Home Nutrition Fat cottage cheese for weight loss - useful properties and calorie content

Fat cottage cheese for weight loss - useful properties and calorie content

Characteristics of raw materials and requirements for milk:

  • - cow's milk purchased not lower than grade II according to GOST 13264-88;
  • - pasteurized cow's milk with an acidity of 16 - 20 0 T without foreign tastes and odors;
  • - calcium chloride according to TU 6-09-4711;
  • - dry bacterial concentrate of mesophilic lactic streptococci;
  • - rennet powder, enzyme milk-clotting preparations approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • - sodium bicarbonate according to GOST 2156;
  • - drinking water according to GOST 2874.

Technological process

The technological process consists of the following operations:

  • - acceptance, cleaning, cooling and reservation of raw materials;
  • - separation of milk;
  • - normalization of milk;
  • - pasteurization and cooling of milk;
  • - fermentation and fermentation of milk;
  • - clot cutting, whey separation and clot bottling;
  • - self-pressing and pressing of the clot;
  • - product cooling, packaging and labeling.

Milk and other raw materials are accepted by weight and quality in the manner prescribed by the quality control department of the enterprise.

The received milk is cleaned on a centrifugal milk cleaner or by filtration, cooled to 2 - 6 0 C and sent for intermediate storage.

Heated to 34 - 40 0 ​​C, milk is separated on a separator-cream separator to obtain cream of the required fat content.

Milk is normalized in order to establish the correct ratio between the mass fraction of fat and protein in the normalized mixture, which ensures that the product is standard in terms of mass fraction of fat and moisture. Normalization is carried out taking into account the actual protein content in milk and the normalization coefficient.

Normalized or skimmed milk is pasteurized at 76 - 80 0 C with a holding time of 15 - 20 s and cooled to the fermentation temperature. If storage is necessary, milk is cooled and stored in tanks at a temperature of 4 - 8 0 C for no more than 6 hours, then heated to the fermentation temperature.

Milk is fermented with starter prepared on cultures of mesophilic lactic acid streptococci at a milk temperature of 28-32 0 C in the cold season and at 26-30 0 C in the warm season. With the accelerated fermentation method, a symbiotic starter prepared on cultures of mesophilic and thermophilic streptococci is used, milk is fermented at 30-34 0 C. The starter is added at the rate of 30-50 kg per 1000 kg of fermented milk, to speed up the process, add up to 100 kg of starter per 1000 kg milk.

After the starter is added to the milk, a 40% solution of calcium chloride is added (at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk), prepared in boiled and cooled to 40 -45 0 C water. Calcium chloride restores the ability of pasteurized milk to form a dense, well-separating clot under the action of rennet.

Immediately after adding calcium chloride to the milk, add rennet powder, food pepsin or enzyme preparation. VNIIMS in the form of a 1% solution. Rennet powder or enzyme preparation is dissolved in boiled and cooled to 33 - 39 0 C water. Pepsin is dissolved in fresh filtered whey heated to 33-39 0 C 5-8 hours before use.

The starter and solutions of calcium chloride and rennet powder are added with continuous stirring of milk for 10-15 minutes, then the milk is left alone until a clot of the required acidity is formed: 56-66 0 T for a non-fat product.

Fermentation of milk with ordinary starter lasts 6-10 hours, with an accelerated method 4-6 hours.

The finished clot is cut with wire knives into cubes with an edge of 2.0 cm. The finished clot should be dense, give even smooth edges at the break with the release of a transparent greenish whey. First, the clot is cut along the length of the bath into horizontal layers, then into vertical ones.

The cut clot is left for 30-60 minutes to isolate the serum. In case of poor syneresis, the clot is heated to a whey temperature of 38-42 0 C with an exposure of 15-20 minutes in the production of low-fat cottage cheese. The released serum is released from the bath with a siphon or through a fitting and collected in a separate container. The clot is poured into calico or lavsan bags measuring 40 x 80 cm, filling them with at least ¾ or poured onto a sickle stretched over a press trolley.

Bags with a curd are tied up and placed in a device for pressing and cooling curds in bags of the UPT type or a press trolley. The whey is separated by self-pressing under the action of gravity of the rolling bags. After 1.5 - 2 hours, brine is supplied to the drum pipeline, cooling the product to 12 - 14 0 C. The moisture content of the resulting product is 67 - 70%. After self-pressing, a metal plate is placed on the bags, onto which pressure is transferred from the press screw through a special frame. Pressing lasts no more than 4 hours.

