, if honey is sugared, this is considered the norm.

Glucose and fructose are the main components of honey. Thanks to these elements, honey candied. Glucose hardens, and fructose does not change its liquid state, enveloping glucose. When scooping crystallized honey from a jar, you can see a small amount of liquid honey.

How many kilograms / grams fit in a liter / three-liter jar?

Grams and kilograms are used to measure. The density of honey delicacy is approximately 1.5 kg per 1.5 liters. With increased humidity, the density decreases.

  • in 1 teaspoon without a slide - 8 grams of honey;
  • in 1 tablespoon without a slide - 17 grams;
  • 50 g of honey is 2.9 tablespoons or 4.2 teaspoons without a slide. With a slide - 1.5 tablespoons or 2.5 teaspoons.

The main principle of the ratio of weight and amount of bee nectar is 1.4/1, for example:

  • v liter jar fit 1.4 kg of honey;
  • in a three-liter jar, a little more than 4 kg of honey is obtained.

And in reverse order:

  • 1 kg of honey fits in a container of 750 ml;
  • 500 g of honey fits in a container of 450 ml;
  • 100 g - about five tablespoons of honey without a slide.

How much bee product can be eaten per day for an adult and an infant?

Now let's talk about how much honey can be eaten per day without harm to humans. Honey - useful product for the human body.

An adult is recommended to consume 100-150 g of the product per day. For better absorption, it must be eaten 1.5-2 hours before a meal, or after 3 hours after a meal. The best way use - with warm milk, tea or water.

When there has already been such an acquaintance, and no allergic reactions have occurred, then a child under two years old can be offered 0.5 teaspoon, and over two years old no more than 1 teaspoon per day. In children prone to allergies, honey is excluded from the diet.

Chemical composition and table of contents of components

The table shows chemical composition and the content of all components of the bee product (vitamins, minerals, calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates) per 100 grams of the product.

Potassium 64 mg
Phosphorus 7,2 mg
Calcium 5,1 mg
Manganese 0,36 mg
Copper 31 mg
Zinc 0,1 mg
Magnesium 2,9 mg
Iron 0,5 mg
Chromium 5 mg
Bor 0,7 mg
Fluorine 8 mg
Vitamin A 0,04 mg
Vitamin B2 0,04 mg
Vitamin B3 0,3 mg
Vitamin B5 0,07 mg
Vitamin B5 0,8 mg
Vitamin B6 0,02 mg
Vitamin B9 0,08 mg
Vitamin C 2 mg
Vitamin E 4 mg
Vitamin H 0,15 mg
Vitamin K 1 mg

Chemical composition of centrifugal honey ( according to J. W. White)

Compound % G
Water (natural humidity) 17,20 78,0

Levulose (fruit sugar)

Dextrose (grape sugar)

Sucrose (table sugar)

Maltose and other disaccharides

higher sugars

38,19 173,2
Total Sugars 79,59 361,0
Acids (glyconic, citric, malic, formic, acetic, butyric, lactic, etc.) 0,57 2,6
Squirrels 0,26 1,2
Ash (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, phosphates, etc.) 0,17 0,8
Total acid, protein and ash 1,00 4,6
Minor components (pigments, enzymes, vitamins, alcohols, flavoring and aromatic substances) 2,21 10,0
Total 100 453,6

GOST for honey products

GOST R 54644 2011 for bee delicacy of the latest development “Natural honey. Specifications” has been in force since 01/01/2013, but most organizations, when marking goods, put GOST 19792-2001. There is no mistake here - GOST 19792-2001 is valid until 01/01/2017.

According to GOST R 54644-2011, they are divided into:

  • honeydew - collected by insects from deciduous or coniferous plantations;
  • floral - collected by insects from honey plants;
  • mixed - a natural combination of these two species.

According to the method of collection, the product is classified into:

  • press - obtained by pressing honeycombs;
  • centrifuged - extracted from honeycombs using centrifugation;
  • honey in combs - a piece or several pieces of honeycombs placed in a container and poured with centrifugal honey delicacy.

Only the above types of honey product with the following data are allowed for sale:

  • must be liquid, fully or partially candied;
  • without third-party aromas, with its own pleasant odors;
  • be sweet and not overly sweet.
Honey bottled and ready for sale or storage

How, where and in what to store a real natural product?

How to store honey at home in an apartment? Honey should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dry, well-ventilated place. This is necessary due to the fact that honey belongs to the category of hygroscopic products. The product absorbs about 50% of its weight in moisture. The room where the honey remains should not have any odors.

The place in the apartment to preserve the honey delicacy should be without sunlight, well ventilated and cool. A logical question is born: is it possible to put honey in the refrigerator, because all the criteria are met? Yes, you can - this is a suitable way, especially in summer. At the same time, the container should be tightly closed so that the honey does not absorb odors and moisture. It is best to store in a glass container with an airtight lid.

What is the best way to store honey? The most suitable storage containers are:

  • aluminum cans;
  • wooden barrels;
  • clay and ceramic containers;
  • glassware;
  • tin container, inside covered with food paint4
  • cardboard cups or paper bags treated with paraffin;

All dishes must be hermetically sealed; when using glass containers, it is better to choose them with dark glass.

The qualities possessed by honey in combs make it possible to store it in its natural form for a long time. The honey product in this version is always disinfected, and the secrets of insect saliva in the wax prevent bacteria from getting into the honey. But there is one downside: Wax allows moisture to pass through, which causes fermentation.

How long can real honey be stored at home? Honey delicacy retains its beneficial features, at the same time, it is a unique product that is stored raw. For example, the famous historian T.M. Davis found a 3,300-year-old container of honey in a tomb in Egypt. To his surprise, the honey was in excellent condition.

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