Home Salads and appetizers Which apples are best baked in the microwave. How to bake apples in the microwave, with sugar, for a child, with cottage cheese. How to bake an apple with honey filling

Which apples are best baked in the microwave. How to bake apples in the microwave, with sugar, for a child, with cottage cheese. How to bake an apple with honey filling

Baked apples with honey can be not only quick dessert or a healthy snack, but also serve as a main course. It is enough to know the basic rules for choosing apples, to have an oven, microwave or slow cooker at your disposal to cook something interesting from them.

Which apples to choose for baking

When choosing apples, give preference to sweet or sour-sweet green fruits.

An excellent option would be apples with juicy pulp and dense skin, then when baked, the fruit will not be loose inside and will keep its shape well on the outside.

The size of the fruit does not matter. However, it is worth remembering that if you are going to bake a large batch of apples at once (for example, on a baking sheet), it is better to pick up fruits of approximately the same size. In this case, they.elen are ready at the same time.

When roasting fruits as a whole, make sure that the fruits are free of dents, visible damage and stains. An unpresentable appearance can spoil the overall impression of the dish.

Preparing apples for baking

The choice is made, now it's time to start preparing apples for the baking process:

  1. Be sure to wash the skin of the fruit with any detergent to remove the wax applied to the fruit.
  2. Dry with a paper towel.
  3. Cut off the top, but don't throw it away. In some recipes, apples are covered with these "lids" during baking.
  4. Remove the core with seeds. We try to give the resulting recess the shape of a cylinder, while not making a through hole.

If the described preparation process seems too laborious to you or you plan to bake fruits without filling, just cut the washed apple into two halves and remove the seed box.

Baked Apple Recipes

Let's divide the numerous recipes for baked fruits according to the type of technique used, since the process of baking in a microwave oven is different from the same process in an oven. Knowing these features, you can easily adapt almost all baked apple recipes for the kitchen appliances that you have at hand. But there are exceptions as well. We will talk about them separately.

Baked apples in the microwave

Let's start with the fastest easy way cooking baked apple fruits.

Features of this baking method:

  • washed fruits before baking as a whole must be pierced with a fork, knife or toothpick, otherwise the peel will crack;
  • cooking time depends on the power of the oven and the size of the apples. At 800 watts, it will take 5 minutes to cook medium-sized fruits;
  • When baking, use utensils designed for use in a microwave oven.

Baked apples with honey in the microwave

You can add almost any filling from nuts, dried fruits, fresh berries or just sprinkle with cinnamon to honey.

You will need:

for 1 apple - 1 tbsp. l. honey, a handful of nuts or dried fruits.

How to bake an apple with honey filling

  1. At the washed apple, remove the top and make punctures in the peel in several places.
  2. We make a recess and fill with honey and any filling.

When using dried fruits, soak them in boiling water and chop. We crush the nuts beforehand. To enhance the flavor, you can sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

  1. Cover the fruit with the cut top and place in a microwave-safe dish. After 5-7 minutes of baking, a fragrant and healthy baked apple is obtained.

Baked apple casserole

V microwave oven you can bake not only whole apples with filling, but also make a kind of puff dessert out of them.

  • 5 apples;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • 100 ml of water.
  1. Soak dried fruits in warm water.
  2. Cut into slices (1 cm thick) peeled apples. Place 2/3 of the volume of fruit on the bottom of the baking dish. Sprinkle with sugar and ground cinnamon.
  3. Top with raisins and the rest of the fruit.
  4. Pour water and send it to the microwave oven for 5 minutes, covering the container with fruit with a lid.
  5. We mix all the ingredients and send it back to the oven for 5-6 minutes.
  6. Slightly knead the apples with a fork or crush, while not turning into a homogeneous puree.

Baked apples in a slow cooker

In addition to traditional baked apples with honey, you can cook in a slow cooker healthy treat with cottage cheese or banana filling.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

If your household is not friendly with pure cottage cheese, try making the next dessert.

  • 4 apples;
  • 0.1 kg of cottage cheese of any fat content to taste;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g; sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • dried fruits - to taste.
  1. Let's prepare the apples: wash, cut off the top, make a recess.
  2. Prepare the filling: mix cottage cheese, sour cream, granulated sugar, mashed with a fork. If desired, add chopped dried fruits and a pinch of vanilla.
  3. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with a piece of butter, place the apples.