The product is cooled to a temperature of 8 - 12 0 C and sent for packaging and labeling.

Cottage cheese is packaged in briquettes (net weight 250 g) packed in laminated foil. The finished product is stored at a temperature of 2 - 6 0 C for no more than 36 hours, of which at the factory no more than 18 hours.

Organoleptic indicators of the finished product are shown in table 6.

Table 6 - Organoleptic indicators

Physical and chemical parameters of the finished product are shown in table 7.

Table 7 - Physical and chemical parameters

Microbiological indicators of the finished product are shown in table 8.

Table 8 - Microbiological indicators


The modern dairy industry preparescottage cheesevarying degrees of fat. This is done for the convenience of various categories of consumers. Someone loves the product whole milk, and someone likes a light product with a low fat content. Cottage cheese- it's sour milk product which is of very ancient origin.

Cottage cheese obtained by thermal coagulation of milk protein and separating it from whey. At the same time, the protein becomes more accessible for the action of digestive enzymes, so cottage cheese is widely used to correct the nutrition of weakened and sick children. ATcottage cheesecontains a large amount of an essential amino acid (methionine), which prevents the development of fatty liver.

Cottage cheese 18% (fat): Useful properties.

A lot of dietary prescriptions, moreover, for patients with various ailments, include cottage cheese. It is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the liver and intestines, stomach and kidneys. You have a heart disease or a problem with blood vessels, or with lungs, and in these cases, cottage cheese is indispensable.

Its uniqueness is that it is digested very easily and quickly. Proteins found in cottage cheese begin their well-functioning work in the body much faster than the same component coming from other products. They also contain essential amino acids called methionine and tryptophan. For the smooth functioning of the digestive system, they are just extremely important. They also help with normal functioning. nervous system.

For bones, teeth and heart muscle, other useful substances were found in cottage cheese - calcium and phosphorus. There is also iron in cottage cheese. This component makes it very popular for normalizing hemoglobin levels.

More than a dozen vitamins of different groups make this lactic acid product even more important. So, vitamin A proves the usefulness of cottage cheese to improve vision. There is a disease that is popularly called "night blindness". A lack of a component such as vitamin A can just lead to this.

Vitamin D is also very useful, especially during the period of body growth. And it doesn't hurt the elderly either. Thanks to him, the musculoskeletal system can function within normal limits.

A whole selection of B vitamins makes cottage cheese a participant in the vital processes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, protecting against many diseases and helping the body to function normally and smoothly.

Cottage cheese 18% (fat): Harmful properties.

Despite its usefulness, cottage cheese can also be turned into a very dangerous product if consumed more than three times a week and more than 100 g per serving. If you want to enjoy this product every day, make portions smaller. This applies not only to whole cottage cheese, but also to other types of it.

If cottage cheese has a high fat content, then love for it and frequent use can increase cholesterol levels. This situation contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and obesity.

Cottage cheese is a protein product. If you do not limit it in your diet, then an excess of protein can adversely affect the kidneys. So, as you can see, cottage cheese is not so harmless.

It also develops E. coli very quickly. If this enters the body, it can cause an infectious bowel disease or poisoning.

Therefore, it is necessary, perhaps, to pay special attention to the expiration date of the product. Moreover, the more natural the cottage cheese, the less it can retain its freshness and benefits.

Cottage cheese 18% (fat): Vitamins.

Fatty cottage cheese contains: Vitamin A: 0.2 mg, Vitamin B1: 0.05 mg, Vitamin B2: 0.3 mg, Vitamin B3: 0.3 mg, Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg, Vitamin B9: 35.0 mcg, Vitamin B12: 1.0 mcg, Vitamin C: 0.5 mg, Vitamin E: 0.4 mg, Vitamin H: 5.1 mcg, Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg, Choline: 46.7 mg, Iron: 0.5 mg, Potassium: 112.0 mg, Calcium: 150.0 mg, Magnesium: 23.0 mg, Sodium: 41.0 mg, Phosphorus: 220.0 mg, Chlorine: 152.0 mg, Cobalt: 1.0 mcg, Manganese: 8.0 mcg, Copper: 74.0 mcg, Molybdenum: 7.7 mcg, Selenium: 30.0 mcg, Fluorine: 32.0 mcg, Zinc: 394.0 mcg.