After 35 minutes in the “Baking” mode, our healthy baked apples with curd filling are ready.

Apples with banana and nuts

An interesting combination of soft banana with crushed nuts will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. This dish can decorate even a festive sweet table, because this delicacy is not only tasty, but also looks very impressive when served.

  • 5 apples;
  • 1 banana;
  • walnuts - 2 tbsp. l.

How to bake an apple with banana filling

  1. Three bananas on a grater or knead with a fork.
  2. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan until lightly browned. We grind. Mix with banana mass.
  3. We fill the recesses prepared in apples with the filling.
  4. We place stuffed apples in a bowl lubricated with a piece of oil. We put the device in the "Baking" mode.

After half an hour, we check the readiness of our dish.

Baked apples in the oven

All of the above recipes can be easily repeated in the oven. However, there are special options that only the oven can handle.

Baked apples in puff pastry

In this form, the apple is no longer just a snack, but a separate delicacy that deserves to be tasted for fragrant tea in warm company.

  • Frozen puff pastry packaging;
  • 4-6 apples;
  • egg;
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp

How to bake an apple in dough

  1. Roll out the dough and cut into large squares (each piece of dough should cover the entire apple).
  2. Remove the skin from the apples, remove the core. Roll in the cinnamon sugar mixture and fill the holes in the apples with it (you can use other fillings if you wish).
  3. We wrap each apple with dough, forming a kind of bag around it.
  4. We place the apples on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other.
  5. Beat the egg and brush the dough with it.
  6. Bake until golden brown at 200 gr. (approximately 25-30 min.).

In finished form, you can sprinkle with powder.

Baked apples stuffed with rice

Such a delicacy can be prepared as an independent and enough hearty meal. Raisins in the recipe can be replaced with other dried fruits if desired.

  • 5 apples;
  • boiled rice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • raisins - 3 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

How to bake an apple with rice filling

  1. Add softened rice to boiled rice. butter mixed with sugar.
  2. Grind dried fruits and add to the rice filling, mix.
  3. We fill the recesses in the apples with the prepared filling.
  4. Lubricate the top of the filling with sour cream.
  5. We place the fruit on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, preheated to 200 gr.

After 20-30 minutes, a hearty and unusual treat for the whole family is ready.

I dedicate this article to a dish that everyone has known since childhood. I will tell you how to cook baked apples in the oven, slow cooker, microwave. This wonderful dessert can be eaten without restrictions, as it is tasty and healthy.

Apples are a versatile fruit, from which tasty, healthy and nutritious food is prepared: pies, charlottes, chips, sauces and desserts. The dish that we cook at home is less high-calorie than a pie or biscuit, and benefits the stomach and body.

Classic baked apples

Do you want to cook an easy, tasty and inexpensive dessert? Pay attention to baked apples in the oven. This heat treatment keeps useful qualities, and the filling of berries and cottage cheese makes the taste tender and soft.


  • Apples - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Chopped nuts - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water - 0.5 cups.
  • Raisins or raspberries.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples and remove the core with a knife. Using a teaspoon, remove the remaining seeds. You will get a recess with a diameter of 3 centimeters.
  2. Roast and crush any nuts. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, mash with a fork, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Add chopped nuts and berries to the curd mass.
  3. After mixing, you will get a beautiful mass. Fill the previously prepared apples with it. Put the stuffed fruit in a mold and pour in the heated water. Send to the oven, preheated to 160 degrees.
  4. Check for readiness after 30 minutes. If they are dense in consistency, but not hard - get it. Otherwise, hold for another ten minutes.

If you have not pleased your loved ones with this treat before, be sure to do it. Serving dessert to the table along with vanilla ice cream, you will bring a lot of joy. I advise you to decorate the dish with cream or cream.

Video recipe

A simple recipe in a slow cooker

Continuing the topic of conversation, I note that baked apples in a slow cooker are not inferior to those cooked in other ways. When you open the lid of the appliance, the entire kitchen space is filled with a delicious smell that instantly gathers household members in the kitchen.