Curd is one of the products that is most often chosen for diet food. However, not everything is so simple with this representative of dairy products - it turns out that low-fat cottage cheese is not always healthy, and cottage cheese with a high fat content is unhealthy.

Composition and nutritional value

Cottage cheese is made from milk, so it is rich in beneficial substances located in milk composition. First of all, we are talking about a protein that is important for the synthesis of bone and muscle tissue. Then we should mention the B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin PP. Micronutrients such as magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and others are also available. All of the above substances are extremely important for the functioning of the human body. Since the acidity of cottage cheese is neutral, it is easily digested and absorbed without problems even by those people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The dairy product is saturated with lactic acid bacteria, which synthesize vitamins and help the digestive system work. In addition, we should also mention those elements that prevent putrefactive microorganisms from being active in the stomach and intestines. Amino acids and vitamins increase hemoglobin and allow you to eliminate the negative effects of anemia. It is important to mention right away that cottage cheese also contains lactose, which is not tolerated by some people.

If after eating a portion of cottage cheese there is some discomfort, then it is better to either refuse the product or start combining it with vegetables or fruits. It is best to consult a doctor first.

Usually KBJU depends on the fat content of the cottage cheese or on the fat content of the milk underlying it. For example, cottage cheese with a five percent fat content, even with the addition of any additives, will have a calorie content of 140 kilocalories. In 100 grams of the product, approximately 200 milligrams of sulfur, 180 milligrams of phosphorus and 120 milligrams of calcium can be found - these elements are present in the largest amount. Most of the proteins are casein (about seventy percent), and the remaining thirty are fast protein.

By the way, when choosing cottage cheese and examining its composition, you need to focus on the rule that a smaller amount of ingredients is a sample best quality. Ideally, only words should be written "natural cow's milk" and "sourdough". A large number of additives indicates a low quality composition of the product.

Calorie content of foods of various fat content

In general, there are two methods for making cottage cheese - using lactic acid and skim milk and using rennet. There is also a combined method. The acid method, as a rule, allows you to get a low-fat product, and rennet - with a high fat content.

In addition, milk of different fat content is used, so there is a classification of cottage cheese depending on this indicator. Rich and fatty cottage cheese is made from whole milk, the fat content of which varies from 19 to 23 percent. Classic cottage cheese is based on milk with a fat content of 4 to 18 percent. Low-fat cottage cheese is made from a product whose minimum fat content is 1.8 percent, and the maximum is 2 percent. Skim cheese obtained from whole milk, the fat content of which does not exceed 1.8 percent.

Curd products are divided into homemade, granular and calcined. Homemade cottage cheese delicacy, as you might guess from the name, is prepared at home, its fat content depends on the fat content of the liquid used. The same can be said about the calorie content - usually it varies from 230 to 265 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calcined cottage cheese contains calcium chloride and a large amount of protein.

The calorie content of this product is not too high. Grained cottage cheese per 100 grams of the product contains from 100 to 150 kilocalories. The amount of fat in it is minimal, it does not even reach one percent, such a low-calorie dairy product is often chosen by people on diets.

It is important to mention that there is a special table, studying which you can trace the relationship between the fat content of cottage cheese and its nutritional value. Judging by it, the calorie content of 100 grams of zero-fat cottage cheese from skimmed milk is 78.98 kilocalories, in addition, it contains 15.92 grams of protein. For 100 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5 percent, there are 116.20 kilocalories. The protein in it is presented a little less - only 15 grams.

A 9% fat product is equivalent to 154.95 kilocalories. Protein in 100 grams is about 16.18 grams. Cottage cheese, which has a 20 percent fat content, is rich in 165 kilocalories. There is even less protein in them - only 12.40 grams, and about the same amount of carbohydrates - 12.25 grams. A product with a fat content of 23 percent has a calorie content of 301.07 kilocalories. The amount of protein in it is very small - only 9.55, but the amount of carbohydrates reaches 21.44 grams.

The most useful for the human body are grained and rustic cottage cheese, but its fat content is quite high - almost 18 to 40 percent. The calorie content of the product is usually indicated on the packaging of the briquette, the traditional weight of which is 200 g. If this information is not available, then you can independently determine the indicator by looking at the fat content of the product. For example, 1% cottage cheese will contain 79 kilocalories, a product with a 3% fat content will already contain 97 kilocalories, and an 8% one will contain 138 kilocalories.