  • Apples - 6 pcs.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Cinnamon - 0.3 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar.
  • Whipped cream.


  1. Wash the fruit and cut out the core with a knife. Using a small spoon, make a well in each. The wall thickness is arbitrary and is determined by the amount of filling. Prick the surface with a fork so that the peel does not burst during baking.
  2. Combine vanilla sugar with cinnamon, mix and add to liquid honey. Fill the indentations with the resulting filling and place in the multicooker container. Before this, it does not hurt to grease the bottom of the container with butter.
  3. After activating the baking mode, bake for thirty minutes. If you have hard fruits at your disposal, increase the time by a quarter of an hour.
  4. Divide among bowls and top with a small pile of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. After baking, caramel will remain in the bowl. Give her dessert.

I had to make this dish from different varieties of apples, but the best ones are: Smith, Antonovka, Ranet. All have a sour taste, dense flesh and strong skin.

How to bake apples in the microwave

The dessert is prepared in a matter of minutes, and it’s not worth preheating the oven for the sake of a few apples. Taste is determined by whether the fruit is sour or sweet.

You will need deep dishes, because a lot of juice is released during baking. I advise you to use a ceramic mold or glassware, but also Plastic container fit. The main thing is that it does not melt in the microwave.


  • Apples - 4 pcs.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Cinnamon - 0.3 tsp.


  1. Cut the fruit in half, remove the stalks along with the core and seeds. Make an indentation in each wedge using a teaspoon. Pour into the dish you will bake in.
  2. Put a little honey in each recess, which can be replaced with jam. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and microwave. If there is a special cap, cover the mold.
  3. The duration of baking is determined by the power of household appliances, the weight and stiffness of apples.
  4. I have an 800 watt microwave at my disposal and baking takes no more than 8 minutes. Depending on the power of the equipment, the cooking time increases or decreases.

Serve the finished apples to the table in a slightly cooled form. But even cold dessert enjoy the wonderful taste. Thanks to this processing, the fruit retains its original shape.

The benefits and harms of baked apples

Baked apples are a dish with a unique composition that is beneficial for the body. But some doctors doubt the positive effect and declare their harm. I think these people are trying to get famous with false arguments, since the delicacy is widespread and there is not a single problem with its use.

An exception is considered perhaps a purchased product that goes on sale after heat and chemical treatment. Eventually useful material disappear, leaving a mixture of fructose, liquid and pulp.

As a result heat treatment fruits are deprived of useful properties, but the loss factor is too small. Even in completely dried and fried apples, useful substances are preserved. As for chemical processing, that's a different story. It affects the number of important components negatively.

Beneficial features

  • Many diets include the use of apples cooked in the oven. The product helps to lose weight and improve health.
  • Eating three baked apples per day along with two glasses apple juice, provide the body daily rate vitamins B, G and E, folic acid.
  • Benefits vary by variety. At low acidity, sour varieties are recommended, and at high acidity, sweet ones.
  • Fruits passed through a grater are better absorbed and it is not recommended to remove the peel. This is a storehouse of useful components that improve health. Dessert is recommended to be combined with juice and fresh fruits.
  • The peel contains many insoluble fibers that help remove cholesterol from the blood. It also contains soluble fibers that cleanse the liver.

Video plot

Hello my wonderful cooks. It's great that apples can be bought at any time of the year! What to do when eating fruits raw is already tired. They can be withered, dried, cooked from the fruits of jam ... My favorite option is to bake with various fillers. But sometimes it’s so reluctant to light and heat the oven for this. Therefore, today I will tell you how to bake apples in the microwave. And of course, I will share awesome delicious recipes 😉

O healing properties hardly anyone knows fresh apples. They are very beneficial for our body. And there are few calories here: only 47 kcal per 100 gr. Therefore, such fruits are excellent helpers in losing weight.

What are the benefits of baked apples? In fruits that have undergone heat treatment, vitamins are fully preserved. And there are many of them here: retinol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and tocopherol. In addition, baked fruits contain a lot of manganese, iron, potassium and copper. For example, potassium strengthens the heart muscle, helps to normalize arterial pressure and also prevents the appearance of fatty deposits. Here is such a valuable component.