Goat cottage cheese has a calorie content of 156 kilocalories per 100 grams, and a product made from baked milk with a five percent fat content has 121 kilocalories per 100 grams. Cottage cheese with 12 percent fat content is rich in 156 kilocalories, while 20 percent - 262 kcal.

The number of calories in dishes with cottage cheese

Of course, when added to curd various ingredients the calorie content of the final dish increases. Most often, the dairy product is combined with fruits and dried fruits, vegetables and herbs. For example, when adding 100 grams walnuts 698 kilocalories will have to be added to the total calorie content, with the addition of 100 grams of dried apricots - 234 kilocalories, and 100 grams of buckwheat honey will increase the total by 301 kcal.

The calorie content of cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream is 169 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Most of all, it contains protein - as much as 13 grams. If cottage cheese is prepared with raisins, then the final calorie content of the dish will be from 90.3 to 176.7 kilocalories, depending on the dairy product used. A product with banana and sour cream in the amount of 100 grams has a rather low calorie content - only 127.8 kcal. Cottage cheese with condensed milk, of course, will be much more nutritious - this parameter is equal to 198 kcal.

If you use a dairy product with sugar, then it the nutritional value will be 206.8 kilocalories. In the case when it is supplemented, for example, with fresh strawberries and sugar, forming a delicate mousse, the figure is reduced to 127.5 kilocalories. The calorie content of cottage cheese with yogurt is 156.7 kcal, with six percent cream - 113 kilocalories, and with garlic and herbs - 176 kilocalories.

Norms of use

The best for daily use cottage cheese is considered, the fat content of which ranges from two to five percent. Its calorie content is low, but the nutrients are present in the required quantities. Experts positively note the granular appearance. In general, it is worth remembering that despite all its benefits, the amount of product consumed must be within the boundaries. If the intake of protein contained in cottage cheese becomes excessive, then this can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys.

In addition, those varieties that are high in fat content can increase cholesterol levels. In the end, overweight, and even atherosclerosis, may appear.

However, given that not all of the protein from the product is digested, you can increase this amount to 50 grams. The maximum limit for the use of cottage cheese per day is 200 grams. This is a standard package of cottage cheese, which everyone is used to seeing on store shelves.

Use for weight loss

Since this dairy product very often becomes part of diet menu, you should understand how many calories are contained in common dishes. For example, if fat-free cottage cheese becomes a filling for dumplings, then the calorie content of the whole dish will be 203 kilocalories. In the case when cottage cheese of 2% fat content is used to make cheesecakes, then 183 kcal will be in a 100-gram serving.

The calorie content of cottage cheese with sour cream ranges from 139 to 228 kilocalories, depending on the fat content of both products. A serving of cottage cheese casserole, whose fat content ranges from 213 to 249 kilocalories, contains about 168 kilocalories per 100 grams. In order to reduce the calorie content of cottage cheese dishes, you can replace wheat flour ground oatmeal or limit. You can completely remove sugar, and replace dried fruits with fresh fruits. In addition, replacing frying in a pan with baking in the oven also significantly reduces the number of calories - and the nutritional value of the same cheesecakes can be reduced to 92 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, it is very important to understand the moment with low-fat cottage cheese. Of course, such a reduction in calories will help to quickly get rid of kilograms. However, the use of this product cannot be a full meal, as low calorie unable to fill with strength and energy. Eating it for breakfast can cause a breakdown and a bad mood during the day.

A fat-free product is best combined with fruits or berries and, if desired, sweetened with natural ingredients. The diet should include other foods. So, and the forces will appear, and the metabolism will not be disturbed.

About how to cook cottage cheese from real cow's milk, see the next video.

We all know that real cottage cheese is an incredibly healthy product. Sometimes you buy cottage cheese, but it is completely tasteless. But if you season it with milk, sand or sour cream, it’s okay, you can eat it. Cottage cheese is often faked, and it becomes harmful. So let's not let ourselves be deceived, and learn how to choose the most delicious, high-quality and healthy cottage cheese.

How to choose cottage cheese good and not bad?

Optimal fat content

The most useful is cottage cheese of medium fat content (up to 9 percent) or fat-free. The choice depends on your weight and your dietary preferences. For obese and elderly people, fat-free cottage cheese with a fat content of 0 to 3 percent is more relevant.

Curd contains saturated fatty acids. Frequent consumption of fatty cottage cheese (18 - 20%) percent will contribute to the development of early atherosclerosis.
Children are not recommended to eat fatty cottage cheese, it is better to choose with an average amount of fat. Older people benefit from cottage cheese less than 5 percent.