How to bake with sugar

The finished dessert is aromatic and tasty. Dry white sparkling wine will be an excellent addition to such a delicacy. If you have a day off or some kind of romantic evening.

Take the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 fruits;
  • 0.5 tsp fruit sugar;
  • 2-3 tbsp water;
  • cinnamon (optional).

Pour sugar into the cylindrical hole made in each fruit. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Put the fruits on a special dish that is designed for a microwave oven, and pour some water here. And then put the apples in the microwave. Set the power on the unit to above average and bake the fruit.

During heat treatment, apples will release juice, which, mixed with sugar, will turn into a delicate syrup. And the cinnamon will add some piquancy. And if you add pieces of cookies and natural yogurt, the dish will turn out tender. Reminds me of an air cake. Recipe

How to bake such a yummy, be sure to write a review of the resulting dessert in the comments. Especially if you have your own secret of making this delicacy.

For a child

For a baby up to six months, mother's milk or an adapted formula is considered the best food. And when the baby reaches the age threshold of 7 months, mothers begin to introduce complementary foods. This is usually a vegetable or fruit puree. Can you make this puree at home? Of course, for example, from apples. And you can cook this dish in the microwave. The baked fruit acts softer and more tender on the children's stomach than a raw apple.

For such a meal, take:

  • an apple (or several, if you want to make yourself one too 😉 ;
  • a little bit of fresh butter;
  • 1 tbsp water.

If the baby is less than a year old, do not add sugar. In this case, of course, the selected fruit should be juicy and ripe. If you are preparing a treat for a baby who is over a year old, you can slightly sweeten the apples.

Add the butter to the cylindrical funnel of the prepared fruit. Put the fruit on a plate, pour some water into the container and cover with a lid on top. Remember to use microwave special utensils.

Place the fruit plate in the microwave oven and set the unit to the maximum temperature. After 5 minutes, turn off the microwave and leave the plate in the oven for another couple of minutes.

Then take the container out of the microwave oven. When the fruit is cold room temperature, carefully remove the skin from the apple, and crush the pulp with a spoon. The delicacy is ready - it's time for the little one to eat.

With honey

It is simply impossible to break away from such a dessert. You are unlikely to limit yourself to eating one serving 😉 Even on a diet, you can treat yourself to such a yummy. It has a lower glycemic index than sugar.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 fruits;
  • 4-5 tbsp honey;
  • cinnamon;
  • some dried fruits.

Fill the prepared fruit funnels with honey and finely chopped dried fruits. I love doing it with raisins and dried apricots. I don’t throw away the cut out “lid” from the apple, but cover it from above.

Then place the container with the fruits in the microwave oven, in which you set the maximum power. After 3-5 minutes, turn off the microwave, remove the fruit plate and sprinkle the apples with cinnamon.

With cinnamon and raisins

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 6-7 medium-sized apples;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 1 tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • 5 tbsp water.

Soak the raisins first: they should become soft and tender. As for sugar and water, their amount depends on the variety of apples you bake.

Peel the fruits, remove the core and cut the pulp into slices 0.7-1 cm thick. After that, place most of the pieces in a microwave container and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. The next layer will be the raisins, which are covered with the remaining apple slices.

Add water. Cover the container with a lid and place in a microwave oven for 4-5 minutes (the temperature should be maximum). Then take out the dish, mix the ingredients and put the bowl back in the microwave for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the apples should soften. If suddenly it seems to you that the dish is a bit dry, add a couple more tablespoons of water.

Then, with the help of a potato crusher, lightly crush the fruit. But just don’t turn this dish into puree: the slices should be visible.

Serve the treat cold or warm. If you suddenly do not master everything that you cook, do not be discouraged. Leftovers can be placed in a saucepan and sent to the refrigerator. Trust me, it tastes just as good cold.

Dessert in a mug/pot

The following products are required:

  • 2 tbsp oatmeal;
  • apple of medium size;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • ¼ tsp crushed cinnamon;
  • st.l. butter;
  • ½ tbsp water;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • 1.5 tbsp wheat flour.

Cut the peeled and core apple into small pieces and place in a mug. Pour water into the container. Add a spoonful of sugar here, 1/2 tbsp. flour, 1/8 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix all ingredients gently.

Mix the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Cover the fruit in a mug with this mixture. Set the microwave oven to the highest temperature. Place the dessert bowl in the microwave for 2 minutes. The treat is ready. Time to take a sample.

In general, friends, I often serve baked apples with sauce or chopped nuts. And with what do you like to eat such a delicacy? I'm sure you have your own secret. Share it in the comments. I wish you bon appetit. And I say: until we meet again, cooks.

A wonderful baked product, which in terms of usefulness can only be compared with its fresh counterpart - an apple. However, to bake it, it is not necessary to use the oven. Apples baked in the microwave with honey are no less tasty. We will consider the most popular recipes in our article.


  • Simirenko apples - 6 pieces;
  • candied honey of any kind - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • dried apricots - 3 pieces in each fruit;
  • walnut - one for each fruit.


  1. Rinse the fruits, cut off the top and remove the seeds.
  2. Put on a microwaveable dish (dark glass without a pattern, a glass container with a lid).
  3. Cut dried apricots washed and steamed with boiling water.
  4. Put a walnut on the bottom, cover with dried apricots, put two teaspoons of honey in each fruit.
  5. Put in the microwave for 5-8 minutes (maximum power).
  6. Ready-to-eat dish is poured with honey syrup.

The baked dessert can be consumed as soon as it cools down. For flavor, various spices are sometimes added to baked dishes, but in this recipe it is better to avoid additional components. It is good in its original form, perfect for the diet of children and the elderly, as well as those who cannot eat fresh fruits for any reason.

"Apple baskets with honey and cottage cheese"


  • 6 pieces of apples of sweet varieties;
  • a pack of cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • candied honey - about 2 teaspoons per apple;
  • raisins - one bag.


  1. Fill prepared fruits with cottage cheese mixed with steamed raisins.
  2. Put in the microwave for 5-8 minutes in a special dish with a lid.
  3. Check the readiness of the baked fruit with a toothpick.
  4. The finished dessert should be consumed along with the released syrup.

Great dish for a kids menu. The combination of delicate aroma, sweetness and curd notes is what you need for those children who do not really like cottage cheese in its pure form. Baked dishes are softer and more tender, so this dessert resembles a curd soufflé. Sometimes fruits baked with cottage cheese are served with compote of prunes and dried pears.

"Apples with cinnamon and walnut-honey stuffing"


  • apples - 4 pieces;
  • a mixture of nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts) - about 200 grams;
  • honey - 20 grams per fruit;
  • ground cinnamon - a teaspoon for the total amount.


  1. Rinse and prepare the fruit by cutting out the seeds and stalks.
  2. Stuff with nut mixture mixed with honey.
  3. For each fruit, put a quarter of a spoon of cinnamon on top of the filling.
  4. Bake in the microwave for about 8 minutes at maximum power.
  5. The finished dish can be poured with the resulting syrup.

"Viennese apples"


  • several large green apples;
  • cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • thick raspberry jam or jam - 80-100 grams;
  • crushed nut (can be walnut) - one handful;
  • zest of one orange (grated)


  1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Stuff with mixture raw apples by piercing the skin with a fork.
  3. Put in a deep-bottomed dish and bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 minutes until cooked.
  4. If desired, the filling can be covered with a top (for this it must be cut very carefully at the very beginning, before cleaning).

This dessert is eaten warm, garnished with whipped cream or egg whites. Can be served with ice cream or raspberry sherbet. If you cook according to this recipe in the summer, and after cooking, cool the product, it will be an excellent refreshing addition to your usual drinks and tea.

Let any baked fruit cool slightly before serving. You can use them as an independent dish or as a dessert, as well as an additive to rich pastries. Fruits baked with cinnamon and other spices will be so fragrant that you simply won’t be able to resist tasting! The use of such a dish will be very useful in winter and in spring, when the body needs vitamins and pectins.

"Pumpkin-apple capsules with honey"


  • 200 grams of grated pumpkin;
  • 4 things. red or yellow apples;
  • two tablespoons of thick honey;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • cream (five tablespoons).


  1. Mix the pureed pumpkin with honey and cream.
  2. Stuff each apple with the mixture.
  3. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Bake in a thick-walled dish in the microwave for about 10 minutes.