If there are no contraindications such as liver disease, obesity, it is better to choose classic cottage cheese fat content of 9 and 18 percent. 100 grams of such cottage cheese fully provide the norm for calcium per day.

What cottage cheese is better in consistency?

Fluffy in texture, cottage cheese is a highly hydrolyzed protein. To assimilate such a protein, more energy will be needed, and it will not be fully absorbed.

Cottage cheese of a soft, viscous consistency is better absorbed. Such cottage cheese, as a rule, has a milky color. Real cottage cheese smells only of milk, no foreign smells. A good product contains more potassium, which removes excess water from the body.

Cottage cheese tends to have more sodium than usual. The composition of such cottage cheese also includes cream, although the fat content is small.

The taste of real cottage cheese

In relation to cottage cheese, the rule applies: less sour - more healthy.
The usual acidity of cottage cheese is 225 degrees on the Turner scale. 225 degrees indicates that this product is dietary. For children, an ideally sour product is 150 pounds, the norm for the elderly is 175.

Too sour cottage cheese - probably the expiration date has come to an end. An unpleasant greasy taste in the mouth indicates that palm oil has been added to the curd.

The taste of cottage cheese depends primarily on fat content, so be sure to look at the fat content in the product. Fat-free cottage cheese is usually crumbly with a low fat content and whey release. Its taste may seem empty. Much tastier than classic cottage cheese from 4 to 18 percent fat. It has a soft plastic texture and is therefore ideal for casseroles.

Which cottage cheese is better to choose for a child?

Children are the most precious thing we have, therefore, taking care of their health, it is worth choosing the best. From the foregoing, we can conclude that a good healthy cottage cheese should be softer, less acidic and not greasy. It is better for children to choose cottage cheese with an average amount of fat (up to 9 percent). For casseroles, classic cottage cheese from 4 to 18 percent fat is ideal. The acidity rate of the product is 150 degrees. It is better to drip cottage cheese in a package than by weight - it can be dangerous (see below).

How can you tell if it's real or fake?

Pay attention to the label

Real cottage cheese should contain only milk and sourdough. Some manufacturers, in order to save money, dilute cottage cheese with water, and add starch for density. You can check this fact using the usual alcohol tincture of iodine. Add a drop of iodine to the curd. If it turns blue, then the curd contains starch.

Choosing fermented milk product look for the inscription on the package "Cottage cheese", but not "Cottage cheese" or " Curd dessert». good cottage cheese has a GOST mark (state standard), the TU marking indicates that the cottage cheese is prepared according to the specifications developed by the manufacturer.

Expensive and cheap

If cottage cheese is made from whole milk by ordinary fermentation, such cottage cheese will be expensive. Cheap cottage cheese is almost guaranteed to contain palm oil, skim milk, and other additives.

Vegetable fats are added to cottage cheese to reduce the cost of this product. Many manufacturers are forced to do this because of the shortage of raw milk. Willy-nilly, one has to innovate and replace the product, instead of cow's milk, use fat substitutes and even soy.

Real curd color

Real cottage cheese has a pure white color. Yellow cottage cheese almost certainly contains dyes. These can be both harmless dyes, for example, beta-carotene, which is even useful for humans, and chemical dyes that are unsafe for health. The pinkish hue of cottage cheese indicates the violent growth of microorganisms. Therefore, we buy only white cottage cheese.

What is dangerous cottage cheese by weight?

Some cottage cheese products by weight are not only tasteless, but also dangerous due to their high content of mold and E. coli. Often they use palm fat instead of milk fat.

Good cottage cheese by weight: does not smell like yeast, does not have a taste of acid and a clear grain, friability, there should be a good neutral smell.

Problems: as a result of improper storage and transportation, bacteria often develop.

Cottage cheese, sold by weight, has the shortest shelf life - only 36 hours.
Studies show that 85 percent of large dairies add vegetable fats to cottage cheese. Often this is a curd product and not cottage cheese, which is either not indicated or skillfully disguised on the packaging. In the case of cottage cheese by weight, this fact is especially difficult to trace for an ordinary buyer.

Curd 18% fat rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 12.2%, vitamin B2 - 16.7%, vitamin B12 - 33.3%, vitamin PP - 19%, calcium - 15%, phosphorus - 27.5%, molybdenum - 11%, selenium - 54.5%

What is useful Cottage cheese 18% fat

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increases the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, is involved in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
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