The finished dish will be especially delicious with milk or a milkshake.

Video "Recipe from Bon Appetit - apple dessert baked in the oven"

The original recipe for oven-baked fruits stuffed with nuts, raisins, dried apricots and spices. Bon Appetit!

The microwave has long been a good helper for many housewives in the kitchen. Thanks to her, we take a fresh look at the preparation of our usual dishes, desserts, save a lot of time and effort. At the time of the fruit harvest, the microwave oven is also not idle.

You can bake apples quickly and easily with a variety of additives.

For example, you can cook one of the classic European desserts in it and just healthiest dish - baked apples. Moreover, you can bake apples easily and quickly with a variety of additives.

Why this dish can be fed to everyone

This delicious and healthy dessert is familiar to us from early childhood. Once in Russia, apples were baked in a Russian oven, then it was replaced by an oven. In any case, recipes in the history of cooking are the most different countries so many that everyone can choose their own way of cooking to taste.

Baked apples with various fillings not only delicious, but also beneficial for the body

But not only aroma and taste qualities make baked apples so popular. Doctors have long been talking about the beneficial properties of this dessert. And taking into account fast food in the microwave, the fruit does not have time to lose how appetizing appearance and nutritional qualities. A huge positive role here is played by pectin, which is very abundant in baked apples. So, the benefits of baked apples include:

  • removal of cholesterol and toxins from the body;
  • beneficial effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • help the body in restoring the composition of lymph and blood;
  • regulation of metabolism and bowel function, which helps to get rid of diarrhea and constipation;
  • improvement of skin condition, smoothing of wrinkles;
  • normalization of weight, reduction of body fat;
  • saturating the body with useful microelements and vitamins, strengthening immunity, restoring strength.

Doctors recommend eating baked apples even during postoperative rehabilitation. And people who lead an active lifestyle and watch their figure highly appreciate the excellent combination of these fruits with healthy oatmeal.

This dessert can be eaten without fear for the health of nursing mothers, and even give it to their babies as the first fruit food when the child is 6-8 months old.

Of course, if you are preparing a baby under one year old, it is advisable not to add sugar, honey, solid additives such as nuts and foods that can cause allergies to apples. A green (according to the variety) baked apple in its pure form, without a peel and any additives, is suitable for a baby for the first feeding. In the future, the dish can be diversified by filling with cottage cheese, banana, and then, when the baby learns to chew well, and pieces of dried fruit.

Success Secrets

First of all, you should decide which apples to choose for baking in the microwave. Fruits with a strong hard skin and not very sweet pulp are ideal. The best varieties to prepare dessert:

  • "Rennet";
  • "Antonovka";
  • "Mac";
  • "Semerenko".

A microwave will cook baked apples for you much faster than an oven, literally in 5-7 minutes.

In a microwave oven, apples are baked for 5-7 minutes at a power of 600 W

Before microwaving apples, wash them, dry them, cut off a small circle of the top and carefully remove the core. The easiest way to do this is with a special knife. If you plan to add filling by cutting out the core, leave a bottom about 1 cm thick.

A tube-shaped knife makes it easy to cut the core of an apple, but in order not to pierce the fruit through, you still have to tinker

It is worth pricking the apples with a needle or toothpick so that the peel does not burst during cooking.

To prevent the peel from bursting, prick the apple with a toothpick

To make the apples bake faster, it is better to pour a little water into the bottom of the microwave oven dish in which they will be baked and cover the top of the dish with a glass or ceramic lid without metal parts.

When cooking under the lid, the fruits are additionally steamed

We have outlined the basics of baking apples in the microwave, and now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several interesting recipes varying degrees of complexity. Believe me, here you will find something that will appeal to the whole family and your friends both on a weekday and on a holiday.

How to bake apples in the microwave: the most delicious recipes with photos

Baby's first dessert - a baked apple without filling

This light and nutritious dessert will also come in handy for an adult when you want something tasty, but there is not much time.

If you cook for yourself and have a very sour apples(for example, the Semerenko variety), pour sugar into the middle or add a little honey when serving. For sweeter varieties, nothing can be added.


  • 2 medium sized apples;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey or sugar - optional;
  • powdered sugar for serving.


For complementary foods, choose apples with a moderately sweet taste, do not add sweeteners and spices, and be sure to cool the dessert to almost room temperature.

Stuffed apples with cottage cheese and dried fruits

And such a dessert, thanks curd filling, more nutritious and perfect for a light dinner, since the calcium contained in cottage cheese is best absorbed in the evening. You can safely treat them to children and adults and eat them in any quantities, even if you follow a strict diet. All the products included in the composition are dietary and will not harm the figure.

Curd is a great addition light taste apples

You will need:

  • 2 apples;
  • 70 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins;
  • dried apricots;
  • cinnamon optional.


Autumn dessert with ginger, honey and cinnamon

The sweet, spicy smell of cinnamon pairs perfectly with apples, and if you add fragrant summer honey and spicy, warming ginger to them!

Baked apples with honey and cinnamon are best served hot.

You can cook it in any quantity, and based on 1 apple, take the following products:

  • 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and cinnamon stick for serving


Important! It is known that honey loses its properties when heated. beneficial features. This problem can be solved by replacing some of the honey in the recipe with brown or regular sugar. Put spices mixed with sugar in the filling, and add honey just before serving.

With oatmeal breakfast

These apples are perfect not only for dessert, but also as an excellent breakfast. Keep in mind that they are prepared in two ways: you can stuff the fruit, as in previous recipes, or you can cut them. We will not stuff whole apples, but cut them into pieces.

If you want, do not cut the apples, but stuff them with fried oatmeal

So, you will need:

  • 3 apples;
  • 4 tablespoons with a slide of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flakes;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • nuts and raisins to taste.


If you are stuffing apples with fried flakes, cook them for 5-7 minutes at a power of 600 watts.

Video: apple slices with honey and oatmeal

Apples with raisins and cinnamon in white sauce

Try to prepare such a dessert for guests for a festive tea party - no one will remain indifferent! Creamy taste sauce will perfectly shade apple sourness.

Baked apples can be combined with various sweet sauces, both warm and cold.

Take these products:

  • 2 apples (sour);
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon raisins;
  • 1 tablespoon brown (cane) sugar

As a sauce for a couple of apples fit:

  • yogurt - 150 ml:
  • custard - 150 ml;
  • condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla ice cream - 2 balls of 50 g each.

For custard, the easiest way is to buy a dry mix (you can find it in any supermarket) and prepare the cream according to the instructions on the package. This will take 10-15 minutes.


  1. Cut the core of the apples, leaving no bottom.

    Remove core from apples

  2. Mix sugar and butter.

    Mix butter and sugar

  3. Put the apples in a mold, put half of the sugar and butter mixture in them.

    Put some of the filling inside the apples

  4. Now put in half of the raisins, add the remaining oil on top.

    Add raisins and remaining oil

  5. Place a cinnamon stick in each apple. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the mold.

    Add cinnamon to apples, pour some water into the mold

  6. Pour the remaining raisins into the mold. Put the apples in the microwave, bake for 5-7 minutes at a power of 600 watts. After that, remove the apples from the oven, cool for 5 minutes and pour over custard, yogurt, condensed milk, or put on top of each scoop of ice cream. Serve immediately.

    Top the baked apples with your choice of sweet sauce before serving.

Serve this dessert with tea, coffee or fruit juice.

With nuts and berries or jam

For this recipe, you can take any jam you like or just berries from it. You can experiment with fresh berries or with jam. In the first case, take sweet varieties of apples, and in the second, give preference to sour ones.

In principle, apples can be baked with any berries that you like, including fresh ones, or not with jam, but with your favorite jam.

You will need:

  • 3 apples;
  • 3 tablespoons of jam, jam or berries;
  • 25 g walnut;
  • cinnamon and powdered sugar to taste.


A variation of this recipe with the addition of dried fruits is presented in the video.

Video: microwave-baked apples with dried apricots, raisins, nuts and jam berries

With baked banana

An excellent recipe for those who follow the figure - apples and bananas go well together and are suitable for a second breakfast.

Kids will love this dessert, but in this case, use hypoallergenic acacia honey or sugar. Sugar must be added before baking, but only ready-made and slightly cooled fruits should be poured with honey.

Baked apple with banana - a delicious and healthy dessert

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